HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-24, Page 8t :x1 c. S JUNE 24th 1t0, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 6+++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++4 S'FEWART'S PHONE 16 SPECIALS For the Not Days For Ladies Trimmed Hats, regular values three to six dollars. All this seasons patterns and stork hats. Ite- 1s9 member the early buyer gets the choice. There are some real beauties in the lot. I 10 the yd. for your choice of any colored Dress Muslin in our shop. About forty pieces to choose from. Kei;u- 6. lar values up to'23c. All this seasons new Dress Muse lies reduced to the low price of 10c. Again we say he early. 2 Another lucky strike. \Ve have just secured :another frit- hit of Ladies Black and Tan Hose, plain and ribbed some 2S very slightly imperfect and others perfect., regular val- ues 20 and 2:w. the pair. (Tome and take your choice, Pail's for a quarter. J.95 latdies' Tailor -blade Linen Skirts, extra value made from pure linen, strapped with blue, white and self y, strapping and finished with fancy buttons. See thein.fi nt For Ladies' Black and Colored Regal Taffetta iJn- derskirts, trade from English cloth; the nearest ap- proach to pure silk we have ever seen. Looks ae t good as silk, has the pure silk rustle and wears bet- a ter than silk. You'll want one. + + .+ For Gent's Unlined Tweed Suit, dandy for warm R ii�� days. They come in grey and fancy green effects.*{ eV O If you want comfort and value get in one of these nobby Suits. It F I..F. Ladies' Fancy Parasols, White.'''ascan, Create and 1..F; Breeden effects, with brass frames and natural handles. 1.S0 The daintiest lot of parasols we have seen for some 3 2.00 time, Foi solid comfort in Men's Underwear, Linen colored spring needle Balbriggan and open mesh natural 5 oc p g RR 1 [t... shades- Keep (Tool -Wear our cool underwear and a king Hat. i.. 4. . Stores Close Sharp at, 0.30 except + Wednesday and Saturday. J. A. STEWART +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++'++++++++++++++++d• Bargains for Ladies We arc showing some good values this week in fancy Voles in Blue, Brown, Linen and Black. Also some very fir's goods in Eolienncs in different colors;'swell for sum- mer dress: s See our Back Combs and Barretts, all colors c styles Goods for lien White Vests in the newest style, Straw Hats, Boots, Tics, Shirts, Braces, Cuff -Links, Collars and Fancy hose, all up -to date goods and prices arc right. Best Fresh Groceries always:in Steck R. N. ROWE One door north P. U. I lions 2: THE BEAUTY BEHIND n suit tailored by us may not all be I risible. but it is there just the sauce. 1t is hidden in the interlining. the seams. the modeling. IF WE MAKE YOUR SPRING SUIT don't expect it to wear ,ileo an or- dinary one. it will not. It will wear Fo long you'll get tired of .it. even though it retains its style and shape- liness richt along. W. W. TAMAN Mere:,,n;t Tailor. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. IIItICiC 11Ol'8E AND SIX ACRES OF LAND IN USBORNE. The North -F net corner of 1.ot 1't. Concession 6, t'sborne, the property of th late Israel Harriet. The house is one and one-half stories high and contains six rooms. kitchen and wood - .b. d. 1 herr is n frame barn about 2u by 10. hard and ',oft water, and ntoet one ace+ of good fruit trees. The soil is n good clay. The lot is fDsstly seeded oait and is well («need dad drained. Apply to GI.AI)MAN & 8TA\lil'RY, Exeter. ' Solicitors (or the Executor. dtroouLo HAIR DRESSING PARLORS fit Nasting's Old Stand First Class equipment throughout and with careful conscientious work we guarantee sat- isfaction to all custom- ers. IYour Patronage is Respectfully Solicited A. I. PENPRASE W. D. BURKEsomusummind 1 Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls promptly ;attended to. Horses kelt in stock for sal('. WM. ARNOLD Market Report. -The following is i Five second hand %%heels for sale. Times Want Column the report of Exeter markets, Cor- .1ui,u 1'riebeer. r. &ted up to Jeri • eith. \\-heat. s1.3 Oats 53e. Barley 57c. Teas 80c. Bran $21. Shorts $25. The married and ring:e urea of the Star Flout $3.25. towe bad an interesting game of foot - Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. ball Monday evening. resulting in .\Is'ke $9.00 III 11. '2-2. Although the benediet- Clover. $6.75 ,have nut played the game fur tseweral 'Timothy, $2.75 ;?ears. they showed the young chaps Alfalfa. $12,00 that they had not fortotte,t scow. Butter, 17e. :dr. \V01. \Vestcolt and Mrs. filch - Eggs 17c. ire Coates returned last week from ilay$7.50 to $8.50. Douglas, .Unit.. where they were (fogs. liveweight, $7.55. called owiug to the serious illness of Hogs. dressed $8.50 to S:400. Mr. .lames \Vestcott. Mr. Westcott, Coal, $7.25 a ton. we are pleased to state. has since Potatoes '75 to 90 cents taken a turn for the better and is now out of danger. ,lore is ct specie: offer. The Times and family lleratd and Week-IDIt1?seereae1NG ale i'ILENTice ly Star for the balance,of 1909 for \1 ANTED -Apply to Miss Torn over only i5 cents. This rate is for sub- \', t:>uu Itros, store, scriptions in Canada only. "The Mensal! Flouring Mills have ••••••••••••�••••••••••••� on hand a large quantity of Feed, LOCALS • :u,d will supply you with . rt at • •22.OU and Shorts at j230 0per • • tun: t•ecure your requirements while •••••••d N•••••• the , apply lasts. 11 you %vent good bread use our +•1-+++++++++++++++++++++++ '•'auw Drift Family Flour". The Times till Jati, 1910 for Fifty Cents. Tell your Neighbors about it, ++++++++++i -+++•h+++++++++++ Monday- was the longest day of the year. air. \Van. drill, of 'Toronto. is visit- ing his parents. Miss Maria Seldon, of 'Ingersoll. spent Sunday in town. The high school entrance• t x nations commenced yesterday. Miss K. llcFtuil was in Ieaforth last week visiting her father. • Mr. and Mrs. ;Clifford Spackman ex- pect to Leave next week for Guelph. Next Sunday ltev. Going will preach his farewell sermon in the Junes St. church. Rev. S. F. Sharpe, of Alliston, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Mr. James Airth has been Laid up for the past while with en abscess on the right aide of his face. Spray your fruit .trees early. Bor- deaux Mixture. Ilellebore etnd Paris Green. 'llowey's Drug Store. Mrs. Powell and Miss Cora let yesterday to spend the holiday sett - eon at their cottage at the ,lend. Miss Lillie McInnis. of Osnabrook, N. D., and a former resident of Exeter. is visiting friends in town. Mr. Will Knight is expected home this week from Ontario, Calif., where he bas been visiting his grandmother. The members of the Exeter Masonic lodge will attend service at Trivitt Memorial chlurch next Sunday morn- ing. Blythe, the wife murderer. who was to have been hanged last Thurs- day, has been reprieved until Octob- er 1st. '•irs. F. W. Gladman and two children, who spent several weeks in 1' •terboro, returned home Monday evening. Several of the Exeter Masonic lodge went to Lucan last Sunday to at- tend divine service with the brethc•rn of that village. Mesdames F. Wood, C. 11. Snell Chile. Blooper attended the Women's M'ssioi:dry Convention held at St. Marys last week. Any person wishing Buck -wheat for seed can get same at the grist trill. Wheat, Oats and 1}arley wanted at the mill. HARVEY BROS. CLOSING NOTICE. Drs. Kinsman and Itoulstott wish to inform the pub- lic that during July and August their offices will be closed every \Vednes- day nfterncon from 12.30 o'clock. Mr. Robs, Dinney, who leased the •',:.:,;i t.enti earl: ha' transferred the lease to Messrs. Ilolt and Tiede - man, or Grand Bend. Mr. Dinney and (antiie have moved beck to Exeter. Mr. 'Thos. Dearing while working in his garden Monday. suffered. o paralytic stroke and et present is in a 1.erions condition. Mr. Dearing is 81 years of age. Hon. W. L. D1. King. the new Min- ister of Labor, was elected by accla- mation on Monday to represent the riding of North Waterloo in the 1)o- tninivn parliament. The date of the lawn party to be given by the Ladies' Guild of the 'Trivitt Memorial church has been changed from Friday evening next to this Thursday evening. \1r. Albert Penwarden has been laid up for several weeks owing to nervous trouble. Although not con- fined to bis bed, he is unable to per- furn: tie regular routine of (loin work. The annual picnic of the Thames (load school will be held in Ilenkin's grove on Saturday. next. This is the picnic of 'the year. eo don't fail to be there. Lots of fun and amusements for everyone. The wife and daughter of Win. Brown, orL:anist of the \Veddt•y church Clinton. 411.1 formerly organist of Trivitt Memorial church here, have errived in Clinton. where they will Linke their future home. Mrs. Graham and daughter Miss Nina. of Ileinilton. are the guest., of Mr. A. R. Graham of the Rank of Commerce. Miss Graham was taken suddenly ill last Friday. but ber con- dition now is greatly improved. Co. F. 33rd 'Huron regiment ar- rived home Batmrday morning after rt 11 days' drill at the London camp. The boys made an excellent appear - mice on their return home and evi- dently enjoyed the outing. About F'xty member• of Exeter lodge 1. 0. 1'. attended service in a body nt James Street Methodist church last Sunday morning. when the pastor, Rev. A. 11. Going deliver- ed an nppropr:ate Fermon. 50C. Exeterites were .given a splendid opportunity to nee the partial eclipse of the sone which took place before sunset Inst. 'Thursday evening. After a day of cloud and rain the sky clear- ed oft and the sun went dost -n in the traditional blaze of glory. The eclip- se was so marked as to be visible without the aid of smoked glass. The Y. M. C. A. football team ad- ministered a defeat to a team se- lected from the best players front) COOPERAGE WORK -Tubs, pails, the townships on friday evening last. At •hu:f time the score was 3-1 in favor of the locals, and during the Iast half the playing of both sides was so equal that neither one could secure a goal. The Inst time these TF.AOIIF.R.WANTED tato tennis met the game resulted in Experienced teacher for H. S. No. it %tic. 10, Osborne. duties to begin after A couple ofthe summer holidays. Apply, stating I gentlemen hada live- salary. to J. T. Morgan. (lay T.O. Iy experience Sunday afternoon while driving near the power house. A DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - large automobile had passed them, and the horse becoming frightened. the driver undertook to use the whip a. little too •freely, when the animal, kicked over the shaft and fell over on the boulevard. The only damage done was a broken shaft, but the young mens' nerves were shaken up considerably. "Chief Bissett had a tussle with (ramp. who gives his name as Frank (3. James. on Monday. James had been around town for several days, and Mr. Bissett being suspicious of him asked hint what he was carrying in his package. James refused to show up and as would not go with the Chief the bracelets were placed on him. He was taken before Magistrate Kay. on a charge of vagrancy and in default of payment of a fine of $1 will spend the next ten days with Sheriff Reynolds at Goderich. Pure l'aris Gre. a 25 cents a pound .i Cole's Drug Store. Costs no more to get the best. GIRL WANTED -For July and Au- gust to go to brand Bend. Apply - by letter to Mrs. !•Towel,, Exeter. NOTICE As 1 intend leaving July .1st, for the west, all accounts owing me must be paid on or before that date; other- wise they will be placed for collec- tion. ARTHUR D. DAVIS. ele05I ANS' INSTITUTE A special meeting of the Wo - mans' ,Institute is called un Friday, ,lune 25th, at 3 o'clock in Senior', Hall. All members are requested to i.e present and those wishing to join the Institute. Mrs. Cobbledick. Pres. WOOD 'FOR SALE. -We are now -prepared to deliver to any part of the town first class elm slabs. All orders promptly attended to. It. GILLIES, iIOUSE TO RENT. -On Thames 'load, good comfortable frame house, nine rooms. hard and soft water. . Apply to Itobt. McDonald, Thames itond P. 0. etc.. repaired. Will call for goods and return when repaired. Drop a card and I will call. El). 11EIDE- man. Sanders St.. Exeter. geon, will be at the Commercial Hotel. IIours 9.30 a. m. to 4.80 p. m Glasses properlyfitted and die - eases of eve car and nose treated. Next visit. Monday June 14. FARM FOR SALE Lot 3, concession 0, township of }lay, containing 100 acres. On this property there is a two storey brick cottage, large bank barn, with shed and cement pig pen under. Two acres orchard, good supply of water, 8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma- ple, convenient to church, school and market. This is a beautiful home. • Nearly all seeded down, will sell reasonable. Possession given thi' fall. Apply to JOHN BRODERICK, on premises or the Sarepta P. 0. An equine belonging to an Indian Auction Sale caused a commotion on Main Street Saturday evening. The animal, which FARM FOR SALE -Lot 16, Con. 14 has seen better days but of late bas township of llibbert, containing 100 seen very little horse feed, could acres. On this property there is a not negotiate one of the crossing and good brick dwelling, large bank barn, stumbling fell. The old beast frame horse stable and implement thought the pavement a bed of roses house and pig and hen house. Good and refused to get up, or couldn't. young orchard; never failing supply So thin and emaciated teas it that of water; 95 acres cleared, the bal- many wanted to have it shot on the ante in hardwood bush. This is p spot. but out of sympathy ,for tho beautiful home. situated well for aborigine, the animal was raised to school. church and market. It is in its feet and its owner allowed to de- first class state of cultivation. Poe - part on the 1st of November, 190'!. A Reactionary Storni Period is Will be sold by public auction on central on the 26th, 27th and 28th. the day of .1 uly at 4 o'clock p.m. Look for ;oft barometer promptly on I on 1911(13' ore►nises. No reserve. For the 2Ctb. attended by sudden and, terms and particulars apply to Law - sewer, thunder gusts. These storms, rence Fulton. proprietor, on the prem- ttill pass a the 2 dly over the coon- lea. or to Thos. Cameron, Anetioncer try during the 26th. 27th and 28th. being characterized by the peculiar local phenomena common to June sol- IC Itl''VE GOT etice storms. All of the storms in TO EAT .lune, especially from the middle to the close of the month. trill bring In the treatment of all pulmonary. inane local surprises by sudden turns wasting or nervous diseases the ex- tinct their directions, often whirling I,crienccd physician will say "food, s: ewteedel or backward in their courses good food and lots of it". But you nud deluging picnickers from one must have the appetite. When you're !coked. for dirrctiont• There i. cause taking for this in Earth's solstice, or turn- ir:g, point in its orbit. BRICK'S TASTELESS - COI) LIVER 01I. Mr. Charles Garfield Birchen:rtt. of Stanor, Sask.. and who teas a resident of Exeter for a short time n few years ago. was tnarried on Wednes- day. June 23rd. to Miss Ewa Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel . 1:: r: r,rt: Ont. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Duncan Buchanan. of Jarvis. Th.• young couple will spend a portion of (heir honeymoon with relatives in Exeter. TETE OLD RELIABLE We are still doing business at the old stand. Drop in and see us and we will do you good. We are showing a full line in Ladies and Childs Summer Underwear in long and short sleeves and no sleeves, in all bites from 0,0 to o's and in prices to suit every person from 5c up to i,Jcel b. 4 MENS AND BOYS UNDER EA In full suit. The well-known Merno brand at 50c and the Bal- briggan at 'tit and .3d0c. LADIES PARASOLS 'tibiae!, twill ingrain cover with fancy handle. prices $1.00, $1.23 and $1.50; also it vet y tine line of silk and linen Parasols with fancy handles, prices $2.23, $2.75 and $3.l10 SPECIAL 3 Doz. Men's Fine Print Shirts In fancy stripe, all sizes, from 14 to 17, regular 49e 75, 9oc and $1.00. Sale price for this week • Produce- Butter 17c; Eggs 1Sc. trade, 17c. cash, subject to change. CARLINC BROS. We epair flJflliOrdOc Pidilos All kinds of Boots and Shoes for you CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. \VI1EN YOU 'ROLL THE DOUGH made from our flour you will find it just right. You'll feel instinctively that you pre going to have good luck with your baking, and you will be right•. '1'I(E WOMAN \V1IO ,'SES OUR FLOUR always has good luck. Even an or- dinary baker gets splendid results. The fine baker produces better bread, cake and pies than she ever did be- fore. Order a Fack of our flour as nn experiment.. We know you will like it better than :any other you have ever tried. HARVEY BROS. The Haying Season is Here. And yon will need it ,pay fork. I have the .•igency for Beatty Bros., Fergus, round rod track. you simply must rent for your tip - Satisfaction guar- petiti comes back calling for food., anteed and prices and the "building ups' flesh prodre- right. iii proceee has begun. Take it re- gular13-)t:n'll hies, the day yon Iltl\'(' capable man to i1:5titll started. i I Ilene All Druggists. A meeting of the Bridge CouirnitteelYI1iPhu].VV . 1 . Exeter Monday. The committee drove Pone of the County Council teas held in Y. S. SHowey, ]. B ,- one 51. out and examined the bridge crossing Chemist and Opt •n the Bauble on the boundary between EXETER- ONTARIO. Hay and Stephen. The bridge is in -- -- poor condition and n new one i9 likely to be constructed. Other mat- ters %%ere attended to by the com- mittee while here. 11111 Nye had the tru.h veli told twit •n he said: "A men niay use it wart on the back of his neck for a collar button: ride on the brick coach of a railroad train to save the in- terest on hie money till the conductor gets around: stop his watch et night SE,\I.1{U TENDERS t►ddntted to to <ave wear a nd tear: haws th.• "i" the I't. %male General, will he re - or "t" r the csavek n friend'. grave to save day, the 16th July, 1909 for the con - corn. bet a ,ran of this sort is a d ynnce of this Majestry's Mniis, on a gentleman and a scholar compared proposed contract for four years, six to the fellow that will take a new.- tim.,s per week (each nay.3. brte;(en Songs paper two. three or more year% and and Music never before (1 -- when naked to pay for itputs it buck 1' ''ter and fit. Mary's from the 1st i ` (,f Aunusl peel. Printed notices con- feted in Record fort:] can now in the office and has it marked "re- i:tining further information as to bc had in Ldtsott 1\mherol fir•.•d." And the business ►nnm or .editions of proposed contract may (bit fnmi,y that depend, on a neigh ,ten and blank forms of tender Records bur, trlrphon i� in the gam.- ela•�. ;,,;ty be obtained nt the Post Office of Alii etol liecetds play twice a. Jerez -----M i...eter. St. Mary's nod route offices as `tt;U(Lnd Edison Records and lime - [MONO is o Neoriny Bumpthe office of the. Post Office er than any other recorder on the rine• '. • • ( tar nt London. keg. The new (?,limn i'honogtaaht G. C. ANDER90N We arc Showing ploy beth Statel.ttt: [einopm ` Q IIh( I' Superintendent. and Antl.erol Record. Ni, other talk- o Pie is Solubrioos l'o.t Office Department. Mai! Ser- ing machine will play the Amberol u e'er Iirnneh. Ottawa, 1st .lune. itecortl. Ask or write for catalogue. Lemon Eta vor le in advance of most Ptu't. Newest creations. in i'ost ears% Isere MAIL CONTRACT Gillespie. Exeter. Pottmnstere hive rrc,•ivod from every (,'her kind if yeti get the hest. Centraila i Largest nstnrtment of local views in the 1 . O. lh•pt. a warning to the To h:.v.• the hest yeti beet iter Putney town. 3 for tc, pub!ie that any enclosuire of writing Ft,.tvoirretr Bavaria it cornea,. no al- ani I' Aid Concert -Never mind 111 any package of third oI fourth (.01141141r color, it is Imre, it c..••te lac. ('rand Rend or Buffalo (fill. Spend E(� 3 ` c'rt•e matters renders the sender li- and with each jar tae give you a re our money for a good canto. T11 E PURITY ah'e to a fine o. from ten 10 furry cetpe form showing how to nuke I,en.• boobs mart bring your beta ptirl or dollnr.. Hardt• and iw ntpn(%Tile In h(nr th,• Ita!i 1n orcheart, t t• %% Ohs Pup sell Manager. pe %vihonr using \Ir. C. ,1. ''ink. tenor leoloitt. Mrt. Campbea't Vnrn:•h Steins sr• th he fruit. Von fart fink.• at pi• in ane• (ante. .on nn. render n:to Prof. original and only rear Ifni -nisi) Stain• Nal the time. Yntr can &`gest it Mown- necornpanist and piano eo:o- Pains of %(-omen. head pain!, or any ever offered to hon•••keee. rs. The eater and it costs yoe Its%. Try one work like colored varnish. prodnc- AI' and see for yourself. Sold only et it t nodef th • alepicee of ladies' Aid pain stopped in 20 minutes %sur(•. with mgr henuti[ul effects without ohscnr- fiocirty. Centralia. ,July let. 19119. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See ing the grain of natural hoods. W. T 111 PURITY i Doors open at 8 o'clock. p. m. Tiek,,ts full formula on 25c. Box. Sold by (W. J. penman ,•tile this line. � 23 rind 15 cents.. Everybody welcome. 8. Howey. lire a Pleasure to their Owners. We have sold and are selling a great many high class pianos and our nuns erous satisfied customers is the strong est guarantee of this assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that the best Piano makers produce and our prices are right. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and in some cases trashy goods at big prices. Call and see Us and pe convinced that what we sa we live up to. S. Martin & son Fall Term Opens August 30. Our graduates are assisted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to eater at the beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. Clinton Business College Geo. Spotton, Principal. Here's Good News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following prices (no trade, and no truck) all cash. Rags 73 c, per hundred iron from 04)c tr. 73t-. per bun. ()Id rubber boots & shoes ('oape•r and brass 9c. per 11.)rse hair :30e. per lb. Lead and zinc 1/2c. per lb tiring your goods here i the worth of your mo A great variety (•f IRON PIPE always on hand at a rode sortable price, suitable for fence poste, bracing bciilesarding. M. Jackson & sons The Leading School ~STf3ATroiio. ONT.G‹ (`nurses are peach teachers experienced u graduates capable of fillit eponsible positions. %Ye at reiving !%,nese eppdieatirtiaG ,r • office help. During a single day This week we received seven ap- plications for office beta and four for commercial teacher%. Oiir graduates succeed ns none others. 'Three departments. Co>t>tt•:u. t.tt.. Snnitr ta`;ia TEt.txttt.tpnv • Catalogue free. ELLIOTT It %ICI,A('11LAN, PrI i it'll Is. *•••'t'••••••••••••••••••••• P11 ARE FOR y'.t MME.It OUTING Tour r• tickets to M:skoka. 'le- mag- .ti. Lake of hays, Georgian Itny, Mng .etawan River. ete., on .Ile dpi:. The Grind Trink will con - liner In be the favorite to•irist rontt. Sumrn r eerser., r'tnrtt .lune 2tith. F ill informntion from any Gran•I Think Agent. t