HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-07-01, Page 1xeler
$I.00 per year in advance
Phone No. 32.
Hot Weather
This is the kind of weather we have been looking
for. Good, warm summer days. It makes us think of
the summer goods to keep us kool and ccmfortable.
Just what you want found here in abundance
White Muslins and Lawns
A nice White Dress of one of onr swell White Muslins will
be very nice for the warm days. • •
Good plain Muslins or Lawns from 10c to 35e per yard
Dainty Check or Crossbar Muslins from 15c to 35c per yd
Nice Fancy Striped Muslins from lOc to 25c per yard.
Also a nice line of colored Muslins from Sc up.
White Waists
We are showing a beautiful
range of the very smartest
waists we have ever shown.
Just the thing for this weath-
er. Prices $1 to $1
White Wear •.
This is a necessity you can-
not overlook. If you want ZZ
a good large selection this is i
the place to conte for your
Skirts, Gowns, Corset ('overs
or Drawers.
ease eIllSeess
A Big Silk Special _I
4 pieces only of the regular : in 50c Jap Taffeta Silk, IOc
yard, colors. cream, white, champagne and blue, ; 9q
Fancy and Black Parasols
You must have a nice Sunshade for the warm days to come.
If it is a teal Fancy one or a good Black we have a goad large
assortment to choose from. Froru 75c to $3.
We Doll't Forget the ocnts
Ilere is a List of Good Warm
Weather Comfortables
Fancy Shirts Balbriggan Underwear Fancy Sox
Soft Shirts, Open Mesh Underwear Fancy Ties
Fancy Vests Athletic Underwear Fancy Braces
Linen hats Straw fiats Crash (fats
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes:and wall paper.
Eyes Tiring Easily
Prove Eye Strain
Do not wait till Serious Trouble Develops
.dIave the strain removed l)V properly adjusted glasses. With
my method of test ing
1141:11.11.. ,► looking into the Eye
We can tell t'xactly the nature of the trouble and can give
,glasses that will relieve it.
We Recommend Glasses Only when Necessary
'1't'st Free
Issuer of 'slarri;iL(' 1,icrllseS
1P11('1 \\
--The Best Flour—
If it is the best flour von want there is but one place
in t awn to tg('t it that is from us. The ')rands are:
Jewell Royal Household
(Outs io Blended) ll)g{Ivie'-
(Lake of Woods) (Western ('anada Hour Mills)
i.eeve your orders or call up Thune 2.
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.
Promotion Exams.
June Weddings
11IG11 SCIIUUI. DEPARTMENT The marriage tout: place nt PAIL: -
FORM Il, hill on June 30th. of Eva, daughter
Promotion exminutions Form 11. of Rev. and Mrs. Win. Godwin, for-
t() form Ill. Honore, W. Monteith 78. ,nerly of Exeter, to ltev. 11. J. Mc -
Pass, J. Grassick 73, G. Nestle 71', Cormick. ‘vho for the past two years
L. Watson 70, V. Sweet 68, 1f, Jones has been stationed nt Malden, near
66, L. llern 61, T. '1'enbale 61, G. Antherxthure. Rev. and Mrs. Mc -
Ford 63, 11. 'frcibner 63, H. Carling Cortnick left on the evening train for
62, H. Dougall 62, N. Amy 00, C. Montreal. where they will .take pass-
Dunsford 60. ago for England to spend their honey -
,Mr. Musgrove. moon. ltev. McCormick has been
istntioned at Yarmouth Centre.
I•'ORN1 1. A yiiet but pretty wedding took
Examination fors Commercial Dip -
piece lest Wednesday morula; at
Iouta Honors, If. lope 85, F. hunter Christ church. Clinton, at 8.30 when
75. 1'ttsv, G. Bissett 70, U. Wood Miss Mary Edna Dennis. daughter of
1'). !leaver fi0. Form I. to Norm 11, M. and firs. theirs. Dennis, 28 Eliza- scnce of a large numb: r of relatives
Manors, C. Copeland 77, 11. flog- beth street, Chatham, was united inl and friends of the contracting par -
75. Pass, M. Poston 73, R. Dearing mnrtiage to Mr. Charles Merck field's most attractive girls, entered
7:3, 11. Fake 70, L. Stcacy 70, 0. Hoop- Wrenshall, manager of the Merchants the dining room leaning on the arm
Bank, of Tilbury. The .bride was
er 69, L. Sweet 69 W. Stewart 68 )' of her father while the beautiful
U. Atkinson 67, Cf. Passmore 67, L. given away by her father, and Itev. T. strains of the Wedding March were
Grieve 65, A. .Bissett 63, E. South S. Moyle rector of 'Chris[ Church. of- being piayed by Miss Floy Edwards.
cott 62, . Knight 62, L. Frayne 61, ficiated assisted by Rev. 1). W. 'Col- The bride looked most charming in a
It. Brandt 60, L. Boyle 60. Commer- fins, of Exeter. The couple were un- Semi -princess costume of cream silk
cin! Jr. S. Gillies 61, 11. Boyle 60. attended. eolinne cvsr cream taffeta and car -
A. M. Johnston. At 6 o'clock Wednesday morning. ried a bou;uet of roses and lily of the
June 23rd, Maggie, youngest daughter valley The young couple were un-
ItOOM IV. - of the late Peter Murray, Godericb, attended. After the ceremony, the
Jr. 1V. to Sr. IV. Honors, Greta became the bride of Linnaeus Gordon congratulation and good wishes, a
Bissett 81, Bert Gillies 78, Nelliss \\'arnock, of Brantford. The event. dainty wedding breakfast was served
Jones 78, Russell Balkwill 76, Pass, took place at the residence of Mr. after which the happy couple drove
Velma Easterbrook 72, James Wal- and Mrs. William Warnock, Albert to Goderich where they took the 2.40
ker 71, Fred McPherson 66, Viola street, and the bride was given away train for Toronto. Hamilton and Wel-
ltowe 60, Ariel Beverley 60, Flory Din- by her step -father, Mr. Warnock. land after which they proceed to
ney. Gordon i'enhale. No. on roll 33 The bride wore her travelling suit of • Trout Creek, where they will take up
'Average attendance 29. linen and a fuseau hat. She wasun- housekeeping. The bride's going -
C. Vosper. attended, and the event was •t very away costume was a tailor-made suit
ROOM V. quiet one. The happy couple left on of taupe with old rose bat.
the early train for their future home —
From Senior III to Junior 1V,— in Brantford. Locals
Eric llurdon, 87; Linden Harvey, 83
Francis Hill, 81; Muriel Jones, 81 ; The residence of Mr. and Mrs. ll.
Imo Sweet, 80; Oliver llodgert, 80; .Uowson of the Babylon Line, Stanley, Mrs. :tektites Walters is visiting in
Ethel Balkwill, 78; .Lo10 Taylor, 76 ; was the scene of a pretty but very De8roit.
Bruce Walker, 76; Reta Rowe75; quiet wedding on Wednesday of last
Mr. A. Hastings is spending the
Marion Blatchford, 73; Sidney 'Bee- week, when their second youngest 1st in London.
tor, 73; Maggie Case 72; Florence daughter, Miss Mary, became the
Rowe, 71; Blanche Quance, 69; G, bride of Mr. Percy L. Couch, a pro- Miss May Jewell is visiting vela -
68; LaBelle Handford, 68 ; i,E gressive merchant of Clinton. Only tires in London.
Harvey, 65; Ethel Day, 61; ;Thornton the immediate relatives of the con- Mrs. S. Sanders is spending the
Pear, 64; Maurice Senior, .63; liar- tracting parties witnessed the cere- holiday in London.
mony which was performed by the tiles. John Jarrott is laid up this
Rev. 'A. Ii. Brown, pastor of the
Varna circuit. The bride and groom
were unattended. The happy event
took place at high noon and after a
dainty wedding luncheon had been
partaken of, -Mr. and Mrs. Couch
drove to Brucefield and left by after -I
l.towecliffe, 63; Wilfrid Mack,Ei3, noon for a i4iort honeymoon trip to
Annie Dny, 62; Mussell Flynn, . 62; Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls.
Mabel Knott, 61; Oliver Davis, 60.At the family residence on high
J. Murray, Teacher. Street, 'Clinton. on Wednesday even-
: ing of last week Miss Lena Mason be-
ltOOM VI. carne the bride of D. G. M. McLaugh-
Fom Junior Third to Mid. Third "-i, of Aberdeen. S. I). At six
Honors, Marjorie Huston, 83; Alma o'clock as the wedding march was be -
Mack, 81; Pearl Jackson, 81 ; ',Her- ing played by Mrs. Ilonthron, of Hen-
ry Parsons, 80; Florence Wood, 79; mall, the bride leaning on the arm of
Fanny Bowey, 78; Marjorie Beldon, her 'brother, Mr. Thos. Mason en -
78 ; Edith Davis, 77 ; ('ass, Joseph tered the room and the happy couple
Craig, 72 ; Earl Cookson, 71 Silas stood under the wedding bell. Rev.
1t t�d i -
„ 6•,
Ina Delve, GS ; Joseph 1'cr- Mr. Jolli[fc, pastor of Wesley church
gusou, 66; Lulu !lusting 64; Jennie tied the wedding knot. The bride
Russell, 63. From Senior II to Jun- wore a dress of creast silk crepe-de-
ior I11, Marvin Vincent, 86; ,Lila chene trimmed with lace and satin
Zuefle, 85 ; Melville Gladman, 84; and carried a bou lust of carnations,
Allen Carter, 80; Gordon Ford, 77; little Etta Smith acted ns flower girl.
''ass, Bertha llorncy, 70; Dorothy After 'the ceremony the guests sat
White 69; Dorothy Kunz, 69 ; Dora down to a dainty tea. The presents
Moulden, 68.; Gerald Litton, 67 ; K. were costly and beautiful ; the
\Veidenhammer, 60; Amy John 60, groom's present to the flower girl
Hannah M. Kinsman, Teacher. was a pearl ring. The happy couple
left for their home in Aberdeen on
IIOO51 VII, Friday morning, the bride's travelling
From Itoom VII. to Room %1. Mil-
ton Kydd 81, .lack llurdon 80, Mar- suit being ladies grey cloth with hat geerite Pickard 77, Edna Johns 71 to match.
Mary Day 65, Cecil Dearing 60, .Grace
company of friends present, the wed-
ding party sat down to an elaborate
wedding supper ret on tables on the
lawn. Mr. uud Mrs. Herford will re-
side on a farm near Elkton, Mich.
One of the prettiest weddings of the
season took place on \Vednesday fore-
noon last week at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. George Erwin, of Clan
Gregor Square, Bayfield, when their
only daughter, Miss Lenna Isabel, be-
came the bride of Mr. James (toss
Beattie, Grand Trunk agent at Trout
Lake. The ceremony look place in
the •drawing room which was beauti-
fully decorated for the occasion with
flowers and ferns, and was performed
by the Rev. \V. L. Biles, I3, A., pastor
of the Methodist church, in the pre -
per Rivers, 62; .Edgar llorncy, 61 ;
Oscar Anderson, 60. From Junior III
to Senior III, 'Beatrice Ilodgert, .78;
Alberta Knight, 76; Olive McDonald,
74; Gladys Down, 72 ; Anna Bell, 171e
Jessie Brickwood, 69; Lillian Mar-
chand. 68; Etta Bowie, 61; May
Smallacombc, 61: Joe Follick, 63; H.
A happy event took place at the
Curling 59, Russel .Marshall 55. Jr. residence of Mr. John Geiger (lay, on
11. report for June Harold Boyle 85, the 22nd, of June, when their dough -
Vera Marshall 83, Priscilla (killing- ter Viola. was united in marriage to
wood 70. Wilfred Rendlc 69. No. on Mr. John E. Hopkins. of St. Thomas.
roll 55 average attendance 42 , Rev. C. C. Maass being the officiat-
1'. W. Howard. ing minister. The ceremony was per-
formed at 3.30 p. m.. under a beauti-
ful floral arch, erected in the garden.
Front room VIII. to room VI. R. The bride was dressed in white Ha -
Cornish (13, Mildred Ilnrdy 83, Drew lome silk. and carried a bouquet of
Knight 813, Herbert Hector 80, Millie bridal roses. The bridesmaid. Miss The manager of the bowling alleys
Walker- 79, Alice Taylor 79", . Violet Flossie Geiger wore a beautiful is offering three umbrellas for the
Welsh 75, Willie Jacobi 60, Lillie dress of pink silk. and carried a bou- best averages made in ten games
Walker 65. Class 11 to Class A. 1. -suet of pink carnations. Miss Ada during the month of July..
Easterbrook et. Alvin Cornish 82, i'assold served as flower girl and ringt The Epworth League of the Main
Willie Davis 79. Clifford Mallot 79, bearer, while the groom's sister play- street church purpose holding a lawn
Mary Morlock 70, Willie Brown 75, ed the Mendelsohn's wedding march.. social on the evening' pf Tuesday,
waiter Ilarness 73, Czar harness 7.2, The groom wits ably supported by Mr. July 13th. Particulars later.
Milton Bedford 72. Vern Sweet 70, harry McManus. of St. Thomas. Af-; Mrs. T. Penha'e. ivho has returned
Clarence Morley 70. Leon Palmer 69, ter the ceremony was finished and (from n pleasant visit with relatives
Leon Dearing 60. No. on roll 45 the newly tnnrried had received the in London. is visiting with hi r son.
average attendane-• 3i• congratulations of their numerous Al r. George Pcuhale, of Stephen.
sots M. V. Martin. friends a substantinl wedding dinner! The Parkhill Tennis Club will be
was partaken of. Numerous and eery here Friday to play the first match
The marriage took place on Wed- valuable presents showed ,the esteem of the season with the local players.
nesday. June 23rd, nt Stratford of in which the young people are held.• •The match twill be played on the Rec.
Amelia Header. of l:adshill to The hour' hom+ of the happy couple I tory grounds.
Mr. Chas. .Jacques, formerly of this , will be in St. Thomas'.
'The Silver medal donated by J1 r.
place. but now employed with Mr.
August Guhr. contractor, of Shakes-
peare. Mr. and Mrs. Jacques wen0
to Toronto to spend their honeymoon.
week with lumbago.
Mrs. Marchand and. two children
left Tuesday for Buffalo.
Beattie Martin. of London, was n
visitor in town yesterday.
Mr. Lyman Palmer visited in Lan -
during the past week.
Mrs. A. Hastings and slaughter
Lula, are visiting at Linwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Campbell are
visiting their daughter in Hamilton
Mr. herb. I'hillips has returned
home from Belleville College for va-
Mr. and Mrs. Glanville and children
spent Sunday with the former's
Mr. T. E. Ilnndford last week ship-
ped two -cur -load of horses to the
Winnipeg fair.
Mrs. Chesney and two children, of
Winnipeg are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
0. A. McLeod.
Mr.T. Dearing. who sufferedred from
a stroke of paralysis hist week, is
greatly improved.
Say 1 has your chum , cave -rat
\Vhy don't you get one, *.!.00 up at
Ilowey's Drugstorf. . •
Mrs. .1. H. Scott and two children
left yesterday to spend n couple of
weeks in Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott visited
lest week with Mrs. .loon Ogden,
Whalen. and Mrs. S. Parkinson.
Frank (:night. jr., left last week
to take a position as brakeman on
the C. .P 1t. running out of London:
We were yesterday shown a sample
of the first peas of the season. They
were grown by Mr. Thos. &male, of
Tbc beautiful residence of Mr. and T. E. Ilnndford for the 100 -yard ama-
Mrs. John Gnllrnan. loth Con.. !lay , tour Championship of Western On -
was the scene of one of the prettiest . tarso, is on exhibition in Mr. H. i'it-
weddings of the season. \Vednesday ton's show window. This rnedal is to
afternoon. lune 23rd. when their be won at the Y. M. C. A. Field
daughter. Miss Until, was married to Sports. July Oth.
man S Crashed Rose \tr. Daniel Herford. of Elkton. Mich.---�---
\t the hour. to the strains of the' DOMINION DAY. 1909
i1 i wedding march, payed by Miss Car-
ie Gellman, sister of the bride. the All hail I n 1 hail! Canadians.
`/ eddini; party took their ,Mand on On this onr natal day.
Violet rhe lawn beneath an arch of beauti- dlrty Cie eta still Proffer,
i 11 ferns entwined wi th flowers.' 1. shat es. nigh and pray.
The bride !coked exceedingly hand- We are no sluggard nation
'Talctli� -orae in a white silk mescaline trim- Ilnt ruing to the fore;
used with Val. lace and satin ribbon Then ht us celcbrole this day.
,iud carred n bouquet of roses and As never yet before..
carnations. Miss Diana Itickbeil, cons-'
Powders ,•in of Arc bride. attired in cream silk in all athletic contests
rnu;l. tr.mmed Stith beb-• Irish Ince Our sons me in th, ran:
and satin ribbon assisted the bride. in schoo's. itt brinks. in shooting
White 1u•''ink 2.:e. each. Mr. Alfred Grill man, brother of the 1Ve'r' with 1 hem than for ma n.
bride. supported the groom. Rev. A. ' Then let us wore tier flag to -day
D. Gish'er pronounced the solemn A nd shout with might and main,
words which bound together thee. May God bees ser Dominion.
two young lives. After the ceremony And our good nnrn• maintain.
end the eon,^,rattilntions of the large N. D. H.
.1. \\illi. Powell Manager.
Remember the Y. M.C.A. Field Day, July 9
SPECIAL FEATURES:=Silver Medal for 100 -yard Amateur
Championship;Relay Race for one and a half miles,
On Agricultural Grounds, Exeter. Starts (,:30 h.:,). ,harp I; anal 10 eta. `ice Iiil;s. I-1•:nt alis it
Lawn Mowers frons $4.00 to $5.50
Lawn Rakes, Grass Shears and Hedge Shears
Gold Medal Ilay Fork Rope 14c lb.
Sling Rope and Pulley Hoist Rcpe 11 to 14c lb,
Tinsmithing and Plumbing
Of every description
Eavetroughing and Furnaces — Ask for prices
Coal Oil Stoves • • • • 75C to $7.50
Gasoline Stoves 4.00 to 7.00
Gasoline, per gal .. , . • • 25c
I lammocks . , , . , , , , 3.00 to 4.5o
Screen Doors , , . , 100 to 1 75 complete
Screen Windows . , .... 20 t0 45c
Baseball and Fishing Supplies
ruce's Seeds
One trial will convince you that there is none better than
Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables
and Field Roots.
We ate offering splendid value in:—
Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff
Baskets, Lanterns Etc.
Do von want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a
customer. We've promised you satisfaction—promised you
thatstyle, lit and price will please you—we'll keep our promise.
Our bst u s. are satisfied customers Conte hero for your next
Suit or Overcoat.
We Can Suit You
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontarfc
In a Nut Shell
we want you to c4111 anti insert t our tip -to -date stock of
Beds, Chairs, Chiffoniers,
Sideboards, Etc
This is the season of the year when you are going
Anel we have some of the dandiest
for just such occasions. No use taking old beds and a load
of straw fol bedding purposes Cots are better in ('very
way. And then they are
:1111 (0111P in 11:ln(ly ;tt ;11I 11l11('�.
Special attention given to repairing and i'pholstering
The i.ending H1 me 1'ntnishets 81111 Finite r,l itir.•t torr.
Crediton Flour Mills
We have to offer goo(' White Shorts also Ilran
and Feed in ton lots
'ltOItS at a;'?i, 1l('1' to11
iil'au 8t .... $.25 p('1' ton
Family Flour $3.25 per 1(I0 11)5
Ontario Flom• :; uu !HT 1 (l 11.s
Special reduction on large lv,t s.
(•Itf:t►ITON PAW('