HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 2-- • I1 i-hi•i•i i+ti*ti ftl •11 -* Fashion i (rhi-i i i i i i•i i i -i l h-1 t 14.4-1-1 PRINCESS GOWNS OF LINEN. flints. ONLY ONE CURE FOR A BAD STOMACH The colored linen suit promises to be une of the most USW Ill fea- tures of the summer wardrobe. Previous stetsons have brought this one bine very commonplace gown to very wide use. But never has there boon a time when its linea were so carefully studied and so much attc..tion given to its general outline as at the present time. In fact, tine lieen suit has take;t the place of the thin wool frock which was once considered a neces- sity by • e summer tourist. Cue of the most stunning phases of tiro linen gown shown now is in the princess style, with a coarse net coat dyed the same color. Such v suit, shown at ono of the fashion- ableparlors, had a long rose-color- ed linen skirt, made close -fitting and with extra width at the hem. The skirt was untrimmed, but for panel effects at the sides of the front, which were finished with stitching, buttons and simulated buttonholes. The fashionable linen skirtis de- manding more width than has been seen for a twelve-month or more. Extra width is added in various ways. Among the most effective models there aro folds enough to give it flow and make it graceful for a living and moving figure. A stunning linen tailor-made is in dull fruit red, with the skirt em- broidered at tee top and over the hips, according to the latest man- dates. The guimpe end sleeves are of coarse net dyed to match. The long coat has a band of black satin around the edgers, against which the embroidery comes. The sleeves are of three-quarter length. With the suit goes a parasol in dull red linen mounted on a handle stained to correspor.d. The long silk gloves are of the color of the gown. Colored gloves aro more in evidence than black or white ones. One of the fads with the girls who keep pace with fashion's whims is gloves, stocks and belt all of the same color, with white or neutral toned frocks. Another linen costume also of rose color had a L.ng and perfectly pia ee skirt, with r cutaway coat the;, ed rapidly fres •tbea.fr-tri, of the high .waistelino and fastened below the bust with two large buttons. The sides of the body part of the coat, were trimmed with stitched bands in scallop effect. The front was open to show the lingerie yoke and front benea.h and there were elaborately embroidered lapels. The sleeves were long and per- fectly plain, with the exception of narrow stitched cuffs. A pretty way to close the linen coat is with straps embroidered or braided to match the trimming on the snit. If the hat does not, entirely repeat the color of the suit there is enough of the sante color about it to make it plain that it was designed to be worn with it. • There are so many little details in the smart princess frock that it is an easy matter to patch up the skirt with a becoming bodice or jumper effect that looks equally as well as the straight princess model. Such an alteration was recently complet- ed and it would take a keen eye to detect the counterfeit w hich Inas transformed it into a smart princess gown. By sewing 4.10 waist and skirt together, with the seam just a trifle raised from the natural waist line at the sides, a trifle lower than the waist line at the front and somewhat above it at the hack. A deep girdle effect of braiding in the cider of 1he material conceals the seams. the work dipping at every scam of the skirt into down- ward lines that extend below the curve of the hills. Above the girdle line tho brnid- ine takes an irregular course, shaping itself in becoming outline to the wearer's figure. Deep hems finish nearly all of the tailored linen suits. Sometimes there are two or more rows of stitching when there is no embroidery or braiding at the lower part of the skirt. That the colored linens are taking the lead this season instead of white there is no duet ink. The reason is lee Fard to feel. f. r the colors thi:t arc n,.v. nr diol, arc of the lose. hest tele, to bs (weld on the dy- er's card, and they are brought nut in hen%) linens to the best advant- age. There is an unusually helaflaxrge range of weaves among textures. The smartest is the one imitat- ing pongee with great exactness, the:t4(ht without the gloss it plight be mistaken for hand-woven linen, which in the machine work of the (las jr not far from equal to the old -tinge hand loom material.. The machine -woe en products in silks and linens. with uneven threads, which remind one of hand loom stuff". have lost the crude eppenr- ance which the imitation fabrics of the cleft had not so very lone ago Many a wi.1' '. marries the wrong man berate( ;1st right one neglect- ed to ask ler Indigestion and Similar Troubles Knit be Treated 9hrough th3 Blood. REDOUBTABLE OLD SHIP ! LLSON'S Fl. .tGSNIP 1'll"fO111• 15 144 VEA Its OLD. She Had Established a Glorious Record Long Before Trufal- Indigestion can be treated in gar Was Fought. many ways, but it can be cured in Tho Victory was 144 years old tat only one way -through the blood. month. The redoubtable old snip Purgatives cannot euro indigestion. was put afloat at Chatham 1)uek- By main force they move the food yard on May 7, 1765, and her age at on still undigested. That weakens 'Trafalgar, therefore, was more than the v:holso system, uses up the na- forty years, or double the effective A PROMISING APPRENTICE. tarn' juices of the body and leaves life of a modern warship. the stomach and bowels parched The tires Victory of which any re- Carpenter -"Now, I told you this and sore. It is a cause of indigos- cord appears in the annals of the morning to grind all the fouls duc- tion -not a cure. Others try pre- British Navy bore tho (lug of Adnur_ ing my absence. Got 'em alt done!" digested foods and peptonized al Sir John Hawkins, in the con- Apprentice --"All but the saw, drugs. But drugs which digest the lite, with the Spanish Armada. The sir. 1 (,aren't finished that yet." food for the stomach really weaken immediate predecessor of the exist Carpenter -"How's that I'' its power. Tho digestive organs ent ship was a first-rate of the line\pprentice-"list en't got all the can never do the work properly un- of ono hundred guns. During a gaps out of it yet, sir's" til they are strong enough to do it violent tempest on Oet. 8, 1744, she Susan but. Potent.-Parmelee's for themselves. Nothing can give was caught in the Race of Alderney Vegetable Tills are small, but they the stomach that power but the new, and lost. There perished in her g rich, red blood so abundantly sup- Admiral Balchen, "ono hundred are effective in action. Their fine plied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. gentleman's sons," and her crew qualities as a corrector of stomach So the reason for their success is of close upon a thousand hands. troubles are known to thousands plain. The health of the stomach This is believed to be the roost die and they are in constant demand eeeryw•hero by those who know depends upon the blood in its deli- estrous shipwre_•k in all history. what a safe and simple remedy they tate veins. If that blood is weak A C:LWtt' t b RECORD. are. They need no introduction to and watery the gastric glands Haven't the strength to secrete the . Although popular idea associates those acquainted with them, but juices which alone can digest the the present Victory with Nelson's to those who may not know them sue „ee ,_,.,..,- they are preseiitea as the best pre - food. If the blood is loaded with immortal trnuupn' lavation on the market for disor- impurities it cannot absorb the good lishee a glorious record long prior 1 from the food when it is digested. to Trafalgar. Sho carried the flags dors of the stomach. Nothing can stimulate the glands, of Keppel and D'Orvilllers at - - and nothing can absorb the nour- Brest, of Howe at the relief of Uto' Lady (to new milkman): "Now, ishment but pure, red blood. And rafter, of Hood at Toulon, of Hot- Mr.Jones, ones,of I hnr rpe jl 1 c InHely ad ton givee nothing can give that pure, red ham off Hyeres, and of St. Vincentupp Mr Smith because his milk gi be- blood but 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. in the famous tight of 1797. Mrs. Alfred Gallant, Mill River, P. At the date of her launch she was came two-thirds water." Mr. E. I. says: -"For several years, tho veritable Dreadnought of her Jones: "Yost can rely on this, previous up to two years ago, 1 sof- age, her burthen being 2,164 tons. mum. It's bin paralyzed by the At the present time she only car fered continually from indigestion. public anarchist." I could not eat enough to keep my ries twenty-four light guns for sa- strength, and what little I did eat, luting purposes -nearly a hundred no matter what kind of food, caused fewer than formed her armament great pains, so that I became much at 'Trafalgar. reduced in flesh, strength and MUCH CHANGED. energy. I consulted several doctors The Victory has recently been re - and took medicine from them but stored moro closely to the semb- without any benefit whatever. On lance of her original appearance, the advice of a friend I began to save that her spars remain much take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and moro dwgrfee than when she sailed soon good results were noticed, I the _seas. She was the first ship could slightly increase the amount- o'' war to carry royals and topgal- of food day after day, andeittff *.;.: lant studding -sails. Her topsides no inconvenience. trr;il after tak- are still in a good state of preserva- ing ten boxes i could eat any kind tion, albeit showing many signs of of food and in a short time got back wood -worm. Her bottom, however, to my normal state of health and consists very largely of bricks and feel that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mortar. have surely cured mo of a most Probably less than one-third of the original woodwork now remains stubborn case of indigestion." You can get these Pills from any in the mull, which was severely dealer in medicine or they will be knocked about during the French sent by mail at 50 cents n box or wars. It is computed that if alt six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the trophies fashioned out of "genu - the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., inc timber from the Victory" could Brockville, Ont. be collected they would suffice to build at least four such slips as she. n PMiit+ONiAl , ii:t:' cult '111E sL1:Erl:Ss. tEIII iiO � � pf {iYt E� � �'pcciali�t 11'ooc�l Slumber for His :::117 [Ertl �t %tide Awake Patients. 1t Nal no squat Ask %Cur CrLcrr roc It Cont A -c. p ,lea, .• Coed WE CLEAN UP EVERYTHING ea.. tb* coupons enrin..ed in oath package an 1 coup J eto f ,r a Prise. lir. n 1 .r (1.,IJ liar* lot wh, 1. c.oapiato Dog. li•aut:ful Metals• i nose Hat Pin for 11.1 D.,g. Llacufactnr.d by J. 1i PAIS6 c0, Ltd., Tomas.. COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIERS Spinach, Watercress and Onions A Great Record Good in Spring Time. -- There is scarcely anything that An illustrated booklet of St. can compare with spinach, water- Margaret's College gives the re - cress and young onions ar complex- cord of its pupils for the eyar :- ion beautifiers. The girl who will EIGHTEEN attended Universities. religiously eat these early spring FOURTEEN taught Music. vegetables will soon conquer the FOUR had• their paintings accepted complexion ills of the springtime. by tho Ontario Society of Artists. :1 dish of spinach, watercress, or TWO exhibited their paintings at onions every evening at dinner for exhibition of the Royal Canadian a week is worth many bottles of Academy. cure for "that tired feeling." FOUR are engaged in teaching. The juice of a lemon squeezed in- THREE aro in active journalism. to a glass of cold water and taken NINE aro employed as trained the last thing at night or the first nurses. thing in the morning has a beauti- The illustrated prospectus may be fully clearing effect on the complex- had by applying to the "Secre- ion. It acts on the liver, whitens tary," St. Margaret's College, the skin, ar'd makes the eyes bright Toronto. and sparkling. After taking the elF lemon juice; however, the teeth should be brushed carefully, as the acid promotes decay. Many women have sallow com- plexions because they drink far too little water. At least six tunibler- tuls of pure water should be drunk every day, preferably on arising, between meals and just before retir- ing. Dry and salt foods need an occasional swallow of water while being eaten. There should be a happy medium, however, observed between taking no water at all dur- ing a neem and the other extreme 1.f flooding the sts,mach with it. Unless the pores of the face are kept open the skin ',cosines dry and leathery and premat.irely wrinkled. ^a._ KEEP CHILDREN WELL "I'll have to ask you to pay in ad- vance," remarked the hotelkeeper. "Isn't my luggage goon enough security I' "1 fear it is a little too emotional." "Emotional I" "Yes. Easily moved." Much distress and sickness is caused by worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by removing the cause. Give it a trial and bo convinced. UNCONQUERABLE S01:?LS. The English soldier who sent his people the tunic he had worn in a battle at the beginning of the South African War, and wrote from hos- pital, "You will see that there are eleven bullet -holes in it, but I was awfully lucky; only six of them bit toe," has a rival in an English DURING HOT WEATHER sehoolboy of ten, whose cheerful ac- ceptance of the "bludgeonings of quince" n writer in St. James Iiudeet has made public. "My life has been a very lucky ons•." wrote the ten-yenr-old. "When I was three years old I fell clown- stairs and cat ray head. When 1 was five years old I was looking at some bens, and a dog bit my leg. "When I was eight I went with nay brother in the trop, and the horse fell and threw tis out of the ill bring the little one through trap; my brother lit on his feet and safely. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy 1 lit on the horse's hack. Brach, Que., says: --"My baby was "Last year I was playing, and suffc•ing fr..ni colic, vomiting and ran into a terry and cut lay eye- dintrhoe.t, hot after giving him brow, and it has left a mark. Baby's Own Tablets the trouble did- '•One day i went into the slaught• appeared." teed by medicine deal- er-Louse• and a big sheep ran after ers or by mail at 23 cent(' a box me and knocked me down, and from The Dr. Williams' Medicine broke my arm. Co., Brockville, Ont. "i hove !sod a happy Iifc." The British Government owns Ile is anything but n good barker 1;3,000 cornus• who cuts an acquaintance. After making a most careful study of the matter, U. S. Govern- nient scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the prin- cipal means of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, too. A lady entered a well-known bank and presented a cross cheque to one of the "pay" clerks. "I'm sorry I cannot pay this across the count- er," he said, politely "Oh, shall I come round this bidet" replied the lajly. Every mother knows hew fatal the sununet• months as to small children. Cholera infantten, diarrhoea, dysentery and stomach troubles are alarmingly frequent at tl.is time and too often a little life is lost after a few hours' illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tab- lets in the house feels safe. The occasional use of tho Tablets pre- vents stomach and bowel troubles r if the troi►hle conies suddenly A Domestic) Eye Remedy. curing, Affords Reliable Rollet to Ryes that Need are. Try Niacins Bye Remaly to Your Ryes. 1 Boothe, Rte Pain. Harry (whose sister has been shoppifhg, and has kept him waiting a considerable time) : "it's too bad of you, Mary', to keep me standing about like an idiot for over half an hour." Mary: "I can't help the way you stand, Harry." A French spe;ialict has comp to 1n`e111111ia. his method is bema- what vaguely described as "lulling tree wide awakes to unconsciousness much as babies are put to slum- ber." "It is a perfeet ralaco of peace that he has upci:ed in lovely Tour - aims" says the Lady's Pictorial. "Here is never a disturbing sound. The silence is broken only by the absolutely' monotonous and soothlll:, tick, tock, tick of solid grand- father clocks, and the scarcely per- ceptible drip of unseen fountains. "Everything is seen through a cerulean haze, everybody rooves in best slippers, the air is fresh bat full of hint perfume. Before the eyes of very refractory patients slowly revolve colored balls, not the smallest rose leaf is allowed to crumple in any bed, each being so designed that there is no possibility of the body growing wreary. Here, in fact, the wooing of sleep has been made a positive science, and it is said no one can keep awake here, however hard he may try." --4 DETAINED. Papa -"I can't see why that young man who is calling on Minnie hasn't seueo enough to go home. It's nearly midnight." Johnny -"He can't go, father. Sister's sitting on hen!" A Standard Medicine-Parmelee's Vegetable fills, compounded of en- tirely vegetable substances known tohave a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. "Young man," said the pompous individual, "I did not always have this carriage. When I first started in life I had to walk." "You were lucky," chuckled the youth. "When I first started in life I had to be oarried." PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS have found Painkiller very useful. There is not�og equal to it in all caeca of bowel troubles. Avoid sul.otitutea, there is but ono "Pain- killer "-Perry Davis -Z5c. and 50c. Back Row : "Hi, you in the front row, sit down ; I can't see." Front Row : "Hi, you in the back row, stop your noise; I can't hear." Where Weakness is, Direase Will Settle. -If one suffers front any or- ganic weakness, inherited or con- t. -acted, there disease will settle when it attacks the body. Therefore drive out the pains that beset you, de not let a cold or a cough harass you, and kegs the respiratory or- gans in a good healthy condition. This you can do by using Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Prevention is the wisest course. Caller : "Willie, is your sister Sue in I" Willie : "Aro you Tom I" Geller : "No. I'm Dick." Willie: "Then she ain't in, 'cos she's ex- pecting Toni to -night." Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of eorns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would en- dure there with such a cheap and effectual refnedy within reach 1 Fortunate‘ is the bride who marries the best man at her wed- ding. !y SEE THAT YOU CET THE REAL THING. --Unscrupulous mnki•ra are putting up a counterfeit of The D. A L." Menthol Plaster. Tho genuine is made by Davis & Lawrence Co. AN INTERMITTENT MEMORY. A small customer appeared at the groeei.-store, and t ho su•fling grocer asked hint what ho wanted. "Please, mistier," said 11. boy, "I can't remember whet ma sent ole for, but you can give me tv,o cents' worth u' peppermint candy, 'cause she said I could keep the change." 00 A'' NAL Ot l N ?Mr or sea Ast isogt CAI. Ina" lr rte. • v 4 et f ` •Pulses 511(5 n,t►trrt'a(Ma isCUNAT..M•a;IAf1U 610 WA 41061 I.LADA L WAS =1Ar:17 K411i1 yrMlQb1((rP'se• C:lCRr "f 44. CyCUs ra sJ,••J<u Ptl,e•5 4 SPJArs,'aN CtrreAl.lr as .14 \Vhen trot Wed with sun- burn, blisters, ct stings, sore feet, or heat rashes, aPPIY Zam-Buk! Surprising hew Cult kly It eases the in:artirg and stjrgirg 1 Cures sorts on younj babes Cue to chafing. Zam-Ruk is m: de front pure herbal essences. No animal fats -- no mineral poisons. Finest heeler! lir,(t,Vbrs ens S:orea eteryitnee. (c. FOR rola GARDEN PARTY ITAYEY ROB Entertainer 01 Ade (side 5t. Picot i u n' N'ru. Write for terms. etc. '1 honor : Lung Di,t.lnce Maiu li,u1, College 171.1. CHENILLE CURTAINS ma .5 Shwas et house }1.nat.:s., !Os* L10B CURTAINS oYso LI cr/iw"p Wrtto to us .Mut tours. SEITMW AM6atsAll Orli Ha C0.. U.6 18a, Montreal Th. CLADSTOt3E ti1iiES Limited (No Personal Liabi;lt)') Montreal River District Subscription forms ani „the,- papers tau be ha 1 by apprylna to ALEXAKO=R WARDEN. Broker, 18 TORONTO sTREB r, TORONTO. If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent -looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, ty- phoid fever, diphtheria and small- pox. No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly fads. "Aw, it socros to me, Miss Brown," said a "golden youth" to a pretty young lady, "I have forgot- ten something-aw, let me see!" Site suggested gloves as the absent article. "Oh, no! Now I weinem- bah. Aw-will you mawwy me I" Red, Wean, Weary, Watery Evan Relieved by Moline Eye RentedY. Com• pounded by Expertencett Physicians. mu- rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Eye Remedy Chicago. for Illustrated Eye Rook. At Co.,Druggists. Eminent Teetotal Doctor (to ap- plicant for situation as coachman) : "There's ono more question -Are you sober I" Applicant: "Oh, yessir, very often, sir 1" Attacks of cholera and dysentery mine quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Remedial action must be taken just as quick- ly if the patient is to be spar'd great suffering and permanent i(: jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preparation for the purpose is Dr. J. 1). Kel logg's Dysentery Cordial. It can Lc got at small cost at any drug store or general dealer's, and it will afford relief before a doctor can be called. Fiction is stranger than truth, in suite of the proverb. Here is a striking example of the contrast be- tween "the way it is in books" and real life. In the book this is the method used :- -"Outside the wind moaned unceasingly, its voice now that of n child which sobs to itself in the night, now that of a woman who suffers her great pain alone, as women hate suffered since life began, as women must suffer till life wears to its weary end. And mingled w ith the wailing of the wind, rain fell, fell heavily, inter- mittently, like tears wiling from souls of strong men." In real life we simply s ay -.'It's raining." 1',%Il) IN ADVANCE. Mrs. Rockefeller, mother of the great J. 1)., millionaire, was ra- ther a strict disciplinarian, and up- held the standard of the family with a birch switch when it showed a tendency to deteriorate. Once, when J. D. was being pun- ished for some unfortunate doings which hail taken place in the vil- lage settee!, he felt called upon to explain, after the whipping had jiegnn. that he was entirely inno cent.•( the charge preferred against him. "Fever mind," replied his nto- ther, "we have started on this whipping, and it will do for next time." -- Lots of self-made men I ianag•e successfully to conceal it A man may knew 1, «ifc like A I..,ok, but lin t an't shut her til' like one. ISSUE NO. 09. Treatment for all A1.ments of HORSES or lire stock :'ells •t((. aiu•,1 In nae title bs„klet 11.i .J free on te•1ue.1. Addiesi lbs Veterinary Remedy de 1.1)1111. II, D•.h A, 15 AdelaIJ. Bt East, 1o.tvvto, ca sir WANTED. \\elk It 1.A1)1' AGENT want,,, In your Inetlity JI 1. dt•t i'.ut• ,a•n o . 4'1 I talo or,t•n f. r 00; V. D. Q. Tol et •e 1 ll an 1 i saps nd.••m• ritssr sea•po.ml/f:aa ...t!t ese,y •'c.►•► wriI.turparticular,. Atlauticy.Ap ,t canto. „! ANTED -local and Oen.-ti Agents--I.Ih. oral con•racts to post men ; apply by tetter. Contine:ttal Life Insurance Company. ro111•61. t:orroap.Moue• e• zellaa114L --WANTED 1f 5„,,rant to s,:l t r ., er•y ..i. -h you OHO i• the CetMd ,•Lase. ur F QF;M bus o. w'r)t• 0, es (f.ula J11 such . e • ..neo. a (0t., 15 05..u.,... a 1.1an of ,id. i Jtr:et. w 1501st to:utnladua. tilt, full JeacnVt.so of Vro,.er• ry..ud s1.1- lues-st peons 1 yea • out to bas, Vr'•• p..'p of any kind In a,y roo.i'�ty. .r.te u•, taus{{ .La.u,1... ere yon wish to 1,.J. bud we sill ,.u1 5 u rotas a.'1u.a�a,,,t.•1. b0.. ,. ar,dn. 1.1 a.:e In J.r-ot Irnm the o .no..;th no cost aaibn aid.1 OUY American Invsetment Assoc 'ion, SELL l 6:8:0th As. ri.. Uioneapols. 58 r` t�iucatlt AGENTS wa`aMitewa * CASE Make 13airayand stab. 11.5 1•rrsnaneut bull,,,.• os ecav,taL 0c, t.I`k d sat ('.5 ..110., dol% 0. s,a d lessers bronse, are ('manly :441:::::117.:...1 nEt`e..1 o.d•iI eExclusive tor. an CAT THE Howe EOrrLT 0.. �� CATAIAGIJE D. pt 10, Tor( Vito. Out. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE Ths "Richmond (Quo.) Guardian," In Its S3rd Year of Publication. For very many years the chief organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. "The �'6-column e - page ' n is an 8 peg Guardia paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 50 years, who retires :n consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news and job type, 7 -horse -power engine and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 23 -in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools, addressiug machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to S. FRANK WILSON. Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que. RECORD FOR 194 $6,045,738 OUsIN CANADA. $CAIN 01 6,045,738 Fifty per cent greater increase in Canadian Business than any etOe3w Company -Canadian, English or Foreign. The strongest possible evi- ienco that Policyholders aro well satisfied with their Policies. Premium rates, with or without profits, are lower than other Com- panies charge, while profits to Policyholders are much higher, because management expenses aro the lowest and interest earnings the highest. our Agents for Annual Report and Record for 1009, and be on FFpard against the anonymous letter distributor and his friends, the blackmailing journalists, with whom we do not advertise. The Great Western Life Assurance Co.; HEAD OFFICE - - WINNIPEG. BRANCH OFFICES. -Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, St. John, N. B.1 Charlottetown, Vaucouver, Calgary, and Fargo, N. D. USED IN L.eact.ng Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, •I keatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the WimitaUe Repeating Action. 11)11. -API Send for (free) Catalogue No. 78. llbeLL PIANO m Organ Co.. Limited GUELPH .ONTAR1O• ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces a New Prize Contest • MORE PRiZE3 THAN THE LAST The First Prize w:11 again ho a LIFE AN`iUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS (;ASH A Saaoni Prize of One Hur-d od Dollars Cath Two Prizes of Fifty Do''a •s Eaoh Ten Prizes of Twenty t. oliars Each Ten Prizes of To:. Dollars Eaoh Tw3nty Prizes of Five Dollars Eaoh • Ons HindreJ Prizes of On Dollar Eaoh CONI)ITIONS Ase l.r the: ::,.t t',. it5,t except that al; Orange Meat t'..l„n B,tto ns ,nit be scut in era er before No%r:nber in' I., Igoq ))till partl,•ulan nn private...tt ,trd In *eery ptea tg•.1 arsons Meat If pie enl.• t'):. 0.at•st, 0,rap'at MN bleak space 141ow will 7 0 t name and address, cat It tut a n•1 moll it b, ening' Moat. ginseng. Olt . Ktyx, - M :'oast bbeaks *vial ►o Na \P.A�\a vaa•t aytlp I* tares • B#. ..,.r• .-' • •