HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 5THE EXETER `.L'IMES, .IL'LV 15th 1909 1 r OVR 1 Crediton Stars Down Greysteads 7-4 on Friday Last Superb latching, snappy infield Mork with the outer garden looked after in faultless fashion. cornbiucd with timely hitting.. won for the hires strength and Vigor Stars the first victory they have been nb'e to win front the Greysteads on the local diamond in three ueasous. :-King' had one bad inning, and that told the story of the game as far as the boys from the south were con- cerned. In the second inning Roy Siddall. Hedley and Gord. tt•haled AI • leather :or t oat ba::ager.'. !these with Jlclnto=h's single, a passed ball and good base -running netted BOVRIL 1S LIQUID LIFE •thCreditonemfou r rgot uns,.one in the ,first. •. Wenn and McCue drew passes, King doubled scoring \\'urm, but the needed bit was not forthcoming • noel both were left stranded. In Overindulgence the third with one gone King hit Itwi: :arks. went to th;rd on a charity to Boltzmann. Otto Ilrown w n bit by a pitched ball and when Siddall threw wild to first on Voting's grounder to short King 1 and Boltzmann romped home. Score 3-4. LI the sixth the game was won F. drown, first man up, single& Warm was called out on strikes. .• lei lel a hot one through :short, . wade his third double and Frazer scored. IIoltzmann then drove a screeching liner along 3rd base line, scoring McCue and Fahner. Kerr fnnned and O. 13row•n was out at first. score 6-4 The 8th started well, \Vurtu reach- ed first safely. McCue bit to left for two sucks. King was out on a high foul, but 'Worm scored on the play. Derr and Brown were out by the high fly route and t he game was over ... e 1) 1. CREDITON T e is''� hing which so quickly restores strength and en r after` an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. As a change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk. Some day you may eat too much. Some night (if you're a man) you may drink more than is good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking AEG u. $ 9 OAT CC — TABLET S— is best because it acts on the liver, moves the bowels and gets rid of whatever may be overloading your stomach. For any sickness of the sort—constipa- tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab- let to -night and you'll feel better in the morning. 52 Get a 25 9 Box. For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter. WE REPAIR WEAK MEN ONE SECRET OF OUR SUCCESS. Every case submitted to ns receives the personal attention of our Medical Staff, tato consider the symptoms, complications and chronicity. nud then decide as to the disease and curability. Specific remedies are then prescribed fdt the caste and aro comlwuu.left by our own chemist ih our own Laboratory. Such appropriate treatment cannot fail to cure, as specific medicines are selected to cure the symptoms that trouble you. nye have no cure-all medicines like most specialists use who send the same medicines to alt patients alike and euro none. We have treated patients .4r'oughout Canada for -,ver twenty years and can refer to any bank as to our responsibility. We Guarantee Cures or No Pay. We Treat all Diseases of Men and Women. Or CONSULTATION FREE ..[a If Unable to Call. Write fora Question List for Horne Treatment. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Kirkton Miss Lillie Taylor, of "As ye Sew the 1'. R. II. E E. Wurm 2 1 0 Dr McCue 1 i 0 E. Fahner 2 4 1 A. Boltzmann 1 1 0 F. Kerr 0 0 0 O. Brown 0 1 Il H. Young 0 0 I. Fahner 0 11 1 F. Brown 1 1 0 7 19 2 G R iN-STEADS Glen Siddall L.- • -._ 0 1 0 Shepley 0 0 I) W. McIntosh 0 1) 0 It ,Siddall 1 1 2 Hedley 1 1 I Gor Siddall t 1 1) Noyes n u 0 G. McIntosh 1 1 0 J. Siddall a "_ 0 :i Crediton 1 0 2 (1 0 3 0 1 x-7 Greysteads 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 NOTES Four two -baggers for Ring in five times up. , , t. r. F. ltrowu, I. Fahner and A. Voltz mann look pretty good on the infield. The outfield look after the garden well, getting anything that was at all possible. ..n.: :iilowrcd one safe hit af- ter the second inning. Mc't'ne's safe litter along right foul line was good for three sacks, but 'his amps called it foul. The Doctor catne right back with a double be- tween ithe 'third baseman's ,..legs. Ring's smile broadened ns the game progressed. • The ump're was by no means pop- e:or with the fans: Now for Craig. Zurich and Irish Nine. !- • The Evangelical Sunday school has changed their time of meeting from Sunday afternoon to Sunday spurn- ing at p,4'i to 10.15 o'clock itumedi- 5 , 11 ate;y after which the morning ser - visiting at her hone• here, vier will runt eticc. This will b: Mr. Arnold Wiseman is spending continued during the summer months. So shall you Reap" his holidays at his home. Mr. William Finkbeiner of Pitts• Mr. Hob( Fletcher and daughter hat- burg. tt ho Inas been spending n fete la left last Tuesday for a t rip through days tt i t h his torrents returned last the west. They left from Owen Sound Toesd:ni intending to :make part of their jour- Mr. 11. i . Eilber let Wednesday I ney by water. It the climate is stills. morning Inst on nn extended trip to factory to his health, Mr. F•etc•her the coast. Seattle and other western purposes making Itis home there in polnttt. the tonne. Should be stay. we will Miss Vern and Laurette Holtz - miss very much the genial sutile and mann are spending it few holiday:! When we sots our advertishment in beauty handclasp of Mr. Fletcher, for in Dashwood the guests of L. K. thenewspapels. staling the price for he has been a highly esteemed and fish. • Suit, Co Trousers, or whatever life long resident in rind around Kirk- Sirs. Link is sueuding n few days the ad. nige t suggest. we include the tots. in Exeter with her sister. Mr-. \Vm. .b . of ever thing in that suit. Mr. Et nest loupe. of Toronto, at- Kuntz. The best loth. tl.e best Linings. the tended the family ie•union of grand- Several from stere spent the 121h best Paddi ,. s, the best 'Thread et 1... parents, ;Mr. and Mrs. Anion Shier. iu London, while others went to ae well ns the I•, et of nue ability in ;'tet• Mr. Barry Wilson vibiled over Sun C.itton. tir,g, Fitting; and Making, shnuld,t•t day est \VIII• Moose's, Alr+. Chas. Brown is confined to We reap our newauol:' A tteiv cement, bridge is being built her room through illness. just north of 1he village. Mist' Luella Wing. of Shipka, is 'lite Misses \Vnedv spent Sunday spending a few dols with her aunt visiting their cousin Miss Vera Road- Mr:. %wicker. t house. :I _ Lill Motz, of London. is vis - A number from here atter dtd the it:eu 1, a Parents for a few tveeks. • Orange celebration at Clinton. Dr. :end Mr,. Orme and daughter,? Among those• who attended the of C -11r:1:ia. uere in town one day t tl►i.ad. lead you to our Shop n here Fnrestets' exenrsion to Niagara F.iils last week. we can prove to you that we live np to %vete Mr. and Mts. (leo. Bus ton, Mr. The Misses Kuhns left for London oro word. and M's. F. A. Taylor, Mrs. 1t. 1los- Friday where they will visit friends. kin, Mr, Wm. Brown. MiescsSara and Mr. Art. %wicker, of London. was Edit !Mope. in town on Saturday. I Kirk ton cannot often tecord such bliss .Vinnifred Iars:eel. of Centralia an event. such as occurred het e last was in town on Sunday. I Feielay. holy Slit, when Mt- and Mts. tIr. Milton llnrria spent Sunday in Adam Shier celebrated !brit diamond 1)ashu-ood visiting friends. wedding. None of the family living M..s Leon ;W!Ilian:, is spending a in the west were piesent, lint front few weeks in McGiilivrny the guest around bete children, grand ch!Idien of Miss A1. Amos. at,d great •grand•ehildren nhmbeting The M!' les Sieberts and Mr. Wm. shout forty w•.•tt piesent. mt. and Itrnun, of Dashwood. spent Sunday in Mts. 50iet have livid in this neigh- 1e.tt,s visiting friends and relatives. lo,hnod for a isneat /anther of yea's 11r. and Mr:. Mist erle anti children and have glinted Ile h;gh.'at. tespect :t f • Monday for their home In i) - at1)11 toot of all near 1 itizeiy. Mr. tr.. 1. and Mrs. Shier have our heattie't \Ir t'. Palmer and Edna Rogers eoogiatu)atiou s rind hest WOW!. that :err :1.1 tl:,':r home in Toledo on Stoehr:kearly eo tsorGrippewith"Preventics" they may be spared to enjoy 'many Saturday. tr. +ar.•,le•fe•atfor Pneumonia. To moo arold more years of happy wedded life. On Saturday evening Airs. Stahl with Preventics Is safer than to let It run and be _____......— number n very touch surprised when n obtere-trocure It ntterwanl'. To be sure. Pro- �hipl<%t nttlnb-r of te:ntit'cey nlld neighbors ntl.•stt111(un, ev.m n dee• ly t!eated told, hit ca.led to (Tend 0 •r eighty-seventh t, n early—at the sneeze stage—they break, or j ,1 .1= •he-' enrlytstids. That's surely Letter. Mr. .loft Mclanac. Of 'Aicrrill, js b?rthdny with hers eats- why they are f1111e,t t•n'wentits. I he Mitt it Finkbeiner of Del roi4 IT•:.•uthaar• ittlecandy cold CUms. No Olen. vi -sting fit his brothers home here. area spending n fest weeks with (heir ,,•, 1teyslo.nothing sickening. Nice ter tho Mr. nud M rs. John Gosser attend- p g gd„tntr-and thomughty safe leo. It you feel pnrcnt.9. Maw.11)oe1sneczr,iiyoiacheall over. think of I the Orange celebration at Clin- AI r. and Mrs. Wes. herr. of 1Cin- •eentMs. Promptne4s miy 81«isave halt Tout t , , on •Mondn3•. chc:yen are visiting friends around rat sieknera. And dont forget your child. 11 Mr,. A. Melnto'b. of London. i! 'here is feverishness, nightnr duty. herein prob. . here. I„r !�,.. )'rtventlr5 greatest elliel,.ney. Sold in w. :t it.;t at 1he home of Mr. D. Mc- And r. and Mrs. J. Lawson and 3E r. iso. 4 for tie) pocket. also in 'let b,.y. s u1 41 I•ta1C. Shad Mrs. •Alnrloek went to London retw.vttk+. boat on your drttggltt+ giving Toll Mr. Will Ntweitr� r to a+ at Clin- ton :lean Mand t on Monday morning in an nuto. bit Preventics _ they come back by trniu in the cycn• Ing. We nnderstnnd they left the' auto there for an overhauling. The teachers nre engaged for of (rr the holidays. s:.- +•sM x-,12 We nre Fort to report tbat Mts. e 2!<6'"�.1. lln'-t net •ith an accident Fri - We aro constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy We are reaping satisfi-'d cos tomers. Natural, isn't it. day morning. She was standing on at bus when it upset. and in falling p rain u her ankle. We hope she ;. • owl be around again. :.! ..day. the 12th was very quiet here. Som:, of the Orangemeu went to London, tvhi:e others w•eut to C.iitou. They must have forgotten to take their drupes with them as the couldn't hear the sound of one. While driving back west Saturday evetang, Mr. Scott Met ttith an ac - olden:. The horse got frightened and started turning from one side to the other until it got near the fence Mr. Stott was thrown out of the rig but luckily he was not hurt much. The buggy was somewhat damaged. The Brownies drove out to 'Cen- tro Monday evening and played a i r.t'ud y gauze of baseball with the C.•1traaa boys. The Scor: was 8-0 in favor of the Brownies. It takes the Crediton boys to play ball. \1so'nuu. doll is all smiles. Its a Miss Vera Jennison is staycng at young \Ir-. 'Phos. Love's. Mrs. Fletcher and children. of Mr;. W. (A. Mallard, of Duluth. who Dashwood, are visiting friends here. is at Mt. Clemens. :s expected to vis - ;dr. Art. llo:tzinann was in Dnsh- it ber mother Mr,. Gro. Sherritt in wood on Monda • on business, a couple of weeks. } Mr. J. J. Taylor has his new house �— • : �r:y completed. 1t is a beautiful Nothing in the way of a cough is btti,din; and will improve the 21st. anile so annoying as a tickling, teas- _ tt•heezing, bronchial cough. The auickest relief comes verbal)! from With the aid of the Militia Depart- vt perscription known to, druggists ev- rn'•nt. the Canadian National Exhibi- DASiiW00D NEWS 11Altl'LEY Well the 12th of July and gone. Mr. S. Sweitzer. the liveryman of 1:rn"d heed. took two busloads of the Greenway Orangemen up to Clin- to:t Monday morning. returning on Tuesday morning. Miss Evelyn Mollard, of Duluth, Is visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Geo. Sherrit!t. The rain which threatened to fall in this vicinity Monday evening moved northward; and gave the 1)eo- p:e a beautiful shower. Miss Edith 'Taylor is spending her holidays at her home on the 21st. has come; Shaiiefu11y Cut to Pieces We want to sell oft our entire stock of trimmed and untrimmed hats and will offer from now until the end of the season at such prices that will make then move. Now is your last chance to get a hat very cheap. Siebert lk Co. eryithere as 1)r. Shoop s Cough Rent- Con will this year present the great- . • I I tl blip k U1�51iWOOD edy and besides it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable effect. It is truly a most certain and trust— worthy prescription. Sold by W. S. I iowey. NOTE AND iCOMMENT During the past few months there have been a number of communica- tions in the '1'irnes making mention of the'Councii's delay in going ahead with the securing of a water works ,ys!ent. la another column will be found a repay to these by Reeve T. 1I. McCallum. Ile deals with the matter very fully and it is worth taking time to read carefully. This adl. is sowed to reap you ns one of our customers. \Vhen yon needSuit. Coat, 'rl'ott:el.,' (tr fancy `'est 3, H. Holtzmann C'tEucrON • op ThaF C�Id W. S. NODI:EY est and most compiete military ds- ar el oc . pray and tournament ever attempted la Canada. Its features will be a Model Military Camp. Musical Drive THE DASHWOOD PLANING MILL CO by the Artillery, Musical hide by the', Have on Hand and for Sale CHEAP Dragoons. and everything That is bright and new in Military spectacles Pine and Hemlock Lumber; Shingles, Laths, Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames and competitions. The Model C:atnp. Flooring and Siding. twill be on the grounds during the entire Exhibition. and twill containl We • sell the celebrated Paroid Roofing -None Better heavy and rapid-fire guess and all Limited. tite appliances of a modern mill-; All kinds of Factory work done to order for which our prices are reasonable. tory camp. Just to hand, a largo import order of NVINDO\V GLASS which we will sell at vety close priers. Now is the time to order your Hay Racks and Water Troughs. Call in and See us. Pain can be ca -sly and autckly stop- ped. Pink fain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula —it's fine. Sold by W. S. IIowey. The Dashwood Planing Mill Dashwood, att. Co., Limited. Tho merchandise listed in e•a• Summer r • ' c” ' demand is most argent at this s••: Son and 551, not an article listed which cannot he nit 1 1. a , .:;u::.:�o i:t 1•::.. yalucs emit as these are not of tl.tily neeurrt r, , Every page contains items t•.: ' :incl prices at-' !.' i leelly hi s-rYur favor, rn doil't fit to gest v•,ur share of these wonderful bargains. We believe that a trial et•!er iia ?c i , t i .• I arty t,f l'iiy cora tvuo twill et itw!no,V yon that CATONe'f) i , O.,. 1• nee 1•, d,. poor fin ing the year -nand. 11)11 sl ill deei,le un:clteruldt• to buy when, it dollar gels Ihu uteri value, the: nsdit, w•o Ixliete, \:.., i,o n.•,re h'siness fir tIs awl greater govt YOUR FATAGE M t !a•nrorah;e nature. 1n fart thia bank cotctaigoodss only these goods for which the .Isis 1 •trel•Iitt•s quoted gn ill e':do n demand greater than ewer. There 12 tar: Itut:. t,.•,.el. (sur advice is to make n list of your needs and order at once, M ,ug s f.,r you. Don't hesitate as you run no tisk whatever tthen ordering from art Listen t•• this, --Make int nn order of the things vote tt ill need anel send it to w:. \\'e tt ill ship 11••• t:•,• t'.+ 11111::t 11:Iely nml thea thew nrrive, if yon ant not, perfectly satisiiwl in every way, send them buck. We tt ill pay transl'e,rtltiou story hath t; aya and refmut your money in fitU. Send us a trial order to -day