Exeter Times, 1909-06-17, Page 8ti l:; EXi11JK '1' .Pit 1S JUNE I til lUuu ++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++ ++4 ♦++i•+++++++++++++•! :'•+; +•r+++++++++++++++++++++4 STE WART'S 11 PRONE 16 SPECIALS11 For the Fiot Days, ft +t i tf r the yd. for your choice of any colored Dress Muslin in I0 , our shop. About forty pieces to choose from. Itegu- + • lar values up to `25c. All this seasons new Dress Mas• if fins reduced to the low price of 1Uc. Again we say f he early. .; $+ + 4it 1.95 pp 1 I t ii. If :$ + II p + ..1�.. 1.2n Ladies' Fancy Parasols, \Vitae. Tuscan, Cream and +.}. 1,.3r. Dresden effects, with brass frames and natural handles. '1'•l• 1.60 The daintiest tot of parasols we have seen for some 2.00 blue, 4 Fot solid comfort in Men's Underwear, Linen colored 50C spring needle Balbriggan and open mesh, natural shades -Keep Cool -Wear our cool underwear and a F King Hat. Stores Close Sharp at 6.30 except Wednesday and Saturday. J. A. STEWAR'T 4 ++÷÷-:-:•++++++.1-:•+4-:•.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++++ 1.95 For Ladies Trimmed Iia regular values me tar liar .lues three to six dollars. All this seasons patterns and stock hats. Re- member the early buyer gets the choice. Mete are some real hi -tallies in the lot. c O."; for 26 Another lucky strike. \Ve have just secured another lot of Ladies Black and Tan Hose, plain and ribbed some very slightly imperfect and others perfect., regular val- ues 20 and 25e. the pair. Come and take your choice. 2 Pairs for a quarter. Ladies' Tailor-made Linen Skirts, extra value made from pure linen, strapped with blue, white and self strapping andfinished with fancy buttons. See them. if 2.50 For Ladies' Black and Colored Regal Taff Un- derskirts, made from English cloth: the nearest ap- proach to pure silk we have ever seen. Looks as good as silk, has the pure silk rustle and wears bet- tor than silk. You'll want one. 8.50 For Gent's Unlined Tweed Suit. dandy for warm days. They come in grey and fancy green effects. If you want comfort and value get in one of these nobby Suits. Bargains forgLadies We are showing some good values this week in fancy Voiles in Blue, Brown, Linen and Black. Also some very titre goods in Eoliennes in different colors; swell for Sum- mer dresses See our Back Combs and Barretts, all colors & styles Goods for "len \\-bite Vests in the newest style, Straw !fats, Boots, Tics, Shirts, Braces, Cuff -Links, Collars and Fancy Hose, all u) -to -date goods and prices are right. Best Fresh Groceries always in Steck R. N. ROWE One door north 1'. O. Phone '2'2 THE:IBEAUTY BEHIND n Fuit tailored by us may not all be! visible. but it is there just the same.' It is hidden in the interlining. the reams. the tnodeling. IF WE MAKE YOUR SPRING St'IT don't expect it to wear like an or- dinary one. It will not. It will wear so long you'il get tired of it. even though it retains its style and shape-� line s right alone. W. W. TAMAN alercil.,:tt Tailor. EXETER, ONTARla BRiCK Ilot Sl: AN 11 SIX ACRES OF LAND IN t SIIOItNE. The North-East corner of Lot I'3, concession t;. 1 shorne, the property of th• late Isr:a.1 ifarris. The house Is Dec and one-half stories high and eontnins six rooms. kitchen and wood - .bed. '1 here is n frame barn about 20 by 40. hard and soft water, and taboo one tiers of good frult trees. Tb,' soil is a noel clay. The lot is Enestly seeded out and is well fenced And drained. Apply to GLA ()MAN t;i 8T�Exelter. 'WM, ARNOLD 1. solicitors for the Executor. I dtronhLo HAIR DRESSING PARLORS flt tiastino's Old Stan(' First Class equipment throughout and with careful conscientious work we guarantee sat- isfaction to all custom- ers. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited R.I. PENPRRSE W. D. BURKE Here To Stay Bus and Dray calls promptly attended to. IIorses for sale. k ('I in stock Market Report. -Tho following tit\liss Delta Gould is visiting Miss lagi Times Want Column the report of Exeter markets, cors Leyett at the Ilene. r.'ct,•d up to Jure 17th. Wheat. $1.10. Oat.., 36e. (Barley 57. 5R. Teas 80 to 1t0. Bran, $25. Shorts 525• FOR SALE. -The house and contents Star Floor 53.25. Mr. Wood. of St. Marys, flatted .Mr. Feed flour $1.50 to t 1.55. T. 1...'laidford this week. of Mr. George Allen on Huron St. \Is'kc 5 J.OU for rule. Apply to Mr. James Den - (':over, -'6.75 , ,_•fh►' swhoul will close Friday. June nis for particulars. 5th. for the sunmrr holidays. i •moth •, $2,75 !- -�-- Alfalfa, $1.2.75 'tis. Beckley, of Orillia. was the \VOOD FOR SALE. -We are now ,•nest of the Miss's Doth ov• r Sunday.' -prepared to deliver to any part of !Sutter, 17c. Eggs 18 cents doz.I Mester Frank }tools is visiting his the town first class elm slabs. All 11nyS7.50 to $8.50. 'sister airs. I'. D+;rd:e. of Brussels. orders promptly attended to. !foga, Iivetveight, a7.5'. • Mrs. \lason. of Saskatoon, was the R. GILLIES. !logs. dressed $8.50 to $9.00. gudayest. of Mrs. Geo. McLeod over Sun- 1101'Sl: TO TIENT.-On Thames Load, Coal, $7.25 a ton. gond comfortable; frattle hon e, 1 90 Potatoes -5 torents \l r. ,t. If. Luxton and daughter. o[ nine roorus. hard and s of t tester. Pratt, Kansas, are guests of Mrs. Apply to Robt. McDonald. Thames taco. Samwel!• Road P. 0. •oo+•o•+•i•+++••••••••••+• LOST -white cuff with engraved --"'...-- • cuff :ink. Kindly leave at Times COOPERAGE. ♦YORK -Tubs, ` LOCALS pails, � office. etc.. repaired. Will call for goods ����o�oa r+••++++ \I r. Reg. Case, has been transfer- :.nd return when repaired. Drop a red from the Exeter station to Kings. card and I will call. El). IfEIDE- conrt .function. man, Sanders St.. Exeter. A number from Exeter attended TEA'CI11?!t WANTED Crossley and Hunter meetings at I xperienced teacher for 8. B. No. Ai:'a Craig last Sunday. 19, t'sborne, duties to begin after the summer holidays. Apply. slating salary. to J. T. Morgan, Ilay P.O. 1)I(. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - goon. will be at the Commercial Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eve ear and nose treated. Next visit Monday June 11. Five eecot,d hand wheels for sale. _ John Triebner. DRESS alAli I.\ G Al' Vitt: \lICE Mist Flossie 'Taylor. of London, is WANTED -Apply to Miss Tom over visiti,e;; here parents here. tt Wilson Tiros. store. 1)r. I1• li. llyndman spent last week re.sticaliig at Grand Bend. --'.. +++++++++++++++++++++++++:. The Times till Jan, 11110 5 OC. for Fifty Cents. Tell your Neighbors about it. + +•1•+•1•': •I•++++ -a -a ++++++++++-c+ t Rev. \1'qt. Godwin. of Parkhill. has baso e.rc►ed chairman of the Exeter Several front here are attendingldistrict of the Methodist church. the races at Sea forth. Mr.. and Mrs. Ed. -Maguire -Maguireleft Wed- for Dustin left Mondayevening nesday for Niagara Falls, N. Y., to cur her home in llonanvilte. spJ,enA. d 8 I[nyes. fete days with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. .1. G. Stanbury and son Stuart Mrs. 11. Ree. Of Parkhill. returned visited London camp on Saturday. Wednesday morning after spending A Syracuse judge Last week sen- the past week with her daughter and loured a chicken thief to prison for her aunt Mrs. R. Gidley. life. The Ladies Guild. of the 'I'rivitt Dr. Monroe, of l'etrolia, was the Memorial church till give their au- guesl of Mrs. .1. A. Monroe n few muni garden party on tite Rectory days last week. awn. Friday evening, June 25th. Mrs. W. J. Neaman and children Mr. W. B. \Veidenhanner. princi- spernt Sunday in London and visited pal of the Exeter high School has the militia snap, been appointed a member of the Norman liodgert has gone to Lon- board of examiners for the high don, where he has secured a positiion school district of West Hume. as hardware clerk. A new floor at small cost, a half - Mr. Illyde. engineer, for the St. gallon can of Campbell's Floor Finish Marys and Western Ontario Railwaywill make your old floor look as godo as nett-. This Finish comes in trans - .was in town Tuesday, parent also with stain combined, pro - Spray your fruit trees early. Icor- during beautiful imitations of natu- deaux Mixture. hellebore and Paris Green. 'llowey's Drug Store. ' \I r. and Mrs. Edwin Cudinore. of Mrs. s Wm.ippcu, were the guests of b r Cudinore, Main street Sunday. Mr. !amore Senior. eon of Joseph Senior, was successful et the Toronto University Exams in securing honors in his third year arts' course. Any person wishing I3uck-wneat for seed can get same at the grist mill. \\'heat. Oats and Barley wanted at the nail. HARVEY IBROS, Messrs. Donald McKay. of Bertram. Neb., and J. J. 'McKay. of Detroitt. were here attending the funeral of their father, the hate Duncan McKay. Mr. H. L. herr, of Toronto, was the guest of his cousin. W. 1). Weekes Monday. Mr. herr was the discover- er of the celebrated Herr lake in th • Cobalt District. The excursion under the auspices of the South 4luron Farmers' Insti- tute to the model Farm nt Guelph, was not largely attended by people from this section. !fere is a special offer. The •� Family 1 • ab and Week- ly and I mil_ 1 e.r 1 e k ly Stnr for the balance of 1909 for only 75 cents. This rate is for sub- scriptions in Canada only. CLOSING NOTICE. Drs. Kinsman and Holliston wish to inform the pub- iic that during July and August their offices will be closed every Wednes- da: afternoon ;rout 12.311 o'clock. Lumley school will bold their an- nual school picnic in Mr. John Glenn's bush on Friday afternoon. June I8th. There twill be amusements of all kinds and a good time is looked for. Cornc and enjoy n good nfternoon's fun. The Education Department announ- ces that the examinations for pass and honor matriculation, entrance to Normal School and faculty of edu- cation and commercial specialists will begin on .lune 28th. The funeral of the late Abraham Dearing took place last Thursday from his late residence on Huron St., and was attended by a large number of his relatives and friends. The pall -bearer. were his five sons and grand child. Rev. ii. F. Min rye. of Alliston• will preach in the Presbyterian church next dandify. On the following Tues- day evening a congregational meet- ing will be held for the purpose of moderating it ce11 Vs one of the ap- plicants for the vacant pastorate. "The llensall Flouring Mills have on bond n large qunntity of Feed. and will supply you with Bran at ( S22.00 and Shorts at $23.00 tier torr : secure your requirements while 1 le, :-upp:y lasts. . If you want good bread use our '"now Drift Family Flour". It has been nnnounced that the share•ho:ders of the defunct York Loan Company will receive the money coaling to them out of the wreck in nitwit six mouths. It is now three yenrs since the wreck and the many e Mina t 111 11 s ha to w0 r r ' been n 1 nn just g J tsl tthen and how much of their own money they will fret back. Mrs. John Rondle. accontpani,•d by 'disc Susie :Morrison. of Staffs, left stolidity evening on 41 trip to the Pacific Coast. They Will remain a ;portion of the time in Spokane with Mrs, ltendlc's father. after which they %%i11 visit other coast places. ret 0rn- it a hone by way of Western Canada t.-eirle enroutc. 11, merchants of the town wish • :etnoenred that their places of t :ness w i:1 close promptly at 6.'10 / • , t, n:n,r except W.dncsdnys and t -. so that those tt ho come around err will not be disappointed The M I h:lnts and Corks nerd n little t• e r Minn and intend to close 011 ti•evert night except t fhetwo mentioned. Mr. Itichnrcl Robinson had his shoulder dislocated on Monday morn- ing. 11e was !ending a calf and had a rola fastened nround its mouth to ke,•p it front getting nway and in some way the rope slipped. allot%ine the benst more freedom. In run - nine with it Mr. Robinson fell. th. occident resulting when be struck the ground. Except being compelled to curry his nrm in n sling. -Mr. Ro- binson is able to get around es Irsual. FARM FOR SALE Lot 3. concession 9, township of Ilay, containing 100 acres. On this rotwo property there is a tt o storey brick cottage, Large bank barn. with shed and cement pig pen under. Two acres orchard. good supply of water. 8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma- ple. convenient to church, school and market. This is n beautiful home. Nearly all seeded down, will sell reasonable. Possession given this fall. Apply to JOHN I3RODERICK, on premises or the Sarepta P. 0. rat woods. \\ . .1. Neaman sells it,FAIt\f FOR SALE -Lot 16, Con. 14 The Y. M. C. A. and country boys 'township of Ilibbert, containing 100 acres. On this property there is a good brick dwelling, large bank barn. frame horse stable and implement house and pig and hen house. Good young. orchard ; never failing supply of water: 95 acres cleared. the bal- ance in hardwood bush. This is rt beautiful home. situated well for school, church and market. It is in first class state of cultivation. Pos- session on the 1st of Nov. 1909. If not sold privately on or before the 21st of June, it tt-ill be sold by public :auction on the 11th day of .1111y at .1 o'clock, pan. on the premises. For terns and particulars apply to Law- rence Fulton. proprietor, on the prem- ises. or to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer The members of Court Exeter 123, 1. 0. F., nre requested to meet at the lodge room 9,30 Sunday, June 20. to attend service at James Street 'Church. G. E. Anderson, Secy: had another interesting football match Friday everting, resulting in a tie, each securing one goal. The Y. \t. C. A. boys won the first goal and it was only at the end of the game that the country boys secured theirs and that was on a penalty kick. It was claimed that the ball was inter- fered with, and the referee withheld his decision until he could look up the rules. IIe decided to allow the goal snaking the game a tie. Arrangements are being made for n 100 yard dash for the champion- ship of Western Ontario to be held at Exeter on :Friday. July 0th. Mr. .1. M. Southcott, of Exeter has been asked to enter rind Lloyd Godwin, of Parkhill. has also entered. The event will be open and it is expected •vera! other runners will compete. The prize will be n. rnedal Worthy of the championship, donated by Mr. T. E. :Randford. On the same date a re•:ny rare will be run be- t tepee 1, :un. representing Exeter and Parkhill. The Exeter team will consist 1 o f Ed. Jones. Loftus Ilrrn and John \V:I:ker. Besides these there will be a pole vault. high jump, broad jump and 100 yards race in each case the prizes being 4;2 and $1. The eclipse of the sun, which will tall+• p:act' this Thursday evening, twill be an unusually interesting as- tronomical event. Prof. John A. Brashear. o: Allegheny Observatory, says it will be unlike any other with- in the knowledge of man. from the fact that for a few seconds it will be an annular eclipse. then back to an annular eclipse for the second time. lie cannot find record of such an occurrence in any history of as- tronomy. although we have record of annular eclipse for 400 years, and of total eclipses for thousands of year.. The eclipses as it partiaphnse of greater or lesser magnitude will sweep over the north. decreasing in size as it passes down through Canada and the States. A Regular Storni Period 114 cent- ral on the 2Ist. covering the 19t h to the 23rd. The culmination of the June solstice falls precisely in this period. In all probability the pre- ceding period will be prolonged into this period by 0lnily thunder storms each afternoon and evening. Great (luctuations of the barometer. wit h high temperature, great humidity; and startling electrical displays are to be expected at this prolonged per- iorl-especially from Sunday the 20th. to Thursday the 21th. lligh winds with possible tornadoes will probably attend some of these storms. Over- flowing atrennls and rivers will be most natural as n consegrtence of the ,lune so:stice storms. high enters will reach the central rivers before the end of June. but we do not believe that the most destructive or mnxirnum floods nerd be feared at this time, or even during this year. \l0.I'ION I)1$MiSSED.-in the case of flank of Commerce vs. Scott. et al, Mr. A. M. Graydon. of London, made :t mot:on before Chief ,lustier Pal- conbride at London on Saturday to have the venue cos nged from Grader :c h to that hn city. Mr. .1. tltanbury. of Exeter. on be•hn:; of the bank op- posed the motion nnd after argument the (thief Justice refused to make he change. The ease tt•i!I h^ tried at (lol•.rich on ata • -'n,l. tem000tle is o Hem Beyerege [moo Pie is Solubrous 11EAL'r1IY-WEALTiiY-WTSF. Trite ru adage that a "health is wealth." To b:• healthy. wealthy and wisp is a combination hard to beat. You'll be healthy ; You'll b' wise Coasequen(ly wealthy. if sou take BRICK'S TASTELESS COD LIVER OiL Driclea Tasteless has all the virtues of be 4 1r. 'Cod Liver Oil with the dis- t:tvtefnl tree siness removed. It nlso ()monies Compound Syrup of Hypo - phosphites. Liquid Extract of Malt and Feed Extracts of •Wild 'Cherry b:l : k. That's a composition that will tone un your system, bring you n b'g a ppetite, strengthen your nerves, build ,fat upon bones and put cheerful - rind ambition into your your 110£8 111e. Costs very little to try it. Will back up what we say. IIH )rnggisfs sell it. W. S. Howey, Plinl. B ('Realist and 01e:ici.ttl EXETER - ONTARIO. F-- • . , MAIL CONTRACT SEAi ED TENDERS addressed to the Postma:.icr Genci 1, will be re- ceived nt Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 16th July, 1909 for the con- te •n e n 11' Majestry'sMails, us, on a proposed contract for four years. six times per week each way, between Eyelet- and St. Mary's from the 1st of August next. Printed notices con- tnining further information as to conditions of proposed contrnet 'nay be teen and bank forms of tender may be obtnhied nt the Tose Office of Exeter. Ft. Mary's and mate officer and at the office of the Post Office I,; -p, etor at London. 0. C. ANDERSON Superintendent. Past Office Dopnrtment. Mail Ser- vice Drnneh. Ottawa, 1st .lune. 190:1. .'t Y01'NG 111.110 i):r e•t• the dniiy hath of tit, young d wov .• t and three a Lemon eh r end n n 1'I,►vnr is in adcanc•• of mostone. every ni her kind if you get. the heste t he 1. 11,• mother was suddenly called '1'0 have the fiend you must 11440 Pl•ttrry FLA t'OIIIK(I POWDER it contains noal- co w ur calor, it is pure. i u. '� 1 with each jar we Kae you a ,re nbaut to go down in the ho'e. bat 1 celpe form showing hoc to make Lets- of him out. mi , 1 (made and Lemon pie without using( g got him out. the fruit. You can mak.. a pie in , 110.The 1) •:inpntor io'.luly. (flatter the time. Yon can diatest it' I'n'ns of women. Ii'id tains, nr any hotter and it cysts yo. I. 'l'ry (1,0, 2 jar and 904' for Yourself. Sold only at' stain stopped in ' 0 minute, sure. twith Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Se•. ; TNI: PURITY full formula on 25c. Itox. Sold by \V. 8, Ilow•cy. to ••phone. On !or return she (,mad 11r, 111 both out of the tub. 1 I 'thoroueti:y excited. Thereupon the M- ond I t costs 2,t .. l O,dI,, , ort , •sclnirned : "Ilia raid teas THE OLD RELIABLE \\'e are still doing business at the old stand. Drop in and see Us and we will do you good. We are showing a full line in Ladies and Childs Summer Underwear In long and short sleeves and no sleeves, its all b1Ze. fro►n 0,0 to o's and in prices to suit every perron from 5c up to SUc each. MENS AND BOYS UNDERWLA In full suit. The well-known Merno brand at 5+tc and the Bal- briggan at 25 and :enc. LADIES PARASOLS Iu black twill ingrain cover with fancy handle, prices $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50; :also a very tine line of silk and linen Parasols with fancy handles, prices $2.25, $2.75 and $3.(0i. SPECIAL 3 Doz. Men's Fine Print Shirts= In fancy stripe, all sizes, from 14 to 17, regular 49C yv• 75, hoc and $1.00. Sale price for this week Produce- Butter 17c; lags lac. trade, 17c. cash, subject to change. CARLINC BROS. We Repair thuhGrddc ?IdllosAll kinds of Boots and� Shoes for you CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. \VIII?N YOU ROLL TIIE DOUGH made front our flour you will find it just right. You'll feel instinctively that you are going to have good luck with your baking. and you will be right. THE WOMAN WHO' USES OUR FLOUR always has good luck. Even an or- dinary baker gets splendid results. The fine . baker produce. 1 s better bread, cake and pies than she ever did be- fore. Order a sack of our flour as nn experiment. We know you will like it better than any other you have ever tried. HARVEY BROS. Foot Ease A Guaranteed Absolutely Pure and Certain Cure fort sore, tired, sweating, swollen feet. it controls undue perspiration, keeps the feet cool and comfortable and thus atferds n prompt relief for tired and blistered feet. Accept no Other fur that hot hurtling sensat inn so often troublesome in wilt 111 weather. Price 25c. a box. Prepared by W. S. COLE Phm. B. ('hetuist and 1l1 uggist, Songs and Music ower before of- fered in Record form can now be had in Edison Ambcrol Records Anlbe/ ol nHerold/4 ,*y twice rlA long as.Stadard Edison ileeted!. anti long- er !Linn any other tecnt•ds on the mar. kat. The new Edison i'honrgrapha We are Showing play both Standard •��� „��������������������• and Anlberol Record, No other talk- - --- -- ing tnnchine will play the Ambcrol PR : ARE ram Sr'll\1T?it OUTINGRecnrrl. Ask or write for catalogue Tour. '-. tickets to \1, 'knka. Te - Newest creations in Post Cardr here margo ii. Lake of Rays, (;.orgi,n )fay. Largest assortment of local views in Mng• ,'lnwan !liver. etc.. nn sal.! town. :t Inc Sc. dnil' The Grand Tr,:nk will con- tinue 10 be the favorite tourist ) vette . yammer rerviea starts Jen,. 2tlth. Full informntion from any .1. Willis Po.vell Manager. Grand Trunk Agent. fire a Pleasure to their Owners. IVe have sold and are selling agreat many high class pianos and our num emus satisfied c,rstomers is the strong est guarantee of this assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that the best Piano makers produce and our prices are right. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and in some cases trashy goods at big prices. Call and see Us and pe convinced that what We sa we live up to, S. Mrt10 USoo Fall Term Opens August 30. Our graduates are assisted to the `r hest positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at the beginning of term. Mail Courses for those tvho wish to study at home. Clinton Business College Geo. 'pn1tnn, Principal. emimmimmEn HUG'S Good News The market prices for old junk are alive :and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Son one door south of the Metropoli- tan. Just look at the following prices (no trade, and no truck) all cash. Hags 75 c, per hundred Iron from Mc to 75c. per bun. Old rubber hoots & shoes lc. lb. - Copper and brass Oc. per 1b. Horse hair :10c. per lb. �. Lead and zinc 2 1/2c. per 1b. Bring your goods here And get the worth of your Money, w Areat variety of IRON PIPE always on hand nt a rea- sonable price, suitable for fence posts, bracing bolllevarding. ` M. Jackson & Sons The tENIRAL Leading School ./ C,"lrr b . 2 ; I=1••1 STRATFORD, ONT. ('otlrsee are practical. 1 teachers (-aloe i(n(rd an graduates c':+filling t sponsihle posit it es Weal(' 1 ceivihel enanv ni plications to office help. Din it'g 11 single day This week we received recon ap- plications for office help and fang Inc ron,meicinl tenchere. nur ;sentient es succeed as none °thers. Three departmer ts. ('OMMEnr•IAL. SIIonTiLANIP TELEMI i'ui v Catalogue free ELI !OTT & M('i..1('BLAN, Principals. THE PURITY 7 1 lJ