HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-08, Page 41 r J SHE EXEZ ER T1MES, JULY 8th 1909. "i. J1. C. A. IN BItUCE COUNTY.1 A well attended convention of en - thee -a t:' winistcrs and Christian lay- men of Itrucc County wa. held in Walk rtue, June 28th, for the pur- 1,es . of introducing the County plan ut 1. M. C. A. stork in (truce. The following %vete the_ s:peaker6.: Jlr. John Penman. Pari=, chairmen) of the Provincial Coustuitte,. •Mr. U• 1'. ltlair. Godericb, chair - wan of the lluron County Committee. Mr. C. M. Copeland. Provincial Sec- l'etary of the Young Men's Christian .Association of Ontario :aud Quebec• 'DIr. J. 1I. Crocker. Secretary of Brantford Association. 1r. A. Cullens, Provincial Secre- tary of County work. Mr. L. C. 1'ICtning. County Secre- tary of lluron (County. Mr. A. S. Blooper, ex -secretary of Woodstock Association. lir. 11'ilkie t tate Secretary, Los Angeles. Cal., %%ho began work as an Association Secretary in 1867. Mr. A. Cullens addressed the con- vcutiou om the lle hadrw de tans udy Tsrucu County. of the. county and found that only iii 1-1 per cent. of its church members were young men• Ile also spoke on the 'County \Work plan. Dir. Nleming spoke on "the achieve- tu•:uts of the county work in Huron" and "The Social and Educational pos- ttiibilities of the organization in Bruce" D1r. Crocker presided over the ses- tiions of the• convention and spoke on the "Physical and Recreative pos- sibilities of the organization in Brace. Mr. 'Copeland explained the 1 occupied by the county work in the (lggressive policy of the Provincial committee, and addressed the con- vention ort "The religious possibilities of'Inlcthe even ug ant excellent banquet wt•as given by the ladies of \Walkerton 'blr. Penmen. Paris, presiding. 'Phe speech of •the eveuiug and of the wwhole convention was made y M. G. F. Blair, of Godcrich on A. %t ork ns a business man's invest- ment." Mr. Blair said that there are Many kinds of dividends on the in- vestment of money. For example a neat. pray invest his surplus money in something which will give him money dividends; or a Ulan may invest mon- ey in books or literature or travel lInd get his dividends in the forst of education or benefit to health. The ,X. M. C. 1\. offered business teen op- portunity for investment. the divi- dend. of which were to be estituated( in the Religious, Physical, Educa- tional and Social betterment of the country's young men, and Canada's young manhood is ger greatest un- developed resource. Money is spent to deselofe •Canada's urateri:al re- taot.r((5. and much ruore should Can- ada's people• :pend to develop her nlauhoud. 'Canada a quarter of a century hence will be what her men at that time make her. and the res- sposib:e men of that tiwe. will be the boys and young wen that we are de- veloping noo. \\'hether this young country will occupy the proud and glorious position she is destined to occupy among the nations during the twentieth century. '.nether she is to kept for Canadians, whether she to hold her national spirit amid t c great influx of foreigners, %Outli- er sbo is to be an enduring Christian nation depends upon her rising wen. - lI r. C. J. :\tickle, Chesley, also n ade a very able address, endorsing the inauguration of the work in Bruce Ounty. The 'County Committee for (truce was appointed, and as soon as the budget of $IFOO for the year is raised, n County ecretary %vitt be cancel to begin organization. Bruce is the second county" in the Dominion to in- troduce ttae '1. M. Y%. A. County work. The Clinton Nctw Era believes the Co:tnty C'ottncil of lluron should make Provision at the December session %%hereby rot's person would be em- ployed in Godcrich after each of the County Council meetings to prepare a type written copy of the minuted to be furnished gratis to each news- pap.'r in the 1Co. Frotm these the I'.d.tors ronld arrange their report in l., . ur fu part ns best suited their ',pace ut• fancy. Surely this is not n+king too much nor presuming on the generosity o[ the representatives the electors put there to transact o•ir busines... 1f a verso') goes to tioa'.ricb to copy' the minutes it will co.' each time anything from $1.00 to `7'.110. according to his geographical po .lion rand the style of living he in - (flee, • in when be reaches the Co. town. Supposing he does not go in. Councit i_ past three weeks before minutes find place in hu' coluurns co r ging trout (-Done paper who has l) ne lbs %cork. 'l'hcre arc l9• ncn•s- npers in the County who devote con- :dcrnble apace to Co. Council mat-• ea= and ttould esteem it a great' kindness to be favored with clearly; written or printed revolts immediate -1 ly on the rising of the ($o. 1':arliament.' NVe know 'Cu. ("ork Lane : h • soul tw" t th •.y sl to r uln( and •ood u tf rho h 6 g and worked Editor and h. would b:• n Al utan to arrange for the pre- arItion of the work rci. rr d to if h.' Co. Council would vote :l:• prop.•, or.t,een:ntiun. \W.I1(1(11 L.atnont b 1 that t!I0t► i r:. el • a r. d •` r >• nr to th. r:. eat, t : of the u.rtli Estate by dealing 'lith the ,.... 1'. u::. •It 111. . 1 .. tiger n1 h •re's nothing selfish about th • pro- ,,, t!on. 'rh ria,.•+ advoest,d ,h.• a10 1hinir :a coup:, of sidles ago. n I agrees ttith the N tt 1'r• :n every nrticular. ) AN IMPROVIDENT RACE. Qucer Ways of the Native Cleck of Australia. For bearing hardship, suet* us thirst, huu.jcr, lung loco's la the saddle. etc., the black has f:tr less endutauce Beta the while wan. In feet, a black tct:uw I t un.outft.rlable if he gees fur a:s1' length of time without staler. And ;et nobody is mere Itupruvident than tie. Give hhn two gallons of vaster, twenty pounds of tiuur uud two or three, sticks cf tobacco and tell hits that he w•Ili get uo more for three steeps -viz, three days -he will delib- erttely settle down surd not be satisfied till he bus finished the lot. I lhave In:own a civilize'(I stud clothed l.lack fe11n•.v who was tr.►veling with me sit down after dart: tend wash bis clothes fa most unusual proceeding, when too 11:1(1 only three gallons of waster end ::fty hours' riding before tie could get .tr,y mole, and this with the thermonr •ter registering 11'2 in the shade. •this Is scot n thing that occurs ones •r twice, but always. The black utan rvi!I t:ot ex:k five minutes uhead, nor r!;1 experience teach 11110. A gamble et sr small scale is dear to the heart of every black fellow, and It is a corn - elan occurrence for one of theta to 1r' n brand new suit of blue dun- ,:•. a for an old frayed white coat, ::a:!.Ing dant Ice will be able to sell • r deal tlse latter away and ucake a n;o� t sinmly because 1t is white, an el:usual color with them. But one '+ 11 point the::e black men havo. :sey never complain when they find levy have ❑lade a bad barga!n. This Is possibly becutse they forget with :elv nc they ❑Inde the deal. -Australian :'e'r London Standard. THE WART HOG. 't Is One of the Most Grotesque Ani- mals In Existence, t'' t!ie rata:':asst tell) closely stud- e.:salami life it sometimes appe:tt•s as i ::. '' a had either deliberately set to :see: to forth weird and carious (-rca- :u:I'.7 or t'lee had been eng:eged In e[- owl:omits. fur there are birds and a:si 11 :1s which might be accused of b(•IH.i cauls up of odds and ends. Cne of the moat grotesque animals in 'shteIICO Is the wart hog of Af•iea. railed by the Itoers the Vlaktevarl; pig if t!:e plalnx. Il st:11:(18 about Udrty Inehes In height. has a ht:ge disprnportionnte Tad, \with eyes set very hig!i up. an(1 large protruding tnsss. These are cs• :( tiv opposite those of other pigs. the rtlt'er ones I:eing Much longer than !nose In the lower jaw nad sometimes attaining n length of over twenty rashes. Itut the most uuusunl feature of this rnrions looking creature and the one tram which it derives its mune is the great wart just below each eye, n smaller one appearing between each Wel; rind the large wart above It. 'The body is alncost hairless, except that along the spine nn(1 the neck long coarse hair lanes. and the whole effect of the animal is weird and grotesque. These wild hogs often take possession of empty burrows made by other fusl- ucals, and when pursued they sletw around sharply as they enter, snaking their way In hind flrst.-London Tele- graph. AN EASTERN MAGICIAN. The Feat a Ceylon Fakir Is Said to Have Performed. This curious picture of an eastern magician 3s from Caroline Corner's "Ceylon, the Faradiso of Adam:" "The fakir forthwith commenced to unpack the burden on his back, the principal Item being a bamboo framework or scaffolding. This he held with his right band, while be mounted step by step of bamboos. At We summit, a height perhnps of eleven feet, he paused. with arms extended, to effect a balance. i'or some reason or other the frame - 0 ork remained perfectly steady and perpendicular, while the fakir stretch- ed himself out like a splder on !te web. At intervals ou tho bamboos were heavy- nails, rusty, but sharp at the point. These nails distinctly penetrate ell the mats s mahogany colored flesh when iso stretched himself out on the fr•a mework. "Thus he remained, a hideous wound made by each nail, from which the purple blood flowed, lying there for the space of ten minutes or so, except for talc blood a lifeless figure of clay. Then, mnnttering some strange gibber- ish, nnlmation returned, and, making movements so that the nulls were ex- tricated from tho wounds, the fakir twith tris toes kickeu away the scaffold- ing and remained himself alone unsup- ported In midair. "Yes, there this weird creature re- mained, his lean, chocolate colored Iambs apparently stiff and cataleptic. his eyes fined upw: rat and glazed. 'It's a fact,' said Cynthia In low tones of wonder. 'At home they would say we were hypnotized.' " CA faerc�►I';_.A.. . o Sears tie 1'' 1. ,1:1 l .e 1 a .s .a� f A. �ignatar �� ���--_ g \ -Nle nn : i.l^r.sinn,Trop-- bee. ltrnarCist�. cf c o .t Ain Er incl•• t+M m �nro with Dr. 411,. : ('1.: r tt••medy. U,.. t' -t wiil stir,•Iy prate. bt. T"milin . 11,, di.. ,\YLLW S� HAIR VIGOR DV /i e. not ` ao:i ryt.r r; 4- --r • 4 Hair falling out.' Troubl_d %.011: ar.drufs' want afore t:air? An elegant dressing? !nc re(�lC:1tS • Su'pi'er. cheerio. Qu;nin Sada C .h,rid. +}' - lepsic•nt. Sass. Als„boi. Nat:,. f:doses. We beisetc 4 ,t1-•; nJrrfe t".. f.,'rllalr, or tv. wait" not put it up ,'>.YER`5 i -ii iFd V'�GOR .t (• tea• (o me,Ne. 1.•+..Ir w:... . f :2T -.: s Q r:ivr�.•ec�lcc�,yta►gra....:.a,a=%.c"::.a,�rrz�rs..:, r•Ro,, • WAS ORIGINAL OF TOPSY. English Family Were Protectors of "Limb" Who Figures In Book. When the negro problem was troub- ling the south, aft aristocratic Eng- lish family natnod Overaker for con- science sake, separated themselves fro❑) the associations of their lifetime, and sought a home on the banks of the Ohio, in the vicinity of Cincin- rtattl. Ths family brought with thein n retinue of house servants in order to set them free. They were scattered atnong the various fatuities of this lovely vicinage, some being employed at one time or another in Prof. Stowe's fancily and some its that of his next neighbor, also a professor in the sear inane. One of these neighbors has said that she has seen Mrs. Stowe sit whole afternoons watching the chil- dren of the two families and the younc blacks at play. it was then and there that Meas. Stowe saw Topsy and took her caul i - cal likeness in unlading colors. 'Pots; . was a stray bit of ebony hunter:::1 that in some unrecorded w:?y [• +:1: be one of the piccaninnies pen i�•• the porticos of the Overaker u,.::,. , in New Orleans, where the family i•. i n winter hovtn, or hung around quarters, ran errand, or playe(I t• . : the dogs on the Tichenor pl nt.•:i.. r at Natchez. She ton- .-11011 a little 1:r; 11ess that ' 'e.e' !i'1'11 �'::1. !", .... ing, and . . . .,... - . field hnts.l.: tw iw t : r. ' their freedom there on ,'. of Natchez. 13ut the .''!a donrel \waif r.l)pc•aleil ' r :: ' r .. of Mrs. Sto:re's neif0 ;• . . elfish Topsy wes brut : ' t placed in the fancily of ti:: •u.:_ ., lessor to b' tiaiu. •1 . , It must be coil:. ei :.:, ' t l dove'' -op her 1. t , .1 ..!, Ing oes not a ;hin 1 --for that t :' , t.i • ' .! . into t!1.• •.. , 11:•, ! 7•ie' tl:. • :1 "ni•. re!:: 11.1, 1,... .',: ,.-,i_.•,,: l•.•ee!lee: . i r .,•.!' .• '•!' .4 th •. P.. tt :t:. - ,. Qct . r- .:l' 1, eta:.1 .i . In 1 :.i 1,, „.,,' 1:4141 • ,! living in I:r,:r. . . , . :. slave la.: .-f , . Thais W0,1 th t• . col•., of MMM•. ori' • ;, .•',. • up ..':r:i•ry 1:, :. reality. ' She Was 111;:: the ,;,..a 1 doates'ie cares. '•h ' and %: ith a r.. r, r fe.t:'ily to tri • r,i 1::'; ,!: : lessons dnily w .: 1• ,. ... a chili-• . but the story w:1; e :•: '1 u:ur' . tens:• a reality to Iter t: 1 an. ":.r earthly thing t11at the • ' 'tTv in.'. . ment for Dr. Bailey's Nati"err! 1' never failed. Once Mr. Jewett, v ran wag to publish it, wrote to t:sl: her not to make it too long, ns the' sob- jest was not pop,tlar. Mrs. S'owe replied that sloe did not make tree. story, that the story nmde itself. anal that sloe could net stop till it wn:: clone. This feeling increase,l 1n ice ::sits to the end. It is evert said tl..' i:1 tho:+e Inst clays of her life !, I said, "God wrote it. 1 m re'': .1. ! Iris dictation." --Lippincott' Some Superstitions. when starting for the river, says a t(ri','r in London Field, if you have to 'ern back and get something that y,•'t have forgotten, you are sure to •:Itch little or nothing that day. This is an article of Devon folklore, and i am inclined to 111111k the' west coun- 1 ry folk right herein. The disnp- p•'intment, the hurry and the bring- inct of wrong things always net pre- jn,!iciallyy upon twhat ought to be the urrruflled, even temper of n succesa- ful angler. He becomes hasty and rash, most often with ill results to his bnsket. in the western highlands it is currently believed that if von see a colt with its back to you st•hen starting in the morning on n fishing excursion it is the worst of luck, only to be exceeded should you hear n cuckoo before breakfast. Thackeray and Archdekne. Th o ackera t Into teen 1 Y R b c by (wpy- ing some of the characters too closely from life, notably when lie put hi.. friend, Arthur Archdekne, into "Pen - (tennis" as the ever delightful iiarry Foker. Although Thackeray meant no unkindness, Archdekne never quite fnrgave him. One night. just nftt r Thackeray had delivered his first lec- ture on `The English humorists," Archdekne met him at the Cider Cellar club. surronnded by n coterie n wn ) wh rn florin their cn •r n at l•- i R k 11.1 tions. "How are you. Whack?" cried Arehlo. "I wa3 at your show to -clay at Willis'. What n lot of swells yott had there --yeas! But 1 thought it ens r doll -devilish dull' T will tell yam wwhat it is, Thaek--you want n piano." Counting a Billion. Suppose you undertook to count a billion. l[ow long do you think it would take you to do it? A billion, according to the French notation, which we follow, is a thousand mil- lions. If you had before you a pile of silver dollars containing a million and eiu1d count one very second for eight hours every day it would take you thirty-five days to complete the task. 13ut suppose yon undertook to count a thousand of those million dollar piles. You would be at work eight hours a day for 35,(x10 days. or about 100 years. -_-- He Knew. It was afternoon, and thus spoke the teacher of the village sehoel: "Now boys, the word 'sten' at the end of a word means 'place of ' Thus tee have Afghanistan, the plane of the .Afghans; also Hindustan, the place of the liin•icos. Now, eau any •n• giro me anotl r instance " "Ye s, sir " sa the etmallest boy prroudl , "1 Can-tmmbrellastan, the shoe for um • r' The Sind YCu Havo Always Bought, and wwhielt has been in ase for over B0 Fears, has borne the signature of and has bc'ett made under his per- �: sonal supervision since its infancy. no one tet deeeis'e you in this. Allow All Counterfeits, Iluitations and'' li of -as -gond" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Exporienco agaitist Experiment. What is CASTOR iA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oi1, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i:; Ple;o' act. It Contains neither Opium, Diorpllin0 11or other N:u'eotic Substance. Its ago is its guarantee. 11 dc•r,:,oyv VYortita and allays Feverishness. It curd► Di:trch(; ✓, 1111.1 Wind Celle. It relieves Teething 'Troubles, cures Constipation stnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Fool, re.uhctes tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Ha�� Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TME CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY NEW YORK CITY. NNN�NNN��N��N�NN�rNN�NN� The Molsone Bank Incorporated 18('lb CAP TAL (paid up) RESERVE FUND $3 500.000.00 =3,500,000_00 Has .tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all they Principal Cities in the World. General Banking Husinesa Transacted. Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. ��'' DlCkson do Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager =t ••N•NN•NN•NNN4N•••O••N•NNN•••••••••NNM�� THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED ISe7 D. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000, ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Kana=er Reserve Fund - 6 000 I t t TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this f are a most cos way in which to carry money when travelllag. 'They ar! ssued In aenominau $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fr , Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swed n and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other coag they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131 Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. IDR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. ti, i� D. D. S., Dentist. Member of 1 R. C. D, S., of Ontario and Honor 1 Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors Sexsmith Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, of Lon- don. visited friends here for a few da%. 111' iveek. Ma,ter Bars Campbell. spent a few days last week at the home of his uncle, D1r. Itobert Campbell, of the Saub,e Line. Mr. W. Armstrong, has raised his barn and pieced a cement wall un- der it for stabling purposes. Misses hazel and Verna Moore, of \Vinghntn. arc at present visiting their Hunt Mrs. John Gould. Mr. Frank Northcott. of Alvinston, spent the lsl, with his parents here. Mr. uud Mrs. George ,Mawson and daughter Greta, are spending the sumo er holidays with Iriends in Mc- Gillivray Township. Pain can be easily and 1ulekly stop- ped. Pink fain Tablets -Dr. Shoop's stop Ilendache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula -it's fine. Sold by \V. B. )fowey. LAI L. IHU11ON ANI) LAKE SUPERIOR A magnificent summer trip is en- joyed by taking this "fresh water sea voyage" frotn Sarnia, Ontario, to L'ort 11'illinrn, Ontario through these great inland seas. This year new stksuners have been added to the Northern Navigation Co's. fleet,. and the finest and fastest vessels on the Grent Lakes will fly the house flag of this popular Company. The steam- ers ruts in connection with the Grand 'Trunk Railway System, and all par- ticulars, rates and descriptive litera- ture, etc., can be bad for the asking by applying to J. D. McDonald, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, (Toronto, Ont. -f Miss Mannon. \Vest \yard, 8t. Marys. had a marrow escape from serious injury on 1'ridcay. r .• • untiring her cow from •t fence when the brute reared up and carne down with het• front feet on the woman's shoulders, crushing her to the ground. Miss llannon's injuries are trot serious but her escape suas almost miracu- lous. DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D D. S., Honor graditate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury Main street-Exenta. J. W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C P. Se Graduate Victoria Un fersity. office and realdenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. a. R, Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Ofllce and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for lnveet en0 upon farm or vilLge property ab lowa t r ►bee of interest. DICKSON t CARLINO - - - - - - _ £:ecce -- - DICKSON dr CARLING, narrlatere. Bollr'Itorli Notaries, Coave eeeere Commt.eloner,, Solicitors for tee motions � Bank, )Ctc. hooey to Loan sb lowe.t rates of interest. TRICE s -MAIN STREET. EXETER. 1 a. OAat rra a. a. L. R. DIca7CS When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy \would also benefit her if suffering with the sante trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia i . Pinkham's Vegetable C(n ipound. (lantern Station. Ont. -"1 hate taken Lydia E. Pink ham's( Vegetable Compound for year. and never found arty- medicine to r 1 1' V 1 1 ('- c/ ntf ,ct.• with it. 1 had ulcera null Pallial. of the utero. ,and 1 ) tors hill tpe no g I. I suffered dreadfully until 1 began taking your rneili4ii'. 1 t has also helped of her ww omen 1(r n hunt I Itawve recouttnended it. -3lrs. llenrytlark, (,lanford Station,Ontorio. Another woman says Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound is the best remedy in the world for \\-omen. _ u 'o • •.r ► sin he loins an( 1 � (reek, �I, It. - i lav(• alww•ay had Iain t t a weakness there. anll often after ncy meals nty' food ww'ould dis- tress me 1)1141 cause soreness. Lydia 1:. l'inkhant's A'egetablo ('ompound has done 1111• much good. i ant stronger. digestion it hiller. and 1 con wwalk t%itI' ambition. i leave encouraged tunny mothers of families to take it. as it is the )rest remedy its the world for wwonten. Yon can puhli:sh this in the papers." - 1 r o " ee \ I nada. . Ir . ��"illiam livor/Int, 1 � l r k, .. 1 ., ( a We wwii1 pay a h;l.nd'0 me reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful -or that either of these wwrrmt.'n were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published \without their permissi(en, or that the original letter from each did not come to its entirely tunsolicited. 1Vhat more pre )(tf can any one ask ? For :11 years Lydia E. )'ini:haltn'. ' Vegetable Compound hag 1►t•en tis'• stands d remedy for fenrtle illi. No sick v:')ul:tn (loess •ias•tice to herself twltn will not try tlti•. fat:tuns medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and h:+•s Ilan<on,1. ('1 0att'r'; to 1:- credit. �'c��c•� Mr's. Pinkho'! invite•= all sick women Fa to %trite her for advice. `:he has guicied thousands to ueolth free of charge. �) Address Mrs. 1'lukhum, Lyun, Mnss. HONEY TO LOAN. Ws have a f amount of privatae funds ro n akrm and village properties at loom, OLADMAN t STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St,'Exeter ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan et lowest rates, North west Lands for Sale. Office. Maln Street, Exeter Fall Term Opens August 30. Our graduates are assisted to the hest positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. Clinton Business College Geo. Spotten, Principal. Tile Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. I'r(sident-J. 1.. iRUSSELL. Vice.l'resident-\V. IL i'ASSMORE D i R ECTO RS. Wat. 1(01', llr)n snoLM P. 0 %V31. Iron( a WIN(•JIELBEA P, 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN I'. 0. IIOifF,RT NORRiS, Stith. AGENTS, JOHN F.t38F.itY, Exeter, Ats'ent for Uebero•t and Ilirldulpli. OLIVRR iHAltltlS, Munro. %trent for li bhort, Fulllrtan and Log'n. JOSiI1 A .R)lIN.S Secv.Troan. Farquhar GLAi)MAN R STANki'it',. ,'o:• CRANU TRUNK SYSE� The Popular -'l'o All - Principal Tourist Resorts Route Including Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Tentagami, Georgian Bay, Maganeta- wan River, Kawartha Lakes, etc. Full summer services now in effect F.xcurston tickets on sale daily. ALASKA - YUKON - PACIF.IC/ EXPOSITION -SEATTLE- Very low rates -Fast time -Via at. tractive route. Daily until Seppt. 30th 1110 , Return limit Oct. alst, 11100, Full information from J. J. KNIGIHT, Depot Agent, or write J. 1). MCI)ONALD, Unites Depot, Toronto, Ont. sl0ops's 011110 Caflodloo Noull.wes! HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Auy person who is the sole bead of a family, or any male over 111 years old easy homestead a quarte . seotoni of available Dominion land Ica Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry bi}I proxy may be had at the agenoy, o0 certain conditions, by father, mother son, daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. Duties:-Siz months residence upon and cultivation of the land in oaob of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homes stead on a 'farm of at Icnst 80 acres solely ott•ned nru! occupied by hien or hie father, mother, son, daughter. brother or sister. In certain district., a homestcaler in good standing (nay pre-empt a quarter section alongside his home-, stead. Trico $l3. per acre. Duties -r Must reside six months ineaoh of six years from date of homestead entry (inoluding tta(' time' required to earn homestead patent) arsd cultist's fifty acres extra. A homesteader v. ho has exhausted his homestead rigtht an'l cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take n pur- ahase•(1 hornesteeel in certain tlistriote Price $3. per acre. Du ties. -Must e ', r ra, to a'. t m oaths ' sn cn(+ h of threes yv,nrs, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.001 w. w, cone, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N, fl.-CnanrhorirM pnlltration of this adtenlea ment wilt not 1 e paid for HlghGratle Pla�os Are a Pleasure to their Owners. We knee sold and are 8I lling a great many high clays pianos and our num erinas satisfied (•customers iv the strong est guarantee of this Assertion. Our pianos to•dny cue the hest. that the best i'inno mnkets produce and oar prices are 1 igu I. Ito not be too quick to Relieve per- sons who tell you different. from the alcove fur the purpose of selling you cheap ar,d in seine eases trashy goods at big prices. Call and see Els and I,e Cenwiee'.1 that what we ea wc• live np 1•'. For arty eaee of n.rvou•n(•ss, sleep lessees+, weak aster's ittle Livn,t� Mdrtio SOB. le sprss, try Cnrtcr'e Little Lircr 'u` o fills. Relief is sure. 'fhc only nerve i • inn,licine in market. 1 i