Exeter Times, 1909-06-17, Page 6•1-4-1-1-1-1-1+++1-11-4-1-1-1-4-1111/ • Fashion { Hints. OVERTAXED NERVES A DISTRESS SIGNAL she Trouble Can Only be Cur3d by Enriching the B.00a Supply. * el 4-111-1-1-1-11-1-1-1441-11- 1-11-1-6 1'4')13 AND FANCIES. When your nervous system is ex- hausted the trouble makes itself eve Black hats have never been 50 high dent in many ways. You feel always tin favor. fatigued and unfit for work. Severe There is a turquoise tau in headaches distract you; your back jewelry. is weak; you sleep badly; your ap- 1\ ide velvet ribbons on hats are petite is uucertail, ; you are uerv- a sudden fad. ous and irritable and after any ex - Hat feathers are long and stand orcise you tremble and perspire almost straight up. excessively. If the trouble is not Patches of embroidery apper.r at checked your case goes from bad to random on spring gowns. worse until you feel that your con - New corsets are long and aro al. clition is hopeless and that Insani- most without curves. ty is threatened. Roomy armholes are appearing in Your nerves are calling for help. wraps for dress wear. They are starved because they de - home p:.rasol handles are covered mend from the blood more nous - with kid to match the costume. ishment than it can supply. New Mulberry, mauve, taupe and lea- rich blood is the sec. -et of nerve ther all promise to be popular strength and 1)e. Williams' Pink shades. l'ills for Palo People cure nervous Cherries in soft, beautiful tones disorders because they feed the are lavishly employed in hat gar- weak, exhausted nerves with rich, suture. red blood. The cane of Mrs. Emma For outings men are wearing Hall, of Hamilton, Ont., furnishes folded four-in-hands, with w-idoiy proof that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills flowing ends. will cure even the most stubborn Challies and pongees appear with cases of nervtl exhaustion. Mrs. many forms of border us well as Hall was left a widow and was the cotton materials. forced to work in a mill to main - Gold and silver chatelaine bags fain herself and her two little are in bad form for tailor Hautes children. She bravely faced the and other forenoon wear. battle of life, though she had never For summer wear the fashion is had to conform to such conditions hand wrought bags of linen, with before. Notwillstanding the splen - parasol to correspond. did spirit she displayed the work A large number of the straws this played havoc with a delicate con - season aro in the oolor of corn, ripe stitution, and some years ago Mre. from the sickle. Hall noticed signs in herself of a One of the new notes among flow- nervous collapse. She consulted a ers is a mixture of English wallflow- doctor who gave her some medicine ers and forget-me-nots. and told her she "would be all right The handbags, belts and buckles in a few days." But relief did not covered with pongee and trimmed come and it was tinally a daily oc- with silver arc stylish. currence for her to faint at her Suede cases, filled with the dainti- work. These fainting spells quickly est of perfumes, are among the developed into pronounced hysteria novelties in the way of sachets. and chronic irritability, and Mrs. Some of tho new petticoats of Hall says that death would havo grass linen have edges of ruffles been a relief. She consulted sev- and bias bands of a colored lawn. eral doctors but got no help, and The Dutch collar, finished at tho she felt that, she was almost bor- front with two tiny rosettes and a dering on insanity. In this condi- long tab, is exceedingly dressy. tion she was advised to try Dr. It is predicted that Gull finished Willianis' Pink Pills. Grasping at fabrics are to havo the call for even the possibility of help she dc - gowns of modish excellence this cided to (10 so. After taking three fall. boxes she actually found some im- Cloth bands aro much used at the provement, and from that time on finishing touch to the edge of acoatthis improvement was steady and or extreme edge of a dress skirt. increasing daily until after a few Except for the brilliant empire months she feltthe euro was com- green, which is a special favorite, plete. She says :— "Dr. Williams' most hats aro half -tones, dull in Pink Pills have done what, doctors ,line, failed to do and what I myself The mantles of the sixties of the thought was impossible. They have last century are going to have a big freed me from the terrible trouble run next season if promises. are I suffered and my old joy in life has kept. been renewed." When Mrs. Hall Collarless gowns for dress occa- began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Bisons are pretty if accompanied by Pills slie weighed only one hundred a broad band of beads, jewels, or pounds while under her renewed velvet. health her weight has increased to Tho individual linen pockets or one hundred and thirty pounds. bags worn with the summer gown I)r. Williams' Pink Pills can be aro frequently fastened with cords had from any dealer in medicines drawn through embroidered eyelets. or will be sent by mail at 50 cents The new old-fashioned sashes of a box or six boxes for $1.50 by The wide black chantilly lace, bound or Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - bordered with black velvet ribbon, ville, Out. are to bo worn over white or light colored dresses. 11 ith sleeveless evening frocks scarfs of tulle or chiffon aro often worn, tied about the arm half way between the shoulder and tho el- bow. IN A JAPANESE KRISONi THE DOSE IN TIME TiUAT SAVED 14111E CONVICTS SI !TOE!' 11!I:M1 SE1.1ES AN11 F1 411 A GEI{MLESS PARADISE. Instruments Are ('lean Without SIeriliy.ingi;. A Philadelphia physician, lately returned from a trip to Jamaica, was much impressed with the al- most total absence of ninny kinds of germs on the island. Infection is so rare as to be almost unknown, and it is not necessary for sur- geons to take the precautions against it which are indispensable elsewhere. "I was amazed when i saw them dressing wounds in a Kingston hospital," said the physi- cian. "They used no antiseptics of any kind, and din not even go to the trouble of sterilizing instru- ments. I que-ti„ncd the surgeons in charge and they said it was not necessary; that there were so few infectious germs on the island that healing was almost never in- terrupted by infection. If we should do work in any of our Philadelphia hospitals as they do it, we should be overwhelmed with blood pois- oning and other cows of that kind. They will not always havo this freedom from germs, however. In- tercourse with the United States and Europe will, in time. load them up with germs, unless great pre- cautions are taken. It is a pity that such must be the case, just as the introduction of tuberculosis germs into America by the white man was it great pity. The Indians never had Nothing 1)egradiug About the Treatment of Prisoners in Sugawu Jail. lu Japan aconsist may earn enough money while in jail to main- James RiverAnti oni�tn ('u. Win his faintly. He has the best of g ' food and lodging, is taught a trade, N. S., June 7. (Special).—It has and if ho wishes pursues the study again been proven in the case of of foreign languages. Mr. Dan. McGee, a we'll -known At Sug;an10 a qualified teacher in- farmer living near here, that back - structs the youni+.'r poisoners iu ache is only a symptom of Kidney reading, writin and arithmetic. trouble, and that Dodd's hiduey Prisoners of 20 acid upward who Pills cure it quickly and coinplete- are in seclusion fur the first time ly;,I suffered from Backache for are taught geography and history. two mouths," Mr. Mc(:eo states. If one entering the prison, says "It started from a strain and grew a writer in the Wide World, a man steadily worse. I also had occas declares that he has a knowledge y' of English he is carefully examined icnal attacks of Lumbago. I was by a linguist and the extent of his always tired and at, times my e3es knowleuge fathomed. Be is then were puffed and swollen. In the mowed to pursue his studies, the mornings I had a bitter taste in my necessary books being surplied by mouth. the authorities. When there are "Then I decided to try Dud<I's several in together a teacheris Kidney Pills and the result is that obtained front outside and lessons to day I am a well man. I advise all persons suffering from Back - aro given regularly. ache or Lumbago to use I)odd's RECORDS ARE KEPT. Kidney Pills." In the offices a record of each Mr. McGee caught his Kidney prisoner is kept during his stay. Disease in its early stages, and 'this serves to show whether the tun- Dodd's Kidney Pills cured it al- vita,is prompt to obey the officials, most at once. Neglected Kidney whether he shows atlection for his Disease develops into ltheuinatism, parents and relatives, whether he Dropsy, Bright's Disease or Heart writes letters home and whether Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will he makes progress ur not in his cure any and all of these. studies. The main building at Sugaino is designed in the form of a dumbell, the two ends beiug divided into Magistrate—"So you are a mem- five ray stars. 1•rotn the central her of the light-fingered fraternity, watch stand the warder can see eh 1" along the whole of the rays, which Prisoner—"No. your honor, I sel- comprise 300 cells. And what cells! dung get, my hand in until after Think of it—twenty feet high and dark." double windowed. The convicts are housed in groups. In a cell of eight gnats—all monis in Japan are measured by mats— twelve convicts are accommodated. The floor is covered with mushiro or soft matting, and on this the moo's bedding is spread when they are ready to turn in. Everything is spotlessly clean. "The chief warder stopped before a door at the axtrome end of the corridor, and after trying a dozen keys succeeded in throwing it open, ' writes a visitor. "With some mis- givings I entered. The room would Japanese inns furnish fresh tooth - have gladdened the heart of an brushes every morning fret to each amateur photographer. Not a guest. single ray of light penetrated its walls. It was ventilated by means of small tubes that ran through the cement in such a way that they did not admit light. FORMS OF PUNISHMENT. "'There are three forms of cho- batsu (punishment) for insubordina- tion,' said “ie warder. 'The first is confinement in an empty room, the offender heing compelled to sit on a mat witho•it moving or speak- ing from morning till night. The second form is confinement in a similar room slightly darkened. The third and most severe is confine- ment in this totally (lark room, the CONVICTS FEAR GiIOST. maximum punishment being five days. I have never known a roan Murdered Woman's Apparition Said wish to conic here a second time,' to Visit Prison. he added significantly. The convicts in the Maryboro "In that bamboo carving shed (Ireland) convict prison have been were men with large intellectual thrown into a panic by the ghost foreheads, bright, intelligent eyes, of a murdered woman which is al- clear cut mouths. Only one man leged to have visited her murderer, reminded me of convicts I had seen who is serving a life sentence in in Englund. He was short in stn too prison. ture, the eyes were small and ubli- The man is a Scotchman named gate, the forehead narrow and re - Grant, who was sentenced to death ceding, the ears large and the jowl a few months ago in Dublin for Hubby. His crime was men- the murder of a woman at the docks. slaughter. His sentence was commuted by the lie was the chief actor in a Lord Lieutenant to penal serci_ (Hama of jealousy that was played tude for life, and since then he has to a fatal finish in ono of the hovels of Tokio's been in Maryborough Prison. East End. A On Sunday the wardens were faithless wife, a hypocritical friend, startled by terrible shrieks from a surprise, and in the narrow hovel (trout's cell, and when they rushed a fight to the death had been waged, to see what had happened they He ci/lilnotwife 111the 0 eltsly htpnscel found the roan bathed in perspire him, this humble Othello. With tion, and in a state of abject terror. marvellous dexetrity he was fnsh- Ho declared that the ghost of the Toning in bamboo an angel with out - murdered woman had appeared in stretched wings. his cell, and had danced and gesti- culated before him. He clung to SUPPORT FAMILIES. the wardens, and implored them not to leave him. He (las had similar attacks of ter- ror twice since then, and the panic is spreading to the other con- victs. 111)1)8. h1UNI:1. PILLS CURED U.1 N. 11c(i};L'S 11.►('lt.1('IIE. He Used the Old Reliable hiduey Remedy and found a Speedy and Complete Cure for His Trouble. NOT GUILTY. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical b:,rdcn? I know what these mean to de —.re women—I hate been discouraged. too. bet learned how to et— myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pilin and stop the doctor's bill? I can do thin for you and Trill If you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed In my hands te Se given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you -1t has done so for others. if eo. I shall be happy and you will be cured for 20 (the cost of a ostage7�stamp). Your letters held cond. reat- MINOR (MRS. F. A CUto-dMAAki, for Windsor. Ont. BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE ALL MINOR TROUBLES The stomach, the bowels, or cut- ting teeth is responsible for most of the ills and suffering that af- flicts babyhood. Baby's (syn Tablets will keep your child well because it is the best medicine in the world teberciI )si't until the Europeans for these troubles, and at the same came, and then they were decimated tae It is the safest. Tho mother m by the disease. Many of the South (las the guarantee of a Government Sea islands are totally free from analyst that this medicine contains malaria just because they do not no opiate or poisonous "soothing' hate ►na.eria germs nor the mos- atntT. Mrs. ,los. Bernard, tit. quitoes which transmit them. To Lniite, Que., says: "Baby's (tun nye a country that had no germs 'tablets nro really a marvellous me- w old seem a paradise." calcine. Sly baby was thin. peevish and sickly until I began giving him this medicine. Since then he has 'Kitts," said her mother. re- thrnrd and grown splendidly." hn1,ieil„y. "yon must sit still %then Sold by medicine dealers or by yeti ora nt the table." "1 can't, mail at 25 cents a box from The Inaimme.'' protested the little girl. Dr. Vsillianls' Medicine Co., lirock- '.1'w n titlgctarian," sill°, Ont. "In the wed. ing department the convicts were making uniforms for the army. l'iles of the finished gar- ments lay on the shelves around the shop, and here again the work- manship was perfect. .1nd how they worked ! The shuttles were thrown through the warps by hand, and it was obvious that the weavers wore old 'lags.' " "'It pays then to bo Industri- ous,' sad the warder. 'The aver - ago convict makes ten sen (five cents) n day; four sen goes into his own personal account. A skilled worker will make twenty sen a day, eight being his own ngain. Some of these (nen actually support their families on what the earn in pri- son ! As you know, the average coolie can live 00 fifty sen n month.' "It was natural that after parad- ing this paradise 1 should doubt. if Japan's treatment of her crimin- als led to a decrease in crime," concluded the visitor. "The o1Ti• cials confessed that of robbers, burglars, thieves and swindlers en per cent. came back to the prison. Of those who had been twice im- prisoned 6') iwer cent. returned : of the first offenders, 40 per cent. found their say back.'' Ladies/ Do You Know THAT Bull Dog BRAND AMMONIA POWDER "(leans tie 'Everything" (WATCH Fut OUR NEXT ADVBRTLSEMENT evpiaining the saving of coupons to secure a 10 SOLD 11101 sea SEAL METALI=E• 1001 HATPIN ASK YOUR OROOLR FOR IT. I Maauf.sctass t br J. a. PAI :0 tic) . Ltd . Toronto. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to combat dysentery, cholera morbus and all inflammatory disorders that change of food or water may set up in the stomach and intestines. These complaints aro more common in summer than in winter, but they are not confined to the warm months, as undue laxness of the bowels may seize a man at any time. Such a sufferer will find speedy relief in this Cordial. She—"I knew you were an idiot beforo I married you 1" Ile—"I presume my proposing to you satis- fied you on that point." Housekeepers aro strongly ad- vised to commence the use of Wil- son's Fly Pads early, because a few flies killed in Juno would otherwise become a host by Aug- ust. Dividing with love is always doubling. — HORSE SENaE. "Why don't you go to the doc- tor." "I don't havo any faith in these modern physicians." "Neither had my jackass any faith in the vet. But he cured him of glanders." A Medicine for the Miner's Pack. —Prospectors and others going into tho mining regions where doctors are few and drug stores not at all, should provide themselves with a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It will offset the effects of ex- posure, reduce sprains, and when taken internally will prevent and euro colds and sore throat, and as n lubricant will keep the muscles in good condition. A young man should always re- member that if he is too attentive to a girl, he won't have enough money to get married on. You cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It removes all kinds of corns v:ithout pain. Failure with it is unknown. The Pill That Leads Them All.— Pills are the most portable and compact of all medicines, and when easy to take are tho most accept- ably of preparations. But they must attest their power to be po- pular. As Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the most popular of all pills they must fully sleet all re- quirements. Accurately compound- ed and" composed of ingredients proven to be effective in regulating the digestive organs, there is no surer medicine to be had anywhere. ITIS TROUBLE. Bing : "Yes, that's old Spriggings. Half -a -dozen doctors have given him up at various times during his life." Wing: "What was the matter with hon 1" Bing : "He wouldn't pay his bills." New South Wales has no work- houses. issl l: NO. 24 09. Mrs. Howard—"The walla of your apartment are very thin, aren't they 1" Mrs. Coward—"Oh, very! \Ve could actually hear our neigh- bors having celery for dinner last night." Try Murine Eye Remedy. For Red Weak, Weary,Watery Eyes Granulation. Pink E; . and Eyo Strain. Marine doesn't sm sill Soothes Eye lain; is Compounded by Ewer - fenced Physicians; Contains no Injurious or Prohibited Drug+. Try Murine for your Eye Troubles. You will like Murine. Try it 1.1 Babyy'.5yes fur gaily Eyelids. Druggists ,,e:1 blurlwatSec. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,Chicago, wiU send you Interesting Nye Books Free. THE ART OF PERSUASION. Possible Employer—"But wo aro slack ourselves. If I found you anything to do, it would bo taking work from my own men." Applicant—"The little I should do wouldn't harm nobody guv'nor." PLANTS AS ILL PREVENTIVES. In tropical countries, where the deadly malarial mist rises from the hot swamps, the first thing that the settler does is to plant the eucalyp- tus. Eucalyptus grains the damp, fever -laden soil by evaporation of water through its leaf surfaces. A house can be kept free of mos- quitoes if two or three of the anti - mosquito plants are placed in each room. The castor -bean is a hand- some plant, and quite harinlc s. Yet it is detested by all the animal world, and not even locusts will eat its leaves, or the mole born its way through its roots. No garden should be without honeysuckle, because of the number of honey -bees it at- tracts. Every gardener knows. how necessary bees are fir the proper fertilization of his flowers. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting any- thing that causes ill -health. Ono great cause of disease in children is worms. Remove them with Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It never fails. ---- She—"I -_She—"I think it very strange that plan was made first." He—"Quite the natural order. Money has to be made before a woman can spend it." Don't ignore the few house flies you see in June. Unless you commence using Wilson's Fly Pads early your house will be overrun by thein in midsummer. Teacher (angrily) : "Why don't you answer the question, Bobby 1" His brother Tommy (answering for hint): "Please, sir, he's got a pep- permint in his speech." MAKE A NOTE when you aro leaving home to buy "The D. A L." Menthol Plaster. Guaranteed to cure the worst case of backache, hehe, stitches. ac Avoid the "just as good"dgoods. Get the genuine. YOUR SUMMER OUTING. If you aro fond of fishing, canoe- ing, camping or the study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres inter- spersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering all the at- tractions that Nature can bestow. Magnificent canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilirating atmosphere. Just tho place for a young man to put in Leib summer holidays. Hotel ac- commodation. An interesting and profusely illustrated descriptive publication telling you all about it sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. ANTHEMS OF THE NATIONS. British Notional Song inspired Thome of Other Countries. It is no new thing for lament to be expressed that the United States has no good and distinctive nation- al anthem. Prof. William M. Sloane does not like "The Star- Spangled Banner," because it is not simple, although it is strong. Ho realizes the difficulty of making a song to order, even though tho Au- strian and Russian hymns were written that way'. Russia is a pretty old nation, but it used the music of "God Save the King" as its national hymn till 1530, when Lwoff wrote the present national song, "God Protect tho Tsar," as a setting for the words of a patriotic poem. The Austrian l.ynln is about thirty years older, and is a product of the patriotic enthusiasm that covered Europe nt the time of the French Revolution. Haydn had visited England, and returned to Vienna much impress- ed with the British national anthem and he suggested that ,\ustria should havo such a hy'inn. He was accordingly conunissiuned to write it, and the new song was first sung in 1797. The English hymn, "Olid ssave the King," appeared in its present forst in 1740. and made its way by its merits until it became +,tficially recognized. Although Germany has a patriot- ic' song to the sante air. "The Watch on the Rhine," now known abroad as the great national song. did not iappear till 1870. it sprang into i'epularity during the war with France. The French hymn +,f "'rhe Marseillaise" was produced during the excitement of the itevolution. ns "Tho Star-Spangled Banner" was inspired by an incident of the War of 1411. 4'- ".\ lambkin, my soy." answered Toddles, sen , is n little lamb." "Then, paw," continued Tommy, "1 s'posc the little nap you take after dinner ie a uapkin, ain't i&1" SLIGHTLY MIXED. It was the final day of school And the friends of Willie Wise Were out in force expecting to See Willie swipe the prize. When Willie stood up to recit ) He said, with outstretched hands: "Under the spreading blacksmith tree The village chestnut stands." No man's steady character will enable him to keep cool in warm weather. Only those who suffer from Piles an know the agony, the burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing pal,u which the ailment causes, and the way it wrecks the sufferer's Life. 'Lain-Huk is Mused i.y thousands alto used to sufier from piles, but whom it has cured. One .ur h I;rateful p-rson 1s Mrs. Elira!xth '1 ayior, of tireenwon1 Avenue, '1r•ronto. She .eys t -" For four Ing years 1 suffered acutely kin bleeding piles. 1)ur.rg that time 1 spent an immense ami Lid , f money on 'remedies' and doct,lr's lve. scrtlnlon+ but gut no case. 7.am•Puk sas daftcrent 10 everything else i had Inc I, and 11 currl me I ain grateful for the cure, and as I have ucser had lobs once silo e, i know the cure i. permanent." A,,•hrr thankful woman is Airs. F. \. tiardm,r, of Catalina, Trinity Pay. She says:—"in my case L.,:n•Itck effected a %condetful cure. For t«.h•e years I had been troubled with Stied, nleedinq, and protruding piles. 1 had been using various kinds of oin'ments, etc , but never came acro's anything to do me tion until I tried'lam-Huk, which .:ured me. That this may be the means of helping some sufferers from vile, to try %am Buk, is the wish of one who as found great relief." ?.ain-liuk is a purely herbal balm and should be in every home. Cures cuts, ',urns, bruises. eczema, ulcers, blood• Ix» snning, prairie itch, sunburn. blisters. sore feet, summer sores, and all diseases and injuries of the skin. etc. All drugeists and stores .t so'. box. or from 7,am•Puk Co , Toronto, for price. WOMEN'S I ANDS MtliNny of was a .ad Gam. a okras... weak .lurels rold.'Maa,, peer Load by dl .i WW. al rK'•aea...1. 1. tia.sawi.i. rd, ?list a..a r.r :veep U:• lan..n. at.* ek..;... 11.1014. r.a..ne, r+lel.g, .,r ate. 111 wars KEPT Mhllt AILDa0IT C•a...rt.lees patr- al,r. sod ..rile $1 001 t'd.<c.A. addr.M TARBOX BRO5., 274 Dundas tit., Toronto. Oat. WOMEN MAKE MONEY ! WHY NOT TOUT S ealy' cotton rASCAR (II CIVICS l'n:lrlt d.!.c,*ne al roc► ata colas sous aa )Uu .tart a'1 30u r.• 1..1,e la a ...114 MAC ban.. Ne ..a supply PPM dorsal noire par u L all read, 10 herr fore can a u l { ty partachle .r the* ., Gaul.) "tb• .1,Ih ,O auto, ao,l.k. tf.ke=:,Q to Ss r0 re. .ea spate nae. Nrty • a espialo .II about it. TaRbOX BROS., GI Dundee sit., TORONTO. OMT. 1'IEOLOGY. "Promises like pie -crusts, aro easily broken," said a philosopher. But he said it before the railway lunch -counter pie was invented. Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.—Tho stomach is the workshop of the vi- tal functions and when it goes out of order the whole system clogs in sympathy. The spirits flag, the mind droops and work becomes impos- sible. The first care should be to restore healthful action of the sto- mach and the best preparation for that purpose is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. General use for years has won them a leading place in medicine. A trial will attest their value. They who think there is only one read to ..eaven usually want to put a toll gate at their station. A stitch in time saves nine, and every house fly killed early saves a thousand at least later on. Wil- son's Fly Pads will kill many times more flies than any other article. If wishes were Iii ;. :, there wouldn't be any room in the world for automobiles. RICH AND POOR ALIKE use Painkiller. Taken internally for cramps, coheir and diarrhoea. Applied externally cures sprains and swollen muscles, etc. Avoid substi- tutes, there is but one "Painkiller "— Perry Davis -25o and sec. The wisdom of the world has al- ways come from the people who did not fear being called fools. a� WANTED. 1 pANTRV WOMAN, liberal wacei, and glee for dining -room work, wage' 115.dr) pet ta.,alh. Apply "1'ho Welland." 81. Ccthirine..� . AGENTS WANTED( You can make mord money selling our Perfumes, Toilet Re- gTIiaitiel. 'rens, Con ces, Spicre, Etc.. than In nny other legitimate way. kgccllent opportunity for energetic men and women. TEE HOME SPESOAI.TIES CO., Toronto. Canada. WOOL Wanted. Write metorprIcel and market conditi,.ils. WM. ORAMA 11, Dealer in Wool only, 120 George ft., Toronto. Dyeing! Cleaning!. 1.►18.,srrM15b uS owe weft to tae "UMW AMERICAN SYEINO SS. sok fes wet b posa bows. or Hsi dlrM► tMostreal, Teroato. Ottawa. casaba*. Saskatchewan Farm LandsI hare open prairie landseuitabl• („r grain aro% i111'; none better 19 America. Also trart+ iu btu8y cmilitry for grazing "r mise.1 farming. The rich- •st ,,,ii on 0srtlt. Theis land+ are on a new hr inch linm and very low in price. write (us particulars. JAMES 1001N00N, Wswnta. Saskatchewan, San. vIc1YlTRtrA1ipis ACENT8 WOMEN. ', CASE Mali 53 is Day and e•tab. Hatt p••rul.ne.t bu.lne,S n0 our cap tat O"r NA elan goo.e *ell on slight kissers home. are quietly weal up and rep..,` elders come f. 1Ezaluris. tsr- WfiiTE `►tory giver.. Tale 11,111 BVrCLT Oo., 4" CATALOGUE Dept. 50, Tomato, Uot. f ALEXANDER WARDEN, flats tress...` I'r.sb t.rlae lharch in Canada) BONDS AND STOCKS' cobalt .tools bought and sold • nr mmluinn 15 TORS sTO STREET, TORONTr). CANADI tuna Distance Phones - \tato t. '.tats ICI. WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. Mender. Stunk tech ►nae. Trailers Rio:0 DAMN. YS liria1 etre.', Toit0N1n. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS We are now COBALT Stocks. Brite as specialising in lot Inform tat aa. Fire Insurance Agents. Wanitei R!rhrn,•n 1 R Drumm.n.1 Fire bloomers cors p+m, (teal Office. Richmond' Que. Y.+tahll.huj 15:9 Capital $25o.0r0). For ag.nctea at unrepte, awned points, Province ,1f Ontario. addralt J. II. EW.tRT, Chief Agent, No. 11 Wellington S1., gait, Toro • l'5iD IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, T heatrt s, and io thousands of homes where a trine() of dilinctite merit is appreciated. 11,e Be11 is the only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action. Send for (free Catalogue Nu. 73. Siam PIANO m Or an Gt.. Lir. i!.J ( 'C LP i-t.CNVTAfZUO..