HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 8.L I t k 'V 1£ 1 z S JULY 13th WO; +i tee++•: ++•: i-+++++++++++++++++++++♦+++•'r♦++++++4 h-'ce ealse-•'r e++++++-es•i•+{- eials•: •t +++++++++i•++++++++++4 STEWART'S RT'S PHONE 16 Black Silks Colored Silks We have just secured an agency for the hest line of plait) silks we have ever shown. These silks come to us direct from the Mills, the only expense between the maker and ourselves is the agent's commission which is a very small item. This week we arc showing "3" spec- ials in ;.•ard wide Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk. Soft crisp fin- ish rich mirror gloss. Values such as we have never seen $1, $1.25,$t.5o. If you want a Black silk Dress, Coat, \Waist or Skirt now's your opportunity• "Comm.:" 1Vlillinery The Milliners and Trimmers are off ou a well earned holiday The season has been a good one. We have about forty trimmed aid Pattern hats left. Not one of these will we take into stock. EVERY ONE MUSr GO OUT. You can buy Lovely Trimmed Hats that were $4 00 and $5.00 for $1.96. Move Quick if you Want One. + + + 1.95 Buys n very swell pure linen Tailor- made Skit, natural linen color, piped arid strapped with blue,white. or plain linen and finished with clusters of buttons. ▪ - for mens unlined tweed suits, made from shaddow .1 stripe tweeds, in greys, greens and fancy tnixturses. liaised seams n 8.50 e t s and fancypatch pockets. Theyare 0. P K. See them! Put your Fruit down with Retipath's Extra Standard Gran- ulated Sugar. It's best by test. We sell Redpath's. \V( take all kinds of farm produce Live Chickens. Live Hens, Live Ducks 2.25 Buys a lovely white Linen Tailor made Skirt. Spec- ial quality of linen Thoroughly tailored. But- toned front, pipped ,inti pleated. The most swagger W hite Skirt on the market. +++++++++++++++++'+++++•:++++++++++++++++•i-+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++'+++++++++++++++++ /4 Money Money Mone WE MUST HAVE MONEY In order to raise money we will hold a great SLMI•GH'I'ER SALE for toe (next THIRTY DAYS. Everything reduced in price. All summer -goods to be sold at cost price. Mens Straw and Linen hats, Arens and Boys Suits Ladies Blouses, \Vhitewear, Belts, Muslins, Gloves, Light Rain Coats. etc, etc. This is a Genuine Sale As we want to rause. $l,00N0.00 in Thirty Days,. Goods Must go. Conte if you want bargains. Phone 2'2 R. N. ROWE One door north 1'. O. (lrtstk SUN NEVER SHONE On better cloth lhnn we make up into trouser:(. And the sun or rain can - They will Mrs. Ilennett, of Fernhill. Is the guest of her daughter, Mrr. Wlllsar,. Taylor. Mrs. Ilnrry Gidley. who was oper- ated on last week, is progressing nicely. BASE 11ALI, It is pretty tough to record a de- feat for the local ball tossers at the hands of the Centralia aggregation, which event took place on the re- creation grounds last Thursday even- ing. the score being 7 tot 5. The married and single men have been playing some good ball lately and the Pick of each team was secured for Thursday night to play (or the horue tram. Owing to Centralia's catcher being busy haying, "Derry" Boyle our best player was loaned to them, while a traveller. who was in town and Is some ahacke when it comes to ball not hurt them either. playing. held down the initial rack. neither fade or r•hrink• Hilly Moyle handled the indicator and SOME EXTRA TROUSERS runt('' some good decisions and n few bad ones. Ile was n little off on cannot fail to come in handy during brills and strikes, but the sun was in your vacation. Let us make you n his back and he couldn't ser the plate pair or m that you needn't be afraid very well. His umpiring didn't make expo -e to the sun or rain. any difference. The Centralia bunch had our boys trimmed to a frazzle tap to the right innings when we enmr W. W • TAMAN arty tieing the :score and then it w av loo dark to play. Following are the• names of the acrobats who in - Merchant Tailor. Bulged in the gains, Exeter, ,Anderson iloskin. Bowden. ilaw•kshaty. (1012. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. Bellwood, Creech, Carling and South - Cott : Centralia. Moyle, Mcllugh, It. -- - ------ Bloomfield. C. Duplan. A. Duplan. BRICK �1: AND SIX A('itE:9 OF Coughlin. Hanlon. lledlcy and H. LAND IN USIIURNE, ftloomfield, '1 he North-East corner of Lot 13. Concession 6. l'sborne, the property of BORN Exeter. 1 1 )' I; 1'\7%--ln I•:xeter. .1u'}• 11th 1!111► th • late isrn••) Harris. The house to Mr. and Mr,. W. Kuntz. n tori. is one and one-half entries high and MARil1ED contains six rooms. kitchen and wood- I',1vs\IORE - 'MoNTI:ITII-:1t 11. n- wbed. 'I here is n frame barn about sail on Wednetel v. July 1h..'.1aty 20 by 40. hard and soft water, and F...Inii rhter of Mr ;end \lr-. Win. nbo•tr one ser• of good fruit trees. Monteith to Mr. Wm. 1'a' -mor(. The soil is a good clay. The lot is both of I'.borne. ma,tly ceded out and is well fenced DIED and drained. Apply to BALKTt.L-1n Exeter. Saturday.. (MADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter. (1 8olicitora for the Executor. Market Report. -The following u I the report of 1•:seter markets, cor- n et:•d e;, to .I t,:y loth. Wheat, 1:.0 to Oat, 5Uc. Barley 57e. 1',.a5 t4Uc. Bran S21. Short, f1.13. Star Flour $3.25. Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. Butter. 17c. F sPi-. 1Lny$7.50 to $8.50. lieee :iv •tt ••:..ht (logs. dressed $8.50 to $2.00. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Potatoes 75 to 1;0 cents •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •••••••• • • • • •••••••• LOCALS sae+++d• a+++++++++++++ :•+++++ The Titian till Jan, 1910 for Fifty Ceote. 'tell your Neighbors about it. 5OC. +++++++++++++++++4-1-1-4-+++++ Niles .Jeanette (frown is visiting her sister in Detroit. Mrs. James Willis left Monday to visit her son in London. \L•. Thos. E. Handford lett Friday v.•rtia:; ;or Winnipeg. NI r. :V. I1. Levett was in Parkhill :net I't'chy on business. '.trs. '.inrt. of Lucan, her datiehter. Mrs. W. 5. Mr. Robert :Wilcox is spending his vacation at his home in Elimville. Mr. Marshall Atkinson, of Detroit, i, visiting his father on William St. The Canning Factory commenced work on the pea out put last Friday. Mr. W. 1). Burke and Miss Mabel Taylor ar. visiting friends in Brus- sels. Mr. twa ; a t+ eek• Mr. and t\1rs. Will. Dignan. of Lu - can. visited relatives in town over Sunday. Mr. Al. 'McDonnell left Friday to attend the Yukon Exposition being he:d at Seattle. Mrs. W. D. Clarke ed ::est week front tlu were visiting( Say 1 has your chum \Vhy don't you get one, llow•ey's Drugstore. Mrs. Phelps and daughter Elsie, of Buffalo. are the guests of the for- mers sister, Mrs. B. Fitton. Mrs. Epbriam horn, of Zion, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. - Messrs Oke and Ilepburn have dis- posed of their fine team of greys to \ir. T. E. Ifnndford for n handsome sutra. Ur:. It. R. Rogers and children, of ('h , , roe are the guests of the for- t -Ise.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. CI. ,tae. :'Liss E. Phillips •Jett Tuesday even- ing for Ravenswood to spend a couple t months t.:lh h . brother Rev. II. 1'. Phillip:. Mrs. (ltev.J Fear and son Thorn- ton heft Saturday to spend a few weeks with relatives and friends in Arnhersib•trgt Misses Birdie and Lillian Boyle ieft yesterday for a Iwo tnonths' visit with friends in St. Thomas, London and Marlette, Mich. Mr. Garfield Sheere. who was via- itii.g his mother here, spent .a few days during the past week with his brother Garfield in Brantford. . It is "Capt." W. .1. Neaman now. The military report of last week announces Lieut. W. J. Heatnnn to b' Capt. 33rd Iluron Re gt. Mr. Tho:. Oke. o; llryanston will stove to town in September. having purchased a dwelling from Mr. Itu- ntohr at the north end of the town. The directors o. the Heron Weath- er In-urance Company (net here last Saturday morning and drove to the (tend. where they held a meeting. Th•• Lawrence Fulton farm in ilib- h,'rt which was offered for ea le by auction last Friday was not sold. bat s. still on the market for stir. Mrs..1. E. Jordon. of Goderich, t► ho visililed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .lames Murray. returned to her home Saturday. Mrs. Murray accompanied her. Mrs. W. .1. \Whit e. Miss Greta While and Mrs. Robert 8ibbett And daughter Margaret, of Ottawa. are the guests of Mrs. John White. Main Street, Mr. George Willis. of London, who has hero here and at the (tend for several weeks. returned Monday to London. Ile has recovered from his recent illness. Chester Harvey. harry Carling and \'fetor Sweet left Tuesday for Iron Sprit „- on Lake Iluron. where they will a•tend the Y. M. C. A. camp being held there. A travelling e.lack wire performer ••.etettaiied a crowd in front of the ('•:mmerc:al Thursday evening. The leilow did some very good feats. that drew forth applause. is visiting Cole. George Manton. of Brantford, visitor in town during the past and con London. return - where a camera? $'2.00 up at Messrs. Joseph 8Senior and Jas Grieve are in Barrie this week as commissioners representing the Coven 'l'resbwterinn church in the call ex - Il TiiiEThe Main et Sunday School pie- Times Want Column uict:J al the lend last Thursday. day was an ideal one for the out- ing raid about four bus load; of state- DRESSVAfiING AI'L'RRE'NTICE.', lore and their friends enjoyed then,- 11 .\MTI':D-App:y to Mies Tom over stave 11 . ,,u ISt'os. titorc. Ili:. Juror Judge J)oyie, of Goderieh,'- was in town last Thursday hearing five second hand wheels for sale. the appe.,i of the hell Telephone Co.,! lobo 'Triebmer. a;rninst the assessment on their lines i T through l shawls. Decis:on etas r.-' \WA' 1'i.D-A goud housemaid, :,rued. . sages 1weir,• dollars. .apply Mrs. Robbie Fleming. the nice year old U. 1t. haat. \W01 it) Bond. London. eon of :Mr. L. C. Pleating. of Clinton lhuurio. :,. ,i formerly principal of the 1:xe-i here is a special offer. The e , High School. was .:uc•cessful in Times and Family herald and \Veek- pa•-'ug a°t 'the recent entrance ex• I !y Star fur the balance of 1909 for uuinatios' t only 75 cents. This rate is for sub - air. Ernest and Miss hunter, son, scriptions in Canada only. and daughter of Evangelist J. J's.1 -_,- 11uuter and Mr. Thompson are ex -1 "The (tensa(( Flouring Mills have peeled here in September to hold 1 on hand a large quantity of Feed. ,peels( services in the Alain Street 1 and will supply you with Bran at Methodist ehnrrh. , 2'20O and sherd at =.1•00 1.,'r Special:==Ladies Black Hose,25c now 12 1.2c. Mr. \\'m. Monteith and family ands tot; secure your requirements whilst \I r. Arthur Davis left Monday for t the entail). Iasis. Crocker .A new line just 11). Now is the time to re - mg), lower, Alta., where they twill 1f you (want good bread use our `! wake their future home. There wore � "Snort' Drift Family Flour". 'i old. OLD RELIABL How to Keep Co The real hot weather is here. Are you prepared Here are a few "How to keep Cool" suggestions, Cool White Good SMuslins, I.avV Organdies' White Waists, V% bite L'nderskiits, Summer Corsets, ' set (Avers hits 1 :Hen's and Boy's Straw Hats, Vests, very' choice line, Nev 'Pies, all of the latest in style and colorings. place your broken lots at about half the a number of poop a at the station to i WOOD FOR SALE.- 11'e ore note price you l) Ltd t of your b:d them farewell. -prepared to deliver to any part of Rev. Fear left this week for Am- i the town first class elm slabs. All hers• burg to joie Mrs. Fear, who' orders promptly attended to. left on Saturday. He will remain 1 It. G1LLIES. there for a few weeks, Rev. Yell- I ail taking charge of his work dur- DR. OVENS BYE AND EAI( SUB- ing his absence. geon. will bo at the Commercial Mr. Frank'Wright stet with an 1e- .'. ;lair 9 :,. 1,1. to 1 p. accident Friday evening that will in. Glasses properly fitted and dis- confine him to his house for a few eases of eye ear and nose treated. weeks. In going home he overturned , Next visit Monday. :1a;_ust, .td. his foot on a raise ou the sidewalk. fracttrring a small bone in his deft FARM FOR SALE -Fifty acre farm ankle. half lot 18, Concession 11, Usborne: It 0 said the potato plants in Eng - grass house and frame barn. Good land are not infested with the bugs grt►ss tarn, Never failing well. Ap- w bleb hinder the growth of the Ply to Times office or Arnold Harris, tubers in Americo. Could we not get 1'arquhar. even with the fellow who brought -�- over the English sparrow by export- FARM FOR SALE ing 1► few of the bugs over the deep Lot 3, concession 0, township of blue. Ilay, containing 100 acres. On this property there is a two storey brick cottage, large bank barn, with shed and cement pig pen under. Two sores orchard, good supply of waters 8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma- ple, convenient to church, school and are well matured and show that Mr. market. This is a beautiful home. Srnale is an adept at gardening. Nearly all seeded down, will sell reasonable. Possession given this A ;uiet wedding took place at Hen- fall. Apply to JOHN BIIODERICK, salt or Wednesday July 7th, when on premises or the Sarepta P. O. Miss Mary E. !Monteith, daughteroj -_- Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. 'Monteith, of the Thanes (toad was married to tWm. Passmore. son of Mr. Samuel Pass- Road. ass- .1l'ii'I'[u\ SALE OF I'AR\L STOCK more. also of the Thames bar. IMPLEMENTS ANI) HOUSEHOUSEHOLD and Mrs. Passmore have taken taken up FC:ItNITCttS.- Mr. Thos. Cameron their home with the groom's par- ents. .lar. Thos. Swale, of Elimville, last Saturday showed us samples of butter Dud broad beans grown in his gar- den. This 0 early for vegetables of this kind, but Mr. Swale likes to keep ahead of his neighbors. The beans Auction Sale About fifty went from Exeter to attend the celebration at Clinton on 12th. A number of the members of the \Woodhnm lodge came this way but had to return on the early train as a special did not run for the ac- commodation of those going from this eteetion. The Exeter lodge and fife and drum band made the jour- ney in busses. The following might be comfort- ing, t o t hose who hold Sovereign (lank stock. The directors of the Sover- eign flank had a special meeting Saturday to receive and consider the has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Lot 30, Con. 11, Ilsb- bert on TUESDAY. JULY 20th tat one o'clock. sharp, a full line of horses, cattle, implements and house hold furniture. See posters. TERMS -$5 and under cash, over that amount. eight tnonths credit !will be .given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of six per cent. per annum allowed on credit amounts . \\'m. METERS, Prop., iT. CAMERON, Far -lobar, Auctioneer. REWARD financial report that will be made • $5o for the arrest and convic- to the thureholders at the annual meeting. Mr. Aemilius Jarvis. the tion of the person or persons president, said that he did not think trading in my name in Iron Met - that the sharehoiders would be call- al Rags, etc. My wagons have ed out to pay a call on their shares. the boxes painted red and the yellow, with my name in letters on the boxes. W G. Caincs, Parkhill. \1.1\DING U1' HALE -Bio sale at its Exeter Bargain afore Saturday ( gears the 17111. day of July, and two or large Ihree days ►.ext week. say Monday. •1'eset and Wednesday.Crtckingl 11i llargaios as the store is rentedo and the balance of the stock must be c:ear.ed out. Cash Register. iron 1,•• 1:t r e • omputiuq scilla' aremely cheap. See them! J. :\V. 1+-o'l •rick. Mr. anti Mrs. Paisley and child. of New York. are the guests of Mr. and .1. A. Sive art. \Then Mr. it. etas visiting Mr. Paisley in New York some time ngo. he was telling hint about the choice species of frogs that abound hereabouts and to make his New York friends feel envious. he and .lake went frogging Friday afternoon and succeeded in captur- ing. according to their count, about 120 juiey pairs of frog legs. Ncw York and Hoboken papers please copy. using 18 point headline*. The Exeter L. O. i,. fife and drum band made their appearance on the streets friday evening. Thr band numbers about fifteen rind is under the :enderrhip of Dan. litundersi With the little practice the boys have hal the playing was good. They were neatly attired in white coat with huts to thatch and made a decided Id1 with n large nu►nbcr of specta- tors. The band accompanied the io- cai Iod;n' to Clinton Monday when the "Glorious Twelfth" wnv celt•brat ed. The re_s'dents o; Main street south were treated to an (unusual episode one evening lost week when from the dark recess, s o, their verandahs they witnessed n well known young man get trimmed for his perfidy. The young tnan nits in the company of n couple youngladics, when another young Indy much agitated appeared on the scone. and evidently feeling that his affections were being trans- ferred front h. r tried to place him hors .1e combat by s::upping him on toe face. 110 first two companions 1: •at a hasty retreat white he tried to roar:' matters. In this he was tended to It:v. S. F. Shnrpe. ev:dent:y success,ul. as ho shortly Mrs. Dr. Chas. Smith and fami:y, on'hed off with his fair assailant. n„ r:y of tiedar Rapids 105541. nrr whi:e the other young ladies stood tp•ndiug n count, of ttteks th^ t u a;a and S'tlB ed on an adjacent corner o: Mr. nod Mr-. Chas. Harvey, and .,1 r. rind \I,-. \'.,ii Coullis. Ui.,\"Ill OI• WILLIAM 8. BALK- %1The bow:in, club verykindlypost- Saturday ILL -The death occurred early 1 Saturday morning at bis residence on potted the match between the rinks Andre w =tree( o,� \\'rn. 8. Ilnikwi11. .1:`piped by the president and tier- n wall known cil'zr.t sated Sf, seines. 11 -idem Inst Friday a enir;t \1 r. 11n;kttill had been t► t=ufi, ter :tress ,or the Y. M. C. A. sports. frau (Bright's Disease for sora:• time 't.:.;..�.•r.}.}.1;.;.;.;..�•p++•E+:. }l••i'++•t'►nd dur:ng the pest few months had The .I. been in r► critical condition and We Oa H New TUDC Edison P•honograph ;Notice to Contractors hSenh'd tonders addressed to th r:n- �dersiirned. (or the construction of two llridgcs with cement abutments. .$28,60 steel superstructure, latticework Playe both Arnhem! and Stan- rnils and cement floors. one bridge d:►rd both A A perfect!andnon- .10 feet spun the other 12 feet, con- dhsne to evds. rrRitLet us I erste work on hot h bridges about chow it e you. At 135 cubic yard,. will be received by the 'Council of the Township of Tiny. up to Saturday the 17th. day of July two o'clock P. M. Winos And specifations may be seen at the Office of the undersigned. .'fenders should b:• sep'nrate for rich bridge. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A marked thetas of 10 per cent of amount of itender must he sent in with Tender. , FRED IIESS sr.. Clerk. Zurich Ont. July (11h. A. 0. 1909. We would remind you that we still have the Astoria Shoe in Men's only in all the latest styles both in high and low cut. all Highest price paid for Produce- Butter 17c; Eggs 17e. cash, 1Se trade; Prices subject tc flange. Highest Prices paid for Live Poultry. CARLINC BROS. We Repair! All kinds of Boots and Shoes for you CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. The Haying Season is Here, And you will need a hay fork. I have the agency for Beatty Bros., Fergus, round roll tri ek. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices right. Have capable man to install them. W. T. Gillespie. Phone 51. Exeter. No More Corns! No More Warts! No More Tender Feet! COLE'S ORN URE For the speedy removal of Corns, \\'arts and Bunions. Sure! Prompt! Painless! Harmless! -:',;c. a box - (ivat•anleed - Money Refunded COLE'S DRUG STORE Use "Foot Rote" for rote, tired, aching feet. ABM THE PURITY .1. Willis Powell bfanager, death 11;1s not utter +ret cd. The n. n kir of r'urit Le- ceasedSEE! was born at Devon. a short SEE! Largest Camera Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls (tir ili(( 1 promptly t,. Horses kept in stock for sale. THE FLOWER OF FLOURS would be a good name for our brand It is a flour that is simply above all others in GOOD BAKING QUALITIES Once sou try a sack of it you will use it regularly in your household. We know there are many good flours to be had, But the 0 only one "best" and we are c fident a trial will convince that it is ours. "Order a sack to -day and do ur next btr� ing with it. The resultis bound to . make you a steady user. a; HARVEY B ROS. flea's Good iTS' The market prices for old junk are alive and so 0 The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one floor south of the Metropoli- tan. .Just look at the follows prices (no trade, and no ttue7 all cash. Rags 75 c, per hundred Iron from titic to 75e. per bun. 01d rubber hoots & shoes 7c. ib. ('upper and brass Pc. per lb. ilarse hair :i0c. per lb. Leat( and zinc 2 1/2c. per lb. Bring your goods Isere and get the worth of your money. A great variety of IRON PIPEalways on hand at a rea- sonahle price, suitable for fence posts, bracing houlevarding. M. Jackson & sons The Leading school • rfiATrORo. ONT. • • • Courses ate practical. Our • teachers experienced and our • graduates capable of filling re- • sponsible positions. We are re- ceiving nlanv applications for • office help. During a single day Ithis week we received seven a plications for office help a Bow for commercial teacher.. our graduates succeed as none 2 others. Three departments. ('osIst,•:,u !.11., Siff ,1ITiIANI) TI:r I: ;x.►rtn • ('atalogite free. IELLIOTT & M('LACHLAN, • • Principals. •••••••••••••••• •••••••• nt•. fl n ITOW M► DO Y( t Wi 1Gbit \\'i•itth yourself to -d _ be- gin Inking. BRICK'S 'r 1sTELE:Ss COI) i.IVElt OIL Weigh yourself two weeks from to- day and see how much you have gat- ed. That's the way to lest the et►ali- lies of 'toy tonic. nod if honestly. re• gnlnrlt taken BRICK'S TASTELESS 55111 "►.r... :-1I 5 nvr i do t'RF.L\' ADD WEIGHT. 1 3 and Kodak Stock . ARNOLD Mo' ,hnt that it will pet go and i; (non told Tart for Lemonade, disunite. brow Exeter and was the !if, i yon: color in ym:r checks. r Easily made and health and son of the late William lialkw•ill. evil cru rigid EN. ter in 11„r ey.e �' liar-Tirin t. Also makes 1: mon- fit his younger day' he had a wide tome :II tt'.in,n,„tw. ('(11114'111111111 tart ilii I ' 1 rich b:noel in soar veins. a tole(' ue. It's ale Jae( my rtpnlalion as w s , K glad to show '.1 r. D;nrid Russell. who went west I Itlti('IC' TASTELESS 'i; pie and t' corm nnythin,.. printer and et one v,•u (,sats nn.l tVe to 1'. - ucloros. '' :'3e. Or. Tart Inc. tub.. I time wits the r. cognized chi mpion of R 1 i w month, ago. returned home to Dour druggist. •t So'd only nt .} 1 Ontario. The f,ttu•t-a1 wtta held from ion can get rt rieel (4111(ta as low ns :a -t 8aturdsy. p 'I' TiIE PURITY his late residence Monday afternoon $'2 .1 ' Nilss Vera Bowe returned to i.on•1 S Howey, Phm• B \'ie ws of Exeter ;1 for ',c I interment bring in the Exeter come- on E tido rten n Iter , i<r• r Beta • • •i▪ • ry. He is rurt•it•ed by one sister Howey's Drug Store • r'ccompanird her to visit for n tow Chemist end Optician July 10th. 1900. William S. Balk• will, aged 50 years.+';..;