HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-08, Page 8'a! E X 11J K '1' 1 M r, S JULY sth
+4 :-++-:•+i•+++ +++++++ ++++++++i .,++4.+•+++++++++44
Black Silks
Colored Silks
11•e have just secured an agency for the best line of
},lain silks tw c have ever shown. Tnese silks come to us
direct from the Mills, the only expense between the
maker and ourselves is the agent's commission which is
a very small item. This week we arc showing "3" spec-
ials in yard wide Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk. Soft crisp fin-
ish rich taitror gloss. Values such as we have never
$1, $1.25,$1.50. If you want a Black silk Dress,
1V aist or Skirt noww's your opportunity• "Coml.:"
d Trimmers are off on a well e
The Milliners au T .trued holida
The season has been tt good one. 1Ve have about forty trinnne
and Psi tern Hats left. Not one of these will we take into stock.
EVERY ONE MUST GO OUT. You can buy Lovely rrimrue
_lets that were $1 00 and $5.00 for /11.9M. Move Quick if yot
1Vaut One.
Buys a very swell
Imre linen Tailor-
made Skirt. natural
linen color, piped
and strapped with blue,white
or plan linen and finished
with clusters of buttons.
131178 a lovely
white Linen Tailor
trade Skirt. Spec-
ial quality of linen
Thoroughly tailored. But-
toned front, pipped and
pleated. The most swagger
W hite Skirt. on the market.
for mens unlined tweed suits, made from shaddow
!,:ripe tweeds, in greys, greens and fancy mixturses.
liaised seams and fancy patch pockets. They are 0.
K. See them!
Put your Fruit down with Redpath's Extra Standard Gran-
ulated Sugar. It's best by test•. 1Ve sell Redpath's.
We take all kinds of farm pr,:duce
Live Chickens. Live Hens, Live Ducks
Bargains for Ladies
We are showing some good values this week in fancy
Voiles in Blue, Brown, Linen and Black ' ' Also some very
fine goods in Eoliennes in different colors;;swell for sum-
mer dress( s
See our Back Combs and Barretts, all colors & styles
Goods for lien
White V.';!s in the newest style, Straw hats,
Ties, Shirts, Braces, Cuff' Links, Collars and Fancy
all up -to date goods and prices are right.
Best Fresh Groceries alwaysgin Stock
One door north 1'. 0.
Ph me 22
on better clout than we make up into
trousers. And the s,tn or rain can-
not hurt 111. rn i b r. They will
neither fad • or :'ii n{..
13OME EXTRA flew( S1•:itS . ;
cannot fail to come in bandy during
your vacation. Let us make you a
rnir or .0 that you needn't be afraid
esters,. to th, ens or rain.
Met ant Tailor.
fit tlastlnq's Old Stand
First Class equipment
throughout and .with
careful conscientious
work we guarantee sat-
isfaction to all custom-
Your Patronage is
Respectfully Solicited
E\l:-TI.R, - - ONTARIO. i Here
To Stay
Illoncession 0. 1'sbornt'. the property of 1
111' late !ern,'( Harris. The house Bus and Dray calls
V out and one-half stories high and i ttlll )l 11' atte'lld('d to.
contains six rooms. kitchen and wood- ll
abed. 'I here is n frnme barn about
20 by 10. hard and soft water, and
pb.at one net± of good fruit trees.
2'be soil is a good clay. Thr lot is
1aastly seeded out and is well fenced
and drr~ined. Applt to
The North -fast corner of Lot 13.
- -
Horses kept in stock
for sale.
Iolicitorr1 for the Executor.
Exeter. .
Market Report.-Tba following u I The Exeter lodge L. O. L. will cult: -
the report of Exeter markets, cor- brine vest Moad.c •.t Clinton.
"send up to .I:t!y t,th• lar yrs a 1(arUu h Son tst w, k Tii[F
\\'beat $1..:, to $1.30.
(its 51c.
Barley 57c.
Peas 80e. _
Bran $21. Mr. and Mrs. It. G. tie'.dan drove five second hand wheels for sale.
Shorts $25. to ban 1,011 Saturday for :t short
John 'l'riebner.
Star Flour 83.'25. visit. _ _
Feed flour $1.50 to $•1.53. Mrs. Robert Sweet and fa►uiiy. of 1IELP \VANTE I) - Housekeeper,
Alsace $9.0U 1Centoe. visited friends here last esreeienet'4. A1�1,!y .\V. 1). Clarke.,
Clever. !0.75 1 week. . Andrew Street. Exeter.
Timothy, 8'1.75 _land in your holiday visitors--s----
AIfalfn. *12.00 i tt:tines. Wt. are pleased 10 publish _fere is a special offer. The
Butter. 17c. lel. tn.
Times and 1'tntily herald and \\'eek-
(' <s 1Rc.;,• and Mrs. Nelson Sprue, o[ Ft. ly Star for the balance of 1909 for
llrty$7.50 to $8.50. \\'isle:un are wi-ilio Mr. Sheere's only 75 cent.. This rate is for sub -
l1, ••. livew.•ight $7.73. gseri •tions in Canada only.
_logs. dressed 85.50 to $9.00.
ince her.
! y•
Coal, $7.25 a ton. Miss Stella Southcott is visiting
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents with her melt '•I r. llobt. Southcott.
of London.
Miss Ina Davidson. of Stratford is
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 g,.e..t ul the home of Rev. and
• s J1r hent.
• LOCALS • Jir. Mize. of Toronto, was the
gue,• t o[ his sister Mrs. L. D. Vincent
•••••••• •••••••• la.l week.
s: . S. - last
surd ilr. A. Cottle a Ileo auto. D1tESSMAli1NG APPRENTICE
Mrs. J. 11. Scott and chi:drsu are WANTED -Apply to Miss Tom over
visiting relatives near Stratford. \\'i:soi Bros. Store.
++•f•++++++++++++++4+++++++ 1'
Soc. lot.
The 'runes 011 Jan,.1910
Fifftyy ('eats. Tell
your Neighbors about it.
Miss Levett, of Grand Mend, spent
Tuesday in town.
11r. Tho;. E. llandford leaves this
week for \Winnipeg.
Severe'. from Exeter are attending
the races in London.
Miss M. Gill. of Fort Erie, Is vis-
itir.e. her father. Mr. Frank Gill.
Mrs. A. E. Buswell will be at borne
to friends on and after July 15th.
Miss Snell. of London, is visiting
Miss Jessie 'Creech.
Miss Olive Qunnce has returned
home for the holidays.
Miss Lillie Kestle is spending the
holidays with her parents, Rev. and
Mr;. Kestle.
.'..i -:,•r Fred Jewell, • of London, is
visiting at the home of his uncle's
Mr. Jas. Jewell.
Mr. Ilcrb 0. Southcott, is spending
his vocation the guest of Mr. Bruce
Anderson, of Goderich.
Mrs. W. D. Clarke and son Gale
vi -iced Mrs. Clnrke's parents inLon-
doa during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 'May, of Mit-
eln•11. were the guests of Mr. and
'.irs. T. E. 'landlord Tuesdays •
The annual picnic of the Main St.
Methodist Church Sunday School will
be be:d at the .Bend Thursday.
An engineer has been in town dun -
ire the pest few days taking levels
for the new granolithic sidewalks.
Several of'the Crediton lligh School
scholars were in town the past week
writing on the matriculation exams.
Miss Martha Carling, who has been
teaching in the Brantford Central
school, is expected home this week.
11V-1 Louise Carling returned Tues-
day after visiting in Norwich. She
w'••i accompanied by her cousin, Miss
Pauline Elliot.
Miss Beatrice Wilcox bas return-
ed to her home in Elitnvilie, after
completing the millinery season with
.Tones i& 'Clark.
Messrs. \Vm. Monteith. of the
'I'hnntes (toad and Arthur 1). Davis.
of Exeter. intend leaving next week
for High River, Alta.
Mr. Reg. Elliot, of Norwich. is ex -
Mrs. J. McIntyre and daughter, of
[ ullarton. visited at Mr. A. Dow's
over Sunday.
AI'.ss Alice 'landlord and hiss Fan-
nie Bissett visited friends in Lon-
don on July 1st.
"The Hensel' flouring Mills have
011 heed a large quantity of Feed,
:end will supply you with Bran at
$22.00 and Shorts at $23.00 per
ton ; secure your requirements while
the supply lasts.
if you want good bread use our
"Snow Drift Family Flour".
WOOD f01t SALE. -We are now
-prepared to deliver to env part of
the town first class elm slabs. All
orders promptly attended to.
Say I bas your chum • a camerat geon, will bo at the Commercial
\\'by don't you get one, *2.00 up at hotel. _fours 9.90 a. m. to 4.30 p.
Ilowey's Drugstore. rn. Glasses properly fitted and die -
Messrs. J. G. Stanbury and \V, j, eaece ofeve ear and novo treated.
ale:,man spent Sunday with their Next visit Monday June 14.
families at Grand _lend.
The 'Centralia baseball team will
comm: up this Thursday evening to 1'ARM FOR SALE
play a game with the locals.
Mr. (truce Anderson, of the Bank
of Commerce staff, is spending his
holidays at his home in Goderich.
Mrs. Ernest Simser and little
daughter Frances. from Toronto, are
visiting her aunts Mrs. J. Wood r.nd
Mrs. J . Irlatchford. in town also
other relatives for a few '.e:ks.
Mr. E. J. Knelt!. of Stratford,
organizer for the A. 0. U. W., was
in town Tuesday evening. Ile will
return later for the purpose of se -
additional members to the
local lodge.
Miss Bella Ilawkins returned home
Wednesday evening last from at-
tending the C. 13. C. Chatham: Out
of' n class of sixteen Mies Hawkins
Lot 3, concession 0, township of
Hay, containing 100 acres. On this
property there is a two storey brick
cottage, large bank barn, with shed
and cement pig pen under. Two
acres orchard, good supply of water,
8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma-
ple, convenient to church, school and
market. This is a beautiful home.
Nearly all seeded down, will sell
reasonable. Possession given this
fall. Apply to JOIIN BRODERICK,
on premises or the Sarepta P. 0.
Auction Sale
FARM FOR SALE -Lot 16, Con. 14
township of Ilibbcrt, containing 100
acres. On this property there is a
was one of the four who were sue- good brick dwelling, large bank barn,
s[frame horse stable and implement
cessfuualions. in securing diplomas. Con- house and pig and hen house. Good
oraThe James Street church was well young orchard; never failing supply
ofilled last Sunda' when the new as. a water; 95 acres cleared, the bal-
y p once in hardwood bush. This is n
tor Rev. Richard Hobbs preached his beautiful home. situated well for
inaugural sermons as pastor of the , school. church and market. It is in
r•it,.:et.. '.11r. Ilobb, has a command- first class state of cultivation. Pos-
ing presence and speaks in a clear (sessionson the 1st of November, 1909.
incisive manner. \Vill be sold by public auction on
The ,Main Street Epworth League the 9th day of July at 4 o'clock p.m.
purpose giving n garden party on on the Qremises. No reserve. For
church irtw-n 011 the evening of Tues-; terms and particulars apply to Law -
day. July 13. Tony Vita's London rence Fulton. proprietor, on the prem.
harpers will furnish the music. Ad-' ____ Thos.
rniesion 25 cents, including supper.! -
Supper served from 6 to 8.
on the side of the face while going to;
Mr. David Mack got a bad gash
the scone of the fire Tuesday morn -I $5o for the arrest and convic-
ile with several others jumped, tion of the person or persons
on the freight to ride as far as the'
Met -
river. and on alighting. tripped on trading in my Warne in Iron \let
a tic and fell forward on a stone. al Rags, etc. My wagons have
The P:csbytery of Huron held n the boxes painted red and the
soecirtl meeting nt Ilensnll Tuesday gears yellow, with my name in
and sustained the call from Cavcn
!I resbyterian church to Rev. S. F.
large letters on the boxes.
Shr.rp,.. or Ailistot. Messrs. F. w.. W. G. Caines, Parkhill. No More Tender Feet!
Glndntan and John H. Scott repre-
sented the congregation before the'
bowlers to play a friendly game Prc".byte.ry. Messrs. .Tos. Senior and'
with the ices_ players.
as. Grieve were appointed commis-'
to Keep C • o
'1'lte real hot weather' is here. Are you prepare(
Here aro a few "How to keep coo" suggestions.
Cool White Goods g ;'i"Ss' I..ita
'Waists, White Underskirts, Sumner Corsets, 'orset C 'ers
Alen's and Boy's Straw Hats, White
Vests, very choice line, New Ties, all of
the latest in style and colorings.
Special: -Ladies Black Hose, 25c now 12 1.2c.
Crockery A new line just in. Now is the time to re-
place your broken lots at abcut half the
price you paid for your old.
We would remind you that we still have the
Astoria Shoe in Men's only in all
the latest styles both in high and low cut.
Highest price paid for Produce- Butter 17(; Eggs 17c. cash, 18c trade;
Prices subject tc hange. Highest Prices paid for Live Poultry.
We Repair
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
The Haying Season
is Here.
And 3 ou will need a hay
folk. I have the agency
for Beatty Bros., Fergus,
round rod track.
Satisfaction guar-
anteed and prices
Have capable man to install
W. T. Gillespie,
Phone 51. Exeter.
No More Corns!
No More Warts!
sinners to represent the congrega-'
,Miss Vern ltowe. of London, who tion before the Barrie I'resb up.' Buys the New Edison
has been spending her vacation at wt.},;rl, meets at Orillia on the 13th
the home of her parents, is visiting ;ng,: Fireside Phonograph
for n fen days in Clinton. The Grand Trunk pumping house,
Hiss Itose i'inkbciner. Mrs. Slum- located at the railway bridge took; The only low priced machine that
k usky n,ndtere Mastther Alex.
Potteof r.all ancl fire Tuesday morning supposedly from will produce the An►berol or Stallard
othe smoke stack. Th' alarm wns records. Has pretty red and gold -
M rs. Esti Heywood on July 1st. sounded. but the hand engine at the striped horn and much resembles the.
Mr. Joseph Davis has been appoint- north end was only able to reach Standard Phonograph. $24.00 corn-
ed Inspector of automobiles for the location. The steam engine was wets.. Nye get the _;•tea records
Exeter by the Onntrio government. taken as for as Mr. John Ilawkshaw's every month issued. Terms -Cash or
His duties commenced July 1st. residence and briter una hie to get Installment. Ask.
Mrs. 'D. hackney and tw•o child- down toil he flats wv:is retuned to the ,
nry. of (legion, and Hiss Annie Woods fire hnl. 'rhe fire was l•xti 1,, hrd,!ernPost ('arils, Comics,t'rLocal views,
of St. Marys. me guests at the home hilt not before the roof and one ,tide Hirt assortment 3 for Sc. Beautiful
of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Campbell 1 • a • !.a ! . burned. Birthday cards 2 for 5, 5c, and 100.
ea( h. L'alcum i cvders, Todets,yoaps
Mr. Sidney West, who got Into nn Perfumes and writing materials, CO
0.teera lion wn ith Mr. JonothaKydd great assortment.
on Dominion Day and received a gash
serosa his forehead from a blow!
struck by 1Cydd with n shovel, had THE PURITY 1'se "Foot Ease" fortote, lirr,l, Birney's Burnt Blisters and Bis- I%y,ld before the Magistrate Monday' selling fort.
sett's itnsy Betters met for the third evening charged with assault. The'
time this season on friday evening. case was adjourned until Tuesday ! ---
hut owing to the rain the game was evening when K dd laid a counter
called nt the end of the third inning rhnrge against West. After hearing; Th r.' s'ems tobeconsiderable diffi-
the evidence the Magistrate decided c.1ity in getting a contractor to
to fine each of the $5 and costs. mak.! take the singe route between Exeter
ing $1' for West to pay and $8.70 for, and St. Marys. Several posto[fices
I:ydd• have been added to the route and the
There promises to be it large crowd person who undertakes the job will
at the Y. M. C. A. field day meeting need enough horses to supply it livery
on the ngricultural grounds Friday' '',11!!"" It is understood a rural free
evening. when the championship deiiveuy will be estnblished along
!Sloes will be pulled off. -flip main 1he route. (
contests will be the 100 yard dash
Mr. Cii1[ Spackman left Saturday for the silver medal donated by Mr.,'
morning for Guelph to nssSat bis 'I'• E. 'landlord for the amateur:
new position in McDonald tiros. Stora s•everal
of \Western Ontario.
Mrs. opackmen will remain a sou- for which cvernl of the fast runners
r',• weeks longer. of Western Ontario have entered.
Mr=. Kilpatrick. who has been vis-
iting her daughter Mrs. Connor.
\Wi.ltnnt Street. has returned to her
hem! in Grindstone City. Mich.
For the si;cedy removal of Corns,
Warts and Bunions.
---25c. a box --
Guaranteed -- Money Refunded
.1. Willis Powell Manager.
Mr. A. Sherrc. who has been in
_tram ford this summer. has suffered
another par:tiytic stroke. His. right
side is affected, although be is able
In be around.
Mr. 1'. E. 'landlord last week
shipped n carload of horses to Win-
nipeg in charge of Mr. Tuckey and a
en rioa.1 to Mathewson le charge of
Peter Coleman.
Mr. Garfield Sheere, of Brantford,
lent the 1st. with his mother. His
Mile dnughter. 5IadeIine. who has
_gent the post two months herr re-
; :rue(' hcmc with him.
Alex. Wilcox. a former Exeter boy
has entered the ton mile Marathon
race a1 (lois lEnne. under the nnspi- rntn,0yer's letters. %%hieli he disi'lav�
ers of St. Vincent's Young Mens' with as much pride as though 111,-N
Club. of Detroit, on .1uly 14. weer• h• own. 11.• feels import :iris,
Mrs. Thornton and children. of Lis- and looks it. but he is proud of h:-
towrll. nrrivcd herr Taesday even- tent.'. He is attending to business
ing and !eft yeeterdav morning with ale likes to have the world know that
Mrs. Powell to be her guests nt the he is nt work for a busy concern.
(tend for a few weeks. The eny it ha says "we" identi(i. a
Itrv. Yellnnd. of Adelaide. who re- himself with the concern. its in"'
purchased the dwelling and est. are his. Ile sticks yip for it=
property belonging to Mrs. Stan- cr nit and reputation. Iie t:tk
combo. nrrivcd ill town last week, t•• ie Itis Iter; eye! b''• .' •" The Lamest Camera
and has become one of our residents. s11) ' • ,ire in earnest. The boy will
reap whit he sows if he keeps his
The football match scheduled Fri- gift nod •t:rl ;•
le his ,h Yoe tate
day night between lb.` 1-. M. C. A. tnkc off your hit to hint as one of
and country teams. was culled after the Centre soiid men of the town. ever carried in Exeter in llowey.s
fiv,' minutes play owing to rain. The i.rt his employer do the right thing. Drug Store ein.lew•. (' • in and get.
'1-'s" secured ono• goal during th • 1•y host ; chuck him kindly if he shows a c'.telegue. \1'e in e t;!.tl to show
t.'III 0. signs of being ton big for his i,:ace. von goods and how ;t" hike pit tares.
cnnnsel him ns to his 'obits and as. Yon can get a gout • .anter•a as ;ow as
socintes, and ocrasionnlly show hien $2 00
: • •.•i'nrt presp .et of edvancn•ment. 1
A little pride does nn honrst boy a Howey's Drug Store
Inert) of good. Good tuck to Gho boy
who sa rs "we." 1
There will also be another 100 yard
dash for those riot contesting for
r•• ntedni; relining high jump; run-
ning broad jutnp; pole vault and re-
lay race of one and one-half miles.
1:1,: h:t a boy who marine
his place. You may see him comin;_
from the postoffice '.with a bundle o)
and Kodak Stock
Dr Ilyndinan & McGillicuddy
f .day morning npuated on Mrs.
11-.rry Gid:ry for the removal of a
. , ion of on" of her breasts. The
n; . ration was succcssfnl and Mrs.
Gid:ey is now doing nicely.
Notice to Contractors
Sealed tenders addressed to th • un-
dersigned. for the construction of
two Bridges with cement abutments.
steel superstructure. latticework
rails and cement floors. one bridge
10 feet span the other 12 feet. con-
crete work on both bridges about
133 ct:bic yards. will be received by
the 'Council of the Township of liay.
up to Saturday the 17th. day of
July two o'clock P. M.
Pians and specifations may be seen
nt the Office of the undersigned.
'renders should be seperate for each
bridge. The lowest or any tender
not necessarily necepted. A mirked
chelue of 10 per cent of amount of
lender must he s.•nt in with Tender.
FRED 11E53 sr.. Clerk.
Zurich Ont. Jury lith. A. 1). 1909.
Mies hazel Browning was success-
ful in winning a diploma for t he
arts course at tb • recent examination
nt the \Vhilby Ledirs' College.
Mr. Bohr. Soul hetet and son Gor-
' don. of London. after spending a few
.lays nt (:rand Bend visited at thr
home of Mrs. Southcott over Sunday.
r C nlr -Morton Co..Co . of os
h nrye r
; ton. Mas.., wns thr first paint con-
, cern to offer Varnish Stains to boiler -!I
' keepers. Cnnlphell's Varnish Stein is
the originnl. first nettle in 1t+8?, and
today recognized ns the 1110!1 setis-
factory arliele of the kind upon the
tnark,•t, W. 3. Heiman cnrries n
complete stock. Color card for (h' I
:t -king.
Rev. Y ellnnd. who moved to Exeter
'a.t week met with nn nrcid•'nt while,
I r ening hi= effects from \.l •laid '
II, hnd placed into ill • car his hors•
en 1 cow and to keen eat.• animals from
l :rrl;ing up pieced n board behind I B
1'; I,i'r •h'.:.t:nu nt Strathroy Howey Phm•
o as i!:ve:t n h^avy jolt and W. S. f
:', I • lid becoming looeen•'d struck) Chemist and Optician
Mr. Ve:innd in the fie". EXETER - ONT AitI').
would b,' a good name for our brand
It is a flour that is simply above all
others in
Once you try a sack' f it you will
use it regularly in y household.
\1'e know there are ma ood flours
to be had. But there my ono
"best" 'and we are c t a trial
will convince that it i as. Order a
sack to -day and do your next bak-
ing with it. Tho result is bound to
make you a steady user.
♦ I�as�li>\
Here's Gool News -
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one Slott• south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no ti tick)
all cash.
(tags 75 c. per hundred
Iron from t10c to 75c. per bun.
Old rubber hoots & shoes 7e. ib.
Copper and brass Ile. per lb.
Harse hair 30c. per Ib.
Lead and zinc 2 112c. per lit.
Bring your goods here and get
the worth of your money.
A great variety of IRON
I'iPhalways on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
posts, bracing bonlevarding.
`��okson & Sons
The Leading Sc ool
; 7 /7.,//,
;Va./mai (4'.:y20
('ourses toe practical. Our
teachers experienced and our
graduates capable of filling re-
sponsible positions. 1Ve are re-
ceivlrilr 111a11v applications for
office help. Diming a single day
this week we received seven ap-
plications for office help and
four for con,merriel teachers.
lint' graduates succeed ns none
others. Three depart merits.
Co31sIEIt('I.\i., SI, I1•rII.t i►
Catalogue free.
EL!,i(rrr & 1irLAc1
I'r incipn:
HOW Mr`C1i
1)1) YOI'
Weigh yourself to-riny. then be-
gin taking.
ItitiCK'S T,\i4Ti.I.E88
Weigh yourself two works from to-
day and see how m'tch you have gain-
Thnt's the way lo test the mall -
ties of nny tonic. Slid if honestly. re-
gelnrl; taken BitrCK'S TASTELES3
Mor that that it will ',fit go and
life i • you ; en'nr in vn'ir cheeks.
•1,•11 r 1 rich Wend in en'•r veins.
Just snp
1t)tl('t:' 4 TASTELESS •
to r" .r dryigoist.