HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-29, Page 8• 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++444+4 •+•: +++++++++++++++i+++++++ p STE WART'S PHONE 16 Black Silks Colored Silks k\'e have just secured an agency for the best line of plain silks we have ever shown. Tnese silks come to us direct from the Mills, the only expense between the maker arid ourselves is the agent's commission which is a very small item. This week we are showing "3" spec- ials in pard wide Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk. Soft crisp fin- ish rich mirror gloss. Values such as we have never seen $1, $1.25,$1.50. If you want a Black silk Dress, Coat, Waist or Skirt now's your opportunity "CONtE" Millinery t; • The Milliners and Trimmers are off on a well earned holiday i•+i The season has been a good one. We have about forty trimmed !'1' nod 1' ttern Hats left. Not one of these wlll we take into stock. • EVERY ONE MUSr GO OUT. You can buy Lovely remitted + Huts that were $1 00 and $5.00 for .1.913. Move Quick if you Want Otte. Buys a very swell pure linen Tatlor- 1.95 Tailor- made Skirt, natural linen color, piped and strapped with blue,white or plain linen and finished with clusters of buttons. 8.5f1 Buys a lovely 225 white Linen Tailne made Skirt. Spec- ial quality of linen Thoroughly tailored. But- toned front, pipped anti pleated. The most ssvagger W trite Skirt on the market. for tnens unlined tweed suits, made ;from shaddow stripe tweeds, in greys, greens and fancy inixturses. Raised seance and fancy patch pockets. They are O. K. See them! Put your Fruit down with ltedpath s Extra Standard Gran- ulated Sugar. It's best by test. We sell Redpath's. t=.� We take all kinds of farm produce Live Chickens, Live liens, Live Ducks T. A. STEWART + ++++++++++++++f•.•f•++-F•F+•i•++'E++i•+•F+++4••1•+++•F+4 + +++•t i••1 +++++++•F+++++d+++++ •+++++++++++++++•F+ Money Money Mone WE MUST HAVE MONEY In order to raise money we will hold a great SLAUGHTER SALE for the next THIRTY DAYS. Everything reduced in price. All summer goals to be sold at cost price. Mens Straw and Linen hats, Mans and Boys Suits Ladies Blouses, Wbitewear, Belts, Muslins, Gloves, Light Rain Coats. etc, etc. This is a Genuine Sale As we want to raise $1,000.00 in Thirty Days. Goods must go. Come quick if you want bargains. Patine 22 R. N. ROWE One door north P. O. SUN NEVER SHONE on better cloth than we make tip into lronsers. And the sun or rain can- not hurt them either. They will neither fade or shrink. SOME EXTRA TROUSERS cannot fail to come in handy during your vacation. Let us stake you a pair or so that you needn't be afraid expose to the sun or rain. Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for .sale. WM. ARNOLD Civic Holiday • Thursday Aug. :)th, '09 VST. W. TAMAN 1 h, r, by declare Thursday. August Merchant Tailor. 5'h, 1909. a Public Holiday. hoping all places of business will be closod EXETER, - ONTARIO. and that said day will be strictly oh- setved as a I'ab:ie Boldly. fly order. IBRRICE )IO1'SE ANI) MIX ACRES OF' 1'. 11. McCALLr'M.. LAND IN USI3ORNK. The North-East corner of Lot 11, 11e(`v.`• Concession 6. 1'rborne, the property of th late Israa••l Harris. The house is one and one -halt stories high and contains six rooms. kitchen and wood- Thursday. August 5th will be ob- ebed. -There is n frame barn nbout served ns Civic• holiday in Exeter. li'O by :0. hard rind soft water. and at:o.et one nor' of good fruit trees. Miss Viktoria Miners returned Fat - The soil is n good clay. The lot is nrdny curbing otter a week's visit s ma. fly seeded Out and is well fenced in London and Ni'p,^ars. and drsined. A1t'pplp to air. .Frank Sn�•11, formerly of Ere- GLAI)SfAN & STANBURY, ter, who �`ae operated on at Krnora Exeter. ' is reportc•cf' as doing nicely. Bc:;citors for the Executor. • i' it _e; b I+' 1 K 't' i ri 8 JULY 39th Wulf -Th• following [+I Use Dr. "Williams Fly Dcslroyer•!TimeS Want Column Exeter markets, cor- Ileuman's Hardware. "'Jth. Mies 11a}• Armstrong, of [.uckuow•. Market Report. -The Ex the report of Fac THE (1I REL1A1LEd ul to Ju.y 1\'►i._at ,91.10 is visiting her parents in town. i Five second hand wheels for sale. Oat,, :We. lin r.ey. 50e. Mies,Ie lea, Ross, of Clinton. i, v;.-, --__.a.J°bn 7'r-i.rbter. In Order to get Rid of Surplus Stock We are 1',as `0� . icing ht r gr""dpar,•nt Mr• "nd M. Here is a special offer. The I;r:irt - 2 D. A. Moss. I . . . :bort, tie'p.,Times and Family alerted and Week - Star the Price in Many Lines as the Star Flour 53.'.5. Al r. \\ :b. Martie left Tue def for ; , .1909 a St:tr for th balance of for r an auto trip to Hamilton. Ills moth- only 75 cents. This rate is for sub- • Feed flour $1.50 to 01.55. �er accompanied him as far a, Dur- rcriptions in Canada only. Following will Show Mater Itrc. chests r, where the is visiting relit- ' 19c. I lives ' "1'he Ilene/ill Flouring Mills have llaf$7.60 to fiB.50." I u Don't forget t o a -k to bear the on band a large quantity of Feed. )!,_s ir•eu. ieht. Coal, $7.25 a ton. July and August records at the Puri and will supply you with Bran at Potatoes 75 to 90 cents its. They consist of some splendid *22.00 and Shorts at $23.00 per Qu .rtett(.v. ton; Secure your requirements while !Nr. il'uckey has opened up a tern- the Supp:)' lases. _ penance house in the old building If you want good bread use our •........................• formerly known as the Queen's hotel " tiow- Drift Family Flour". at the corner of Main Street and the ---+-- Z Lake Road. WOOD FOR SALE. -We are now LOCALS -11r. Acquilla Sheers and family, of -prepared to deliver to any part of N•••••• Laming, Mich., who were called here the town first class elm slabs. All last week owing to the death of the orders promptly attended to. +++++++++4+++++++++++++4.4.:. former's father, will remain here a� B. GILLIF.S. J'he Time; till Jan, 1910 couple of weeks to visit. 4OCa for Fifty Cents. Tell your Neighbors about it•. +++++++++•F++++++++++++++•F+ •••••••• Miss Florrie Anderson is visiting in Fingal. Mr. Geo. Powell, of Tbedford. was took place on Monday, July 12th. in town Monday.when Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George llainntond, was Mr. Chas. Dyer spent bis vacation united in wedlock to Mr. Nelson Vale, visiting in Detroit. by Bev. D. N. • aleCamus. After a Miss Stella Gillies, is spending two short visit at Grand Bend Mr. and weeks' vacation at Grand Bend. Mee. Vale will reside in Exrter. Std Use Dustbane for sweeping, pr::- Marys Journal. vents dust. Ileaman's Hardware. Mr. T. 0. Southcott is spending n few days in London and Port Stanley. Master ;Ashton dyer, of Casevilles Mich., is ,visiting relatives in town. Mr. and tt1rs. Joseph Harvey and children art camping at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes I3onthron. of Hensall. visited Mrs. Collins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ramsay. are spending this week at Grand JJcnd. Miss ',Minnie Pumphery has return - rd front a trip through the north- ,% esr. Miss Pearl Levett, of Grand Bend visited for a few days with friends in town. The organization of the Camp of DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- \Woodnwrr under itbe supervision of geon, will be . at the Commercial Deputy :Shard is meeting rv'ith good l ••te'. Hours a :a. in. to 1 p. success and he expects to organize m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- tills week, about Friday. eases of eye ear and nose treated. A very pretty but quiet wedding Next visit Monday, August, 2nd. Mr. Baker, of Detroit, is spending his vacation with his father oy Huron Victor Victor Sweet, Harry Carling and Mr. Livingstone, of Milverton, Harvey returned home last spent Sunday here with Mrs. Living- Saturday from Iron Springs, where as the proprietor is going west. For stone. the Y. M. C. A. camp was held,, particulars apply on the premises. The boys were delighted with the ROI3ERT (DOWN, Prop. Miss Fanny llawdcu has returned outing. At one time the camp en- - horse after visiting in Ridgetown and joyed a tramp to Bayfield. another FARM FOR SALE Alvinston• time they took tt trip into the Miss May Jewel is visiting relatI- country and slept in the open. The Lot 3. concession 0, township of Hay, containing 100 acres. On this ves near E:iwville. boys express their desire of going Farquhar again next year if possible. property there is a two storey brick cottage, large bank barn. with shed Miss May Pearson and Mr. Geo. Miss Annie Yelland, daughter of and cement pig pen, under. Two Bonney, of London, are visiting Mrs. ltev. .L .0. Yelland, prior to her acres orchard, good supply of water, Geo. 'Thomas. departure for her new home at Exe- 8 acres of splerjtjid bush, mostly ma - Mr. Gordon Madge, of Mitchell, is ter was made the recipient of a hand- pie, convenient to church, school and the guest of his sister Mrs. Chas. some presentation by the ladies of the market. This is a beautiful home. Il: ekuey. Bethesda congregation. For two Nearly nil seeded down, will sell : i r,. C. If. Smith, of Ingersoll. is years she was the faithful organist of reasonable. Possession given this vier ng her parents Mr. and Mrs. the church. and an address expressing fall. Apply to JOHN BRODERiCK, Jot, , Snell. appreciation of her services was pre- on premises or the Sarepta P. 0. •,r, and Mrs. Jno.'TieNeil, of Fut- sentod, accompanied by a ring set l.,, with pearls end emeralds and a Cres- - rton, visited at Mr. Alex. Dow's.,,,,___:..:..:..:.+4..:.+.:..:..1.4.++.:.+++++.:_:.++++ , . , • , over Sunday. cent pearl brooch. ��;:•:.'+.,'••.•>'.•4••'••F•t•:••:•3•-io$••:•;'r;••r-1 .f• use Miss B. Grieve and bliss Chesney,Mks IF. E. ;Carling. daughter of -l• 11 r. T. f.. Carlin;*. who has been a OOO a Edmondville, are guests of Mrs.:- nurse in St. Luke's hospital, few 6016'SGeo. bicLeod. -, York, is to he congratulated on her1 + Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey. London, are rapid proiuotions. Last Jnnuary she .'i,• + visiting relatives and friends in and was appointed assistant to the se- 3arotnd 1::sten• cond directoress Miss \Wilson. and • -----y_13i11(IDO Powder Miss Spearin, of Si. Marys was the Miss 11•iison having resigned. she has! �: r, t guest of Miss Olive Prior for n few been appointed to her place and now: :. days last week. stands as one of the heads of this' It is a very simple matter to 11 r. and Mrs. .1. L. Hooper. of large hospital. Miss Crtrlinf is ex Over one thousand stir• '1' make delicious, wholesome and Rochester, N. Y., are the guests of pected here Saturday ,to spend her :?. dents enrolled by our chain > rtoUrishirt food when you have Mr. John Grigg. vacation with her parents. last year. It ntys to at- :• Rev. J. G. Yelland will supply for The first camp being bald in this i•"1,.tend a link of this great the best Baking Powder to bake Rev. .iolliffe, of 'Clinton. duringthe part of the this chain, for ' Iv t �toa provinceyear, candor' •1• with. month of August. the auspices of the 3'. M. C. A.. IS.:.: THERE; Is i;Tltt4\(iTll," b Jaiss easy Pearson and ,ll r. George now in progress at Murk's on the lake; a The demand far our ... Once used always in favor. Bonnie. of London, are visiting short• a few miles north of hayfield.; i; graduates is THREE •t friends in town. Secretary Fleming is in charge, as -i �- LL, TIMES the sup(pY• .r Lic. a pe and. Mr. Gregory Tow, of Vancouver, 11, skied by F . E. Chane, of Clinton. and; o: Other schools enfage •2• C., is visiting his parents Mr. and J. F Robertson. of Auburn. The-raa onrgratdnates n9teac.iers. COLE'S DRUG STORE Mrs. James 'I'om. are sixteon boys in rile camp who are.A special course for teach .; Several from Exeter attended the having the time of their lives. '1'h, y ✓.- v ers, ..• are getting an abundance of whole-. ^4 Ciradualea of twoyears funeral of the late Bat. Coughlin at some recreation under proper atopic-! :_ Mt. Carmel Tuesday. es. Th • camp will be bigger next .i. ...,i ago are now earning g2, 3: I To11'YSIIIP OF' t'BRORNE 4, OIIU per annum. C:nrenc.• Bowden. of i.ondar. is yen r• •-3 '' Notice is hereby given that 1 have visiting bis grandparents, Dl r. and A 11eactionary Storni Period is 1 ✓• • Q Threecoursas-C(t�fMtat transwe is or delivered to the per - Douglas Joseph Into den. I ip central on July 31st, and August the C.) CLIi., STtsstcpnnArirv, and sons mentioned in Section Eight Douglas and Kathleen Stewart est. with Fn!1 Moon on the 1st. sol TBf .ort.\1•rtY, 01 "The Voters' List 'Act." the copirs spent the past week at the Bend. the that threatening weather condi-1 ••• L1,2required by the said Rection to be so guests of Mrs. 1Ieam:ut. tions ri.1 prevsil ns we pass trout = Fall 12rm Opus Aug. 30 transmitted or delivered of the list Mr. and Mrs. Langford. of Regina. 'Maly into August. Decid. d thunder ... E„� Write for particulars. made pursuant a said Aot, of all Sask.. are at present the guests of tcii'ls will hr "'t ird nn and touching ••• madpersons pursuaappearnt by the last Re- Ibeir. daughter Mrs. ltoulston, the 1st. 'Ch- first is also the eenteri - vied Assessment Roll of the said Mr. Frank Taylor, of Winnipeg. is of n limitable seismic period. extend-. ,• Municipality +to be entitled to vote 1 g' ing from .1 illy •29th to August ith or •• Clanton Business in the said Municipality at Elections visiting relatives in town. made fit h. The change to cooler, spot:. ti the entire journey in an auto. i for members of th Lrgislative As - Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Fear and son of in July forecasts. may be retarded•:; eembly and nt hilt nieipa1 elections Thornton, returned .Monday from a 'lard the Fitil \loan m► August ist.1 •: College and that said list was first frosted up two week's visit at Amberatbur •. but in either scent it will be of i : at my officese� Whalen, on the 20th b short duration. .. • (leo. Spotters, Principal, day of July.'IOC{ and remains there air. Alton %. �'ollick, of if:uniltor4 The High liehool D, piriment of tip-:.,......:...;......1......:..:.++++4.+4.4.4..:.+++;•;..t. for inspectioer Electors are called rendered n very pleasing solo in thr E e�e r t'ab'le School as ill i cif 11n .......:••:•• F:-•:..:.+•F•:••A•i•+•c++:••P,••: •;t• upon .to examine the said list and if James Street Church Sunday morning. sept,.mher 1st. „i:I, :ti. followin;, any emission or other errors are 11 r. W. ,i, White, Supt. of !mini - .1. staff. Principal. W. !l. 1W, idenhntn• found 'therein, to ink•• nrnmrd(ate ter tom. Ottawa, visited bis mother, ini•r. 11. A; first Assi-1.1111. C. B. Mo- proceedings •to have t he raid errors Mrs. John \\•bite, Saturday and Sun- Kinky. it. A. Commercial Specialir.t corrected according to law. day. A. M. .Johnson. The course covered corrected this 20th day of July. 1909. The induction of Rev. Samuel F. is complete for second class eerlifici• j FRAN'C19 MOIILEY Sharpe into the charge of the Caven less and junior matriculation. Th1• C'crk of th • said Municipality. past rocord of this school pl ac,'s it Presbyterian yteri.in church will take place first in Ontario's list for the course to -day. Mr. W. O. Miller, for the past three years manager of the Job Depart- ment "Sentinel -Review" of Wood- stock, has purchased the C. I'. Ileal & Co. printing plant (n London, tak- ing possession immediately. 'N. wish e1r. Miller every success. .Mrs. Miller will spend the month of August with her mother Mrs. Thomas Gregory. l 6 • Cauadiau acmes of Commerce has issued a map of the Canadian \\'est. accompanied by a pamphlet descriptive of the system of Dominion :and survey and of the homestead re - :..1 or.' applicable 10 that part of Cineda. The map and information sipplird are invaluable to farmers and others contemplating going West and copies can be obtained FREE at all offices of the Bank. FARM-VANTE.D To buy or rent. 100 acres prefer- red. Full information at Times office. GIRL ,\VANTED Good girl for gen- eral housework. Good wages. Ad- dress A. 11. Box N. or apply at Times Office. FARM FOR SALE Situated on the second concession, lot 00, of too township of Usbornea three miles from Exeter and five miles from Hensall, close 10 >L-hurch and one smile and a quarter from school. On this property tbere is erected 11 good frame house, seven rooms, convenient to hard and soft water; barn 40 x 60 tt. with stabling underneath, horse stable 20 x 35, with drive floor and loft for hay. There are forty acres seeded down and ten acres in bnsh, also a good bearing orchard. This pro erty is well drath- ed and in n good state of cultivation. If not cold privately before the 15th of September Will be Fold by public auction. Further notice will be given. This property must be sold Muslins, silk finished Batiste, pale blue Swiss pattern, lit;lshed with itllk Embroidery stat. :\ very tine line, regular price Ilse to clear at dile. � Fancy see stripe Batiste with grey pattern rxtra validitt l0c to clfar 30R Flowered Muslin showing a delicate stripe and fancyl\pattern regular SOO W clear at 23:. clearI'lain and colored Mulls with fancy pattern and et ripe to clear 13x. Coatlore8td Organdies Dimities and Mfuslins, extra value 1'2i and 13 t0 A few short end, only of Sa kb Etub[oidet y iu,c r t tens suitable fcr waists to clear at :rte. Watch Our Straw Hat Window Friday and Saturday All 2,', 0, 75e and $1.00 hats will be derated at astonishingly low prices Men's good reliable Summer Shoes in all sizes, regelaer price 2.511 and 3.00 cleating at 1.511 Boy's Shoes in pebble and split. All sizes while they last 50e pitir. A few pair only of Ladies Shoes in Oxfords and light shoes to clear at 50e. Misses and Boys tan Oxfords, extra value at 1:1.00 to clear laic Butter 188; Kegs 11): trade, Igo. cash; These prices subject to change i The Haying Season is Here. And you will need a hay fork. I have tato agency for Beatty Bros., Fergus, round rod track. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices right. Have capable man to install them. W. T. Gillespie. Phone 31. Exeter. Do You Want BFTTER BISCUITS ETTER CAKES ETTER PIES Than you have had! Then Mr. Edwin Irwin. of Norwich. spent t' anday with Mrs. Irwin. whe is visit - lig her parent•. Mr. and Jars. 'Phomas A.et1. cover, d. Desks allotted in order of, application. June closed with over 1(11) ,'moil d students. For sit tins. address, J. GRiGG. Secretary. Mr. Jack O'Connell and Miss llos •Trustees of each and every public Elliot. of London. were gursts of Mr. school will b• acting wisely and be saving considerable expense to their ,nd Mrs. Palmer at th Commrreial section and inconv•nience to their during the past week. teacher" by meeting before the re- Mrs. J. Emerson Newman (nee Jliss opening of the schools and passing: Lillian .cones) has returned to her the fol !owing resolution: "nesolcoel.: homy rDetroit after a week's visit that we the winches of this school in �rp You tong 01 music)?� with friend. in and around town. accordance with 11 g+i inion 4 of th•u Jars. Itennett, of 1'ernhill. ho for Deis 'Pert Itnok Regulation' the past four weeks visited her for the current year. do hereby au: -+1 \Ve have heard that, you were daughter Mr". Wm. Taylori• at pre- thnrizr the continuance in tote of all' pleasantly entertained recently by pent with h r Grandson 11. N. Tnylor, authorised text books in use in aur:, the cheerful music and funny Zion. school during the January term of+Atori('s nt an Ei ISON PHONO• the current year." I GRAPH. You enjoyed ,t, didn't A very interesting game of base yon? We are sure you did. How b,ll was played Tuesday evening be- would yno like to awn one also ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;;•F•l•++++++. .+' -4'++++•I• 1„ ern hirney's Burnt Blisters and with which to entertain your \\i• . •::•W !-ITS •}• Ili-•: •t1'. Busy (tatters. Each 1, -ant home people and y • friends IIF. IT. ildC T had won two game: and this was for when they call. You ran bay one th.• robber. Nine innings were play -d at 'rni•: PUIt1TY STO)tt+.. Drop in and after eliminating the errors. and hear the July nod August hits and double plays. the score 1 Records. Don't forget to ask to showed the Busy Batters had won 11-I bene that Sacred Duet "Are You 16. Followinet tire the name? of the ('outing Home To -night." it's -it:ptters: Rust' hatters. Elliot. itir- lovely. i ••r•. Pr•'szcator, itis•ett. Elliot, Hey. I wood. Enke. So•athentt. Johns ; B:ist- THE PURITY r •4. V. Sweet. \W. Armstrong. Mal- s 1' f Mil- l -it. Jirintnrll, Achr.ottf Pinter, 11. J. Willis Powell Manager. ♦ Try n jar of Purity Le- :It. and Tart for Lemonade Easily made and healthy and 4.•�• life-rivint . Also ninkes lemon- �+p pie :Ind ' nd flavors anything. + .‘ 2)e. tar. Tart 10c- tube '+• Sold only nt TIIE 1'f PITY tViews of Exeter 3 for :+e +++i•+++:••F•:-i•+iii:-i-i-t•;•:•+:•++•frf SA.- - t. Sn'l1, Flynn. VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mention, d in Srstion Eight of "The Voter-' L -t Act." the copies r: gain d by th :.lid Section to be so tttsntitt.d ar d livered of the list made leo - ant to slid Act. of all p:•rmn> Hy. i, 0rin;r by the lost Re- e'' ,' \-,. a,: ..• 111-I of the ,:aid J1un,ril•:,iia} to be entitled 10 vote in th•• staid .••I ,:ticil•alilf at Elections for mem), -ri of th • Legis'ativc A:(- senth'y and at Municipal rlections and Ih.• said list was first post(d up at my office. Exeter. on the 11th day of .tu:y. 1909. toad remains th' to for n•sp.•ction. K cetors are called %pot to exemia,• the said list nod if any nmi-=inn or oily •r errors ore fot;nel the rein, to take imm'•di:u? 'woe, thee, to etas 11; said err(); z corn-c:.d vecnr(11n;r to law II I)tted 'his 20511 d:•* of .lit v. 1009. .108. SENi011 je'er!: of tet .• s, d Munieipn!ity. I .youm1mail11 \ ,: .m• ri 1)01111V, O. Iet'..1 ei „ ah riot,. offense. 11.38 "i. 1 for. Ills honor .ludgo Doyle nt t ,..t, I ,eh Inst %t :•k. 'fit prisoner ;,'. ,1 ti guilty to ind,•c.•a : assault. b.,• t•ot g'i:ty to th • mor tions 01. 4. 1 - . and the trial was 1 9'ipolt, d ; i1:': Ihi• week. 1 ` I Is ►S mil THERE'S A PILE 0F>,`>;UE in u sack of Star flour., better bread and healthier those who eat it. STAR_ FLOUR MAKES MORE and better loaves to the sack t any other. It is so good that th are many imitations of it. So in der to be sure of the best be careful to get the Star ani take no other. kc4 of th o. HARVEY BROS. lien's Good N The market prices feed are alive and so is ,opoli The Old - ¢op'in truck M. Jac one door soul h of t tan. Just Ir ok at t prices (no trade, and all cash. Rags 73 c, per bundled Iron from 00c. to 73c. per hon. Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. lb, Copper and brass Pc. per ler. Horse hair :10c. per lb. Iniad and zinc 2 1/2e. per lb. Bring youroods here and ge the worth of your money. A lireat variety of IRON PIPEalways nn hand at, a tea• eonable price, suitable for fence poste, bracing boulevarding. M. Jackson & sons The Leading School STRATFORD. ONT. • • (*OD! to 5 1110 ptncticel. Our • teachers experienced and our . grednatcs capable of filling re- • sponsihte post tions. We ate re- : ceiving man' al,pli(•atinns for (•fllce help. During a single day this week we received seven Ap- plications for ofllce help ar.d four for commercial teachers. Dm. graduates succeed as nano = others. Than detiff heats. ('OMMEIU I.tt., SHORTHAND TKi.EO1t.t1'11Y ('atnlogue free. IELLIOTT & MCLA('NLAN, Principals. •••••••••••a•••••••• IIO I'CII 1)1) YOtt \VE11;11t Weigh yourself to -day. the gin taking. fBitICE'S TASTELESS COD LiVEIt 011. Weigh yourself two weeks f day and 810 how mach yon has ell. That's the way to lrst ties of nny toniee end if ho aulnr:• talc, n ltltFCt:'S T. will t'i3EI.Y Af)I) \WEi( Mor hat that it will pi, life i n you ; color in yoatr and • I r`rh b'ond in your vel .Hast my itI1IC1:'•= TASTELESS to vour druggist. W. S. Howey, Phm. Chemist And Optician EXETER - ONTARIO.