HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-24, Page 44- Winchelsea ilhe Winchelsea bas.heti tells %vent to liekton Friday cveuiug to play ibc• ` ern team. The gauge resulted to f:.,ur of Salem. L)ur pitcher, Milt. Clark was laid up with u severe cold and was unable to du box duty, bence the defeat. *.Ir. Chas. Godbolt, utter buveral days' visit with bis sister, Mrs. D. fedeDougall, •of Comber, returned hone 'Tuesday evening. Mite Ethel !Godbolt, teacher at Tilbury, is exe peoted home this week. DIrs. F. 6cornl and family, of :Ripley, are the guests of the former's Qister, Mrs.:'hos. Washburn. ilex. harry Allen, of Winghaw, is w~!$itis! Mr, and Mrs. Semi. :)rock, and other friends. Mr;. Eddie Leaderhouse, is visiting .friends in Woodhaut. A very interesting event took,lace at Seaforth on Tuesday, June nd, awbcn Mrs. Eliza Godbolt was united in marriage to Mr. John 'Caldwell, of Jicnsall. The marriage was of a very quiet nature, only the contracting parties being present. Mrs. Godbolt Is ,one of our most highly respected zleitlents, while we understand Dlr. Caldwell, who is a prosperous farm- er, enjoys the highest respect in his >ocighborhood. The dimes joins their many friends in extending congrat- ulations, Kirkton Randolph Davies i, home from Stratford on his holidays. SA successful social in the interests of the Engli h church was bold on il)Ir. John Dlorphet's lawn lust week. There was n good crowd. ' \\',inchelsea and Kirkton played baseball last Friday. Kirkton won. ;eq. B. (Shier, has gained ;the de- gree of M. 1). We congratulate him on sen; success. The Presbyterian Anniversary ser- vices were taken by the Rev. McCoy, of it. C., who preached very able ser- mons. The picnic on Monday was a good success large numbers being present. Fifteen chi,ldrsn of the village, are trying the Entrance exams. in St. _Marys. • Jas. •elcCurdy. raised his barn last Monday with no accidents of any kind. The _anniversary Services of the Kirktott ;Methodist church. will be he:d next (Sunday. when the pulpit will be occupied by the Rev..Mc`bam- us, of St. Marys. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. Weak on fe-.t'•aeit • In a repent trityl a :, •r • e•' rnetio a test of me•••:•1 -•• But it this test had ..love • certain great me• t' ••. been declared irl l . toy, eminent author t ! . ono, would have 1. hopeless (tall 1.1• incapacity to don e•:r:e • - .. lition or multiplieeti..:, :: ,1 ' writer of tarnotrs upon his arithnt !• i ' not long have Se.. bursar he found, ' .. ` • c,•rtain accounts •. 510,000 to the bail ' !earned and pin•n- ::••••: • f • go over the le . until nn expert discovered th:.t 1: . • t coittrnn bird year to the co': , innocent Thine! :',• 0:•l•ssitegt-''hat con .. t:tt:f::c•e vas rtmatng In t t I:tgllt 1\'Ifey-John. you ut:iliagl't. noel maybe ht' • •,-c , extra pay for wortlee CPATEER$ OF ►li AJM.Y3. f: r: -:e)• uareato ane the Secret of tht ZS' ,•i : P .. . • el t .. .(trete:; h... ,.•1 p.e llernato, t... :i • th 1 ,, .1.. .. •grate, two.; ).:• +)f r.. !];-i .' :,:ht ha :-tett t id 1.. • 1• o fn:t:tfli' fr0::: his ! 1+••'. p ot.ei•r.; wtur:a d tr %%lt en lay on t• • flu's.•... J. .. uu• tn... , er 1:, • I.„ fe tn, • salt' 1 , , 'h South 'Huron Farmers' Institute. - The annual meeting of the South lliluron Farmers Institute was held at 'Hensel], on Tuesday, June df►th. • There was it fair attendance. 'The chair was occupied by Mr . \V4 D. Sanders, who spoke of the good work - that had been done during the past year, the several Inslitutc meetings -- having been more largely attended -_ than in many former years. The fi- nancial statement showed a consid- -- deficit after all claims for the --• year are paid. but it is hoped the proceeds from the recent excursion swill wipe this out. It was decided to bold n regular 'Institute meetings at - Fe; t. -i• and itrucefield as usual. Sup- plementary meetings will be held at EIiun•ille, Grand !fend. ilensall, Ver- so. and fitrong's Hall. Tuckerswith, A very interesting and instructive itddt,•-s was delivered by ,Prof. Har- court. of the Ontario Agricultural -- College. on "The Comparative Value i f Feed Stuff". This address elicit- ed tunny questions from practical amen prevent. all of !which were promptly nand satisfactoriiy answered by the • dr- professor. and touch useful infer- . station was elicited. The following were elected director, for the cureut year: Stanley -Alex. elustard. Wm. Murdock. John Mc\itughlon. llobt. Snowdon and \V. L. Forest. 'llay- 1D, flay. John Elder,. \\'m. 't' 1ldwwell, 11 nr 1 . bit I. lobo Geiger, Rost. I ['urn Y • ''''Site th. Stephc.,n—W. I). Sanders. S. Unearth. Witt Yearly. Stephen \\ ebb. }:weer—IL S. I'hillii•-. F.d. Christie, C. -borne -John Allesee. W. I1. Pass- more. A. Mitchell, 1'at•:l Madge. R. - Gardiner. S. John:. Tuckersnlith- Henry Morton. T. Hhillinglnw. P. Mc- Knc. It. McKay. ,M:. Papule. Ilensall Jn.. Paterson. eleaforth-M. '. elc- Lean. :lit n sleeting of tht• new beard of directors held at the close of the annual Int -cline Mr. Alex. Mus- tnrd ww•ns elected I•rcaident. Mr. John VAllison. vice president. and Mr. 11. Phillips secretary treasurer. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. W. D. under. the retiring l'reeident. for his untiring and efficient s•.•r• vie • in that capacity for the past three scars. 1: ckness. if it certain nerve grvs w nut,.;. theft the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It cony' b. a Stomach nerve. or it may have eeteu etrength and supper* to 111.,1 11 art or Kidneys. it was Dr. Shooi• that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the t4tomnch nor to temper- ately emper14iIy et t he ;heart or Kid- ney s. ':'hat old-fashioned method is n l i 1c conte. 1)r. Mhoop's Rcst ore t i y.•' go.. directly to !hes,• fniling in -i40‘ nee v.•4. The remarkable (surer!“ of this prescription demonstrates th. weele 11 of treating the netted rile of tb .' fnilint o4:ens. And it is in-' deed sv to prove. am1•. five or ten days test ti11: ; 1, 1p tele Iry It once. neje • c ;: I ley \\-. �. )!owes. lr••�,t tat. 1,•e1... _ 1 t 1: , _ 1 ye. 11. L•li't. L1: lt"r•' working is were :• rs of extinct volcan.,,•.., 'salmon(!$ had been fore.el • , :. , below and that whence th..e come more and greater were to :,e! So he bought every claim he c- ant! 1 • ant! titue vindicated his judgiueie Ile (lief not make his guess p,:;:.• property. The ordinary man • he found his layer of yellow g,•• run low made haste to sell out 1.. - uninitiated. One man who had e• ed this Lunge obliged a friend lowing hint to droop upon !: the yellow earth which 14.4•i • ww orked and sorted. Then he I a newcomer who was looking for . cls:m rich in yellow deposit. 'i: novice paid $2,000 for the site ;eel thought that he had virgin yellow !upon which to cork. As a fact, lie heed to go down into the blue before he handled a diamond. ?Jut the biter was bitten. The claim which was sold for $2,000 soon began to pay out of the blue rock and then could not have been rebought lot $200,000. rarneto would have given $40,000 for it and taken the risk. but he did not hear anything of the trans- action until the tenderfoot had bought and the man who thought himself clever had departed. WORK FOR WOMEN. How They Can Help to Make Towns Wholesome Places to Live In. Much in the lire of town improve- ment work can be accomplished by women. In The Delineator a writer tells somo of the things a woman can do -namely: Abolish unnecessary noise. Establish trawling librar•iee and so bring reading matter within the reach of all. FIelp to .save the forests from de- molition: Clown up her own back yard and make it such a thing of beauty that i1 will be an inspiration to her neigh- bors. See that the health of her fallow citizens is cared for by securing_the appointment of a public.nurse wose duty is the care and ittstructiOn of the poor. Secure lighted streets at night and thereby prevent crimes. Insist upon paved sidewalks. Demand clean streets and get them. (let rid of tramps by having an ever ready town wood pilo ---no work, no pa Help to prevent the injustice 1 ehild labor. Do away with immoral theatre:;, moving picture shows and po:tai cards. Beautify her street with window Prevent telephone and telegraph boxes. I two were sitting together 13yron ro- ceived a refusal from the lady. "You companies from hacking off and muti- see, said Ile, "that after all Missla ting the olife branches of Milbanke is to be the person. i will ing Prevent much loss all wires be underground 1st write to her." Accordingly he did so, .!rouse public interest in the public welfare. Keep her garbage box clean and covered and insist upon her fellow citizens ellow- cit.izens doing the same. She can do because she has done every one of these things. And when she does them all towns and cities will bo clean, happy. wholesome places in which to live. SHE EXE Z +'R (111ME8, JINE_►•itll 1909. COPPET1T1ON IS WAR. 11 Socialism Offers Peace and Friendship Instead of Conflict. Our present system of society Is based on a state of perpetual war. I)o any of you think this is as it should be? I l:now that you have often been t"Id that the competition Which is at present the rule of trate is a good thing and that it stimulates the progress of the race, but the peo- ple who tell you this should call cone petition by its shorter name of war if they wish to be honest, and you woul l then be free to consider wheth- er or uo war stimulate.; progress otherwise than as a mad bull cl►asine you over your own garden may d.'. War or competition, whichever yoit .s may please to call it, mean.; ;it the bc.'t pursuing your own advantage at the cost of some one else's loss, tate in the prceees of it you must not he sparing of destruction even ..f soar own posseesions or you will certainly conte by the worst in the struggle. You understand that perfectly as to the kind of war in which poop! • go out to kill and be killed--thnt s,•: • of war in which snipe are c,1• " : •, 1, for instance. "t . ;ink, hue; :tee - stroy"-bot pears that ye:: not so con- ••. of this wart-• goods •.when. : t - only carryiee on that other • :led compeie ere 1'eerye, - eet the veeee 1 there all t'i. e.,::i,.'. \\'ell. eerely Soei.. ' ••:t can o`Ect somethin, in tee +.. .••• of all that. ! t can. ft can ship in •.d of utterly ' .ta' knot,' i. •sen and frit :.•1 We might live rivalries, ;te- es it t,- it is b,• t . (ho,, • et•y tett: form n . ,_ • r 4 .r. govern ;:.•' `,. :. ;u(enity .1 it had it:a • ''0('("1 to , thesec^' .•tai.. •:.•I , 7:41ition 1 .. Ari\• rat..,•,;r:til. r: • that any ,•,' 31 nne co:u:nttnity c• :11.1 frtI1 ee and live w-itho tt =turf 11 • , life when he Ivo.; 1-• t try and would !it inl(• iee place 1;7. - natutally; so that all .•.t i!i::•• I re, , \•0(11(1 form one Yre • agreeing together :;.; to :h: lit:: 1 :..:•i amount of production and distrih;a- tion needed, working at such a:111 such production where it could be best produced and avoiding waste by all means. Please to think of the amount of waste which they would avoid; !tow much $!self a change would add to the wealth of the world !--Wil- ham Morris, British Manufacturer and Socialist. Landse�r's Valet. Sir Edwin Landeeer, the faatoa:f eninl.tl painter, had an old servant -he- butler, valet and fnithful shave -named William, who was particu- larly assiduous in guarding the out •r portal. No one could by ,any le a- bility gait: direct access to Sir Edwin. The answer would invariably be, Hedwin is not nt 'onto." The prime. consort himself once received tee; answer when lie called, amplified on that occasion by the assurance that "he had gone to n wedding," nn tee tiro fiction on Willism's part, ns the prince found out, for on walking bold ly in and around the gard. n he nolie• ed Sir Edwin looking out of his studio window. This was the el:1)11111 at- tendant who, one day, when a lir •1 had died at the 7.00 and his eerie, • came up in a four wheeled cab to h.' p::inted from, rent -tied his master with the question, "Please, Sir 1ledww•in, 11 .1 you herder alion?" Eggs Were Rigid. In his early days it was suggested to \h'. eforedith, the novelist, that he should take up his residence 111:11 Ro:..etti at Queen's House. Cheyne Welk. The novelist agreed to take :t couple of rooms, and one morning, shortly after Rossetti had moved in, Mr. Meredith, who was living in May- fair, ayfair, drove over to Chelsea to inspect his new apattrnc•nts. "rt was bast relates Mr. Meredith; "Renee l i 1.1 not yet risen, though it tong ;tit exquisite day. On the breakfnut table in a hngr iti=1: rested five thick slabs of bacon, upon which live rigid eggs had slowly 61.11 to d'rutlt ! Pre- sently Rossetti appeared in dressing gown, with slippers Clown at heel, and devoured the dainty repast like an ogre." This decided Mr. Meredith. He did not oven trouble to look at his rooms, but sent in a quarter's rent that afternoon and remained in Mayfair. Byron's Proposal. Lord Byron in le30 seriously turned his thoughts to matrimony. He coti- feted to a friend hie intention of pro- posing to Miss Milbanke• the daughter of Sir Ralph Milbanke. Tho friend thought some ether lady more suit- able and agreed with Byron to write n proposal for him. One day as the Ro stopped 1 In 2n m1411. • . sure with i)r. Hh( M•1, l• .:• Una 1.•,4 will are!) cr No vomiting e. •0 +..1.n1,•140•11,leasin(tsyrup--tee.1)r,• c5As4tersaauasax e. .: Falun:; iriair Dancfrtsf14 Ayer'$ (fair \'It r r• nett" destroys the genas Ayer's (lair Vigor I.isi at memoir dtstroys the thet cause f.ills n•: - it nctt:101 the hair- genunvert a th.0 cause dandruff. 1t teovcs e bulbs, rrh c • t'•% ."',. The hair atop? frac: of Janet et itself, and ).tees the sea, falhag (':'• ' • 3. ,. ck%n and in a iaealthy cinddi .c:. ! ,. ft.� ; Ccr ieoar \Ve •.vish yeti to rn;:th•ely and distinctly understate thee Aycr's flair \tis+'.; , c;; ::o' afh•;t the color of the hair. .ver( to III: slightest degree. 1'.;wi ns ee tee whitert or the lil:hle1 and rr.o:t delicate t1on.1 Lair riee a; a P. i1 cels wititttlt having the hair :mile e shade darker. :i'• •rti• . ; • S•''•'}:'r. (slyer -44. Qclirin. S„41um ChLsrid. ! _ ..-........ - t. rye a rri. Sa:.. Ake +..!. 'V sat m t _,. re.fee. :: �,':• :•.•• .-.f 6'? t:r. - d el ,•+-... .:. Ask his what 110 thinks of it. 4445 (o44 -4( 1i.•,,lT. tr•M memo Ri- e..'•. s•-.rr. .. and the friend, who was Still opposed to his choice, on reading over the letter remarked : "It really is a very pretty letter. It is a pity it should not go." "Then it shell go," s.tid Byron. it went, and the result vas the miserable marriage which is now e matter of history. Two Points of View. .An old ScoteIiwoman was walking to church with her family. The mild kirk minister rode pa.,t at a Denten- • dons rptn and cid lady said to her children: "Sicean n wey to l,0 ridin', and this the Say:bath day. Acceel, nweol, a gude elan is mareifu' to hie beast!" Shortly afterward her own minister redo past just as furiously, and the worthy old twice cried: "Ah, the►rc he goes? The Lord b1ess lim puir man! His heart's in his work, an' he's eager to be at it." Feeding an Eskimo. It is said that an Eskimo will de- vour twenty pow rtda of meat in n day. When the meat trust 'trike' the frozen north the native ought to reanngo to worry along on hall ra- tions to keep down the price of living. Very f w people are rrafy well so 111Yav ed with ItorWebee. The Kind licit Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 years, has borne the t.ignattare of and has be(•tt 111:1110 uH(Ier• his per- sonal er- 1; )11x1 : ttltcrviSiult 1.1111(1 its infancy. a Allow no ono to deceive eon iu this. All Counterfeit:, 1ulita1tion4 autl "J net-a--r;(ft)ll"aro hitt Experiments that trltlo with and cndaneer rho health o1' Infants and Children—Experience againet I:4pe1•iutcut.. rtz What is CASTORIA Cskstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor oil, Pare- gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 13 :'leas;'nt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not' other Nut•cotie isubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It de:-3t:oys \Vornis stud allays Feverishness. It cure; Di:u•rhte an 1 -Wind C011e. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Cciistipat ion and Flatulency. It assimilate:4 tlto Food, regulates tiro Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy :tut1 natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—Tito Mother's friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY. 71 MURRAY . NCV/ YORK CITY. 1101141 Huron •NeNNNeeNNNeeMeeeNeeeeeee�eNeeeeNeeNeeel The lVlolsons Bank Incorpot•aled Nee CAP TAL (Paid ftp) .. • • RESERVE FUND •••• .... S3 600.000 00 .... $ 3.600.000.00 llao l;' 1ft:imbue in ('auada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the \Vorld. General Banking Business Transected. +� Savings Bank Department at 1411 Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. DR:keen & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo eee.Neeeeeeeeeeeee.N•Ni THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BRAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1807 D. X. WALKER, President -Paid-up Capital, $ 10,00 I B/LlEA1DER LAIRD, General �aaajer:I Reserve Fund, - 8,00010 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Orare a ost c0II way in which to carry money when travelling. 'They are w,Hved in denomulaU $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fra1C, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 1311 Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S, D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Uniyereity. OI+Irieg:-Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former — dental parlors Th U b 1 Hibb t e s orne an er i I� The o:d and 11: Alt i si,.•cted resi-1 armee'$ Mutual Fire Insur- of ''uckersulith, in the I dentperson: of Jane Ramsey. relict of the latef William •McNay, passed away on Sun -1 Hoad Office, Farquhar, Ont. day, June kith, pt the age of '71 years. and 4 months. The funeral took )'resident -J. L. RUSSELL. place on •\Vednesday. June 16th, from Vice -President -\V. II. PASBMORF the residence of her son. Mr. John McNay. lot 13, concession 2, Tucker - smith. The remains were interred in the Slait:andb:enk cemetery. apse Gompanp DIRECTORS. Wm. Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0 13Koci: Wlvc• IELSFA P, O _ Wit. C:7 .A. ES wr C2 WE x A. . T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 07 Bears the �1he Kind Ycl Hate A:says Bi)vglll ROBERT NORRIS, 8t-afta. H It. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and AGENTS, •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- • Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, I)r. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. DIt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury Main street -EXETER. T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C IN • P. IS„ Graduate Victoria Un fenny. once and reeldenence. Domtolon Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. Bignatnrs of iversity. Two ears resident physician RETUIRN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE. will he issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System account of Dominion Day, between all stations in Canada, also in Detroit and fort JOHN ESSERY, Exeter. Usborne end J3iddulph. agent fol OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. atlas! for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. JOSIII'A JOHNS Huron. Mich., Niagara ,Falls and Buf- Secy.Treas. Farquhar. fa:o. N. Y. Good going June 30th GLADMAN St STANBURY. e. •deer. and 'July 1st, return limit July 2, 19!1. Secure tickets from Grand Trunk ticket agents. A CIIAIIMING PEN PORTRAIT OF A DOG There are dogs rind dugs. and there was •' !trot her." A majestic name, Greek -Sicilian by origin, belonged to him and suited him: the tittle hutnble domestic 1101111 twits only an after- thought. 1t wee to me but a poor approximate expression of my opin- ion of that roguish piece of perfection on fou r legs. and to him it was .t touch finer thing: namely, his hu- manity by brevet. Be had never been brought up to !+pend touch time on en- denrm •pts. nor to except them ; yet 1\ 1111111 conies. that there came a day when i gave 111111 his reward of merit with extras of sheer sentiment, for :t:1 the world like the Lord Chan- ce:ior Clarendon kissing John Wil- mot of Watieaue. '4w hen the boy came up for his decree. We were loafing tm1 •:1: •r under a pine. looking out 10 •a. to that lonely sunlit wind- cruulp:ed Maine sea which "Brother" 1485 :sure that he owned from horizon to horizon. 11. owned it, he knew w,•:1. with all its whales and ships : bot he tette minded to share it with ole. d,trine the good behavior of th'• party- of the second part. "Brother- was Brother-w4484 two years old : which. for a Saint Bernard. is graduation from puppy- hood: the era. e+o to tpeal:, of jacket' ,and trousers. I looked at Itim there. seated on n rock : his own rock. in . his exquisite erect beauty, :1nr1 1 loofa' ed through that at his exquisite erect nature. The diction of the moment nifty not have been Classic, but it w•a- rno•it respectful. and poignantly sin-, sere. "A beasti'," said 1, "to heat creation: the flower of complctness : the One Thing: un arrive : and whet it satisfaction to bis Maker!" Be turned on me those clear affectionate brown eyes. with something like hu- morous dismay in them. Ilis whole head he would not turn. because mw proprietary hand was pleasant to hint. under the nmber :ilk fringes of hi - unpnr.tilelled left ear. But he grin- ned n grin tw-hich rippied quite n fpr as that band where it lny. Free; "Ilrother," by Louise Imogen thee y. in the .iniy Scribner. Lt?MLr.V `.ill A Victoria Miners. w-hn i- to : ( ver h. r connection with I. School wile on Friday last. nnnn•e1 school teener. preeent .i n beautiful watch fob ped rt brooch. .U.♦ s rep' •1 i • r( 1,)'4 manner. '11t; school picnic held on Friday ':1 was n decided success. "1h • ti :1. her was ideal and everyon • i a ti •m'elvci of th.' opportunity to h e • nn enjoy eb' • ten Sport% of k:nds were ea ' 1 in. the fol. e• ,,.• b••in r th • e , lite,,. •-p:oye nn ! r R Lloyd Horton. eel r; 1i eih (: t - ,:nder S Pearl ('+t I' r•: An- d 1 •nn : !toys and^r 10 \' 1:r: -t Pt-rn uel r io 1":1:eh - Vann. M b:.• \,•il ;�Ir -1 I rine .I Thoma-% Glenn. o Neil : Egg rice tt 1. e n, t a May Morton, Blossom Anderson; Boy's relay race Writhe :Horton. Ernie Pym; Walking race Myra ,Morgan. Mary DLacQueen, Mae Morton : race Mims Miners. Miss .MacDougall: I'otato race Tom Glenn. John Horton : Trustees' race N. Morton ; Needle race Miss Moir. ♦lis% \liners • Biscuit. John Glenn : Nail driving contest HONEY TO LOAN ; We have unlimited private fends for invest - enb aeon farm or village Troperby at lowst t r .fere OI urn i DICKSON & CARLINO Zzeter DICKSON & CARLiNG, It whiten, Solicitors Not -rate.. Conversation Bank Comm,lwBtodonore. Solicitors for the B0000ns . Money to Loan at lowest rates of lntereet.R OFFICE t -MAIN STREET. E%ZTZ�. R. CARIIN0 B. A. W. D1CN race r Mary MacQueen, Mae Utorton; .Mar -1' ried Ladies' race Mrs. Bolton, Mrs. .I. Anderson : Married Mens' race John Morgan : Boys' half mile race Harold Glenn, Torn Glenn. The base- ball match between the married men and the single men resulted in favor of the single n1 •0. MADE WALL AND STRONG By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1►ovednle, Sask.-" I was a sufferer f on1 female weakness - monthly periods irregular and painful and a hard discharge, backache and wretched head - a elle, and had felt N% eak eversincethe birth of my twins. I tried doctors but got no relief. I be- gan to take Lydia E. I'inkham's:Vegg- ctable Compound, and after three weeks 1 was feeling emelt better, and now 1 ant 1w.'ll again." --M►•s. lit -or. 1311.1l, 1)ove'lale, "ask., Cana .i%. «Vont u1 Cured.Another r Christiana, 'Tenn.-'• I •:ntTered from the !worst form of female trouble so that at times I thought I could not live, and my nerves were in a dreadful •••,n•1ition. Lydia E. Pinkham's \'ege- t,lhle 1'onlponnd cured Inc and made fn•• feel like a different !woman. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ('otnponud is worth its Weight in gold to suffering women."-.Irs. ML11RI- Woof), I{.F.11:1. If you belong to that countless army of w•olnen who suffer from some form of female ills, don't hesitate to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- poitt d, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years this famous remedy Las been the standard for all forms of female ills, 8rld has cured thousands of w•em0A oho have been tumbled with such ail rnentsasdisplacements, fibroid tumors.. ulceration. Irregularities, backache. aa,el rtcrvott% prostration riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amonnt of private hands (►an on farm and village properties at lowrste interest. GLADMAN & BTANBURY Barristers Bolicltors, Main et tlezetet ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North west lands for Sale. Office, Main Street, Exeter "As ye Sew So shall you Reap ee We are constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy We are reaping satisfied cus- tomers. Natural, isn't it; When we sow our advertishment in the newspapers. stating the price for a Sunt, !'oat, Trousers, or whatever the ad. might suggest, we include the best of every -thing in that suit. 1 RAND TRUNI(SYs EM DOMINION DAY EXCURSION Return tickets at Single Fare I 11etweed all stations in Canada! Good going,.June ilOth and July Isle Return litnit July end, 1909. ALASKA - YUKON - PACIFkl I ESP6SiTLON , -SEATTLE- Very tot4 rut es via :ittr.tcttip, routes. Daily until Sept. 130th;. i9O$;I Return limit Oct. :31st, 1909. _ Full information front or J. J. KJ. N' KNIGHT, AL'Dn pot AgeTttiiOtY Depot, Toronto, Ont. synopsis [He C000tlioo Nofm Wet 111 ▪ —M t HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any person wt ho is the sole head of a fatuile, or any male over if years o:d may homestead a quarter seotoni of available Dominion land la Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Land Agonoy or Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry tills proxy may be had at the agency, 00 certain conditions, by father. mother sort, daughter, brother. or sister*: intending homesteader. Duties :-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in eaoh of three years. A botnesteader may live within trine miles of big home, atead on a ,farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or his father, mother, son, duigetter, brother or sister. In certain districts a hotn:etca:ids in good standing luny pre-ernpt a quarter section alongside his home.. stead. Pried $3. per acre. Dulles$. Must reside six months incaoh of sin years from date of homestead entry (including the tine, required to earn ap homestead patent) and cultivtia fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted hie homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price $3. per nore. Duties. -Must rrsidu six months in enol, of three years, cultivate fifty nerve and erect 1 house worth $300.01 w. w ('olte, Deputy of the Ilii inter of ter interior N. B. -Unauthorized publieatton of this advertise meat will not be paid for The best ('loth, tl.e best Linings, the hest Padding'!+, the best Thread etc.. ' as well as the heat of our ability in Cut- ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't we reap our reward? This ad. is hotted to reap you as one of cur customers. When you need a Stilt. (;oat, 'Trousers or Fancy Vest let this ad. lead yeti to our shop where we can prove to you that we live up to tiro word, J. H. Holtzmann Cir mI TO\ . The (cath occurred in Sia forth. on \t(Anemia y. June 16th. of el r. Sane 79 w teeo age of u• + m►th. at th R 10111 he. 14 days. The late Mr. Smith had hits in poor health for some lime. 1114 illness being clue to th,• in- Firtnitie•• o1 hi. declining years. The dt'censed was !veil known in this vi- cinity, especially McKillop township. where he resided for it number of years before 700vin•r to Sea forth. The late Mr. Smith was twice married and in (survived by his widow and three sons. Th•• sons are Messrs. Samuel noel Jau1,•a who reside in Mc- Killop and Georgi.. of i.egina. • Pain in the head -pain anywhere. has Its rs Pain fseoniestton, D ,n i+ blond pressurtrro else usually. At lea,!, +n says Dr. Shoop, an pm'.. it he has cnat•••l n little ptnk ethkt tablet -et -sae' hr. ertee re it. ado'te 1Y coax•+% blood prn:41144 144.47 horn `alio 1t4ef.•ctIschorniul•. pica. ing17.1s11get tut. oeu though safely, It 'ureic eaa fres the bloOd ci talion. If you have a headache. It's blood pause'. 1114'4 painful p•rfati WTith women. 'ams nett iI you an sleepless. restless, nerv'e4 . it's t)1 renet•!stfon-blood prealure, That rarely Is•hs certainty. for Dr. Shop's Hra•larhe 'Tablets stag tt 1n •L) minutes. aM the tablets empty detribu the unnatural blood pressure. t ' Bruise our tlnR•r. and doesn't It Ret rM1 • 4,15(well, anti Lain 70147 4)1 course It does. it's tete ssection. blood pressure. Yeti ll find it where pet0 y- aiwa w. i1 s almDly Gomm n H.msp. 31 We lolll et .w cents, and chtr_riune. renew:! Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets W. S. HOWEY 1'11 pitatton of the Lc art, ner- won'r►rs8, trtnt1,1inlrS, aervoue head - eche, roll hend..nd feel, pain in the bud( and of her forms of ineekness are relieve.! by Carter's lion :'ill• mels eprreilly for the Heed nerves