HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-01, Page 5•
1st 1909
Gives Strength and Vigor
Mrs. J. G. bung met with an ac-
cident on Tuesday of last week. She
was going upstairs when she tripped
falling down the entire flight. is
was thought she had fractured her
trot, but un examination by her phy-
sician proved otherwise, however she -
was badly bruised.
Mrs. Johnson, of London, is visit -
ere i;/'N tithing which so quickly restores strength and 1 int; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
ergy after an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. As a
change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful
of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk:
Old Folks' Livers
need an occasional stirring up to keep theta from being
constipated, bilious and generally run dawn. At the same
time, the laxative must not be so violent as to shock the system
and cause sinking and sickness.
ata V. S A*r OFi7CC
is the ideal treatment for old folks' livers -never fails to act, yet
never shocks. A tonic as well as a laxative. Best for con-
stipation, rheumatism, biliousness -any and all troubles of
liver, stomach and bowels. Take an NR tablet to-
night -you'll feel better in the morning. .�
ss Get a 25c Box
than. Pills far
"-For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter.
Mr. Gordon Treumner, of ,Detroit,
is visiting relatives around here.
Mr. Ira Braun and Miss Mildred
Braun spent (Sunday iu .Dashwood the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Siebert.
Miss Maude llartleib, of Dashwood,
spent friday in Town.
Mr. and Mrs. Misterle, of Detroit,
crone in their auto in a little while.
They will spend a few weeks visiting
friends and relatives around Isere.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme and daughter
Melon. of Centralia, spent Friday in
Miss Jpnes, of London, arrived home
Iest week after visiting Miss Inman.
Miss llartleib, spent Sunday at her
• Dashwood.
Quite a number of children were.
1 in town last week trying entrance.
i We hope they all will succeed.
.t. - • int. Bertrand, left for
tee ac . at.•ek where she will visit
A couple of loads attended the
.era vetrry festival at Shipka and
Mr. Clarence Duplan, of Centralia.
spent Friday in town.
Miss Carrie Wolfe, lest for Grand
Bend where she will ;York for a
couple of months.
Mrs. :W.. Fritz. of Grand Bend,
spent St turday in town visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clarke and
daughter Marjorie, spent a day in
Exeter lust tvet•k.
A number of 'Crediton high School
pupil etre at Exeter trying their
ex+ans. \Ve hope they will all suc-
Miss Clara 1'ahner, was in Exeter
Saturday evening.
Miss Veronica Hall, of Mount Car-
mel, is learning dressmaking with
Miss Clara Palmer.
Miss E. Dunlop one of our teachers
left for her home last week. We un-
derstand she was found ,to b;: a very
good teacher.
Mr. Harold Duplan. of Centralia,
was in town one day last week.
the vietUiis of early indiscretions and Tater ex.
cues, who aro failures in life -you are tete
ones we can restore to manhood and revive
the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give
up in despair becauseou have treated with
other doctors, used electric belts and tried
various drug store nostrum:.
Our New Method Treatment has sr atchc11
hundreds from the brick of despair: has re-
stored happiness to hundreds of houses and
has made successful men of those who were
"down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem-
edies fur each individual case according to the
symptoms and complications -we have no
patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of
our wonderful success as our treatment can-
not fail, for we prescribe retitedies ndaptel to
each individual ease Only curabfe cases ac-
eepted. We have done business throughout
Canada for over 20 Years.
DEADER Aro }•nu a victim± halo you lost
hr'pet :tic you iatemling to rnarry!
as your Wont be•..tt Ili, iIscrl? ibtve you any
weakness? Our New Method Treatment will
cure you. What it has done for others it will
do for you. Consultation Free. No matter
who has treated yon, write for an honest
opinion Free of Charge. Boole Free-
"iktyhnol, Manheu»l. Fatherhood." (illustrat-
ed) vn 1iisenses of Men.
NO NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on foxes or envel-
opes. Everything Confidential. Question dist and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Gtiswotd St., Detroit, Mich.
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap"
We arc constantly sewing on
the best cloths nloney can buy
Nothing in the tvay of n cough is
-Suite so annoying as a tickling, teas-
ing. ;wheezing, bronchial cough. The
-(nickest relief comes perhaps from
la perscription known to druggists ev-
erywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-
edy and besides it is so thoroughly
harmless that mot bers give it ;vitt.
perfect safety even to the youngest
babes. The tender leaves of a simple
mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Itetnedy its remarkable effect.
'It is truly a most certain and trust-
worthy prescription. Sold by W. 6.
The Ladies' Aid. of Grace church
purpose holding their annual straw
berry festival in Hibbert Townhall
on Tuesday evening, July 6th and are
busily engaged in preparing an ex-
cellent program.
The boll • of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Hodgins. of the South Boundary, U's -
borne, was the scene of a pretty
wedding \Wednesday. June 30th, when
their daughter Annie L. wa+ married
to Mr. Giro. Codbolt, of \Vinchelsea.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Centralia
,ltaccy, of Kirkton, in the presence Th:; till be the day of alt days of
Manitoba, 8askatckewao, Alberta
Spada! intim lave Tensaw 2.00 p.m. ea
APRIL 0, 20 IlAY_4,11 JUNE 1,10, 21
JULY 13, 21 Aug, 10, 24 SEPT. 1, 21
S.csad dam ticket. fres Outside statute M 'eruapal
Northwest pekoe at
Winnipeg aid reties (32.001 Edmoatw tad usual
$42.50 sad to otiose poin• is proporti.a. Ticket*
cool to retun wields 60 days from genas data.
w all.rnanioes. Comfortable bertha. fully equipped
with bedding. can be secured at moderate rates tbtouals
local treat.
Early application must be made
wassails rata tad full iaformatioa.
Appljto soarers C.P.R. Agent or toR. L. Thowe.oe.
G=- -
[ the finest in this settlement.
A number of our young people nt-
. tended the strawberry festival at
Wesley on Monday evening.
Several from the village attended
;.•rviceys. at kirkton Sunday evening
and listened to ltev. McCainus, of St.
Mr. and 31 r-. \\'m. Ogden spent
Sunday with friends near 6taffa.
Those who tried at the Barone.)
exams in Lucan from this school were
Miss Vern Hodgson. Olive Gunning,
Vera Ogden, Willie Hodgson. Wilson
Jloriey, Jimmy earthy.
Mrs. John Passmore and children,
of Stratford. pent Saturday here
the guests of Mrs. J. Wright.
The rongregntiee of the Methodist
church met on '1 ,. •sday evening of
P.r. As.. Toronto. gust week to say ,rood -bye to their
easter, Itev. J. Veale and family and
.resented throe with two beautiful
\\'. J. Carling, Agent Exete_. , chairs. They left on Wednesday for
their new home tet Dorchester.
you yo without spending one more Walter ltustiu Lad Iia foot crush-
evenin•; with you. We wish to ex-, ed at the barn raising of \Vm. Arthur
peru our appreciation of your esteut-i of and line. \\'c hope that he will
ab a character. and also of th, Valu- j soon be better.
ab',• erV:c.s you rendered us in the u
took in our rtpirih,nl welfare alt 91 r. thea. lulls is visiting at his
gnilain;t of our church. We not daughter's. Mrs. It. A. Myron, in
soon fareet the deep interest you l fretlro:en.
Mr. Hugh Kirk ;vent on the cxcur-
through your pastorate of tour years. cion to the model farm last Tuesday.
Anniversary services were preached
in tike Kirkton Methodist church on
Sunday .last by the Itev. D. N. Mc -
'Crams, of St: Marys. Both morning
and evening services were very large-
ly attended. A strawberry festival
will be held on Thursday, July lst in
Mr. N. FIetchcr's orchard. There
will be singing and speeches and a
General good time. Baseball and
Cootball will be played on the fair
grounds. Come and have a good
Rev. Veale moved to Dorchester
last week.
Mr. Robert Fletcher and Miss Etta
Fletcher are going to the West by th,
lake route.
In laboring for nor eternal welfare
day and night. When you first came
to our village we .•to not know wheth-
er you found us cold and nn:riendly
for r.umetintes we fear strau;;ers find
us so. but be ;assured you or • not lefty -
in cold or indifferent hearts. By
your gentlemanly demeautor and
spotless character you have• won your
way into our heart.-. and you enjoy
the respect and confidence of the
people of Woodham circuit. \Ve have
always found you ready to help us in
our difficulties, and th'e troubles and
sorrows as well ns the joys which at-
tended our pathway. We pray God
wilt bless you and yours in your new
f`e'J o: lobar. that yet may he in-
struntental in saving tna y souls. \Ve
cannot forget Mrs. hart est. who has
worked so earnestly in the Ladies Aid
and the \Vomen's Missionary Society
for her kindly disposition and chrisl-
inn influence among us. But our
lose will be another's gain. We hope
in your new home you may find a
:titter sphere of usefulness. possible
in that Larger fuller life, which will
h•• yours. You may find it little lei-
sure in which to look back and re-
member the four years you spent nt
Woo (Buena. \Ve predict for you a
bright and useful career and wish you
n tong and happy life and beg you to
r•eevia this purse as a slight token
of aur a(Tree ia1ina 111(1 esteem,
Signed on behalf of th•- congregation.
John llooper. M.. 1.. Beavers. Mr.
Bartlett tha eked the donors for their
kind gift and kinder words'. Mr.
Ilan lett left nor i'ridny last for his
new field of Inhor t t Dungannon.
Special serviccs.w,•re held here last
S.: ;day, when Itev. McKinnon. of Mil-
ver'on preached excellent sermons
both morning and evening. The an-
nual a.anday 6. picnic will be held
in the mountain erne.. ro-day.
Bears the - the Kid You Hate Always B11uj4
Moron of a number of invited guests. Tho the year iu Centralia, the annual
bride was assisted by her sister Miss strawberry festival being the event.
F.ariy Sunday morning. June 20th. Ruth Hudgins, while Mr. Harvey Everybody comes to Centralia on July
Whitfield, an old llodgins supported the groom. After 1st. as they are assured of a good
the spirit of John Whitfield,and well known resident fi Grey, took the ceremny and usual congratu4 time. The ladies have secured nbund-
lotions had been given, the wedding ac of strawberries and other cat-
hs flight.Her had only
hero ill nawe patrty sat down to a sumptuous re- Wes, while the committee in charge
week. pneumonia being the cause of r
death. Mr. \Whitfield was in his 81st To the bride the groom gave of the sports have arranged an et-
a substantial check, to the brides- tractive program, no that ev.•ry•body
year. rated a locket and to the groomsman. will be assured of a prize.
For any case of nervou.neas. sleep• n tieMr. and Mr::. Godbolt left Jlr. Andrew Mutt i- home from
on the evening train for Comber to Albert college. 11.11 vill.-. and having
spend their honeymoon. after which I comp:tt.a l his preparatory course, is
they will return to 31r. Godboli'.i going to Elintville as junior minister
fume just east of \v inchels I.
Mrs. Dave (;unluir.g is visiting with
friends in Detroit.
Nliss Mae I)eltridge left Wednesday
for London MAI other points to viait
31rs. T. Coward is visiting ft ends
in'1'bed(ord. serious accident on 'fitrsday. \Where
Misses Alice and Ell;t Het•t-yhill, of driving out of bis yard the buggy was
itannock. were the greets of .Minnie I itp•tt•t and he was thrown to the
Clements Solidity. ground. Ise was picked up in nn 011-
Mts. W. W. Kerr was in (:odet•ich (•on.ciai.r condition. 1)r. Orme was
Wednesday nttendiug the wedding of sent for. We are pleased to say that
Mise Ruth Wiggins, and for whom his injuries nee riot iike•ly to prove
she played the wendtog march. eerious. but he will feel the eaects
:lits. John Get: nett need giand(lrttigh of the fail for come time.
ter, Miss Kl:z Ilse (leaflet, of Hine- Mr. Thos. Willis' butter factory is
vale, ate vnitbig tie formet's sister, nearing completion and will be ready
Mrs. 11. Ftancie. for operntion in ti fc wdays.
31isrsEthel Gndbolt arrived panne on; The Dominion day celebration
Morality evening tram Tilbury where; promises to be one of the best yet
she has been leashing school for sev-; he'd. 'Ire different commit teem are
east years, It is rumored she will gire working, like beavers to get ready for
up teaching. 1 the crowds expeeetd. The sports
1)r. Watwick NI. Thompson and promise to be nn ntlr:action of the af-
Nirs. Ann .lane (sod bolt, the bitter be
ternomt and the concert to be held
We are reaping satisfied cul 'cameos, weak atom.tch, indigestion,
T , dytpepeia. t ry Carter's Lit t 1u Liver
t011lel'3, Natural, iStl L lI• pills. Relief is state. The only nerve
medicine in market.
'n w e sow star adverlishment in Lest •week Thoe. :Case aged 80
spiels. statins; the price for y,
('oat, 1'rouaerr, or whatever years. passed away nt the House of
tight suKgest, we include the Itefuge. His iricnd-4 at Sea forth
Verything in that s,tit. took charge of the body for burial.
est ('Inch, tLe beat'i.inimas, the Palpitation of the heart. nor-
ding'r, the best Thread etc, vousnesa, tremblings, nervous head-
. ache, cold hands anti feet, pain in the
As the best el' our ability in Cut -
'Milo( and Making, shouldn't
our tew•atdis ad. is sowed to reap you as one
tar customers. Witco you r:e•ed A
back and other forms of weakness
aro relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for tho blood nerves
The nasty friend., o: Charles NI. Mc-
Kinnon. of Athens, rt former teacher
Suit, (.nit Trousers
01' in the Collegittte• Clinton. has heatap-
' pointed Principal of the high School
`' CSL at Kincardine. Mr. McKinnon will
fill the bill alright.
let this ad. lead you to our shop where A tickling or dry cough can le-
e -
We can prove to you that tae live up to; lnickly loosened with Dr. Shooks
urn w'otd. i ('oterb Remedy. No opium, no chloro -
Lunn. nothing un_nfc or harsh. Sold
by W. S. hooey.
0n Sunday. .tune 20th, a resident
J. 11v[� . iIoltznlann e.f the Parr Line. Stanley. attempted
to blow daylight thro' him. owing to
(' 1' Etwro N. t,-co.nin;t despondent. The bullet
eels extracted and the patient is now int; a forint r resident of Winchelsea. ! to the ,•venlno will Rurpass any yet
•u Canton ilo.pital on a fair w;av to were united in nulrrioge \Vedne•sday, • held. The itnlian Orchestra. 31 r. •C.
of that circuit.
alias Gladys Essery i+ home from
Alma college to ;:pend her holidays.
hiss Lily Elliott returned Tuesday
from an extended visit with her
unc:r•. I)r. Elliott. Toronto.
11 r. Wm. Cave incl with a rather
r, covers. 'June Mit at the home of Mrs. (lodbolt J. ['ink and 31rs. lease, all of London
• Iled411111T, ('al. TI►e ceremony was! with Prof. (frown, of Clinton, ought
u n Caution
FRIT ARF. Muskoka,
OUTING l'elAlt med Iy Rey.. M. u. Brink. pats-: to furnish a prorrr:'tn to please the
Tourists tickets to e- for of the alighcxliet:Episcopal church I most instidious.
er, positively never poison Tour lungs. lfynotq� :nng'(n,. Lake of Barr, Georgian ilay
bn,lecohliu1l --sou should ;Ingo. River. etc., on sale
ys heel, soothe. ane ease the toe le loom � ,ta::y. 'I be fir Intl Trunk will con -
and was witnessed by a few of the itn•' '1•hr firs( bnseba11 gam • of the sea-
gh-even from a s t r g
tee.litc• friends nod relatives of the' Ron carts p':eyed on tit • recrealio>S
con at Ong patties. air. and .Mrs. gronnda on Monday evening. The
thlal tubus. ,on. DLud1y supper" -with t►e howapeee.thiegsi;'nue to h•• 1t.^ favorite tourist ,'rt. lupe m left on an extended trip to eonlest ons between the Centralia
aianapl:yecom about. Fortsmy Tears Dr. shoos e rn'1h'• tiumrner service stnrts .tune Alaska. Mrs (iodbolt is one of the Band leican or thteams homeboysa in a
goo on,tantly earned Teeple not to take cougb eat h. Full informntion from any - hest known mut pop:tlar holies of Red f 8 1• . e . by
Bluff and Dr. 1 botnpson is a gentle-; oto 1 it lade have had but
I ;little practise and were therefore not
in first -clues form.
•ilit•,res or Drescritttoru continuing Opium, t;: and Trunk Agent.
- Chloroform. or similar pol,ot•.!. And now -a tittle
late though -Congress says "Fut Hon the label •
11 poisons air in your lough Mixture." (malt
tory masa ! ! Nernatterforthisvcrrrmsonrnothers.
and others. should hoist on haying Dr. ShooD s
tatre•!s anlnonrinthe medicine. else t y 'll rust a Masonic excursion fol
!i0 FOR I. la la ERIE
cough turn.No Dotson marks on Dr.thee 's .. Winham lecdtt .\. F. 8c \. ll.
rune, r; r will
man of high rtanding.
Woodham Whalen
(I.1 \'•
law t.eonthe label. And it's not°soy safe. but IS fort Stanley on Weln.••dac. July 71h.
dnosdny of lest week the; 31r. and Mra. Harvey Split -es and
Is met to be by those that know ltbest, atrul to• t. f1. GI end 'Trunk and Pere 31st
tluttkablecough musty. Take no chance then, . na• nt of th t which well thervtc.-1 at \\ ester
. i of \\'oodhnrn stet in the base-, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. r:ey attended
Rat.w;a 3.. roc htanl. as the ' (leach. w is was we i anniv,•r=:iry se
reteomestengh or'. C Compare
tonily the r y I'll' d 1a'''l 'wit)). to Mr. Ihartictt.'c)11:rch on Sunday• i;hoov's('cltgh( ire. (bmDarocatefltny the 1•:ar.cl n. Western Ontario e 1 '•1r. nrid Mrs. John 11azlew•ood vis-
. shoot. mage with others and Here the' a ;yho ha e I a sncee sful pastorate i
pa n'.I ': l /swear lace to a enol a n, ;nit ::r•. Derive th • eveninc y.
(stento. \n De'a'n marks there! Ileo can �b�, rotalnrittel has grant r it I friends nt Kirkton on Sunda
ptoses be ontl.cvt!_ s°dobTderoatrii❑[ ''' 'I'' ;- 11 e0 0 , r arldr,•s• was re d by at '1r aatnuet Gtnnin[t is .....ter ea-
t r a good days nmasement. in- 1. r.. uhi:e Mr. John ![Doper ,., '• improvrmrnts to his burn'
..;•a':: excnr+ine:- on bloke Erie on ;r d the purse. h. rummer. All the neighbors nndl
Dr. hoops th, 1 n;ntinl Steel Steamer "Lnkc-
i aldol of C:evelnnd. Ohio. especial 'In ll r. and Mrs. Itart:eIt :- ft net, .nth red there one day and
Coca h Cure ! Iran 'este, Exeter at 9.15 A. 31. good 1► ar I r:-nd+ Go the
ore of yore in splitting and adding A I
for to , ea)+ and the return fare is .1 i•nrtetr' to anothrr field of labor urdny it wig jacked up and is now '
new piece to the centre. whit( on bat -
we the members of thje Woodham and
• ' 1a I l ryhndy cotne and enjoy a
d .Luys outinsr. Ker large bills ('t t 11 •thndist eh.irrh nrd eon -
for the cement block fonndt•
S. HOWEY i t fell t'c Lars Rrepr►tion feel that we could not let
tion. When finished i1 will b, one
a el par 1 u ..
W. A. Turnbull is visiting Ji -r
re:.^.tivc•. in Brantford.
3;r. \Vat. Stewart is building a
31rs. Thomas Itundle and Mr. Fred
Rundle are visiting friends down the
count ry.
31r. Peter Gardiner took a trip to
Many of the farmers have sold their
fat cattle realizing good prices.
The villagers have begun baying
and the scent of tho clover fills the
The baseball season will soon be
Mr. Douglas and wife attended the
funeral of his nunt in Stratford on
Sunday last,.
Rain has fallen to the north and
to the'oulh. to the east and to
west but Far:tuhar is dry.
The public school picnic sena ns
usual n. usccess.
\\'omen With talo co toeless faces
ho feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
are made for the blood. nerves and
FIShIEIt-[n 1 sborne Monday. June
-ath. to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey .Fish-
cr. a son.
HARRiS-At Fnrluher on Monday.
June 2`tth. to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Barris, n daughter.
FEAR -1n Amherstburg. Saturday.
June 26th. to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Fear. a sone
McTAVI SlI-in Shakespeare. Mon-
day. June 28th, to Mr. and Jirs. J.
llc'1'avish. a daughter.
110ilLEY-oDOt'1'E-At Kiri, ton, on
Wednesday. June 16th, Miss Flossie
Doupe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Il. E. Dottie.. to Mr. Oscar Mor-
ley of Whalen.
'CO('CII-DA\VSON-At the residence
of the bride's parents. Babylon
Line, Manley, on June 23rd, by
Itev. A. II, Brown, of Varna, Mary.
second 'youngest daughter of Mr.
and a31r.-. Henry Dawson. to I'ercy
'Conch, merchant. ('lin'on.
1IEATTIE-EltW IN- - the residence
of the bride'.. pun._ . Hayfield, on
June _ird. by Itev. W. L. Hiles, 11.
A.. Lenon 'Isabel, only daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Erwin, to
;tunes hose beatti'. G. T. Jt. and
Express agent at Trout Creek, Ont.
McLet(GIiI.IN - MASON - At the
home of the bride, Clinton. on June
2 ird. by ltev. Mr. Jolliffe. Miss
Lena Mason, of Clinton, to Mr. 1).
(i. 31. McLaughlin. of Aberdeen.
South Dakota.
hill. Wednesday June 3oth. Eva.
daughter of Rev. and .Mrs. W. God-
win to Rev. 11. J. McCormick.
JACQI'I;S-s1:ADElt- At Stratford.
Wednesday. June 23rd. Mr. Chas.
Jacques. formerly of Elituville, to
3liss Atnelin Seeder, of Gadshill.
Ila►y, Wednesday, lune 23rd, Miss
Clara Gellman to Mr. Daniel Iter -
ford. of Elkton. Mich.
1101'k1NS-GE It;EIt-ln tiny June
22nd. Miss Viola Geiger to Mr. J.
E. Hopkins. of tit. Thomas.
GoD110LT-110DGiNS-In ['sborne on
\Wednesday. June 30th. Annie L.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Hodgins. South Botindnrv. ('.:borne
to Mr. (leo. Godbolt. of Winchelsea.
alA1.LAl•-Illt:\KE-0;t Wednesday,
,lune 2'Ird. Mics Ada Drake, of
sent;:• 10 1)r. Malloy. of itond,•rlitt.
IIOWALD-•In Exeter Wednesday.
June 21rd. the infant son of Mr.
and Mra. E. A. llowa'.d. aged 11
tltont h-.
GOW it n .nn
NS -In I ha r
20th. Wilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Gowan. nged 16 years.
F'iTZGEtt \Lt) -At Granton. on Sat-
urday. ,June l9th, George i•'itzger-
a'd. aged 70 year,.
Bears the 1M Kin You Rao Cita SNP
tit atsre
ut to Pieces
We want 'to sell
(,fl our entire stock of trimmed and untrimmed
flats and will offer from now until the end of
the season at such prices that will snake them
move. Now is your last chance to get a hat
very cheap
Siebert & Co.
Hariletb Block.
THE IDA MIA 0I) • • t 1 V3 MILL. C(� , Lirtxltcd.
Have on Hand and for Sale CHEAP
Pine and Hemlock Lumber: Shingles, Laths, Posts, Sash, Doors, Frames
Flooring and Siding.
We sell the celebrated Paroid Roofing -None 13etter
All kinds of Factory work done to order for which our priers ate reasonable.
Just to hand, it large import order of 'WINDOW GLASS
which we will sell at very close priers.
Now is the time to order your I lay Racks and Water Troughs.
Call in and See us.
The Dashwood Planing Alill Co., Limited,
Dashwood, on,.
elf ich
i the balance of the outfit and their
next appearance will be watched
The Zurich band furnished the with a good deal of interest. The
music for -the (elan social given by collections amounted to over $1804
the Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Memor-I tt'hich is it credit to the town, as the
Sal church, bleeper last Thursday.
Band is to it.
Mr. McLeod, principal of our school' ll r. henry IIcC:inchy o[ the Gog.
was examiner at the Bayfield en-h�u Line Stanley. one of the oldest
trance examinations. last ;Neck. pioneers of that Township died on
Mrs. Gish:er and family are visiting Tuesday, June 22nd, after a share(
:riend. in Perlin.illness and bad reached the age of 8P1
Mrs. N. Hartung. Mrs. 11. Wesel- years on Sunday last. The funeral
oh and Ilia Kato (Cock attended the took place on Thursday afternoon.
funeral of alis. G, o. Seam!'at Logan The deceased leaves a widow's eight!
:asst "e•d,::•;day. sons and five daughters, besides nn-
Mr. 31. W. Ehees. of New York enemas relatives and friends.
occupied the pulpit of the Evan- - -' - --
genienl church last Sunday evening. O A 1ST •a7 5.3. TA .
It is reported that Mr. Alex. Me- the Y!1 d i''.0 Nate AlwalskV
Lend. principal of the public school deustee
has resigned and that Mr. Gordon. Bigna!nrei
who has taught at the 14th Con., of - L
for n number of years will succeed
hint. after the holidays. Mr. Mc-
Locd has been a conscientious and t
hardworking teacher. :Ind his suc-
cessor is also spoken of as to very
successful man in the profession. •
The members of the Jubilee Silver
band have rcc:'iv rI their new
forms. The cont i. a dark red trim-
med with navy b;aid. and cut in re-
gular military :ay !.• while 'the
Grousers .are 1 1y). n:th red stripe
down the legs. N:c • p: ak eaps match
those who suffer from Piles
Can now the agony, the burning.
hthing, shooting, stabbing pains
whh the ailment causes, and the
way ft wrecks the sufferer's life.
'Lanl-lhule i1 1.1. `t-1 1•y tl'ei sler,!*
who use1 t" wfte: fr.,rn 1.1e,, 1 ,t
whom it has tatnl. One tush grateful
person i4 Mr 4. 1::i:aheth "Taylor. of
firecttw on I .\veru, 'i'ot, r.to. :-)..
says : -" For four 1 mg ye.n 1 suffered
acutely from bleeding piles. During
that time 1 spent an immense amount of
moley on 'remedies' and doctor's pre.
sett/Bons but got no ease. Zam•liuk
was different to everything else I had
tried, and it cueed me. 1 am grateful
for the cure, and as i have never had
piles once since, 1 know the cure is
Another thackful woman is Mrs. F.
A. Gardiner, of Catalina, Trinity Bay.
$he says :-" in my case Zam•Ituk
effected a wonderful cure. For twelve
years I had been troubled with blind.
bleeding, ant protruding piles. s haul
been using various kinds of oin'ments,
etc., but never came across anything 10
dome goe.1 until 1 tried Zam•Buk, which
Cared me. That this may be the means
•of hclpi,g some sufferers from piles to
try 'lan1•Iluk, is the wish of one who
has foun 1 Feat relief." .
Zam-Bus it a purely herbal balm and
should be in every horns. Cures cute,
burns, bruises, eczema, ulcers, bloat•
poisoning, prairie itch, sunburn, blister+,
sore feet, summer sores, and all diseases
r All
o he skin. ad Injuries caries f t
L s er
• LC
Z, meets sts anal stores r YC OC.
('. Toronto, for
' ; -Pule � 7 r
tom/. m trice.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Detroit, neo
Miss Eyre, formerly of Chiseihluirst
were here on their wedding trip visit-
ing relatives and friends.
Mrs. Styles, of Rochester, is visit.
ing her relatives. 3Ir. and Mrs. 10,
A, Redmond.
Mr. Chas. Cook, of Chicago, is hero
attending a few weeks with his moth•1
cr, Mrs. II. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarrott re,
turned home last week from the west,
and intend again residing in our.
village. t
Mr. It. R. Caldwell. of British
Columbia, son of llr. William Cold..
swell, is here spending n month or so
with his parents.
N1 r. \\'m. Lamnaic':t two little
daughters are home from the instit-
ute at Brantford, spending summer
Mr. and Mrs. George Joyut were in
Lucknow last week attending , the
marriage of a niece of Mr. Joyut's.
nee are pleased to rico Mrs. Gcogrc
3I„ 1 on oeir streets again after her
Nil hart, who bold:;
a t:oo.t ; o.ition on the teaching staff
of a 1:ea r • college in Nett ton, Nortltl
Caroline i-' home for t he midsummer
\Walter lien;;ough is now improving
Mr. Robert Bullard is home from
the west after nn absence of nine
yea re.
Several 'of the Itensall Masonio
lodge attended divine acrvice with
the Exeter brethe•rit last Sunday
ntorni n:t.
Mrs. lkArthur and non, who have
been visiting relatives here. left Bat-
urday for their home in Barrie.
The Ladies' Aid of Carmel church
held their annual strawberry festival
on the church grounds Friday even-
in;t. The Zurich hand furnished tho
A hook on Rheumatism, by 1)r.
`;hoop. of Racine, Wis., tells soma`
plain truths. and in a plain and
practical way. Get this booklet. and
a free trial treatm nt of Dr. Shoop's
Itheionnlic Remedy for some disheart-
ened sufferer in your vicinity. Make
gr:tlefnl and appreciative friend of
• rtone who
ofthefnilure hobecause
of others tole 1phim.
Ile!( nae to make (his test, and 111
e•e•rtninly help your suffering friend.
S. S. No. 13 I f A Y
The following is report of standing
of tut till. of 8. S. No. 15 flay at enrt
of .June. Sr. iV. Rosetta Hider. (
rnbnll. Sr. 111. Vera Let ber. 1 .
I her. Chris. Reireling, Itoyy 8t: -
...lee Jr. 111. iteatrice Turnbull.
II.•ekeinnn. Fred Shvart, Willie 1'
Ethel Oliver. Sr, II. Rosas,
• Johnny Ii. ekmaren. Jr. .
1' , • Fischer. Adolph ICctlerl
II. \Ilius•' Fisher. L. onerd itch•
To,•de•r• Jr. l't. 11. Norman Fiedler,
Penrl Keller, Agnes Turnbull, Fergus
Ternh:ill. Sr. 1't. 1. 3fnnford Luth-
er. Edward K •il r Jr. Pt. 1. Flor-
one.. Turnbull.