Exeter Times, 1909-08-05, Page 1%vier ft -SIXTH YEAR -NO 1869 H URON &M1DDL +'SEX GAGE TI fi EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUG. 5th 1909, $1.00 per year in advance ••••O••••••••••••••••••••••••••*:••• • •• N NN•••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Local Mid Summer Sale OF ALL SUMMER GOODS We are bound to clear them all out. Noth- ing to remain, and in order to do so we are slash- ing the prices away down. This is a good oppor- tunity to get some rare bargains. Ladies White Wear and White Waists At Quick Selling Prices We are giving some "Special Prices" on all White Wear and White Waists this week. We are anxious to clear them all and have cut the prices right down. Come early as they will go fast. hoc. Dress Tweeds For 33c. per yd. Only 3 pieces of these nice all,wool Tweeds for this price 35c. yd. FAncy Parasols Every one to go and here is the price that will sell them. $1.50 and $1.75 for $1.00 $2.00 and $2.50 for $1.50 A 11illinery"Special $1.50 Buys your pick of.our $2, $3 or $4 Trimmed Hats Don't Miss tllis!Snap. Only a few left -$1.50 Pr Mens' Straw fiats In At half Price. I ) order to get rid of them we are just cutting the pirce in two. Have One Boys' Straw Hats Good ones for 20c. each and some of our very hest for 25c. each. Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains Do You Want a Bargain in them? This is just between seasons. That is why we are offering such good values. They will all save you tnoney at our Reduced Prit.es. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes:and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••0'•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • • • z With My Method of Testing Looking into the Bye 1 Can Fit the Most Difficult Cases of Defect as well as the Most Simple If glasses will benefit your case we will tell you; if not, we will tell you. Do not bo discouraged because other opticians have made a failure with yon. My method dces away with all guesswork. No charge for testing S. FITTON. JEWEi.ER Issuer of Marriage Licetlses Eye OPTICIAN -The Best Flour- If it is the best Hour con want there is but one place in t9wn to get it -that is from us. The brands are: Jewell Royal Household .(Ontario Blended) (Ogilvie's) 5 ROSES PURITY (Lake of Woods) (Western Canada Flour Mills) ;ave your orders or call up 1'hone 2, ... • R. SELDON, Exeter. -titian Mr. and Mrs. Frank Willis and child, of Yorkton, spent a few days of this week with the fortner's moth. er, Mrs. James \Villis, also part of In -t week at Grand Bend the guests of Mr. and Mts. T. H. McCallutn. The marriage of Miss Lou Brinta- combe, sister of Mrs. J. N. Howard to Mr. Knapp, of Itevelstoke. took place at Vancouver, 11. C. on July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp visited the fair at Seattle, after which they will re- side in Revelstoke, where the groom is engaged in the furniture and un- dertaking business. Mrs. Knapp bas many friends here tato join in wish- ing her touch happiness. Mr. J. M. Southcott, two recently won the silver medal for the ama- teur 100 yard championship of West- ern Ontario, Monday showed his sprinting abilities at Stratford. where he won the 100 yard dash easi- ly and then went onside bis distance and took third in the 440 yard run. There were eight entries in the 100 yard event but at the fifty yard mark AIeI. took the Lead and kept it to the finish winning by about ttvo feet. The time given out by the official tune keeper was 10 1-5. Dr. Itouls- ton accompanied thielve. A Regular Storm Period is central on the 6th, covering the and to the 8th. Moon is in perigee on the 3rd, on the celestial equator on the 5th, and at last quarter on the 8th. The barometer will fall to low readings and (narked mid -summer storms will appear before the center of this period, say from the 3rd to the 5th, bringing severe thunder storms and violent gusts of wind to many locali- ties on and touching the 5th. The Venus period will end with the out- going of this storm period, but will be present in sufficient force to make itself felt in tho storms and marked temperatures at this time. Two Exeter young men, and neith- era them ore bibulous individuals. hadan exciting experience Saturday night while returning from the nwul. A few friends of theirs from London. had arrived here during the day ,for the purpose of spending a few days' outing at Exeter's famous resort and tie y undertook to en- tertain theta by striving to the lake and spending the day with their - guests. Everything went off so smoothly that it was dusk before the chief entertainer of the party ...mid enweigle bis friends to tri• draw from the lake to partake of tli even- ing meal. Then the party was so delayed owing to having to listen to the drama entitled. "hector 51cFie Asleep at Pottersburg Switch'' that it was quite late when the t'vo en- tertainers started for home. The horses being used to the rota and immune from the odor of gasoline and not nfraid of autos. the driver went to sleep, being sure that his companion. two had negotiated all the rug- had dozed off. The horses pass Murphy. E. 11. Malice, A. M. ;.Mc - ed Dashwood without even turning in IKeersie, 0. it. McKeersie, F. 1. Mc - for a drink, at least the driver Tavish, J. M. Oestreicher, R. T. Pat - didn't notice them, but when the Sod- teriton honors. L. E. Pentland, 0.1.. out bridge was reached there were itooh, M. G. Tansford, I. M. Rowe. doings. The roadway had just been T. E. ltobertson, honors, D. M. Ryan gravelled nod the horses having sore feet took to the grassy roadside (any one who has passed that sway know embankments slant somewhat) and over the steep incline went the horses rig and rill. There was a sedden jolt. it little more severe than you get when the bell rings for breakfast Sundny morning when you want to slumber in, and also there was a general awakening, even to the (roes dozing among the bullrushes. The driver found himself entangled with the wbiffletree, while his compan- ion tried to rcnch terra firma by walking through the top of the car- ringe, and the horses, well you could not tell which Was which. An im- mediate inventory was taken of the surroundings and after locating the north slur the carriage was nright- ed. pulled on the roadway and the be- lated travellers managed to get on their way again. Fortunately neither was injured and the owner of the rig didn't notice any break in his Vic- toria when it nrrived at his stable. Th • chaps nt lb- 11, nd ar' still awnit- ing n message announcing the safe arrival of their friends. i':XETEIt COUNCIL Council met in the office of tho clerk Friday. July 30th. 1909 at 8 `p, tn. Absent councillor Memnon. A correspondence from Mr. 11. W. Smith. of (:oderich. in regard to a pool roost. The clerk was instructed to make nn_tt•er that the town coun- t:: would not gra:tt a 1icen.e. A request from the Pubic School Bonid asking that $2800.00 be raised for school purposes for the current year. Tenders for gravel were opened and rend ns follows A. Q. pottier, W. T. Gillespie and Creech & ilandford. Per Johns -Luker -That the tender of AV. T. Gillespie for $2.75 per cord delivered it b_,ing the lowest, be ne- cepted. 'Carried. A petition from ratepayers residing on the north side of Simcoe street asking for a cement walk and signed by the following persons was rend. 'Chas. Christie, M. M. Parkinson, D. C. Alt Innis, .1 no. Northcott, t\irs. G. Hoot,. Per Johns -Carling -That the peti- tion r..teived be filed. Carried. Next meeting Friday, August 0th. Adj. .)v 'Carling. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk. NORMAL. ENTRANCE RESULTS. The results for the examination in- to the normal school were given out Monday. The following nre the names of those tvho were successful from the Exeter school. J. A. Me- ltahon,(honors), K. 1. Collins. .1. AM, Oestrcicher, Ida 'AI. Rowe and E. L. Willis, T. ,.Sanders honors. The fol- lowing nre the names of those who passed in (Huron and Middlesex. 1EURON P. A. hacker, 11. Ball honor. E. L. Bailie. I. ll. Barkley honors, M. It. Ilichan, E. A. Beatty, E. Bell honors, A. M. Barber, J. 11. Can- telot honors. A. E. Challenger hon- ors. E. 1). Coutrice honors, K. I. Collins, T. Ii. Case, F...1. Clark. .T, Cluli:on, W. Cunningham. A.• M. Clarke, honors. M. L. Coleman bon - ors, R. 'Clegg. 8. J. I. Clegg. honors" A. T. Davidson, honors, J. S. Dick- son honors, W. 8. nobody honors, R. L. I)orrance honors. C. 1. Doug- las. Ii. D. Evans. honors. .1. F. Edi honors. V. 0. Elliot S. Elliot, L. Ford honors. IF. .1. Foster, \t. F. Foster, IL Featr,honors. E. I). Fer- guson, E. .M. Fryfogle, N. Graham, G. S. Gould honors. T. E. Govenlock honors, W. P. Grieve honors, A. T. Glanville, 11. E. Nagar, R. M. Henry. It. rr. lrtvin. 1'. M. IntiasS G! .W; Jordan, ir. Johnston, .1. E. Johnson. A. 1'. Jordan. F. 11. Jackson, I. M. Jewett. R. t). Kerr, J. G. Leskie, honors, L. Mi Locke. E. D. Laidlaw, I.L. 'Love, H. 11. Lloyd, 8. McKcrcher, honors. 11. C. Moore honors. .1. A. McMahon honors, ill, P. llcgillive- nny, G. J. McNcvin, bonors, A. :Mc- Kenzie honors, V. E. McDonald, M. 8. :MacDougall honors, N. 111cGrcgor. M,A IMellis, L. 11. Mulholland, 1".Ls IIOItN 110\VEY-In Exeter Thursday. Jury 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Howey, rot son. J'1.E't-CIIEit-in Osborne. Tuesday. August 3rd. to Mr. and Mirs. Lewis Fetcher n son. 'MAlIittED l E :fI.l(M N-1111 JI)IS - ,\, 1).'h. wood. on Wednesday. .1uly 28th. Miss ,Florence Rhode. so Mr. Fr. d Henderson. DIED Di:AItING-in Exeter. Monday. Aug list 2nd. Thomas Dearing. aged 81 years DO AVE WANT BETTER FIRE PILO- '1'Eel] ON1 Y,s1 And don't forget that the .voting on the by-law to raise the sum of $22,000 for this purpose will take place on Friday August 20th. Foi many years the matter of bet- ter tire protection has been agitated, but it has been put oft from time to time until now, we have the oppor- tunity of securing it. Early in t be year the matter was brought tip by the council, and they in turn called a public meeting to get the voice of the ratepayers on the project. Those who were at rhe meeting, and it was largely attended, will remember the unanimous spirit for better protec- tion that prevailed. A resolution was passed instructing the council to go ahead with the matter and the services of an expert were secured toi give an estimate of the cost, etc. The report of the expert was re- ceived by the council, who trimmed his figures considerably, until the amount of $22,000 was decided upon. This amount will be sufficient to purchase the Howard property at the rivet re -construct the dant, erect n it. tt: ter totter. or stand pipe and lay tJc mains along Main Street and in the end give us the protection we hart been agitating for. Fortunately we have not had a ser- ious conflagration in years, and we don't want one. The engine at the Town Hall is n good one, but should .t serious fire occur, tnuch damage would be done before steam could be gotten up. With the stand pipe this would 1 c averted. stater could be thro,.n in n very few minutes and mutt property saved. The establishing of the water works system is not the only matter to be considered; we would have a place for recreation, where the boys could go swimming or boat'ng and the revenue received from the ice would be no small amount. Or Friday August 20th will be our :'a n opportunity so do not fail to get .ut and work for the by-law. STEPHEN COUNCIL It only takes 10 minutes to spray 25 cattle with Dr. Williams Fly Destroyer 35c. 65e. and .$1.00 per tin. Cow Ease For spraying :35e. and $1.00 Sprayers for same 50 cents. Dustbarie A Sanitary Sweeping Compound Its a dust. absorber and germ killer. Itcleanses floors and brightens carpets. In pkges. 35c. and in bbls. Try a package and return if not satisfactory. Use Plymouth Binder Twine Ply special 500 Silver Sheaf 000 and Gold Medal 050 to Ile. per pound. Furnaces, Plumbing and Eavetroughing HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruce's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is none better than Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE The council of the Township of Step hen convened in the Town Hall, on Monday the 2nd day of August. All the members were present. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Wuerth, sec. by Yearley, that by -late No. 137, be- ing it by-law to levy taxes for the Township of Stephen for the year 1909 be [tossed after being read the third time and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the Corpor- ation being attached thereto. Moved by Anderson, seconded by Love, that the following by-laws hav- ing been rend the third time be sign- ed by the( Reeve and Clerk, and the seal of the Corporation attached there to, viz, For suppressing disorderly houses ; For regulating the driving and riding on roads and bridges! For removing obstructions on roads or streets, and to prevent depositing rubbish thereon ; For preventing vice drunkenness, etc., : For restrainin ' and punishing vagrants and mendi- cants; For preventing the injury of destroying of trees or shrubs planted or preserved for shade or ornament ; honors, tl•', Roberts honors. F. It.. For defacing private property by iteid. R. 8. :Shaw, 8. Stubbs honors. printed or other notices or pulling W. R. Smilie honors, 8. Sanders hon- ,v•:... :,..l d •1ac!u;r sign boars'r and ors. A. V. Shnkleton, M. E. Stoddart other printed or written notices law - honors, C. M. Sadler, R. E.Smale. bon fully affixed; For suppressing ga mb- ors. V. 8. Stevens honors. P. L. Slew ling houses: For preventing the post - art honors. t\V. it. Stackhouse, F. A. ing of indecent placards, play bills. Tomblin. Ir. H. Totvill honors, A. post, rs. writing or pictures; For R. Wells, J. C. Wiseman honors, E. regulating the time which slumps. 1.. Willis, W. 1L Walter honors, M. wood. .ogs, trees. brush, strnw. 0. .White honors. M. II. Wilkinson., shavings or refuse may be set on fire honors. or burned in open nir ; For dispensiuc with the praying of Dog Tac collected as provided by It► S. 0. Chap. 271, Section 6, 7 and 17 to 21 inclnsivt{ and provided that nU Dog Taxes col- lected shall be the property of the municihnli1y: For imposing a tax on the owners, possessors or har- bourets or dogs; To prevent obstruc- tion to Drains and na(er.courses; To prevent charivaries. rinsing of bells, etc.; I'o prevent indecent public ex - posture of the person. or indecent ex- hibitions. \Pith the passins of the following orders the council adjourned In meet ht the Town -Hall nt Crediton, on Wednesday. Sept, Huber first, nt 1 The ;ollott•in z orct rs were paid :- F. W. l'nrncomh. Garrol's award. $2:1.1 7 . heaver & ("ark. painting COTS tow n-LaII, 20.36): lose ph Lawson. .Jacob Sweitzer. commissioner 11. 3 & ;rate) cont It, 3 fere 1 C. R. 05.82: forjust such occasions. No use taking old beds and a load • 4 (• R 5r 75; Edward Gills. sr.. re- Of Stt'aw fol bedding purposes. Cots are better in every pnirintr bridges. 5.50:.\Willi` nm White. Wa And then they are gray I con's first R. 11. 4.28 ; It. y Davey. commissioner first 8. It. 1.25: P. i'Ianigan. commissioner first S 11. 1.60: henry Kraft. Irrivel cnn'1 s, i 1.10: .1. 11. Hodgins. com- missioner. 5.25; .1. McLellen. gravel. 33.64; .1. Lawson. cement and hags. 21).00; .1. Lawson. part payment of 1 tempary bridge•. 75.00: J. i.nwsnn. part payment of bridge nbutmen1s.1 4O•O••••0•••0•••0••••••••• 600.00; \Viilinm Sanders. repairing! culvert and lumber. 3.00: Hymn ti 1-9'): sons `'wish rel tir;n:r bridge. 3.50; George Hepburn. r,•- pairi.!J' bridge. 4.00; T. SehnideR approaches to temporary 'bdze. 7.55: John ISrown. repairing drain. 5.00; George llnrtie. repairing bridge and gravel. 4.40; linker et ni repairing l,r:.l •_,•, 1;.0(1; \V i,linm Whitton. ul - porting expenses. 24.00; David Mer - riot'. re. turner award. 6.00: Mrs. Win,'. sundries. 91 cents. Henry (saber. Tp. 'Clerk. MIIR) LESEX 1. \I. Armitage. l.. 8. M. llordert,. M. E. Bragg. A. Itrrmner, honors. G. C. Ronson honors. F. )lloornfield, It. r'n'ton honors. Coulthard hon- ors. M. D. Coulthard. D. 0. Craw- ford. honor. I). Carlisle honors 1.. Charlton. E. N. Campbell. E. Coll- ins. A. Driscoll. .1. J. Euston. A. C. Fisher. W. .1. Ford, honors. L. Fer- guson. A. 1'. Graham. N. Gleeson. J. L Gilbert, L. S. Godwin;. honors. 11. Gray. II. M. Gild.. .1. Harvey honors. M. E. Ingham. E. W. Jewett. R Ar. Jones honors. K. M. Johnson honors N. A. Jackson, E. Long. 8. J. Lough- lin, 0. Lockwood, 8. 11. McCnnig. E. M. :IeLenn, It. A. Mei'enzie, C. Mc- itne. 1. V. McTaggart. 0. Mann:n r. M. F. Maloney. A. i'. Murray. S. T. Mooney. honors. I. W. iMcTnrk hon- ors. :1. A. MacDonald honors. E. M. Mnc'1':tvish honors. R. D. Mel'enzie honors, A. Noble. Gladys 'Pulling. F. A. Patterson honors. M. 8. fierce 1111 ors. 1•:. Pott •rsvi. 1I. It.•id. C. It. line honors. .1. H. Shearer. M. A. Stith-raind. 0. Smythe. L. M. 8ifton. 0. SuShnty honors. I1.• Shaver. E. Solivnn honors. 11. S. Caddall boo- ns -4. J. E. Thontnson. V. Westcort hnnor<. 11. G. \V nterwort h. VILLAGE 01' EX1'.1'1•:1t Notice is hereby given that I hay; transmitted or delivered to the p:1 -- sons mentioned in Section Flight of "The Voters' List Act." the copies required by the said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act. of all • p, r -ons tp: nring by the last Its - v -. d \,, - - tent Ito:1 of the said \lunicipa:ily to be entitled t0 vote` in the said Municipality at Elections! for mend),rs of the Legisiative As- sembly and nt Municipal elections nnil the said list was first posted 1:1• at my office. Exeter. on Ihr lithI day of July. 1909. and remains the r• for inspection. Electors are called upor to examine the Enid list and if :toy omission or other err rs nre! found therein. to take in mediate I�rocerdings to have the sni errors 1 correct d according to Inw. I)tt.�l This 20th day of ,lu'y. 1009. JOS. SENIUM ,t Ciel *tithe saidlflunicipttlity. We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. RAWKINS & SON Special Sale of Pantings 8c Suitings For the next three weeks we offer a large range of Summer Pantings at Cost Price. Also a number of Suitings at cost. Call and have a look and get Prices. Shop closes every night at 0 o'clock except \Ved. and Sat . nights. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontarfc In a Nut Shell We want you to call and inspect our up-to-date stock of Beds, Chairs, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Etc This is the season of the year when you are going CAMPING Anti we have some of the dandiest Greolesl f1sS0Elmeol of loilel Soops Ever Sllowo io EKeler if you do not think so just keep your eye on our window. We can show you thirteen different kinds and you can have your choice of any three for 25c Sce our 31b. bars of Pure Castile for 30c. None better than you can get here. THE PURITY 11 Woodham Fntrnne. --Freida Si. John. :\:ma Milts. lied Mops. Vinln Colgan. Et. la Morphy. and o:iver 111zelwnori To Sr. 4th -Mary ('amm 647. To .1r. 4th-i'lor ne • Mills 561; •M. Cop-•lnnd 547; i.orn • (binning 517 : iloy Sine'nir 481. To Sr. 3rd -O. Sa,, ver 515: Frank 11ndd 511: John Thompson 4R8. To . 3r4 -F '- .• Hazelwood 195 . ck 41h: .11. est. John 414 ills 42ft._i51. Colgan 422; t 410. J. Willis Powell Manager. r filmy 0000 0 • •N•••..q••••• Car CHEAP and come in handy at all times. Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering ROWE & ATKINSON The I.eading !lone 1'tn iu he; and Funeral dirt• torts. Crediton Flour 111 1 During the months of y1;• ;,t (1 August we will only run our chopper Three days in r week as follows: -Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Also to offer Family Flour $3.25 per 160 ibs. Pastry Flour $3.0o per too lbs. Shorts ..$t.25 per too lbs. Bran .$1 25 per 100 lbs. Good Oats ...... . ..... $t.6; per too lbs. HENR