HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-29, Page 47
J.H1 EXEZ ER TIMES, JULY 29th 1909.
BY-LAW NO. -=s
Ily-Law No. of the Vil-
lage of Exeter, to authorize the
borrowing of the sum of $22,000-
00 for Water Works purposes.
'WHEREAS it. i:+ de.irubic in the
1. tl:- intereet3 that the Corpn•a-
tion of the Village of Exeter should
acquire, construct, operate uud main-
tain a system of waterworks (within
the said municipality fur fire eprotec-
tion and other purposes. 1922
AND \W111:REAS cu ugreemtnt has 1924
been entered into between the said 1925
'Corporation and James N. Howard IIr20
for the purchase (subject to the ap-
proval of the ratepayers of said vii- 1928
page) of that part ut the river bed ly2y
and !rauks of the Aux Sable River
known as the Mill property and be-
ing all that part of Lot number nine-
teen, in the first Concession of the
'Township of Csborne, (now Exeter)
owned by the said James N. Howard
for the price or sum of $1700.09
AND WHEREAS it is advisable to
purchase ,aid Howard property and
to construct and maintain a dam and
Pumping (station thereon and to er-
ect a Water Tower or ;stand pipe in
some $uitab!e location in said village
and to lay .water mains connecting
said pumping station and stand pipe
and along Main Street in the Said
years for principal and interest in
respect of the said debt us follows.
Principal Interest Total
In the year
1910. 665.31 1100.00
1911 698.61 1066.70
1912 733.51 1031.80
1524.99 210.35
1601.24 ,161.10
1681.29 81.05
SEPT. 10-18
Special efforts are being put forth
1If: y+ -;,r by 1It • management of the
tVi•stern Fair to make everything in
1765.34 the way of exhibits as attractive. and
1765.34 pleasant for the visitors as poseible.
1765.7;1 In the Main Building there will be
1765.34 many new and very interesting ex -
1765.34 hibit-4. In the Dairy Hall the buts -r-
1765.34 making corn petilion will take place
1765.34 each morning and afternoon, when in
1765.34 addition to the large cash prizes of -
1765,34 (eyed by the Association. a beautiful
1765.34 Silver 'Cup kindly donated by the
1785.34 Canadian Salt Co., of !Windsor, will be
1765.34 given to the winner of the first prize
1765.34 in section two.
1765.34 In the Machinery Hall wi11 be found
1765.31 all the latest up-to-date machinery in
1765.54 full swing, which is always an inter -
1765.34 es1.ii sight. The 'i'r•,nsportation
1765.34 Building, which is always a place of
1765.34 interest will again be filled with
1765.31 splendid exhibits and all the Live
Stock Buildings of course %rill 0 • fill-
ed to overflowing. If space is re-
quired write at once to the Secretary.
A, 111. hunt, London, Ont., who will
promptly furnish p.rizclist, entry
forms and alt information.
4. That this By -Law shall come in-
to force and take effect on the day
of the final passing thereof. :
5. That the votes of the Electors
of the said Village of Exeter entitl-
ed to vote on this By -Lav be taken
on friday the 20th day of August,
1909, commencing at Dine o'clock in
the forenoon and continuing until
five o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day at the following .places
within the said Village of Exeter by
the following Deputy Returning Of-
Polling eub-division No. I, at Sil-
as�Tillage and to otherwise •fully c;- llandford's Residence, Ed. Treble
uip. maintain and operate said Sys-
D. It. O. Herbert Ford Pop Clerk;
Polling Sub -division No. 2, Weekes'
\I'HERF.AS it hitt been esti- Marble Shop, Main Street, W. D.
AND Weekes, 1). 1t. O. James Weekes Poll
mated that it will require the sum J Clerk ; Polling ub-division No. 3. E.
ofg *'2000.00 to purchase said pro-( 11. Fish's ltesidenec. Main Street, Ii.
perry, erect said dam, pumping sta- G. Seldon, 1). R. 0., Alex G. Dyer,
Poll Clerk : Polling Sub -division No.
4, Town hall, i[I, E. Huston, D. R.
0.. 11. N. Taylor, Poll Clerk. .
6 That Wednesday, the 18th day
of August 1909 at Eleven o'clock in
row upon the credit of the said blun- the forenoon, shall be the day and
icipality the sum of *22000,00 t in
thel Villageerk's of of Exeterice in esha l be Town l the
AND WHEREAS for the purposes place (where the Reeve shall attend
tion and stand pipe ond to lay said
water main.( 'and ;equip said water
AND •WIIEREAS it is necessary for
the said .purposes for the said Corpor-
ation of the Village of Exeter to bor-
aforesaid it twill be necessary .to Is-
sue deb.•ntures of the said municipal-
ity of the Village of Exeter for the
said sura of $22000.00 and interest
as hereinafter provided which is the
amount of the debt intended to be
created by this 13y -Law. the proceeds
of the said debentures to be applied
in the acquisition of said lands. the) shall attend at his office in the said
erection of said dam, pumping ata- Village of Exeter at Twelve o'clock
tion and stand pipe and the laying noon on Saturday the 21st day of
August, 1909, to sum up the number
of votes given for and against this
lay -Law. ,
to appoint persons to attend at the
various polling places aforesaid and
at the final summing up of the votes
by the Clerk on behalf or persons in-
terested in promoting or opposing the
this IJy-Lav respectively.
7. That the Clerk of the Corpora-
tion of the said Village of Exeter
of said water mains and the equip-
'ment of said system and for no other
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to
make the principal of the (.aid debt
repayable by annual instalments dur-
ing the period of twenty years next
after the issue of the debentures
therefor. such instalments of princi-
pal to Iss of ouch amounts that the
aggregate amount payable for prin-
cipal and interest in any year shall
be egnnl as nearly as may be to
what is payable for principal and in-
terest during each of the other years.
AN 1) WHEREAS it will be necess-
ary to raise annually for the period
of twenty years during the currency
of the debentures to be issued here-
under, by a special rate sufficient
therefor on all the rateable proper-
ty within the municipality the sum
of ti 1765.3.4 for the paying the sev-
eral instalments of principal and in-
terest thereon at the rate of five per
cent per annum,
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the Faid
Village of Exeter according ,to the
last revised Assessment Roll is the
suw of *573,503.00,
AND \WHEREAS the existing de-
benture debt of the said Village ex-
clusive of local improvement deben-
ture debt secured by epecial.assess.'
ments therefor amounts to the sum
of $12.864.21 and no part of the prin-
cipal or interest thereof is in arrears.
Therefor+• the Municipal "juncil of
the Village of Exeter •,nacts its fol-
1ons:- -
1. 11 Sh.a I'tie lcitwful for the Reeve
of ' !.e -sitid Viilage of Exeter to bor-
rotw on th. credit of the said Corpor-
ation of the Village of Exeter the
suin of e..12.000.00 for the purposes
hereinbefore set forth and for that
purpose to iesue debentures of the
said municipality to the amount of
412.000.00 in sums of not less than
.100 each and such debentures shall
be s'gned by the Reeve of the said
Corporation for the time being and
countersigned by the Tensnrer for the
time being of the said Corpoation and
du•v - eted ttith the Corporate Seal
th e. (which seal the Clerk for
the time being of raid Corporatiprr
is hereby rtutborizcd and directed to nt:. A n, tt srt:ration will be seen
attach to each of said debenture~. 4, ,.t. ry l„rfortttance in -.1UPITEIt,
2 Th,: avid debentures shall be dat- the bailout' horse." Phis remarkable
ed upon the date of the issue thereof animal will' its fearless rider ascends
and shall bear interest nt the rate to the dont. of the circus lent in a
of Five per cent. per annum from the balloon ind descends to the ground in
dn.e of the issue thereof and the said a shower of fireworks. Nearly 1000
interest shall be payable yearly on
The above is a true copy of the pro-
posed ley -Law which has been taken
into consideration and which will be
finally passed by the Council of the
Corporation of the Village of Exe-
ter in the event of the assent of the from my little wee tousle -heads.
electors being obtained thereto after I miss all their mischievous clatter,
one month from the first publication their tender caresses and smiles,
in the Exeter (rimes and Exeter Ad- And dream of their coming to greet
vocate newspapers, which first pub- me from over the long. weary
lication was on the 15th day .of July miles.
1009. and at •the hour, day and places To hold them and snuggle thein close -
therein fixed for taking the votes
of the Electors a pall will be held.
Every Leaseholder entitled by law
to vote on the proposed By -Law shall
at :oast ton days next preceding the
day of polling file in the office of Nothing in the way of a cough is
the Clerk of the Municipality a Stat- suite so annoying as a tickling, teas-
utory Declaration stating that his ing. wheezing. bronchial cough. The
Lease meets the requirements by taw ;uickest relief comes perhaps from
entitling him to vote on such By -Law W perscription known to druggists ev-
and the names of Leaseholders ne- crywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-.
electing to file such a Declaration edy and besides it is so thoroughly
shall not be placed on the Voters' harmless that mothers give it with
List for such voting. perfect tinkly even to the youngest
Dated at Exeter this 7th day of July babes. The tender leaves of a simple
A.D., 1909. mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop'e
JOS. SENIOR I Cough Remedy its remarkable effect.
'Clerk of the Corporation of the it is frilly n most certain and trust -
Village of Exeter. worthy prescription. Bold by W. 5.
110tt t'y.
When the kids are away on a visit)
and 1 am alone 'round the place,
Awl never a pattering footstep, nor
the smiles of a sweet little face;
When the house is all lonely and
empty, with never n little one's
To come to me out of the silence, and
echo along through the hall ;
No little lips lifted for kisses, no
ittle hands clinging to mine..
No laughter nor little arms waiting
their chance 'round my neck to
'Tis then that I miss their caresses,
and each little tender embrace.
When the kids ere away on a visit!
and 1 alone 'round the place.
Then everything's gloomy, and sad-
ness is everywhere present, when
t bey-
Thc•se two little youngsters -have left
rte to be gone for even n day.
Th Iittle lend .soldiers are restlees.
and ask me the meaning of it,
And the hobby -horse feels quite ne-
glected, nod the dollies are Ions -
some a bits.
And even the little tin trumpet, which
echoes so bravely and shrill,
The blocks and the toys and the play-
things all seem to have fallen
from grace.
When the kids are away on a visi
and 1 am alone 'round the place
And somehow the days are all frcigh
ted with lonesomeness, when 1
can't bear
The prattle and chatter and nonsense
they talk, falling low on my car
And .when I awake in the morning
and turn to their little white
beds; -
No cheery "Dood morniu' " awaits me
j The Molsons Bank
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
N?atra sui5Panr, t. -W TO t5 Or(V.
belonging to .Geo. Carter, of Clande-i
boys. The information was Inid be-
t`• fore Squire Chittick. of London, by
• \Vin. L. Patterson, who rents the
r,n ort which the barn which was
burned is situated. The building was
burned on June 251h and the county
constables have been working on the
case ever since. The Attorney Gen-
eral's department was notified and
Marti was arrested and taken to
ly for '1 miss every kiss and em-
When the kids are away on a visit
and 'I ant alone 'round The place.
0,114111M and 1l3i:ey to Exhihit There The itev. George noggin, of Sea -
on 'Tuesday. August 10 forth, a retired minister of the
The Barnum & Dailey greatest Methodist church. died 'Thursday
show on earth is to visit Loudon, on morning. aged 77 years. from heart
'Tuesday. August 10th. Never since mute gastrfollow.ng a brief attack Of
the beginning of time has an nit$Ise- eaagolritte. lie retired iohero a s
meat enterprise so tremendous in years after n period of 47 years
size been organized as this one. Its 1.1 r 1 11 ,' It •t•. \lr•
ntagnitele is almost beyond belief. !leggin began hi+ ministry with the
All Americo, together with every 'Connexion Methodist Climes in
foreign country. bas been scoured 180060 . Rev. Mr. Rnggin was sup r -
from end to end by agents of this big animated in lin 900Need then took up
show in search of novelties and tett It ' titer, Mrs. .n t (fowls near his
reselt is a performance brim full of Indaughter. sided.Jaim-s 11-idlea ie, . Mr.
sensational ;rets new to the circus 1l has liner resided. Ill Rev. on -
world. In the big Barnum & Bailey erenien lived lilt next London of a
show are nearly 400 nrcnic stars, most termer h(' would have been one of e
of whom(' are seen now for the first group of seven veterans t Scelebrat
their jubilee in thhee to ministr .
About 4 o'clock on Monday morn-
ing Mrs. David Stirling, of Colborne
township. answered the final sum-
mons, after an illus vs of only a few
hours, having suffered :1 stroke of
papa lysis on Sunday night about 8
a,:irnal wonders are to b,' found in °'clock. Mrs. Stirling twins born in
the day of the month on it bleb said' Ii. 1,:g 108 cats menagerie. 8 •herds ('rathie. Aberd wnshire, in 1831. and
debentures nr• issued and as to both ni , ., ;thetas. including one herd Gist to Canida in 1810 in rompany
print:pn1 and interest the said de- eeiva;ly plays upon ineeiea1 inslru-
with her brother -in -late and sistnr,
bAttur- shall be payable in annual In•.its in time and tune. A group of th late Mr. and Mr-. .larnrs Young.
finita:meats within twenty years from giant giraffes, r 'rained hip -
the date of the issue 4hen-of, such in- 'repot:units, only living bi-horned rhin-
Ftn:meats to be of such amounts that ocros and bundreds of other strange
the nggregite amount payable for beasts. Barnum kte Hailey's big, new
In 1854 she nes married to her now
bereft husband and for twenty-four
years they lived in Goderich town-
ship. For the past thirty-two years
principal and intrust in any year ire. street parade is the tnost itorg- s11.' had lived in Colborn(' township
'tha:l b:' equal as nearly as tnay be vow, proceesionel dispiay ever tat-
on the farm (where her death took
to what is payable for principal and 1. mpt:d in the history of cirrus busi- P"ac••
interest during each of the other ..,.:s. Ile ire menden. sire and tt on-
yenrt of such it riot' of heats years,d,•rful length can only be believer) in
as hereinafter set forth. the acquit seeing. 1t is netire 1 to ex -
3 During the currency of the snid t.;;, et 1, .:s :et :1 ,:mors
debentures tbere shall be raised nn- in qua illy and quantity of 11s street 1 Dlorrison. of the license department.
malls by special rate on all the rate- 5P•clac:.• ns well es in ofhe•r depart- h•11 worked Ru Pi.•n Graham. of the
nb'e property in the seid Corporation merits of the sig show. yet never in Grill Int Roust nn Sunday the 11th•
of the %illag, of I:xc•ter the Fern of its splendid history of n'arly half a and received drinks it the Cotnm,•r-
1,17G5.34 for the pnriose of paying century his it lisp:ay-d such extra- rill hotel after hours on the 12th.
the unto':nt due in each of the snid t ,gine n is shown this year. Mr. Crawford, of the Commercial, was
find $40 rind coals *6.80; •aril Mr.
c%r ih ren wee fined `50 and $4.50 costs.
t ti • prosecution was conducted by Jn-
ctor Asquith and Crown Attorney
r. 1'h• :irtnse departinent must
, fond of hat: ng ttto bonus on their
41 like two that were here last
k. as their evidence they stated
r they wet, untruthful and were
of consuming more than it
!.,; n drinks of beer in a day. which
, h id don 011 the 12th. Insp etor
th got :: Conviction :against the
. /per 11, atop for :Woe ing
1, 1 r doer t , h • opened on San-
t' `- Ern.
1 •+e, lid N. :'-! r•, n young farmer
7'011 abort o mile north of
(' .n 1.•boye wn- arrested taut Thurs.
Last Thursd ry Police Magistrate
Andrews had :a busy d ty ns two of
the Ontario Government detectives,
working tinder Provincial inspector
Does not Color the Hair
Stops railing Hair An elegant Dressing
Dcstroyn Dandruff Makes; Hair Grow
Ingredients: sorhvr. Gtvtvrin. Quinin. SoA um CMsrid.
Cs,,sitem. Sig,. Alcohol. Writer. Perfume..
.% hair rrcrarat ion r,: -dc from ibis formula i4 harmless, yet retsesses positive merit. A
hair food, a hair toll; a hsit a res.btg. t:en.ult. e'i►rinctnr about these hairprobith s.
J e ATI"( t••••tit'T, t.rralt.Itl•w.
Auction Sale
AUCTION SALE of valuable farm
property. 'Thos. 'Cameron has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction nt the Central Hotel, Exeter.
on Saturday, August 7th, at 4 o'clock
p• nt. valuable farm property con-
sisting of tS. 1-2 Lot 21. Con. 3. This
property has good buildings, 30 3•
acres of lot 23. 'Con. 2 also 25 acres �/ • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
London where he appeared before of Fwatnp land all in township of ►awsits. office and reaidenonce. Dominion
Squire 'Chittick, who remanded him Stephen. county of Huron. I,aoorabory, Exe
for one week. The burning took place TERMS and particulars wade . Associate Coroner of Huron.
about midnight. A heavy rain had known on day of sale. Mrs. Cookso,
fallen and the ground was soft. Crown Proprietress; (Thos. Cameron, Anc- R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
officers say that there ere tracks LT tiona,a. R. Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
to and from the barn from the home iversit Two years resident physician
of :(tart, across :t marks.
and that Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. there were boot marks. in which were BORN and residence, Dr. Amos' ole} stand
.i .. , . <. tt it ii sem+. of the nails Andrew Street, Exeter.
missing to correspond with the tracks
in the ground were found in Mara's
place. It is alleged that :Mara was
anxious to rent the farm on which the
barn was burned, but if the crown
o1i , e• I.i,ot,•of any reason to by Mara
might have been tempted to set fire
to the building they are keeping that
to themselves. The contents were
insured for $800. bring only 0 sinal)
part of their loss, and the building
for $1,0110. Mara was brought before
Squire (Chittick Monday and sent for
trial at the De einuer Fessions. He
is out on *1.000 bail.
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up) ,,,.
$3 600.000 00
Has 165 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents 1n all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transscted,
Savings Bank Department '
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
8. 1. WALL3R, President Paid-up Capital, $10,00
AL!ZANDER LAIRD, General Unapt Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued bythis 1 kt}� a most e
way in which to carry money when travelling. Tby are �lted to tenon
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, F
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swe
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other eons
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131•
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh also at Crediton.
nit. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
L D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
lental parlors
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. 8„ Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street -EXETER,
POLLEN -At Farquhar on Monday,
July 26th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. :XVIII,
Pollen, 0 SOI.
FLYNN-At (Crediton East on Wed-
nesday, July 21st to Mr, and Mrs.
John Flynn, a Fon.
SWEET -In 'Exeter, Monday July 26
t0 bit. and Mrs. Frani; Sweet a
son, still born. •
VALE-IIADIDIOND - At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hammond, St.
Marys, on ,iuly 12th. by Rev. D. N.
D1eC.irnus, Miss Lizzie Hammond to
p.4L. ••0111. • Mr. Nelson Vale.
Signs tete The Rind Yc4 hate Allways INN
PALMER-1n F,xcter, Tuesday, July
• 27th, Helen Sanders, beloved wife
Presbytery of Huron. - A special
of Lyman W. Palmer, aged 30
meeting of the Presbytery of Huron
6 tuonths and 20 days.
teas held in the Presbyterian church F.,%I .1n Clinton, on Friday, July
Seaforth, on Tuesday of last week. 23rd, 1909. Thomas Vtal, o[ Eli►n-
'1'he business of the meeting was to `'ill''• aged 8,2 years•
deal with the call extended from the
congregation of Listowel to Rev. 1).
Urquhart of Kippen and llillsgrccn.
The call was unanimous and was
signed by 258 members and 54 (W-
herent-. It guaranteed a stipend of
$1,4e0 and four weeks' vacation. The
c i 11 wes supported by Rev. Mr. Mc-
Kinnon, of blilvertat, interim Mowllo llAvE
der+t. of the Lislowcl session and by
:.leets. 11,10(1:ton and Yule. repre-
s.•n.:rig the congregation. The Kip-
p:•a eon,trt galion was represented by
,M -.era. George McKay. Jarrott, I'or-
eyth D1cMurlrie, Sinclair rind R. 11.
�lrl. •a n. hills Green was represented
by Mr.'('onsilt. After th • r•rpresent-
at:w ' ileus both cosign 'rations were
he 1rd th.. call was placed in the hands
of Rev. \1r. Urquhart. who, in rt brief
•elr'esi. expressed his desire to ac-
e 11.• spot: • of th • extreme
cardir:11y which had always existed
betw,en himself and the 1Sippen and
hills Green congregations; the plea•
sure he enjoyed in the work them.
and referred feelingly to the very
grt'u kindness and consideration
shown hits by the people of these con-
gregalions generally. This made it
rill th • more difficult to sever the
tie which had existed between thein.
brit he felt it his duly, both in his
o nof s and 1 ere to , n 1 in theritcrests of
th; c.ttis• in behalf of which they are
working. 10 accept th• rill, if per-
mitted to do eo by the I'r•sbytery.
Find Help in Lydia E. Pink-
ham'sVegetable Compound
Winchester, Ind. - "Four doctors
told Inc that they could never make
me regular, and
that 1 would event-
ually have dropsy.
I would bloat, and
down pains,cramps
and chills, and I
could not sleep
nights. \I\ -mother
wrote to Mrs. 1'ink-
ham foradvice,and
1 began to take
°•31 LydiaE.Pinkhanl's
('n motion of Rev. 11 r. Lakin, :•econ- `
(led by Dr. Mclean, the translation. pettend. AfteVegetable ('um -
rev's Kipp, 0. a nd Hills Green. a 111 half bottle of
r ang one and one -
was granted. Th;• pulpits of St. And. thte Colnpottndki, i stn till
right again, anti I recommend it to
be drelnred vacant next Sabbath. and every suffering woman."-Jlna. MAY
Rev. Mr. Larkin was nppoinl -d in• 1)r st., Winchester, Ind.
1 rim Modrrnfor' hundreds of such letters from girls
land inothcr;expressing their gratitude
R1'$SELDALE for what Lydia E. 1'inkhatn's Vege-
table Compound has accomplished for
el r. .Wnilaci• Ilrown, of Toronto. :,1 thein Lave been received by The Lydia
sp nrling his vacation tinder the I•ir-I E. t'inkhan .Medicine Company, Lytin,
,oral roof. Mass.
Dr. 1). Dow, of Dutton visited re:-! Girls 'who are troubletd with pairiful
Mise- and friends lilt this vicinity on i or irri•gnlar periods, backache, head -
timothy i i:,I Mondry. ache, draggingelown sensations. faint -
The Lap, • Aid of 111: Baptist Ing spells or indigestion, should take
Ch';reh. 4'tt :a,rton. e, r. • ntertein•• 1 immediate action to wand off the seri-
al r h• horn or Mr. a nal 'Mrs. John out consequences and hS restored to
Ca' • !ns) w, r.k. health by Lydia E. l'inkliaut's Vege-
Nre. •\W. Cale a 1 4 iiishier. of,table Compound 'Thousands have been
Toronto. attt�d Mts. 1•'. Williams nod'. to health by its use,
rami:y of Mitchell. are holidaying at; If you would like special advice
r •rch,'rd t:; ow••. chola your ease write a conflden•
Miss !Cora Vennot of ('his•leir'l. tial letter to Airs. I'i haat, at
is nt pres •nt the go. -t of her •ion'. Lynn, Mns.s, Titer ativ free,
and t e it )foil,
,We have unlimited private fund. fort Invest
int upon farm or village property at low, t
r ,tee of fitberest.
Iturtstere, Solicitors Naries• Conveyancer:
Commissioner., I�Notaries.olle1tore for the [oteon'
Bank, KW.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
I L OARLnta a. A. L. i. DtORSOS
The Popular Rov
-'10 All -
Principal Tourist
Including Muskoka, Lake of Bays,
Ternagami, Georgian Bay, Maganeta•
wan River, Kawartha Lakes, etc.
Full summer services now in effeetl
Excursion tickets on sale daily.
-SEATTLE- k,;; l
Very low tates-Fast time -Via ate
tractive route. Daily until Se t. 3000
1900, Return limit Oct. 31st, 100!)
Full information fro,
or write Jp. .1 ToronMCUto, s
synopsis 01 Ile C000ilioo; Notm VIM
Any person who is the sole bead
`iONEY TO LOAN. of a (omity, or any mate over ]I
years old may homestead a quarte*,
We hare• amoanlotprivabe made seetoni of available Dominion land in
Ism ha e•impatounem ana ofpt(aab,fnadte Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta'
interest. The applicant roust appear in persOa
OLADMAN a STANBURZ at the Dominion Lands Agonoy ort
Barrtaten 8ollcltor.. M.In Bt,iHxeter Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry bl/
proxy may be had at the agency, ost
certain conditions, by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
Conveyancer Accounts Collected intending homesteader,
MONEY to loan at lowest rates.
North West !Anda for Sale.
Office, Main Street. Exeter
A3 a chain is no stronger than its
(weakest link. every Zink in Canada's
Greatest (Chain o[ high-grade Busi-
ness Schools has been kept in the
higbest state of proficiency known to
business scicnes,\Vhilc over one
thousand students were enrolled last
year, the demand for graduates was
111re! time9 the Fupply. The Clinton
Business 'Collrge, which reop'ne Aug-
ust 3Oth, invites the most critical in-
spection prom prospective students.
owing to the prestige of this chain,
every ,graduate of neat appearance
and good character 1s guaranteed a
good situation. The new advertise-
ment of this college appear- on pig.,
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -J. L. RUSSELL.
Vice- Preside!)t- W. 1i. I'ASSMORE
Duties :-Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in east{
of three years. A hownesteader may
live within nine miles of his hosts,,
stead on a Yawn. of at least 80 aorta
solely owned end occupied by him Or
his father, mother, eon, (laugh fere
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteaide
in good standing ntny lire-otnpt a
quarter section alongside his homes.
stead. Prion $3. per acre. Duties-'
Must reside six months ineaoh of ail
years from date of homestead entry
(including the tittle required to earn
homestead patent) and eultivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader echo has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may tike a pur-
clinwvl homestead in certain district,
Price *3. per acre. Duties. -Must
resido six months in each of three*
yearn, cnitisate fifty acres and creel
a house worth $300.0t1
w. w, coke',
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. R.-enauthorlted publication of this advertise
ment will not be paid for
flIohOrdOe Plans
Are a Pleasure to their
I DIRECTORS. We have sold end are selling a grey
\Vat, Roy, I.ottenozs P. O many high class pianos and our nt
\VM. Dimes \VINCIIRI.l E,% i', O. proms snlislted customers is thestro
T. RYAN, Dentist P. (1: e-tgii;aranteeofthis nstettion,
ROBERT NORR}S, staffs,
Our pianos to -day are the hest 11
i the hest Pinna rankers produce a
our prices nue right.
JOHN ESSE1tY, Exert-. •,et,i 70'
1'.beorne and ph. I 1)o not he ton quick to believe per- -
1 sons who tell you different from the
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. ttr'•n• i above for the purpose r,f selling you
r„r I ihbert, Fe!:. moron and Ln: •n. cheap and in snore eaees trashy goods
sig prices.
Secy.Trean. Farquhar !
r3LADMAN & STANl1I141•, �, '•irn.•
l For any case of Der you n••ss.
, lessnes:;, weak st orn:+rh, in Basel ler ,
litysp,'pala, try Carlcr's Little Liver
Pills. Relief is su•e. the eels vette
m^.dicta in market.
Call and see Us
and ire conw err•d that what we ea
n e live up to.
S. MarUn & Soo
8 - = _
• ifil d1PieparationforAs-
1 , . ung 'wood andReQula-
the,S=ails and1Jo\\ of
ISI \\1`, (iltLDHl;N
rtDnohes Dgestion,Cheedui-
IIESSJ111dgest.COnteins neither
Q m;Morphine norTiinertII.
azs-suaz prlrefzie
rit Sal -
.i[ davia •
i4d.14 Soli -
Aaws Jim .'•
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Dlarritoea,
Worms,Convulsions,Feteri sll-
tiess rind LOSS OF SLEEP -
Sii�gnat�ure of
Tac Si�mille 117-8----i%
r,Fa; c7l Tutu: :
11 tmonth-. oicl
35 10•,rs-35C.LNTS
j The Molsons Bank
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
N?atra sui5Panr, t. -W TO t5 Or(V.
belonging to .Geo. Carter, of Clande-i
boys. The information was Inid be-
t`• fore Squire Chittick. of London, by
• \Vin. L. Patterson, who rents the
r,n ort which the barn which was
burned is situated. The building was
burned on June 251h and the county
constables have been working on the
case ever since. The Attorney Gen-
eral's department was notified and
Marti was arrested and taken to
ly for '1 miss every kiss and em-
When the kids are away on a visit
and 'I ant alone 'round The place.
0,114111M and 1l3i:ey to Exhihit There The itev. George noggin, of Sea -
on 'Tuesday. August 10 forth, a retired minister of the
The Barnum & Dailey greatest Methodist church. died 'Thursday
show on earth is to visit Loudon, on morning. aged 77 years. from heart
'Tuesday. August 10th. Never since mute gastrfollow.ng a brief attack Of
the beginning of time has an nit$Ise- eaagolritte. lie retired iohero a s
meat enterprise so tremendous in years after n period of 47 years
size been organized as this one. Its 1.1 r 1 11 ,' It •t•. \lr•
ntagnitele is almost beyond belief. !leggin began hi+ ministry with the
All Americo, together with every 'Connexion Methodist Climes in
foreign country. bas been scoured 180060 . Rev. Mr. Rnggin was sup r -
from end to end by agents of this big animated in lin 900Need then took up
show in search of novelties and tett It ' titer, Mrs. .n t (fowls near his
reselt is a performance brim full of Indaughter. sided.Jaim-s 11-idlea ie, . Mr.
sensational ;rets new to the circus 1l has liner resided. Ill Rev. on -
world. In the big Barnum & Bailey erenien lived lilt next London of a
show are nearly 400 nrcnic stars, most termer h(' would have been one of e
of whom(' are seen now for the first group of seven veterans t Scelebrat
their jubilee in thhee to ministr .
About 4 o'clock on Monday morn-
ing Mrs. David Stirling, of Colborne
township. answered the final sum-
mons, after an illus vs of only a few
hours, having suffered :1 stroke of
papa lysis on Sunday night about 8
a,:irnal wonders are to b,' found in °'clock. Mrs. Stirling twins born in
the day of the month on it bleb said' Ii. 1,:g 108 cats menagerie. 8 •herds ('rathie. Aberd wnshire, in 1831. and
debentures nr• issued and as to both ni , ., ;thetas. including one herd Gist to Canida in 1810 in rompany
print:pn1 and interest the said de- eeiva;ly plays upon ineeiea1 inslru-
with her brother -in -late and sistnr,
bAttur- shall be payable in annual In•.its in time and tune. A group of th late Mr. and Mr-. .larnrs Young.
finita:meats within twenty years from giant giraffes, r 'rained hip -
the date of the issue 4hen-of, such in- 'repot:units, only living bi-horned rhin-
Ftn:meats to be of such amounts that ocros and bundreds of other strange
the nggregite amount payable for beasts. Barnum kte Hailey's big, new
In 1854 she nes married to her now
bereft husband and for twenty-four
years they lived in Goderich town-
ship. For the past thirty-two years
principal and intrust in any year ire. street parade is the tnost itorg- s11.' had lived in Colborn(' township
'tha:l b:' equal as nearly as tnay be vow, proceesionel dispiay ever tat-
on the farm (where her death took
to what is payable for principal and 1. mpt:d in the history of cirrus busi- P"ac••
interest during each of the other ..,.:s. Ile ire menden. sire and tt on-
yenrt of such it riot' of heats years,d,•rful length can only be believer) in
as hereinafter set forth. the acquit seeing. 1t is netire 1 to ex -
3 During the currency of the snid t.;;, et 1, .:s :et :1 ,:mors
debentures tbere shall be raised nn- in qua illy and quantity of 11s street 1 Dlorrison. of the license department.
malls by special rate on all the rate- 5P•clac:.• ns well es in ofhe•r depart- h•11 worked Ru Pi.•n Graham. of the
nb'e property in the seid Corporation merits of the sig show. yet never in Grill Int Roust nn Sunday the 11th•
of the %illag, of I:xc•ter the Fern of its splendid history of n'arly half a and received drinks it the Cotnm,•r-
1,17G5.34 for the pnriose of paying century his it lisp:ay-d such extra- rill hotel after hours on the 12th.
the unto':nt due in each of the snid t ,gine n is shown this year. Mr. Crawford, of the Commercial, was
find $40 rind coals *6.80; •aril Mr.
c%r ih ren wee fined `50 and $4.50 costs.
t ti • prosecution was conducted by Jn-
ctor Asquith and Crown Attorney
r. 1'h• :irtnse departinent must
, fond of hat: ng ttto bonus on their
41 like two that were here last
k. as their evidence they stated
r they wet, untruthful and were
of consuming more than it
!.,; n drinks of beer in a day. which
, h id don 011 the 12th. Insp etor
th got :: Conviction :against the
. /per 11, atop for :Woe ing
1, 1 r doer t , h • opened on San-
t' `- Ern.
1 •+e, lid N. :'-! r•, n young farmer
7'011 abort o mile north of
(' .n 1.•boye wn- arrested taut Thurs.
Last Thursd ry Police Magistrate
Andrews had :a busy d ty ns two of
the Ontario Government detectives,
working tinder Provincial inspector
Does not Color the Hair
Stops railing Hair An elegant Dressing
Dcstroyn Dandruff Makes; Hair Grow
Ingredients: sorhvr. Gtvtvrin. Quinin. SoA um CMsrid.
Cs,,sitem. Sig,. Alcohol. Writer. Perfume..
.% hair rrcrarat ion r,: -dc from ibis formula i4 harmless, yet retsesses positive merit. A
hair food, a hair toll; a hsit a res.btg. t:en.ult. e'i►rinctnr about these hairprobith s.
J e ATI"( t••••tit'T, t.rralt.Itl•w.
Auction Sale
AUCTION SALE of valuable farm
property. 'Thos. 'Cameron has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auction nt the Central Hotel, Exeter.
on Saturday, August 7th, at 4 o'clock
p• nt. valuable farm property con-
sisting of tS. 1-2 Lot 21. Con. 3. This
property has good buildings, 30 3•
acres of lot 23. 'Con. 2 also 25 acres �/ • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
London where he appeared before of Fwatnp land all in township of ►awsits. office and reaidenonce. Dominion
Squire 'Chittick, who remanded him Stephen. county of Huron. I,aoorabory, Exe
for one week. The burning took place TERMS and particulars wade . Associate Coroner of Huron.
about midnight. A heavy rain had known on day of sale. Mrs. Cookso,
fallen and the ground was soft. Crown Proprietress; (Thos. Cameron, Anc- R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
officers say that there ere tracks LT tiona,a. R. Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
to and from the barn from the home iversit Two years resident physician
of :(tart, across :t marks.
and that Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. there were boot marks. in which were BORN and residence, Dr. Amos' ole} stand
.i .. , . <. tt it ii sem+. of the nails Andrew Street, Exeter.
missing to correspond with the tracks
in the ground were found in Mara's
place. It is alleged that :Mara was
anxious to rent the farm on which the
barn was burned, but if the crown
o1i , e• I.i,ot,•of any reason to by Mara
might have been tempted to set fire
to the building they are keeping that
to themselves. The contents were
insured for $800. bring only 0 sinal)
part of their loss, and the building
for $1,0110. Mara was brought before
Squire (Chittick Monday and sent for
trial at the De einuer Fessions. He
is out on *1.000 bail.
Incorporated 1855
CAP TAL (paid up) ,,,.
$3 600.000 00
Has 165 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents 1n all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transscted,
Savings Bank Department '
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
8. 1. WALL3R, President Paid-up Capital, $10,00
AL!ZANDER LAIRD, General Unapt Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued bythis 1 kt}� a most e
way in which to carry money when travelling. Tby are �lted to tenon
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, F
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swe
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other eons
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank. 131•
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh also at Crediton.
nit. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
L D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
lental parlors
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. 8„ Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street -EXETER,
POLLEN -At Farquhar on Monday,
July 26th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. :XVIII,
Pollen, 0 SOI.
FLYNN-At (Crediton East on Wed-
nesday, July 21st to Mr, and Mrs.
John Flynn, a Fon.
SWEET -In 'Exeter, Monday July 26
t0 bit. and Mrs. Frani; Sweet a
son, still born. •
VALE-IIADIDIOND - At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hammond, St.
Marys, on ,iuly 12th. by Rev. D. N.
D1eC.irnus, Miss Lizzie Hammond to
p.4L. ••0111. • Mr. Nelson Vale.
Signs tete The Rind Yc4 hate Allways INN
PALMER-1n F,xcter, Tuesday, July
• 27th, Helen Sanders, beloved wife
Presbytery of Huron. - A special
of Lyman W. Palmer, aged 30
meeting of the Presbytery of Huron
6 tuonths and 20 days.
teas held in the Presbyterian church F.,%I .1n Clinton, on Friday, July
Seaforth, on Tuesday of last week. 23rd, 1909. Thomas Vtal, o[ Eli►n-
'1'he business of the meeting was to `'ill''• aged 8,2 years•
deal with the call extended from the
congregation of Listowel to Rev. 1).
Urquhart of Kippen and llillsgrccn.
The call was unanimous and was
signed by 258 members and 54 (W-
herent-. It guaranteed a stipend of
$1,4e0 and four weeks' vacation. The
c i 11 wes supported by Rev. Mr. Mc-
Kinnon, of blilvertat, interim Mowllo llAvE
der+t. of the Lislowcl session and by
:.leets. 11,10(1:ton and Yule. repre-
s.•n.:rig the congregation. The Kip-
p:•a eon,trt galion was represented by
,M -.era. George McKay. Jarrott, I'or-
eyth D1cMurlrie, Sinclair rind R. 11.
�lrl. •a n. hills Green was represented
by Mr.'('onsilt. After th • r•rpresent-
at:w ' ileus both cosign 'rations were
he 1rd th.. call was placed in the hands
of Rev. \1r. Urquhart. who, in rt brief
•elr'esi. expressed his desire to ac-
e 11.• spot: • of th • extreme
cardir:11y which had always existed
betw,en himself and the 1Sippen and
hills Green congregations; the plea•
sure he enjoyed in the work them.
and referred feelingly to the very
grt'u kindness and consideration
shown hits by the people of these con-
gregalions generally. This made it
rill th • more difficult to sever the
tie which had existed between thein.
brit he felt it his duly, both in his
o nof s and 1 ere to , n 1 in theritcrests of
th; c.ttis• in behalf of which they are
working. 10 accept th• rill, if per-
mitted to do eo by the I'r•sbytery.
Find Help in Lydia E. Pink-
ham'sVegetable Compound
Winchester, Ind. - "Four doctors
told Inc that they could never make
me regular, and
that 1 would event-
ually have dropsy.
I would bloat, and
down pains,cramps
and chills, and I
could not sleep
nights. \I\ -mother
wrote to Mrs. 1'ink-
ham foradvice,and
1 began to take
°•31 LydiaE.Pinkhanl's
('n motion of Rev. 11 r. Lakin, :•econ- `
(led by Dr. Mclean, the translation. pettend. AfteVegetable ('um -
rev's Kipp, 0. a nd Hills Green. a 111 half bottle of
r ang one and one -
was granted. Th;• pulpits of St. And. thte Colnpottndki, i stn till
right again, anti I recommend it to
be drelnred vacant next Sabbath. and every suffering woman."-Jlna. MAY
Rev. Mr. Larkin was nppoinl -d in• 1)r st., Winchester, Ind.
1 rim Modrrnfor' hundreds of such letters from girls
land inothcr;expressing their gratitude
R1'$SELDALE for what Lydia E. 1'inkhatn's Vege-
table Compound has accomplished for
el r. .Wnilaci• Ilrown, of Toronto. :,1 thein Lave been received by The Lydia
sp nrling his vacation tinder the I•ir-I E. t'inkhan .Medicine Company, Lytin,
,oral roof. Mass.
Dr. 1). Dow, of Dutton visited re:-! Girls 'who are troubletd with pairiful
Mise- and friends lilt this vicinity on i or irri•gnlar periods, backache, head -
timothy i i:,I Mondry. ache, draggingelown sensations. faint -
The Lap, • Aid of 111: Baptist Ing spells or indigestion, should take
Ch';reh. 4'tt :a,rton. e, r. • ntertein•• 1 immediate action to wand off the seri-
al r h• horn or Mr. a nal 'Mrs. John out consequences and hS restored to
Ca' • !ns) w, r.k. health by Lydia E. l'inkliaut's Vege-
Nre. •\W. Cale a 1 4 iiishier. of,table Compound 'Thousands have been
Toronto. attt�d Mts. 1•'. Williams nod'. to health by its use,
rami:y of Mitchell. are holidaying at; If you would like special advice
r •rch,'rd t:; ow••. chola your ease write a conflden•
Miss !Cora Vennot of ('his•leir'l. tial letter to Airs. I'i haat, at
is nt pres •nt the go. -t of her •ion'. Lynn, Mns.s, Titer ativ free,
and t e it )foil,
,We have unlimited private fund. fort Invest
int upon farm or village property at low, t
r ,tee of fitberest.
Iturtstere, Solicitors Naries• Conveyancer:
Commissioner., I�Notaries.olle1tore for the [oteon'
Bank, KW.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
I L OARLnta a. A. L. i. DtORSOS
The Popular Rov
-'10 All -
Principal Tourist
Including Muskoka, Lake of Bays,
Ternagami, Georgian Bay, Maganeta•
wan River, Kawartha Lakes, etc.
Full summer services now in effeetl
Excursion tickets on sale daily.
-SEATTLE- k,;; l
Very low tates-Fast time -Via ate
tractive route. Daily until Se t. 3000
1900, Return limit Oct. 31st, 100!)
Full information fro,
or write Jp. .1 ToronMCUto, s
synopsis 01 Ile C000ilioo; Notm VIM
Any person who is the sole bead
`iONEY TO LOAN. of a (omity, or any mate over ]I
years old may homestead a quarte*,
We hare• amoanlotprivabe made seetoni of available Dominion land in
Ism ha e•impatounem ana ofpt(aab,fnadte Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta'
interest. The applicant roust appear in persOa
OLADMAN a STANBURZ at the Dominion Lands Agonoy ort
Barrtaten 8ollcltor.. M.In Bt,iHxeter Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry bl/
proxy may be had at the agency, ost
certain conditions, by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
Conveyancer Accounts Collected intending homesteader,
MONEY to loan at lowest rates.
North West !Anda for Sale.
Office, Main Street. Exeter
A3 a chain is no stronger than its
(weakest link. every Zink in Canada's
Greatest (Chain o[ high-grade Busi-
ness Schools has been kept in the
higbest state of proficiency known to
business scicnes,\Vhilc over one
thousand students were enrolled last
year, the demand for graduates was
111re! time9 the Fupply. The Clinton
Business 'Collrge, which reop'ne Aug-
ust 3Oth, invites the most critical in-
spection prom prospective students.
owing to the prestige of this chain,
every ,graduate of neat appearance
and good character 1s guaranteed a
good situation. The new advertise-
ment of this college appear- on pig.,
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President -J. L. RUSSELL.
Vice- Preside!)t- W. 1i. I'ASSMORE
Duties :-Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in east{
of three years. A hownesteader may
live within nine miles of his hosts,,
stead on a Yawn. of at least 80 aorta
solely owned end occupied by him Or
his father, mother, eon, (laugh fere
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteaide
in good standing ntny lire-otnpt a
quarter section alongside his homes.
stead. Prion $3. per acre. Duties-'
Must reside six months ineaoh of ail
years from date of homestead entry
(including the tittle required to earn
homestead patent) and eultivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader echo has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may tike a pur-
clinwvl homestead in certain district,
Price *3. per acre. Duties. -Must
resido six months in each of three*
yearn, cnitisate fifty acres and creel
a house worth $300.0t1
w. w, coke',
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. R.-enauthorlted publication of this advertise
ment will not be paid for
flIohOrdOe Plans
Are a Pleasure to their
I DIRECTORS. We have sold end are selling a grey
\Vat, Roy, I.ottenozs P. O many high class pianos and our nt
\VM. Dimes \VINCIIRI.l E,% i', O. proms snlislted customers is thestro
T. RYAN, Dentist P. (1: e-tgii;aranteeofthis nstettion,
ROBERT NORR}S, staffs,
Our pianos to -day are the hest 11
i the hest Pinna rankers produce a
our prices nue right.
JOHN ESSE1tY, Exert-. •,et,i 70'
1'.beorne and ph. I 1)o not he ton quick to believe per- -
1 sons who tell you different from the
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. ttr'•n• i above for the purpose r,f selling you
r„r I ihbert, Fe!:. moron and Ln: •n. cheap and in snore eaees trashy goods
sig prices.
Secy.Trean. Farquhar !
r3LADMAN & STANl1I141•, �, '•irn.•
l For any case of Der you n••ss.
, lessnes:;, weak st orn:+rh, in Basel ler ,
litysp,'pala, try Carlcr's Little Liver
Pills. Relief is su•e. the eels vette
m^.dicta in market.
Call and see Us
and ire conw err•d that what we ea
n e live up to.
S. MarUn & Soo