Exeter Times, 1909-06-17, Page 4GRAND TRUNK SY's EM
s la I t I. I L L -T .
(1':xI•:'1'I•.l: 1 1;1.iC SCI[OUl.
estaineas •
th.• grounds; a cook will be employ-;
ed. and every arrangement made for i
the safety. comfort and pleasure of ! Touching Scene When the Brave Cap -
the boys. Parents need have no fear 1 tain Left the Olympia.
or anxiety concerning the welfare of I On the morning of the battle of Ma-
th,. boys while away, and should ems, oils Bay Captalu Grldlcy was iso 111
brace the opportunity to give their
boys a healthful. wholesome outing,i that the little commodore offered to
ut:der Christian influences, and super -I excuse him from duty, but gallantly.
vision, The committee have no other, as !s characteristic of the than, he re
Idled, "Thank you, C'otumodore Dewey,
s e y m ship, and I I l
but h i y [ ,
her." And he did, although, figurative-
ly speaking, he was a dead man before
he went on the bridge, and days bad
strung themselves Into but few weeks
when be was ordered I nito on sick
leave. Ire crane up out of his cabin
dressed in civilian clothes and was niet
by the rear admiral, who extended hitt
n most cordial hand. A look of trots
bled' disappointment flitted across the
captain's brow, but vanished when he
stepped to the head of the gangway
nod, looking over, saw, not the lann,ls
but a twelve oared cutter manned ell
tirely by officers of the Olympia. That
trere men in that boat who had Lot
pulled a stroke for a quarter of a ecu
tury. The stars and strl; -s were at
the stern and a captain's silken coach
tt•!t!p at the bow, and when C'nptai:.
(;ridley, beloved alike by officers :s:. !
than, entered the boat it was • 1'i•
oars!" and all that. just ns though the:
were common sailors that were to rn•
hint over to the ::aero. when he t•..•
down upon the handsome boat eies1
that was spread for hint lie Lotted h!:
head. and his hands hid his fare
First Lieutenant Reese, acting ens!:
main. ordered: "Shove off! Out oar,:
Give atony!" -St. Nicholas.
purpose in conducting such a catnip.
than to 0o every individual boy whe
Vacs. n.1 the good they can physicality
rnei.tally, and morally. J'or par-
ticulars write to L. C. Fleming, Clin-
Fire broke out in lion. WM. 1'ugs-
:e)'s office a few minutes before 1
o'clock Dlonday nfterneon. June 7th.
BOARD Mr. Pugsley was in his office during
the noon hour. About it quarter to
--- -- I he went into n small private of-
1'be regu!ur session of the Board fire. which opens off his central of -
was held in the Town all. Monday
June 14th. as all members present.
The following is the order of busi-
ness duly submitted and approved.
'kr Chair miuules of previous meet- found the Minister's desk and chair
ing. Reports of Committees, Repairs ablaze, the flames mounting to the
that repairs to road had best be de- ceiling. .M almost the same moment
ferred. Per Principal. attendance the minister merged from the private
good: wort: progresaiug favorably ; desk at n very creditable rate of
;twenty three candidates to write.speed. A squad of Dominion police
extinguished the blaze. The •flames
had crept very ,near to the door of
the small private office when Mr.
fice, to consult some papers. A feta
minutes later his secretary, whose
office adjoins the minister's office at
the small private office, detected a
smell of smoke, and on investigating
four for matrieulation, twelve for.
matriculation alai Normal Entrance,
and seven for Normal Entrance only.
Ter T. 11. Carlini ani S. Martin that I I'u'.sley effected his escape. Con -
the principal's report b3 adopted. ,id••rab:e private correspondence,
Per F. \V. Gladm:in and 8. Martintt Eich was upon the desk or in theih: t 11. Iluston, T. 11. Carling and the I drawers, was burned. The minister
principal be a committee to secure says the papers burned here very itn-
!the tables. cupboard, water tank and portant.
binds required for the science de-
rtmenR. Per 'll. Huston and S.
Martin that the secretary write the
Education Department in reference
to the special grants given for spec-
ial qualifications of the principal.
Per 8. Alartin and T. B. Carling that
the report of the Godericli delega-
tion be accepted and the expenses in-
cidental paid. Per B. Martin and F.
Wood. that the further use of the
At recent sessions of the Ontario
parliatnent some important amend-
ments were made in connection with
the Liquor License Act, amendments,
that it is to be hoped many a wife
and family will have reason to .feel
grcatful for. "If during a period of
srbuul campus by the Y. M. C. A. I Year after the time that a person
foot ha!! team be granted subject to is served with a notice prohibiting
the pleasure of the board. Per T. B. him liquor that person is found under
the influence of liquor, or found with
liquor in his pockets, or if any way in
his possession; if he is found in the
bar room or drinkingroom of n hotel
or in any place where liquor is dis-
pensed he is liable to be fined froth
kl0 to $20 and costs or imprisonment
for one month. The liquor dealer
ation of application at any future•who allows a person thus prohibited
time should a vacancy occur. Per I1. to loiter around his hotel or premises
Ruston and T. 11. Carling that the is equally guilty and will be similarly
fined. If after the service of such
notices any persou who gives to or
procures liquor for another peson so
notified will be liable to a fine of
Dot less than $'25 and costs or im-
prisonment. Furthermore, the per-
son who is on the unfortunate Indian
list, should he get under the influence
of liquor or found with liquor in his
possession and will refuse to tell the
name of the person who gate him the
Giquor or procured it for him, be may
then be imprisoned for a period not
exceeding three months in the county
Carling and S. Martin that the appeal
on behalf of Douglas Stewart for a
refund o; prepaid exam. fees be sus-
tained. Per 11. Huston and 8. Mar-
tin that Miss Howard's resignation be
accepted. Per 1•'. Wood and S. Mar-
tin that _',li-- Gregory's resignation
be accepted with promise of consider -
Board view the school with a view
to its enlargement and re -arrange-
ment on the call of the chair. and
that the secretary write Irspector
Edwards. of London. in refer.•nce to
nn advising architect. Per F. \Vood
and S. Martin that the report of In-
spector Tom be filed. Per F. \V.
Gladmaii and T. 11. Carling that ad-
vertisements be inserted in the
Globe, and Mail and Empire for one
week for the three assistants requir-
ed for the 8;pternber term. Per T.
11. Carling and S. Martin that the
statutory sick allowance of one
mouth be paid Miss Johnston for
September. 1908 and that Miss Greg-
ory be paid in proportion to the time
taught+, Per 11. Huston rind 1'. %V,
Gladman that the following payments
be approved. Tho-. Crews, special
work, $2.00: Atlas Insurance Co. $28.
Per S. Martin, adjournment.
J. Grigg, Secy.
Mr. and emirs. J. Wright and 11.
Dlillson attended the' wedding of their
couiin Miss ('ora Short. to Mr. Gordon
Ranting, which event took place at
her honor tsonth of London on Wed-
Slimy from nround here attended
the anniversary services at Zion on
Sunday. when the Rev. Robert hicks
preached two vary impressive ser-
A number of the members of the
Granton Lodge attended the funeral
of Mr. bit `\'alltice on Thursday.
The S. S. Anniversary in connection
with this church will be held next
Sunday. !ter. Waiter Millson will
preach at 10 ;t. tn. and 7 p. ms Music
by Grnntu,, M. C. choir. The after-
noon useetii will ba addressed by
Revs. fair :and 5lilison. The speaker
who is the 'i,ger for the London con-
ferenc:. will render :t sel..•ction in
the afu•ruoon. •
Thomas Litigant iris purchased a
new buggy and a swift driver.
V. M. C. A. CAM!'
The County Committee of the Voting
Men's Christian Association of Iluron
are going to conduct a 10 days sum-
mer camp for the boys of the County
on the Lake shore. at Iron Springs,
seven miles south of Godericb. begin-
ning .Juiy 13th. Provision is being
made for the accommodation of 50 or 9.30 n. m.. 10 stop and take on
boys. and the corumitte,• desires to t'n.;st'iigers at the 4th concession. int
get a small contingent from each 1890 about 500 passengers wer•
town and village in the County to go. ticketed from Godcrich to Clinton:.
Tents, food. boats and everything will nod there is every reason to believe
be supplied by the committtt' and the tit:. might be repented. At the
boys will just have to bring their Ming at Canton on Saturday, 1'. C.
clothes and whatever persona! b - 1 hold gave n brief account of tb•
longings they will need, and each 1 ,� 1:: • i -h America meeting nt Petri --
will Were
b, t t r timely nddre.. , s
u , t h. and Inn
• r 1
twill rat the c wallies s uc i
u o m h tu.
the 10 days, to defray the expenses.: give.' b} I1to I art'cy. of the Clin-
A►ty boy'frotn 12 to 18 who secure1 (h,, l ton Collegiate. and the Rev. tiro.
written consent of parents or guard- ' Dunbar. bot h of whom are valued
Inns may go. The place is an idea:, active members of the association. :
one for camping. 'There is a good •' t
spring of water, good bathing and
The Farquhar baseball team played
the Mt. Pleasant team last Satur-
day evening.nnd were defeated by the
score of 8-5. During the game Tom
llallentyne had one of his fingers
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
I'ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine in market.
The semi-annual meeting of South
Huron Orangemen was held at Clin-
ton on Saturday last. the chair being
alternately occupied by County Mas-
ter Walter Coursey and 1'. O. , M:
John Scarlett. There was a good
representative attendance. and con-
siderable routine business was di --
posed of. The various phases of the
coming 12th of July at Clinton were
dealt with, and everything points to
a most successful gathering, and
county secretary Peter Cantelon made
an excellent progress report. South'
Perth met the flame day, and a tcle-
ltbone conversation with the leaders
there was re -assuring of their pre-!
settee rat Clinton on the 12th. South
Huron, of course, is solid, and there
will at least be a strong representa-
tion from North :Ituron and West
Bruce. so that n lgood gathering,
with fine weather, is :mitred. There
will b• Many bands of music. cont-,
petilive events in several classes.'
and n good program generally. Af-
ter the procession. prominent outside
and local 'speakers will address the
brethern and their friends. The best
possib'c railway arrangements rite
being made. nod it is expected n
special train will leave Godcrich at 9
boating. and excellent grounds f
tomes (Intl athletics. The cam[` t C A STO R'
be under the management of 1. 1
Fleming, the County Secretary For Lifants and Childrepn.
will be assisted by A. Cullens. 1':.t he Kind You Have Always Bought
vinein' Secretary, F. 11. Chant, form -1
erly Physical Director of Midland 1. B‘,„„ (1.o
M. C. \.. J. 1•:. lint'rtson and A.
1'. John• of Anbatn and oil yrs. it is•l 141gu•at•�r4: Of
expect,•d that n physician ,•til he nn
_x. erertscuvrr.:/r•cF^::- .IN/Mtn' ,rr_• . .-.7..-rs=erasSiP47C.ss_1:e.214
%VIIg.' 'fake. -2.40:)g -T, 0 V 11
Are you thin. pale. easily tired, lack your usual wigor and tl
strength? 'Then your digestion must he poor, your blood'
thin. your ltcrves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. ti
You need :\ycr's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely
free from alcohol. !'.'e believe your doctor would endorse
these statements, or Nye wotild not make them. Ask him
and find out. 1't ,to•; his advice. jC:;I,t�,�o.,T,ou'rfri'/a i
_ efwa-e alWe oifsar�S=azat.-r-s-s•ae,e . - s
The endorsement et ) our d.xtor a.•ill certainh••gr eatly incre,,s; your confidence in Ayer's
Pills as a family laxatite. Liver pills. All vegetable. Ask your doctor about them.
its Wonders as Revealed In Tales et
1lourit Etna has furnished more nil
1111:11 for travelers' tales than r:n+
other mountain on Site earth. Astrn
i:=!:',1 1:n;;tishnmen of a century tl
who fell i•i:n :he fashionable habit t•.
elltuhlag t • tt a highest pastlt-uutl some
did so, to 1'te amazement of the Skil
iatis. ever in the dead of winter -have
left in record in the exuberant lan-
guage of their day the emotions that
thrilled their soul. "The man Who
treads Mount Etna." wrote one of
thee. "Is a man above the world.
Every river on the Island can be tree's/
from Its mouth to its source.
"The characters." the same write:
continues, "of an the climates of the
earth can Ire detected -the frigid cl• - e
uronmd One• the temperate with Its Keit
of trees jus( underneath and the two
!cal tit the hale of the mountain. whit
ILI v' ws :u ti ; and luxuriant groves
The is ••• ' ocean around. with the fs
inu.ls o: 1.ipari. 1'anall, A1ieud1. Strom-
boli and Volcano, with their smoking
summits. ;ippe:tt:a under your feet, and
you look dotvit upon the whole of
Sicily ns upon n map."
In addition to all the cltnlatc:•s, Etna
Is reported to have trees that rival the
giants of California. lakes that never
thaw•, bottomless caverns and salable
snow that kept many an ancient bishop
well supplied with tithes`
All Very "Civil."
In certain sections of the country
there are much favored words which
are required to do duty with a wide
variety of meanings. Such is the
word "snisrt" among Yankees and up
along the Labrador shore the word
"civil." The following conversation
between two natives was overheard
by a traveler:
"We are golu' to have lour of dirt to-
day," said one, glancing at the sky.
"Naos It'll be elvli," replied his
"flow did you get on with the cap-
"Oh, he got civil to hunting deer by
and by. When he went out he didn't
know nothing, but he got civilized."
"Did you go down the Ketchee?"
"Naw. It's too civil for him. Ile
wanted lots of rnpids, so we went
down the Boomer. 'Them's about as
civil rapids As I want to see." -Youth's
Adhesive Eggs of Fishes.
Among the fishes which produce tun
hesive eggs are the little black head
minnow (Plinepbales promelas) and the
goldfish. The male blackhend deposits
tho fecundated eggs singly upon the
underside of leaves of water plants
and watches then unceasingly until
batched. The eggs of the goldfish are
deposited singly upon the weeds and
mosses in a sittilar manner by the
male fish. The eggs of the yellow perch
are held together l•• narrow strips or
ribbons of a glutin .; character. Ad-
hesive eggs of other species, ns the
black bass, sunfish,c
deposited In masses In shallow nests or
depressions on the tattoos, and still
other species deposit their spawn in
Variously shaped adhesive masses upon
Rater plants, roots and submerged ob-
?ie papyrus of anclet.t tithes was
made from the papyrus plant. The in-
terior of the stalk of the plant after
the rind had been removed was cut
into thin slips in the direction of their
length, and, these being laid on n Ont
surface in succession, similar slices
Were placed over them at right nngles,
and, their surfaces being cemented to-
gether by n sort of glue and subjected
to the proper degree of pressure and
well dried, the papyrus was cotnplete.
Turn About.
Dr. I hari-e-I say, Mr. Dooley, you're
a long time paying ate your neeount.
Mr Dooley -And it's a long tolme ye
took to cure me, be jabersl
Some men are so optimistic that they
s=pect to get Into heaven .on their
Fadi t WashIngtog
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Z
Always Bought
Bears the
*MN** ••
N**•••►•NNN•••N•***MO*II N•N•••••••••••Ni ,
For Over
Thirty Years
THS eCnr„ua COMPANY, N�WToaa circ.
The Molsons Bank
Iucorporalcd 1853
CAP TAL (Paid up► $3 500.000 00
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Traus•teted.
iu J
Has 163 Branches in ('auada, and Agents and Cot respondents all th
Savings Bank Department
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
B. IL WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,p
AL1GZd1fDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,0
The new Travellers' Cheques recentl • issued by this Plink aro a most cony
way in which to carry money when travelling. )FSey lite issued in denomtnatiot3
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of tho Bank. 131L
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh oleo at Crediton.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
-- dental parlors
Winchelsea The Usborne and Hibbert
The \\-inclte.-tai baseball club will, Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur-
p:,ly Salent rat l:irkton Friday night.
A number of our baseball devotees • anGe Gompanu
went to Farquhar Tuesday night to Head Office, Farquhar,',Ont,
see the gatne between Exeter and
Charles Godbolt deft Tuesday for a President -J. L. itUSSELL.
few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Vice_President - W. 1i. I'ASSMORE
Duncan McDougall, at 'Comber.
Mrs. 'tit. Clark who has been on DIRECTORS,
recovering and able to be out of bed. WM.
the sick list. is, we are pleased to say %VM. Roy, BORNU0LM P. 0
Mr. Milton Clark, wheeled to Lon-
don Saturday returning on Monday.
Mr. \\'m. ltnlfe, visited in Stratford
over Sunday.
Woo(Ihnnt and Winchelsea baseball
tennis played a gatae of ball on
Thursday night la --week resulting
in tie.
ROBERT NORRIS, BLaffa, H R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
AGENTS. •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for 'Royal Alexandra hospital, etc. Office
Uebarne and Tlitidulpb. and residence. Dr. Athos' old stand
{ Andrew Street, Exeter.
T% IL A, R. KINSMAN, L. I). S„ D
1J1). y., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman dt Stanbury
Main street -EXETER.
1.1 • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
versify. office and residoncuce. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
O , CO Art
ROM'Xt.I. for Bibbed, Fullarton and Logan.
Bears the Ito Kind Yoe Halo Always Bougtll JOSHt':1 JOHNS tWehave unlimited private Roads tar lmsec
Signature Secy.Troas. Farquhar. -ant
npn�f rm td or tragertyab Iowa n
A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in
Canada and the United States who have been benefited by
this famous o1(1 remedy, which waS produced from roots
and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve
woman's suffering.
Read what these women say :
)lelleriser, (2ue,-"'Witt t Lydia 0. I'inkIit.nt's Vegetable
Compound 1 as mild not be alive. For list' months 1 had painful
irregular r ► iov and inflammation ion ot the
uterus Iv
like tt martyr and thought often of death. 1 consulted two doc-
tors who could do nothing for rue. 1 went to 8 hospital, and the
hest doctors said 1 must submit to an operation, because 1 had
a tumor. 1 trent back home much discouraged. (►ne of my
cousins std' i.etl 111e (0 take your (.'on i))))) 1, as it had cared her.
I did so and soon eontntenerd to feel better, anti my appetite
came bite's tcHit the first bottle. Now 1 feel no pain and 'int
csn-esl. Voile remedy is ele.rrt itis of praise." -- Mrs. 11.;1111110,(11111.f Cl,
:1111`1 licld, Lelletitet', ( hetes.
Erie, Pa. -"1 timffereel for five years t•ront female trouble+,
and at last ;vas almost helpless. 1 Ivied :firer doctors int they
did nue no good. Ms sister advised me to try Lydia 1:. 1'ink-
haht's Vegetable ('ontpomud,and it hats made me well and strong.
1 hope all sot feting women will just give Lydia E. ['inkhorn's
Vegetable Comp :fitl a t"I' i• for it is worth its weight in gold.,,
-Mrr;..1. 1'. I:ndlie's, U. 1'. 1►. 7. Eric
Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub-
lish arc genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help
these «-omen it will help any other woman who is suffer-
ing from the same trouble.
For 30 years Lydia 0. 1•inkhanl' Vegetable
Compound has 1►t•cii tis• standard rented) for
female ills. No sick ss 085815 does justice to
herself fife will ti -t It•; this fan )otts medicine.
Made exclusively frons roots anti herbs, atltl
has thou -ands of cures to 404 credit.
Airs. i'inkhgin inc'ite's all ?Atli trotncn
s'... o Write her for advice. She has
guided Momsaits to health free of charge.
Addre.• tl rya. I'inklaam. Lynn, Mash.
Return tickets at Single Fare : 1
Between all stations in Canada'
Good going,.June 30th and July let,
ltetut•►t limit July Cnd, 190D. 7
Very low rates via attractivq
routes. Daily until Sept. doth,. 1BI192
[return limit Oct. 31st, 1009.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, lJni011
Depot. Toronto, Ont.
synopsis of the C000dioo Norm lost
t:arrietere,Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers
Any person trio is the sole head
Comml•wier., Solicitors tor theMolaon. of a family, 01 any male over 11
Hank, L cn,onyears old may homestead a quartetr,
money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. scotoni of available Dominion land La
OFFICIiIi-MAIN STREET. FALTER. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Albertan
1 a. CARLING 113.A. t. R. azooew The applicant must appear in persoa
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
sub -agency for the district. Entry bb
proxy may be had at the agency, ors
We have alarge amount 01private tangs 04 rtain conditions, by father, mother
sanonfarm and village properties ablowrste sun, daughter, brother, or sister o!'
Interestintending homesteader.
OLADMAN B STANBURT I)tttiey: -Six months residence upon
Barrtsters Soticltorn, Msln Bt,±Ezeter anti cultivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of ilia home,
stead ott a dnrtn of at least 80 acre,
Conveyancer Accounts Collected so1ely owned and occupied by bin, or
MONEY to loan at lowest rates, his father, mother, eon, daughter
North West for Sale. brother or sister,
Office. Main Street, Exeter
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap"
We are constantly sewing on
the best cloths money can buy
We are reaping satisfied cus-
tomer's. Natural, isn't it:
\Vhen we sots our advertishnient in
the newspapers. stating the price for
a Suit, ('oat, Trousers, or whatever
the ad. might suggest, we include the
best of everything in that suit.
The best Cloth, the best Linings, the
best .
's, the best Thread etc.,
sles, our it yin 't
,t well as the best of 1 ItCute
ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't
we reap our reward?
'I'ttis ad. is sowed to reap you as one
of our customters. When you need r,
Suit, Coat, Trousers or
Fancy Vest
let this act. lead you to our shop where
the can prove to you that we live tip to
tiro word.
J. H. Holtzmann
Mr. Fair will conduct Service "n
Sunday morning for the last time :• 1
i:lirnville in connection with his pre-
S. 5. Anniversary on Sunday. June
27th. preaching by It •v. (Sao. Jewett,
a former pastor, ' 1
On .1u:y let. th • annual slrawb.•rr)
Festival will be held. A good pro-
grnnt of .trills. etc. ial being prepar-
ed. 1 he Dashwood band will It • in
• at tend, nee.
In certain districts a hornestea.ids
in good standing may pre-ompt S
quarter section alongside his horns.$
stead. Price $3. per acre. Unties ,-
Must reside six months Meech of slit
years from .iato of homestead entry,
(inoluding the time required to card"'
homestead patent) and cultistele
fifty aures extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in certain districts
Trice $3. per acre. Duties. -Must
resido six months in tomb of Shred
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.00:
W, w, CORY,
Deputy 0f the Utnteter of the interior
N. n. -Unauthorised pnbllcation of this ',heroes
meat will not be paid for
Weak Womei
To w"sk anti ailing women, there Is at Fast one
Way to help. Rat w ith that way, two treattne
►ust hn rombinel. Ono is 10(151, ono 1, "tit: -5
Nonan, but both are Important, Ix,th a s,u
Ur. Shoop's Night Cure Is tho Local.
Ur. Shoop's It.•,tnrative. the Constitutional.
The former- Pr. snoop's Night Cairo -is a teelrai
mucous membrane suppository remelt. while Dr.,
Shoup's Restorative Is wholly an Internal trea4l
ment. The Reste,rstls•o r'a•hes throughout the
*nitro system, seeking the repair of all nerve; i
all tissue. and all blood allmente.
'rho "Night Uire'. as Its name Impllos, does its
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and in Ram -
el mucous snrftees, heals local neakntsses stub
dlsebarges, white the l0- tnratlre, eases n'•rvOW
•ecitement, gives renewed rigor and ambition',
builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewet>j
amigos t, Tiger. snit energy. Tako Dr. Shoop''
Itestorative--Tablets or liquid -as a general (onto
m m +
Ito ay°te. For positive local help, ire as wall +
Dr. Shoop's j
Night Cure;
1',li.itntiMt nl the heart, mer•
•u•••8.' -r, 11.011,lings. nervous h•!ad.
,eb', t ol•i bands and feet. p sin in I he
bac ti and o• her fo: t:,. of ,weakness
are relieved by Curter's lrnn Pills
ma•!n specially for the plead nerves
• etablePrcparationfor As -
tirig Weed
S tants rhs anti liowels of
\l.\\ IS .( JIILDItEN
rlDmote s Digesti on,Cheer
iIESSa 1dRest.Containsneither
QQptum,Morphinc nor FIincral.
isixtiseradd D•S4Mr2LPl1rifai
Jiulwlrir .frl-
drr.e •
Aim ANA •
.r•a/ •
""iy1 riaisr:
Apelffeat Remedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoca,
Worms ,Convulsions,Feveri
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
TacSirnile Signature of
\l b months old
35 posts -35CI: \ I S
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Z
Always Bought
Bears the
*MN** ••
N**•••►•NNN•••N•***MO*II N•N•••••••••••Ni ,
For Over
Thirty Years
THS eCnr„ua COMPANY, N�WToaa circ.
The Molsons Bank
Iucorporalcd 1853
CAP TAL (Paid up► $3 500.000 00
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Traus•teted.
iu J
Has 163 Branches in ('auada, and Agents and Cot respondents all th
Savings Bank Department
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate,
B. IL WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,p
AL1GZd1fDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,0
The new Travellers' Cheques recentl • issued by this Plink aro a most cony
way in which to carry money when travelling. )FSey lite issued in denomtnatiot3
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of tho Bank. 131L
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh oleo at Crediton.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
-- dental parlors
Winchelsea The Usborne and Hibbert
The \\-inclte.-tai baseball club will, Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur-
p:,ly Salent rat l:irkton Friday night.
A number of our baseball devotees • anGe Gompanu
went to Farquhar Tuesday night to Head Office, Farquhar,',Ont,
see the gatne between Exeter and
Charles Godbolt deft Tuesday for a President -J. L. itUSSELL.
few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Vice_President - W. 1i. I'ASSMORE
Duncan McDougall, at 'Comber.
Mrs. 'tit. Clark who has been on DIRECTORS,
recovering and able to be out of bed. WM.
the sick list. is, we are pleased to say %VM. Roy, BORNU0LM P. 0
Mr. Milton Clark, wheeled to Lon-
don Saturday returning on Monday.
Mr. \\'m. ltnlfe, visited in Stratford
over Sunday.
Woo(Ihnnt and Winchelsea baseball
tennis played a gatae of ball on
Thursday night la --week resulting
in tie.
ROBERT NORRIS, BLaffa, H R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
AGENTS. •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent for 'Royal Alexandra hospital, etc. Office
Uebarne and Tlitidulpb. and residence. Dr. Athos' old stand
{ Andrew Street, Exeter.
T% IL A, R. KINSMAN, L. I). S„ D
1J1). y., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman dt Stanbury
Main street -EXETER.
1.1 • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
versify. office and residoncuce. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
O , CO Art
ROM'Xt.I. for Bibbed, Fullarton and Logan.
Bears the Ito Kind Yoe Halo Always Bougtll JOSHt':1 JOHNS tWehave unlimited private Roads tar lmsec
Signature Secy.Troas. Farquhar. -ant
npn�f rm td or tragertyab Iowa n
A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in
Canada and the United States who have been benefited by
this famous o1(1 remedy, which waS produced from roots
and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve
woman's suffering.
Read what these women say :
)lelleriser, (2ue,-"'Witt t Lydia 0. I'inkIit.nt's Vegetable
Compound 1 as mild not be alive. For list' months 1 had painful
irregular r ► iov and inflammation ion ot the
uterus Iv
like tt martyr and thought often of death. 1 consulted two doc-
tors who could do nothing for rue. 1 went to 8 hospital, and the
hest doctors said 1 must submit to an operation, because 1 had
a tumor. 1 trent back home much discouraged. (►ne of my
cousins std' i.etl 111e (0 take your (.'on i))))) 1, as it had cared her.
I did so and soon eontntenerd to feel better, anti my appetite
came bite's tcHit the first bottle. Now 1 feel no pain and 'int
csn-esl. Voile remedy is ele.rrt itis of praise." -- Mrs. 11.;1111110,(11111.f Cl,
:1111`1 licld, Lelletitet', ( hetes.
Erie, Pa. -"1 timffereel for five years t•ront female trouble+,
and at last ;vas almost helpless. 1 Ivied :firer doctors int they
did nue no good. Ms sister advised me to try Lydia 1:. 1'ink-
haht's Vegetable ('ontpomud,and it hats made me well and strong.
1 hope all sot feting women will just give Lydia E. ['inkhorn's
Vegetable Comp :fitl a t"I' i• for it is worth its weight in gold.,,
-Mrr;..1. 1'. I:ndlie's, U. 1'. 1►. 7. Eric
Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub-
lish arc genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help
these «-omen it will help any other woman who is suffer-
ing from the same trouble.
For 30 years Lydia 0. 1•inkhanl' Vegetable
Compound has 1►t•cii tis• standard rented) for
female ills. No sick ss 085815 does justice to
herself fife will ti -t It•; this fan )otts medicine.
Made exclusively frons roots anti herbs, atltl
has thou -ands of cures to 404 credit.
Airs. i'inkhgin inc'ite's all ?Atli trotncn
s'... o Write her for advice. She has
guided Momsaits to health free of charge.
Addre.• tl rya. I'inklaam. Lynn, Mash.
Return tickets at Single Fare : 1
Between all stations in Canada'
Good going,.June 30th and July let,
ltetut•►t limit July Cnd, 190D. 7
Very low rates via attractivq
routes. Daily until Sept. doth,. 1BI192
[return limit Oct. 31st, 1009.
Full information from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
or write J. D. MCDONALD, lJni011
Depot. Toronto, Ont.
synopsis of the C000dioo Norm lost
t:arrietere,Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers
Any person trio is the sole head
Comml•wier., Solicitors tor theMolaon. of a family, 01 any male over 11
Hank, L cn,onyears old may homestead a quartetr,
money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. scotoni of available Dominion land La
OFFICIiIi-MAIN STREET. FALTER. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Albertan
1 a. CARLING 113.A. t. R. azooew The applicant must appear in persoa
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
sub -agency for the district. Entry bb
proxy may be had at the agency, ors
We have alarge amount 01private tangs 04 rtain conditions, by father, mother
sanonfarm and village properties ablowrste sun, daughter, brother, or sister o!'
Interestintending homesteader.
OLADMAN B STANBURT I)tttiey: -Six months residence upon
Barrtsters Soticltorn, Msln Bt,±Ezeter anti cultivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of ilia home,
stead ott a dnrtn of at least 80 acre,
Conveyancer Accounts Collected so1ely owned and occupied by bin, or
MONEY to loan at lowest rates, his father, mother, eon, daughter
North West for Sale. brother or sister,
Office. Main Street, Exeter
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap"
We are constantly sewing on
the best cloths money can buy
We are reaping satisfied cus-
tomer's. Natural, isn't it:
\Vhen we sots our advertishnient in
the newspapers. stating the price for
a Suit, ('oat, Trousers, or whatever
the ad. might suggest, we include the
best of everything in that suit.
The best Cloth, the best Linings, the
best .
's, the best Thread etc.,
sles, our it yin 't
,t well as the best of 1 ItCute
ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't
we reap our reward?
'I'ttis ad. is sowed to reap you as one
of our customters. When you need r,
Suit, Coat, Trousers or
Fancy Vest
let this act. lead you to our shop where
the can prove to you that we live tip to
tiro word.
J. H. Holtzmann
Mr. Fair will conduct Service "n
Sunday morning for the last time :• 1
i:lirnville in connection with his pre-
S. 5. Anniversary on Sunday. June
27th. preaching by It •v. (Sao. Jewett,
a former pastor, ' 1
On .1u:y let. th • annual slrawb.•rr)
Festival will be held. A good pro-
grnnt of .trills. etc. ial being prepar-
ed. 1 he Dashwood band will It • in
• at tend, nee.
In certain districts a hornestea.ids
in good standing may pre-ompt S
quarter section alongside his horns.$
stead. Price $3. per acre. Unties ,-
Must reside six months Meech of slit
years from .iato of homestead entry,
(inoluding the time required to card"'
homestead patent) and cultistele
fifty aures extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in certain districts
Trice $3. per acre. Duties. -Must
resido six months in tomb of Shred
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.00:
W, w, CORY,
Deputy 0f the Utnteter of the interior
N. n. -Unauthorised pnbllcation of this ',heroes
meat will not be paid for
Weak Womei
To w"sk anti ailing women, there Is at Fast one
Way to help. Rat w ith that way, two treattne
►ust hn rombinel. Ono is 10(151, ono 1, "tit: -5
Nonan, but both are Important, Ix,th a s,u
Ur. Shoop's Night Cure Is tho Local.
Ur. Shoop's It.•,tnrative. the Constitutional.
The former- Pr. snoop's Night Cairo -is a teelrai
mucous membrane suppository remelt. while Dr.,
Shoup's Restorative Is wholly an Internal trea4l
ment. The Reste,rstls•o r'a•hes throughout the
*nitro system, seeking the repair of all nerve; i
all tissue. and all blood allmente.
'rho "Night Uire'. as Its name Impllos, does its
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and in Ram -
el mucous snrftees, heals local neakntsses stub
dlsebarges, white the l0- tnratlre, eases n'•rvOW
•ecitement, gives renewed rigor and ambition',
builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewet>j
amigos t, Tiger. snit energy. Tako Dr. Shoop''
Itestorative--Tablets or liquid -as a general (onto
m m +
Ito ay°te. For positive local help, ire as wall +
Dr. Shoop's j
Night Cure;
1',li.itntiMt nl the heart, mer•
•u•••8.' -r, 11.011,lings. nervous h•!ad.
,eb', t ol•i bands and feet. p sin in I he
bac ti and o• her fo: t:,. of ,weakness
are relieved by Curter's lrnn Pills
ma•!n specially for the plead nerves