HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-29, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JULY '29th 1909
Givos Strength and Vigor
atO�.t �.
o BOVRIL,IS LIpUID LIFE is nothingwhich so quickly restores strength
--energy after an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. As a of Mr. Bat. Coughlin. .Ir. Coughlin
change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful ,vas one of the first settlers in these
of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk:
' the invalid daughter of the woman
I was :yiog in another b_d in the house.
j It was thought that the invalid
• daughter might be able to throw
Mi -s Gladys E--, rv. of Centralia, is awn, rpt on the case. but she could
tit -t uawn, t11; ll, heavers. I not au -o. It was said that rhe could
`•I t •l'. Braun, of l':eveland. ::i not have eau" d the injuries inflicted
t: -icing friends around town. j on the der. a -ed. The dead woman
Dr. and Mrs. Orme and daughter was for years an invalid, and lately
1 the guests of Mr. C. Woven,. could ,naardly leave her bed. and was
Mr. George Medford. of Sarnia, heal at one time in the asylum at London.
left after visiting friends here. She was fifty-seven years of age, and
Mrs. I1. Link has returned homein the inquiry all the private history
and after visiting friends in Exeter. i of the family has been naturally Kone
\V. ore carry to report the death into more or less. The fact remains,
however, that the mystery suround-
ino her death has not been solved.
All the facts elicited will be laid be-
fore the crown. and the provincial
police will, it is understood, con-
tinue to snake a thorough investi-
gation into the case. The intense in-
terest that the case has for (he peo-
ple of the district was shown by the
crowd that attended the inquest.
was a kind and faithful citizen. lin
Any Cold Can be Cured
without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and
the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to
do is to open your bowels wide with
s anAr
That will carry the cold genus and systemic poisons away ant
you'll get well in no time. If you have a cold or are con-
stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles,
take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel
better in the morning.
4,54 Geta 25c Box e
1` C
than Pills for
For Sale by W. S. Cole, ESetor.
Wonderful Nervous System
The nerves control till actions of the bully so that any-
thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs of
the system. Early indiscretions and Excesses have
ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural
Drainssap their vigor and vitality and they never develop
to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak-
lings, mentally, physically- and sexually. How you feel?
Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy,
specks before the eyes with dark circles under them,
weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart,
bashful, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine. pimple,
on the face, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks, careworn ex-
pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy
and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, change-
able moods, prematuredecay, bong pains, hair loose, etc.
This is the conditionour New Method Treatment is
We have treated Diseases of M..11 for almost n life -
Unto and do not hare to experiment. Consult es
ari a will tell you "hither you are curahlo or not.
We guarantee curable cases of
Free Booklet on Diseases of Men. If unable to call
write for
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap"
We are
the best
cloths money
puts. Ile leaves a widow and ten
We are sorry to lose Mr. Jame:
manager of the bank of Commerce.
Ile had a call to Prince Edward Is,.
!nod and left Tuesday morning. Ho
will be greatly missed by the young
people of this place..
Mr. Stanley' Coyle spent Sunday in
London vi-itiug Mr. and Mrs. Coyle.
IOn Monday evening the Cubs. play-
ed an interesting game of baseball
against the 'Tigers from Crediton
IBost. The little boys did their best
'Thr score stood 7-0 in favor of the
- Miss Jennie Brock has returned af-
ter visiting her parents in Exeter.
ali-s '.1ny Armstrong, of lxeter,
. ' rids in town one day last
wee I,.
Mrs. G. Braun and Mrs. C. Braun
attended the funeral of Mrs. David
Finkbeiner. Mrs. Finkbeiner died
last week after a few days illness.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mr. Finkbeiner and fam-
Miss Nellie James, of Goderich, was
the guest of Miss Alma hill on Tues-
The funeral of Bat Coughlin took
place Tuesday morning from his late
residence to Mount Cannel R. C.
cemetery. The cortege was one of
the largest ever held in Huron coun-
ty. extending nearly two miles. The
late Mr. Coughlin tvas an exporter of
cattle, and was well known all over
Western Ontario, and a great and
generous friend of all the farmers.
He was a lifelong 'Conservative.
Friends from the U. S. Sault Ste
Marie, !Toronto, St. Thomas, and Lon-
don paid their lest respects to his
memory. He is survived by a widow
and tear children—five sons and five
daughters—who have the heartfelt
sympathy of the community. A
very impressive address was deliver-
ed by Rev. Father Alward, of Lon-
don. as to the %York and generosity
of Mr. Coughlin. Among the priests
who attended and assisted in con-
ducting the services were Rev. P.
McKeown, of London; V. Durkin, of
New York, and other prominent
or:eats front,it. 'Thomas.
Pain can be easily and autckly stop -
Led. Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's
:stop Headache, womanly pains, any
! pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure.
Formula on the 25c. .L;,:;. 'alit your
druggist is a,0clor nbout this formula
—t.t's fine. Sold by \V. S. Howey.
Airs. hurley, who was here visiting
her father. left on Tuesday for Seattle.
Our council have token steps in the
way of increased fire protection by
ordering a new outfit of ladders,
hooks and ropes. and will have a
waggon equipped with t hem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. aleDonell left
herr on Monday of last week for Seat -
•a :e and a number of other places of
merest. They expect to be away a
a,a of months. :is They are going
as far as San Francisco.
Mrs. Peter Munn. of Ilay, left last
!week for Seattle, where her father is
living. She intends spending a couple
Klrkto. 1 of months there.
Our bottling club, who have played
Following, is the list of individual I for the pant seasons on Mr. F. Smalla-
i competitors tt ho have entered in the comb.•'- green. have purchased a lot
field coopetition of the lairkton+from Mr. G. C. Petty. opposite the
Agr,cuttural socielp t brick block, and intend fitting it up
Albert Switzer, Fall ; - W (;tiI
ftllan, in good shape.
sewing on Ilunt.ell Fall ; Geo. Spearin, Anted- Mr. Oliver Geiger. of Waterloo, is
can; Au. J. Dow. Harvest Ring : spending bank holidays here with his
blly Thos. Hanson, Bonnett; A1hart E. parents.
Miler 1lawson's Golden Chaff : Mich- 'l ss Gertrude Thompson is in To -
We are reaping Satisfied MIS and Birch, do.; .1. A. Kirby. do.: ronto visiting her sister, airs. South -
\Wilbert Spirting, 'do.; Milton Ii. well.
ttouters.,�aNatural, isn't, It • sit suer. do.; \\ . .1. Robinson. do.; Miss Lilly Yungbhrt. who was
when the am., our ;over,iahteent it, Clarkson Switzer. do.; ilugh (ferry, speeding :a somber of weeks here
_the :ew>i✓llapt9, stating the price for do.; Arthur 4�'ra ncis, do.; Philip Vern, tt•ith her sister and friends. return-
.1Urquhart.:vet' t
h da. tn. \1'
do. , Johnj e ed l. t week to Waterloo.
a Suit, ('oat, Trouser+, m whata ter Doupe, do.; Rtcliffe pros.. do. ; jlno. The Misses Smiliie, daughters of the
the ad. Wight suggest, rte include the A. Itaoin•on. do. ; Jos. Kiri:. do. ; Late Mr. II. Smillie, are here spending
bast of everything in that suit. Philip I':::ckler, do.: David hazel- hoadays with their ninny relatives
The best Cloth, t Le bast Lininzs, the • t'. F. 1 ot.p . do.; Kphnt riaand friends.
best PaddinRs, the hest Thread etc , 11 • .:tt' do.: Alts. v.. J. Tufts;, du: Miss Robson. of Ailsa Craip. is
as well as the best of our ability in Cut- Add lairkton. v:sitin:t her sister, Mrs. 11. Arnold!
tang, Fitting and Making, shouldn't alias Kirk, of 'Toronto, is visiting Mrs. 11. Billings and family left
we reap our rewartt' friends and relatives in this vicinity. her.. Inst week for their new hone
This ad. is sowed to reap you as one Miss Edna Grosse. of St. Mary.. is in Forest. where llr. .Itillings has
of our customers. \When you need a visiting at AI r. I). llazeiwood's. been for the past month or so. ns
Suit. (moat, Trousers or
Fancy Vest
let. his -act. lend you to our sh.•p where
We can prove to you that we Eve up to
uro wont.
When 'Coroner 1)r. J. W. Shaw opened
the hearing the town jail was crowd-
ed •to its utmost capacity.
Women with pale colorless fades
tt Lo feel weak and discouraged. will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
aro made for the blood. nerves and
Th. death occurred Inst Friday,
July lard, at the house of Refuge„
C:intoe. of Mr. Thomas Veal, one of
1:1lmville's old and respected resid-
ents. aged 82 years. The deceased
was born in Devonshire, England
and came to 'Canada 89 years ago,
settling in Usborne. He resided here
until last year, when owing to bis ad-
vanced age, he wished to be taken to
the house of Refuge to spend his de-
clining days. His remains were
brought from 'Clinton Saturday morn-
ing, the funeral taking place from
the residence of his son William, Sun-
day afternoon for interment in the
Earn title cemetery. The deceased
was married twice, his first wife
dying a few years after her arrival
an ;oris country an•l his a coed about
five yearn ago. He is survived by
two sons. William, of Elimville and
Samuel, of Colorado.
A book on Rheumatism, by Dr.
Shoop. of Racine, Wis., tells some
plain truths. and in a plain and
practical way. Get this booklet. and
a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy for some disheart-
ened sufferer in your vicinity. Make
n grateful and appreciative friend of
some one who is discouraged because
of the failures of others to help him.
llelf me to make this test, and I'll
certainly Belo vour suffering friend.
()rand Bend
The •Grand I3end Gala ,Ay .and
Summer !Carnival will be t Id on
Thursday, ,August 5th, when a- grand
program of sports will be carried out.
lit the inErfii•trt ncneatic
sports, etc. and in the. afternoon a
callthurnpian procession. foot races
and field sports. In the evening n
band concert and display of fireworks
will be given.
(';eking berries is the order of the
ltd -t y nil the beat is cut and
shocked and some have started to
haul in.
Mr. Jnnit.t Williams is gradually
improving_. Ile is being cared for in
Victoria hospital. London.
Miss Meryl Jennison and Masters
Robert and Theodore are visiting
their aunt, Mrs. John .1. 'Taylor.
Miss Myrtle Lowson. ;a soending
her holidays with hiss Lottie Hellin.
Mr. John llnyter is on the sick list.
:Hiss MMn • Hodgins who has been
visiting in London returned home
The rain which fell Thursday and
Friday did a great deal of good.
Mrs. Thos. Fnllis is visiting friends
in Detroit.
The fiat will soon b• ripe.
We regret to announce the (Lath of ,r,,,,:a'ter of the Moaons Lank. ' ';`'y%�'
Mrs. 11. Berry, of 4th, Lige Iran Mr Shirray and daughter. 'Miss ;e f�7.f.'_.
shard, repo diad on Friday 23rd, lost.. Anti•, are in Detroit. visiting Niro. �• / '
Shirr.ay''s son, William, who is very
Mr. Edmund Ceit•rr, oho is leach -
near harrow. i.ssex Cnnnty, is
sp•nding the holidays stith his par -1
Mr. T'r.omas Wylie (Bos 384 , Galt,
ant i says: --"It was the luckiest day of my life
M'•s Maggie Thompson left here 1 when 1 struck F SYCNiNE, for 1 truly be•
cast week for the west and will visit liete 1 shouldn't he alive now but for that.
her brother there. ! "A neglected cold was the beginning
_�_4, _ .__ 1 of my trouble. and what seemed to be a
A tickling or dry cough con 1, •' simpl_ ailment, soon developed into a seti-
ncckly loosened with Dr Shoo ', ous and donee -ons condition. i got so low
at the pont t of ber son Mr. Roberti
(terry. The remains were interred
in the English church cemetery on
Saturday afternoon, amid :a large
gathering of relatives and friends.
Thera 1, a carnival at Graatt Mend
•_ --- on Au;::>t nth. 'Will some enterprising',
individ;aal undertake to run a bus
on that I articular date, to that par-
ticular place. if so he will undoubt-
/ a eei:y mak, his "pile", for many would
go if the railroad was through. but
J. H. Holtzman
Weak Kidneys
coir; as i i I go in the good old fashioned Cough Remedy. No opium, no chloro- that it was scarcely possible for me to walk
way, if only to provide food for .form. nothing unsafe or harsh. sold around, and i lost so much flesh that i
p.eaoant reminiscences in years to by 'iV. K. Howey. 1 looked like a skeleton. I was� just about
come ns this will probnbl-t h thir ready to hand in ray checks, althou.hh
13a geld. doctor gae me made me worse and 1 ot
A foiling tiny nerve — no larger y idisgusted. Then I struck PSYCHiNI."
than the finst silkn thread—takes that tlecea'-d rant•• to her death at ' PSYCHiNE did miraclesfor me. The
Went RI.inpa sorely point en w, ':front tete heart its impulse. its power, ih bandit of sonic person or perons first bottle gave me new life and courge,
t.+rhn. .'.Hrt..n1 the its refrulnrity. The stomach also has unknown. and •that the .cos• ws and in less than notime 1 began to put on
'tach.Cnd th'1r w,akuon. not In tt.• organ its bidden or inside nerve. It tans manifestly not one of suicide. wits the• fleshrapidly,andifltIwasonthehighroad
but in tha.• rens that eontrel aol `utdetn�hoons Res4,n►ttvo fsto recovery. My appetite returned, andto like a hunter,' as the saying goes
!y fricois were surprised, and hardly
Inew m . rc in three mor h 1 w•s as as strong
rid well as ever, and returned to work in
the mill. 1 have not had a day's icinessince Nobody could wis: for better health
than I enjoy, and it is all owing to PSY-
CHINE. It should be in everybody's
handsPor Coughs, Colds. Loss of Appetite.
Throat. Lung and Stomch rouble.
tak c ie Psy filar. Dtugg stn and Stores
sellat5Oc and $1.00. Send to DR• T.
A. SLOCUM, Limited, Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, for s TRiAL FREE.
last chance. ---�---- , only 20 years of age. The medicine t e
i)r. Shoop ss ho first told ua it was verdict returned Thursday evening
n rung to drug n weak or failing he ,he Carrs •1 ' j :ry inquiring into
Stomach. heart or Kidneys. His th • death of Mrs'. James Burns, of
,sc : in .— Shoop's r r a t Dr. L R s n + lance. 1 n' l h�
00 .. rt r , t I remembered
l i
o h r a r rnctnbcre I
tive—°- direct,d straight for the that al the first inquiry aha verdict.
cnmse of these ailments—these weak was suicide. but the talk of the place
and tattering inside nerve.. This. no and the rumors which reached th
doubt. clearly explains why th • R,- crown led to a fnrth.tr inquiry. which
:aorative has of late grown so rnp- n.,. romp:et ed. Sul o hieIt did not
idly in pop:alnrity. Druggists say throw any more :ipht on Oa mystery.
that those who test the Rest oralave On Thursday. whi n \V. J. Burns. !h-
aven for a few days Foon become fu:- h• -hand. came home from hie work
ly convinced of it. wonderful merit. h • found h'a wife lying dead on the
Anywny. don't drug the organ. bed. with a stocking twhited around
Tr. -ether Ilia canoe of sickness Is the h r ti eta and with a bruise on her
r only cen'ible and successfel nay. Sold' . h • 1 1' e:a,!••d for Ws n •:thbors.
t.^ :: • ; a- . i 1 -,. ty t•re erred to roach these
aa. waves. ao doctor the Kidneys alone.
ate. It is a waste of time. and of money as
your trete aches or Is weak, 11 a nrine
a .
a f u have �- s, ma t ♦ e m m
,'a t,..iark. and f to s
�. •
:f• S � P
Itrva;hts or other distressing or dangerous Lil-
t dt,wa.•.sty1),.Shoop'aRestQrauveamonth—
hlete or 1Jquld—and lee whaflt can and will
for you. Druggist reeammcud and sell
Or. Shoop's
by W. S. Howey. I t na,r th,•.lart: ng netto'prrad.
�. t
G t • •4
IPI rise t all .
n ri o 1 r t of . t rt,
'a a
0 0
Mopped In 4) minutes
s DDS from the rumors • f:rat th• main
e .tars with Dr. tihon s
,,,, r a , pe I f:ac:a is hid! .food oat aver. the nth
t4wit wills urel7 trove. • of the wornap and h r diseov y as
No voraltldix described. an. c c' .1 mstane .at
'a tar:...\ .afo and pleaaARtny ata►
of; tvPfill1.11177ElETIVIELVICC.4
Mr. Moyer, of Berlin, is visit:4ag
his brother Mr. W. Siebert.
.piss Ethel Kellerman!), te!to has
been visiting friends in Parkhill, hasI
returned to Ler home here.to
:Hiss 'Tillie laibbler, Listowel, is Lit Pieces
visiting with friends here.
Archie Routledge. of London. is
spending his vacation with his par-
ents, 1)r. and Mrs. Routledge.
Mr. and M. Geo. Powell and Mrs.
J. Snell cane over•in their auto from
Thedford on Sunday and Fpent the
day with friends here.
The Miss s Olive and Lloy Fenn.
of 1':arkhill, :are visiting with Miss E.
Miss hazel Miller, of Battle Creek,
Alieb., is vision;, at the home of Mrs.
C, Miller,
Rev. IW. O. Deese, of Toronto, oc-
cupied the pulpit both morning and
evening in the Evangelical church on
Aliso Sadie .Mcisaac is visiting
friends in Detroit.
Miss Pearl \\'urtz, of Zurich, spent
Sunday in town.
Mr. Edgar Btogal visited with
friends here on Sunday.
v..M11.1•111sm. s
1 Shamefully
Too late for last week.
We warit to sell
elft our entire stock of trimnlel and untrimmed
hats and will offer from now until the end of
the season at such prices that wilt slake them
clove. Now is your last chance to get a hat
very cheap.
Siebert & Co.
Hartleib Block.
Mrs. J. l{e:term:in and family,' THE DASHWOOD PLANING MILL CO , LFrssitod,
spent rho past week with friends in Haye on Hand and for Sale CHEAP
Parkhill. Violet, Pine and Hemlock Lumber; Shingles, Laths, Posts, Sash, Doors, Emmen
airs. Allen and daughter of
:it..d tt aril !ionic Dr.
Routledge on Friday last.
Miss aliner, of Battle Creek, Mich.,
is visiting friends in town.
Mr. J. K. Goetz, was in Zurich on
'Tuesday attending council meeting.
Miss Alice 'I'ruetnner. of Toronto, is
tisiting stilt. her parents on the
l;o-hen 'ins.
Mks O'Neil, of Parkhill, is visiting
with Miss Maida itonttedgo.
Mr. Moyer, of Merlin, is visiting
with Mr. and Mia. Siebert.
-.can - 1:0,:; aaa. of Lot,dat:. is
spending his attention at his home
ll •. 'Wolfe and sister. of Crediton.
visited at C. Finkbeiners on Sundays
Mr. Don Chown. of C:andeboye, is
visiting with Archie Routledge.
Mrs. Wagner who has been ill for
;0111 tine is :the to be out again.
Miss Ada Siebert who has been in
li.gersoll, has returned to her horse
The many friends of :alias Lillie
Ilnllantyne will be pleased to learn
that she is getting along nicely.
Mr. Wtn. 'Pollen, the genial pro-
prietor of the temperance house is
all smiles now as he has another lit-
tle boy in his horns.
Mr. 1). Brown has engaged with
Mr. fT. 7fell for the threshing season
1909. Dave is n number one man
t -;Hay trema 121^a.
Our village meicba sa“ It.."'. .j h1chas-
ea a beautiful dog to look h'i"
ite- a t h 16REA DOUBLE BILI
things and judging by his appearance
he will be a faithful sentinel.
Automobiles pass pretty often now in
as the Thames Road is in first class Naval Battle
condition for such machines.
All the wheat is now cut era will
yield cxcecdinl;ly well.
Flooring and Siding.
We sell the celebrated Paroid Roofing—NoneBetter
kinds of Factory work done to order for which our prices are reasonable.
Just to hand, a large import order of WINDOW GLASS
which we will sell at very close prices.
Now is the time to order your Hay Racks and Water Troughs.
Call in and See 119.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited.
Dashwood, Out.
August 28th - 1909 - September 13th
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent.
in active operation.
will officiate at opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August Slst.
Model Camp --Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be -
Forty Industries
tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery— rtillery Drive—Musical Ride, etc.
Palpitation of the heart, ner-
vousness, tremblings, nervous head-
ache, cold hands and feel, pain in the
back and other forma of weakness'
aro relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for tbo blend nerves
'l'oo late for Last w'cek.
A number from here took in the
James Street Picnic, one of our boys
contesting in the sports.
air. .101111 11cleir.•it. manager of the
. WW1 toy, 1;.1: i
t, spent '
tined: } tt is tt friends at tIL, lietho-
d'..1 par.on.tire.
..• 1.•1,1..iant ..‘1.:1),; Mutt who
have been spending the vacation un.,•
der the parental roof left Wednesday 1'
for Toronto. Niagara Falls, Buffalo
and Alter points of interest.
Mrs. .1. F. E. Mutt and daughter
Virginia• who are visiting at the
parsonage spent Sunday at \Wanstead
.and C:11111. back Nionriny evening.
Miss Irene 'landlord visited at the
parsonage on Monday.
Dr. Edgar Boswell. who spent the
past year in one of the New York
naspl aa. spent .: t days with
his parents last at. . Ile left Mon-
day morning for high River, where
he intends to practice medicine. We
wish him great success in his chosen
The wheat harvest has commenced
in the t•ieinilt'.
'mIiem ',Willi Snell. of Exeter. visi-
ted her relatives Mr. and 111rs. W.
(;avec and family on Sunday.
Frank Moyle and nephew Harold, of
Exetrr. visited the former's mother
on Sunday. I :4!
Mr. and Mrs. \V. 11. Butt and son
l.. .., aret•7'itint; ray:atives :it
.' woo. hippo sad ticiulit•.
Mr. Edgar Hutt, of Kippen, visited
friend. here on Sunday last.
It••v. 11'. i1. ling occupied his put -
1•'t on Sunday evening. Ile delivered
a %,ry effective sermon to a d well
filled house. ,plisses Sarah Neil and
Laura Butt rendered a very lovely
and pathetic vocal duet.
Sears the �1te K,nd You Hata Aiwa lbu,Al
Mr. Noon ,n Boltzmann, of Water-
loo. ',pent hat w. ek here with his
Mr. Ed. Grub. of lanlannazoo. it vis-
iting hi• another Mrs. henry Greh.
The Zurich school made n credit-
able showing nt the recent exarns.
Five out of six pissed the entrance
And tato out of three the graduation.
Mr. V. Lames
Lamont mad, a shipm t
of three car• of cattle to Toronto
For an information write Manager J. O. ORR, City Hall. Toronto,
1000 Yon
We are making a new
departure this season, and have
arranged to sell wheels direct by mail,
saving to our customers all intermediate profits.
Ity this plan we can offer
Regular $50
Hyslop Bicycles
For $25
This surprising value in first-class wheels will be an import.
and help to the restoration of their popularity. We have
planned for a big bicycle year, and are rc•a•n u ith tate
best machine for the money ever offered in l a':ada,
Send for 11'u.trated Folder
NighClassAutomobiles and
Bicycles TOMONTO, ONT.
Western Fair
to the world
Dog Show
Sept 10-18
Prize I.Ist
Cat Show
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
Music Attractions
91st Highlanders Program Twice Daily
7th Fusiliers The Best Ever
Fireworks Take a HolidayI Special Rates
Each Evening and visit London's Fair Over all Railroads
Prize i,iats, Entry Forma. Programmes and all information from
W. .1. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary
:last week. ,m +
Mrs. Boesenherry sr. left last week
le '' t she w' 1livet'
for 1 stn. their b I with
her on Frank.
Lasht n ke in oendin' in me re-
port it ho•t nae •,n' Chat:i • Fritz fixed
tip th' ball t• ant, 1 made siveral Mit-
1,1k, ow in' In 1. -in' huay anoperin•
Coffin' th' Il- i:in' in iv me quarter
nen, iv fall hay. in r:peakin' iv Ed.
Zell. is boater) gaafe. 1 Winded to
c a a
. a a e th'r ck men n
C f 1
t 1 r
t r o
1 P
pied all iv Ed'a type in lookin' fer
thim. Seal, might have thought by
th' wriliu' that Charlie had done th'
bustin' hisself. Notfer him, he's
not bni'r wid those a1 eificatione,
an' begorry he wudelrnt go no nearer
a hunch iv g'Infnwdkr or dinnamite
what is tbinkin' iv blowin' tip. than
say that Charlie ttit: wan iv th' first h• ttonld thry to steer an airbip.
I r
eakauat t ' too fr
don't nhrnoke tinny thing like .. 'r
t'w•as me what h and, d thin inginc• 8
th' eigarootcs so i must apoligi.a
to Charlie. ez 1 don't Fhraokn two ,
fer fivers mesal( ex they m Int)
dizzy. Anny way its hats off t0
Chtrli.•. he r an 1.!.y ball, an' seP he'll
goin' nfhter bigc r game, th' Der
trpils fer insbtance. Larrt,