Exeter Times, 1909-08-26, Page 4ote and Comment owe parte of Nova Scotia are dis- aring. sinking it is supposed into esti. It is time for some Con. real to enquire w bat those %ticked enosc• Grits are up to note. . . e . e I the n+sessor were to snake allow- F sten► help t ce iu his list for the men tvho are y fed to tie them. Nowa- ding double lives would that waist-1days. people may have their prefer - ch of an iucrcae: in the populn. oleo& but they are not tied to any n• ane. • Most people pay ca. h for what they buy, and nil Tines of credit are 4: touch shorter than formerly. Tbc White all business is being done consequence is, they buy where they th tin idea of Parliament opening can do the best, and they watch the November 4th, it is more probable Advertisements and profit by them. at the 18th of that month will be Another reason was that merchants e more likely date of the °penin; and business men thought anything the next session. was good enough to put iuto their advertisement. They seldom quoted a price, often used deceptions and Nese Z,a:und will follow 'Canada's left 4he same old announcement in }icy h building her own navy in- for months at a tine. The cense- cad of y contributing n Dreadnought !eased thethat do 000 quit e got tscntitrcd- the Adu,ir:illy cos she first pro- ly. 'The ,merchant received no value sed to do. 'Those who were urging for rhes money and adcerlisino was nada fo follow New 'Zealand's first pronounced a fraud, a delusion and a ove will admit that second thoughts nuisance by everyone. IIow different e nom^times b tt^r. to -day I There are few successful business men who do not adver- tise. The live merchant change Point the hour hand of your watch es his advertisement often, puts the sun and the south is exactly some ;thought and brains into it, If may between the hour and lee quotes prices when be has bargains to gore XII on the watch. For in- offer, pis absolutely truthful and once, eupposc it is four o'clock, trustworthy in all he days. The eon - int the hand indicating four to the j sequence is, people read the advertise - n. and the 11. on the watch is ex- ments regularly and watch for them fly south. Suppose it is eight with interest. It is a matter of business with thew. and when they clock, point the baud indicating 8 the sun and the figure X on the see a bargain in what they ,want, etch is due south. they .buy. The local paper has be- come n necessity in the home, as well as a source of pleasure: the merchants profit by their advertise) ments, and the subscriber saves mon- ey by reading them. Not co many years ago advertise- ments in the papers were considered a nuisance by subscribers. 'There were several reasons for this. one was that nearly everyone in those days seemed to be married to '.owe one etor•, and bought everything there %sithout looking to see if they could b • hater united or buy cheaper anywhere else. The long credit Pain anywhere stopped in 20 lninu- •s with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain ablets. The formula is on the 25 ent box. Ask your Doctor or Drug - list about this formula! Stops wom- nlyChildren C r y pains, headaches and pains any- herc. Write D. Shoop, Ilacine, Wis, FOR FLETCHER'S r fuer trial- to prove value.ohis CASTOR 1 A cadachc, or Pink Pain Tablets.. Sold y \V. S. Mower•▪ ----- SI;\IMElt 11iNTS THE IS AN iR1SHMAN When you put your corsets on in du,iral Beresford has all the Emer- warm weather dust them thoroughly aid Isle's Love of n Joke with talcum powder. To fasten cor- I.ord Charles Beresford, who has set cover in front use the little strap ros cd the ocean to open the Can- that comes on the hose supporter. dian National Exhibition at Toron- To make candles burn brightly, roll o is somewhat of an Irishman him- them in fine salt, and put then) on If. In a recent tipeech in London the tie,. for a few minutes. If wax, e r. called an electioneering caperi warm there alightly before rolling nee in ;Ireland. Ile said that un- in salt. - ortunatcly that election took place To remove tar stains. moisten with t a time when they were mending olive oil. then a tepid lather of he roads -,(laughter) -and one of the white , onp and water. Put this over tones lying about happened to bit a pail and let it drip .through. 1)o int 011 the hack of the bead. (Laugh- not wring. A large bunch of rnign- er). ile said to one of bis support-' onette on the table where you have rs: "I wish 1 could get hold of the flies and you will h;• surprised how ellow who rthrew that stone." "Och reefs. remain in the room. of al all,' she replied, "for it was To restore the atmosphere of the eseif. \Vnsn't it a great stroke?" room after it has been fumigated with Laughter). The Irish nation was the formaldehyde, sprinkle the floor thor- reatest nation in 4he world. They oughly with aqua ammonia. the kind ut their countrybefore everything sold at the groceries will do. and .Ise. Even politics took hang cloths about the room wet with lace to Old Ireland when that was ammonia. he subject of talk. They forgot all For burns, apply thin slices of raw heir differences when they remem- potato, pr if you have time serape ered that they were both Irishmen, and bind tihtly. 'Change often. n Irishman once told hint in Ameri- For bites apply vaseline and burnt a that be had come fifteen hundred alum, Xenon juice for bee stings; Iles to see him. Sotne Irishmen common bluing for bites of any insect -ere given to exaggeration, of course, or vatsoline, lard, and burnt alum laughter) -and he told his fellow- can iw app:icd. ountrymnn that he was very sorry For vnrtoline ettain, soak in cold %ra- 1te'had not n minute to talk, but if ter for half an hour or longer. Then he liked he could come up in the lift npply warmer water, and finally wash with him and they could exchange a in carom; white soap and boiling tva- vord about the old country en route ter. 11 white hoods, put in ibc sun. to the next floor. ((Laughter). An- Crcant of tartar will remove iron other fellow once said he must see rust. To lake iodine stains from lin- bine Ile replied, "You can t: I'm in en, ionise a thick paste of ordinary my bathe' 4Laughter). "Och, jt starch and cover the stains, and then doesn't matter nt all'. cried the npply heat -either that of the sun or Iri.hman: "let mecome in and I'll stove. Icor carbolic odd burn apply talk to you 'there.i .(Laughter). And vinegar ,it once, and then make n in he came and talk they did. poultice of ,;tale bread and vinegar. This holds good for n burn from lye. flensall For sore feet. three parts salicylic rtcid powder. ;ten parts starch pulver- Mr. and Mee. Wu!, White. of the ized, and 89 per cent. of pulverized London road. have returned from a soapstone. Sift into shove and stock- pleaeint visit with friends at Spring- intrs. IFor a canker in the mouth, fenuk, l.ucan and Centralia. two ounces honey mixed with one - Mies :\lel olh of Toronto, is the half drain of powdered borax or {toric acid powder. -guest of Mrs. INV. C. Davis. Tomend amber, w:arru the surface.)I r. ]l. It. 'Ca'.dtcill, of Nelson, lire- and di % in linseed oil and brio tuts HMI Columbia, who epcnt the past tnaether until ,they are stick. Then ra two months with his parents nd tet cool. '1'o remove grease from the friend•% in this neighborhood, has re- c finoat fabric, turned to Nelson. one Pint of rain water the -if l _our Council are urest iin,r with in'' water is hard use borax -on • question of improved fire protection ounce ammonia. one-fourth teaspoon - and we trust will provide something; [111 'saltpetre, one -hal[ ounce of ahav- thnt will till a loud telt want. i�nl' coop cut fine: mix nli together. Put i Nitre I'ra ncis Reynolds. who was t . • pact of cotton or blotting paper here visiting nt her hum:, leis re- under the rpot in the garment when rushing it. turned to Toronto. Jl, ticleu Swan, or Godrrieh, is Forthe • hair. fivedrops of kerosene 1 -Selling her mother. ter! drops of o 1% oil. To this ndd . Mr. I'red. rick Sinailacotnbc return- x''11 drops of a• y1r:tet of violet, and ed last w -el: from Manitoba. where riot► in .1horo:y wilt, the tips of the be hail heal spending a month or so (int;ert ret night. iapeeia1ly n_ood the with n lases, , uud !resale. • day before you are going to shampoo titre. Role it Drysdale. of Laurel, 30111 brier. IN hen while goods me grass etain- Mic•h.. w h r n:e.. h• r.• visiting her eget, ,e 1; luate Them with rtraffirt, end relative-. 11.s 1'•1urn d. ,Anaoo,r those who left here last Pel then; out in Ih,• sun. When you nr: "IT!!! 0n the cars. rindt. isit 11, w•cek for the 1%, et. w.prn• pruspreting re,ia and °there 10 a :t -t in herveetine we w r:te p.rtin. PHI your pap •r mer learned of the folios%Mx. Edgar Me- ;':;tow, Queen. \\'. Laidlaw, WesleyMoore.1 or i%3 Poisoning. t%iie. off with (scours I'e G. Stirling and son and n.coholand water or vinee;ir and wa- ter. '1'h •n .111111 a ri 1h,c•k mime of \\'in. >lar.h,rll' soda nuct tet on the silt -flee affected •'\\'iii yo -1 calk into my parlor?" and :et .:1 reur+in until it dries. and Sall'N1i.a Seidel. to the fey. then put on timelier poultice. "Not I;" his 1iyship answered. And he %%inked his other .ye. IN'I'I:Itlal'ING l'Aesi ' AiIo( 1 "For your dinky :;o-ea:leo pirlor, Weil. it isn't ill my sin : C:\;e:\I).\ It's nothing bvt a dinit. • room - So none of s ter rain des Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A ' 'Caned i row n:ns ne ••-:bird of tla • at , ai the Eesti -h Empire. v one-,-ourtb of Cnn.edllsocen- 1. and one-eighth landr cu:live- t' ; i 1114 ne.tr ; ctt • million miles of partly unexplord CIPUIE I/ert Ulf Z'tp,Z:Qtr • LC rum ,LA;•.'..J t ,.1 .•T.'rk-tlJ-56- ,..=r ri ?sib? ; ➢ t ..' dip:1)6'1 -me flair •::i r -t'lt ra'a e:f Aycr's 1-lafr Vigo: Satph:.r. n: -.trove no that erne eandr!R se.1 f11111:4 hair. Cures rasa a an l eropte .'r e 1r (Ir,t•, a. reeseeng, healing. F.s.J 1., the barbel:,,. cses e. 1 sleeve logo:, antisrr••: !eel. ,ria+!,►tr ChlrriJ. l'l ;ol itt. -, • r'l•,n %f ,si;'. r arts ,Mr. !i. r•'s:e activl•v . .r9s. Sth,+ul+n'. 1 gni:: t)o•, , .. rmdyo.';.14srn ,tt. Air shot. Sa.aui,it.a:tlsertic. Water. Pr atm.,. Shaw this totmu'a l : yen. it set er. Ask '.tun if (here 1: a single Injuri"us ingredient. Ask him If he thiel;% ,\yrr's !ler 1'igor. as made from Pile f.:rrnula, is the best prepa- ret!en you could u a for (Aline hale, cr ler dand f. Let him dectdr. Ile knows. e-Tse-eszT�tea J. Arse Casa SHE EXETER Canada's 'ea coast line equals Late the circumference of the earth. 'Canada has 13,000 miles of coast line, 7,000 of this being in Driltislt Columbia. Canada has a eolith -wits waterway of 2.!941 miles from the mouth of the St. Lawercnce to the head of Lek, Superior. Canada has 6,000 miles of water- ways from the St. Lawerence to the Mackenzie with only 150 miles of land break. Three hundred new towns have sprung up into existence during the last eighteen months between Winni- peg and Edmonton. • British Columbia is the largest gru- vince, equal to twenty -tour Switz -r - lands. , The annual value of farm crop; end produce in Canada is over 400 million dollars. . 'Canada has 30 chartered banks with about 1,700 branches. The largest nickle wines in the world are in the Province of Ontario. The largest herd of nuffatlo is locat- ed in 'the Canadian North-West. It numbers 050. 'Manitoba is spoken of as "the post- age stamp province," because it is comparatively Ismail, but it is as large as England and Scotland. 'Canada gs adding to its population every year, by itnmieratio)u, a num- equal to the population o[ Toronto. 'There are 12,000 post offices in the Dominion, as against 0,038 at confed- eration. To a very large extent, ibis is au agricultural country, altbogh we have great wealth in our forests, fish- eries, and mine. ' One of the most extensive Canadian is cheese -making. About 300 million pounds were produced last year. ,enny emcee Piety. eerie hind. who gave her first f2,- 4“; 2;,••, to the poor, continued throughout eel's a series of charities and ple- In regard to the latter we have assnrnrtce "f a friend that this .•:rtest of sera; er.i deliberately cut ='t.:: i her own public career while her 1,..e was still Iu perfection. It was I.•ly Taylor, wife of the author of Van Artevelde;' who found iea:1% Lind :attil.g toward evening on : south coast beach just after her •. r::a,lr:neat, with n book 111 her lap. -poke of her resolve. "1 found eel this" -the vetting sun -"Ras be- r•aatht); less to ane mei that this" -the •!i in her lap was a Bible -"was be- eo•!II::g nothing to me, and 1 knew then telt 1 must cheek myself and change ur life "-Loudon Stnudard. Mexican Lottery Tickets. Nearly $100.01:0 Is spent In tho City o; Mexico every %seek in lottery tick- ets, and In the saute period about $70, - ON) Is paid bnck In premiums. On the weeks immediately preceding the big drawings the sale, of course, mounts up to great sums -as, for instance, when the $200,000 drawings are held there are 20,000 tickets at $40 each sold on the streets, and practically ev- ery ticket is disposed of, most of them during the last two weeks before tho drawing. But ns n general proposition, on nn average. $15,000 a day Ls spent by the people of the City of Mexico on the lotteries. The Open Window. Children brought up with open win- dows appear indeed to bo about fifteen times more likely to contract adenoids than those who sleep with the win- dows shut on cold and damp nights,, or at least than those who sleep With closed windows throught)pt the greats er part of the year. -Dr. Sim 3Yariacr In Medical Press. Dew. Teacher -How do you account for the phenomenon of dew? Boy -Well, you see, the earth revolves on its aide every twenty-four hours, and in =IMP quenco of this tremendous pace it.Rtc- Pplres freely. -London Tit-BIte. Mean. Burton -Mean man, isn't he? Robinson -Mean? Ife's capable of going into a barber's shop for n shave and then getting his hair cut just to keep other people waiting. Nothing !s so hnrdersnme a3 a M rrmt.--1'rer.eh i'ron•rle Greedy Little. Salmon, Little creatures may be very greedy dad yet not he al•:e to cat much be - rause of their sl::e, as was Illustrated, fur Instance, 1n the case of a batch of about 20.(100 little Chinook salmon that were hatched out at the nquarinm. These young !Mice, each about two Turtles long. would eat so much that tl►eir little stont:u•hs fairly stuck out, and yet to feed the whole 20,000 took daily only one pound of liver and a quart of herring roe, lath chopped fine. An Exception. "1 think." said the merchant, "I'1) !::nye to fire your friend yolk. 1 never saw tiny one quite so lazy." 'Slow In everything. Is he?" "No, net ever•y'ttaing lie gets tired c,u:ck enough." -Exchange. -•-•1111444-- l• pi pop:e r •nli•r. • the gnomons 51 nt to w herb advertising leas b.•rn carried in AIn-rice. 'fake for in. glance the e:even largest retail stores 111 New fork ('sty. The following In• Ir:e aid to have hr •n carefully c•rnnn- .! at:cl Chow 1.1115 • 8411. :41are adv. rlisii, in :i s•rtg r Cain) o• Co. .Inhn 'p'• anemak-r 1'11,• N mpeon=Craw • lith Street Sties 11 If. IMne •y A Co. .'. Iterirn Il'oQginmla'c biro .J $:12.052.01 ...:x0,2 73.83 .. 20,106.24 "5,402.24 ;1,0:1 5 TIMES, AUG. 26t11 1909. 9 001)t ;�ASTOR! or In ;'citta and Children. $getablePrcparationforAs- 61mittatliig tlhcroodandRcguta- 1 the Stomachs ail izowelss of tarmszearmA Promotes Dfgestion,Cheerfill - tlessandRest.Cofltains neither 9piumTiorphine nor Hiui:ral. PIOT NARCOTIC. larKpecarom . i•S4MLZLl77tZLR IiepiTw Jar! - "Mamma • } Ades JoelriZAttigaiir A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Co nv uls io ns ,Feveri sl - fle5s andLOSS OF SLEET'. TacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. 1 () rnonilt's er1tl �) Dosis -35CLN17: LACT COPY OF WRAPPER. `'h? Kind Von Have Aiways Bought A .�•_..'�� the i�lgatI,tur0 of ,1 N•N•NN••NNN••••N•Nt)•N•••NNN••1•N•••NI 1 The Molsons Bank Incorporated 185:1 CAP TAL (Paid up) RESERVE FUND .i Has Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents Principal Cities in the World. $3 500,000.00 $3.500,000.00 • = Savings Bank Department • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. j Dlok8on & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager e • ••••••N•N♦NN••••••••00o +•A•d.N••e••eded•de••••e� THECA General Banking Business Transacted. in all the • % �w : SANK OF COM14ERCE 11F:Aft OI'iiCI 'irrl:,r%I.t1:!1 111n 1807 B. E. WALKER, Presieeet InALEXANDER LAIRD,.:.•o"rat Mieage!r 6,000,0 0 Y:,:al•:ip Capital, $10,000)( Q Its -s' eve Fund - 6 000 0 Branches throi);itctlt Ceada, anti in the Uniietl Statt:s and England ase. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT For Over Thirty Years' CASIO THE CENTAUR COMPANY. N -.w vont CITY. Deposits of $1 and erwarei- :.e received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons and svitlidrawals toade by any one Of then! .0 be the nervi-, r. 124 EseterBranch-G.W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. DR. C. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S, D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson 1tc Carlini s Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors The Adams -O'Neil Co. ...... ...17,499.14 The imperial Amber gave :h: I•:hrich Tiros ............ ]•1,.01.23 greatest yield per acre in the co-op- TR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D Saks & Co. 13,912.97 erative experiments throughout Ilan- DD, S., Honor graduate of Toronto Rothenberg & Co. ..12,488.84 tario in 1907 and 1908, as wc1l as in I University. These figures afford about as con- 1909. It also carne first in popularity , rinsing proof of the fact that it pays with the experimenters in each of j Dental Surgeon to advertise as any one could desire. these years. Tho Imperial Amber i Office over Gladman es Stanbury These great retail establishments are will again be distributed throughout' Main street -EXETER. not in lhchrtbit of spending money for Ontario this autumn as one of the I things that do not pay. Every pen- varieties for co-operative experiments j- oy ny of these enormous appropriations We distributed the Dawson's Golden; t.sW. BROWNING, M. D„ M. C Pays direct returns, or it would nes.- Chaff for co-operative experiments • Y. S„ Graduate Victoria Un er have he •11 expended. throughout Ontario in each of twelve; Lst)oratoroy, office residenence. Dominion -----`---- r. years, but not within the last three. Associate Coroner of Huron. years. According to extensive Inti itFr l i.1'S OP Co-OPEiRA'TI\'E EX- quiries which we have made this year PERI .11is''Tti '\Vl'('it AtiTllsl\ the Dawson's Golden 'Chaff is still R. Bright, M. D„ M.C. P. and SOW' N 'CILbi' 3 the •most i'•a'•S., honor Graduate Toronto Un- popular and the most eaten- iversit Two ears resident physician lively grown variety of winter wheat y y P y•, Four hundred and ten farmers in the Province. Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office throughout Ontario conducted exper- Winter Rye. The sicerage yieid and residence, Dr. Amos old stand of grain per acre of each of three var- ieties of winter rye, distributed in the �ONEY TO LOAN autumn of 1908 is as follows. cWam- rnoth White 28.1; Common, 22.1, andWehaveunllmltedprivate funds tor tnyesl Washington, 19.0. In the expert- eubneon farm or village groperry se Iowa ments Throughout Ontario, the Alam- r.sa,off:,tereet. moth 1\Chile surpassed the Common LICRBON& CARLINl3 rye by nn average of 5 bushels per, meet; au, nts %vitt, autumn sown crops dur- ing the pnst year. Reports have been received from thirty-six of the coun- ties of the Province. Those counties which furnished the greatest number or good reports of successfully con- ducted experiments were Middlesex, Huron. Brant, Norfolk and Muskoka. 'rhe experimenters ood workerve have done acre in 1907. 5.4 bushels per acre ten 1 f)ICKSON Ec CARLiNG, cre- lit fur the 1908, and 6 bushels per acre in 190► not only for themselves but for the 1'crlilizers with winter wheat. In "- farmers generally. Average results the co-operative experiment,: with' i'trristers,Solicitors NotariOil, Conveyancers of the carefully conducted co -opera- Hank. Etc. different fertilizers ni lied to win- Commiminnere.Both: ore tor the Montero cive experimentw with autumn sown ter %%heat, the averageyields of grain I &Loney toLoan at lowest rotted of Interest. crops are here presented in n very grain per acre for fico years are as concise form. \\'inter Wheat. Four varieties of follows. mixed Fertilizer, 25.2 bus.: OPFICISt-DtA1N winter wheat were distributed last autumn to those fanners who wished to test Fort • of the leading varieties on their own farms. The average yields per acre of straw and of grain lire ns follows, imperial Amber 1.4 lone, 21.1 bus.; ,Abundance, 1.3 tons 2:1.9 bus.: !Nigerian. 1.2 tons, 21.9 be.., rind Wigger Et tons, 21.9 bus. STREET. EXETER. Nitrate of Soda "3 8 bus Muriate of a. OARLrwa a a. r. s.>Dlcesac■ I'olnsh, 22.9 bus.; and Superphosphate Any person who is the sole head 22.7 bus The unfertilized land gave 1 MONEY TO LOAN. of a famiU, or any male over 11 an nvc•rag:r of 111.9 bus, per acre. The years oke may homestead a quarter, superphosphate was applied at Lha' We haveslatitsamonnbotprinN feeds rseetoni of available Dominion land b rate of 320 pounds rind the ,Muriate of aenontarmanddvlllaQopropertlesablowtsts Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, Potash and the Nitrate of Soda each 1n b' GLADMA;!I t BTANBURY The applicant roust appear in perllgo 160 pounds per acre. The Mixed 1 at the Dominion Lased Agency or Fertilizer consisted of one-third of the Batrteten 8olioltptr. Milo st.tHxeter Sub -agency for the district. Entry bl>s quantity of each of the other three 'proxy may be had at the agency, 00 fertilizers here mentioned. The usual conditions. ton by father, mother MORE PINKIIAM CURE Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. til;tttf.,r,lstation. l)tat.-" i have taken Lydia h..I'inkltarn's Vegetable Cont- poundfor years and never found any medicine to campers with it. 1 had ulcers and fall- ing of the uterus, and doctors did Inc no good. i stifTered dreadfully until I began taking your medicine. It has also helped other women to whom i 11,1VI• recommended it." - Mrs. iie:xr,v (Hanford Station, 4)ntarin. 1 L•irdincr, Me.-" i was a great sof. fa•re•r from a female disease. The doe - tor said I would have to go to the , hospital for anoper,:1 t but 1.�,tia K 1'inkliant's Vegetable Compound con- (plctcly cured Inc 111 three months." - Mrs. S. A. WIIJ.lA\Is, 11. I'. I). No. 14, Box 3S►, Gardiner. Maine. H •ause your case is a difficult one, . doctors having done you no gond. do 'is about to iAsuc a New Tele - not continue to stiffer without giving phone Directory dor the District Lydia E. i'inkham's Vegetable Com- �f \Vest. rn Ontario, including pound n trial. It snugly has cured ,p many C8Re5 of female ills, such ns in• Exeter. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Canadian National Exhibition Vary low rates from Exeter to To- ronto and return $3.83 August, `28 to September Ilth. 52.85 August 31 and September 2nd., 7 and 9th. Return limit September 11. Special train ser- vice. LABOR DAY RETURN TICKETS Ar SiNGLE FARE Between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and fort Huron, Mich; Nit)... gara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. GOOD GOING SEPT. 3, 1, 5 and 11th. RE• TURN LiMIT SEPT. Sth, 1009. Full information front J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. 1). MCl)ONALD, Unioq Depot. Toronto, Ont. synopsis of Ile CQnodlou:Normm Wei IIOMEBTEAD REOOLATIONS,' ERNEST ELLIOT certain dit' s cost of the fertilizers as used in this Ison, daughter, brother, or sisterof Conveyancer Accounts Collected' intending homesteader. experitnent isI K (between four and five ar�oNEY to loan at lowest rates, Duties :-Six months resideneeapoq dollars per acre. M North wes1Lsnd,for Sale. Fodder Crops. In each of six years and years. of the land in eadsh the steed of hairy Vetches and 01 Office. Main Street. Exeter of three years. A homesteader may \\' inter Itye ha; been distributed live within nine miles of his hoax*, throughout Onlnrio for co-operativestead on a dean of at least 80 mors The footprints of Dyspepsia have solely owned and occupied e by him or experiments in testing (hese crops been directly traced to the Stomach bis father. mother, son, daughtere for fodder purposes. In the av, rage nerves. When these "inside nerves" brother or sister. of Fix years' experiments. the hairy fail, indigestion and stomach distress In certain district+ a hotnesteaide Vetches produced slightly the largest must surely result. For this, drug- in good standing limy pre-ompt yield of grain fodder per acre, but in gists everywhere etre supplying a quarter section alongside his home, 1909 the laricst yield was produced prescription known ns Dr. Shoop's steal. Print $3. per acre. Duties -r by the \Vintc•r Rye. Restorative. 'First, these tiny inside Must resido rix months inenoh of Gist Distribution of Material for Exper- iment% in 1909. As Ion as the supply lasts. mater- ial win he distributed free of bare in the order in which the nppiieation% are r,eeiv,d from Ontario farmers ai.hine to experiment and to report the results of any one of the follow- in.t tests, I. three varieties of Win- ter Wheat ; 2. two varieties of Win- ter Itye; O. five Fertilizer with Win- ter 1Vheat ; t, Autumn and Spring ap- plications of Nitrate of Snell and com- mon mall with Winter \Vhent; 5. Winter 1'.mmer and Winter Itarley; 6, }miry Vetches and Winter Itye ns Fodder Crops. The size of each plot is to he one rod wide by two rods :otter. Jlaterial for nuinbers 3 and 4 will be writ by express and that for the others by mail. NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Stomach, Ileart, and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas belching. heart pal- pitation, or falling kidneys follow. Don't drug the M(ornncb, or rttimn- late the Heart or Kidneys. That is tt rong. Strengthen these failing ner- ves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative. It is the nerves, not the organs that are railing for help. Within 48 hours after starting (he Restorative treat- ment, you twill realize the gain. A test will tell. Sold by W. 8. !Lowey. Tne Usborne and Hibbert yearn from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earls homestead patent) and cultivtse fifty acres extra. A homesteader %% ho line exhausted' his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take n par. chased horestead in certain district, Price 53. per acre. Duties.-Muaft reside Nix months in each of threw years, cultiv•rtc fifty acres and creel! a house worth "300.04 W. w', CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the interior N. R.-Unauhorire.t pnbli a'Ion of 11.16 sdvertles• ment will sot be paid for Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu fligll Grade 1dHOS rimy] Officio, Farquhar, Ont. 1'r. •ideas -,1. 1.. RUSSELL. Vice. President nt -W. I1. I'ASSMOi1R DIRECTORS - - - I WM, ROY, BORNIIOLM 1', 0 1V sI. Boot WIN(1it•:L8RA 1', 0. DUnLir P. 0; 11011EItT NORRIS, Stella, The Hell Telephone T. ILYAx, Coliipany of Canada AGENTS. Are a Pleasure to their Owners. We hav' sold and are selling a great many high class pianos and our num emus satisfied customers is the strong et t guarantee of this asset lion. Our Pianos to -day are the (rest that the hest Piano makers Produce and JOHN ISMERY, Exeter. 1.c+`nt for our prices are right. Osborne end I!irldulph. Dn not he too quick In le -Reyes per - eons who tell you different from the 011VE11 11,\itut1S, Munro, ,w..r., above for the put pose of Rolling you for 11:hbert, i'ull1rton and Logan cheap and in sr.h, c115444 trashy goods llatnmatIon, ulceration, displacement A, ! atbir prices. fibroid tumor,. irregularities, periodi,, ()1(1418 far new conurcli •n", rhrinjr•a t Jocy.T ae.F1, pains. backache, that hcaring•dnwn of flans n m e. chat} t.f nitre t ad- 1 tiocv•Treae. Farquhar feeling. Indigestion, diesitiss.and her. dresser o1;lwr.►r('?1�f�`ehfiHpM,rhuuld► ILA 1''!AN It MTA`ttl'1t\-, , -leaf. Call and Sec Us vena prnstrttinn. it cost+ 1 ,d,.fis;tlr!•�h� '• i,t ,.. ni Ce to to try it, and tliawn vnrth mil - Hone to nonny still,letatepilleti. If c011 1511111 spr•r1:11 :t ief• 51 VW' (twit tnair..t'inkliiull,I.1 n,Jiass. I.^c ' \'a.,� It i+ fret' mid alwaysirlAful. A. Ni!RCIIANI) rind Pe ennrir,ced that what we s's .ny ease of norvou nes , -I t.p, we live up lo. 1es-14%•ss, weak et ore sell, in•litc. sti.pn, / t HI'. Roll try CartrrT Little serve SOH lyspt !'ills, Robot Is fears. The only nerve 'T� 1 at.s11. s.... -des_