HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-10, Page 8E t 1• t: It L' 1 Al r, S JUNE 10th 1 io
Summer Is Here
Are you ready for the warm
sultry days- We can fix you
up in splendid style
Ladies' Lawn and
Tailor !lade Waists
We chow a lovely lot of White Lown Waists made from fine
imported Lawns. trimmed with French and German Vale. Inser-
tion and fine Cluster Tucks. Waists in this lot worth $1.25 to
$1.50. Our special bargain price. your choice for 98e.
Right Down to the Minute
Just in. a lot of Ladies Fancy Colored Percale Waists, very
severely tailored. in linen grounds with fine bright pin stripes,
and laundred cuffs and collars. regular New York effects $1.00
$1.25, and $2.00.
Ladies Black Satin Duchess Underskirt. made very;;full,
tri►ntned with tucks, ruffles and pleating. The best wearing skirt
we know of. Its a Beauty, $2.25.
2 for 25e Ladies black
and tan Lisle
and Cotton Hose. Ribbed or
full fashioned; Perfect in col-
or. Slightly imperfect in
make Nearly one hundred
dozen to sell. Regular value
23c. While they last you take
2 pairs for a quarter.
15c, worth 25c At B f
hig boys Buster Brown and
Hercules Hose in"black only"
made from heavy hard twist-
ed cotton fabric. S-ou save
ten cents on every pair. Reg-
ular value 25c. Our bargain
price only:l5c.
Going! A job lot of Ladies and Children's Dongola and
Choesome of the best makers in Canada. Theird only
Going: o narrow and medium
Ci ping! fault, they are not the latent shapes. Shoes in
this lot worth 1.25 to 2.75. Our clear-
ing bargain price. your choice of the lot for 95C
Men's Open Mesh Underwear Coolest in the land
elbow and knee lengthy or full lengths, Gre'ttcream value 50tte
and }7� e.
You are sometimes known by the Hat you
wear. The King Nat is known the world
over as the Leader. Wear a King hat and
you will wear a winner.
Remember Redpath Sugar is hest by test. IVe sell no other.
Clearing Sale
Ladies' and Men's Rain'Coats Itegttlar pr
to $14.00. Sellingrice fromfront >(;;,r O
p $3.00 to $9,O1).
Men's and Boys' Suits
All going at and iess than wholesale prices to clear out.
MILLINERYWe have in stock some nice hate worth from $2.00 to
$4.09, ail going at from 23c to $1.00, Also nice flowers
from IOC a bunch upward.
This is the hest opportunity you will have to get a Raincoat for Yourself
a Snit for Your Boys or a Hat for Your Girls. Conte in and get a bargain
While they last. All good goads.
Eggs 17c cash. ISc trade.
Picone 22
One door north P. 0.
a suit tailored by us way not all be
visible. bet it is there just the same.
It is hidden in the interlining. thet
seams. the modeling.
don't expect it to wear like an or-
dinary one. It u ill not. It will wear
5) long you'll get tired of it. even
though it retains its style and tehape-
liness right along,
W. W TA112AN
Merchant Tailor.
The North-East corner of Lot 11.
Concession 6. 1'sborne, the property of
th • late Israel ilarris. The house
is otic and one-half stories high and
contains Aix rooms. kitchen and aood-
sbed. There is a frame barn about
20 by 40. hard and soft water, and
ebises one aer3 of good fruit trees'.
The soil is a good clay. The lot is
mastly secd,d mit and is well fenced
and drained. Apply to
Boheitors for the Executor ter.
flt tlastino'S Old Stand
First Class equipment
throughout and with
careful conscientious
work we guarantee sat-
isfaction to all custom-
Your Patronage is
Respectfully Solicited
l.l. PENPRi8E W. D. HRH
To Stay
Bas and Dray calls
promptly attended to.
Horses kept in stock
for sale.
Market Report. -The following tit' Many of the residents are the retiort of Exeter markets, beau. Tinges Want Column
cow ftront g their tooItsft it prug the T H
front fences from their property.
The improvement is quite noticeable
✓ but if the grass and burdocks along DRESSMAtiiNG APt'ftliN'I'ICE
the boulevards evere kelt cut, the WANTED -Apply to Mi Pout over c
\\'i:sun Tiros. store, Tile hot weather will soon be here and we have just the
iw' improvement would show up touch goods you require.
rested up to June 101h.
Wheat $Ilya.
tats. 54c.
Mirky 55 to 57c.
Peas 80 to 00.
/trail, $25.
tihorts diff,
I31,•ndrd Star
Feed flour $1.50 to *1.55.
Als:ke *9.00
('lover. *0.75
Timothy, *2.75
Alfalfa. *12.00
flutter. 17c.
Eggs 18 cents doz.
I tay* 7.50 to $8.50.
Tic liveweight, *7.55.
Bogs, dressed $8.50 to $9.00.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Wa11er Blythe. the a ifs murderer.
will have' uu J tine 171h. the Gover-
nor (;e►rtral having $.•,w fit to inter-
fere no further with his sentence.
Blythe was originally :ent••uced to
be haugcd on May 13th, but the
day !wrote a reprieve ewna or toted
moil .lune 17th.
li.•v. Marpotta'd. of Toronto, oc-
ellpled the pit:pit of the Coven Pres-
byterian church last Sunday morn-
ing, ttnd in the evening took charge
of the [-services in the Main Street
church. Rev. \1acDonald will have
[-barge of the tservices in the Pres-
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• by1 rin►o church next Hondas.
• * tied was received herr last week
•• • of the death at it:owdouvil1 . Alberta,
• LOCALS on Saturday, J1ay L'9th, of Annie Mc-
Cord, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert
McCord. formerly o: l.seter North,
and beloved wife of Jos. ff. Patker-
son. 'Ihe'o-ame day Mrs. Patterson
Irate birth to a child. a daughtert
A severe electical storm passed over
here last Friday afternoon. but was
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ of short d u rn t ion and did very l i t t
dnutsge. F.:,st of London ;a cloud
111r. Jtnues A1cDouncll contractor of horst made several washouts on the
lie tot It, was in town Friday railroads and considerable damn
1 done. Several train wrecks occurred
coshing could be plainly scan. but fortnnntely their were no fatal-
Mr. Russell Manning, a former
Exeter boy has been appointed man-
ager of the Royal Bank at Clinton in
place of E. It. 1)ewart, moved to Mon-
treal. Mr. Manning had several
years' experience in Tisdall's private
lank at Clinton and of late as man-
ager of the Hter:int, Bank at Dungan -
Mr. \Vcidcr►hnmwer, principal of
the high school department intends,
if possible. to make a record for the
Exeter school nt the coming exam-
inations. The pupils that are intend-
ing writing are also making an ex-
tra effort, and are attending sessions
on Saturdays besides commencing
studies at eight o'clock in the morn-
ing instead of nine.
It may be that the country has
suffered from the backward spring;
but the appearances in this neighbor-
hood ore ;a r from discouraging.
�ir.'Hugh iipackman returned iifon_ TownpeoPle whose business or plea-
draj evening from his fishing trop to cure takes them along the country
Owen Sound and visit to Dr. Rollin's roads say they never •sate more vigor-
[ our growth. The meadows. the or-
al Orittia' chards and the fall wheat fields are
The Presbyterian Sunday School pa[iic11 aril promising. The,,:
have decided to hold their annual no signs of the wolf just 3 at.
•••••••• r•o•••••
The Titnes till Jan, 1910
for Fifty Cents. Tell
• your Neighbors about it.
'The eclipse of the moon last Thurs-
Saturday's Gazette announces the
incorporation of the Signal Company
at Godcrich. capital $15,000.
Mr. Thos. Oke. was in Forest last
Thursday looking over some hotel
property that is for sale.
Mr. James Bontbron, of Toronto,
visited his sisters here during the
latter part of last week.
The annual fishing trip of the
Exeter members of the Izaak Walton
Club will be held to the Bend to -day.
Mr. P. Fleming. formerly of the
Canadian Bank staff here. and now
of London. was a visitor in town
Spray your fruit trees early. Bor-
deaux Mixture. hellebore and Paris
Green. 'Ifowey's Drug Store.
Mr. Elmore Senior, a third year
student at the Toronto University,
arrived home last week for the holi-
picnic to Grand Mend on Friday the Mr. Thos. Prior met with a
18th of June.
Cul accident Wednesday afternoon atof
Mr. Geo. Chnpman, of Atwood, wi11 last week. when a kick from his
bunce i the 15Lh.Central hotel on Tuesday, a z driver broke his right arm, just
' above the a boot;. The horse has a
load of calves for sale. vicious habit of kicking and Mr. Prior
Rev. Going was home from Confer- had it in a box :;tall intending to
race Monday evening. Rev. Hobbs harness it. Ile took precautions to
the new pastor of James Street prevent it from kicking by tying up
church accompanied him. one of its front legs. but even this
Mr. P. W. Gladman is in London failed to stop it. Although the blow
ties week as a delegate from the fractured the bone. Mr. Prior was
Exeter lodge to the Grand Court not knocked. down and managed to
Canadian Order of Foresters. get away froth the animal. Drs.
Any person wishing Buck-waeat for 113'ndrnan and McGillicuddy reduced
seed can get name at the grist still. the fracture.
Wheat. Oats and Barley wanted at Messrs. F. W. Glad►nait and If, E.
the mill, 1(AItVF.Y (IROS. Huyton were in Godcrich :est week
Exeter Company F. 33rd Huron ns 1uresentivrs of the Exeter
Regimen: left Tuesday afternoon for School1'ironedatto protest ngninst the
camp at London in charge of Capt.
W. J. Beaman and Lieut. J. G.
Rev. A. K. Birks, of Askin Street
Church London. was last week elec-
ted President of the 'London Con-
ference. and Rev. Graham. of Chat-
ham. Becrctary.
Mr. August Guhr. of Shakespeare
was n visitor in town over Sunday.
ile war one of the tenderers for the
improvement of the Bauble river in
t'sborne township.
Mr. Eli Cosh. of Gananoque, and
at one time an Exeter boy, was called
herr last week owing to the illness
and subsequent death of his aunt Mrs.
John Srnallacombe.
Mr. Roberts, of London, who man-
aged the bowling alleys since they
were installed. resigned last week
owing to illness and left Thursday
morning for London.
Here is a special . offer, The
Times and Family (lerald and \Vrek-
ly Star for the halo -ace of 1909 for
only 75 cents. This rnte is for sub-
scriptions in Canada only.
An old chair cnn be refinished and
made to match other furniture by
11pp'ying one coat of Campbell's Var-
nish Stain. Anyone cnn use it and
do good work W. J. penman sells it.
"The Ifcnsnll Flouring Mills have
on head n targe quantity of Feed.
and will supply you with Bran at
1'22.00 and Shorts at *23.00 per
ton; secure your requirements while
the rupp:y lasts. ,
If you wont good bread use our
"Smite !)rift Family Flour".
Miss Bertha Mack. has resigned her
position in Chatham for nn increased
salary with Gordon McKay. Wholesale
Toronto. in the Fame department with
her sister. The change will be much
nppreciatcd by both girls and parents.
Mr. 1'. E. Handford shipped a
arlond of horse. to Winnipeg last
?ridny• The shipment was in charge
►f Mr. Scott. of 'Cromarty. They
,were in n car one train behind the
any wrecked near Woodstock and
twere delayed n day in consestnenc,•I
fra Bier. charged with s.'ttine fire
to the Ile•nsall hotel tens before Itis
ilonor .lodge I)oyie nt Godcrich last
week and elected to be tried by the
j•idge without a jury. Ile entered
n plea of not guilty and hi. trial was
set down for Tuesday. ,itlr 6th.
Mr. Will Senior and daughter.
Miss Lillie M.. of Toronto, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Senior
over Sunday. Miss Senior is an ex-
cellent voenlikt and nssisted the Pres-
byterinn choir at the mottling ser-
vice with a. solo.
LOST -Silk umbrella. fold handle.
1 1?. •r p'esae ret d. to \\•. J. ala1- •Summer Clothing, Hata and Furnishings for
,eft. Centra, Hotl. lieu 1re1. �7
FOR SALE. -The house and contents Men and Boys.
of 11r. Gorge Allen on 11uron St.l
for sale. Apply to Mr. James Den- These warm days are a gentle reminder that summer toggery
nis for particulars. ! necessity
WOOD FOR SAE. -We are now i A light weight Suit, a light pair of those Astoria
-prepared to deliver to any part of+ Shoes, a light Straw Hat, light Underwear, Tight Sox, a
the town first class elm slabs. All low Collar, bow'
orders promptly attended to. Tie. A whole outfit won't cost yo much
HOUSE TO RENT, -On Thames Road,
good comfortable frame house,
nine rooms. hard and soft water.
Appty to ltobt. McDonald, Thames
Rood P. 0.
COOPERAGE WORK -Tubs, pails.
etc.. repaired. Will call for goods
and return when repaired. Drop a
card and I will call. ED. 111.IDE-
man, Sanders St.. Exeter.
Experienced teacher for t4. B. No.
10. Osborne, duties to begin after
the summer holidays. Apply. stating
salary, to J. T. Morgan, Hay P.O.
Seon. will bo et the Commercial
Ilotel. hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
m. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eve ear and nose treated.
Next visit Monday June 14.
Gentlemen. - Please take notice
that n meeting of the shareholders
will be held on Friday, June 12th, at
2.30 p.m. at the Town Hall. By or-
der of the hoard.
T. 11. CARLIN G, Sec.-treas.
Exeter. May 25th, 1909.
Lot 3. concession 0, township of
Hay, containing 100 acres. On this
property there is a two storey brick
cottage, Large bank barn. with shed
and cement pig pen under. Two
acres orchard, good supply of evater,
8 acres of splendid bush, mostly ma-
ple, convenient to church, school and
market. This is a beautiful home.
Nearly all seeded down, will sell
reasonable. Possession given this
fall. Apply to' JOHN BRODERICK,
on premises or the Sarepta P. 0.
FARM FOR SALE -Lot 16, Con. 14
township of Ribbert, containing 100
acres. On this property there is a
good brick dwelling, large bank barn.
frame horse stable and implement
house and pig and hen house. Good
young orchard ; never failing 'supply
of water; 95 acres cleared. the bal-
ance in hardwood bush. This is t
beautiful hotne, situated well for
school. church and market. It is in
first class state of cultivation. Pos-
session on the 1st of Nov. 1909. If
not sold privately on or before the
21st of June, it will be sold by public
auction on the 0th day of July at
4 o'clock, 0.m. on the premises. For
terns and particulars apply to Law-
rence Fulton. proprietor. on the prem -
tering of the count e
iss, or to Thos. 'Cameron, Auctioneer
} grant for con- �.
tinuation classes. At the January The members of Court Exeter 123.
session of the County Council the Edi- 1. 0. F., are requested to meet at
cation committee brought in a re- the lodge room 9,30 Sunday, June 20.
solution to reduce the amount grant- to aliend service nt James Street
ed the schools of the county for con- Church. 0. E. Anderson, Secy.
tinuation C:asses by one-quarter and
the resolution was laid over until
Juni. Aller bearing the drla•gaties
the council decided to allow the grant
given the Exeter school as it bas been
for several years. The present grant
is $1.044 and had the resolution been
carried would have meant a loss to
Exeter of over 15260.
An interesting game of football
was played on the high school grounds
Monday evening between trams re-
presenting the Y. M. C. A. and the
town. resulting in favor of the former
by three goals to one. The germ, was
fast and exciting and was witnessed At home a Kodak is )1131
by about 130 persons. At half time
Own A
This is Kodak Time
If on a holiday carry a Kodak
the score atood 2 to 1. The Y. M.
C. A. boys ,scored their last goal by a
side kook n few minutes before time
war called. This make. two wins
for the Y. ,fir C. A. having defeat-
ed the town boys n week ago Friday
2, to 1. Following were the lineups
Y. a1. C. A.. M. Hoskin goal Bruce
Anderson and Wes. Stone hack ; B.
!loftier. L. 11ern and Roy Parsons,
befit back ; A, Johns. IL Axt, Dr.
!twin:tnrn and and herb. and .r. M.
Sotithcolt ::Town. iI. Rivers goal ; Ii.
Kest:e, \\' I'reszcnlor, back ; T.
(taker. 11. Triebner, and M. SJemon,
half blacks: Ilerb. Ford. W. Triehner,
it. Itrintne !. 11. Swann, E. Snell,
forwards. A game will be played Fri-
day evening with the boys outside the fiowey's Drug Store
town. Everybody welcome
about as indispensable.
The lure of the art catches
one at home or away.
Kodak fanciers will
he interested in the ad-
ditions t3 the 13rownie
family. Call and see
Everything in Kodak
Get a Catalogue it's free.
South Huron
Farmers' Excursion
Experimental Farm, Guelph
The Farmer's Institute of South Huron
a ill run an Excursion along the line of the Grand Trunk Railway to
Guelph on
FRIDAY, JUNE 11th, 1909
Mr. \\ n,. Miners has received word. Centralia . - 6:50 $1.35 I3rucefiekl
Clinton.. 7:35 1.20
that his youngest son, Clarence, who Exeter, ..... . , , ,7:03 1.35 .
started to learn telegraphy. about i S7 1.20
a sear end a hall ago, end who is iicnsall ..... , , , , 7:17 1.25 Seafnrth 4-o7 1.15
now employed with the M. (t, It. ,t. Klppen , , , . 7:25 1.25 1 Dublin..... .... $:20 1.10
Coy.. and is now relieving wherever Children over 5 and under 12, Half Fare,
he may bo wonted between Windsor Train will nrrive at. (iu0.10.elph 11 o'clock; returning leaves Guelph 0.10.
Ruffolo, is reported l.3• one of the
Dispatchers In be oar of the most Tickets geed going only on one train; valid to return following day.
rrilnble and trust worthy employes A Free bunch will be served in the Lecture room,
on the line. lle is just past seven- �1t,/, D. SANDERS, fres,
teen yenrs of age. B. S. PHILLIPS, Secy.
and the comfort you will
t234 tot
stripe also
and Insertion
a yard.
enjoy will be a great deal. '
in French and Swiss qualities
Mulls in cross bar and
25c per yard. Our Lace
best shown Oriental Lace
patterns at tempting prices.
All 25c. Cottonades at 22c.
Friday and Saturday only
Produce- Butter ltic; Eggs 18c. trade, Vie. cash, subject to change.
We Repair!
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling tiros.
of such high grade that there is no
tae in looking for better. It isn't
made. The first sack you use will
prove that to you.
to -day so that you 'give it a. trial.
When your folks continence to say
nice things about your baking, you'll
have proof that our flour is superior
to other brands. Good baker as you
have been, you'll be better with bet-
ter flour like ours.
Foot Ease
A Guaranteed Absolutely
Pure and Certain
Cure fora
sore, tired, sweating, swollen feet,
It controls undue perspiration, keeps
the feet cool and comfortable and thus
affords a prompt relief for tired and
blistered feet.
Accept no Other
for that hot burning sensation so often
troublesotne in warns went her.
Price 25c. a box.
Prepared by
W. S. COLE Phm. B.
Chemaist and Druggist.
Songs and Musk never before of
fered in Record form can now
be had in Edison Amberol
Atnherol Records flay twice as long
ns Standard Edison play
and long-
er than any other records on the mar-
ket. The new Edison i'bonrgraphe
We are Showing play both Standard
and Amberol Record. No other talk.
ing machine will play the Arnhem'
Record. Ask or write for catalogue.
Newest creations in Post Card. here
thousands at 3 for Sr, including feral
J. Willis Powell Manner,
i a•- err �
With twenty-two years' ex-
perience to its; credit this college
is recognized as the geeatest
practical training school in
Western Ontario.
Three departments:
Our classes are the largest,
our courses most practical and
our instructors experienced.
Our gradnates are assisted to
positions and succeed as none
others. Enter now. Get our
free catalogue.
Are a Pleasure to their
Owners. ••
We have sold and are selling a great►
many high class pianos and our num
erous satisfied customers is the strong•
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the be
the best Piano makers prods
our prices are right.
Do not he too quick to b_
sons who tell you different
above for the purpose of slang
cheap and In some cases trashy Ovum
at big prices.
Call and see Us
and pe live u
convinced that what we sa
weP T
s. Martin
& son
- sc
Fall Term Opens
August 30.
Our graduates are assisted to the
best positions. \Vrite for the reason.
Prepare now to enter at the beginning
of terns. Mail Courses for those who
wish to study at, home.
Clinton Business Al
Cleo. 5potton, Principal. _ease
1 tiers Good NCH
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Metropoli-
tan. Just look at the following
prices (no trade, and no truck)
all cash.
Rags 75 c. per Lunched
Iron front 041e to 75c. per hun.
Old rubber hoots & shoes 7c. lb,
Copper and brass 9c. per li►.
Horne hair Me per 1b.
Lead and zinc 2 1 2r. pe
Now Boys tate 24th is Co
Bring your goods here an
the worth a•f your mous
A great vatiety Of IRON
PIPE always on hand at a rea-
sonable price, suitable for fence
poste, bracing hnnlevarding.
M. Jackson & Sons
liar. nr Woman.-\fy South African
\•ere• as Bounty Land Certificate is -
.ted t•. the Deportment of the Inter-
ior. s tnua : good for 320 acres of
any ''()minion Land open for entry
in A:berm. Saskatchewan or Mani-
tohn. Any person over the age of 18
year.. man or woman, can acquire
this land with this rertifienfe. For
immediate sale *790.00 Phone• write
or wire. L. E. Telford, 131 Shute! St.
Toronto. Phone. Main 3066.