HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-24, Page 5HE �;XETER TIMES, ,J1'\'1':Nth 1t9o9 CREDITON NEWS OWNS CRDITON Crediton �CORN Eg ec��l colt.Elt -_ E1M' O N p STORE Strawberry Suciat and Grind Lu - Summer tcrtuinuu•at in the Crediton .Miltso Prune Sale of GO��Sdial Church, L'riduy, June 15th. Re- o'clock served from 6 i to 8.15 We are offering a line of these goods just when you need [hent. Not uctock followed by an entertainment until after the summer season when they are not needed. %Ve have in the church. Mr. fink, of London. placed on our counters two piles of White Muslins, Colored Mullins, Ging- will sing• Misses Banes, Clark and Sun - and Erna Braun S. n hams and piques, regular 15c to 2ctc per yard, now lPc and 1'2Sc-A SNAP. I?ssta)- .vitt recite. Addresses ex- pected from Revs. Butt, Bean and 1 I WASH FABRICS Steadman. Adults 25e•, 'Children 15e. We have been selling many lines such as Striped GinghaAlr• •utd M". S• Linens Gala• visited [exerts at S. LIr un over Sthemteae, Directoire Pique, Crinkle cloth. etc. Manyhave been completely sold Mr. Arthur Boltzmann arrived out and replaced and now most of theare down to remnants. Thosewho day. dame on friday niter attending the 1.1 have yet to purchase any of these goods would do well by acting routptl , price 14e, t,o 23c. Have a nice line of white goods that include a wide choice college at Naperville. in weave goods from Sc. to 60c. Mr. 11. llaist and Mr. Frazer Braun spent Sunday in Dashwood. Miss Theo. llartleib spent Sunday at her home in Dashwood. Ibliss Lizzie Wolfe was in town on Suuday visiting her parents. Alis Luella Stahl was in Exeter This season has been 1 tate dtty last week. Lemur Bargains in Black Silks We have just receiv- ed two pieces of Black Taffeta, 1 yard wide, very soft, good black, guaranteed not to cut, and is highly recom- mended for wear. Is not loaded with lead and at a price lower than anything you ever saw. Come in and see it. Suitable for the stylish black silk coats and dresses. Price $1 and $1.25; one 19 in. at bOc. Window Shades and Curtains Received another lot of fancy net 30 in. wide bordered both sides, newest designs, also plainer ones from lite to 20c. per yard. Big range of Lice Curtains 23c to $4.00) per pair. Carpets and Linoteums an exceptionally Food Edwardsd back one in this line. Hatt a[ to repeat our orders On 1 both and :his week re • - ceived another ship- ment. Expect more beautiful Tapestry rugs in different sizes in a few days. For Men and Boys SUITS -1n this line we have a complete range showing a nice lot of two piece Summer Suits at right prices. Hats, in Felts and Straws, Shirts, Ties, Collars. Fancy Vests, Socks, Underwear. Handkerchiefs, etc. Showing a special range of Rain Coats, Coverts and Black Walking Coats. Latter silk faced. Buy and Retail all kinds of Seeds, Millet, Potatoes and all kinds of Produce' Highest market price. BROWN WANTED -10,000 lbs of Wool. S. BROWN zw1c Creditors ER Great Clearing Sale We are offering over 300 Boys and Youths rap -to -date 4:�5, excellent quality, at bargain prices. It will pay you to see thew, Also a tine selected stock of Men's Clothing in up-to-date style and latest shades at the very lowest prices. Mens Odd Pants $ 11.•':) to $2.7:1, regular $1.75 to $3.50 Pants. Linoteums Have yott seen our stock yet. we )have the most extensive stock of t he `f beat goods we have ever handled. Our stock of Tapestry Squares are beauti- tul, quality excellent, prices the low- est. They are selling fast which proves our values are right. We have them in all shades and designs, sizes 3x3, 3x31. :3' x31, 33x 1, 31x 11, etc. Lace Curtains We have just received a Nobby Stock of Felt hats. Also Men's, Boys Childrens Straw hats. The latest styles and low prices. Millinery IJuQt a few words regarding this de- partment. To clear up on a most successful season we intend to clear out the balance regardless of what is paid for the goods. We carry no old stock from one season to the other in We are offering special values in this line. Take advantage of this op - Curtains, Cuttain Muslins, etc. We portunity to secure a bargain. intend to clear some lines regardless Of cost, Groceries Our Grocery Department as well as See our stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars all other department is filled with sea - Fancy Vests, Hosiery and etc., alt sonable goods, you will find our values mew goods. We have the correct sty- right nal quality the best. les in this department, Farm Product taken in exchange for goods. A Call Solicited. S. ZWICKER, Crediton, Buggies Buggies Just Arrived CANADIAN PAC !FIG HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saoitatohowae, Marta S,edal Tra wls.'e Tens* 2.00 pa ea APRIL C, N IAY-I, 11 JUNE 1, N. II JULY 111, Il AUG. 1N, 24 SEPT. T, 21 Seal time &kw Iii ma Cowrie wa iw w osiatiset NoLOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Weston and news 032.001 E''omeo std stria $92.50 tied to other voim, is R•Ds•t o!. Tklur pod to esters vide& 60 dart (rots .out duo. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS an weenies. Comfortable berths. ND? equipped with beddia.. coo bel t moderate rata throes► w. Early application muatb* mode MDR FOR HOMLSI[RIRli' PAMPHI[T aarsisiss cats sad fun ishseattoa. Aeolis. Diet Pam Ass. To ooto.L Mammon, ONLY DIRECT UNE NO CHANCE OF WAS \C. J. Carling. Agent Exeter. DASKWOOD NEWS Zam-Buk Cures Sunburn Don't have your vacation apo- ••d by t yourskitsskint°(�etuulne i►t ty11 freckled have the shah+• 'Lam-Ituk contaitts herbal extracts and juice-; which not only ease the pain of aunhurn, but prevent un- pleasant results from it. %:un-lluk applied to 0 bad burn gives speedy ease- It also soothes blisters. aching feet. chafed places. insect stings, enc. Siethat you tak.• it with you to the country 1 .Mothers should know that for baby's chafed eSteee it is better than powder. Also :or heat rashes. eczema prairie itch. etc. Sufferers from pile's will find it indispensable. All druggists and sto: 8>BT•01S;TA• Hears the _este Ped Y':) Hate Meats d3 ;ia�1 cf Mr. and Mrs. arrived : -+ to visiting friends in Gixlcric. Hensall Farquhar �.t . l'.::ris spent Sunday in .i. en` ' ' A pn'ctty westing took place at Dr. Quarry and Bliss Inman spent the !tome of Al r. Kc•elands, on '1'hurs_ The Far•luhar store will �: closed Sunday Milton the Bend. day.June 17th, when his daughter., oat July Ist front 10 o'clock a. res• AI r. Atkinson arrived homeMiss Annie Lung. of St. Marys. was after visiting his parents in Can- Miss (:dna. was united to Al r. Arthur till 4 p. ui• Wile', the G. Tit. n gent at Men the guest of the Misses Stewart tact tralia• sail. The ceremony was per[ornudHartleib Block, L):�`-ili�VOOD A Strawberry Festival will be held b}, Itev. Frank Powell, of Chesless. tt"''c'k on Friday evening in the Methodist assisted by Rev. Mr. Smith, o[ Ben - THE IS. Gardiiter has agi.in taken �`-+_ - church grounds. For further par- stash and tv's witnessed by about tI, her residence in the village• ticulars sec bills. taint [ice iriavida. The house +ens This is the time of the year when THE OASHWOOD PLANING MILL CO , Limited. DI r. harry Fowler has returned a[- y- , summer, Have on Hund and for Sale CHEAP ter spending Pr his , holidays ebat Seaforth. the beautifully decorated for the occasion the statute labor is performed nnd Mr. J. Preeter, of Zurich, was the with palms, ferns and cut flowers, the' roads npoi.ed for the and the bride and groom took their the 'rhatnes road from Farquhar to Pine and Hemlock Lutrber; Shingles, Laths, Posts, Such, Dams, Frames guest of S. Braun on Monday.Exeter is in first class condition and Flooring and Siding. tr•• I:ha:dr•hea1 and Methodist week, P•atce before a beautiful bank of it would i be a pit} to gravel it• churches held their picnic last Nerns. A dainty luncheon was sere- We sell the celebrated I'aroid Roofing -None Better EvcryOody who was there reported a ed utter the ceremony. and at 9.50 Some of the youngpity to Attended the `.1 r. and Mrs. Kin; eft for n two Some at Bt•a(orth. fine time• woos wt'vk� trip down th St. Lawrence The Usborne and Tlibbert Mutual All kinds of Factory work done to order for which our plicas este reasonable. Mr. William Seibert, of Dash +i'l reside in flan_ Fire Insurance Co. continues to grow, Just to hard, a large import older of WINDOW GLASS was the guest of ►I r. 8. Braun on rafter which they • .,e , e beside the el,icb we will sella[ eery cicee prices, Monday. salt. Guests were present from To- bir, and Mrs. J. 'Cocktails spent ionto. Oakville. Port Arthur, Kin- regular renewals ++:r: taken during the month of May. Now is the time to crder your lIay Racks and �l';:ter Troughs. Monday in Lucan. cardiae :+:►d Chcs.ey.A number attended the funeral o[ Quite a number of our sportsmen Call in and See us. Miss Edna Brock, of Exeter, spent were in Seitforth last week attend- the late \V. Gowans on Saturday at al few days with her sister Mrs. 13. inq the races. I' irkton. 'Clarke. Muster John Alarsha:l. eldest son There was no nervier at the Thames Mr. And Mrs. 1Coultihs. of Exeter,rroad le 'Presbyterian church last Sun - Mr. Dashwood, lint. spent Sunday at the home of Airs. of Mr. Frances Alarsh:tll, who is .tt- tenJitat; the 'Belleville Institute, is tdn} morning as it was anniversary - McMurray. Souday at Kirkton- Aliss Misterle, of Rodney, spent a home for the simmer holidays. Rev. it J. Fair will preach a farc- , a i Urquhart is d hes further WarmWeather few drys in town visiting friends. improvements to bis mill property, swell sermon at Bethany next Sunday Al r• and tMrs.hey 6cott, left for Wind- by adding a barrel and heading fac- morning which will close a pastor- sor, where they will make their fut.- tire fury• arc of four years and we believe he arc home• pastor - Mr. \Vi:hers nengough. who is so can say with Paul that he has not On June 22nd, the baseball team of serious:}' ill, is improving a little shunned to declare the whole gospel Ailsa Craig came to Crediton and was and it is the wish of his many friends of Christ. Is llel'e and we are prepared to Supply you w ith the defeated. Althorn our opponentsethat he will continue to do no. The Farquhar btseba:! club have necessary goods to keep you cool. were not as strong ns we expected,\Ir. George Sterling recently re- brad little real practice this season we had a very interesting game and turned from a trap to :Manitoba and and it is not surprising that they Dainty Muslins at 8 to ISc. a yard, our team played well. The final reports the aro s outlook ns very en- have ;uttered Rohr, defeats. India Linen Lawns at 15 to `?5c. aynrd. score was 1'd-7. The :boysArta have been ( l' If you want a scythe or ;orb buy Fine Cotton Hose extrawes i value ', pails for tic. putting lip a strong article of ball, courarr from the home store. but still lose their heads at critical The Ladies' Aid of Carmel 1.'resbir _ See our range of men's Print Shirts. Collars and Nrcktaear. for so 4. '['his being tee first year teriun church intend holding their SE 1\a'ice Oxford Shoes for Children and Ladies At $1.25 to $1.x5 for asoma of tecta, tee bunco is, of annual strawberry festival on the RUSSI:LllALE Men's Work Day Shoes at reduced prices church grounds on Friday evening course, lucking in confidence in- A wary quiet +westingg .wits solea- Frf Sh GroeeriCs E�'ery Weeh gendered by long experience, but is June ,R25ohhuized at'the manse at Jiotberwell, on Alr..11oht•rt 13cngfew who is now shoeing a marked improvement over residing withincn taw miles o[ Ur- \'c'dnt•sdny, June roth, by the Rev. the enrlganieThe as°the failure great troit, is here visiting his son, Wilbert, aMr• Stewart, when Fina, daughter of We want your produce and will pay highest inaiket prito !n: it. Corteou9 of theentireg ;who is seriously ill. the late Thos. Cornish was united in treatment andfair dealing. number of fans standing outside the Mr. \V m. Towers left herr last marriage to Cephas af. bluxworthy. JOSHUA J0HMS gate and who were not game sports tv •k for a trip to the west. with of Granton. The bride was attended enough to pay the kid's entrance fee Sae!: 'won as his head carters. by her cousin Miss Mildred attended Gelder, FAR(�1UIIAIt, - ONTARIO o[ 10e..allay a gentle reminder in tei9 t while Mr. issuer Cornish, brother of instance nes, no repetition. Al r• ars Mrs. .lathes L\IcK sig. of+ Miss Jones, of London, spent a fee Chise:hst, were here last wee vis- the bride, acted as best man. We icing his sister, Mrs. Calvin Newell, wish the young couple many years of days in town, the guest of Miss In - who continues quite poorly. happiness and prosperity. �� d Send Park man. Mr. W. .1. Perkins, of the 'Com- Mrs. 1). Brown, has returned home Our baseball team played at lien- mercinl hotel, is now the possessor litter sp nding n neck with friends rt week, last ev ning, result of game next of a double :rented automobile and in Clinton. Under New Mana�emEnt "Oek� has the distinction of introducing the The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. On Mondayeacheevening the very sad first one into the viiinge• Royce, who away severely scalded a Mr..news reacher here of the death of Mr. Fred Pi:e left on a prospecting short time ago is improving nicely. Mr. Robt. Dinney, of Exeter , has IellSCd tilt! I'fil'k for a cilia! hof ourSitnseboolrnwholdied trip to the west last week. 'ale went \1 r. Geo. Brown. has disposed o[ term of years, taking possession on the first of ,June. publicto charge n[ a car load of horses for his driver for a good figure• at Midland, of pneumonia after two Vias Rennie, of New 'nambhrq' ad- Mr. Dinney has had considerable expel fence and will greatly improve the weeks' illness, leaving to mourn his tinThnr:t. t�•or hJuly 8th. has been pro- dressed the Ladies' Auxiliary of Roy's loss a wife nnd 3 children. Sir. i'r, Presbyterian church. on Saturday ppremises. Ile will have charge of the Row Moats, Bath Meige, Stabled and elftimed oe our civic holiday. on which1'icntc Grounds. many warm friends and to him is dhere ue e date there is a cheap excursion to itf n►Adainty tltheh close served good share of the honor of putting Goder,ch for Sabbath Schools and a Special attention will be paid to Campers and the school on the firm bases it now (!hien Sabbath School picnic will be see shah• :1r• Bert Ross has purchased :a fine Iia! attention Board by reseal or week. stands. ft Mr. an(hMrs.ero oN.n tMcLiodhat c. of Bask- drtwa.a .wit from 11 r. John I'ridhara• rhe S. B. picnic. its connection aeilh the Evnnge.ical Sunday School was ntch,•aaan. are here visiting 11 r. and n great success. The day was all Mn. Colvin Newell and other rests- Wooten with pale co lorless faces Give.•+. who feel a oak end discouraged, will that cou:•d be desired th and many avail- receive both mental and bodily vigor ed thong {wa of the opportunity of by using Carter's Iron Pills. which spendi mornlor a day at eon Bend. in the are made for the blood. nerves and n►orn:n_i n keenly contested game of complexion. base ball ens play -d by the young i men captained by Frazer Brown and u , 4 in tt Garnet Sn -itzer. resulting in a vic- tory for the latter, score 7-8. In the afternoon sports were engaged in by fill and bananas and candies were served to everyone. A unilue feature of )he day was 0 guessing contest of the number of pebbles in a jar. The reward 'a•,a4 71 beautiful $2.25 vase, presented to the school by Mr. Ittuett principal of our school. and was won After the c f \\' ll to k \ Moriock. by.1 ro Mrs. T. 11. Mr. contest the bu(at•rintendcnt. 11n:tzinann tirade the presentation. Shaiiiefully Cut to Pieces We warit to sell c,fl our entire stock of trinlnle�l and untrimmed hats and will offer from now until the end of the season at such prises that, will make 1hem move. Now is your lift chance to get a hat very cheap Siebert & Co, A !sage consignment of buggies from five of thintending nfirms of nK Wita io o in ail the Iateat styles and designs. Any perso r well to look over our stock before pur;hasing. No trouhie to show goods. Vehicles filly guaranteed. A call solicited. 1 Trevethick & Hodgins RED11'l )N. ON I'ARIO. Any Cold Can be Cured without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and the like opiate f:. d medicines. All you have•to do is to open your 1.,wcls wide with pf?-TABLETS- That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and you'll get eel in re time, 1f you hive a cold or are con- stipated or has c theumatitm, liver of kidney troubles, take ac NR tablet to -night and you'll feel �� better in the morning. P�� S4 Geta 25c Box than Pills f of L' 1'(11' .t!t, by 1t'. S. Colo, Exete'r. • The Dashwood Planing hill Co., Limited. • Shipkn `.1 •. 1hos. Spicket is visiting re:a- D • roit for a few days. alt . Downing and two daughters. of `serif{, Mich.. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bannon. Mr. t;. llaittkins. of St. Marys, nnd .an Chester. of Parkhill. attended ;Is funeral of the forester's mother Win. IIa•.wkins. .\Ir. Thos. Lynch. shipped n .car- load of cattle to Toronto last Monday, our burg is fast improving by wire \ s ti .inr . f Hyde. of the ) 4 the lots Engineer •• of t of .om • •+oral •au in .r tr (ass a ,. 1 Western •res was h•� Ontario ..tt • nnd n t and the grader ur►kui(, new gravel waits on Main street south. week looking over the ground. pos- Mr. (toot. Gower. of Ailan Craig. seem Exeterextension ten$i nthi4 district. troad is at his borne here. Mr. Mose. of Goderich, is visiting The Jubilee Silver Band played at :at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. itobt• the lawn socia( at llillsgreen lest Ilesterd. Fr:day evening. Misses V. Gniser and W. Fink- A private bowling cretin is beinar 11 •:t.er are trying their entrance ex- levelled in the rear of 1)r. Campbell •,,:a .:,ting+ :at Parkhill. office. Mrs. Parker. of London, spent Sun- Mr. .1 ohn Gn'ater had the mister- i day with relatives here. tune to break one of his legs a week ago :^•iturda}. While netting n bear-' 1'a:r: tnyeher? stopped in 20 minu- rel of alt at Mcrncr'aearehouse,pari t•s .ewer with ono of I1r. Shoop's Pink of the iloor gave way and the salt I'a'n fabless, The formula is on the rolled ofi the wheel barrow. striking 2.i cent b•ix. Ask your Doctor or him on the ante.... Uraggist about this formula 1 Stops Mis Lizzie Allan has gone to womlaly (:alias, hen dache, 'tins any -1 Paul. where she will remain two where. Write 11r• Shoop. Racine: months. From there she will go to \C::•• far fel a trial to prove value. Spokane. where she will be engaged W. S. Howey, 1' 1 it, n trained nurse. Whalen The anniversary services held here on Sunday were a decided success. later:• crowds greeted the speaker at the three services. In the morning the subj.•et was "Be not conformed to this world" and everyone was pleased with it. In the afternoon the speaker uddroesed more especially the young People on "Godliness and Cleanliness' while Miss E. Jlills:a sang n beauti- ful solo "On to Victory", In the ew •,ting the church e•ns fillt•d to over- t earner and the subject was "Watch ye therefore, ncluit ye like men." I h • proved to b•• n very impressive r•:o-went :'ermon and will no ilo; bt :cave at lasting impression on the congregation. Rev. Miltson *sole a I, tiful nolo in th.• evening. �• �: whiny ll,v. flair will deliver his farewell sermon in the afternoon. poems singing for the occasion. Mr. and Mr s Thomas thinning. of Granton. tlr• not \irs• °sctr Gilbert. of n,•ar Ince:an. Mir. ilarvey Mut herby, of Thorndn:e, Mr. Alien Parkinson and sister. from St. Marys. visited 11ith friends here on Sunday. 'I'eli some 41,s •rvint; Rheutnntic suf- • r r. thnt [hers is yet one *ipml' way •tn?n r,'1•e•f. Get Dr. Shoap's t• •,, lth•a:roattir-m nnd n free trial i hi' hr.i k .will mnke it entire- , as how Rheumatic pane are , lely killed by Dr. Shoop's Rhen- n, .11e Remedy -liquid or tablets. 1 r o money. Tits test is free. surprise /tome disheartened sufferer by fir.[ getting for him the hook from Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. W. S. llowcy• Zurich The herald is rad; n;t for 9a weekly half holiday. a ..diy after- noon being the most suitnb:e time. Ales, '1'. Loveridge. of Detroit, visit- ed friends here last. week. Mrs. It. Richardson. of Exeter. is visiting her mother •S•Irs. John Prang. VR 1 Gives Strength and Vigor There is nothing which so quickly restores strength and energy atter can illness .as a daily cul) of I3OVRIL. .1s a change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk: BOVRIL iS LIQUID LIFE .J Cottages to Rent. All New Bathing Suits. R. W. DINNEY, Prop. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Pn. KrsNrry, Mratr.at. Piar - -n or hat4. K. A K. CONSULTATION FREE Book. Free oa Diseases of Men. U ur.hlc to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME TREATMENT Dra. K. & K. are favorably known through- out Canada ilt'•re they have done bust• hetet for over 'At years Thousands of patients have been treated and curd by their great skill and through the vir,ne of their New Method Treatment. When h, n > .0 treat with them kr env you aredealing with respon- sible e O•sildo physicians as they own and occupy their own take building in Detroit, valued nt'Ip).0)0. When they deride your east Is eurablo. ail your worry Is removed for you know they still not deccle you. 'they guarantee) t•, euro all curable cases. No matter how many doctor., hare failed to benefit you; no matter how much money you hare spent In vain; no matter how dis- couraged yeti may be. don't give up in des- pair until you get a free opinion from these master specialists. If you are atueseut w wan the clutches of any secret habit which it sapping your lift by degrees: If volt aro suffering frons the resultr . f past indiscre- tions; If your blood has bases tainted (rem pny private Mtwara and you dare not marry; if you are married and lie In dread of symp- tnms brcnktngg out and expsing your (vast; if yon arolife-DessuRerin.K. g as K. the rtsultereyoof Rnef11u se. 14• -pent Ac vv• Lay your case t.•foro them e.,e,ndenttally and MO' will t••II y, u honestly if ) ou are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, 51001) nnd URINARY co 9PLAIUT:• KIDNEY and at.nor it Diseases and all Diseases Petuli,r to Men. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 110 F011 LAKE ERiE a ride' of Clevelnnd. Ohio. Sped lVinghnm Lodge A. 1•'. Fe A. A1-' Ireirt leaves Exeter .•t 9.15 A. If. go 2s.3 will run a Mlasonic excursion to for two days and the return far, Port Stanley on Wednesd:ty..Iuly 7th.1 $1.10. Everybody corse and eojoy VHS. Grand 'Trunk nnd fere Mar-ts•p!endid dnys entitle. See large h.:ie qiiette l'ort ttanley is the' tar full part 1.. "Coney tsla•id of Western Ontario".! -- and is a (:,pillar place to *pend ir CD SIL holiday. 1 lee committee has nrrang- 118 1 • l Y;1 Bags i,Na BOcjfA ed for n gond dip' nmusrm•ent. in- II1rlt11 eluding excursions on Lake Eris on II dlessto» $4 the Palatial Steel Steamer "Lake -1 of