Exeter Times, 1909-08-05, Page 5iJ 4 1 rk- -...11.711111111.11••• a."/".1.1r- 6.4r TELE EXETER 'TIMES, AUG. 5th 1909 k ov 1 Gives Strength and Vigor Crediton Ellmvllle l Th: fa:1 wheat harvest is coutplet- ' ed and th • crop Itis been .t very STAIts VS. .\11.5:\ CRAIG i good one and a:ready the hum of Au exeitiu . game of baseball will , :he tor, -h.•r is beard and reports soy , be played here Monday evening be- : t h • yield is good. i t%even Ai:sa Craig and the Stars. ` ."1 -s LidaUke. of 'Toronto. spent The Craig te:uu has been greatly i n few drays last week the: guest of i • strengthened and have this season de- Mr. and Mrs. ,los. Hawkins• i A very pleasant event took pluc. tented 1'.irkhill, Arkona and Forest 1 Several of our young folks intend at the horse of Mr. and Dl Win. so a fast game is expected. taking in thepicnic to the llend on Rohde. on %Vednesday, July :Nth, at On Friday evening a gauze will b: Thursday. 1 high uuou, when their second d:aa:gh- There-46 .nothing which so quickly restores strength and played with the Greystcads on th lies. lioeder, o[ scut l'.11Lhill sp•utter, Florence, became the bride of Crediton Grounds. Don't fail to see a few days The guest of ti r another Mr. Fred Henderson. :t prosperous TI Mrs. nt. Slecunon. energy after an illness .as a daily) of I O CIL. Asa this •ram,,, young Londoner. \\ File the tt• ctlding cup A horse belonging to Bill & Co..l Miss Sprin;fstead, o` St. :Marys,' rat:arch tta5 being played by Miss Rate W Mitchell, who have the contract for' spent a few days the guest of Mrs.' Henderson. sister of the t'room, the the iron work for the new bridge be -1 John Miners. goom took Lis place is the parlor. ing constructed across the river at Mr. Sid Wilson had th • misfor- t thre bride follow ing, leaning on tb • Crediton East, was killed Monday of-' time to have his driver get its leg armof her father and unattended. ternoon by falling over the abutment' broken while running in the pasture The bride was tastefully attired in a after running away at being fright -1• but the animal is doing nicely and, princess gown of cream silk cmbroi- cned at an :approaching autornobile.� recover. i dered eolic111n4. trimmed with baby Ttvu horses were attached to a tv:ag- Miss Ela :and Vera Motes.. of Cred-'Trish lace ad insertion, and wore a on loaded with iron and were stand- iton East, are visiting their grand-' bridal Ivrea. h. After the ceremony ing a short distance from the bridge mother Mrs. Thos. Heywood for n f •w•. the party proceed!, d to the dining - the driver being engaged assisting to weeks.: roost, where a :utptuous wedding unload :another wagon across the Mr. J. Whitford w -a, :aid up last dinner tins prowl: d by the Lost gad river. The auto came up the Fourth week. hostess. The follutviug morning the concession and on turning the corner Mt . Wesley Horn • -t1 •rat pert of happy couple left for their hotne in towards Crediton the driver grave the wed: :at 17r,.ul need.: Lonson, where they will reside. signal announcing his approach when Mr. Osler Morley, has purchased a Miss Olivia \Veltin, who is taking - - the driverless horses -ran towards the bridge. The wagon struck one side of the bridge and the horses fell to tits river bed below, breaking the . • r the tvngon in their descent One u sue horses was in a short time able to get up. but the fall kill- DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk: BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE ea Old Folks' Livers need an occasional stirring up to keep them from being constipated, bilious and generally run down. At the same time, the laxative must nut be so violent as to shock the system and cause sinking and sickness. is the ideal treatment for old folks' livers -never fails to act, yet never shocks. A tonic as well as a laxative. Best for con- stipation, rheumatism, biliousness -any and all trouble; of liver, stomach and bowels. Take an NR tablet to- �.. night -you'll feel better in the morning. ss Get a 25c Box For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. MEN -WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST IIE9ICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. YOUNG Oit MIDDLE-AGED MEN yho ner.1 thes,•rviers of expert specialists '� t.hn'tu y to your money in tree! ing with .• _ �L r. i dw doctors you know nothing of, h • waste • }, your money with worthless electric belts ►. „ 1 or drug store nostrums, when you can get guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment from these Master Specialists. Drs. K. & K. nave treated l•atieut$ throughout (sonata for over to y(eus and aril responsible finan- cially. They accept only curable cases and .Lould your e: serove incurable it need not cost you a rent. If you are unable to call at our ()nice for a personal exautlnation we will .tend aQuest ion list for you to till up from which wo can diagnose your case and tell you whether you aro curable. or not. 'Then wo will prescribe specific remedies for your Individual case which you can take at honto. Wo have no cure-all remedy that we send to everybody alike as most specialists do, but we prescribe the rern- cues required for each individual case to complete a cure. That's one of the secrets of our wonderful seiretss when others fall. Send for our Free Booklet on Diseases of Men IIllu5raled.. CURESGUARANTEED OR NO PAY a M.� ).,Ir ..:' • i1jl;ita' 1- .14.4 :i.t..f.Intit15i' aF ... • a -S ; • ,t t els � y.e I;uur•tnlco t•, e'nr.• Nervous Debility. Blood Disease., Varicose Veins, Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases CONSULTATION FREE 1f unable to call. write for a Question Blank for Home Treatment DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. "As ye S e w Miss I been Klrkto8 Snoody. engaged So shall you Reap„ tort esehool fur the near. Mr. and .lits. Dr. Rcostiode •rs, yof North ;'Caro.int, :are visiting mends here. Mr. Bert Taylor, of Cleveland. is visiting his parents. Mr. and :Mrs. Jncob Taylor. Mr. Harvey Vickers spent Sunday rat his home here. \\'.- are sorry to hear that Mrs. ,lits. Murray. who has been sick, is reported to b,• no better. Mnr)- 11:,zlewoor1. who was v'-itica: friends in a\larkd:ale has re- turned home. \irs. Stinson from •Manitoba. is vis Ring at (tont. Davis' Miss Inn Hoskin has returned home niter visiting fri+•nds in Exeter. Quit- a number from It:irkton at- tended the i-1ncrarn •nt r reit • held in Saient church. It.•s. Sue:l irreneh al a v r•y able and interesting s rums to a It • young men :::4t Smithy evenni,•. \\'.• ore pleased to stst • the, Mrs. It. 11, Vol, •:rind. who has been con- fIn•.I to 1h• !muss owing to blond !ur.•a:. , •: in her hand. is able to be nrot+ad 9;taln. Ansa Effie Cornish is home for her holidays. Mr. I. \\iliums and Mr. .1 Hanna nr • bels) uith the threshing ngtin. The u h• :at is r tinning good and so • - h•. , d. lir. A. Francis used 100 to ;n , for 25 acres. as thorobreed Jersey cow and intends to go into the dairy business. .11r \Vesley Parkinson. spent Sun- day in London. .1i-ses Bertha and Sadie Anderson of Fullartun. are visiting at their grandmother's Mrs. Wicks. ed the other one. The parties in Mrs. Osler Morley is spending :t the auto backed up and going around few days with her parents in Kirk - the five mile block returned to the bon. scenescene of The accident, willing to give any assistance they could. Mi-ses Othello and Vera Motz are vi-iting their grandmother Mrs. T. Heywood at Eliutville. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Motz spent Sun- day at Grand Bend. Mr. Frazer Brown spent Sunday in Dashwood visiting friends. The Misses Wein, of London, are visiting their parents here for a few weeks. Mr. August Kuhn has returned to Strut ord aft -•r ;spending his holidays nrot.nd here. Mrs. \V. Lewis, of Battle Creek', is visiting her sister Mrs. 1). Sweit- zer for a few- weeks. Mrs. Umhnek and grandchild. of Waterloo, are visiting friends here. Mr. Fred Harris. of Parkhill is her: spending n few dnys visiting with friends. Miss Edna Brock, of Exeter, is vis- iting her sister. 'Mrs. Vert Cinrk. Mr. Art Zw-ieker. of London. spent Sunday in town visiting relatives and friends. The Misses Armstrong.. of Exeter were the guests of Mrs. C. Fabrics on Sunday. Mr. Garnet Baker, of London, is spending a few days in town visit- ing friends. • �,' • \1 Way. o: Centralis was the guest of Miss A. iiia on Sunday. Mr. I►. Sw-eitz'r is spending a few week, in Rattle 1Crcek. Miss Madelin • Bertrand is spend - n few days in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. F. I101y;1 d have re- turned Horne n fter camping at the Bend for n few weeks. Mr.Mrs. F.Clarke and tam - :y and rtd f m e O1' where :t• .tv . one to no. For th:•, h .rill visit friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. iickling. nnd fam- ily. of London, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. '1'revethiek. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 'flitch have re- turned home after ,pending n few treks in Ill.-nhoim. Dr. awl Mrs. Orme nttd daughter, if 'Centro ia, visited in town one day Last week. Igo la 1e for last tvec1:. Mrs. C. llnist and Clnra Iloltz- ntnnu, who have been visiting a few weeks in Colborne. return,d home Tuesday evening. Mr. Albert :Morlock and Mr. J. Lawson were in London on Sunday to of lit. art's, has bring home the latter's auto which teacher of the Kirk- was left there for r.•pairs. A large number from here attend- ed the funeral of Mr. 11. Coughlin on Tuesday forenoon. Many friends of Mr. James. mana- ger, of hank of Commerce here. will be sorry to learn that he has been removed to :Sunnyside. Prince Edward is:and. Mr. latnes during his stay here has made tunny warm fr; •nds. and on Monday everting a number of friends met in Dr. McCue's office and presented h'rn with a beautiful sig- net ring. which goes to show the high esteem in which he wns held. Mr. Monsen spent Sunday rat his home in Winghnm. Mr. I). drown. our geninl post- master, is having his premises int - proved by a new .steel roof. Miss .lames. of Toronto. spent n few days in town, the guest at the Ct•ntsal. Mrs. Rev. C. F. a few weeks with Dnv:d E!tahl. The Misses Tilly and Entine' Wein. of London. are s •. tiding a few n 1 , gr r days under the parental roof. Mrs. (:.. N. Braun is offending the (one rni of Mrs. D. f'inl:h in •r. of S h •tt Hing. Mich. Mrs. 1l. Either is visiting her sis- ter Mrs. .-l. Eilber. of t'bl•y. Mich. :•!r. Webb. of London. is spending V.;::ft w holidays the guest of Mr. .1. \V,•i n. The Misses Hort snail arc spending I11 • ho:idnys under the port ntal roof. ;\i We are constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy We are reaping sati•tfii'd CDS tomel'o. Natural, isn't it Whet' .v0 --ow our ad verti•hutent in the nett•sitln-, s, stating the ;n ice fur is Stitt, Cost, Trousers, co. whatever the ad. might suggest, we include the baat of everything in that stilt. The best Cloth, the best linings, the best I'adding's, the best 'Thread ere.. As well as the best of our ability in Cut- ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't We reap our tewarets a 'f-: tono sowed t t) you as This ctrl. is AO 1 W 1 y of our customers. When you need et Snit. (oil t, T`1'o113t'1%4 UI' Fancy Vest, let this a.l. lead you In ant' sh• n where we cern prove to )'OIs that the live up to tiro wt•rd. J. I. Holtzrann (":E1)1 FON. Reumatism they,. found a tried ant tested rr- • for R'•eu- (at•ttam! Not a remedy that wills .ehton the dytortoil limbs of chronic cripples, urn . rn long nwil.i back to flesh a in. That It an.. •.,Ile. I ••an now surely kill' the pains and pass. of sate d••ptorAble dis•sse. In t;.•rrtlan -with a Chertbt In the city of t�nn tad'-iT retina the last ingretsient w Ith which lar Rhone's Rheumatic Remaly was made • p'tfett.••1, d.•pendable pr-5eriptlal. without Ghat hist Ingre.It.•r t. 1 successfully treated many. •uhny eases of R h. a:matism: but now. at 1a:t. it unt. florally cures all curable cases of this her tofore •lut•ti dreaded dliea.e.. Those wandlike granular pates. found an Rheumatic Rirxld. seem t.dlssr.lve seta eau away .miler the action of this remedy as trr,•ly as .toes sugar when added to pure water. And then. It ben dissolved. these posonou• wastes trr,•11 is trent rho system. and the ea,.•e of Rheumatism 14 pxae forever. There 14 mew no gwal neat -no actual rxehue to suffer longer alth- ea; help• we sell. and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy w. S. HOWEY. Winchelsen Mrs. Richardson 1111(1 son. of Lott- . don. rcttirned home Monday after a t short visit at she hoot • of Mr. \\•m. 1) •lbridg.'. Mr. and Mrs. •\V. W. Kerr visited • friends near Lucan Sunday. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. 11. Francis serious illness. AV hope for )n speedy recovery. Mr•. I'.dwnrd Leaderbouse Is visit- ing rat Itansomvi:l•, ger husband hnv- ing been rolled there one to the ill- ness of his broth r. *IFX 4M1T11 The Ittupbcrry social held on T;:.s- day evening of last week was •a gr•end r • 111 • weather nos an chit : •l 1, 41 sired and n large crowd a' 1, r, d to partake of 1 he good - for which the Sessmith people doted. The programme also was consisting of music. songs nnd • hes. Thr proceeds amounted to o v, t thirty one dollnrs. ltrntin. is visiting her mother Mrs. IlAltl'I.EY Mrs. •\V. A. :Mo:lard. o: Duluth's who has been in Mt. Clemens for sev- rat wt•r•ks. is visiting h: r mot hell. :lir Geo. $h••rritt. \lis:, Ile•n:rice Turnb•I:!. of Drew- •t.•re visited her cousin Mk-. E'•a Love• the first of the week. •Martha Hodgins. of London. • sisitin,r under the pnrental roof for tt few weeks. sIrs. T. Fallis has returned home from Detroit. Mnster (Milo Monro is visiting Art. M.•Ilin rat present. `.lisle s \Ini?d and 'alae 'lodging n:.o 'liss Edith find ',Mr. Lloyd Tay - :or took in the escnrsion to the Falls on t h•• 20• h. '.i re -los••ih hickey also trent. Mneion 'll••rritt spent Mon- dry afternoon with her frit nrl Mis• lis $herritt. Whalen Miss Hilda Gunning returned home Tuesday after :t pleasant visit with relatives in St. Marys. Mr. Samuel .\lillson, of near Mit- chell, visited at his brother's here on Friday last. Mrs. \Vm. Row-ecliffe and Drs. J. Brock. from near Exeter, visited with Mrs. .1. V. Millson on Thursday. Mrs. John Totes. .\Misses Bertha and Uertie Su t herby and Harvey Sot - herby visited stIt1► their mother here on Sunday. \ir. Wm. 'Poles. of London and Miss McDona:d visited friends here on Sunday last. Mr. Mutt, our junior pastor visit- ed this appointment on Thursday. Rev. 'Carlos Dinsmore with his wife and two children, of Anderson, ind.. -;tile 5111011 a few days last tweet: visited here the guests of Mr. .1. V. with friends in Detroit.. Ali!lson• Miss truth Elliott, of St. Paul, who Our pastor, iter. Watson. preach- has been visit int; her uncle, Mr. \V. et -.veva: weeks. leave, Monday for her home, visiting at London and 'Toronto enronte. Mi 'Katie Elliott will accompany her es far as 'Toronto. The Misses Wood, of London, art• visiting their aunts the Misses \\ 1' - son. The Rev. W. 11. Hort di- iv.'red a song sermon on Sunday evening. en- titled 'Sowing and rrnping.'• Excel- -lent music was furnished by the choir under the lendership of Miss Neil. Miss i'earl Ilewitt, of Detroit, is visiting her cousin Mil: Eileen Caves '1'h,• Ladies' Aid h • d their annual picnic at Epworth Park on Thurs- was r � cx- A •er • enjoyable tt n do •. ) periencecl by Lhose present. An interesting gnnte of ball w•ns played on the Recreation grounds on Tuesday evening between tate Pick- ups and the Stuck -ups. The score re- sulted 8-5 in favor of the latter. Our baseball team played their re- turn game at Lucan on Thursday with the score 5-1 in favor of the hotne team. - Misses iva and Vera Essery aro camping; at the (tend. A1iss,s Laura and Mable Butt re- turned horse 'Tuesday evening after taking a two weeks' trip to Toronto. Ningars half and other interesting p:ac,•s. Mrs. J. G. E. Ilett returned to her hotly. in I)etrott niter sp,nding sev- eral weeks rat Epworth Park. MissElsie llandford. of Londorl, is •:siting tit Ills home of J. 'landlord. a course i n nursing in a \Vincisor Hospital is visiting with her parents here for a few weeks. The Misses Olive and Flo. Fenn, of Parkhill, who have been visiting with friends here t h:• past week returned to their home on Monday. L1r. and \t11. J. Brown visited at E. 'Tieman's on Sunday. ltev. and Mrs. L. K. Eidt are visi- ting friends in Iterliu and Lisbon. Mrs. R. .1. Donebey returned to Toronto on Friday. \1r. and Mrs. Shaeffer and family of Parkhill. vi-ited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Editor and family .spent Sunday with friends in town. S1r. 'Milton II. Cooke, of Berlin, is vi -iting at the home of Mr. J. Goetz. Miss Lilile Davis, of 'London. .s v'. -icing her parents hero. Mr. it nd •\lrs. Merman. of 'I'•avistock, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Goetz for a few days. , Mr. I'. Draft who has been very ill is able to b • out again. Centralia Mrs. W. It. Elliott and daughter ed here in the afternoon. while Rev. Dinsmore delivered an excellent ser- mon in rho evening. Both services sv re well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ogden and Miss Vera Ogden visited friends at Staf- fs oil Sunday. August time, tells on the nerves. But tont spiritless., no ambition feel- ing can be easily and quickly .•altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere :as 1)r. Shoop's Restor- ative. Within 48 hours nftr•r begin- ning to use the Restorative. improve- ment will be noticed. Of course, full 1edict I ' return. will not 'tom t c hen'th tl 1 ) The gain, however, will surely follow. ‘nd best of all. you will realize and •.•1 your strength and ambition as it. is r:turning. Outside influences de- press first the "inside nerves'' then the i o►anch. heart and kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these fail- ing nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restor- ative and s' -e how quickly health will be your gain. Sold by W. S. Ilowey. Zurich Miss Tillie Johnston, of the Domin- ion (louse was severely injured 'a few days ago, by being thrown out of as light wagun. The hind wheel pas- sed over her hip. and while no bones were broken it will b: some weeks before she is able to get around. The Herald last we k entered on its tenth year of { ublication. Bro. Zen. r is to be complimented on the to to •y :ittk' paper he gets 0111 each we -1, and is entitled to the pit ronage that is doe him. Two rinks of our bowlers went to Dashwood on \Vedncsdsy of last week one of the rinks winning, while the other w•as defeated. The Zurich litigant! team added an- other scalp to their already large list on Friday. when they went to Vinton and trimmed the league team of that town 7-0. STEPHEN N gray Put a d -t>.. Thursday even- ing tltiring I It o vet. • Thunder storm that: 1'-s,d over Iles rection, th• Silas y . I:ts 1 r 1 ,• ;:u••i to i 1 rokt tt hlr . haea ,. R Oil .ltd • Ninth conc. -sion was struck by : iii Moe. w-1 tin: lire to he has ilm• to s s:ored ?h,'r,•in. Fortunll - .y .; 1514 s,•.•n by Mr. Brok.•nsbire in t,au • : n 1 :.:nlrough nearly blinded :and sol: ,t:tied si:ns fought the fire lin- t:, it e, a4 put out. The ladies did tt • : carrying tinter and not going. into a { +sir :,s is generally the cgs•• o1 •ceh uecas:ona. About Twenty of sit• lie:abhors hurried to assist. bit: the fir.- stats quench .1 before some of them could • .'t t 11 •r . The barn way not mach den. •1. hilt s1r. 4 rok•nshir- ti:1 hat,.• the • or four Ions of hay damn;:, d by etaler arid senates its burn and contents fu:- )' :114ar r) in th,- Hay \Inlnil. 1 r if i CONTAIN* Ito ANIMAL Ol l .e IAT , • sOa ANT MINERAL Pal IIestryAll Q c r s urs BRUISES .SORES •BURNS .1!Lr: t•:Mel45 ECZEMA • RSIUMATISM- -'CA PAD acs .SORT HEADS C et, ct3 PANGS VNLQUtal r0 les c..r.. St r7:73. - cycarsrs.lo0rssu Oily f: s • SIORTSNEN CINfRAtr/ e�aROCATto'' • MERS • or When troubled v Ph ebe._ au biirn,blisters, insect stir:;;s, :ore feet, or beet rosl'es, apply Zam-Buk ! Surprising bow quickly it •:est the smartirg and stirging ! Cures sores on young bshics doe to chafing. Zam-Buk is made from pure !lc ;brit essences. No cnirnal fats - no mineral poieons. Finest healer! Ki :7t'Oilleastestais*7RT�R1Aa s - leg ) 11/11111111111116 Siebert & Co. Our object is to swell the saes of August troll slake it one of the best months of the Fear. Hence to cut prices 111 the following. Men's 2 piece Summer Suit. Ladies White Shirt Waists Dress lengths of Dress Goods in different shades Balance of trimmed and untrimmed summer hats Balance of cur Lace Curtains Remnants in Dress Goods, Prints, Gingham, Fancy sluslins I crate of Glassware regular 1 ice and roc. Dinner Sets Give us your trade and we will save you good money. Siebert & Co. Hartletb Block. i)t\SHWOOD THE IDASHWOOO PLANING MILL CO , Limited, Have on 11and and for Sale CHEAP Pine and Hemlock Lumber; Shingles, Lithe, Posts, Sash, Doors, Fraises Flooring and Siding. We sell the celebrated Paroill Rooting -None Better All kinds of Factory work done to order for which our prices are reasonable. Just to hand, a large import order of WINDOW GLASS which we will sell at very close prices. Now is the time to order your I Iay Racks and Water Troughs. Call in and See u -i. The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited. I)tlsltta neat, Ottt. CANADIAN NATIONAL [XHIBITI0N TORONTO August 28th 1909 - September 13th g Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. Forty industries in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate at openin' ceremonies on Tuesday, Aug•ist 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Camp -Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Cotnpetitions be- tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery ---Artillery Drive -Musical Ride, etc. GREAT DOUBLE BILL OF FIREWORKS Dreadnoughts in Naval Battle THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA WATCH FOR REDUCED RATES AND EXCURSIONS. For all information write Manager J. O. ORR, Ci!y Hall, Toronto. 1000 Yen in Uniform . ` 41' .r;. I,). a't�•1'`r�l�i l-1 Iiicycles are :. vs • oming back into popular favor, tile demand this year being :i5e !lanes what it 11'as five years ago. \\'c have planned for it in too ways ---by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we car. for pl)pui.trselling, and saving to our customer, all intermediate pro - tits by filling orders dirt/ by i:: ri/ instead of through agents. In this way we can u!-G•r $50 Wheels for $25 and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the ul•cclsis all right -- only the best materials used and only skilled teech.anics employed in construction. The ecptipment is right up•to•datn tut.', the machines throughout arc such as we can thoroughly recommend. \\'e sell automo biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheel, serve as a good advertisement to the entire business. Send for illustrated folder. HYYSLOI' BROS., Litnit-d High -Class Automobiles geed Bic cies Y TORONTO, ONT Shipkn A number from here spent Sunday rat the lien&. ,. One of the very oldest resid:nt9 Messrs. S. .1. Hw•eitzer and \•.I Oliver were here one day last we k rd 1. -- ;1 : w•ay on Thers- day..1uiy 22nd, 9Ii-. Eliza Ill.,ckwell, Mei. nigh- r• et: of the late Hugh Berry, and mother of :Mr. Robert Merry, ca - warden of the county of Perth. Mrs. !terry had passed her eight. ith year and during all that. time had nrver knonn the meaning of ill -health. Never until a few months ago had she been under tit, doctor's care. it Zurich. Death resulted from an attack of it is a Tonic you \s'antl Physicing lowers Miss •5. Robison. of Detroit, it heart trouble. The late Mrs. Berry spending n fi w drys with her grand was born in London township. All the system and makes it more susceptible +anth••r Mr'. Mei'h •,•. the n;c of 11 ahs cerrgr with her i' r - to disease. The winter months have been Mr. .1. A. Breen left lett week for cors io Fish Creek. For the rest t •great strain upon your vitality and unless you put the Flood in good the northwest• her life she mad,. het borne in t o condition all manner of evils will overtakeyou. PSYCHINE is the ,11 r. n, ttntz 11nd Ron Harvey, of tottn'hip of Illansh'1rd. ser father, 1 hillipshurlr. spent n fete dtvs with the Inte John 1)1arkwc•'l, was at on- Of Greatest of Tonics and should be taken by every one at this season the former'., sister lir.. L. `1Vintr. time clerk o[ th township. Up Of the year. PSYCHINE assists the gastric Juices and ferments in Mist Mire Gni, •r i• spending is few the time of ger tl, nth she mad t eir digestion of the food, cleanses the mucous membrane of the days with h r 'enel,• Ji r. J. (Iaiser,ot boort ttitb (h• family of her loos , Crediton. wnrd,.h Mohr. Itt rr The dcc 1 tomach, and has an Invigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles Mr. q. Bweitzer is busy giving his weal a w'ornan of splendid char and nerves. For Catarrh of the Stomach, Ulceration or Weak Stom- hue the appearance of a new one and nos highly revered aS a wig • 1 ach,Dyy's�pepsia,the use („ PSYCHINE is strongly advisable. painting it. ,,,,,her. �n,. ata: lire -Ione 11 r PSYCH1NE acting on the Stomach restores it to a healthy condition The Mis•.-s T. and C. Grey return• of rh• F:nKli•it church Thur r0 District E n The Messrs. J. and W. lin. of Detroit, spent a few days with 'dr. and Mrs• 1'. )fcl:enzi�'. Mr. and Mrs. 8. ltichtrd•on. of Lon - pont n t -w days with Mr. and :-ir4. .1. I4:tynhim. Th • Messrs. \. Gaiser and C. Fink- beiner spent Sunday with relatives • then acts through the stomach upon all the vital organs, creates an appetite, Fringing ed to tb :r born -in Stratford last ttvo children, Rob ,rt Nlansb•trd, ,,rad enewed vitalit nd strep th tot a entire • stem andenables it tot row o disease _ s. Nor grnvr. of. Marys 'ho r y g h y ht h �tCee \ir ` th tat \f b Women with talo cc toeless faceR of every kind. It is the greatest health- y OAtIBZ'OA=d• also leaves two si,tors and a hrothrit who feel ttt,k 'trot disrourag rd, ttiB 0 JSTORTA. 1 iver sown to medical science „ , Mrs. Shoebottom. of London 7p. Mil. 1�e II'nd Yat11111 A't►a s ala�*t ` �t °°•_. y.cta s..cEn: T!e K .0 Ytl Hoe A,wa receive bot h vaunt al and bodily vigor Bears the Send toDr.T. A.ALori"St,I mite 1. Toronto, i 111&11 the /�/w Webster, of Tt, .ton, and Jamey by using Cartc+'s iron fills. «Lich Btgts air A for a Free sample to -day. An druggists and 1 G:I ' triton /p '' lBackwell, of �tu;koka. oro made for tbo bloc&, nerves and1 of s:orussllPr,Yt llJii atsctcandtl we bottle of eomplexioo. a i ONICS WA tf Atm All) fl+tPY