HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-08, Page 5ov 1 hires Strength and Vigor is ggthing which so quickly restores strength and en •'y after .an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. As a cha ge add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk: BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE Flatulence When every bite you eat seems to turn to vs and your stomach and intestines cause you end- less discomfort, it is an unfailing sign that your en- tire system needs a thorough housecleaning. .M HCG (/. 5 GAT. OFF"/CE- Cures FF/CE cures flatulence by eliminating the cause of the disturb- ance - inactive liver. Take an NR tablet to -nig ht and you'll feel better in the morning. Better tlzan Pills for Liver Ills 50 For Sale by W. S. !:ole, Exet�'r. YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Cured by the New Method Treatment lar" N s OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY 77Lousant . • f young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through Early Indiscretions, Excesses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- lowing Symptoms consuh us before it is tea late. Aro you nervous and weak, despon- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes. with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart. bashful, dreams and 10-se:v. sediment in urine. pimples on the free, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful lack energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, ete. � YOU WILL BE A WRECK Qur flew Method Treatment can cure you and make n man of you. Under its influ- ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotehts and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong tis steel. so that nervousne,y, bashfulness and des- pondency rattail, the eye incomes bright the fico full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. nowt let quacks and fakirs rob you of your bard earned dollars. We will cure you or no Pay EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treated you• write for an honest npinion Free of Charge. Books Free -"The Golden Monitor" .illustrated t on Secret Diseases of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. "As ye Sew So shall you Reap" THE EXETER TIMES, JULY 8th 1909 1 tie Sluts ; )face for boys under 16, E. Crediton t rahucr, S. Egan, A. 'tuition: !face for 1 girls under Ili, Gladys Essery, Ida I Brown. I::Ia Maker: Wheelbarrow; late Valentine Matz, who came to S. McCoy. Two hundred descendant of the I race. G. and V . Butt, A. Duplan nodi i 1:. Egan and L. !tuft ; 1'o.`es Canada in 1S28 from Hessen Germany tato race. Ervine Fahner, d. Egan: tathe:ed at St. Jacob's uu DominionNeedle and thread race, E. Fahner. Day to hold a family reunion. The R. 'Coughlin: Three legged race. E. guests cnwe from all points of On- arid1:. Al. Fahner, G. and L. !tuft : ulrio and different elates of the un- ; , • race. P rete. ltissett. L. Hand -:1 quiet wedding was big. zed on ion. Senator Valentine Patz, of ford, G. Fssery; Obstacle race, It. Wednesday. ,lune 30th, att high noon, Parkhill, presided and there was a Coughlin. A. Duplan, E. Feltner; at the Methodist parsonage 62 Grace Hundred yard race. M. Southcott, It. St. 'Toronto, when MESS Laura Ma - Coughlin, 11. Wilson; Ladiee' throw- , tied:► Goetz, eldest daughter of air. baseball, 1 Handford \lr•�. and Dlrs. J. K. Goetz, of Dashwood DASKWOOD NEWS Dashwood u. • • _•.la, , oils pro;;riimmo of addres- ses, songs and. instrumental selection=. The. late Valentine Rutz settled in Waterloo in 1828, being the first Matz to cross the Atlantic. lie built the first brick house in Waterloo. In 18"10 he moved to near St. Jacob's, where he and his wife lived thirty- two years, then removing to Wilmot where they died in 1878. Mr. 11. A. Wilson, of Exeter, vis- ited at the home of Mr. Mike liert- zel on Sunday last. Mr. Garnet Baker, of London, spent to few days in town. Miss Braun and Miss Fahner spent Thursday in London. A iarge number from here drove to Grand fiend and Centralia ou the Ist, of July. Mr. and Miss Dechert, of Zurich, were the guests of Nir. C. Wolfe. Mr. August Kuhn. of Stratford, •+ few days in town visiting or,' relatives. Mise; 1. .a leaver, is spending a few days in Centralist, the guest of Mr:. (Dr.) Orme. Mrs. Teller and daughter, of Lon- don. are visiting her parents for :t few days. Miss Atcheson. of Exeter, was the guest of Miss I'. Fainter on Sunday. air. and Mrs. D. Sweitzer, spent 'Thursday in London. Mr. 'Charles Ewald, of Detroit, is a, -.ping with his parents for a few .11-. Charge Wind, of Detroit, is liar his parents. Miss )nonan left for her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweitzer have ar- rived home after visiting friends in Detroit. ..lis. "Clarissa Ilill spent a day in E.:etcr last week. tli:-:+ Louisa Fahner, of Exeter. visited at the home of her parents here on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Braun and Miss Nora Sie- bert. of Dashwood. spent Sunday in 1 ton n visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebert. of Dash 1 hood spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Martin. of Zurich. • were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. ' Fabric'. on Sunday. DI r. fund Mrs. Chas. Zw•icker spent Thursday in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffmann. of Dash- wood, were the guests of Mr. and Mt s. 'C. Fahner. Miss Shroeder and Snell, of Dash- wood, were visiting friends in town. Hiss Kraft, of Dashwood, spent Sunday in town. Last Sunday chi:drens' day was he:d in the Evangelical church. The program was excellent and the little ones deserve much praise. Miss Mary Ainos. of McGillivray, spent Sunday the guest of Miss L. Williams. Misses Lucy and Edith Mangnus, of Winnipeg returned to their home Saturday evening. An interesting game of baseball will be played here Friday evening between the Greysteads and Stars. The ministerial meeting held in the Evangelical church Monday was well rtttenacd. Children's Day was observed in 1 the Evangelical church Sunday last. The weather was all that could be Iexpected and in the evening tho church was filled to overflowing. A very interesting progrnm was car- ried out. At the close a collection Kirkton 1 was taken to aid the foreign miss - 1'h rie:Iie in Mr. N. Flctchd r'a tons, which amounted to forty dol- lnr.s. The program committee are to orchard t 'Thursday was a good be congratulated for their success. . success, the proceeds amounting to al r. Chas. Ewa :d. of Akron, Ohio, over $100. is spending a week with his parents. The baseball in the Fair Ground Mr. and Mrs. 1.. K. Eidt and dnugb- m r.acd in tt win for St. Marys, ter Myrtle, of Dashwood, were the We are constantly sewing o11 and one for I:irkton. While the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Iloltz- h Canadians a the best cloths money can bu • I•.rushin defeat dealt the mann on � cr b' I teat •nl football Monday. crushing r `' til,. "lid Mrs. thistle and fatnily. DI_. M. Robinson. !s visiting at We are reaping s ttl-h' d c us home. De- 1 • , accompanied by Chas. 'Wind, of e troit, :,1:. James littz:. awood and wile, of troit, arrived on Thursday in the for- tomers. Natural. isn't it Dresden. has been visiting -friends ater's auto and are spending the week When we sow .sus• gave ll:4)1ncut in at the vicinity during t ha past week. with .11 r. and Mrs. John Wind. Dl r. 14d. Hazelwood, was her. visit- .The Au Sauble bridge is being re- iapers, tntiug the pati,.: for iug Inst week. placed by a new one. Consequently -Trousers, or aandtever Hiss Maggie Leigh, is ,tome on her the main thoroughfare to Crediton suggest, we include the is blocked, int at sot..holidays '1•he many friends of Mr. W. herr of Chicago, are pleased to see him n ;gin visiting around here. A hot game o; baseball is looked forward to on Friday next between the Greystealis of Duncreif and Stars. Mr. A. M. lloltzntnnn was in Dash- wood on Tuesday last on important htsiness. Mr. Ilergott. of Centralia, spent Sunday in town. Improvements nre beimg tnade to ;r:end.( in Mitch :I over t3undn rhe Iivnngeaca1 cemetery. which are t tlsis ad. lima yon to Hie shear white y I chi prove U+ you that tar lice up to The English football team played :I, at:y needed a nd which add great Stn(fa on Rut' day and won. .s 10 the appearance of the same. rn worst• It •v. Mr. Snell preached his first 1 .t together now. nine raps! for sermon in kirktoi to a large con -1 it a k, who find if not seen. caught congregation last Sunday corning. I' 'arrest fish ever captured in the , Mr. 5. Tufts conducted services in' I • river. 11Jiol iZYTl`cillxl the Woodham church last Sunday. • The first of July urns very quiet - nova, examinations held in the Kirk-: la eta to the ilend. while others went ► log school: -from .Jr. IV. to Sr. Pass :n •Centrnlia. . mark 432; N1 try Hanna 058; ,Gordon '':!9 i •'\:feta 1 Nothing in the way of n cough is ._..•- i ltnndlion<,• 144: ('h , t' - Mack 101 ; suite so nnnoying as a tickling, teas- e Ili ;r:r,aa \\•i:tient, :d-•'': Lizzie Dean iug, wheezing. bronchial cough. The _ et ; '"I a ! • 1•: irk I'ro'n Sr. iiI. ' sniekest relief comes perhaps from to ,Ir. It ,ii..,; 132 sit 1 :t one should �a1 prescription knoas11to druggist9 ev- nve 1, •t .I r iI I. 1. •. Kirk 4 � i : rytchcrv• ns Dr. 83hoolrs Cough Val ILLI*:c- cdy and besides it is so thoroughly ( i, r :1; len Vol, r - ; : 1: re st \ '• hnrmless that mothers give it with • t •' rat . •t perfect safety even to the youngest loan •htru trouble diseas. t \vf think oof. DyspepsiEA a, i. ackler 300; Annie ' ie% 1- -:''.: bnbes. The tender leaves of a simple ( bar. '1't}:or 216; Ivan Ir•.:; 191: mountain shrub. give to Dr. Shoop's !t', :i 1.rowit 10:1. From 11. to Jr. ('ongh Remedy its remarkab'e effect. 111 1'.i -t ntnark 200; Stewnrt Leigh' Ti is truly a most certain and trust- :•!a!i Lillian Kit k 3rt4 : Verna Kirk : worthy prescription. Sold by W. P. 11.1, George Kemp 360; Myrtle Moore; Howey, „ ' ,slut, - r ''1t : tili:.!red Moore;----�-- - 311; lit lig l!•,:tdhn•i.. 219. From Pt.; Centralia . r:c I3'1: Ir -n • • 'Taylor .'21. 11 .1•h 11::rton 210: Flossie The molted strawberry festival '-'r, :; zer 11x' : 1 1. uta Elliott 195 ; F.' 1107d Inst Thursday. Dominion D it'. 11;1. .\t •. Hanna 141 : Clarice . etas a suecest in every awry, and much *My recommend 1:.u: Myr' Switzer 159; IL' credit 1i due th.' cormittees for the ' 1, 1:'-• : Kn.! .1 O'Ilr •n 1:+5 : E.' moaner in which every detail ,was ar- Dr. Shoop s :I:, n::., 1:1 1. to 4't. If, ranged. 1'ol'ow-ina or. the prize win- 1' . 1 s 21 : Eve v 11 nets. !ince for boys under P. A. Rob - I l t: ,. ! 1::'ton 181 ; Fred, ear. 1. Abbot. .1. llnn:nn; Mace for t> • 1 i;ek Rogers 157 : 1 o'r's under R. C. Davey. rtnrn•t Sk!'•- Lasirence fair:, n r. Currie Thompson : Roce for baa • i• 1„ 121; Weitlry' under 12. !'red Tasery. L. Abbott. :\ e: • Sambrook : Race for girls under :_. Kn'li:yen Itcbb teacher. Margaret 11i. n. Merle Willis, Myr. en ling h ie b nth, tl.e heel Linintrs, the Mr. Ilarvey Robinson. of Blyth, and his family were herr for the 1st. 1 beet Pa , the In•E•t '1'hrearl etc., Mr. and Jlrt. S. Anderson. of Lon - its well as 1 Inst of oar ability in 1 t1t- don : 1)r. and M rs. W. 1t. ('arr and ting, Fitting; and Mak'ng, t=huuldn't family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moon and we reap our teware'S family. of Londe-boro; Mrs. I. Avery, This ad. is sowed to now you an one of Mitchell: Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Clark. of our enslotn(1 \\hate y('u ',veil ft of Lot;don: Mr. and Mrs. •W m. nal- �Illt. ('butt, 1�l'l)ilst'1'3 U1 four. of St. Mary's; Miss Mabel Saw - per. of i.ondon : '•1 r-. E. Stinson, of Farley Vest ;too North We a., t•.• h.•r• last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Keen. visited ant �. . - Elliot ; !lop -step -and jump, II. Was was, married to Robert J. 1)onehy, of son, E. Fahner ; punning long jump, - Toronto. ltev. W. O. Neese. pastor a!, ,\ : u71. 1;. 1:utn ; S1:11111111g long of Grace church performed the cere- :pool, 11. Wilson, E. Fahner; Roost -1 tuony. The bride wore it princess er race, L. Butt, A. Duplan. Fred' of champagne colored rajah 1•:.,sery ; Married nun's race. N. Irak- silk, with yoke and sleeves of bebe ere A. Grosvenor, W. (Bowden ; Ilicy'- Irish lace. with long coat and hat c:e race, F. Bloomfield, G. Sweltzerr.I to match. alr. end Mrs. Donebey 11. Mitchell ; Marathon race, It. Il !eft at two o'eloelr on the Turbinia Coughlin, C. Heywood. G. Taylor. for Hamilton and New hamburg, ar- Thcre were two baseba11 games play- riving here on Friday evening, when ed during the day between Centralia a reception was 1 '.1 at the home of and Denfield in which the !atter was the bride's pane.: •. about forty outclassed. The first game resulted guests the relative_. and immediate in favor of Centralia 15-4. The even- friends of the bride being present. iug game was worse still, the visiting The parlor was beautifully decorat- team been;; badly outclassed. In the ed with pink roses and lavender and first inning Centralia tallied 3 runs, white !Canterbury bells; the dining in a room with pink and white roses and real orange blossoms. Atter the re- ception a dainty luncheon was serv- ed and some beautiful gifts presented After visiting hero for n few weeks they :cove for 'Toronto, where they will reside. 10 in the 2nd, bin the 3rd, 2 tl •ith and 1 in the (ith, while Denfield secured 5 in six innings. Following Aro the names of the players, lCen, trnlia, Fahner, 1l. Duplan, M. Mit- chell, 11. Mitchell, It..Blootnfield, 11. Swann. F. Bloomfield, 11. Mitchell, C. %. iia Ins. Eaton, Noyes. Laing, Robinson, Gould, Wil- son. lntthews, March. Miss Ruth Elliot, of St. Patel, Minn., is visiting her uncle Mr. W. It. Elliot. Miss Kate Elliot. has returned from London to spend the eunun:r. Our genial John Brown, has de- veloped into quite a pedestrian, ac- cording to his own statement. One day last week he said he had walked from Kincardine to Centralia, and the way he was puffing at the time be looked it, although it is thought he only walked a few hundred yards. Mike Mitchell got a bard blow on the heed during the game with Den- field Thursday evening. Ile was at bat and was struck by a pitched, ball, making it necessary for him to withdraw from the game. Mrs. Hancock, of Toronto. is the guest of her tnother, Mrs. Elliot. Mr• and Mrs. John Diosda!e spent Monday at the parsonage. Misses Laura and Mabel Butt are spending their holidays under the parental roof. Miss McCauley, of Victoria Hospi- tal. London, :.pent the holiday at Epworth Park. The new Nutter factory is in oper- ation again. Mr. 1'. 'Willis, deserves great credit for his perseverences Mr. Wilbur Luker was taken very suddenly ill on Sunday evening. Dr. Orme was rat once summoned. We are pleased to hear that he is now on the road to we'lville. !rev. W. I1. .Butt delivered an clo- nrient sermon on "Heavenly Feast." He wart greeted by a large congre- gation. Mr. W. II. Mutt. of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. E. Hutt and little daughter Virginia and Miss 1 arra Butt. of Detroit, and Mabel 1.1: t. of London. are spending their vn,:aloe at the home of their par- ents. Rev. and Mrs. Batt. Miss Grace Schram, of Park Hill oras the guest of her cousin, Mr. \: ilfrid Hodgins last week. Miss Di. McKinley. of Zurich. was the guest of Miss Mattie Handford inst week. Mies Evelyn Simpson. of Lucan, spent Thursday with friends here. Mr. Welsh and Miss Wheatley, of Clinton, were the guests of Miss Vern !awry 00 Thursday. earthnm. and indite• -lion as real diseases. yI' ret' are symptoms only of a certain specula erre Sickness -nothing rise. It WAS this fact that first correctly led Dr. Shoop arethe cation of that now very popular stomach ,m,.Ir-i)r. sheep's Restorative. Going direct so the stomach nerve!. alone brought that success tan i favor to Pr. Shoop and his Restorative. With - tent that original awl highly vital principle. no Ouch Lofting aecnmpll.hmentf were ever to he had. OP For stomach distress. bio attr,g, biliousness. oast 'breath and fallow complexion, try Dr. snoop's Rea 'entire -tablets or Mould -awl fee for rout. sett s brat it ran an.l n ill du. We sell and cheefb t Restorative W. S. HOWEY i A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop. of Racine. Wis., tells some plain truths. and in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial treatment oL Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some disheart- ened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to help him. Ilell me to make this test, and I'll certainly help your suffering friend. RUSSELi A) LE tllr. .\:.•x. Elliot.. who spent the past week with friends here. re- turned to 'Toronto on Tuesday. NI re McNicol and little son, of Ilen- ea:l. -pent a few days with the for- ut is Aunt Mrs. Geo. Melville. Mr. Alex. llodgert and daughter t1:aral took in th • excursion to Guel- ph on 'Tuesdny. Mrs. W. Cole and family nre spend- ing their ho:idnys with Mr. and Mrs. John Cole. Mr,. Alex. ilodgert was in Mit- chell assisting in revising the prize f'Ir ladies' work. c, %A. r xt 1. . Beare she ilte Kira You Hate thug fs BOu ii Signature of liensall A: disastrous fire broke out in the machine shop of the Hensall Found - :try last Tuesday evening, and before the brigade arrived was beyond con- trol. and it was with great diffi- culty the men prevented the building shop and saw mill adjoining from catching fire. The loss which is es- timated at $8.000 is partly covered by insurance. Dominion Day was quiet here as there was no celebration. To -day Thursday, July tab, our an- nual civic holiday will be held. On this date the annual union picnic will be held in order to take advantage of the cheap railway excursion to Goder- ich. Miss 'C. McEwen. trained nurse, of New York. has been sp.'nding the past Cparting 100 isIN41, 011 N r4T er Nee ANT MINERAL PUpi►t[)lr 1 FEJO /s s -.,, n.acu 4106 lstsr SORES au4Ys PILES PIMPLES r•:•,•( 4441uMa IIM'ICtatica ala erG3, t .301E NUM SAW Cw4C:lc '.Sea \ VMEQlU:L10 roe Giese 'los CyCLIS IJ./OO rthti PL ay:, 0s ,4 $roars,u.v ct•vra uy� `•s eaoC*T- week with her mother, Mrs. John Mcliwen, who has been poorly, but is now improving. Mrs. J. II. Chesney is visiting in Toronto. Miss Ellis. of Toronto. is the guest of Mrs. D. Urluhart. Mr. henry Jackson, a son of Mr. .1. .lackson, had a narrow escape from e:. •• . h n *a;;; d is • inking a well out in Alberta. A heavy piece of board fell on him while he was work- ing in the well and rendered hint un- conscious for several days. Ile is now recovering nicely. . The friends of Mr. G. D. Arnold will be pleased to learn that he is recovering nicely from his recent ill - 0055. Miss Mary Buchanan returned last week from Detroit where she had been visiting relatives. Mr. Robert Drysdale. of Laurel. Michigan. is here visiting his father. Mrs. R. Bengougb has purchased the laundry business of Mr. Higgins and took charge this week. Mr. Ilal. White left Saturday for Regina. Ilal. will be greatly missed in the sports of the village. as he en- tered into everything with spirit and Isotac. besides was a good player at almost Mr. Schafer, of Parkhill, ,passed every sport. Ile was the pitcher of through here last Sunday. the basebell team and he will be miss- Mr. A. Rat z, is spending a few cd in that capacity. days at his home in Philipsburg. The trial of Ira Bice, which was to Numbers frorn here attended the have taken place last Tuesday w•a? Dashwood Strawberry Festival last until the 13th, owing to the Judge being engaged with the County Ni:•. :lift Mr -4- 11. iIo'.zhoy. of Cay - Audit. Tuesday evening. uga. Ont., spent part of their honey - postponed♦ j moon trip with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Geis-' A failing tiny nerve - no larger er. .1.Breen & Son. have made an than the finest silken thread -takes' assignment. itre AI r. Macklin, of Lon - itsthe heart its impulse, its power, don,being assignee is taking stock. its regularity. The stomach also has Mr. Thos. S ranket, has returned its hidden or inside nerve- It was1 Dr. Shoop who first told us it was home from Detroit. wrong to drug a weak or failing Mr. Boltzmann, of Zurich, was here ; Stomach. Heart or Kidneys. His last Monday on business. prescription -Dr. Shoop's Restore-; ---�-�` five -is directed straight for theWhalen cause of these ailments -these tweak Mr. and firs. D. Iiodgson spenC and faltering inside nerves. This, no. the hoadays last wreck with friends doubt. clenrly explains why the Ire- in and around Thedford. storative has of late urow•n PO rap -1 Mrs. Joseph Morley and daughter idly in popularity. Druggists say I!.•,:s:c visited over Sunday with ac-. that those who test th • Restorairve t t1nnintances 'near London. ev •n for a fear clays r + become ful- Mrs. 'Caleb Mason and son Cecil, 1 ly convinced of its a.... lorfnl merit. of White Oak. spent a few' days here Anyway. don't drug the organ.1 the Iroeats of Mr. .1. V. 311IIson! Treating the cause of 'sickness is the Mrs. •Wm. Brooks left last wreck only sensible and successful way. Soldfor an extended visit with her .'i - by W. S. llowcy. t ter at Galt. A number o; our young people drove - to London ott July Ist and enjoyed EIImvllie themselves by visiting Pt. Stanley. Mr. Nestor Millson spent the hol- Nlies Dont e. of Kirkton, watt the iday in 8t. Marys. guest of her sister, Mrs. Morley last . Not any less was the day enjoyed Sunda Ir, the o:dcr ones for they took in a1+• .1. '1'. Parkinson. of the sports in the neighboring too n - Landoll. Grand Avenue school are i,.r'ndi,ig Granton. Kirk tun. 1:'irs spending their holidays with his viler and Centralia. brother Mr. W. Parkinson. Rev. Mr. Watson preached his in- 'lr. Kellot spent Sunday in trorinctory sermon herr Sunday ternoon and his remarks were most Farmers are commencing their hay- interesting and instructive. .Mr. But: On account of the dry weather next Si:nriny. is ,annionmr, -4 Shamefully ut to Pieces We wart to sell oft our entire stook of trimme 1 and untrimmed hats and will offer from now until the etitl of the season at such prices that will !matte 1 Iitnl move. Now is your last chance to got, a hat very cheap. Siebert L Co Harticib Block, t.) t. ' I I W OOI) THE DASHWOOO PLANING MILL A:.O. Limited. Have on Hand and for Sale (:TIEAI' Pine and Hemlock Lumber: Shingles. Latifs, Posts, Sa=:t, i r or:+, Frames Flooring and Siding. We sell the celebrated Paroid lt(Eoting-N(t1=t' Better All kinds of Factory work done to order for which our pre . .- reasonable. Just to hand, a large import ord.-r of WIN 1)UtV is;, t;S which we will sell at a et y close prier s. Now is the time to order your 1 -lay lea;ks and 'a'•• , Ttougl;s. Call in and lee us. The Dashwood Planing ►i1 Co., Limited. Dashwor,cl, un:•. Shipkst Mr. S. Sweilzer. :eft last Monday for Vancouver. 13. C. on business. Mrs. L. Wing, spent a few days at the ltatzs reunion at St. .Jacob's. Mr. and Mrs. Stuntz and Mr. 1101 - :ere - Buffalo, are upending a few days at Mr. and Mrs. J. Gaiscr:. The Misses E. and 11. Baynham, are at London. Ezra Fainter. of London, spent Do- minion Day at his home here. Messrs. '1'. McCann and J. Breen were at London races last Tuesday. • A quiet wedding took place at (:rand Bend parsonage when the Rev. Carrier, united Mr. S. Rich- ardson. of London, to Miss C. Hayti - ham, of this place. The happy couple took up their residence at London. Too late for least week. Mr. A. Armstrong is all smiles, its it girl. Miss C. ,llclsaac and Mrs. Duan sle- Isaac and family, are visiting at th home of .Mr, and airs. Dougal Mc- and hay is very short this season. and crop twill b.• reliant half a ton per ulcer. Quite it number of the boys spent the first rat the Bend and report hating a good time. . The normal strawberry festival and. r the auspices of the EIimville Methodist church July 1st. was th most successful ever given here. the reeeip;s bring in the neighborhood of $110. Besides the various arms meats provided. nddr •-qes were d - liverrd by ilev. Fenr. the jinior pa,- lor, Mr. Butt. iRev. Watson. and F. .1, Johns. The I)n.itawootl band was Si attendo nee and en.iwcned the -Int, - reeding with n numb r of choice s - \rVhen troubled with sun- ' I Mr. Jackson. of Yorkshire. (lull . burn, blisters, ins( ct stir?S, is visiting his svoter. Air it. 1Vood sore feet or hect rasihes. ---•- . er 1 Zani Buk t etc Rstinging S y prisir g F.cw gait kly i• "' = CASTOR 1 A smarting end ! ..". r t res on young ba!ies clue to For Infants and Children. 1 c h�f1nR. ' Za ssenk u m•-�e (toes pyre the Kind You Hare Always Bought i'crbnl essences. !'!o animal fats no mineral poises. Fir est healer! Bears the Lrt's;l :r n ' • . r .r; , •: 1 Etignatnre of <�i�2G�� -� x w 7ciae +Lt ♦.• i those who suffer from Wes can tow the agony, the am'niog, WO Bing, shooting, stabbIrt alns whkh the ailment can.ses, the way it wrecks the sufferer'tll e. Zam-Buk is hacsse,l t,y thousand+ who used to sutler from piles, but whom it has cured. One suchgrateful person is Mrs. Elizabeth 'aj*lor, of Greenwoo i Avenue, Toronto. She says 1--." For four long years I suffered acutely from bleeding pales. }wring that time I spent an immense ain. unt of. money on 'remedies ' and doetot a pre- scriptions but got no ease,LIZ-Buk was different to ever)th,ng else Iac� tried, and it cart.! m- I am crateful far the cure, and as i ?.:eve never had plies once since, J kr:. aw the ture is permanent." Another thankful womagg Is Mrs. E. A, Gardiner, of Catalina, Trlpity Bay. She sa s r - " In my case ZZaam•Bok •effected wonderful cure. For twelve Years 1 had been troubled with bJihad bleeding, and protruding p1 e! been using various kinds of oiatmeats, etc., but ,.ever came across anything to do me gos 1 until I tried Zavl•Bnl,Which Cured me. "!•hat this may bathe means of helping some sufferers from piles to try %am-Buk, is the wish of oee whn has foundreat relief." Zarn•Buk is a i.urely her lm and should be in every here, ct a too, buns, bruises, eczema, ulctfY, clod• poisoning; prairie itch, sore feet, summer sores, a•d all 40$ Injuries of the skin, etc, i1 druggists and Steres at Sas bMrto from Z..m•ltu'e ('u , Toronto, tot rice, ttnreasseraa 1'o you know ss lk.stn,•rac,are/ ,Ar.•" 1 s'artl••1 by 11 1.•a.t notiel Does the children', merry 1 .ughter and n•,:;o Ir irate and worry you 1 Doe, rho un, ayrctcd call of a friend or visitor make ;our heart"jump -1 if so your nerves are in a bad condition. Von need l'.9Yl'ii iN} the greatest t Tunics. There to life in every dose. It t,:akes life brighter and happier, gives you a gond appetite. r:Iakee your work a pleasure and enables yon to enjoy lite, the merry prattle of the children and tho visite of your frlends. Nervous and Run Down "Tn regard to your I'SY('fIlNF:, 1 eannot rpeak too highly of it. I was feeling nervous, trete '.;frig and run dos' before tfaktn,t 1" V( GINE and had a had h. 11 PtiWI'IltE helpe l n e more than nnyt1ti:r.; L ever tried a• i give it all the praire " Mrs. George Vogart, (tumor; . Ont. �. Fend to 1'r. T. A. Slocum. Limitcd,e)'.tdIna Are Torent°, for a armp1•' of this won,l•rful tonic to day. This will convinco you the: there (. n like I'SYC11:.NE In the world for "run down and itervon . folk. it i• quick in it 1 holes, and to abs„':•tely reliable, having n record of nearly Dear.. The whole family t an take It. -the children like it. :!old by all druggist and stores, bac and 11.04.