Exeter Times, 1909-08-05, Page 4f J.HE EXETER TIMES, AUG. lith 1909. BY-LAW NO.--- ilyLaw No. of the Vil- lage of Exeter, to authorize the borrowing of the sum of $22,000- 00 for Water Works purposes. IVIIFatEAS it is desirable iu the p':btle interests that the Corpna- tlon of the Village of Exeter should acquire, construct, operate and main- tain a system of waterworks within the said municipality for fire, protec- tion and other purposes. AND WHEREAS an agreement It a been entered into between the said Corporation and James N. Howard for the purchase (subject to the ap- proval of the ratepayers of said vii+ lege) of that part of the river bed and beaks of the Aux 'Sable River known as the Mill property and be- ing all that part of Lot number nine- teen, in the First Concession of the Township of L-eborne, (now Exeter) 5. That the votes of the Electors owned by the said James N. Howard 'of the said Village of Exeter entitle for the price or bum of $1700.110 ed to vote on this By -Law be taken AND WHEREAS it is advisable to on Friday the 20th day of August, purchase said Howard property and 1909, commencing at Nine o'clock in the forenoonn continuing to construct and maintain a dam and and o i 6 until pumping Marion thereon and to er- fate o'clock in the afternoon of the ect n Water Tower or Mand pipe in same day at the following .places some suitable location in said village within the said Village of Exeter by and to Iny water mains connecting, the following Deputy Returning Of- • said pumping station and stand pipe alto, rs:- ' and along Main Street in the said lolling sub -division No. 1, at BiI- ,Vilinge and to otherwise fully ei- its llandford's Residence, Ed. Treble nip. maintain and operate paid sys- D. H. O. Herbert Ford Yost Clerk: Polling Sub -division No. L', 'Weekes' tern. AND 'WHEREAS it has been esti- Marble Shop, Main Street, W. D. \Veekes, D. R. 0., James Weekes Poll mated that it will require the bum Clerk: Polling Sub -division No. 3, E. ofg V2000.00 to purchase said pro- II. Fish's Residence. Main Street, R. G. Beldon, D. R. 0., Alex G. Dyer, Poll Clerk : Polling Sub -division No. 4, Town Ball, M. E. Huston, D. R. 0., It. N. Taylor, .Poll Clerk. 6 That Wednesday, the 18th day of August 1909 at Eleven o'clock in row upon the credit of the said Mute- the forenoon, shall be the day and icipalityupthe credit of .the said t the 'Clerk's office in the Town Hall in the Village of Exeter shall be the AND 'WHEREAS for the purposes place where the Reeve shall attend aforesaid it will be necessary .to is- tto appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf or persons in- terested in promoting or opposing the this By -Law respectively. 7. That the Clerk of the Corpora- tion of the said Village of Exeter shall attend at his office in the said erection of said dam, Pumping stn Village of Exeter at Twelve o'clock tion and stand pipe and the laying noon on Saturday the 21st day of of said water mains and the equip- August, 1909, to sum up the number 'meat of said system and for no other of votes given for and against this purposes. By -Law. ANI) WHEREAS it is desirable to make the principal of the ',aid debt repayable by annual instalments dur- ing the period of twenty years next after the issue of the debentures therefor. such instalments of princi- pal to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for prin- cipal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and in- terest during each of the other years. AND WHEREAS it will be necess- ary to raise annually for the period of twenty years during the currency of the debentures to be issued here- under by a special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable proper- ty within the municipality the sum of $1765.31 for the paying the sev- eral instalments of principal and in- terest thereon at the rate of five per cent per annum, years for principal and interest in respect of the raid debt as follows. Principal Interest Total -Amount In the year 1910, 665.31 1100.00 1 ,65.3a p;•rt cant p..r. 11e is an all-round ! !candy uaut, :cud was en the job from .tart to finish equal to auyihin[;. Mr A. E. Robertson. of Auburr, acted es tent lender and assisted with the religious woik. physical 1911 693.64 1066.70 1765.31 cork and everything else that was 1919 733.54 1031.60 1765.,11 going on. Ills addresses were inspir- 1913 770.19 995.1.5 1765.31 ing, and his pleasing manner and per - 1911 808.69 956.65 1765.34 sonality loon the heart of every boy 1915 849.19 916.15 1765.34 for hint. 1916 F91.61 873.70 1765.31 Mr. Cullens, Provincial Secretary, 1917 936.19 829.15 1765.34 . London. was present for the first 191$ 982.99 782.35 1765,34 hall of the camp, and made lots of 1919 1032.14 733.20 1765.34 fun for everybody. Ile is an expert 19.20 1083.74 681.60 1765.31 at baseball, dish -washing :and camp 1921 1137.94 627.40 1765.31 fire talks. Ile conduct.•d the camp's 1922 1194.81 570.50 1765.34 church :services on Sunday. Ile de - 1923 1254.59 510.73 1763.34 iivered a splendid sermon Sunday 1924 1317.29 44x.05 1765.31 morning on the Q3rd Psalm, and in 1925 1383.18 382.15 1765.34 the evening around the camp fire, 1926 1452.34 :113.00 1765.34 preached an evangelical eertnon on 1927 1524.99 240.35 1765.34 ' Zacohaeus seeking Jesus." 192.13 1601.24 J61.10 1765.34 No better group of boys could be 19.29 1681.29 84.05 1765.34 found in Iluron or any other county in Ontario, than the group that were there. representing Exeter, Seaforth Zurich, Auburn and Clinton. Every boy was in the camp spirit, doing all he could to help everything on, being agreeable. and helping "the other fellow" to enjoy himself. Every - bode was one, and friendships were formed which will last, and brighten the lives of 'the boys throughout the coating year. and which we hope. will be renewed next year, in the same place and on the same occasion. Everybody /took a forward step in the building up of it strong, clean, body and the development of a Christian character. A Bible -reading circle was formed of all who wero there, to read daily at 9.30 p. m. a portion of God's word simultaneously. 'What on inspiring thought for each one, to know that when he sits down to rend nt this hour daily, the rest of his camp companions are sitting down at the same time for the same pure pose -absent frorn one nnother, but together. Th, expectation is that next year the committee will have all the boys in camp they will be able to accom- modate. Let us all help this thing :along. 4. That this 73y -Law shall coma in- to force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. perty, erect said dam, pumping sta- tion and stand pipe and to lay ,said water mains 'and ,equip said water system. AND •\VHEREAS it is necessary for the said .purposes for the said Corpor- ation of the Village of Exeter to bor- sue debentures of the said municipal- ity of the Village of Exeter for the said sum of $22000.00 find interest as hereinafter provided which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By -Law. the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied in the acquisition of said lands, the AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter according ,to the last revised Assessment Roll is the sum of $573,503.00, ANI) WHEREAS the existing de- benture debt of the said Village ex- clusive of local improvement deben- ture debt secured by special. assess talents therefor amounts to the sum of $1.2,864.21 and no part of the prin- cipal or interest thereof is in arrears. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter enacts its fol- 1ows:- 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Village of Exeter to bor- row on the credit of the said Corpor- ation of the Village of Exeter the sunt of $22.000.00 for the purposes hereinbefore bet forth and for that eurpo.ee to issue debentures o: the said municipality to the amount of 42.000.60 in sums of not less than $100 each and such debentures shall 'ES e,igned by the Reeve of the said Corporation for the time being and countersigned by the Teasurer for the time being of the said Corpoation and duly sealed witb the Corporate Seal th.•reoft a Rich seal the Clerk for the time being of said Corporatipn is hereby authorized and directed to NOTICE The above is a true copy of the pro- posed By -Law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exe- ter in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first publication in the Exeter (Times and Exeter Ad- vocate newspapers, which first pub- lication was on the 15th day of July 1 1909. and at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the Electors at poll will be held. Every Leaseholder entitled by law to vote on the proposed By -Law shall at least ten days next preceding the day of polling file in the offioe of the Clerk of the Municipality a Stat- utory Declaration stating that his Lease meets the requirements by law entitling him to vote on such By -Law and the names of Leaseholders ne- glecting to file such a Declaration shall not be placed on the Voters' List for such voting GREAT CROWDS AT CIRCUS. ,ll:uty People Verse Plan to See Bar- num and Bailey :it London. Exeter will ba well represented at London. on Tuesday, August 10th, when the Barnum & Bailey greatest show on earth exhibits there on that date, for a great many of our citizens have already expessed themselves as having made up •their minds at at- tend. A' glance at the list of won- ders to be seen with this big show would lead one to believe that the limit in tremendous size as well as number of novelties to be seen has finally been reached. Barnum &- Iiailey present (his year under their city 14 acres o[ tents more things new than have been offered by all other shows in years. "Jupiter, the balloon horse," Karolly's troupe of 16 Hun- garian coal black stallions, the musical elephants, celebrated Konyot troupe of equestrians, seven troupes of foreign acrobat', four troupes of aerialists and hundreds of other nrenic novelties all go to complete a circus performance that has never been equalled. The big menagerie has been augmented by the addition of many new strange beasts and is larger than all the zoological gardens in this country .combined. The street parade so gorgeous and so tremendous in size, beggars description and in ail is a fair index to the wonderful performances that follow. Palpitation of the heart, ner- I)ated at Exeter this 7th day of July vousness. tremblings, nervous bead- A.D., 1909. ache, cold hands and teal, pain in the 903. SENIOR •back and other forms of weakness 'Clerk of the Corporation of the aro relieved by Carter's Iron Pills Village of Exeter. Y. M. C. A. CAMP.. Amid the downpour of rain on Fri- day last, a terrific yell of greeting from the corner of Huron and Main streets from sixteen strong throats, announced the return of the boys WESTERN FAIR. LONDON Sept. 10-18 • The Great Live Sleek Exhibition The management of a'he .Western Fair, London, Ont., ere putting forth extra efforts this year to make the Exhibition more popular than ever in all its different branches. but to from the \. \l, C. A. camp at iron none of thein are they giving more Springs, at which every boy had the 'attention than to the Live eitock time of his life. Department. A large amount of Though it vould be difficult to int- money has been added to the Prize nttine n more disagreeable day of u. t. In the horse c:asses s: vera( break camp. and nithough the 'boys, chnnges have been made: sections had the l0 -mile return trip in a aro added in the Roadster class for pouring rain. they were alt in the "farmers only:" other sections in the se -t ,.t ei,i r;ts. and in the "p:uk High Steppers for Tandems and of physical condition' after their tea Four-in-hand, while in Speed events days of bracing outdoor life. several hundred dollars have been The boys were kept so busy every added 10 the purses. day during camp nt gymnastics, atli- in the !Cattle $500 has been added knee, baseball. boating. swimming, to the Shorthorn Claes alone. and tramping, Bible study. camp -fire pro• substantial increases to the other gram etr.. end • v, rybody entered in- c:asses. increases have been !wade in the Sheep c:aass,s and one new c:ass ridded in th• Swine. A third prize in cash has b. en given the en- tire Poultry list besides n fine Int of yp:•cin:t. The Agricultural and Fruit Depnrtzn alt have barn carefully re- vised and added to where it was thought nilvisib:e. The Ladies' teork i eletray Jackson of Clinton demote- bus received evil notice and the •rate-) his skill in the culinary art •I. : .. - I :Ip-::a-d+l e. - eel , the antisfaction and deiight of fi''• Pee,. • I.! ss.. airy forms and ell body incnmee His specials were tiia.urnaation to the Secretary. A. M. • :i 1; -P1115. pancak, s, cherry pies. i leine to soup which at times , hi n round n. chrrs from J Datil drug the Stemnehe or stime- • h boys for the cook. illurray con- I :ale" the heart or Kidneys. That is • r,huti'd n great deal toward the Fut.- wrong. It is the wenk nerves that -s :111(1 pleasure of on of the r.•tnpis nr•• crying 001 for he/p. Vitalize feetur:•-. viz. eating. Yea thew weak inside controlling nerves ,1 lanv.• seen rhos• boys ,et eeh 1)r. Shoup'. Restorative. and . 1'. 11. Chant. of Ciliate]. ens a t"' how t '; v good health will e a:eab:, :icq•aisition to tla t ,',:a • 10 }o ''u. 1 -' it Anil see! •if. 11 • p.dere'd : lu;i r,b:y 54•i d by V. ,tori ': delits of tens :ender nett physical • e er, assisted in Or, re:ig:n•ae eeerid-• ,r, r•d :stP,l 1, r ::,'c ; , ;t n ed •d. 1 .i fnrmer- in ibis section are all r i' ,.t .'r ri, nee as prospector 1. w engngcd in harvesting and the '. t+ t,n1arie hie made him an ex- • ti- ternintt nut goorl. attach to ouch of said debenture* - to 1110 .:pmt of I• t•,•ry activity so 1• en-,ntly and h artily, that nobody 2 The said debentures shall be dat- had time to be lonesome or time ed upon the date of the issue thereof ;or• anything but downright c njoy- nnd t-hn:I bear interest at the rate men,. The boys had scarcely time to of Five p r c rt. per annum from the tie r,t • a Ire -t caret home. The days dice of the issue thereof and the sa:d %% Ali .:uitt;y by and tits pleasure in: i. •t scall be payable yearly on tie day of th• month on which said deb,•ntur• - ;tr•.• issued and as to both principal and interest the said de- b, ratutes phaa!1 be payable in Annual in-ta'nwnts twithin twenty years from the date of the issue •thereof, such in- etaiments to be of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable for pr:ncipnl and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as !nay be to what is payable for principal and interest during each of ahr other . years of such period of twenty yeare as hereinafter set forth. 3 !haring the currency of the Paid debentures there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate- able property in th• said Corporation of the Villag of Exeter the sum of •1765.:11 for the purpose of paying 1 the amount due in each of the said tP :un, in an end quite too soon. 1itut, London. Ontario. • Hensall Are Doctors Any Good.? Fi' '! .,h (lu:;tion! Yet some people act as if a medicine could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine in the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him fi"c .lucrtly, trust him fully. If we did not believe u')Clurs endor::cd Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and co„i,•, �1 C 1'; ouid not offer it to you. Ask your doctor. No a!i•'4httl ii) thi3 cough medicine. J, C.,t,;er Co., Lot: W 7t�}Ir - neirt-7sCLie.e.1:.tt»-z7rtiswoae-smasweatfel reel. r fila VPJts Ysaocwrrts did not belicte doctors cnelo sed flyer's Dille for teestip.at..,:a. bieous:iese, sick - attache, tee. would not offal then) to you. Ask youv own dotter ab:wt this. ! I'. I'. Itr• r ton. of Rochester,. N. 1.. ti he e.:r= le re. accompanied by her chi id, •1. a i•i:ig her parents. '1r. nr.d \it,. It. II. McLean. of j "i eek r n. h. ha- r •turn •d to la -r. \Ir. 0eorete $tir;ing. of Ibis tille•t.e h r • on \V, dn•sday for the we -t. t' :nit en'!ed Cher• through the scrio':s h •r son it:i•sell. ' I . 'non Ileih•r. of Chicago. •ie. ,.we; 1 he hi- tnc' t ht'id r 'I 45 .1 And. r pn, t:r Chic ,rmer:y eeell nn i t e,,, t,'w knnen It e•atl, w •r• h r .1 , r.. the 7 • 1 • h 1 ;h '.'. 1i: i - ,!•, ;.Flit• r. \ire. 1,:aertek. of Dots aaiac. \lu h.. lens last week the Ku:" st of Mr-..Tohn - • 4/••••••••4N•••4/•M The Sind Ycu Have Always Bought, and tt hieh has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the Mg -nature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. • Allow 110 one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jost -as -good" aro but Experiments that trifle "%yith and endanger the health of Infants and Children -Experience against Experiulent. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It COntains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrlua•a an,l Wind COM. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure; Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over THC CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY 30 Years. NCW YON CRY. Scott. t Drive Rheumatism from the blood Mr. 'Wellington McTaggart, real 1 with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. estate agent of Toronto, was in the Tablet or Liquid. Sold by W. t3. village during the past week accom-) Ilowey. panicd by his yqung son, visiting his sister, Mrs. llugh McDonald. Miss 'Maggie 11..11, teacher, is home e" -•` i• tete ;it:. Nil-. and Mrs. Jus. Bell. 1 The match games between rinks Dliss Beatrice Urquhart returned chosen by the Pres., W. H. Levett home last week from a pleasant visit and Vice -fres. W. W. {Taman, of in 'Muskoka. the Exeter Bowling club, were play- illrs. 1'urion, of London, is visiting ed oft last Friday evening, resulting en a victory for the Vice -Pres. by her ,sister, Mrs. 'Phos. Simpson. BOWLING 1 The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (paid up)$3 500.000 00 RESERVE FUND s3,600,000.00 I Has .65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. .0 • General Bunking Business Transacted. • • Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • • Dickson ds Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Nr THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAL OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,4 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,0 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RAT5e: $5 and under .. 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding 10 6 cents " $10 $30 10 cents " $30 " $50 15 cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada. (except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost, and may be obtained win -out delay. 121 Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branob' also at Crediton. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. LI, D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. 0. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFBICE:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Staubury Main street -EXETER. GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM The Popular Route -'L'o All - Principal Tourist Resorts Including Muskoka, Lake of Baye, Te►nagami, Georgian Bay, Maganeta• wan River, Kawartha Lakes, etc. W. BROWNING, M. 0., M. C Full suutmerservices now in effect;iJ• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un Excursion tickets on sale daily. rurelty. office and residenonce. Dominion Laboratory. h:xeter. A I.ASiCA - YUKON - ll'A+CIBIQ'1 Associate Coroner of Huron. EXPOSITION Mrs. i\Vni!ace is the guest of Mrs. ten shots up. The following took' 1' '' in the tmcs:- """"'tea"'~' -SEATTLE- t;' 1 Thomas Iltmphill• Pres, t'` Ix It, Bright, DI. D., M.C. P. and Mrs. F. C. NleDone:l and family 'Icc•Pres. ieft last week for 1): troit to spend T. Achrson C. Lindcrfic:d .8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- aleast few weeks with. Mrs. 1lcDoncll's J A. Stewart Spackman ioersIty. '1'tvo years resident physician tractive route. Daily until Se .t. 30th` s:stere. O. Is. Snell Jim. Taylor Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office 1908. Return limit Oct. 31st, 1!1•t. -11 '' + Mrs. L. 11. .Dickson. Exeter, ac- \V• ll, Lovett W. W. Taman and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand compunicd by her Fister and daughter Skip 18 Skip 16 Andrew Street, Exeter. Full information from were in the village last tt•eck visitingR. '0 Selden Dr. Sweet J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agents their relatives]. G. Anderson Tir. Ifnrrsion HONEY TO LOAN or write J. D. DICDONALD, lUn10 bliss Emma Johnston is in Wood. NR. et!). llurdun E. J. Christie stock visiting her brother -in-laws Rev. Co11ins Dickson l�eha•eunuml twi private teed. For fovea Depot, Toronto, Ont. Mr .1. (1. iborl, ttho is nils seniotts-enbui,on term or village rropertyeb Iowest q T. GouldSkip .13 W. May Skip r .fes of Interest). 1} i 11.DICKSON a: CARLING 1\'e are pleased to see Mr. 11avie 'm. Creech J. 0. St:utnury Szsber ill. able b, who ons so very seriously itealmaniline \\'n:.lhUitr.hfurdDICKSON & CARLING, able to be on our streets again. �� 1 ,i • .'i I:.•. : are in Oil Spring, - v:silint; their s:stet, Mrs. W. liemps - - t:,rr'eters,siolIoltor, Notaries, Conr.,7 anter, We are pleased to report that work C.j�,fa OR.h.=.. Comis,donore.tollcltora for ttto3SIolsone is going on in our new :onndry. Mr. Hankm, Ego Brandt, the manager, has, with a He►n the The Kill Y:u Ilan AisayS 81:14] y.,oey toLoan at lowest rates of latereab. good spirit of enterprise, added a Signature �¢.� U leant3 to the moulding shops and in of ��e',�i�iG�E!/ 1 s.1roaRLirICSnra-aMa A.AIN STREET, aXI:TER. ti H. D1C C1 stall,;d nn engine for carrying on work and has a good force of then. 1Ve hope to be able to report a new building going up jo take the place of the portion recently destroyed by fire. Skip 1R Skip 1E1 !'aura anywhere (stopped in 20 minu- tes with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain 'fab:ets. The formula is on the e5 cont box. Ask your Doctor or Drug- gist about this formula I Stops wom- anly pains. headaches and pains any- where. Write D. Shoop, Racine. Wis, for free trial. to prove value of his Headache. or Pink fain Tablets. Sold by W. 8. iiowee. Last year at Ilisley the Ross rifle. the service rifle of the 'Canadian tar. ,•.. :•:1 tie vna in hi:rb scor(nge and this year the triumph has been repeated. There are a few disgrunt- led people who. with very little know- ledge of the subject. denounce the Ross r:ire and in the f:ae • of it the highest scores in the wor'•I are made To Lydia E. Pinkbam's this rif:c at everyshoot. :1n - • Vegetable Compound .111: 11•=1 1.11.1.•i1.11.1.•ii to bloc it .- p•nr that the rifles used at llisley is re especially made for the use of those using them. This ridiculous for a long time with pains in my hack story wens first circi,::aced by the o;. and side, 81111 was miserable In every tale.' Citizen, with no special kaon- , way. I doctored iedge of the subject. Both Sir Fred- until l was His- erick Borden and the Boss Rifle Com- courage'', it n d p:u.)• have emphatically stated that • thought 1 altould the rifle used at Sisley is the same a flF`r' never get well. 1 rife issued to the forces. yet there• read a testimonialarc those, led by the Ottawa Citizen. t,4 � about Lydia E. who sit at n desk and talk learnedly Tele ! l'irtkham's Vegeta- of things which can only be known to Me Compound. and those who go out with a rifle nod'''`'s' fit" thought I would face the target. '1'h • itoss rifle ndop- - - Y " ^?f: try it. After talc. ted by th• Cnn,dian Government is • t, inti three bottles I the Leat small arm in the world to- never wits cured, .�. day.This h.s is the opinion of the Elie. neves felt so well President -J. L. RUSSELL. Otiose Pleasure to their ;ah 1 r .ss. A correspondent int h in all my life. i recommend Lydia E. Otiose 'Citizen. eepeaking of 111,• rif 1'inkliatn's Vegetable Compound toall • e, :i.,I ..i. lit .eet•p my friends."- Mrs. IViLr. YOrxo, 0 been effeet ive. and got in (heir .: •,d.' Columbia Avenue, Rockland. Ale. DIRECTOR:3. ly work." This le hard upon C•,'. yam! Ilaekache to a symptom of female Wsf, Roy, Bnniior.M 1'. 0 Ilitghee. 'Conserve tibe pr, set. 1,1 ofjweakness or derangement. If you WM. BROCK WIsrtIELSF.A P, 0. the Dominion Rife. A.socintion, mem- have backache, don't neglect it. '1'o T. RYAN, DCFILi t P. Oj her from Victoria, and Ii t'ih trton; get permanent relief you must reach RODBRT NORRI8St.affa, who snys the Hos. rifle i- 1 t • l -t. the root of the trouble. Nothing we AGENTS, smn:1 n rm the world has produced to knowof wi 11 do this 80 safely amul sim rely date. Would the Citizen correspond-' as Lydia E. l'inkhant's Vegetable Corn- ,•nt eetgn,st that ('.):. Ilughrs. .Ll't.'pt>und. Cure the cause of these dis- JOHN 1 BRY F et e t fo wrLs inf:ot need by boodle or graft tressing aches and drains and you will sons who tell on different from the :eh an opinion? become well and strong. y • =-4 OLiVER i(ARIItS 3lunr^. stria! I ahoy.. for the purpose o Thr, great volume of unsolicited tarn 1 t f selling you testimony constantly }'ourin� inpioves toter ilibb tt, Fullerton and Lagan. cheap and in sonar• caws ttnatty goods CASTOR 1 A conclusive! that Lydia E. 1'inkhatn•e nt hig pricer. ,Tli9HitA J0iT�8 Vegetable Compound, math from roots 8eov.Treat+. Farquhar Call and see Us For Infants and Children. 'Ind herbs, Itis rester health to thou- iLAnMAN & .Tre0 f: F, •i'or• �ut,ls of women. and ne convinced that what we es fhe Kind You Have Always Bought "t y• ,'llrklrattt, of Lynn, Mass, ! - invites all sit li t. omen to write S we Ike up to. 1'or any c.,e• of n•rtou•n•s., sI rp Bears the ia,'r for advice. She line 'guided t.sc„res, weak stotnieb, indittialinn, � laousattdts to health iTree OIT .tv.prpsfa, try Carter's Little fiver - i - i;Bearnro of �•c l� . ���� Large. Mar�i� • •1'(ils. Relief i+ sort, 'f hr wily ',erre I r , & SOR ` medioiae le market . ` lea the 12 mi:e race at Toronto Sat- urdne night Alfie Shrnbb, the Eng- lish A'inner had no difficulty in de- feating Longboat. The latter quit after the seventh mile. Its looks as though the Indian were all in as a racer and drawing card. YOUR BACKACHE WILL YIELD Rockland, Maine.-" I was troubled Sroopsis of Ins WINO 30[111 wit HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS.; Q, Any person who is the sole head '�ONEY TO LOAN. of a family, or any male over III years old may homestead a quarttb(r, We have a amount of private funds sectoni of available Dominion land lo *an oa farm and large amount eproperties at lowrnbs Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta' labsaest. The applicant must appear in person (MADMAN a: STANBURY at the Dominion Lentis Aganoy or Barristers Solicitors. Main et,lEzeter Sub-agenoy for the,li:strict. Entry I7� proxy may be had at the ageaoy, oa certain conditions, by father, moths son, daughter, brother, or sister of Collected intending homesteader. Duties: -Six months residenoeupon and cultivation of the land in eaob of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his horns., stead on a darm of at least 110 Sores solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, .on, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteadda itt good standing tnny lyre-ompt a quarter section alongside his bate.* stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties -e' Must reside six tnonths ineaoh of Nn years from date of homestead entre! (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and onitivtas fifty acres extra. A homesteader as ho has exhausted his homestead right and cannot eb, tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain district, Price $3. per acre. Duties-- Mull reside six months in eaoh of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erects a house worth $30o.t 1. w, w•. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. n.-Cnauthorired pnblicaton of this advertise ment will not be paid for ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts MONEY to loan at lowest tater, North went Land„ for Sale. Office. Main Street. Exeter The footprints of Dyspepsia have been directly traced to the Stomach nervea. When these "inside nerves" fail, indigestion and stotnach distress must surely result. For this, drug- gists everywhere are supplying a prescription known as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. First, these tiny inside Stomneh, lfeart. and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas belching. heart pal- pitation, or falling kidneys follow. Don't drug the Stomach, or 'stimu- late the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Strengthen these failing ner- ves ,with 1)r. Shoop's Restorative. It is the nerves. not the organs that are calling for help. Within 48 hours after starling the Restorative treat- ment. yon will realize the gain. A test will tell. Sold by W. 8. Ilowey. Tne Usborne and Ribbon Farmers Mutual Fire Insur- anGe 6ompanu flIGHOraUc Playas Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. Vise -President -W. iI. PAS/ MORS .z er, a.: O r' 1Tsborne andJliddulph. Owners. 1Ve have 'told and are selling a great many high class pianos and our num Brous Patisfled customers 19 the strong e -t guarantee of this assertion. Our pianos today nre the hest that the best Piano makers produce and our prices nre right. Do not he too quick to believe per