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Exeter Times, 1909-09-02, Page 1
4 dry £DIRTY-SEVENTS YEAR No 1873 *.•••••••••••••••••••••••••40.••••••••••••••••••• IJONES & CLARKS' THE EARLY BUYER Phone No. 32. We are Headquarters for There is nothing like getting in the New Fall Goods early. It gives you time to look them over and see just what you want before the busy season opens. A New Dress, A New Coat, A New Set of Furs or anything New for Fall are alt on our counters ready for your approval. Come in and look them over. Immense Showing Of New Dress-_rFabrics Z T All the leading Cloths in the newest colors are found here. This is to be our banner year for Dress Goods and have gathered together the most extensive range we have ever shown before. We will only think it a pleasure to show them. New Waistings b b.n is All pure wool fancy De- o 0 I all the new shades. !eines in Figured or Stripes. V..4 Beautiful self stripes or plain They are very dainty designs 3;� colors to match our suits. in the best of colors. e4 They are Real New. Via Z VS The New Coats v Y Our New Furs Are here ;tad read for m u any time you wish.y Every- 3m A little early tor Fur�talk. 0 3 But we want you to know thing up to -date about then in style and color. Z r,they are all here waiting to be Z passed upon. Big and Small. Waist Silks Gents Furnishings For Fall Our new.Fall Suitings are here and are real swell The new Fall Shirts are quite up-to-date. New Ties, Sox, Suspenders, Mats and Caps. This is the Place for Mens and Boys Furnishings Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • N•••••NNNN •N•N••NN • I'••N•• NNN•••••••• HOW IS THIS EOR AN OFFER? 1 THE '`TIME Weekly� PP Globe From now till January 1st, 1911, for $1.6 0 Or to January, 1910 for 30 Cents -The Best Flour eessolleallies- If it is the hist flour you want there is but one place in town to get it—that, is from us. The brands are: Jewell Royal Household (Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's) 5 ROSES (Lake of Woods) PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills) Leave your orders or call up Phone 2, R. G. SELDON, Exeter. I N 8 URON & MADDL ESEX GAZETI i EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 2nd 1909, FALL EXHIBITIONS Exeter ...Sept. 20, 21 Zurich ..Sept. 22, 23 Kirkton ......... ...Sept. 110, Oct. 1 lllyth ....Oct. 5, Ili Goderich Sept. e8, 29, 30 Ilderton Sept. 24 Mitchell .Sept. 15, 16 Parkhill..( �.. ..Oct. u, 6 St. 'Marys Sept. 22, 23 Stratford Sept. 28. 29 Summer, the time of holidays and heat, hydrophobia and straw hits. is at an end. Autumn, %ritb its atten- dant hay fever is at band, despite the prohibitive price of hay. At the lake side the holiday seekers are gazing solemnly at That saddest of thiazs. the return end of a summer vaca- tion ticket. Father, who has been horn,' for some weeks, is looking rue- fully at the beds which he has been sleeping in in rotation to avoid the awful necessity of making them. Soon people will agaiy be hurrying back to town and its normal life; the life of daily duties and cares and am- musements will be resumed. The freckles will soon begin to disappear from Mary's fair shoulders, and she ;,will be able to appear in a decollete gown without looking too much like the tatooed lady in the side show. !Mothers will be -going down town to linvest in the new reader and child- ren will begin to speculate whether' the new teacher will be as easy as the last or not. All of which goes to prove that the summer is over; and the autumn is here. It will not be long now till the crimson splen- dor is on', the maple trees, the au- tumn haze in the air, and the pro- mise of the winter in the wings of the wind. THREE SUCCESSFUL YEARS. The Clinton Business College has had three most successful years and we understand that prospects for the coning year are brighter than ever. The Graduates of the C. B. C. are now enjoying many of the finest positions in the leading Canadian and American cities; and, in fact, a! 'rim LATE CHARLES KNIGHT large number are engaged as teach- ers fn other Business Colleges. A Clinton ted from the yoGoderiicchtt'br branch, has who a re- cently been appointed commercial teacher in the laraest Commercial school in ,the city of Toronto. As uch an excellent ceinton ntre,r/Mr. Spotovt*d to tone shas determin•,d to pay special attention to this .. tool, and as the citiz as of Huron are ever county, heconfident ll yanticipates the full patronage of all who call Huron their home. The prestige which the C. II. C. enjoys in being a' link of Canada's greatest chain of High. Grade, Actual Business Schools, en- ables all graduates to get the best positions. The Fall Term of this ex- cellent school opens August 30. Mr. Chas. Knight Dead District The marriage took V1nec on Wed, - EXETER'S EN -STATION AGENT nesday, August 18th, in St. Andrews church, Brampton. of !Miss Florence Ethel Kirkwood. to Rev. Donald W. 8. t'rlubart, pastor of Brox church Listowel, formerly pastor of Jiippen Presbyterian church. Palpitation of the heart, ner- vousness, trentbiings, nes coos bead - ache, cold bands and teal. pain in the back and other forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iron fills EXPIRES SUDDENLY :11r. 'Chas. ,Knight, who for 22 years was station agent here for the Grand Trunk Railway. died at his horse on Wellington Street Sunday noon, n few hours after being strick- en with paralysis. Abo:,t a year ago 21r. Kniplit bad n strok', which con- fined hint to his bed for some lime+ and although be never hilly re-' Arthur Sutherland, aged '13 yearly covered, he was nb!e 10 r:•t :trout() twits instantly killed at the Sarnia the house and garden. Sunday morn- sit wntills about 11 o'clock Morally. ing, in company with hip daughter he Ile wits engaged (n loading logs from took his accustomed wail: around a train. when the carload slipped the garden. niter which he sat in and crushed him to death. His neck his easy chair olid was reading a was broken, find head crushed. lies neper when he was again stricken. was a popular young Sarnian, and This last stroke rendered hint un- leaves a wife and one child. conscious and although everything was done to receive him, he passed The following is the report of S. S. No. 13. for the month of Auzus(•, Sr. IV.. Ilorttco Pfaff . Jr 1V Edith away without regaining conscious- iaess. The deceased gent !env' n wasborn in Devizes, England, and when 25 years of nge was married to Caro- line Wiltshire. Shortly after their inn rringe they canto to Condon. Ont. where Mr. knight secured n position as brakeman on the Grand Trunk running from !London to Toronto. lie was later appointed baggage master at Paris. De was then promoted to ,night station master at London, which position he held for twelve years. His next move was to St. Thomas. being agent there for five years. In 1878 he was transferred to Exeter as agent and continued as a faithful servant of. the company un- til 1900 when he retired owing to his advanced nge. Mr. Knight was of n retiring disposition and rarely visited the down town section, pre- ferring after his day's labor to re- main at home with his tinnily. Ile ofage. Itesides hi C Carrick ; Jr. 9Ifili. Maud Hicks. Em.er was r8 years Ca Smith ; Sr. :l i, Clarice Ifoo m- (sorrottung widow he is survived by Charles \Villi,' Ilooper; Jr. II, Norman Car -sof bt Z'1 omns; five sons and Geo ge,e daghter G. T.;II. agent rick, Alice Pfaff ; Pt. II Afaud Mc- Ilderto.n ; Frank J. nt home ; Fred, Donald. Alma Dearing, Cora Ford, of Jansen, bask.; John .1., G. T. R.. Ethel Carrick: Sr. pt. 1, II. Gree*: :went, Exeter, and !Carrie at home. Mid. pt. 'J_.George Smith. J. Stacey; 010 son, Bert., Jr. pt. 9. Fred Smith. Lizzie Smith ; The funeral, ewhiced h few tias of a M. Parsons, years ago. n sons. Teacher. rate nature was held Tuesday after - Centralia noon the remains being interred in Miss Marie Hepburn left Tuesday the Exeter cemetery. spresume her duties in end ng several Toronto, al week h ro after ~ under the parental roof. EIImWII© y Mr. John Tucker, of the Thames to spend a few days in London with Miss L. R 9. P. Butt left TuesdaRoad, has fold lot farm and jumbos. friends.ed a house and llot in F.limvilde front A number from here have started Robert Joshua x. their higher education in Exeter high . Mr. Jshua Johns ,crd family spent school department. 1 Sunday at Richard Johns, sr. Hey. W. If. Butt spent Sunday and Mr. John Cornish had a hee un Fri• .Mondayy in Detroit as a result of `lay evening to put the roof on his which Mr. F. E. Moyer, B. A., of the summer kitchen, Ontario Bar -Room campaign associa- The Partners around here are all tion occupied the pulpit both morningthrough harvest et and are tushing and evening. Mr. Moyer assisted b1'lowinJohto n Jahns, fallpent hist week Mr. Lewis of the seine association gave stirring addresses about the tent• I in Ingersoll visiting her twice Mrs. J. penance questionon Monday evening.;l.ight.nwler. Mrs. F. Lyddon and daughter Pearl ( Wedding bells will soon be ringing are visiting Mrs. Anderson and other i in our burg. relatives. t Mr. (,lartsse Snell, of Toren to, is Mr. Gordon Butt spent a couple of spending hie holidays under the par weeks in and around )(ippen and lien• ental roof. call. John Johns and Percy Cox visited Chester Harvey, of Exeter. spent friends in Granton Sunday several clays as a guest st E nwotth ! Mrs Thornton Raker• of i:x.•1er. is Park. 1 visiting her mother Mrs..1„hn Hind. Mr. Rvr;int Rowrc•liffe received a kick in the face by a horse. Itis CASTOR ,q, tongue was so badly cot that it had to rte sewnnp. Mrs. Omra. after a lung and s-erious For Infants and Children. passed away on Saturday last The Kind You Hare Always BoughtMr. HenryColbert purchased n high paced horse lest week from Mr Mor - Bears theley and had Ilse in,sfnttime to find it Idead in the pasture field nn Saturday. Signature of Mils Tillie Cornish has returned at- ! ter spending three weeks at Grand !I I3cnti, pp �►0O••••••••••••••••••••••• a f t w days v sn tquest. ;tirg his bl brother Wt . Mr.rand Mrs. ,loan Trout were the September Record: 2 guests of D. Mirka nn Sunday' Mr. Osler Morley tuns under the • • doctor's care n few days last week, but Now on Sale he is now nide to be around again. ---- -- i I Conte in and hear them, also have a lo',k at our fi cent boxes of Station- ery, 1'2 sheets of paper and 12 en- velopes. (.'all here for Post ('a rd s THE PURITY . Willis Powell, Manager. 1n ••neh of nine years. expert. mems hnwe been conducted in treat ing winter it bent in different ways to prevent the development of st;nkin; smut. and ih.• results have been very satisfactory. fn the overage results for fit•.• years. untreated Reed pro- duced 4.2 per rent of smutted heads while seed whieh twits immersed for twenty minutes in n solution made 1iy nadir' r one p'nt of formalin to 42 gallons or 11a1, r produced :t crop wh:ch was practically free from smut. Children Cr FOR FLET •N•.••••..•..•..•.•••.. CAST 'ft is slated on pretty reliable au- tborii.y that W. S. Calvert, chief Lib- eral whip in the Commons, will short- ly be announced as successor to the tlanteissioa. Itobt. Reid, on 'the N. T. R. com- tVcdnesday evening. of last week as Mr. nat1 Mrs. Bert Lansford, of Citinton, were returning from a motor trip to the lake, and were in the vicinity of the church at the cor- rier of the cut Line and Con. 4. God- erich Tp.. a you"; man threw a stone, intentionally or otherwise; which struck .Mrs. Langford about half art inch frorn the templo. Ilad it struck direct on the tetnple, the un- fortunate lady !would doubtlessly have been killed instantly. As it is Mrs. Langford is in a precarious con- dition, and some days will elapse ere her condition is certain. Very unexpectedly on Tuesday of last week, death called away Mrs. Sarah Thompson, nidott• of the late Thos. Thompson, a tve11 known resi- dent of Goderich. Deceased bad been ill (or some time. but had recovered so well that she 'bad arisen from bed without aid that day, and was sitting in a chair, when she suddenly became unconscious and in a short time bad passed away. The remains were ta- ken on Wednesday to Dorchester, Middlesex 'County, for interment be- side those of her late husband and outer relatives. 'Mrs. Ann :McDonald died at her home on the 12th concession of Me- Ki11op on Wednesday of last week. This lady had reached the great ago of 98 years. The funeral took place Friday frorn Ibe late residence of the deceased to the $,Iaitlandbank ceme- tery. Mrs. McDonald was a native of Scotland. She came to 'Canada 53 years ago, and after a brief resi- dence in Guelph removed to McKillop rind settled upon the farm on the 12 concession, where she continued to reside until her death. Her husband died about .13 years ago. She had only been ill a few days and did not SIVE)! to suffer from any particular disease other that:, the swearing out of a once strong constitution. An accident occurred at 'i'i.'=:nnburg Monday month); fit the wer1 the 'I'iison Stave Mill. when: Cline lost his life. and William A.111 - strong sustained injuries that are expected to result in his death. They were fit work in th^ mill, and the machinery was ranninz smoothly; when, without any warning, a large circular saw burst into :t thousand pieces twhlch flew its all directions. Merchant v:ins was struck by fragments, and his body was terribly shattered. Armstrong was badly wounded about the face Hold head, and at the most has but n fighting chance for re- covery. Saturday evening about 8 o'clock there passed to his reward nnothcr of the o'd settlers of Mitchell in the o.•r.oa of .Mr. George Blazer, in his 8701 year. Deeeased bad been ailing for some time with ry ctncerous growth in his head and suffered a great deal of pain of late. lle was n man of ,luiot disposition, a :rood Christian, a kind and loving f ether, a !rood neighbor. upright and honest and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Itis wife prede- ceased him some few years ago. and he is survived by two daughters and two son's, all et home. to mourn his departure to n better land where pain and (sorrow nre unknown. The funeral will be held Wednesday from l:s lute residcince, south ward, at 3 p. in. to Woodland cemetery, under the auspices of the Latter Day Saints, of Is high he was n devout member. 11 $1.0o per year in advance Furnace Work Plumbing Tinsmithing Work Of every description. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Quality and prices right. early -Mixed Paint and Brushes Elephant Brand in ... . ..15, 25, 40 or 45c tin Martin Senours t00% Pure.. • .15, 25, 45 and 5oc tin Hollywood, a few cans left .. 10, 25 and 35c tins Campbell's Varnish Stains ...... .... 15, 25 and 45c Floor Glaze Enamel ......... . Varnish •..' ' ' ' ....3s and Goc • • to, 20. 35, 53, 75 and Loo tins Aluminum Paint.......... 10 and 25c Gold Enamel ... 25c per bottle . Floor Paint.... 40 and 45c Crack and Crevise filler . ....25 and 35 Brushes ,,,, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 5o HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE We Carry a Full Line of Harvest -Time Requirements Peerless Machine Oil, Leather Mitts, Gilt Edge Binder Twine, 031) feet. We appreciate your trade, and you will find we treat you fairly. Quality considered, our prices are usually found to be the lowest going. T. KAWKINS & SON Special Sale of Pantings & Suitings For the next three weeks we offer a large range of Snminer Pantings at Cost Price. Also a number of Suitings at cost. Call and have a look and get Prices. closes every night at(1 o'clock except \Ved. and Sat. nights. �. JO Ns Shop Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1 A MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the I'o'trrtaa, r General. will be re- ceived at Ott iwn until Noon. on Fri- day ;he 21th arpfernb•r. 1909. for th • conveyance of Ills Ma) sty's Mals on n propos 'd Contrtet ;or four years six times per !week each way. between Exeter and Mitchell from th Post- master t:, ner.a:'s pleasure. Printed rotirea eontnining further infottnntie.:, ns to eondilions of pro- pnsrd Contract may b • se -n ^nd blank form. of 'render ,nay I obtained at t h • 'i'a.i 0(fie • of Eset••r. Mitchell nod nn th • moo and fit the Office of il, 1'o•.; Offrc. Inspector at London. G. C..ANDEIt.ON, 91upe•rintendent. Post Office Depnrtme 1 Ser- vice Brandi. 9'. oat, 1009. Tailor Exeter, Ontarfc In a Nut Shell We want you to call and inspect our up-to-date stock of Beds, Chairs, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Etc This is the season of the year when you are going CAMPING And we have some of the dandiest COTS for just such occasions. No use taking old beds and of straw fol bedding purposes ('ot3 ale better in every way. And then they are CHEAP and come in hand' at all times. Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering ROWE & ATKINSON The Lending ifonte Furnishers and Funeral Director,.. a load rediton Flour Mills During the months of July and Augnct we will only run our chopper Three dal s per week as fellows:—Tt esdays, Thursda} s and Satur•'. tys. Also to offer Family Flour $3.25 per too Ihs. Pastry Flour $3 00 perjtoc 11.c. Shorts Bran $1 25 per tc,a ',el -Good (lits $1 25 ',el- TCO lits. .$1 65 per too lbs.' HENRY SWEITZ CKEDtTo., RAST