HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-17, Page 1xekr
•o.••••••••••••••••••••N• N••••N•••••••••N
Phone No. 32.
June brings:the warm weather and you know what
that;' means. .,"'We want to (keep kool. We have
the nice light summer goods to keep you comfortable.
For Ladies, Gents or Children.
Summer Goods for the Ladies
Ladies Suiting
Just the thing for
this weather. Plain
and Striped Linens,
Fancy Uinghanls. All
the new goods for suit-
ings found on ourcouut-
Ladies Whitewear
We have a beautiful
lot of Dainty White
Waists, Shirts, Night
Gowns, Corset Covers
and Drawers. No bet-
ter place than right
here to buy your white -
Ladies Fancy
Plain and Fancy Lisle
or Cotton hose in colors
of Pink, Blue \Vhite,
'ran or Black. Lace and
Embroidered hose are
very (much used.
Ladies Gloves
Nice long Lace, Lisle
or Kid gloves for the
warns weather all
shades to choose from
also every kind of short
gloves flour 25c. to 50c.
all colors.
Summer Goods for the Men
Gents Straw
s The real swagger
stuff is found here in
Straws. The Sailor is
very smart and the dip
fronts are good.
Crash Hats
Gents Fancy
A very swell lot of
Fancy Sox in Cotton or
Lisle. Fancy Plaids,
Fancy Stripes and Fan-
cy Dots. Boys they
are the real thing.
Boys and;Mens Fancy Belts, a good range to pick from
A new lot of neck Ties just opened up
New Shirts and Collars in the newest patterns
House Furnishings
June will finish:tip the house cleaning find we have some real
bargains to give you for this month. Our Room Rugs are all to
be cleaned out at a big reduction. Lace Curtains all to he sold
at reduced prices. Now is the time to save some money on your
Furnishings as we are snaking a stir with our prices,
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes.an(l wall paper.
Eyes Tiring Easily
Prove Eye Strain
Do not wait till Serious 'Trouble Develops
nIave the strain removed by properly adjusted glasses. With
my method of test ing
Looking into the Eye
We can tell exactly the nature of the tronble and can give
glits-ws that will relieve it.
We Recommend Glasses Only when Necessary
Test Free
iiiiir i \v 1•: I. I i t
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
A number of cities lJid towns in r hem-. Indian:), Ohio. New York.
;h. \. u Eng hind, States, New Jersey.
the United States and Canada may portions of Virginin. North and Month
obtain their light. heat and pnearow, r (:lroline. of.
Florida, and in On.
direct. from pent bog• in the near Curio and other 'Canadian provinces.
future. The statement is trade by
experts tont million' of dollars worth RP.T('lt\ 'TICKETS AT SINGLE
fuel lie undeveloped in the stvninps F;\RP: trill be issued by the Grand
Trunk Railway System account of
Dominion Day. between all stations
in Canada. also in Detroit and Port
Huron. Mich.. Ningara Falls and ituf-
falo. N. Y. Good going June 30th
and July let. return limit July 2
1901. Secure tickets from Grand
Trunk ticket agents.
and hogs of the country. nweitinit
only the genius and busines ability
of someone before it drives the wheels
of progrese. its vnlue on n besis of
pts n ton. roughly glieseed at by ex-
pert. of the geological survey. who
hnve been studyine the peat deposits
for some time. 14 more thnn $38,000,-
000.000, more money than is repre-
sented in nil the property. stocks,
implements find huildinge owned by
the farmere of the United States And
Cniied1. The greatest amount of pent
is in the Feet ern Dakota.. Minne'ota,
Wisconsin. Michigan. Northern low.
C2 Ali. OS 1X 'OR=A.
Sean the The K,aa `You Ham Bo4A
Council Purchases Mill
Dam Site
The Exeter Council yesterday pur-
chased from Mr. J. N. Howard the
old trill property at the river, the
purchase being subject to the sanc-
tion of the ratepayers, who will be
asked to vote on the proposition soon
in connection with other matters per-
taining to u waterworks system for
the town.
Eliza Richards, beloved wife of
William V. Itramfield, of Clinton
died at the Clinton hospital on Tues-
day afternoon, June 8th. while un-
dergoing an operation for the re-
moval of a tumor.
On Wednesday, June 9th, at St.
.Tastes' Church, Seaforth, Francis
Shea Sills. eldest son of Mr. George
Sills and Dorothy Agnes Daly, young-
est daughter of Mr. Thos. Daly were
united in marriage, Rev. Fr. Corcoran
officiating. The young bride wore
white embroidered silk mull, over
Duchess Satin, with wreath and veil
rind carried white sweet peas. )loth
bride and groom are popular young
people of Seaforth and the esteem in
which they are held was shown by
the many beautiful and substantial
gifts which they received.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Smith, East street, Goderich. on
Wednesday morning, June 9th, when
their eldest daughter, Elizabeth M.
Allen, youngest son of Mr. Anthony
Allen, of Colborne. The bride was
unattended. and the ceremony took
place at 6.30 n. rn., Rev. Jas. A. An-
derson, B. A., pastor of Knox church.
being the officiating minister. At
the conclusion of the ceremony Mr,
and Mrs. Allen left by the early train
for Toronto and other points.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minu-
tes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink
Pain Tablets. The formula is on the
25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or
Druggist ab^nt this formula 1 Stops
womanly pains, headache. pains any-
where. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine)
Wis.. for free trial to prove value.
W. 6. llowey.
Mr. Robt. Fraser, of Seaforth. met
with a serious and painful asci ' it at
the )tell Engine Works. on .dnes-
day afternoon of last week. 110, with
twa or three other men. were taking
:t, threshing machine feeder off n
wagon. when in some way it slipped
and Mr. Fraser was crushed between
the wagon and the wall of the build-
ing. Itis collar bone was broken and
some of his ribs were crushed; Ile
n ill be laid up for some. time.
if you would have n safe yet cer-
tain Cough Remedy in the home. try
1)r. Shoop's-at least once. It is
Mr. T. 17. 11undford nbiep•d a car-
load of horses to Winnipeg Monday.
Mrs. John A. Davidson and daugh-
ter. of Stratford, are the guests of
Rev. and Mrs. Fear.
Don't forget the football game on
the school grounds Friday evening.
Everybody welcome.
The Exeter baseball club went to
Farquhar Tuesday evening and in a
six innings contest defeated their
opponents by a score of 14-7.
Messrs. S. Martin & Son Tuesday
purchased a Reo automobile from the
Company's agency in London. Wib.
arrived here with it yesterday morn-
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell return-
ed Saturday from their honeymoon
trip and have taken up their resi-
dence in the home recently vacated
by Mr. Joseph Ilarvey.
The Ministerial Association of South
Huron held its regular monthly meet-
ing jn the Presbyterian Church, Kip -
pen. on Monday afternoon. The sub-
ject under discussion was "The Fact
of Conversion" (by Itev. Geo. Jack-
son) ltev. C. Fetcher. of Thames
Road, gave an interesting resume of
the book after which several other
members added a few remarks.
Talose present then retired to the
Manse where refreshments were serv-
ed. A short time was spent in song
and social intercourse after which the
company dispersed feeling profited
by the meeting. Those present were
Revs. E. A. hear and wife, A. ll.
Going and wife, C. Fletcher and wife,
S. L. Toll and wife, A. D. Gischler
•(11d wife. 1.. 11..Bean and tt•ife, Revs.
McKay and Salvers, ns also the host
and hostess ltev. Urquhart and his
worthy mother. The next meeting of
the Association will be held at the
Evangelical Church, Crediton, nt the
invitation of Rev. and Mrs. Bean, on
July 5tb, 2.30 p. m. evhen Itev. Mr.
Sewers, of llrucefield, will speak on
"Ministerial Equipment".
The annual outing of the Izaak
Walton Fishing Club was held to the
)lend last Thursday and as the origi-
nal number who agreed to go was in-
creased from thirteen to fourteen no
one got drowned or fell off the dock.
In the company Were four new mem-
hers who had signified their inten-
tion of going along and getting in-
itiated into the mysteries of the or-
der. Each one went through the or-
deal without flinching and voted it
the best initiation they ever had.
Headquarters were made at Bob Din-
nee's and he entertained the boys
in royal good style, providing excel-
lent mems and assisting the members'
every way possible. After dinner the
fishing commenced off the pier, but
the finnies evidently got word we
were coming. and made for other
waters. Several nimrods Went out
to the nets. where they met with bet-
ter success. securing several good
catches. Prizes were awarded for
other Cough the hest fishermen. and the wallet
thoroughly unlike any g 1 t • IL 1). lIurdon for the
lrr nrntion. Its taste will be entire- (Ionated ►y
I P +largest fish caught during the day
ly new to you -unless it is already Was won by Mr. L. W. Palmer. The
silk umbrella presented by Mr. Pal-
mer for the largest number of fish
caught off the pier during the first
how.. was won by Mr. Alex. Dyer.
Several of the members got tired of
fishing curly in the game and took in
the shooting gallery as a means of
diversion. On the home journey the
election of officers took place. re-
selting in Mr. Iltirdou being re-elec-
ted president. James Sweet, vice-
president and A. G. dyer boatswain.
Offices were created for the other
members so that no one was disap•
pointed. The presentation of the
prizes took place .Friday evening at
the Corn11ercinl hotel.
your favorite Cough Ilemedy. No
opium, chloroform, or any other
stupifying ingredients are used. The
tender leaves of a harmless, lung -
healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's 'Cough Ilemedy its won-
derful cnrnlive properties. It is
truly n most certain and trustworthy
prescription. Sold by •W. S. Mower.
At the home of Mr. and: Mrs. W.
J. Beir. 27 George St.. Stratford, on
Saturday afternoon. June 5. at half-
pnst one. the marriage took place of
hiss Ciera Mee- Mellis, the eldest
daughter of Mr. Thos. Mellis. Kip -
pen, Ont., to Mr. Edwin Cudmore.
The Rev. G. 1'. Salton. officiating in
the presence of a few friends. Thn
bride who was given away by Anth-
ony Ertel. Stratford, wore a pretty
empire gown of white liberty satin
and carried cream roses. After a
short honeymoon down the St. Law -
relies River. Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore
It i.! r,•-ide in Kippen. The bride's
1 tri yelling dress was of blue wit h
n hill hat.
Was the unanimous verdict at the
post mortem, of the instnnteous death
of .lir. Potato )lug and Miss Lady
!tug enured by partaking of the so-
:ntion innde with one teaspoonful of
t .re Paris green bought. at W. S.
(•„!•'s Drug Store Exeter. in one gal -
:on of water. Why tial' a second
quality When you cen get the best
:it 25c. a nnund secrlrety wrapped
in full weight 1'1k1 pnekegegl. Get the
hnbit of gninr to Cole's Drug Store Case, of London will furnish a unique
for your dreg suTT: iee. It is n erogrnulnle in t he evening.
heb:t that ;,1e.. nee. W. 11. Ihitt•'gave a very in-
teresting sermon on Sunday evening
the subject being "The llntul writing
on the Wall".
The nmom i St re wherry Festival
will be held on July 1st. on the par-
sonage grounds. Greet preparations
are being slid• for the day and a
good tithe is exporte.
lila \\'iunifred lasder•v i+ visiting
ler sister Miss Gladys at Aline Col-
teg•. St. Thomas.
Mr. Harold Du plan visited irien•ls
in 100(1011 over Sundae.
'1 r. .fares (land:ori :11)11 0 *nghter
Rattle visited in Granton on Sund.ly.
Miss Lillian Snell. of Exeter. vieit-
ed nt the
of hra a
[ t
Rstd h e
Mr. Willinm Caves over Slimily.
Miss Ida Caves, of London. spent
Sunday at her horse here.
Mr. Tho;. \\i:lis expects to have
the roof on his new creamery by Sat-
urday evening and everything in
working order by the 1st of July.
Itcv. S. Salton spent Sunday with
his daughter Mrs. Elij•ih Colwill.
11r. .1. W. Orme gave a very in-
teresting Inik at the League Last
Tuesday evening on the life and work
of \lis. Frances E. Willard.
JIr. Wm. Luker. who is our path -
master is having gravel put on the
sidewalks. This would make a good
foundation for the cement walks that
should he in this prosperous village.
The preparations of the Dominion
Day festival to be Bold on Epworth
Park were completed on Monday
evening. The sports will no doubt be
equnl to previous year.. This Italian
Ilnrper+. Mr. C. .1. l'inl: and Mrs. A.
Thomae ltinen:•y. of Granton. a
fernier. aged 71 y.'ara. met with a
eiden denth Tuesday of last week
a• the result of the horses running
nwly with the roller he tuns working
with. in some way he refight under
the roller. and sustelned a severe
c►ashina. and linetired for five hours
:liter the aeeid, nt befog he died. Dr-
eenced ie:lve , widow and grown-up
fnmily. and wi. a highly respected
nioneer. The sad necidcnt h3si eaused
widespreni svmpethv for the re-
11 v 11
TtTr_\VI 1U4 --On Friday. .Tune 11th,
to Mr. nnel Mr •. 11. W. F. Beavers,
141 Wrens- 81.. llrantfnrd. 3 son.
(•A\T1'nrLle-rht `\'etln±e(1tif. 1t ii
18. to Mr. and Mr'. Arthur Cimp-
h•'l. of Them.. 11010. a son.
RANTING-ST101aa- (le Wednesday.
.Ten,. 9'h. nt 1h hrl.te'e horse. Knuth
Iestsl i'. l v Rev. \V. E. Millson.
\Ti• • ('ora Shnrt to Mr. Gordon
Tlnnlin'. of McGillivray.
!.TeltAie--In Fes/ ter. on Saturday,
Sone 12th. 1909 nnneen Moloy.
need 72 years end 3 months.
\N eLLVCE-1n London Tinepitnl nn
Tuesdne..Tune lith. Mr. John Wel-
Ince. of Granton.
The wedding look place on Wed-
nesday. June 9th. nt White Oik,
south London. of Miss Corn Short to
Mr. Gordon Ranting. The ceremony
tuns performed by Rev. W. E. Milison
the bride's, une:e. The young couple
%pent n ',bort honeymoon in Detroit
and other places and have taken up
their residence on the Rroorn's farm
in MeGillivrny. The bride Is well-
known to the renders of the Tim's.
being n resident of near Crediton.
All join in wishing them n happy n
pro.perout wedded life.
The Exeter company 33rd, Regi-
ment in charge of Capt. Beaman and
Lieut. Stanbury reached London safe-
ly about 2 p. in. on Tuesday the 8th.
They at once fell in line and marched
with the Regiment to Cariing's
Heights led by the Regimental Bend.
Tents were at once assigned and the
soldier life began.
On Friday one of the Staff Offi-
cers watched the 33rd, drill for some•
time and was overheard afterwards
to say some very nice things about
the boys from Huron.
The Officers of Exeter Company
have been complimented frequently
upon the fine appearance neatness Ind
orderly behavior of their men. The
boys are n11 good soldiers.
There was a big parade of all the
soldiers in camp with their bands on
Sunday morning to attend uniol
divine service on the grounds but a
heavy rain came on just then and
the service was postponed. The 33rd
however requested their 'Chaplain to
hold one independent of the others
and this was done in spite of the rain
the Army Medical Corps joining in.
Large numbers visited the cam'
during the week and particularly on
Sunday afternoon. Among them were
Horny old Exeterites who wanted a
reminder of home.
The boys will be home again on
At the ranges the Company did
some good shooting Private Presz-
cater taking the highest with others
close on his heels.
Lieut. Stanbury has been taking a
special course at the Military School
and consequently has been much of
his time at Wolesley Barracks. •
The Y. M. C. A. has a big tent
(on the grounds with )lig Mason the
drawing card at meetings.
On Saturday evening upon invita-
tion of The Thistle Club of London
the Officers of the 33rd. sent a rink
of bowlers down town for a friendly
game. Although the crack bowlers
of London defeated the 33rd, it was by
only a small margin. Following are
the players and score's
Thistle Club3rd, Officers
J. Mountjoy Lieut. Stanbury
It. Govanlock Chap. "lodging
W. Fulton Capt. 9leaman
A. M. Neaman Col. Wilson
skip 19 skip 15
The camp this year is a model one.
The Minister of Militia issued strict
orders that no liquor, not even local
option beer, was to be brought on
the grounds and he saw that his or-
ders were carried out. License 'In-
spector (ialpin visited the camp and
was well pleased. . t,
The death occurred Saturday even-
ing .June 12th, of Mr. Duncan Mc-
Kay. who for more than fifty. years
has been an esteemed and valued re-
sident of Exeter, aged 72 years.
Mr. McKay arose Saturday morning
in comparatively good health and de-
parted for his work nt the Murray
foundry at the usual hour.• After
working an hour he con111:11ins.1 of
illness and returned to hie home. A
short time after his arrival he be -
crime eetni-unconscious. but soon re-
vived. Ills physician was call: d and
everything possible was done for the
sick elan, but to no avail. Mr. Mc-
Kay was horn at Golsnie. Scotland,
where he learned the trade of shoe-
making. Coming to Canada 53 years
two. hiworked :t short time at his
trade in Woodstock, later coming to
Exeter, locating at the north end.
11e continued at his trade for a time
and later took up farming. remain-
ing at that occupation for ten years.
when he again returned to town and
entered the employ of W. 1i. Verity
& Sons. continuing with then) until
the firm moved to Brantford. Fifty
one years ago last Mny 24th. he was
married to his beloved nifc who died
last February. On corning to Exe-
ter. Mr. McKay associated himself
with the Presbyterian church and
tins always a loyal member. holding
the office ns elder during the past
fifty yenrs. in point of service he
was the oldest tnetnber of the Exe-
ter church. In politics he was n
Liberal. Ile leaves two sons and
two daughters to mourn their loss,
Donald. of 'Itertrato, Neb.; John J.,
Detroit : Mrs. Askin. of Carthage and
Lizzie at home. '1'h • funeral was
held Tuesday afternoon. interrnent be-
ing in the Exeter cemetery. Res*.
\\ . . Martin. or London. officiated.
\lel: 1'Itl•:-,11 Hifi (:S
actually nee. - 11
le 1h life
of a
prescription 11141 114 • 1' ill t LAM ell
to that thunderous Till•:'1 ARE. it's
the reply from all the 1•hy.ieia n. o;
the country. I'oor quality and tale.
have Oulliiicd the efforts of a whole
nrnly of nb:e physicians and Felled
to Make twiny :1n tauter -tale r rich.
\\'h n )e,u wane /tree:_ las• the door
of the drugs he- .111;1 .I trade
k,•e i,: bis stoe 1. -ia . Lied )our way
to a b:g firm eke mire. whose iargc
c(Hist ant:y-replc n•
elied 1. u1 n ,Flings ..:nays.
e 1
$1.00 per year in advance
100%POhERcdoo MIx&1 d1Dt
Oar eastommers
have long demand-
paint that hears hotter a$d
goes further -:u, all an.uT l satis-
factory go,..1 paint. we have 1t and
100;1; Pure Paint
t . Ir• nude of Pure Whitt -14 ad. l':r. (,tlde of
/,u.• 1'u ,
r Lltaard OIL adul.
s.rallnu. 'rum gala. ,rt- ... (.r It• 3 pees of
other taint.. Rem,. In our store and 1e, u*
ten ) nu to,.r, about I1.
i11 -
'Martin &flours 100 Pure
LIeuliant anti tiolluwood
Paiute front 1 o'tu 5L.c. peritiu.
Paint and Kalsou)inc Brushes 5,
10, 15, 20 and 25c.
Wall and Ceiling Finishes
Murallo, .\labastine and
\iuresco. All colors in 25
and 5oc packages.
Poultry Netting Screen Wire Netting
Shovels and Spades Rakes and IInes
Owen Sound Portland Cement f°r \"Talis,
per bbl,
Walks, etc at $r.6o
It cannot remain long at this price.
Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing.
ruee's Seeds
One trial will convince you that there is none better than
Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables
and Field Roots.
We ate offering splendid value in: -
Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff
Baskets, Lanterns Etc.
Do von want things to he jest so? Then we'd like you for a
customer. \Ve've promised you satisfaction -promised you
thatst le tat andprice will please you -we'll keep n promise.
yy eel our { r< nl
Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Colne here for your next
Suit or Overcoat.
We Can suit You
Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric
June,the Month of Brides
In selecting your wedding presents there is
nothing nicer of mote appreciated than something
in the Furniture line for presents. We have then)
and large assortments too from which to choose.
What could you give that would be of more service than a
rdrlor S111t6 BCdrO011l SfflIC
SIUCD0dM RO6MnU Gflfflr
60u611 Table
6IiIn GdbuIlct
Everything in our store is brand new, Clothing
old kept in stock, so that you get the latest designs
and then what's better the prices arc right.
Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering
The Lending; It, me Futnishrra alld i'nnei.11 [)i►r, t•.rs,
Crediton Flour Mills
We have to offer good White Shorts also Bran
and Feed in ton lots
Shorts at .r'i2i) per ton
Bran at ....$25 per ton
Family Flout' w3.23 per 100 Ihs
Ontat to Hour 't UO ),ter 1110 Ihs
Special reduct'on on large lots.