HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 3• RIOR iiNES OF ONTARIO 1u� Output for the Province in. 19:8 Wan $26,000,000. Sily and nickle are Ontario's i countries of the world," Bays the chief orals accc.rdimg to the Minister, "having contributed annual report of lion. Crank Poch-uuues nue-nintu or the entire se- rene, Minister of Lauds, Forests. ported prduction In 1908. There and Miucs, just issued. The silver was raised and shipped from the output last year was 19,401,021 mhiues of Cobalt lust year 24,453 ounces and was practically ail from tons of ore (including concentrates), the Cobalt camp. The nickel pro- which was considerably more than duction total!. d 10,15 tuns and the total prc.duCtion up to the cull chiefly came frni the Sudbury dis- of I'O7. 1'Lc average contents of trict. Despite the low prices last the shipments for 11,OS were 71;3 ounces of silver per tun, compared with l06 ounces up to 31St Decem- ber, 1907." T! -..e revenue from the timber dues ea,: et1,618,242.58, t' ie largest in the histo.; of the province. Arrears of $1b6,000 accruing from 1907 are included in this as col- lections were not enforced :wing to the financial sir ngency that yea.. The net collections for 1908 were $1,224,2:3 and the stun of $235,363 was carried forward into Iti09 owing the inability of tho 1►tmberulcu to pay. year the silver shipments reached the value of $9,116,008. The ores and minerals produced in Ontario last years wero valued at $26,616,705, as compared with $25,019,373 for the previous year. The production of nickel in 1543 was valued at $1,011,140. The iron mines of Ontario yielded 216,177 tons of ore last year, -worth $574,- 839, and there was made at the blastfurnaces 271,656 tons of pig iron, valued at $4,d90,S39. "Ontario now occupies a leading place among the silver-l:rodtacing $10,000 PRIZE LIST. Provincial Winter Fair Board holds Meeting at Guelph. A despatch from Guelph says: The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair Board held a meeting here ou \\ ed- nesday and decided that the prize list this year should total $10,000. The Horse Show prizo list will be along the same lines as that of last year's Horse Show, held at the stock yards in Toronto. The amount for horse prizes is about $3,000. Tht feature of the poultry prize list this year will be the depart- ment of 20 classes or more in pig - NO BOOKS TO CONSUMPTIVES. Ottawa Li henry Board issues Order to Prevent lnfeelion. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Ottawa Carnegie Library Board issued an order on Thursday morn- ing that no library books hereafter should be given out to any person handle the western harvest. He who is consumptive. This win ap says applications are pouring in and cannot be filled. He thinks twenty thousand men will be re- quired. The Canadian Express Company has been ordered to restore the low rate on fruit from Queenston dis- trict to Toronto by Chairman Ma - CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS L UI't'L'NINCS i'A11n ALL OVER 1ILL (:LOMME:. irlegranlite Rrlefe From Cur Osia and Other Countries e1 Recut I.seuts. C.1NADA. The new street railway at Cal- gary has been opened for business. The new Central Prison for On- tario may be located at Englewood. Toronto police have been instruct- ed to arrest visitors or others who insult the British flag. Two Kingston grocers have been summoned on a charge of selling adulterated coffee. The ltailway Commission has or- dered the Grand Trunk to build a t:ew stat.ou at Guelph. Charles T. Coonibes, fireman on the steamer Saronic, was drowned at Futt William by falliug into the river. Miss Amy I. Bruce of Valentia, Ontario, won the Governor -Gener- al's medal for general proficiency at Toronto Normal School. Frank Malone was asphyxiated at the Crown Iteserve mine at Co- balt, and eight other men who went t., his assistance were overcome and had a narrow escape. A steamer on Lake Temiskaming had a block of wood caught in her propeller and was drifting into the rapids when a tug came to the res- cue. Several passengers were aboard. Mr. J. Bruce Walker, Commis- sioner of Immigration, is already impressed with the need of men to ply whether the application is made personally or by some member of the family, as it is the policy of tho board to keep all library books im- trtune from any germs of tubercu- losis. Consumptive ' persons can only receive books hereafter by fur - eons, to include the birds of 1909 nishing a medical certificate to the bee of ltailway Commission. The which have been excluded hereto effect. that there is no danger of in been• the thean spoke in severe terms of fore. Realizing that the showing fcctiun, the express companies changing of fat stock has been in the past the ^.. ouly weakness of the show, the I TO TAX CORPORATIONS. - rates while the commissionwas have greatly increased the - dealing with them. prizes r that class. important Change Contemplated UNITED STATES. 4. by Ontario Government. FAKE ACCIDENT 01..1111 S. Missouri suffered from a discs- _ A despatch from Toronto says: trous flood and people were driven Tire en Arrested on Charge of It is reported that important li►ian- tc the house -tops. Conyph acs. tial legislation is contemplated by A large quantity of bogus $2 the Ontario Government, and a re- bills. said to have been made in A despatch from Montreal says; i.ort is abroad for which there seems Canada, was circulated in western Three men named Nathan Aloof, to be strong foundation in fact. It Pennsylvania. ax Catsoff, and Appi Shyropsky is understood that the Provincial More rigid laws and the growth rc arrested on Wednesday on a charge of conspiracy to defraud. The detectives, who have worked to that end for months, declare they have rounded up the cleverest trio of "fake accident claim" workers who ever figured in Montreal's criminal annals. No less than a score of accident claims have been put through by the then, and in every ease the amount of damages was large. According to the detec- tives, the men have taken turns in the role of "injured through negli- gence," and the other two acted ns w itnesses. The complainants in in this case are the C. P. R., the Montreal Street ltailway, and the Grand Trunk ltailway. Tho men denied their guilt, but wero re- manded. 3 ARSENIC IN THE DRUGS. Result of Inland Revenue Examin- ation of Samples. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tho examination by the inland rev- enue depr.rtment of a number of drugs, ns found on the Canadian inn t, for the purpose of ascer- taitfig whether any of these con- taied distinct traces of arsenic, S114 .i that while most tramples wetc practically free from the poi- son, arsenic vas found to be dis- tinctly present in certain sulphates and particularly in phosphate of socia. The amounts vvere not so large as to be alarming, but were sufficient to make it impossible to IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS iii' M.1I1, ABOUT JOIN BILL AND MIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In (ho Land That Reigns Supreme in (ho Com- mercial World. "Wireless" apparatus has been installed at Lloyd's station at the North Foreland. A Norwich schoolboy has suc- cumbed to injuries inflicted by a cricket ball. The cancelling of a contract by telephone was upheld by the Clerk- euwell County Court judge. Portsmouth Chamber of C'oni- nierce passed a resolution advocat- ing that the first naval port be nude a city. Some schools in Manchester have now started a green blackboard, which is written ou with black chalk. About twenty members of the Russian Dunia are shortly to visit England, and will stay about a fortnight there. It is stated that Norwich canary breeders use up 24,000 hens' eggs a week to feed their birds in the Lreeding season. A humming bird's nest, contain- ing three dead fledglir (;s, was dis- covered in a consignment of banan- as whicli reached Leicester market. At a rummage sale in connection with a Yarmouth church mission the silk hat of one of the workers was inadvertently sold for a penny. An Oxfordshire vicar complains of a scarcit yof choir boys because lads can earn seven or eight shil- lings a day on Sunday as golf cad- dies. Baths for their workmen are be- ing built at Winnington, near Northwich, at a cost of $20,000 by Messrs. Brunner, Mond, and Co., of Northwich. In order not jeopardise her old ago pension, the Yarmouth magis- trates fined a woman, aged seven- ty, $25 for theft, instead of sending her to prison. By night a music -hall artiste and L•t day a dealer in rags, bones, and geld watches, was John Watson Corbell's description of himself at 0141 street police '. i'rt.. London. In the River Lark at lslehain Fer- ry. Cambridgeshire, on the spot where the late Rev. Charles Spur- geon was baptized, thirty male and female Baptists wero baptized rec- ently. The remains of Mrs. Butler, the Cabinet has been considering the 4.f public sentiment for a sane woman Crimean veteran, were car- ad'isability of imposing taxation Fourth reduced the number of ried to the grave at Portsmouth by on all curporations operating public killed and wounded in the United the men of the Dorset Regiment, utilities, and also on loan con:pa1e States. in the presence of many veterans. ies. The Government's plan is be- The Steel corporation created Hnverfurd College, Pennsylvania, lieved to further contemplate plac- anxiety in Pittsburg and among has offered to present a portrait ing the regulation of such corpora- tions and the control of there en- tirely under the jtirisdiction of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. GREAT BRITAIN. -- 4 - BR11'AIN'-S COM 11 ERCI:. the strikers by threatening to es- tablish a largo tin-plate concern in Gary, Indiana. Big Increases in June in Exports and imports. A despatcn from London says: The June statement of the Board of Trade shows increases of 827,925,- 500 in imports, and $3,821,000 in ex- ports. The principal increases in imports were $13,750,000 in grain, and $5,000,000 in raw material. Im- ports from Canada for ,luno were: Cattle, 2,727 head ; wheat, 1,161,- 000 cwts. ; wheat, meal and !lour. 158,100 cwts.; bacon, 50,389 cwts.; hams, 11,611 cwts. ; butter, 39 cwts. ; cheese, 129,516 cwts.; eggs, 15 great hundreds; horses, 18. ICE CIII:AM NOT FOOD. Brantford Restaurant Keeper Fined for Sunday Sales. A despatch from Brantford says: L. l,aond :\ritan, proprietor of a local ice creast parlor. having con- ducted business on Sunday for the past three years under a former de - regard those drugs as meeting pro- eision of the magistrate, was fined per requirements; 448 samples of $5 here on Wednesday and orderrd -sulphate of magnesia, sulphate of to close his premises on Sunday. Tee scala and phosphate of scala exam- cream was sold without meals, and Ines! showed 336 containing no ar- the magistrate held that the sante seethe while 86 did. vva not food. SHOT WIFE TIIEN SIIICIDEI) The officials of the Cunard Line have decided to call at Fishguard instead of Liverpool in order to save time. The London Express gave out that Lord Kitchener will accept the offers of Canada and Australia to inspect their forces. The militant suffragettes scored a triumph over Premier :Asquith when they were received by the Home Secretary on order of the King. A meeting of Loudon Hindus to protest against the murder of Lieut. -Col. Wyllie broke up in con- fusion when an Indian student pro- tested. GENERAL. A revolution which broke nut in .Columbia res,ulted in the overthrow of the present Government. 4 - CATTLE DYING 1N HUNDREDS. serious Epidemic Causes Great Loss in Louisiana. A despatch from Lake Charles, Louisiana, says: Advices received here on Wednesday from Cameron I'arish indicate that the epidemic of charbon, which has prevailed in that section for several weeks, is spreading widely among cattle and of William Penn, an undergraduate at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1660, either to Christ Church or the uni- versity. By growing vegetables for tho various institutions instead of buy- ing them, Willesden guardians have made a profit on the garden account of $501.24, for the half-year just ended. By the death of Mr. Thomas Mel - lard Heade, aged seventy-eight, at Blundclsands, which has just oc- curred, Liverpool has lost. a not- able citizen and the country a not- ed scientist. Great interest continues to be taken in "Africa and the East ' llissionn:y Exhibition at Agricul- tural Hall, London. Over 6,000 people visited the African village during the first three days A system of illumination in which thirty-four miles of electric cables and decorative lamps of an aggre- gate of 1,500.000 candle power are used, was inaugurated at the Shep- herd's Bush Exhibition. Lord Roberts has written to As- cot post -office to thank the post- master and staff for the excellent way they coped with the extra pos- tai and telegraphic work necessi• tnted by the celebration of his gul- den wedding. l'NPOP l'I,AIt PItO('LA!1.tTIO NS. in China No One Obeys Them and They Are Not Enforced. A proclamation issued by the Vice- roy of the province that all opium other live stock. hundreds of dens in \1'nnshien must close has range cattle have died of charbon gone unheeded, ns most things np- and their carcasses lie unburied in pear to du in China when it does the marshes. It has been proposed not suit the populace, says the to adjourn the present session of Shanghai Mercury. court at the parish sent of Canter- \\anshie n is a city of 120,003 in - on in order that every one may take Habitants end is surrounded by lie Terrible Crime of G eorge England :a hand in suppressing the epidemic. POPPY fields, ninetenths of the com munity indulging in the drug, while �T the city itself contains innumerable of Niagara, Falls, N. Y, shops for retailing it. I'i;t:N('II .%Ni) 1.1N N.11'IE:S 1\'hep the appointed time came for closing up, all the shops "did them - door. On the table there was a pail II ,'.e Changed flares as sea pail erg selves proud." P,right new lanterns gleamed Froin the portals. while clean curtains decorated the inter- .\ despatch from Paris secs: No- inr and trade was as brisk as ever. thing in the Chamber of Deputies' fn other words Cie opium venders debate nn the Navy Committee's ' wee, ":saving face," n 1.cculiar char- Montreal, July 13. ---There was report created n greater imp�ression nc•icrittic cf tho Chin. <'e, and net only one fond of really prime beeves than the comparison between even a polie-cman, if there is such a (m the market and they sold at 6 Freneh rind German expenditures, thing is \1'ant►hicn, enterer(' the to 0';c per pound. There were sev- which showed that during the past order. ural loads of North-West ranch Bat- ten sears Franc' spent 8600.000,• Opium smoking continues at Wan- tle, uhich sold at 11ec to a little what had happened. was e , , 000 on h( r navy, and (ierinnnv ra-shm iin the same old way end the ever 5e per pound : common ,4tock, anti fretting I►••ceir e of matter. 1. Ther lees. h;it in that time thetuo! crop to be reaped this veer is a t'% to lc per pound. There was an it is not known what wa' the, eatieles Led ee::tlav ehangcd 10:1;' third bigger than last. What can ever supply of rnilch cows, ca,' rout (::ti -e ..f tl,e terril,le glair, al- Ate fel r , rre trance drei,lsrg l a % i.•ere;1' .!. e'.Ien the people. to a n further decline in prie'es, t' Lich t.i ,e.qh there me r< t arts • f there?- f:•:'' ,: - -1 ; t •' f'• fess r:l,. u I..i(• man, won't ii -t-'11, ( specially when ranged from *20 10 $50 t'arh. ('nl,ev tic int l;ci.v ih::t may Lave 1.:d up t' ,;1...... d f,.Ani Leith to 1 the r.» -)ale 1.;,ow t'iat the ure.e!ama- $2.50 to $10 each. or ;4!::,ro Cr pc to the tram:dy.el p!ase.tiou may be only a matter of form. p.iiind. Sheep, 3;; to A despatch from Niagara Fella, N.Y., says: George England, a member of a respected family of this city, and a Michigan Central freight conductor, 21 ears old, shot And killed his wife, Gertrude, 30 years old, at tiv:r home, Niagara Falls. N.Y., sonic time during Wed- nesday night. He then turned the weapon, a 32 calibre revolver, upon himself, with fatal results The eritre was not discovered until Thursday morning, when F. M. Campbell, a milk dealer, ..cat to deliver the morning'• ., ilk Canip• hell found the side (' for -:•e d (nee the lock. He sure cel th:'re was+ something amiss, and pushed in the ready to receive the milk, ss usual, but w.len the milkman looked be- hind t -ho door he saw England's body stretched on its back. Blood was oozing from the right temple, and a re, elver lay near the man's left hand. in another room the dead body of the woman was found, and a tiny infant, whit h t',e Fir had adopted, utterly obliv in Ten Year•. THE WORLD'S MARKS fS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING !MADE CENTRES. ['rices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese sad Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. B1tE.1 DSTUFFS. Toronto, July 13. -Flour ---Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents, $5.50 to $5.60 to -day in buyers' sacks outside for export, and $5.65 to $5.90 on track, Toronto. Manitoba !lour; first patents, $6.20 to 86.40 on track, Toronto; second patents, ing among the various educational 23.73 to $3.00, and strong bakers', and philanthropic institutions of this $5.50 to $5.70, on track, Toronto. city his last million dollars. This Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern will round out the suer that he had always intended Chicago to have, and leave him relatively a poor man when he celebrates his 90th birthday on the 20th of next April. 1 GIVES BIS Y11OLE FORTUNE An Aged Chicago Millionaire Soon to Bo a Poor Man. A despatch from Chicago says : Daniel K. Pearsuns, the "sage of Hinsdale," already fatuous for his munificent benefactions to the small colleges of this country, announced that he would devote the remainder of his ninetieth year to distribut- $1.36x,.', Georgian Bay ports, No. 2, $1.34 and No. 3 at $1.33. Ontario wheat -No. 2, $1.20 to $1.30 outside. Barley -Feed barley 60 to 62c outside. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 57 to 57%0 on track, Toronto, and 53'/ to 5.1c outside. No. 2 1s'estern Can- ada oats 50c, and No. 3 55c, Bay ports. ' I'ea -prices purely nominal. Ryo-No. 2, 74 to 75c outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 70c outside. Corn --No. 2 American yellow, 79', to 50c on track, Toronto. Canadian yellow 74c, Toronto freight. Bran -$20 to $20.50 for Ontario bran outside in bulk. Manitoba, 822.50 to $23 in sacks, Toronto freight; shorts, $24 to $24.50, To- ronto freights. _ `_ THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -Pound prints, 19 to 20c; tubs and large rolls, 18 to 19c; inferior, 15 to 16e; creamery, 23 to 24c, and separator, 19 to 20e per lb. Eggs -Case lots, 20 to 210 per dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, old, 14c per Ih, and twins, 14%e. New quot- ed at 12%c for largo, and 12%c for twins. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -$4 to $5 for choice quali- ties, and $3 to $3.50 for seconds. Beans -Prime, .82.20 to $2.25. and hand-picked, $2.40 to $2.45 per bushel. Maple syrup --95e to $1 a gallon. flay -No. 1 timothy, $11.50 to $12 a ton on track here, and low grades, $5 to 89. Straw -$7 to 37.50 on track. Potatoes -Small lots of old are jobbi••g at 75 to Mc, and new are lower at $3 to $3.25 per barrel, ou track. Poultry - Chickens, yearlings, dressed, 12 to 13c per lb; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys_ 16 to 17c per Ib. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 13;2 to 13%c per Ib in case lots; mess pork, $23 to 823.50; short cut, $25 to $25.50. Hams -Light to medium, 15;2 to 16c; do., heavy, 14 to 14%e; rolls, 12% to 13c; shoulders, 11% to 12c; backs, 18 to 18%c; breakfast bacon, 16; t to 17e. Lard -Tierces, 14%e; tubs, 14%c; pails, 14%e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Jule 13. -The market for oats is weaker; No. 2 Canadian Western, 58c; No. 1 extra feed, 57%c; No. 1 feed, 57%e; No. 3 Canadian Western, 57c. Barley - No. '2,72',? to 74c; Manitoba feed barley, 67% to 08c. Buckwheat -- 69% to 70c. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.30; do., seconds, $5.50; Winter wheat patents, $6.75; Manitoba strong bakers', 85.60; straight rollers, $6.50 to $0.60; do., in bags, $3.15 to $3.20; extras in bags, $2.s0 to $2.90. Feed -Manitoba bran, 822 to $23; do., shorts, 82.1 to $25; pure grain mouiliie, $33 to $35; tnixed mouillic, $28 to $30. Cheese - westerns, 11> to 12c. Butter -fin- est creamery, 22%e. Eggs -18% to l9c per dozen. UNITEO STATES 'MARKETS. Buffalo, July 13. -Wheat --Spring w hent easier ; No. 1 Northern, car- loads, $1.3114. Corn --Steady. Oats -No. 2 white, 53c; No. 3 white, 54c; ; No. 4 white, 53e. Barley - Feed to malting, 69 to G9c. Chicago, July 13. -Cash wheat - No. 2 red, old, $1,40 to $1.43; No. 3 red, new, 81.16 to $1.20; No. 2 hard, old. 41.22!:, to 81.21: No. 1 Northern, $1.27%. Corn --No. '2, vs1,:;c ; No. 2 white, 71;4c; No. 2 yellow, 70 to 70;:,c ; No. 3 68%e; No. 3 white, 71 to 71%e; No. 3 yel- low, 701': No. 4, 6674 to 67e. Oats --No. 2, 49e; No. 2 white, 50c; No. 3, 47'-,c; No. 3 white, 47'4 to 49;2c; standard. 5+1c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. l.TS. Mr. Pearsons declined on Wednes- day might to indicate what inetitu- tiuns will benefit by the remainder of hia large fortune. For virtually a quarter of a cen- tury, Mr. Pt•arsons has devoted tho major portion of his attention to bestowing his Money on public in- stitutions whicli he deemed worthy, and he has already given away con- siderably over 81,000,000. Pis gift to Chicago will mark his re- tirement from the role of philan- thropist, for he will have only enou••,h to insuro himself a COIn- fortable old ago. pound ; lambs at $3.50 to $5.50 each. Hogs, about 6%c per pound. Toronto, July 13. -Business was quiet, and prices somewhat easier in consequence of the heavy buy- ing earlier in the week, also that very few choice butchers or export- ers were on offer. Prime butcher cattle were wanted, but there wero very few offering, therefore prices for this class were steady, but all other grades declined and it looks as though the break in prices had started. Sheep and _lambs were steady. Hogs weak and unchanged. Calves weak and unchanged. HURT 1118 FEELINGS. Convict Barrett's Excuse for Kill- ing Deputy Warden Stedman. A despatch from Edmonton, Alta., says: G. Barrett, the con- vict who murdered Deputy Warden Stedman recently, and who is now under sentence of death for that crime, to hang on the 14th inst., is writing a long statement giving his excuses for the crime. He will charge the late Warden with ill- treating him, with failure to recog• nize the Masonic sign, and with sneering at hien. MONTRi'AL GROCI•:iR ROBBED. Two Men Work the Sanitary Ina. specter Trick on Mr. Collins. A despatch from Montreal says: Two men successfully worked the fake sanitary inspector trick hero on a grocer namtu Pierre Collins. One called at the store and request - to see the yard and garbage recep- tacles, saying he was an inspector. The proprietor was alone, and ac cempanied the visitor to the yard, where some time was spent in exam- ining the conditions. Later in the day Mr. Collins found that $500 had been taken from the safe during his absence in the yard. STRUCK BY LIGILTNING. Man Killed at Calgary Daring a Terrific Storni. A despatch from Calgary, Alta., says : Just before the beginning cif the programme at the Exhibition on Tuesday afternoon a severe storm broke in Calgary. In less than an hour nearly two inches of rain fell. Wm. Mueller, a young man, was struck by lightning and instantly killed. The Alberta Normal School was struck, but not badly damaged. ENDED L1FE WITH POISON. Brant Woman Took Paris Green at Oakland. A despatch from Brantford says A suicide occurred at Oakland Vil- lage on Wednesday night, when Mrs. Edward Malcolm. wife of a well-known fanner, having become despondent, took a dose of Paris green. The poison proved fatal. KNEW HER BUSINESS. O'Brien --Oh, but me daughter's the shmart girl. She set two min fightin' for her hand. Landers -And soo married the winner? t)'ltrien--Begorrs. no She mar- titd the one she could lick aisiest. FROM 6011111E SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FiROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. 11 hat Is Going On In the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Edinburgh proposes that drovers should hold licenses. Gavon school rate is to be in- creased by a penny in the pound. Lunacy has decreased in Scotland during the past five years. The upper decks.of one hundred of the ordinary tramcars are to be roofed at Coplawhill. At Dunbar recently 5,000 mice were kilted at rho taking down of sonic stacks in a farmyard. Two pure white starlings were seen flying about at the Grange, Kirkcudbright, one the 2nd inst. There are in Glasgow at least 16,- 000 unlet houses, and factors have in many instances been forced to re- duce the rents. The six cotters in Lewis who seiz- cc! Dalherg Farin, having refused to desist, have got a week's imprison- ment each. Mr. Arbuthnot of Kilnoch enter- tained the children of the district •ols of Broadford, Breakish and re. - -e a picnic recently. The new church fesr Bridge street United Free congrega'fion, Pnnhbar- ton, just completed, has been e'rL ed at a cost of fully $300.000. Alcoa is proudly boasting of its freedom from crime these days. There are seven breweries and three distilleries in the town and vicinity. Glasgow and West of Scotland Agricultural College will take over the whole •of Holmes Farm, Kil- marnock, for agricultural educa- tion. Inverness harbor trustees have instructed the preparation of a scheme of harbor accommodation for steam drifters at a cost of $100,- 000. A robin has built its nest on a shelf in a joiner's workshop in Com- rie. It flies in and out a broken window amongst the workmen quite unconcernedly. Firernaster James Brown, Leith, has on retiring after 34 years' ser- vice been presented with a time- piece and side ornaments, and his wife with a diamond ring. Lord Blount Stephen, now in Banffshire, has reached the patri- archal ago of four score years. Ho started life in a very humble way, Leing a herd boy on the hills of Banffshire. Legacies of $2,500 and 8500 have been bequeathed to the Dunferm- line a •d West Fife Hospital by the late L •. Adamson, Portobello, and the late Miss Alexander, Dunferm- line. 'fhe budget duty on whiskey is to entail an increase of $560 a year cc the expenses of the Royal Infir- mary. This applies to drugs only, many of which are diluted with al- cohol. Tho Princess Loni.o (1)uehess of Argyll) recently presented colors to the 0th (Durnbertonshire) Bat- talion Argyll and Sutherland High- landers at Helenshurgh. The Duke f Argyll delivered an address. When one devours a honk it in- dicates a taste for literature. A DRDNR,ARD'S YIFE WINS She Is Award e a d Detro H it ea vy Sal A despatch Detroit says A decision far-reaching in its im- portance, and one which will be of interest to the cause of temper- ance everywhere, was handed down by the Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday. Mrs. Nettie Merri- man of Grass Lake brought suit against Frederick. a saloonkeeper in the satr,e town, claiming $10.00') damages fi on, him for ha‘ing sold liquor to her hut mind. as eel! as causing tiro plaintiff to lose her • c per hume, her money, and the c.>anpan- from 0 Damages keeper, 011 ionship to that shown of her t 11.• Against husband. satisfaction It of WA! the court until Merriman took to drink he tt85 a prosperous railroad telegrapher, and st.nnl high with his employer'. The drink habit caused I►im to lose evcrythin•r, and finally his wife• was ollig••.l t., leave him. The rate ws ,it ' • r •e a jury, whic•h gale lli . 51 an a small verdict. bat she . I , , ..b -'I to the Snprenie ('oitrt arid, < ,t^cisiati on Wednesday r..•.Irlt' d in a verdict agaiust the saloonkeeper for 'soma, 1