HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 4RAND TRUNK SYs EM
.a.HE EXEZE;R TIMES, JULY 16th 1909.
BY=LAW NO. -=a
lly-Law No. of the Vil-
lage of Exeter, to authori; c the
borrowing of the sum of $2 2,0.00- 1912 733.51
00 for Water Works purposes. 1!1):3 770.19• 1914 808.69
the amount duc in tach of the said
years for principal and interest in
reepect of the said debt as follows.
Principal Inte•reet Total
le the year
1910, 665.31
1911 698.61
'WHEREAS it is desirable .in the
peke:- Interests Ibat this Corpn:a-
tlon of the Village of Exeter should
acquire, construct. operate and main-
tain a system of waterworks. within
the raid ,n nicipality for tire protec-
tion tied other purposes.
ANI) WHEREAS an ugreement has
been entered into between the said
Corporation dud James N.. Howard
for the purchase (subject to the ap-
t! of
the t ofthe crs I
lage)of that part river bed
and bank of the Aux Sable .River
known as the Mill property and be-
ing all that part of Lot number nine-
: teen, in the First Concession of the
Township of Usborne, (now Exeter)
owned by the said James N. Howard
for the price or suns of $1700.0
AND WHEREAS it is advisable• to
purchase said Howard property and
to construct and maintain a dam and
puutping station thereon and to e•r_(
cot a Water Tower or stand pipe in
some suitable location in said village
and to lay water mains conr.ectil)g'
eaid pumping station and stand pip
and along Main Street in the said
rVillage and to otherwise •fully ee
nip. maintain and operate paid sys-
( AND :WHEREA.S it has been esti-
, `mated that it will require the sum
ofg 4'22000.00 to purchase said pro-
�perty, erect said dam, pumping sta-
` /'ttion and stand pipe ando Id lay
I.water mains 'and equip s
• AND 'WHEREAS it is necessary for
e the Fait! perposes for the said Corpor-
c ation of the Village of Exeter to bor-
row upon the credit of the said Min-
t.. icipality the sum of 122000,(0 t
AND 'WHEREAS for the purposes
aforesaid it mil be necessary .to is-
sue debentures of the said municipal-
/ity of the Village of Exeter for the
:said sunt 0; $22000.00 and interes
as hereinafter provided which is th
amount of the debt intended to be
e created by this By -Law. the proceeds
of the said debentures to be applied
in the acquisition of said lands, the
erection of said dam. pumping sta-
tion and stand pipe and the laying
of said water mains and the equip -
Ment of said system and for no other
AND WHEREAS it is desii able to
j make the principal of the said debt
L repay, b:c by annual instalments dur-
Cing th, period of twenty years next
nfter the is tie of the debentures
•'therefor. such instalments of princi-
f,pal to be of ouch amounts that the
/aggregate amount payable •fur prin-
(cipal and interest in nal year shall
b Wr
equal as.. nearly ns may be to
Cwhtt is payable for principal and in-
tcrest during each of the other years.
LAND -WHEREAS it will b,' necess-
titry to raise annually for the period
of twenty years during the currency
of the debentures to be issued here -
(under by a special rate sufficient
/therefor on all the rateable proper- tt least ten days nest preceding
the within themunicipality the sum
of > 1765.34 for the lap�dying the rev- rc of polling file in the office of
in.t 1 itu.•nts of principal and in- `(h� Clerk of the Municipality a Stat.
crest ;her- un at the rate of five per �utory Declaration stating that his
cent t r annum, 1 Lease meets the requirements by law
AN!) WHEREAS the amount of the
whose rateable property of the raid
'Hinge of Exeter according .to the
a,: revised Assessment Roll is the
,iuut of $573.503.00,
AND \VIiEREAS the existing de-
Sb.ntt:re debt o: the said Village ex -1
clusive of local improvement deben-
ture debt recured by special ,assess•
,meats therefor amounts to the sum
r of $1.2,864.21 and no part of .the prin-
cipal or interest thereof is in arrears.
( Therefor• the Municipal Council of
`the Viila , of Exeter enacts ns fol -
1. It shall b.• lawful for the Reeve
rot the• said Village of Ex,•ter to bor-
row on the credit of the said Corpor-
(of the Village of Exeter the
sum of $22.000.110 for the purposes
bere.nb,•fore net forth and for that
purpose to issue debentures of the
Lad municipality to the amount of
g22.000.00 in sums of not less than
(41100 each and such debentures shall
be ?i;rned by the Reeve of the said
Corporation for the time being and
by the Tensurer for the
thin' being of the said Corpoation and
(duly graded with the Corporate Seal
th reef. which seal the Clerk for
`the tine. snit': of said Corpora Dien.
Ire h••reby authorized and directed to
attach to each of said debentures.
2 The said deb. ntures shall be dat-
ed upon the date of the issue thereof
And shall beer interest at the rate
\ 1917
k 1919
1924 1317.29 418.05 1765.31
$ 19.25 1383.18 382.15 1765.31
11;25 1451.34 313.00 1765.91
1927 1524.99 210.35 1765.31
, 1928 1601.24 461.10 1765.3.4
1 1929 1681.29 84.05 1765.31
4. That this By -Law shall come in -
o force and take effect on the day
of the final passing thereof. -
5. That the votes of the Electors
of the said Village of Exeter entitl-
ed to vote on this By -Law be talEen
on Friday the 20th day of August,
19011, commencing at Nine o'clock in
the forenoon and continuing until
five o'clock in the afternoon of the
same day at the following ,places
within the said Village of Exeter by
the following Deputy Returning Of -
Polling sub -division No. 1, at Sil-
as llandford's Itesidence, Ed. Treble
1). R. 0. Herbert Ford Poll Clerk:
foiling Sub -division No. 2, Weekes'
`Slurble Shop, Main Street. W. D.
1Veekes, D. R. 0., James Weekes Poll
('Jerk : Polling Sub -division No. 3, E.
11. Fish's Residence, Main Street, R.
G. Seldon, 1). R. 0., Alex G. Dyer,
Poll Clerk: Polling Sub -division No.
4. Town Hall, nli, E. Huston, 1). R.
0.. It. N. 'Taylor, Poll Clerk. .
6 That Wednesday. .the 18th day
of August 1609 at Eleven o'clock in
the forenoon, shall be the day and
the 'Clerk's office in the Town Hall
in the Village of Exeter shall be the
place where the Reeve shall attend
do appoint persons to attend at the
various polling places aforesaid and
at the final summing up of the votes
by the Clerk on behalf or persons in-
e.rested in promoting or opposing the
this Icy -Law respectively.
7. That the Clerk of the Corpora-
tion of the said Village of Exeter
shall attend at his offie2 in the said
Village of Exeter at Twelve o'clock
noon on Saturday the 21st day of
August, 1909, to sum up the number
of votes given for and against this
fly -/Low.
i'rhe above is a trta campy of the pro
posed By -Law which has tlren taken
into ideration and which will be
fin passed by the Council of the
oration of the Village of Exe-
er in the event of the assent of the
(e:cctors being obtained thereto after
Pne month irorn the first publication
lin the Exeter Times and Exeter Ad -
ovate newspapers, which first pub-
tcationn was on the 15th day .of July
909. and at the hour, day and places
!therein fix. -d for taking the votes.
of the Eleeitors a poll tvill be held.
livery Leaseholder entitled by law
(to vote on the proposed By -Law shall
ntitling him to vote on such !ly-Law
,end the names of Leaseholders ne-
glecting to file such a Declaration
shall not be placed on the Voters'
List for such voting.
Dated at Exeter this 7th day of July
A.1)., 1909.
'Clerk of the Corporation of the
Village of Exeter.
Entrance Examination
u:.),, ie the candidates
t•:1 --e. by the board of examiners for
ww t -c Huron with the marks obtained
•+ , . t'.[ (-antedate. .A ears taivin:r the
malts in each subject has been sent
to each candidate. The certificates
will tit sent to the teachers before the
ors. of Stintwber.
The marks resulted for pass Are
.191) and for honor 1S7.
The highest marks obtained in each
,Abject are tis follows'
It,•itding-Florence Smith
11 r.•....e-Agnes Doyle. ;Doris Die -t
gate . 4l
Spelling --Maggie llel.:•od. Doris
Megntw. Florence Smith 50
• rifler] Itcnding-Flortuce Smith,
'Celia Robinson ,., 91
.\ ritlimelic-Ceiiu Robinson. Hugh
of Five per cent. per annum from the ..• rson
fdate of the issue thereof and the sa:d• :•.•..109
\ int, r -t (-hail b • payable ), arty on . ,,.,. ,1,, .0•,.'•I,.r'•hi . ,
Ili le) of th,• month on iw•hich said ;,,,•tn .h •-lla -,
S ggie 1.. Hick•on ... , s
deb ii,. 1 .. are issued and as to both Composition -Ida smith. I':crease
is prier• , .1 . 1,01 interest the said tie- smith 92
b�nie t - -!s ill 1.. p:t)abl, in panne1
lii ti,.n. tits e• . hin twenty years from front -Florence 51111111 55;55
The 1 ub:ic School Graduation re -
the date of t h issue .thereof, such in-
be twill be tannonuccd nest week.
Cclef 11)011t4 t. 1 o. such amounts that 1 h results of the Entrance I:xain-
th eggregut amount payab:c for
i••ipal eel i:.teres in anyer '""11°'-s show That the majority u
rh h. equaln+ roil rly as ai be l h,' teacher me not teaching :!1
to w, hat is payable for principal and Principals of '.'.riling or correct b .,--
CInterest dor:ng Inch of the other `n`'a forms.
yenr, of Filch period of t'.tenty years EXETER P. 8.
`na hereinafter art forth. Reginald Iiissctt 401, Clarence IL t. }-
weed 458. Ruby Wood 419. ,'ladc•iint
3 During r1 •••rreney of the said Cnr.ing 451. Preston Dearing 431.
debentures ! i • '-.all be raised an- Ethel llrickwood 0. Mary Achc=on
nunll\: byi•i'
nble ;roper: -
roper• -
of t1• '
•x01-1• •
• on all the rate- 1.0, Leon 'Treble 6. Young Cres eh
id Corporation ..91. Ste:!nsouthcot1 •'e'e, Ir • i- Ifardy
• ••r the • it of :tee. Gorden Taylor 301, 1•:Iva I•'o•d
l !pee of 1.1wine 'e1.
-----------'-- .......--.....-.,•,414.4,,
r rl
�ta.�.-.,as _�euanrsaw�trsas
Weak Throat --Weak Lungs
Colt! iiftcr colli; cough after cough! Troubled with this
tahin-cold habit? Better break it tip. «•c have great
confidence in ?dyer's Cherry Pectoral for this; work. No
m;(licine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask
your doctor for his opinion. Ile knows all about it.
lis a )ro°. al i.; valuable. hollow his advice at all times.
do alcohol ill this cotigh medicine. C'.,-C.,re.'o.; orLY71 /11 s
?ysl..epa0-1Iaxativeinthehouse. T. cadosew.•hcn)Oweedfirstsillieson.What
b the best !with.: to- this? ,\ycr's I'ilh. As!: your ,1 1.1 r i ;:. rini •n. Let him decide.
Irma !tannic 448, !lean) MacArthur
176. Alexia Murdock 418, Flossie Bon -
throe 440. Alice llobkirk 390, ldilla
Wood 404, Hugh hose 531. Sidney
Geiger 451. 'lhomus t\\'ren 401, Joseph
Hudson 1.17. Kenneth Pope 419, Geo.
ilarburu 411. Itobert Cheeney 390.
Herbert Gab, -r 424, Hilda Snell
483..Gordon C'alfas 497, Gordon Goerz
463. Eulotea Guenther 493, Vera
ltrokenshire 510.
CREDi'I'ON I'. 8.
Mabel Wenzle 452, Qucenie Hodgins
501, Flovica 11i11 944, Lydia Oestreicb4
cr 473, Loran Brown 451, Emerson
Bean 451, harry Mangus 488, Fant
Finkbeiner 440.
ZU1tICII P. 3.
Luella '\Vurm 405, L•ttel \\'tido 411,
Ada 1\Vurm 427. Ithineman Kialbfleisch
.390. Marshall Zeller 425.
1 -Eddie Brisson 390
• :-Greta Mawson 452
Ben Case 393
•-Maudic McAllister 415
1 -Gordon Surerus 428
Violetta Eckstein 423
Alberta Geiger 390
8 -Corn q'rueutncr 482
12 -Samuel Gascho 153
1.1 -George Mulholland 470
Mary Hay 421
Greeta 'Ivison 411
Laura Fee 390
Maggie Fee 390
I'--I:!fre:da Schroeder 107
1-Lorindu Dowson 390
3 -Mabel Clarke 479
4 -Testa Johnston 431
t: -Maty A. Davidson 453
It, ndersou Forrest 470
7 -Alice 'Cochrane 390
9 -Albert Keys 461
i :•, it t N1-, Iaon 432
10-N. tris Fraser 445
.irett4 Mustard 426
arl Kaiser 457
1. 11I.nte Kaiser 428
Frank McGregor 390
14 -Arnold Petrie 443
Hannah Dinsda'•• 391
Sarah Rath we 407
Odit McBee th 395
1 -Flossie Davey 390
2 -Lilian Stabls 390
3 -John Hogarth 517
Earl Shipton 449
Wilfrid Shepton 429
4 -Harry Schwarz 601
Arva ltrokenshire 397
Lorne Morlock 390
6 -Charles E. Gower 437
12 -Muriel Finis 446
14 -Fred Essery 438
Elva Brooks428
6 -John Galvin 391
I -Laura Harvey 416
:ioh,r &tram: 454
Gordon Oke
George e I
t+utchford 41
'Cecil Down 404422
2 -John Turnbull 432
Annie Turnbull 397
Meryl Snell 499
3 -Isabelle Turnbull 423
Ethel Shier 450
Beta Shier 390
4-Iledley May 421
itella Davis 435
Vinn Kerslake 473
6 -Ella ileywood 390
Lulu Godboln 423
(thea Godbolt 40$
Ray Fletcher 390
John Creery 1398
10 -Harold Glenn 471
Blossom Anderson
May llorton • 391
Archie Morgan 432
7 -Walter O'Brien 407
Eddie O'Brien 400
Clifford Itrintnell 391
Edna McGee 390. John McNeil 431.
Evelyn Pollock 482, Florence Martin
For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
bigueturo of
Miss Elizabeth ltannie has passed
thin examination in junior counter-
1•o'.nt. with first situs honors.
Mrs. llor:ng and dauglitt•r Lucy. of
Co:berne were visitors in town Inst
wt k.
The annual children's day was ob-
s•rved in the Evangelical church on
th,. 11th Con. Inst Sunday.
Thirteen formers along tie. 14th
and Zurich Itond have been connect-
ed with phones. -
.\ hold at tempt nt robbery was
reit l-• 'flier -tidy morning. when thin
in the Ilera:d office was blown
. The door is a complete wreck.
1 the i;yh tine lower boll was not
• :1 e 11 • ,n.:;ents of thin safe
i, •: • PO( dot at. it is needless to say
i11:, tIi it• booty ssoit d not have been
• •e: t Sett the b•,rg:ars see.
I a telt:nl; in. The damage to
ih'., white the
1.• t: -e to the hell 'fele-
• ('o. and tie front of the office
1. 1. th • branch
• M,.•• o • hank is in the same
it • i l• •i.;: ht by , eine that a
111.1 1> -•.ti mad... stet Chit it
•lu• itlteation of Ill• robbers to
:1: the ta'11 in th -.• bank. There.
1n b• 10 c. tie. n•td no suspicious
• ..•1 c •1 in loon. The damage
:n eon to over a hundred doll -
Everybody now admit's
Zam-j3ak best for these.
Let 1L give YOU ( ase
and comfort.
ting th roodnittlltegQula-
ttlleStmmneM anilt3owels cf
I.1.\\ 1S - (.IItin ItEN
Promote s Dige s ti o n,C see r f u l-
messat dIIest.Contains neither
.tum, Morphine nor }finefal.
dares s411atzzimart
e Sad-
.fYn 0
lemiale ,4-
81mrl JJs•
Pim eel-
Aperfect Remedy forConstipa-
tion. Sour Stotnach,Diarrl 0Ca,
Worms ,Convuts io ns ,Fever i s h-
ness and LOSS OF SLEET'.
Fac Simile Signature of
For Infants and Children%
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signa :tura
For Over
Thirty Years
The lVlolsons Bank
• Incorporated 1855
• CAP TAL (paid up) • • • •
.... $3 500.000 00
I !las .(15 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
• General Banking Business Transacted.
= at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager '
1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Savings Bank Department
D. Z. WALKER, President
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,Q -Q
Reserve Fund, - 6,000,00
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this lank are a inost cooyee
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominatl0db
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fr
Germany, Great Britain, Rolland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swe¢4P
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countrrfkss
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every officer
of the Bank. 1711.
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh also at Crediton.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. I). S., of Ontario and Ilonor
Graduate of Toronto University.
w OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gardiner are
house again after an extended trip to
Iowa and Indiana.
Some of the old boys went to Port
Stanley on the excursion and had a
good tune.
A number from here helped to cele-
brate the 12t1i at C'lle .,,.,
Reviving rain at last. The potatoes
are growing and so are the bugs
Miss Addie Turnbull is visiting in
Our blacksmith is busy these da ye
A faiiing tiny nerve - no larger
than the finest silken thread -takes
Irons the heart its impulse, its power,
its regularity. The stomach also Las
its hidden or ipsid: nervcz It was
Dr. Shoop who first told us it was
wrong to drug a weak or failing
Stomach, heart or Kidneys. Alis
prescription -Dr. Shooks Restore-
tive-is directed straight for the
cause of these nilments-these weak
and faltering inside nerves. This, no
doubt. clearly explains why the Ite-
storative has of late grown so rap-
idly In popularity. Druggists sa
that those who test the Restoratrvc
even for it few days soon become ful-
ly convinced of its wonderful merit.
Anyway, don't drug the organ.
Treating the cause of sickness is the
only sensible and successful way. Sold
by W. g. ,Ilotvcy.
Women with pale co iorless faces
w ho feel tweak and discouraged, will
receive both trental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
are made for the blood, nerves and
Mr. and .\irs. Duncan McDougall
or 'Comber. ere visiting friends pnd
reSitiwes it1 this vicinity.
Mr. anti Mrs, Thos. Wheeler and
family, of Iliticetield, were in the
Inge Sunday calling on their friends.
Miss Sarah Washburn returned to
London Monday aft( r a short visit
with her In other, lir. 1'. Washburn
Misr Vern ('owatd is visiting her
brother Elmer and ether friends in
Misr Almeria Hey w•cod is visiting
friends in Exeter.
ii11.N Ithe,t Godbolt is in Ilensall vis-
iting hent )I cies, the Messrs. Stacey.
Several front Sunshine celebrated
the 12111 at Clinton and Goderich.
Mr. John Whiteford, of Exeter, has
engaged with J. Herdman for the
Mr. Wilson Hawkins .Sundayed at
Seaforth with his uncle Jim. Martin.
The rain Saturday evening was
very welcome if it. was only enough to
lay the dust, as the dust was getting
frightful on the St. Marys road with
so much gravel being huuled over it
for the bridge nt Sam, Pym's.
A number from her took inthe e
cursion to Goderich last Thursday and
report having had a good time.
Mrs. Pollen and daughter May were
the guests of Mrs. John Hind on the
Mr. Jos. Hawkins and Russell Skin -
nee have put metallic roofs on their
Mrs. Sinclair and two children Alex
and Annie, of St. Marys, spent Sun-
day at the home of John Johns, jr.
Miss Ethel Godbolt spent a few
days with Miss Mabel Johns.
Miss Joy White, of St. Marys, is
holidaying at John Miners.
Mr. John Johns went to Toronto on
Saturday and returned Mdnday. ile
went to see his son Alex, who has
been in the hospital for three months
and is getting along nicely,
The teachers and officers of the
Sunday school held a meeting on Mon
day evening to wind up the business
of their annual picnic held on the 1st
of July and everything was very sat-
isfactory. The proceeds amounted to
thirty dollars more than last year.
The total amount taken in was $211,15
The farmers around here have their
hav nearly all in and the crop is very
light. By the wit) the spring crop is
heading up it will not need much barn
root) to harvest. it. What we want
is rain. The only things that seem
to flourish in this dry spell are potato
bugs and thistles.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink=
c eom
o 111. sae a ham'sVtableCcurd
Bean the /ylte k r J You Hate *Wit Berle P
Signatureof ;e4i
Mr. Thos. Smile still continues to
keep up bis reputation as a locator
of good water. Mr. Itobt. Dawson, of
Fullerton, has seven wells on his
farm, none of which are very much
good and hearing of Mr. tamale''
nbility to locate water engaged him
to dig a well for hire. Accompintr1
by .Mr. Robert heath he went to Mr.
Dawson's place last week and after
digging 19 feet struck an excellent
f.ow of water, enough to supply 40
head of cattle. 'i'hr-y then went
across the root to Mr. Sim! -son's
p:nce and at ten feet talar!: an over -
river Sowing spring. lir. Smale seems
to have n magic ww•ay of locating
water ns be rarely hits.
Mr. John Ilev'dnotn lts been laid up
for several days sn1T.'I trig from injure
ie v It» set e't 0 1 (rem n kick by it horse
ile is -till t ,t, • i w Lie nrnt.
Mr. ill d MI- t has. Jacques. of (lad
11i11, spent ,lay at the home of Mr
oilier (ley resile John Simpson
'.i' 11;) t,' Nttrt:.l t • 1 Is het
1 .•
e •.' vet a •ew 0:e k ick on the leg,
1 i h ai.l ley hien r IT f .t some time.
(►n :,cconut of the , y w. ntl,er the
f .11 wheat. is i ipening 1asI. A cnnsid•
side anantttilnt it. Is 1.r•'nt- destroyed
',v the jn'nt motto :creel nr• 60!60
1 ,ce been so badly d.r,towrd that
half of it ilea Leen ( tit a If.
Fox Creek. Niles" I have always
hal pants itt the loins and a %weak-
ness there, and
often after my
meals in y fond
would distress me
and C a 11 s e sore-
ness. I, y ti la E.
Pink h:ttit's Vegeta-
ble Compound hag
done me it
good. 1 am st rang-
er. digestion is bet-
ter, and I can walk
with ambition. I
have encouraged
many mothers of
families to take it, as 1t is the best rem-
edy in the world. Von can publish this
itt the papers." - Mrs. 11'tl.t.t.1m
111(ster i;, Fox ('reek, NIL, Canada.
TIte above 1r only one of the thou.
sands of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
I'inkhant Medicine ('ompany of Lynn,
Mass.. which prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia 11. !Inkhorn's Vegetable Com-
pound. trade from roots and herbs,
actually docs cure these obstinate dis-
eases of women after all other means
have failed. and that every such suf-
fering woman owes it to herself to at
least give Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegeta.
Isle compound a trial before submit-
tirt;,f to an operation. or giving up
hoite of recovery.
Mrs. I'inkhniu, of 1.31n, 3Ins".,
i:iwllc. :111 nick women to write
tier for ark kr. !:Ire Iran ,raided
(hone';1nt!.4 to health and her
advice I. free.
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. I). S., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street -EXETER.
• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un
vaulty. office and re id
e euence. i)ominloo
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
It, Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
•S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
Ito al Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr, Amosold stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
' We have unlimited private funds for Inveel
'eat upon farm or village trroperly ab lows. t
r ,tee of interest.
11 arri,ters, Solicitors Notaries, Ceave cancer.
Oommtsaloners, solicitors tar the Molsoor.
Bank. IICto.
honey to Loan at Iowa+t rates of interest.
1 1. CURLING IL A. L. 6. DIOtae■
We have slams amount of private tends
San O farm and village propertles ablowrate
Barristers Benetton. Main Bt.,Exete,
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at iownt rates.
North West hand., for Sale.
Office, Main Street, Exeter
Fall Term Opens
;August 30.
Our graduates are assisted to the
bust positions. Write for the reason.
Prepare now to enter at the beginning
of term. Mail Courses for those who
wish to study at home.
Clinton Business
Geo. Spotter', Principal.
The Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur
arse Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
f'rreidcnt-J. f.. Ri'SSELL.
Vice- i'reeidont- . 11. f'ASSJit)itF
\VMr. Bnoe): \Vi\('HELSICA P. 0.
JOHN EMERY, Exeter, gent for
Usborne and Iliddutph.
OLIVER HARR18, Munro. agent
for 11 begirt, Fullartoo and 1.oga.A.
Secv.Treas. Farquhar
ma ()MAN & • • •o,.
The Popular Route
A11 -
Principal Tourist
including Muskoka, Lake• of Ba ,
Ternaganti, Georgian Bay, Megan -
wan River, Kawartha Lakes, etc.
Full summer services now in effe
Excursion tickets on sale daily.
Very low rates -Fast time -Via at-
tractive route. Daily until Sept. 30tb
1909. Return limit Oct. 31st, 1. rely
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. 1). MCDONALD, ,Union
Depot, Toronto, Ont,
SYHOUSIS 01111e COAOd100 MOEm1031
Any person who is the sole head
of a falnil,f, or any male over 111 -
years old may homestead a quartefr,
seotoni of available Dominion land in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta.
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agnnoy or
Sub -agency for the district, Entry IrR
proxy may be had at tho agenoy, on
c.crtain conditions, by father. mother
sort, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties: -Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the laud in eaob
of three years. A ltornesteader nay
live within nine miles of his borne.,
stead on a dant, of at least 80 sores
solely owned and occupied by hint or
his father, mother, son, daugl,ter,
brother or sister.
In certain dist riots a honieatcadds
in good standing only pre-ompt a
quarter section alongside his home.,
stead. Prion $3. tier acre, Duties-=•
Must reside Aix months ineaoh of nix
yeora from date of Lorriestead entry
(including the tiara required to earn
homestead patent) and cultivtae
fifty acres extra.
A hotnesteader st ha leis exhausted
his homestead right end cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take n pur-
chased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Dutica.-Must
reside six months in each of three
years, cultivate fifty acres and•ereet
a house worth $300.o1:
w. W. CORY.
Deputy of the Minister of the Intoner
N. IL -Unauthorized pnbltrstion of this sdrinks •
went will not be paid for
fllgh6rddc Plano
Are a Pleasure to their
\Ven have sold and aro selling n great
many high class pianos and our num
ernes sat WIN! customers i the strong
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos today ate the hest that
the hest Piano makers produce and
our prices are right.
Do net he too quick to believe per-
sons who toil yr it difTeere•nt front the
above for the pnrpo►e of selling you
cheap told in ti tee Cafes trashy welds
at sig prices.
• Call and sec lis
sed pe convinced th et what we sa
we live to,
For any case of nervousness, sleep
leanness, weak srornach, indigestion.
try Curler's Little Liver
S(�,rtnlse Rel e s euro 3 1711' V�l Tcc nni f i he only nerteVO11dlelne in market.