HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-08-05, Page 8++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 I+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++4 STE WART'S 4i • PHONE 16 ASinch For You T 1i X N 1 L 1 i' i M r. 8 AUG. 5th 1t,ut, Market Report. --The following Yr i,lr, T. Scott i, ti•iting with-llr•1TimeS Want Column the report of Eg ,L t) markets, cos- Johu , t.j. t. � � reseed up to Ae;gt;,[ 5th. Alis; Utiles:ooup, tit Ifiyth, visited Wheat. =Leen friends in town over Sunday. Outs 45c to Site. Five second hand whee-:s for sale. I;:erty 50 to 55c. Mrs. Edwin Jones visited last week Jo1111 Teichner. Peas, Kae to RSr. • with her twice Mrs. Prank twee . ; -- -- In Order to get Rid of Surplus Stock We are llran $24. her. Reused. I here is rt special offer. The Shorts $35. Mrs. `•leDonald and Airs. 'Juwbray,!Tunes and family herald and Week - Shorts Reducing the Price in Many Lines as the Star !lour �s.'35. of btr:uturd were the• gm:is of Alis• i ly' Star for the balance of 1909 for Fred [lour ti1.5U to $1.53. John H, Scott Inst week. i only 75 cents. 'Ibis rate is for sub- • Putt, U'e. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, of +ser:.boas in Canada only, Following will Show P. �; We. hills Green, spent Sunday kith '.Airs. -�- ll.ay87.50 to $6.50. J. Jarrutt, Exeter North, "The llensall Flouring Mills have Muslins, silk finished Batiste, pale blue `Swiss p:lttttn, tin sl vitt' silk Ito :=. liwew• ight, :.cu on hand ,a large quantity of feed, Embroidery spat. A very tine line, regular price lOe to clear at Coal, $7.E5 a ton. •Notice to Correspondents -\1•,• fre- and will supply you with Bran at Fancy self stripe Batiste with grey pattern extra value at 4tle to clear r quently receive budgets of news 1Ved- e'22.UU and Shorts at $2 1 Potatoes 75 to 90 cents -3.(U per Flowered Studio showing a delicate stripe and fancy pattern regular 30‘ needay evening too late for the tun : ;score your requirements while to clear at '2.11. issue of the week. We go to press the supply lasts. 'Wednesday afternoons and ropy should be in not later than \Vcdnes- • day morning.• • A report was current around town • • Saturday afternoon that n hors:. 1.e••1eN and Buggy had fallen overthe abut - meat at the Crediton bridge and that the driver could not be found. T1i report was tvitbout foundation as no such thing had happened. OLD RELIABLE }t it +++ Just in A new line of Young Men's OLIVE CRERN knock about Hats. They're swell. $2.00. Summer Lines Clearing at Prices that will Tickle the Strings of _ - = Your Money Bags = _ - L;tidies Natural Colored Linen Skirts all Tailor mad'1'rjeuuted with fuddle piping and buttons. Just the correct thing tut' hot dusty days. Regular values 1.95 to 2'2 , your choice now for 81 :et Ladies White Linen Skirts Tailor Made, Pleated and very dressy, latest New York styles, regular valuet$2e5d fronts, clearing at $1.40. y g$�.� to 2.50 Listen! We have about Twenty Ladies Rain Coats. All odd Just the thing for driving ree Goodafor rainrs . good for full duslengths. n Val- ues will surprise you. Your choice for $2.03. Another 50 Doz. Lot of Ladies Hose, Black and Tan plain and Ribbed. They are crackers. 2 pair for a quarter. Have You a Small Foot? Perhaps we should not Ladies 2i and :3} Kid Slippers, Lace Shoes,s,kButt ned B but we have ts oand Fine Oxfords. Regular values 1.50 to 2.50. If your foot is small come and take your pick for 95c. Just About Quarter Price The balance of our Lts Do you want another Hat. Come and seees whatmmed ri di uloH lv low prices we are willing to take. Room Rugs and Linoleums are two of our real es. new lines just in. The patterns are lovelysatndt'vailues in your favor. your S. BT EJWA.RT it ++++++++++++++++++f+++++++ +++++++++++++++++ Mp,ney Money Money WE MUST HAVE MONEY In order to raise money we will hold a great SLAUGHTER SALE for the next THIRTY DAYS. Everything reduced in price. All summer goods to be sold at cost price. Mens Straw and Linen Hats, Mens and Boys Suits Ladies Blouses, Wbitewear, Belts, Muslins, Gloves, Light Rain Coats. etc, etc. This is a Genuine Sale As we want to raise $1.000.00 in Thirty Days. Goode must go. !'once slunk if you want bargains. ('hone 22 R. N. ROWE SUN NEVER SHONE on better cloth than we make up into grouser* And the sun or rain can- not hurl them either. They will 'neither fade or shrink. SOME EXTRA TROUSERS cnnnot Tail 10 come in handy during your vacation. Let es tnake you a rnir or so that yon needn't be afraid, expose to the sue or rain. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. !BRICK 1101'91. AND SIX A(711E4 OF LAND IN t'SIIOI(NE. The North-East corner of Lot 13, Concession 6. I•sborne, the property of th • late Israel Harris. The house lis one and one-half stories high and 011tnins six rooms. kitchen and wood - oral ni 20eby 40.There hard nn dframe soft barn water. and oil\ I•,, I:r �'ri nf ingmaetwn u'hen abozedt nbo,,t one acr• of good fruit tree. teeny candidates were introduced The soil is a gond clay. The lot is into woodcraft under the Supervision mostly recded nut and is will fenced of W. I'. Cbnrd nssisted by R.. 11. (sand drained. Ar elv to Murphy. Massey-Iiarris represents- ULAI)MAN & STAN1U.ItY, tire. Another meeting will be held Exeter. in n few days for further initiations. Solicitors for the Executor. One door north 1'. 0. Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. WM. ARNOLD s _ • ''` 4' Civic Holiday Thursday Aug. 5th, '0(1 I hereby declare Thursday. August 5th. 1909. a Public lfolielay. hoping all places of business w ill he closed and that said day will be strictly ob- served ns n Public Holiday. Jly order. T. 11. McCAT.Lt'M, Resets. •s•• ••••••••••+++++fit/++N•• LOCALS 1•++++•i•++4•++++++++ -H-++++++ :• The 'itill Jan, 1010 40c. for Fifty Cents, Tell your Neighbors about it, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1t'•• Can:tdh•n Bank of Commerce has issued a snap of the Canadian West, accompanied by a pamphlet descriptive of the system of Dominion 'Civic holiday to -day. land eurvt•y and of the homestead re - The Misses Street are camping at ge...tetes applicable to that part of the Bend. Canada. The map and information Miss Arnold, is visiting with friends supplied are invaluable to farmers in Kincardine,. end others contemplating going West Mr. and Mr.. W. D. Clarke are vis- and copies can be obtained FREE at iting in London. :all offices of the Yank, Miss Martha Snell left Monday to 'h visit in Detroit. de • after a strenuous four days bowling at the London tournament. kills 'Marion Gibbings, of Clinton W. J. Heitman's rink won six out of is visiting Miss Beta Rowe. nine games, while W. W. '1:►rnan's Miss Alma Dempsey, of Toronto, is rink won four out of seven. For the the guest of Mrs. J. A. `Monroe. i Tecumseh trophy Penman's rink Dr. R. J. It, Bright. of \Viarton, is pulled tbrougb until the second last t•'sitirg his brother Dr. Bright. game, and in the Consolation Tamans Miss (da Rowe is visiting relatives rink did the same thing, 'lbs bottl- in iss 'Ida for rt couple of tvrela ers are to be complimented on the floc tebowing mad they and John Elliot left Mon- against some of the strongest play - day to visit with friends in flint. ers in Canada. The Exeter bowlers returned Fri - d e, as were up , Plain and colored Mulls with fancy pattern and rat ipe to clear 15c. If you want good bread use our Colored Organdies Dimities and Muslins, extra value 12ij and 15 to "Snow !)rift Family Flour". I clear at tie. - �--- A few short ends only of Swiss Mehruidery inse-t tic ns suitable for tvaista WOOD FOB BALE. -We arc now to clear at :33c• -prepared to deliver to aav part of: the town first class clot slabs. All orders promptly attended to. It. GILLIES. DIt, OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- geon. will bo at tate Commercial 1,0:.•', flours 9 •t. 10. :0 1 p• nt. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Monday, Sept. Gth fore- noon. Hensnll in afternoon. Watch Our Straw Hat Window Friday and Saturday All 25, 50, 75e and $1.00 Hats will be dt'al ed at astonishingly low prices • Men's good reliable Summer Shoes in all sizes, regular price 2 50 and 3.00 clearing at 1.50 FARM WANTED Boy's Shoes in pebble and split. All sizes while they last 50e pair. To buy or rent. 100 acres A few pair only of Ladies Shoes in Oxfords and light shoes to clear at 50c. red. Full information at Times prefer - Misses and Boys tan Oxfords, extra value at $1.00 to clear 75c '-� Butter 18c; Eggs lOc trade, 18e. cash; These juices suhject to change GIRL WANTED Good girl for gen- eral housework. Good wages. Ad- dress A. 11. Box N. or apply at Times, Office. CARLINC A1:'CTiON SALE -The long open shed at the Bethrsd•a appointment The Haying Season will be Fold by Public Auction Tues- day evening. August 10th at seven o'clock on the premesis. 11. S. Phil- lips, Auct., C. Reddy, Secy. Trust 13d. is Here. FARM FOR SALE And you will need a hay Miss Whittingham. of Clinton, was Induction --The Presbytery of Bur- Situated on the second concession, fork. I have tho agency the -;acct of Mrs. Quance Sunday. on met in 'Caren church on Thursday lot CO, of the township of Usbornet, for Beatty Bros., Fergus, Ales. J. P. Wray. of Luca n, visited afternoon for the purpose of induct- three miles from Exeter and five i r;. John !Latchford over Sunday. ing -tee., set 1".. Sharpe. 13. Di miles from ]Iensall, close To church round rod track. formerly of Alliston, into the pas- and one "mile and a quarter from torate of that congregation, The school. On this property there is e erected a good frame house, seven rooms, convenient to bard and soft water; barn 40 z 60 ft. with stabling underneath. horse stable 20 x 35, with drive floor and loft for hay. There are forty acres seeded down and ten acres in bush, also a good bearing orchard. This pro erty is tt'el1 drath- spokc• to the congregation. The even- ed and in a good state of cultivation. ing reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. If not sold privately before the 15th Sharp, while some interfered of September will be Fold by public with by the norm was of an interest- • auction. Further notice twill be Phone ill. ing .character. On Sunday Mr. Sharp' given. This property must be sold Mrs. P. Iinwden and family. of preached two splendid sermons to the Itidgetown, are visiting here this great delight of large congregations. week, Two Exeter young men had an ex- citing lime Monday afternoon while auto riding near Crediton. They were driving up the fourth concession FARM FOR SALE and made the turn towards the new Lot 3. concession 0, township of bridge being constructed at Crediton flay, containing 100 acres. On this East, when they noticed n team at- tached to n wagonload of iron stand- cottage. large bank barn, with shed ing in the rand. The signal was and cement pig pen under. Two giver, and the horses being without ncres orchard. good supply of water, '„ a driver, commenced to run towards 8 ncres of splendid hush. mostly ma - the bridge. The wagon struck an plc, convenient to church, school and + F obstruction on the side of the abut- market. This is n beautiful home. .... ment and the horses went over to Nearly all seeded down. will sell at the bed below, the fall killing one of reasonable. Possession given this - them. The ,auto was going slow at' fall. Apply to JOHN IBRODERICK, a the time and the proper signal given,• on premises or the Sarerta P. 0. ..1,' a so the driver was in no way to blame + for the accident. The animal belong- • 1 (j. cd to hill sic Co., of Mjtcbell, who Auction Sale ± o have the contract for the iron work I •1. on Ilse bridge. 1 AUCTION KALE of valuable farm t DEATH O1' THOS. DEARING. Ale property. Thome. Cameron has re - Thos. Dearing, who for a number of ceived instructions to sell ny public .:. 0 t auction at the Central Hotel. Exeter, Graduated of two years ''' years has been a respected resident o[, on Saturday. August 7th, at 4 o'clock ..i earning $2, of Exeter died at his home Elizabethago are now Street Monday morning aped Ra 11'' In. valuable farm property eon- OW) per annum. years, the cause of death beingsistinit of IS. 1-2 Lot 21. Con. 3. This apoplexy, Several weeks age property has gond buildings, 30 at slight stroke, while working in he had • is ncres of lot 2:1. `Con. 2 also 25 acres 4 V garden, from which he never ully rte- of swamp land all in township of I covered. although he was able last titTEI{nj county o[ particulars f011 1e1�1 Opens Rug. 30 week to take short walks a town.' TERATS and particulars made = The deceased was born in Devonshire. known on day of sale, Mrs. Cookso, t i.. Eng., and when 24 years of age ::seek,• Proprietress; Thos. Cameron. Auc- tione,:r . f• air. and :Ars. '1'. Gardiner, of Blyth, were here Sunday. visiting relatives. Mrs. 'Charters, of Egtnondville, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo. iMcLcod. Mr. Chas. Miners. of London, is spending his holidays at. his home herr. Mrs. Graham, of Godeiich, is vis- iting her daughter Mrs. C. Linder - field. Two rinks of Exeter bowlers went to !Crediton on Thursday and were defeated. s rv.c a s were of the most impressive character and were attended by a large number from the town and sur- rounding country. ltev. Mr. (Mann. of Aubt,rn, delivered an excellent ser- mon ; !rev. '3r. $awyer, of Bruce- fie!d, addressee! the newly inducted minister and Rev. Air'Small, of Blyth BROS. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices right. Have capable man to install them. W. T. Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Spackman spent Sunday and Monday with their par- ents here. The Misses Spackman, of Blenhicm, are visiting friends in town and at the (lend. Tie Misses ,Millie and Cora Hutch- ing in, of London, are visiting the Al:sses Quance. Miss 'Marguerite Vincent. of Lon- don, is visiting her cousin. Miss Stella Sou thcott. Miss Beta Rowe. who was visiting relatives in Clinton. returned home on 'Wednesday. The ninnet picnic of the Trivitt Memorial Sunday school was held to the Bend Tuesday. Miss Marion !Latchford is spend- ing the week with Ali-, Marjorie, Iluston at the (tend. Dr. and Mrs. Albert .AleCallutn, of Crestline. Ohio, were visiting the tatter's mother Mrs. Warlock. Mr. and Airs. Bennett, of Toronto. were the guests of their daughter. Mrs. .1. A. Stewart during the week. Mr. Wrn. Dement and sister Mrs. Liddi(ott, of Hamilton, nre visiting Mrs. Harrison and other relatives in town. • Tl a Misses Martha and Winnie Carling. of Brantford, are expected home this week to spend their vacs• I ion. Mr. Arthur Fellman and ;,Miss M. 11:seox. of Toronto, etre visiting with Mr. Iellmara's mother Airs. (Rev.) H. Hobbs. Mrs. M. L. !loose. of Schneetady. N. Y.. is spending at month with her sisters Mrs. Wen. llockey and Mrs. A. Cottle. Ales. Roger Crocker and son of Toronto. nre visiting the fornter's pnrents Mr. and Airs. Win.. Treb:c liu,'on street. J1 r. and ..Mrs. Ed. Taylor :and child - reit. of London. are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. \Vtn. Davis. Exeter North. Mr. Earl Spackman. of the Molsons' hank staff. Alvinston, is spending his vacation with his parents Mr. and M rs. Hugh Spackman. Al r;. 11. W. Anderson and her children Hazel and Donald from the Soo. are visiting Mrs. James Wood. 11rs. Anderson's mother. Mr. James. formerly of the Molsons hank staff here. and now with tin- t ranch at Ottawa. spent Sunday and :•ionday with friends in town. Mr. and .Mrs. Theo. Street, of Por - age La Prairie, who were visiting he former's tnother here. returned r oat Thursday to their home. \lies Laura AT. Shobbrook. and Master Norman Alarming. have re- turned home aft r n moth.'s vast with their cousin Ali=s Laving E. Kerslnke. Miss F. E. Carling. of St. Luke's hospitnl, New York. arrived home Sat•rrdey es -ening and will spend Oar( weeks with her parents, Mr. and sirs. T. It. Carling. The umbrellas given by the man- ager of the howling alleys for the three highest nverages in ten games tend: tiering the month of ,duly were won by J. .1. White 195.4; A. Ikrint- nell 1P1.9; (;. E. Anderson 181.9. Mrs. F.d. Irwin. of Norwich. who lin: been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett. jr.. returned to her home last Months accompan- ied by her sister Mix. Edna 111.s, tt and align Carrie Ther. Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Stenbory and children left on Tupsdnr morning for \t h for u here Mrs. Stnnhery will as the proprietor is going west. For particulars apply on the premises. ROBERT [DOWN, Drop. Exeter. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1,000 t. Over ane thousand step + dents enrolled by our chain f' last year. It pays to at- tend a link of this great t chain, for "IN UNION THERE IS STRti N(:TIi." The demand for nue 'I' graduate•" is THREE TIMES the sappy. •: Other schools engage j our graduates as teachers. -,f• A special course for teach- ers + Three courses -Cost St EIt- (•t-tr., STENOGRAPHY, and TE►.Eoit.\1'ijy. to Canada, taking up land on the Fourth concession of Stephen. w 111eh `�--- he c:eared and worked for twenty 1':11(M FOR SALT: years. Ile then came to Exeter and Tv o hundred ncres lots 20 and 20 for eome years conducted n store..' 10th and lith concession. of Step - He retired to private life severnii hen. The (arra has 10 acres good years ago. Two years after bis ar-, hn.•dtr•ood bush. /rink barn il' tt 30 rival in this country he awns m ur d e to lianas! Barretts who etc len • • ; , t. r I:ei:jec predeceased ``dell. hire four he I o'+tern nt th:• barn; good. orchard. •:••Fi•2•+•I•d•+S+:�Fd i� ::.;.;.; ; ;.}.;.:,I. was a Methodist and latttended religion the we Th, o�ehnrdtesliotrhrtnr�'urir ood James Street church. Hr is survived stmt of eu''1iv:ttion. good by one son, Isaac, and three daugh-; These farms n111 be sold together ters, Mrs. John -Moore, of \\'ow•ata•' or separate or will sell 150 acres. Snsk.; M rs. Burk, of .Mancelona.. Tosses;fou can b.• had on March 1st, Jlich., who was with hint during his 1010. 11 .lulus wish to purchase illness and Mrs. Sand. Willer, o' they can do their plowing now. For �inttcelona, Mich. The funeral was further particu:ars. apply to Thos. held yesterday, interment being in the Exeter ecmete It Alnrtyn. Exeter, Ont. Write for particulars. Clinton Business $ College Geo. Spotte•n, Prjncjpal. o+. ry. _ Mr. .1. W. Broderick treated themembers of the Alain Street Metho- dist choir and their tripods to n plc-; nie at Grand Bend one dray fast weak. TU\\'NSIIIP OF USi1ORNE Ale Broderick,uhen in town flesh's., Notice is hereby given that I have th.• ehojr with hisinging and they transmitted or delivered to the per- ry only sorry he is not nlway. wish `ons mentioned in Section Eight than. This is an annum affair silts of "The Voters' List Act." dr! copies f:ak.•s the choir for an outing. Mr. Broderick. ns every ting.r ho required by the said Section to be so Wetransmitted or delivered of the list Italy hitv.• been at larster pjenic+. but made pursuant to said Act. of all n biller one. Thr dol was all that persons appearing by the last Ite- could h• dcvirrd. the Inky calm and vi -ed Asr-es-n•ut Roll of the said everything :cn,mptuous• As the 81- Municipality to he entitled to vote 1 -rnoott was very nano in pace of in the enid Municipality nt Elections rjvthe e r usal sports wne all crossed the' for member: of the Legislative As - his ssherr oto It,•,•v.• spend. member:sent!;y and at Municipal elections hj. time while away front the worry andshat said Ii'I uas first iosted tip ►nunicipni affair+. (1n our return rat my offices \\'halm r o a the he 20th to Lent-rtt s park some :acrobatic felts day of July, 1909. and remains there were indulged in by emit., of the old- for in=pcction. Electors are called (incxls delivered to tory part of er members of the choir. Oh! that upon to examine the said list and it tnble nt supper time. W,• never shall any omission or other• errors nre the tewn forget it. Inden with every good found 'therein, to take immediate ihint. .t(ter ringine It'•• blessitoe proceedings 'to have the said errors got busy. Perfect si'e•n' • reigned for corrected according to law. n period. broken oce jn :a while by Dated this 201h day of July. 1909. remarks such as n!';rasp piss th FRANCIS M01u.F.Y i beans.' or 11 r. Broderick won!d like C:erk of the staid Municipality.' a pea'. 0• that 'emon pie.'' Finally I the scene was changed. We would ' hear 'some sly. "1 would like 10 harm The High School It part men' of 1h.1 n piece of that cake; i would lore to EXet••r Pubic Sefton! twill re-opetl have a piece of that pie. only 1 cant a tet• ulhrr 15t, with the fo'.lowlet ( eat any more. Th,•,t there entrap the staff, 1'r:neipi . \1', 11. \Veidenha111 1 spenkine. Tn:k nbont your silver rlI''r• II.:\ ; hirer Assistant. C. it. Me -I Inventions are out for the mnr- tonnit it orators. They nre not in it 1'-in'•y, It. :1,; Y'nmmrrcial yIP''it istjring- of Mi•s lith.•lda C. Itos+, eld- ttith ,come ewe had th pleasure o; A. M. .Iohn•on. The routs,. row,•re4. , •e dnughl.•r of Afr. and Mrs. 3. 1'. h,•nrinr. Ater the speeches Ihree is cotnp'.et' for second class r rtifjr, tins, formerly of Exeter. to Mr. henrty sheers were (Liven Mr. Tired- trs and junior nt'atrienintinn. T1; \\•1;:jarrt Robert Bellamy, 01 Van• prick noel we en assure you tut v last record of this srhonl Cie . i• . catty r. Th•• ceremony will lakeplsee were hearty. Yon could hear the, f,r•t in Ontario's list for the enure. nn Auuust 11th. nt ;he bride's ham w •it at her father's Dr. Eastwood. Srntch tones rn'nr'ing with the En,g.' covered. I1rsks e1lnt1 •d in order nfI ni (•,:g„ry. Mr. and Mrs. Bell •arny Ale Stanbury will go nn to Ottawa li•h. a beautiful combination. 1be-'app'icalion. Ji:n" clo d ttjth or -1'i will reside in Vancouver. The Time• where he will offend Grand Lodge 1. Ir. !leve this is n good place to stop -One 100 enroilyd students For sittinRs.joins ith n host of friends in b -'t U. O of the friends. address. J. 011100. . tnty• t�ishcs.w, as i _Ad 4 NEW fOYI8IOfl Iore ilaving leased the store pro- perty of Mr. J. W. Broderick, Main Street, 1 beg to announce to the public that i have opened out business in the line of Gen- eral Provisions. FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOOD ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, GRAiN, ET('. ETC. The vert• best grades of flour always eel hand. \Ve invite your patronage and solicit it cell from you Bl'Otl('1'ick'S OM .Stand d. EIDT 4 TIIERE'S A PILE OF. VALUE in ,t sack of Star flour. It makes better bread and healthier puepic of those ss -ho cat it. STAR FLOUR MAi:ES MORE' and better loaves to the sack than any other. It is to good that there are many imitations of It. So In Or- der to be sure of the best be careful to get the Star and take no other. HARVEY BRf Here's Good News The ntat•ket prices for old junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & S one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following prices (no trade, and no truck) all cash. Rags 75 c. per hundred Iron from 6Oc to 75c. per him. Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. lb, Copper and brass Oe. per lb. Horse hair 30c. per Ib. Lead and zinc 2 1;2c. per 1b. firing your goods here and get the worth of your money. A great variety of IRON PiPRalways on hand at n rea- sonable price, suitable for fence poste, bracing bnulevarding, M. Jackson & sons Fall Term From Sept. 1st CENTRAL STRATiORO. ONT. After twenty two yearn of sol- id work wt. have become the lar- gest. hest and most successful practical training maim)] in Wes- tern Ontario with no superior in Canada. Three departmenta- tOwtlls:in IAL, SII01(T11ANU Tkl.EOItAI'll t• We Assist graduates to posi- tions as well as give a most thor-I ough training. (let our free cat- ningne nt now.. ELLIOTT ,h Mrf,Arlif.A. 1'u incipale. TO '1V OT1 • WELL EAT 't' ELI. You can't work well it you don't eat well. You can't eat ts.•11 if yon don't feel well. Are you thin. wen k. rues down. ner- vonsf Iinve n coir;rt' or eo:e1.' Take ItltUCK'S •rAsTELES:4 COO LiVER 011. and you'll feel new life. returning erten!, from the ,:furl. IS, • • it up 1111 your flesh comes bark ..1 yon feel like' dating every- thing t sight. T'• :t yoe'll be strong. n , -ib:e 10 lake your 1 et. in the fight. physicians recommend if. Ail a te.el, • • 11 (lite 1Asvv..txma W. S. Howey, Phm, B. Chemist And Optician EXETER - ONTA RIO. 1