HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-01, Page 8el 1 t. t i, 1' .1 M. r, S JULY 1st ] b u n ++++-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 4•4++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 STEWART'S PHONE 16 SPECIALS 'For the hot Days 1.95 For Ladies Trimmed flats, regular values three to six dollars. All this seasons patterns and stock hats. Re- member the early buyer gets the choice. There are some real beauties in the lot. lOc. the yd. for your choice of any colored Dress Muslin in our shop. About fortv pieces to choose front. itegu- laar values up to 25e. All this seasons new Dress \(os- hns reduced to the low price of 10c. Again we say be early. 2 Another lucky ;.Hike. We have just secured another tot- lot of Ladies Black and Tan Hose, plain and ribbed some 26 very slightly imperfect and others perfect., regular val- ues 20 and 23c. the pair. (dome and take your choice, 2 pairs or a quarter. 1.95 2.50 Ladies' Tailor -Invade Linen Skirts, extra value made from pure linen, strapped wills blue, white and self strapping and finished with fancy buttons. See then]. 8.5o For Ladies' Black and Colored Regal Taffetta Un- derskirts, made from English cloth; the nearest ap- proach to pure silk we have ever seen. Looks as good as silk, has the pure silk rustle and wears bet- ter than silk. You'll want one. 1:j 21 For Gent's Unlined Tweed Suit. dandy for warts days. They come in grey and fancy green effects. if you want comfort and value get in one of these nobby Suits. 1.2FL•tdies' Fancy Parasols. White, Tusc&n, Creast and 1,.IF, Dresden effects, with brass frames and natural handles. i.60 The daintiest lot of parasols we have seen for some 2.Ot) titue, 50C Fot solid comfort in Men's Underwear, Linen colored spring needle Balbriggan and open mesh, natural shades -Keep Cool -Wear our cool underwear and a King Ilat. Stores Close Sharp at 6.30 except Wednesday and Saturday. Highest ('rices paid for Live Poultry, Chickens, liens and 1)ucks. -4121 J A. STE"VCTART --:-:++-;•+++++++++••-e-+++•++++++++-1•+++-S +++++:.++ el -+++-'e lee+++++++++++•l ++++++ •++•1--:•+++++++++++++ Bargains for1 Ladies ‘Vc arc showing some good values this week in fancy Voiles in Bluc, Brown, Linen and Black. :Also some very fine goods in Eolicnncs in different colors;tswcll for sum- mer dresscs See our Back Combs and Barretts, all colors & styles Goods for 1'len White Vests in the newest style, Straw Ilats, Boots, Ties, Shirts, Braces, 011'1i -inks, Collars and Fancy Hose, all up -to -(late goods and prices arc right. Best Fresh (iroceries always;in Stock R. N. ROWE One door north 1'. O. { huitc 22 THE BEAUTY BEHIND :1 - ;it tailored by us may not all be ci-able. but it is there just the same. It is hidden in the interlining, the featly.. the modeling. 1F \VL MAKE YOUR SPi1TNG SUiT don't expect it to wear like an or- dinary one. It will not. It will wear Fo lar. ' en :11 get tired of it. even tlr • • na it• style and shapesa .hong. r W. W. TAMAN . L Merchant Tailor. EXETER, -- ONTARIO. lticl. HOUSE >cAND SIN ACRES t OF LAND IN USIIORNE. The North-Enat corner of l.ot 11, !Concession 6. 1'sborne. the property of th • late Israel Harris. The house is one and one-half stories high and cotstait,I six rooms. kitchen and wood - abed. 7 fere is a frame barn about 20 by 40. hstrd and 'oft nater, and ttebeet one ncr, of good fruit trees. The soil is n synod clay. The lot is mostly es eded out and is well fenced and drr!rscd. Apply to (iLAUialN ,tc ST:\\B['RY,WMI Exeter. Solicitors for the Executor. 1 rdtroliizo HAIR DRESSING PARLORS fit tiastinu's Old Stand First Class equipment throughout and with careful conscientious work we guarantee sat- isfaction to all custotn- crs. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited �.I.PENPRNSE W. 0. BURKE 1 Here To Stay Bus and 1)ray calls prompt ly attest led t o. Ilor-('s kept in stock for sale. • ARNOLD Market Report. -The following its l '.Ir. A. 1'.vtprase is in '('e•ve laud on Times Want Column the report of Exeter markets, cola 1 bu„-uesa. reefed up to J uly 1.t. Wheat, $1.35 Oats 53e. Barley 57c. Peas 80c. Tran $21. Short, $'2 i. Star Flour $3.25. Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. Alsike 0:9.00 Clover. i-(&5 Timothy, s2.75 Alfalfa. $12,00. Butter. 17c.. E_g- 17e. Il.ay$7.50 to $8.50. Clogs. liveweight, $7.55. Hogs. dressed $8.50 to $:1.00. Coal, $7.25 a ton. Potatoes 75 to 90 cents .......................... • • • LOCALS • •••••••• The business firms of Parkhill have mutually agreed to close their DRESS\l.\k1NG stores every Thursday afternoon and WANTED -Apply to ev -Dints during July and August in \'• i:sun Bros. Store. order to give their clerks a half hol- iday. 'the sane has been advocated here. but as yet -no action has been taken •in regard to the twitter. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ilowa!d have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their 11 months' old baby Soy, who died on Wednesday. Jane ;'';rd. The little fellow haus been is far a couple of weeks. The funer- al was held from the home of Mrs. Newcombe. mother of Mrs. 1lowalit Friday a fternoon. Mr. August Guhr. of Shakespeare and formerly of Exeter. has been awarded the contract fur dredging the Saub'e River, under the Bauble River 'improvement by-law recently passed by the Osborne council. Mr. Guhr will move back to Exeter in the fatal. Ile is a decent sort of n chap so we don't mind hint coating. At the recent Commercial Diploma NOTICE. +++++•{-+++-1•++++++++++r++•i•-1--1- Exams. five of the Exeter school pass- As I intend leaving July .lst, for 1'hc'Tiuies till Jan, 1910 ed. two of thein being with honors. the west, alt accounts owing me must fur Fifty ('e,tt,. 'fell The paper %vas an exceedingly hard be paid on or befor that date: other- oC• one and the pupils and leacher, -Miss tri they wilt b_• placed for collcc- A1'L'1tENTICE- Miss Tom over Five -, eond ha ad w hes-: • fur sale. John Triebacr. liere is a special offer. The T11110S and Family llcratld :and Week- ly Star for the balance of 1909 for only 75 cents. This rate is for sub- scriptions in Canada only. "The lle:sall Flouring Mills have on hntad a •au•ge quantity of Feed, and will supply you with Bran at eee.00 and Shorts at $23.09 per ton: secure your requirements while the eulrply lasts. If you want good bread use our "Snow- Drift Family Flour". Pure Paris Green 25 cents a pound at 'Cole's Drug Store. Costs no more to get the best. your ghbors about rt. I Johnston. are to be congratulated on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ the showing. Those who secured honors. are Harvey Pope. Hensel) i in I"o-sie Hunter: puss. Gladys ilissett, Olive Wood and Fred Beaver. A Jewish spectacle pedler was up before Magistrate Kay iatst Friday. charged with peddling without a license. 11e pleaded that he was only advertising, his goods. but evid- ence was forth coating that he w•as trying to self his stuff from house to house. and was fined $10 and $4 costs. There are others who visit town and sell goods without acquiring the necessary license and should also be taught n lesson. Mr. W. 1'. May spent Sunday Mitchell. Mr llatro:d Bisset left last week for 'Toronto. Miss Elsie McCallum returned last week from London. Mrs. Illatchford and "Miss Marion spent the week end at Lucan. Mr. If. Ruston and family left last week for the Bend to spend the holidays. Dr. Gerry and family, of Mitchell, were the guests of the Misses Kins- 1na►11. Misses Marjorie and Jean Scldon are spending the vacation at Inger- 5oll. Misses Winnie and Alice Bossard and Miss Edna Follick are camping at the Bend. 'Dr and Mrs. Woenig and children, of Hamilton. are the guests of Mr. atnd Mrs. A. Holland. Frank ltooke• returned last Thurs- day rafter visiting his sister .Mrs. Durd:e at Brussels. The country football irlayers at last got to the "Y's" Friday night by defeating them 3-2. ML -.s Laura Jeckcll left yesterday morning for Seattle and other west- ern points to visit friends. Mrs. Capt. W. T. Clarke, of fort (lope, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Chas. Tom and other relatives in town. Messrs. W. .1. penman. W. 11 Levett and It. G. Seldon attended the Coal Dealers' Convention at Buffalo last week. `•1r. and Mrs. Ed. Maguire returned last week after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bayes, at Niagara I'tt !s, N. Y. Dr. L. L. Follick and Miss Mable The arithmetic taper given this year for entrance examination was not as hard as the one given last year. and according to many of the pupils 'they rot all the questions tint. ARTHUR 1). DAVIS. WOOD FOIL BALE._\Ve are now -prepared to deliver to any part of the town first class elm slabs. All orders promptly attended to R. GILLiES. HOUSE TO RENT On Thames Road, good comfortable frame house, nine rooms. bard and soft water. Apply to Itobt. McDonald, Thames Road P. 0. COOPERAGE WORK -Tubs, pails, etc.. repaired. Will call for goods and return when repaired. Drop a card and I will call. El). 11E11)1/ - man, Sanders St., Exeter. TEACHER WANTED Experienced teacher for S. S. No. 10, Usborne, duties to begin after right. The following are the cor- the summer holidays. Apply, stating rret answers to the different pro- salary. to J. T. Morgan, ILt P.O. h' -ntq a-l-cr2.370.872.40 2_840.19;3 y .861 gain: 4-$229.50: 5-a1.7tio, G- DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - a. 5.099375: 130544. b. 9-56: 7-a• geon, will be at tlto Commercial $41.60, b. 130 bushels : ,F-514.80: hotel. (lours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p. The Exeter baseball team recent- rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit 'Monday June 14. ly played a game at Zurich. and the Herald has the following comment on Gro. Palmer. our popular first baseman. "Adonis Palmer was much admired by the fair sex and we heard FARM FOR SALE many 'say. "now stint he a beaus"' I wonder if he's married" etc. We Lot 3, concession 0, township of think he carries ton much weight for May, containing 100 acres. On this an athlete, but he plays the first cottage, there is a two storey brick ro station not too bad." large bank barn, with abed The lawn social given under the and cement pig pen under. Two auspices of the Ladies' Guild of Tri- acres orchard. good supply of water: vitt Memorial church on the rectory 8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma - lawn last Friday evening was n pie, convenient to church. school and success financially and every one who rnarket. This is a beautiful home. attended enjoyed the evening immen_ Nearly all seeded down, will sell sely. Music was furnished by the reasonable. Possession given this Zurich band and during the evening fall. Apply to JOHN BItODERICK, several choruses were given by stem- °n premises or the Sarepta P. O. her Short addresses were given by -� several of those present, while the ladies 11 ere dispensing ice cream, -pent Sunday in town. Miss rollick cake and ot)cer deliaicies FARM FOR SALE -Lot 16, Con. 14 :eft Tuesday for a trip to the coast 11 0 1;,►1tGAINSI RATTLING 1110 township of Ilibbcrt, containing 100 visiting enroute. BARGAJNS-The Exeter Bargain acres. On this property there is a Miss Nellie Russell, t1•ho has been Store is rented and we must crack out good brick dwelling, large bank barn, attending Toronto University, has the goods at once in order to give frame horse stable and implementsucceeded in passing her exams. with up possession of the store. Every- house and pig and hen house. Good first c.n:.s honors. Thing goes at. Rattling Big llargains• young orchard ; never failing supply Miss HazelBrowning, who has been IT'S A HALF PRICE HALF..-. or the of water: 95 acres cleared. the bat - Auction Sale attending the Ladies' College at Whitby, returned home last week to spend the holidays. \ir. lerb. Gregory. of Stratford, •;••••at a few days during the past 1t •..k with his mother. Ile is now vamping at the Bend. Mrs. (Bev.) W. J. Down and son Harry lb deers. of Trenton. are visit- ing her mother and sister Mrs. Chas. 'tom and Mr-. W. 1). Yeo. Mrs. (Ur.) 1). A. Bowerman and daughter Genevieve. of Menomonie, Wisconsin. are visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. Charles Tom. At the last meeting of the 1. O. F., Messrs. Geo. Anderson and Mart Hal- ' I. were elected delegates 10 attend he grand lodge meeting at Chatham. Mrs. .1. .1. White. nccompanicd by hiss Dorothy and Master Jack left Saturday to xpend it month with friends in Detroit, Windsor anti other places. Frank itoughmonrt. the negro. who murdered Mrs. Peake, near Stratford. ilist `k.pternber. was hanged in the yard )ail at Stratford on Monday morning. Mr Geo. Roberts. sebo managed the liowiina alleys for eaeveral weeks and had to resign owing to illness, died at the home of his parents in London on Sunday. Mr. Musgrove. M. P. P. of 1\'inti- t]nm, who taught the room formerly in charge of Mise Gregory in the High School department. left Friday even - .ng for his home in Wingham. The Exeter mn.sonic lodge nttended the 'i'rit•itt Memorial church Sunday 1110111:11Z.wh••n 11 special sermon was 1 1 4 1 t he Rector. Rev. 1). W. 1 : ler :hern were present from 1 ! and leican. \ : uperh finish is obtnined by us- Csunpbell's Varnish Stain for sirs. furniture or interior wood - irk. These .tains are sold in 1-4 et. 1-2 pint• pint. quart, and gallon stock is offered in job lots at a low rate on the dollar. Also for sale tit half price one iron cafe, one cash reg-` ister. two counters. two tabes. one stove and pipes. &c, ace, all must be cleared out at once. -J. W. IIROD- i itrci . The married men trimmed the sing - :e (nen in an interesting ball gaune Thursday evening. Five innings were played and during that time the bachelors used up three pitchers, while "Doodle" Itawkshaw• •or the t.enedicts remained in the box throughout the game. pitching mast- erful ball. The married men secured their runs by good hitting, while the single fellows secured three of their tallies by rank errors. The score was 8.4 in favor of the married then. The teams were ns follows:-Siagle. Hos- kins. E. Moyle. Senior. Carling. Dew - den. ('inner, Dyer. Elliott, Knight Married. .Stewart. Anderson, ilawk- elia1v. Co:e. T. Boyle. McFarlane. McCullough. 1'. ('retch. 1t. N. Creech. There is one thing that seems to be ;;rowing among some boys of this town Reference 14made of the per- nicious habit of swearing. (las it never occurred to those in the habit of using such vile language as is heard that it does not tnake 1 hem any more manly. The effect is the opposite. It seeeis that wherever there are boys gathered there is always one or two who seem to think that :a strong oath embellishes any statement they may make. It don't and in the opinion on the average man weakens the argu- ment. Profanity among men seems to h_ on the decrease or if it is not they 'may use it with discretions Think the matter over and compare yourself with some boys who do Dot swear and take the name of the Creator in vain. mo..st interesting game of hese- ball played on the local grounds thi- season was pulled off last Friday evening. when !limey's Banat Bast - ars essayed to defeat Bisset Cs Rosy Ask \\'. .1. Beaman for color : (tatters the second time. but were rd. t headed off by the latter owing to Mr. L. C. 1'I nsinlz'= .ox tririor the heavy hitting by I1iss•it's team. poisoned this mnor.nin:r. lie was coulr:est with the ninny errors on (lir- ••v.•r little dog. n great favorite Heys 51(15'.•1herr was a good sized youngsters. and Mr. Fleming's crowd on the grounds to see the bit - ons arc feeling badly about it. sire Ln joie.. \\ agner.e. Cobbs, etc.. • e. Record. cgive the exhibition and ns there is Cansmencingto-dn Ih n• will he !:Duch rivalry beta eon the two teams. each side was well supplied with only three liquor licenses in Exeter, coacher... The c. t h r . finlike most the license or the Mansion house ex- amateur. discarded the mask and Airing it► -t evcniae. The proprei- pad, and neither on.• of them r,•ceived any injuries. Double plays were al- most as numerous as the errors and on several occasions the runners The Normal Entrance and Matrieu- stole home, touch to th • delight of +h lotion exams. commenced Monday morning. There nrc 23 writing at Exeter, eight being from outside school.. W. 11. Johnston. of Kippers but owing to so many intricate playa.ever east feel in Exeter i•1 Ilowey.s and (:,•o. Mee eon. of II:Iy are in and the bank of n] hsvin:r bi•en1Drug `+curewindow. ('o.:•.•if/ and get share's• of the ex:ams. 0Ai. gave any to dandy Bawde•n.lit c,etcleegue. We ase giiel to show yyata g in.le and how to tike pi( tines. 1'ou can get a good cemere as kpw ae $2.00 tor. Mr. Dianes will continue the hostler). for at while as n temperance house. spe,'tlator.. arson; wham were s,•t of th.• regular team. Freeze 1'i p, r looked after the indicator for at lime. once in hardwood bush. This is beautiful hotne. situated well for school. church and market. It is in first class state of cultivation. Pos- ression on the ist of November, 1909. Will be sold by public auction on the 9th day of July at 4 o'clock p.m. on the Qremises. No reserve. For terms and particulars apply to Law- rence Fulton. proprietor, on the prem- iers. or to Thos. 'Cameron. Auctioneer REWARD $5o for the arrest and convic- tion of the person or persons trading in my name in iron Met- al Rags, etc My wagons have the boxes painted red and the gears yellow, ,vith my name in Targe letters on the boxes. W. G. Caines, Parkhill. though Gro. had nothing to do with the game. The b \ batters were ns follows. , Elliott. Burdon, Anderson. Fines. Heywood. Southcot1. Bissett. Johns and Harvey. The Burnt lflist- cis were, [limey. Snell, Sweet, Arm- strong. Ma11ett, Sanders, Flynn. Hill, Sweet. The ecne. wns 20 to 14 in favor of the Busy Ali Hera. Mr. Joules !landlord. of Centralia, member of I1oalyd of Ilel:th for Use borne. and \1r. '('hos. Kat 1:e. sanitary inspector. were on duty this week in the toe! , 6!p of 1''bore . TME OLD RELIABLE How to Keep Cool The real ]tot weather is hers'. Are you prepared Here are a few -How to keep cool" suggestions. Cool White Goods musfins,' Law Organdie' \\ 1 Waists, «11ite Lllderskiits, Summer Corsets,(_' st•t (_'o\' Alen's and Boy's Straw Hats, WhiteVests, very choice line, New Ties, all of the latest in style and colorings. Special:==Ladies Black Hose, 25c now 12 1.2c. Crockery A new line just in. Now is the time to re- place your broken lots at about half the price you paid for your old. We would remind you that we still have the Astoria Shoe in Men's only in all the latest styles both in high and low cut. Highest price paid for Produce- Mutter 17c; Eggs 17c. cash, or trade Prices subject 0) change. CARLINC BROS. We Re Ali kinds of Boots and Shoes for you CEO. MANSON ]loots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. The Haying Season is Here. And 3011 will treed a hay fork. I have the agency for Beatty Bros., Fergus, found rod t i',tek. Satisfaction guar- anteed and prices right. Have capable man to install them. W. T. Gillespie. Phone 51. Exeter. Rev. Going Preaches Farewell Sermon. Lev. A. 11. Co..: ;, ;:..:;.•red his fare- well sertuon Sunday evening and the large edifice was comfortably filled :o hear the beloved pastor of James Street 'church deliver -his final ad- dress after n four years' successful pastorate. Rev. Going took his text from the Eph. 3:7 "Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power." Ile slake of the duties of n minister to his congregation, showing how a minister who did not speak out the truth as he believed it, was weakened in his work: he Should be closely iden- tified with his people and work hand in hand with then[ in the uplifting work. Mr. Going .then followed with a resume of his pastorate here. He had been accused of delivering ser- mons directed at individuals, but while they may have hit the mark, they were not prepared or delivered at any person in particular. When he received his call to come to Exeter. he accepted the invitaation, but not until after considerable thought and prayer. Ii • had visited Exeter on n ) � previous occasion and had not formed a good impression. owing to the dis- tigreeab:e day, the dull appearance of the town on that occasion and the difficulty he experienced in having the I- as driver find the place where he wanted to go. Ile had also heard some things about the James Street church that did not appeal to him very strongly, but he felt that if the Lord wished hint to corns to Exeter. he coned do it through the wishes of a quarterly • board. as well as through a stationing committee of the conference, although he has :tl- way.s been opposed to the invitation . system. Ile had h •ard that the con- gregation on- : .gr e gsation of the , 1 am;•4 Street church way stir ry. but had not found their] n. Itnd o hen away from Exeter had • • ek•.11 kindly of James St. e ne1 II:s reception on the evening 1. ,err 1 ! •gade he and his •:,r r !:•,:: +1111 for four :e r • e • r t • t• , ha, 1 .-.n perfectly 1,1'i ei n -. If h•ad re ver been sta- r ;: 1 before in a : : ••mem of no !nee, Devonshire. Anil had nothing 1... r 1. lai11dlir -t t honghts for the • •: 'IIs •s or. a c'aas a•ho :pe !tit 10 y think. 0.11 hold no n.:a:i . The quarterly hoard and he h 1 1 erten along without any hitch. , .1t timer there were some 1 •rences of opinion. Marina there have been ninny lle n •inbei havegone to their .:end on all occasions when 1 homes which have he •n • . as e. - , •I with sorrol h.. .)mlathy 5. •u •stended from his heart. !� h •nein r Ex • r with n kindly .or , v. ry one 11 11 1 est, t, nded (1 n :011 to :In. on '. -1 .1 1111111'- pend nn ho.r IJ. .o alt she 1.11 •1'.: . Oa Ti. - t e , . ening a r cep, oil 110+ :g iv, 0 Bev. Going and Li • (nmi'c in the f,ctear• room th rl .1, of for th• pur;er�� o. ,nyitr I. Reye Going and fnrnily ref• ••lay meanie:t for IIamilton. SEE! The Largest Camera and Kodak Mock A meeting of the Exeter Merited- Ih.. LOX wits on the coaching :.n • turn] Society was held $aterday af- and 11•Is handing out pointers to each ternoon. when considernbla• business `ids. math he was told he was favors 11 as transacted. Several changes l nig r'issett'• side too much and with- tcere made in the prise list, arrange-ldt(•w. Geo. Palmer butted in and r•- Inents were naso made to aeeure a ! famed to let a pitcher return to the band for the coming exhibition. I box after he had been taken out. nl- Howey's Drug Store THE FLOWER OF FLOURS would be a good name for our brand It is a flour that is simply above all others in GOOD BAKING QUALITIES Once ,you try a sack of it you will use it regularly in your household, We know there are ma • good flours to be had. But there only one "best" and we are con: - t as trial will convince that it is Order a sack to -day and do yo`next bak- ing with it. The result `s bound to stake yon a steady us, -r. HARVEY BROS. Here's Good News The market prices for ole] junk Ole alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following pH( es (no trade, and no t rick 1 all cash. (tags 75 c. per hundred Iron from 00c to 75c. per bun. Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. 10. Copper and brass 9c. per lb. H arse hair 30c. per lb. Lead and zinc 2 1,2c. per ile Bring your goods here and get the worth of your money. A Rreat vauiety of IRON PiPE always on hand at a rea- sonable price, suitable for fence poste, bracing bonleyarding. M. Jackson & Sons Elk Tie Leading S • J l t1. - j, ZIOth STRATFORD. ONT. • • ('nurses are practical. Our • leachers experienced and Btu • • graduates capable of filling te- • • =possible positions. K'e are te- • o ceiving many applications foe., 4111111r- • office help. During a single day • • this week we received seven np- 1 plications for office help and t • four for commercial 1ratchers. t • our graduates succeed as none otberq. Three departments. • (oat ?.l Elti La1., SIIa)I(T11ANI) Tl?t.l:atte.\rnv • • ('atalogue free. • ELLIOTT k MCLACTI t,:\ N. • Prinaij: • ••••••••••••••••••••• Yol"VI: GOT TO EAT TD the treatment of all pulrr.one 11 a=tin't or nervotaa diseases th- ex - pc rienced physician will Fay "food. good food and loll of it". But you must have the appetite. When yoe'rd tnkin I111ICK'S TASTi:LES.9 COD LIVER OIT. you , ' .piy must eat for your np- entil • conies hack calling for food. •1 "building up" flesh prodnc- • r•s-s has begun. Take it re - :•t -scu'II bless the• day you • .11 I ' All Dreggista. W. S. Howey, Phm, B 1'herni-t and 1 )p! i• i.Ita EXETER - ONTARIO.