Exeter Times, 1909-06-17, Page 51
1 23 E E X E it E R T I M ter A, .1 UNE Irth 1909
BROWNScaEormx Crediton
Special CORN ER
O. Friday ec le the Stars pay-
ed a game with the Zurich team. 11
did not look any too good for our
boy., the :first part of the game, belt
t they gradually caught up and at the
\Ve are offering a line of these goods just when you need then[. Not end of th_• ninth inning the score
placed on our counters two piles of \Vhite Muslius, Colored Mushns, Bing- rood 6-5 in Savor of the Stars. We
hope to eve the Zurich team over
waiting until after the squirter season when they are not needed. We have
Items and piques, regular lac to 24k per yard, now 10c and 1" jc—A SNAP, [,ere again soon, as they are getting
quite expert at the game.
el r. Christ ]heist's fancily is under
\Ve have been selling many lines such as Striped Ginghanis, Linens Gala- euaraatine. scarlet fever being the
teas, Directoire Pique, Crinkle cloth. etc. Many have been completely sold cause, '
out and replaced and now most of there are down to remnants. Those who Mr. August heist undertook to op -
have yet to purchase any of these goods would do well by acting promptly., crate the auto Friday afternoon, and
price 14c. to 2.5e. Have a nice line of white goods that include a wide choice had a little bad luck. Ile lost con-
tn weave goods from Sc. to 60c. trol of the machine .and ran it into
a barb wire fence slightly injuring
Window Shades Carpets and Jake Finkbeiner would
the asay. "Luckyuto and smahing a post. As
and Curtains Linoleums 1
June Sale of $ummer Goods
Bargains in
SVe have just receiv-
ed two pieces of Black
Taffeta, 1 yard wide,
very soft, good black,
guaranteed not to cut,
and is highly recom-
mended for wear. Is
not loaded with lead
and at it. price lower
than anything you ever
saw. Come in and see
it. Suitable for the
stylish black silk coats
and dresses. Price $1
and $1.2,i; one lt) in. at
Received another lot
of fancy net 30 in. wide
bordered both sides,
newest designs, also
plainer ones from 10e
to :0k. per yard.
Big range of Lee,.
Curtains 25c to $1.(i)
per pair.
We understand two June wed-
dings will take place before the is -
This season has been sue of the paper. More particulars
an exceptionally good next week.
one in this line. Had Miss Chrissie Brown has arrived
to repeat our orders ,.n 1 i ' visiting in Dashwood.
. Brown and Miss Nora
Siebert, of Dashwood, epent Sunday
in town visiting friends.
Itev. !!union. of Goderich. spoke in
the Evangelical church Sunday.
If all reports are true there arc
many cases of scarlet fever in our
midst. \Vbat's the matter with the
Board of Health?
Mr. August Kuhn, of Stratford, vis-
ited his parents here over Sunday.
Messrs. Frazer Brown and Bruce
Kienz:e left for Berlin Saturday to
visit friends.
A number from here attended the
Sunday School convention nt Zurich
Mr=. Nicol. of London, is the guest
of her mother Mrs. Motz.
ltcv. Fair. of E!irnville, preached a
very- interesting sermon in the
elhd• h h d
bout and this week re-
ceived another ship-
ment. Expect more
beautiful Tapestry rugs
in different sizes in a
few days.
For Men and Boys
SUITS—ln this line we have a cotul�lete range
showing a nice lot of two piece Summer Suits at
right prices.
Hats, in Felts and Straws. Shirts, Ties, Collars.
Fancy Vesta, Socks, Underwear, Handkerchiefs,
Showing a special range of Rain Coats, Coverts
and Black Walking Coats. Latter silk faced.
Buy and Retail all kinds of Seeds, Millet, Potatoes and all kinds of Produce'
Highest market price.
WANTED -10,000 lbs of' Wool. S. BROWN
C. zw1c
'Great Clearing Sale
We are offering over 300 Boys and Youths up-to-date
-''hits, excellent quality, at bargain prices. It will pay you
see them, Also a fine selected stock of Men's Clothing
in up-to-date style and latest shades at the very lowest
rices. Mens Odd Pants $1.23 to $2.73, regular $1.75 to
$3.50 Pants.
• Have you seen our stock yet. we
have the most extensive stock of the
best goods we have ever handled. Our
stock of 'Tapestry Squares are beauti-
ful, quality excellent, prices the low-
est. Theare selling fast which
proves our values are right. We have
them in all shades and designs, sires
8x3, 3xat, a' x3 , 31x t, :31x I j, etc.
Lace Curtains
We aro offering special values in
Curtains, Curtain Muslins, etc. We
intend to clear some lines regardless
of cost,
See our stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars
Fancy Vests, Hosiery and etc., all
new goods. We have the correct sty-
les in this department,
et o fist c urc un ay morning.
On Friday evening the "Cubs"
Played n very interesting game of
baseball with the "north -enders" 12
innings being played in 40 minutes.
This is going some. It takes Vinni-
gan to stop the balls and as for Bas-
ely, if he keeps on he will make a
good pitcher. The score was 6-3 in
favor of the "cubs."
Rev. (licks occupied the pulpit of
the Eden Methodist church Sunday
Mr. C. E. llluett has been appoint-
ed by the county council a member of
the leanly beard of examiners in
place of Mr. \\'e :denhamnier, of Exe-
ter resigned.
Mr. Geo. Aldeworth. of Eau Claire,
WL:.. ul,d M r. Lewis A:dworth. of
Itayfie:d. visited relatives here last
During a recent r:ectriea1 storm
the house of Mr. Peter .Munn u as
struck by lightning. Very little
damage wa.t done.
A [:umber attended the funeral of
the :ate Duncan McKay at Exeter.
Tel: some deserving Rheumatic suf-
ferer, that there is yet one snaffle way
1 to certain relief. (let I)r. Shoop s
We have just received a Nobby book on Rheumatism and n free trial
Stock of Felt flats. Also Men's, Boys test. Thos book will make it entire-
Childrens Straw Hats. The latest, Iv elan how Itheiinr tie Palos are
styles and low prices. , quickly k . ed by I)r. Stoop's Rheu-
matic 11• inedy--liquid or labia ts.
Send 1 l.:oney. '1 h • t est is tire.
Surprise Borne disheartened sufferer
Iby f'rst gelling for him the book from
1)r. Shoop. Itac:ne, Wis. W. 5.
Just a few words regarding this de-ilimey,
pnrtment. To clear up on a mostI
successful season wo intend to clear
out the balance regardless of what is I
paid for the goads. We carry no old I
stock from one season to the other in . ! I i r, , learned
this line. Take advantage of this op- I 1 ai: ' . •1 , • ?, : '..1 • 111, qty yen rs
port to secure a bargain. {{ n•:•, :eel nee- , ^•'red as freight
e 1• Lee, n I:: 11 C.,:rush:n. tram
Groceries h. t •• 'n r I: w friends.
M r w` I: . , ., it h'cnme snd-
n ego. appe1-
OurGroceryUepnrtun•ntas well ns • •,I ., 1, ini,•r:111 ailments
all other department is tilled with sea- II • had b'en laking
amiable goods, you will find our values , , I . ;:I, h.•t ween the
tight and quality the best. etei 01141 titer ,he
: •d. all ne's lei rb•r
• et:e se f)r. (hint,
, i ..1 .,.-1 .,:11 the
". ,, •d u'i sue -
(11' 'I
• Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.
A ('all Solicited.
= Crediton,
Buggies Buggies
Just Arrived
A large consignment of baggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario
in alt t he Intest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do
well to look over aur stock before purchasing. No Double to show goods.
Vehicles fullP• guaranteed. A call solicited.
Trevethick & Hodgins
WhenYour Head Aches
don't take c' anccs with your heart by dosing
with headed„ cures. It's caused by upsct
stomach or inactiwc liver.
(' L'4T
will settle the stomach and make your liver act with-
out violence but cdectivcly. It will remove the
cause and cure the headache.
S' Get a2ic.Box
For Sale by W. S t 'o1e, Exeter.
111'1. r i
gale rr • t„
shot'. r,
of 'Clint".' e
local do•••.,:
rrSr; u : h•.
ore ee
Are your feet. h9t,
sore and blistered ?
if so, try Zam Buk.
As soon as
Zam-Buk is applied
it cools and soothes
injured smarting
skin and tissue.
its rich, refined
herbal essences
penetrate the skin ;
its antiseptic pro-
perties prevent all I
danger of festering \
or inflammation
from cuts or sores ;
and its healing essences
build up new healthy tissue.
For stings, sunburn, cuts,
burns, bruises, etc. just as
Mothers find it invaluable for
baby's sores!
411 Lrup,itsts ,fine! s:orrR—�.. •
am Buk
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Spacial Traisalaaw Tomato 2.00 p.o. on
APRIL 0, 20 VAY_4,11 JUNE 1,11, 21
JULY 11, 17 AUL 10, 21 SEPT.?, 21
Sacosi clue adieu Iran Ontario Patinas to priecipaj
Northwest ,ciao u
wiaaipee god retire $12 00: Edmore god solute
s42 d to sadto
wnrlue�60 days hapmi a. ons 1•111$ Twitch
0o all ettcursiona. Coafartabfe berths, fulls equipped
with bedding. Mae be secured at .odes[as rata tluouek
loco! oval.
Early application must be made
wataiaias naw Mad lull informatba.
Apply s leued C.P.R. Agent o, ro R. L. T konp..s,
Did. Pea. Agt.. Toronto.
Y.. .1. Carlin Agent Exch... •
[Quite a large tann>h r from lien -
sail and vicinity on \\ ednesday last
attended the funeral of the late Mrs.
Thomas Ito!>.•t tson. of '1'uckersmith,
who was well and favorably known
in aur ti:la:;'•. 11er death came as
quite a :boa: to her relatives and
friends, :ts she had only been seriously
ill for a trw- days. The deceased was
of it gentle retiring disposition, and
w•as loved and respected by a very
large circle of relatives and friends.
• crred in the
The rami were iunt
ins w t
llc sall union cemetery, here her
late husband was laid to rest a little
over a year ago. •
Miss Emma Drysdale, who has been
in the West with her brother Ralph,
returned horns during the past week
for a rest. conducted by the Rev. Joseph nic-
Mr. Miilyard ise expected to occupy Coy, M. A., of Victoria. B. C. At
!tie pulpit here the first Sabbath in 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Music by the
holy. Itev. 5. T. Toll, wvho has been Church choir. On the following Mon -
!t• -•-.r fel the past three years, has day evening a ten -meeting %viii be
heal appointed to W'alkerville. held on the church lawn. Tea blind
11e,sr�. George McEwn. Henry from 5.30 to 7.30, after which a
Horton and J. W. Ortwei
n were in musical and literary program will be
(.odcrich last week as jurymen. ! render, d in the church. The follow.
Wm. Moore. wvho has been in Mglu.nisters erre invited to be pre -
London fora number o: months with sent; Revs. McCoy. Abrey, Mc -
her daughter, Mrs. Pierson, has re- Kay. Stewart. Macey, Vcaie• Music
turned to Hensel!.wci:l be tarnished by the Mitchehl
airs. .1. Laing. of this village, left Quartette. And the service of Mr -
here during the past week for London Walter '!lord the a well known Mlo-
in the interest of her eyesight. which) Walteist has been secured to give
has been failing her very rapidly dur-I several lite•r:►ry selections. Admis-
!ng the past year or so. She Ins been I sera 25c., children not of school 15c.
cnco'tmnged by a specialist of Lon-ir. Jose, left this week for the
cine to have inn operation performcd,I h1)ome of his mother, wvho is quite ill.
which he claims would greatly bene -t His practice is being looked after by
fit her sight. I Dr. Curr.
Mrs. J. W. lionthron. who has' A very int cresting Institute meet -
been visiting leer parents in waterloo t ing was held by the ladies of Kirkton
' r I was
� . S. D e t
for some months, returned this week, on the lawn of .lr.. , 0 1
at tom 'auicd by her sister, :Hiss ; u'b: y addressed by Mrs. Ashley and
Lilly ' onngbint% She is much int•' a '[[rich was afterwards enjoyed by
preyed in health.1 the members.
\Ve hear on good authority that
\Vontsn with pale co Iorless faces' the lilnnshard By-l.lw is protested.
we ho fl wk =ediscouraged. %pI by whom we
have Itomeed to men-
receiveeebotheamensalnd and bodily vigorill; tion as their reputations are some
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
erre made for the blood, nerves and
1 "
--_._.meNISI M
Mr. and Mrs. [Fred frees r. btrs.
Nadiger and Mrs. Louis K1 instiver
all Monday to visit friends . I Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edighui,,•r and
son Lloyd stent Sunday with friends
at Fullerton Corners.
`: r. Jos. :Wambold ie on the sick
Mrs. Fahner. of Michigan, is vis-
iting her mother, Mrs. J. Shrader.
Mrs. Jacob 1ie11ermann spent the
past week visiting Mrs. C. Fritz at
Miss 'i'heo. llartleib and Mr. Il.trris,
of Crediton, pent Sunday at Mr.
Jonas 4iart:..bs.
Hiss Chrissie Brown who spent the
last two weeks at W, AL- Siebert's
returned to her home in Crediton.
Mrs. N. Brown u., i Miss Nora Siebert
accompanied her.
'Childrens day will be celebrated in
Dashwood Evan. church, on Sunday.
June 2Uth, special programme both
afternoon and evening.
Rev. 11:imtnet, of Newbury, Ont.,
preached in the Evan. church on Sun-
day evening.
A strttwt•hrrry festival will be held
on June 29th, under the auspices of
the Dashwood Y. P. A. A good time
is expected. Dashwood band in at-
tendance. See bills for particulars.
Ki rkton
Mr. V. 1!. Shier's natne appears
among the list of those who were suc-
cessful in graduating in medicine at
the Toronto University.
Itev. Snell has been appointed pas-
tor of the Kirkton Methodist church.
The Anniversary Services of the
Kirktun Presbyterian Church will be
held Sunday. June 20th. Services
Thu un:oit-revival services being
eocduc.ed by Messrs. Crossley and
11anter. evangelists, ,rill Its brought
to a e -re c the beginning of next
week. Owing to Mr. J. E. hunter
b:'itet in poor hen:th his place has
b: •a taken by his .SiiErnest. wvho
lock: little the. zeal and vigor of his
fnth:•i. (1,1 Sunday ::est Mr. .1. E.
11•i.r.er joined -Mr. Cro.,.• .y and is
t:tk'rg his work this el. •k. Good
crowds are• in attend.•nce and the re-
: u:ts of their labors are being innni-
fL, , d. Th • meetings are being held
in 1114- town hall. Loads have come
over from Exeter and neighboring
','aces and on Sunday evening last
several converts nt the Exeter meet-
ing give nec n'nts of their conver-
s:vas. At the conclusion of these
meetings Messrs. Crossley and hunt-
er will take n two months' vacation
:n Muskoka.
The atrlru1t picnic of the residents
of Sodom and vicinity was held to the
Ile,,tl on Monday, rind although the
weather was n trifle cool, it did not
dears the
iliar the enthus.asin of the picnickers,
1 1: o hitt! t he beet day's sport t hey Signs ere
!rid for some time. After lunch of
L:.1 Leon rived every one went to
r. cr, ation grounds. ,where it col -
Hui ens taken u,> :.s prise money Laura :i114.1`.� et rid Weide are
it • youngsters. AH the sports �. ,!tir.It friends in Buffett).ager1i contested, some close Mr. J. J. .11err.er WOO n de:eeath
eco:ling. After the races. n lu the C. U. F. meeting nt London
: mash ens arranged with In„ week.
arl:ake and Silas Stanlnke.
a , captains. nnJ the game %it+ ----
:trotting nt. Silas does not In ':ckeess. if n certain nerve goes
• :r, hi v.• a losing tram, but h • %trune. then the organ that this nerve
” I. . -tied with the short end control -4 ,till naso surely fail. It may
;les tine., At hstif tin> • he n (Stomach r.ervr. or it may have
co. .• rr as 1 to l) in favor of Capt.' 12', Veil strength and 'support to the
Wart or Kidneys. 1t w'as Dr. Shoop
,hit first pointed to this vital truth.
lir. Shoop� s Restorative was not made
to dose the Stomach nor to tempor-
iir:ly stimulate the Jieart or Kid -
That old-fashioned method is
L wrong. 1)r. Shooks Restore tire
goes directly to these failing inside
terve{. The remnrknble success of
:red four beeses to take the party.; this prescription dentonstratrs the
w:rdom of tren:ire the nctnnl cause
stopped 1n iiiminutes I of the'^ failing organs. And it is in-
ure with hr. tihta,`iy 1 cited enay to prove. A simple five or
1'r..up Re teilr. Jho ten dn)'s test still surely tell. Try
teat wills dig.
it once. (11141(11141rr • 1 `Sold by \W, 8.
N., vomiUng noo ddie
r. ai.• :1:)c4 ph•nainitayrut 1Oe, llntggista I Ilowey.
what• prominent. We are .sorry to
say that we can find no epithet ap-
eropiiate with which to designate
these individuals either in Webster's
or our own yocab:t:ary. but we ven-•
tutu to think that most pcopie can
fill this mission for themselves.
It. Davies has returned home after
a two wviceks sojourn in the city of
Stratford. "a sndder but wiser man".
The local bank has made great pro-
gress and is now ready for business,
we hope that merchants and farmers
will see their way clear to patronage
it. for it ills a long felt want in
This community.
The Kirkton Double Quartette re-
galed the congregation of Roy's
church withasplcndid music last Sun-
day with !reel sucePSti. Mr. Dinney has had considerable experience and will greatly improve
Irst Marshall's straw stack caught pr•enrises. Ole will have ch:age of the Row Bouts, Beth Helve., Stables
fire ::.it week and great difficulty i'icrtle (irouuds.
was experienced by the neighbors to
i':event it ranching the barn.I Special attention will be paid to Campers and
Minn friends and relatives of the Boarders. Board by meal or week.
into Joseph nen vers attended the
funeral in St. Me rye last Tuesday.
Jack Burrett is working for Mr. Cottages to Rent.
Cut to Pieces
We want to sell
c.fl our entire stock of tiiininej and untrimmed
hats and will oflet' from now until the end of
the season at such prices that will make tlieln
MONT. Now is your last chance to get a hat
very cheap
Siebert & Co.
Hartictb Block. DASHWOOD
Lumber Shingles and Lath
We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build-
ing material that we are in a better position than ever to enmity your wants in
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
If you intend builJtng a house or barn we will be pleased to quote prices
and assist you in any wiry we can.
Conte in and get our pries.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited,
1lashwwor>t, Ont.
Housecleaning Wants
House cleaning time is here with a 11 its worries. Let us help you by
supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White %•ash Brushes. Soap, Dutcli
Cleanser, Gillet's Lye, Ilousehold Am monia. Ilon Ami for cleaning wind.
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
Thenyou wiIIv
ant some of our wall papers which we •
r c selling at
greatly reduced prices.
Ask to sec our patterns, we can please you.
PAINTS.—You need paint for renewing little things around the
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas Paints. re-
cognized as the best paint made, in cans from 15o. to 95c. Var-
nish stain nt 25c. a can is just the ping for making old furni-
ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition
over with you.
Farre produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price.
New Management
Mr. Robt. I_)inney, of Exeter, has leased the Park for a
term of years, taking possession on tate first of ,lune.
I'hns. llnrrah. his tune with Air.
\\'m. kirk having expired.
The Rev. Snell. of Esscx, is alloted
to the Kir!: nit carr:it.
CARSwil. ' `.
All New Bathing Suits.
R. W. DINNEY, Prop.
'Shipkn spring sawing this week.
the Kind You hats Always 13'41 The school trustees of school sec- Mr. John O'Rourke sports a new
tion No. 7 Sbipka invite all the rate- Fuggy. Watch John's style.
The. Methodist Church here intend
holding their annual lawn social on
June 2114. Coin' one, come all and
enjoy n good time.
Mr. S. ltichnrdson, of London. ie
spending n sew days at the home of
r..Iohu 11(1301141 m.
Tip. M, - r,. .1. Broph:'y and Mate
'.ale, anti %heti the final dust cleared
. . the score looked like a to U.
I a1• n hungry lot that sat down
•r. nod ns it. • , bangs were de-
. everyone . njayed the lunch.
•1nrn home wens of a pleasant
. as there nes notone in th,•
. 1 . w: ho did not vote the outing th
• in the history of Sodom. it r'•-
sires Strength and Vigor
There is nothing \vhi .'1 so quickly restore, strength and
energy after an illness .as a daily cup of I30VRIL. As a
change 1td'1 a spoonful or two cif milk. Or stir a spoonful
of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk.
pnycrs of the section to attend the
school picnic on Friday. June 18th,
to -morrow.
Mr. S. !Hawkins, of St. Marys, spent
Sunday a it h his mother. who is very
Mr Itobt. Bcsterd is all smiles. It's
a bay. hew. ('. rw , cit last Tuesday
Mr. S. Sweitzer has completed hittp
:i' Ni i i 1.*tzar r and iluffalo,
aha neevl the services of e'wort Fp•claliat4
wIiy waste your [money in treating wirlr
doctors you know nothing of, wh • w'ta
your money with wrinkle.* eI etrIa
e belts
or drug; store nest rum s, w hen you can est
guarantees regrow, seseessful trentnu nt
front these Mater Specialists. Drs. K.& K.
lass treated patient* throughout (•anala
for over re years and are responsible 'Than -
They accept only curable cases and
bout- your euro peer, incurable it nerd
not vet you a cent. It yeti aro unable to
call at our omee for a pi r: -anal examination
wo will send a Question I.Irt for you to fill up
rt ,n1 w htch Imam dtagmao your case and
)c.0 whether you are curably or not.
n wo will prevriiN' sp''clflo relne'tles
r..r your Indivhhunl case which you can
lako at home. WI. 11450 r., carr -all remedy
that ae send to everykody alike as most
speclaltstsdo, but 'e prescribe thin rem•
nils•, minim! for each ltelivldual case to
4.,1)1/.1,1e a core. That's one of the ,.--reta
"four won.lrrftil snr,•ear a hen (Alton; fall.
Send for our Free Booklet on Disease* of
Men Illustrated.•
wt•• arante.. 1" 4',iro
Nervous Debility. Blood Diseases, Varicose
Veins, Kidney, Plodder and
Urinary Diseases
If unable to can, write for a Question Bloak
for Home Treatment
Cor. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.