HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-15, Page 1!trier rr) • gimrs 4 H URON&M1DDLESEX GAZETI 6 £IURTY-SIXT1I YEAR -NO 1866 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 15th 1909, $1.00 per year in advance i••••••••••••.N NNN•NN N N1 NN•N• :., JONES & CLARKS Phone No. 32. OUR B19 JULY SALE This is the month we clean up our Spring Stock. Come along and be one of the Lucky Buyers. 4.; Clearance of Wash Suitings After a big reason's selling of Our popular wash suitings we want to clear them all out early to give our customers plenty of time to wear them. Only a few but all to go at the following prices: All 20 and 23c. wash suitings to clear at lilt yd. All 15 and 18c. " " " " 121jc. yd. A Millinery Sensation This has been the largest Millinery Season in our history and in order to clear out every Hat we are offering the big Re- duction of Half Price. Any Hat in the Store for Just Half Price Just a few choice ones left. Farm Parasols Only a few left all to clear Gorset Gover Embroideries at our July sale, o n A fine selection at 20c., 25e. and 35c. yd. bu Black Parasols 3 3 t.,tn a Ts A real nice assortment to choose from at reduced prices. FanQ Mu tins All to go and some ones for Sc. 10e. and 13c. nice Belts and Gollars Some of the new Dutch col- lars, Belts and Tabs lac. ladies Whitewear Skirts, Gowns, C. Covers and Drawers all at sale prices Fancy Netts, Tucked Netts, Embroidered Fronts Gents! Look Here Are You Fixed Up for the:Summer Weather? We are hetdstuacters for Gents furnishings. New Straw and Linen Hats. buncy Vests, Haney Sox, (.pod Belts, New Shirts, Collars and Ties., Everything up to date. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes:and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• With My Method of Testing Looking into the Eye 1 Can Fit the Most Difficult Cases of Eye Defect as well as the Most Simple If glasses will benefit your case we will tell you; if not, we will tell youDo not be discouraged because other opticians have made a failure n ith you. My method (ices away with all guesswork No charge for testing 8. FITTON. JE\VELE:R Issuer of NIarriage Licenses OPTICIAN -The Best Flour---' If it is the best flour you want there is but one place in town to get it -that is from us. The brands are: Jewell Royal Household .(Ontario --Blended) (Ogilvie's) 5 ROSES PURITY (Lake of Woods) (Western Canada Flour Mills) Leave your orders or call up Phone 2. R. G. SELDON, Exeter. Larry Teaches Lyman Palmer to Swim Iverybody hez bane wonderin' if Lyman Paltrier, th' genial dinspenser iv ambrosial refrisbmints nt th' Com - Reeve McCallum Ex- i Y. M. C. A. Sports plains By -Law The Y. M. C. A. Field Day Sports; i held on the Agricultural grounds last To The Editor of the Exeter Times.' friday evening were %veil attended Several hreferred to I and proved to be the best given here the sate no s o mcrcial, hez bane in a foight on 19$ti do!ng eprnethine to better our wets, 1!'`: i00 e f •d event, best two in three two iv bee teeth. netters lie's adire sysicm. = for a sliver medal donated by Mr. Irishmin, an' loike mesil can ,run too I am pleased to tell you the croon -I Th0' E. lIaud(ordfor the amateur fust whin there's nnnylhin' dols' ell have not been negligent in this!`'ilnmpionship o[ -Western Ontario. 'what nades an cngngemint t%•id the matter. Early in the year we called This race had been anxiously look - e3 forward to as a close contest was expected between J. M. Southcott, manager of the Times mechanical de- partment and Secretary of the local Y. M. C. A., and Lloyd Godwin, son of Iter. Godwin. of Parkhill. In this the spectators were not disappointed' ns it was a close race, Southcott winning by the narrowest margin„ especially the second heat, when he struck the tape but a few inches nhead of his opponent. Dr. Routs - ton .who had faithfully trained the winner for this event started the run- ners and they sprinted nip and tuck the entire distance. In the first heat Godwin got away first and had a slight advantage at 95 yards, but in the short distance remaining South- cott, with an extra burst of speed, managed to forge ahead, twinning by shout a fool. in 10 4-5 seconds. Nel- EOn Stanlake, of Sodom, also entered in this race, but failed to finish, the other runners hying too speedy for hila. In the second heat Godwin got in the lend after the pistol shot, but Exeter's crack runner soon captured hits and the race era, neck and neck to within a few feet of the finish- ing line, when Godwin again went in the lead. It was thought he: would take this heat, but Melville again got in one of his sensational finishes and hit the tape first by the narrowesb margin possible. Some thought it was a dead heat, but the judge claim- ed Southcott the winner and later Godwin admitted that Southcott had defeated him fairly. The time for thie heat %vas 10 3-5 seconds. After il it ern times you have The retia Councn no, in }ears, e mn te polace coort judge. n citizens' meeting, and after dts- Th' loss iv hez teeth ez due tea cussing the euestion a resolution tbrip what me an' him made to Port was passed asking the Council to pro- hhtantey siveral (days ago, an' li cure the services o[ a competent en- troid to 'leach him th' rudimints iv ginner to examine i aro the question. shwimmin.' Ez our crick here les- They did this. and Mr. ItWillis Chip- ent very wide nor deep, Lyman only man. of 'Toronto. was called in. He wanted to know tie rudimints an' together with the Council, went In - iv coorse f teas satisfied with that. to the matter thoroughly Th' thrip to th' port wuz a foine After some tittle time we receiv- wan. even if th' bumpers wuz a lit= ed a report from him setting forth tic dusty an' greasy. That diddent three propositions for a waterworks make much difference to us in th' system. which would be suitable for suulmcr toime. That's th' best way our town. to roide if wean wants ,to kape The Council took the report and cool an' besoides there issent much discussed it very enrefully from ell ixpinse attached to it. 'Iv coorse we standpoints. and after due consider - don't care for ixpinsis, but we hate to alien they came to the conclusion FRC th' railway company .payin' di- that to adopt any one of these pro- vidinds with our money, au' then we positions it world be necessary do diddent want annywan botherin' us procure .pace along 'the river to whin we wanted to see eh' scenery. make a water basin sufficiently large 'We arrived nt th' port durin' th' that the system might be n perman- day sometoime. I don't remimber ent one.: also a good building would which ind iv th' day it wuz, but It' be revered. wuz day toime, an' we at wanct went The Council decided that the James fer t.' shwimmin' pool. There wuz Howard property. was. taking all siveral in •th' feather ahead iv us, all things into consideration,. the but th' hake diddent look very dirty place for our town to lay a basis so we wint fer th' deep right afhter for this project. cltangin' our travclliu' suits .fer Mr. Chipman, in his report. made thinner trans, somethin' iv th' lull mention, that, if the dam were re- dbress ordhcr. wid short sleeves an' built. there would be sufficient pow - shorter at 111' ind where we put on for ten months in the year to pump our socks. what water the town would reiuire. Begorry Lyman hez a fine fisc;ue The property includes the building whin dhressed up in wan iv thini and dam. and nitwit eight acres of bathin' suits, but ez a shwimmcr he land. This the 'Council have bought, dossent know no more nor a gold subject to the approval of the rate brick about kapin' to th' top jv th' payers, for the sum of 61700. rat -her. If he bad he wuddent be If our citizens are anxious for bet- afhter twin' was o thsome mtinuita forntist aforere- I ter fire protection. I am sure they the race Godwin sh0\ted himself a could relit agree that the Council have act- e first to get him to get army more nor ed wisely in sstnrting out on such al manly sportsman, being + pts hez feet wet, but afhter ebowin him broad basis ns that contained in the grasp his competitor by the h>tnd and pairs.how aisy it is to kape yer head an' by-law passed July 7th. congratulate him. then hoisted i11ur feet up, 'he tr•nnted to thry th' trick. The gum of $`22,000 looks to be a to his shoulders proclaiming him the "Entry" `e z lee, "How in patience Large one, but the 'Council /eel that w 'r. Later in the evening when the medal was presented he called for n tiger for the winner and hoist- ed him again to his shoulders where he held him during the presentation. Young Godwin has the making of an excellent athlete. He is well built and is a strong runner having splendid recuperative power. After his last race, he went into the high jump event and won with ease. The first event on the program of sports was the running broad jump. In this (here were eight entries, one of them being Percy Godwin, of Park- hill. n little chap in !ince trousers, but the wny he could jump made the rest sit up and lake notice. lIe did 15 feet four inches. being beaten by 'lent Cama;; tvho %tent 16 feet four do yez do it." "I'll show yez," Fez I "Stick ycr head t,e:t straight, an' stick yer feet out. t'other way, an' I'll place me hand under yer stum- mick, an' all yez got to do is to ...aye yer hands an' kick harder no• whin yer payin' th' illictrie light 1, .1, an' yez'Il sail nlong slicker nor aduck. We sysiz gettin' along foine. whin Lyman. thinkin' he could masther th' business hisself. nn' there bein some smaller sum would not be sufficient to establish nnything like a perman- ent system, The proposition is as follows :-to buy the Howard property: re -build the dam: erect a stand -pipe or wat- er -tower: lay 'tains with 8", 13" and 4" and eve') with n good pumping system. The 'Council have no pct eystem; but are acting solely in the best in- terest of the town. and n11 they ask of hex friends fro►n London presint, is for every citizen to examine care.. .inck O'Connell nn• hez gir-1 bein' fully the byelnw. which is now pub - wan iv shim, thought he'd show off fished Fund will be for one month to an' give an exhibition. corse. That's jest whin he violated me Let everyone who is interested in instructions. Begorry hez feet wud- the welfare of our town thoroughly dent work 'th' right way nn' just ez examine into this luestion and dis- c - tn inches. r up,a h s z handsgot tangleda bre k hr hn dl gcaw it from alt standpoints, stn a and hen p�. , forthose not er from n passin' ship shtruck him I believe you will ngree that we are In the 100f yard open o nn th' :;lar hoard side' and down he dealing with it in a business -like contesting for the medal. 1,, Vern •won easily. with it. Coughers. of Cen- tralia 2nd. The pole vault went dersou. of Exeter, with of Centralia 2nd. The six fret. ten inches. 1n the relay race of one and one- half rniles only two teams entered, all of the runners being local boys. The team consisting of 1.. Bern, E. Jones and John .Walker were easy winners. The second runner of the other team luit at the quarter mile In the running high jump Lloyd Godwin ensily outjuntped the other boys. who failed at 4 feet, 10 ins. Godwin cleared this distance easily by n foot. lie intended giving en exhibition jump but darkness ere - vented. NOTES el r. L. C. Fleming, of Clinton. ar- rived during the day to see the games and was well pleased with th-m. It is hardly fair to make a eham- iron-hip event the best two in three The boys use all the energy et their command and it takes some tens to recuperate. 'There were n number of ladies in attendance. who cheered the winner to the echo. elr. J. G. Stanbury acted as judge and gave the best of satisfaction. 'the gnenes were :e little late in starting owing to the ground hav- ing to be prepared for the jumpers. We were nil pleased to see our town boy win. 'Tis the first time in years that we have had a champiotr runner. \le:elite can expect lots of chal- ler.;res now. but not any snore two wins. bathin' suit nnall. Now whin manner. yer undher weather its necessary to We do not expect that every citi- knpe yer mouth shut an' kape yer zea will consider such an expend' - wind, but he forgot all about that lure is necessary. but if n permanent an' look in more %leather than he cud oysters is to be established. we claim curry nt wan load. and whin he came to th' top ctddent get bee breath until he blew out what he had swal- lowed. Bejapers he looked loike a whale flyin' tb' distress signal th' wny he wuz leakin' wather nt lb mouth. lie wuz blowin' hard. so hard that he forgot all about hez eh apple hitin' teeth what he takes out' 1'hankinn you. Al r. Editor, for this when he goes tobed nights an' blew space in tour columns 1 am. shim out into th' middle iv th lake. "My patience. sex Lyman. "there r, 11. bicCnllum, Reeve. goes proice iv siveral thrane e reli ,. an' yez are to blame fer me Misses Lillie Rowe and Annie Bia- losin' thine. ez I'd nicer touched th' frit retuned Tuesday evening from wnthcr if yez haddent inveigled me n visit in VClinton. into thryin' to learn to t:hrimnti• Alicscs liana and Emma Seldon, of I might shtnfe that the dist hez Ingersoll. are visiting their brother fixed him up. :o s he's hettber look- et. G. kleldon. in'. but don't think hr's bane In a mixup or thrnue wreck an' got the worst iv it. It cannot 'be done for less. What is w proposed to be done. ill be with the view that it can be extended to every part of the town. The council intend calling a public meeting. when we hope to have the matter ;ally discussed. and your co- operation in is matter. A book on Rheumatism. by Dr. Shoop. of Racine. Wis., tells some plain truths. and in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet, and n free trial treatment of lir. Shoop's Itbeumntic Remedy for some disheart- ened sufferer in your vicinity. Make n grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to help him. pelf me to ,Wake this test. and I'll certainly help your suffering feiend. Tenders for Pavement Scaled tenders addressed to the un- signed will be rec_ived till 7 o'clock p. m.. on Friday. July 23, 1909 for the several pavements to be construct ed within the Munlcirality of Exeter. \ All pavements to b, laid East of the Main Street. l \:I en-emcnts to be laid West of the Min Street. not including Victoria and Wellington Streets. C Pavements on Victoria and Wellington west of Main Street and on Ink Road. Separate tenders for al and in parts A. II. and 0. rams ::nd specifications may b.) seen at the office of Councillor Johns The lowest or any tender not nic- e --arty accepted. ' 1 t r contractor will give separat trier in his tender for the Whey specified tt:t:ks if sand and gravel is supplied on the ground within 200 fret of the stork n' it progresses: A deposit in 'the form of n mirk - ed chcesu • for `lu0 must accompany inch tender. otherwise it shall, b.• retied oat n, in;ormal. This cher Inv '1 lee return -d cn an r .i - m"nt and :ntisfactory bort babe been ex- < r.: l cd. J08 •SENIOR Municionl Clerk Mr. \\•m. itln}•hey returned Satur- dny evening from 'Toronto. where he spent the past three months. The single men Tuesday evening de- feated the married men at base ball. :the score being 10 to 8. Owing to crowded space we cannot give nn ex- tended report of the game. The garden party given by the Ep- worth League. of the Main Street church on the church lawn Tuesday evening was n success in every par- ticular. Tony Vita's London harpers furnished the music. while the mem- hers .)1 the league entertained their friends. The t'roceeds amounted to about i' 10. Centralia Mr. Wm. ('olwill, our prsisperous hay merchant left Monday morning for the North Nest. Mr. John Butt, who has been in To- rot,to for the past few weeks is again under the parental roof. Miss M. E!lintt, of St. Pull Minne• apol s, is visiting relatives in this vi- cinity. A number from here took advant- age of the cheap rates to Clinton and Condon on Monday last. A number of citizens took in the Y. M. C. A. sports at Exeter on Friday evening, one of our boys taking an active part, Mr. J. T. E. Hutt left S.tturday for Detroit, after spending the week in holidats lernne. Mr. Cedriek Hicks, of Alberta and sister Mrs. Irwin, of i.ondon, ate vis- iting their parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Ifick Miss Marie Heiden n. who for some time hes been an employee of the T. E,ttnn Co , Toronto, 18 spending her holidays under the parental roof. Mrs. Wood, of London. is visiting her sisters the Misses 1. and R. %ViI ROM A interesting game of hill was play- ed here Monday evening when ('Fedi- ton hulls defeated our bops with the score of 13.0. Rut this was contracted though when Exeter played Centralia. to Bruce .\n - Gordon Hutt, heightb was n three heats for him. Top to Bottom 100 Per Cent. Pure Every Can of Martin Senours Ready Mixed Paint Is Pure Paint 2 galls of Martin Senours covers as much as 3 galls of other snakes. All shades and colors 15, 25 and 5oc per tin Senours Floor Paints Nears like Iron and Dries over Night. t.'se it on your floor, only 45c. per tin. Campbell's Varnish Stains All Shades and Colors. 15, 25 and45c per tin. Brushes 5c to $5.00, Alabastine 25 and 53c, Alum. Paint to and 25c, Shellac to to 75c Bottle. Everything in painters' supplies. Furnaces, Plumbing and Eavetroughing HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruee's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is none better than Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters -,-Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff fiaskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWflNS&.s.QN ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do yon want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. Wt• ve promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Can Suit You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontarfc In a Nut Shell We want you to call and inspect our up-to-date stork of Beds, Chairs, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Etc • This is the season of the year when J ou are going CAMPING And we have some of the dandiest COTS for just such occasions. No ns.e taking old beds and a load of straw for bedding pt1 I)O Cs Cott are better in every way. And then they are CHEAP and C0111e 111 hall(ic at all tittles. HOWLING Two rinks of Exeter howlers, con - seeing of W. T. Acheson. Ed. Chris- tie, ,ins. Tay:or and C. It. Snell and 11. Spackman. .1. A. Stewart, .NI, D. llnrdon and W. lilalchford trent to Clinton on the l2th rind played four, games with the C:inion howlers. A It hon;rb the scores were not brought home the i:x,•ter players ..lair' a victory by rt narrow margin on the duty':- p:crying. A rink of Norwich bowlers. chap- eroned by Reg. Elliot. nttoed up here 1 h:ir'dny for a couple of unities with • , t al players. Tho games were forayed during the afternoon and were tut• itttrrssting and resulted in the .11 ", at 01 the visitors. Following are 1 he 1 :Atte ; o. the payers. ..: to I:ee ( r N. n.I Burd, it 1)r. Mo:, s T. Acheson (:. 11. 1111:' t iteamnn `11- • . l';:10.1 1. 11. Catl'ne `%kite 19 Skip la 1. r)ick1!. ('.cella; II. 1', a n: T. A. ••;•' 1 \W'. If. Lewd: 1 Dr. the- - son Skip 1e) Skip 1:11 Two rink• of the i xeter bowies went to Ren forth yesterday to take erect in the tournemer' • Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers nod Funeral Direr tors. Crediton Flour Mills We have to offer good White Shorts also Bran and Feed in ton lots Shorts at $2:5 per ton Bran at X12.5 per tort Family Flour $;t.•2:, per 100 lbs Ontario Flour 'it 0 per 100 lbs Special reductio" e'11 Iar‘ze lots. HENRY SW TZER ('RRi)ITON