Exeter Times, 1909-06-10, Page 5THE EXETER WI M 11N, JUNE loth 1909
STORE Crediton
: Mr. and Mrs. W. Wenzel visited 1
friends in Zurich over Sunday,
Misses Ilart!t•ib and Polly were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. llarticib ut
Dashwood on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Huffman, of Zur-
ich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Misses !della and Mildred and Ira
Brown were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. I'reeter. of Zurich. 1
Miss L. Wolfe. of Winchelsea.
visited parents over Sunday.
Mr. Hansen who was visiting par-�
ents at \Vingham, arrived home.
Mr. Fowler went away on his holi.
Rev. Whiting, of Parkhill, is the,
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 31. Holtz-'
Mr. and Mrs. E. \\'urns visited
u e Bale of Summer Goods
We are offering a line of these goods just when you need them. Not
waiting until after the summer season when they are not needed. We have
placed on our counters two piles of White Muslins, Colored Muslins, (ling-
• hams and piques, regular 15c to 20c per yard, now Plc and 1'2 c -A SNAP.
We have been selling many lines such as Striped Ginghants, Linens Gala -
teas, Directoire Pique, Crinkle cloth. etc. Many have been completely sold
out and replaced and now most of them are down to remnants. Those who
have yet to purchase any of these goods would do well by acting promptly.,
peace 14c. to tic. Have a nice line of white goods that include a wide choice
in weave goods from Sc. to OOc.
Bargains in
We have just receiv-
ed two pieces of Black
Taffeta, 1 yard wide,
very soft, good black,
guaranteed not to cut,
and is highly recom-
mended for wear. Is
not loaded with lead
and at a Brice lower
than anything you ever
saw. Come in and see
it. Suitable for the
Stylish black silk coats
and dresses. Price $1
and $1.25; one 10 in. at
Window Shades Carpets and
and Curtains Linoleum:
Received another lot
of fancy net 30 in. wide
bordered both sides,
newest designs, also
plainer ones from 10e
to :11c. per yard.
Big range of Lace
Curtains 25c to $4.00
per pair.
friends in Zurich.
Mr. Garnet Baker, of • London, is
This season has been visiting friends in town for it; few
an exceptionally good day'
one in this line. Had Doctor McCue, has arrived home ale
n•.terding his sister's funeral at
to repeat our orders Ott• .n t•., .e, t
Mess-.. lea and Frazer Braun visit-
ed friends in Dashwood Friday even-
Mrs. It. Finkbeiner left for Phila-
delphia where she intends visiting
her son Wesley for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 'C:arke and daugh-
both and this week re-
ceived another ship-
ment. Expect tnore
be nano' Tapestry rugs
in different sizes in a
few days.
For Men and Boys
SUITS -in this line we have a complete range
showing a nice lot of two piece Summer Suite at
right prices.
Hats, in Felts and Straws, Shirts, Ties, Collars,
Fancy Vests, Socks, Underwear. Handkerchiefs,
Showing a special range of Itain Coats, Coverts
and Black Walking Coats. Latter silk faced.
Buy and Retail all kinds of Seeds, Millet, Potatoes and all kinds of Produce•
Highest market price.
WANTED -10,000 lbs. of Wool. S. BROWN
We are offering over 300 Boys and Youths up-to-date
Sults excellent quality, at bargain prices. It will pay ay you
• to see them, Also a fine selected stock of Men's Clothing
in up-to-date style and latest shades es at
the very lowest
rices. Mens Odd Pants $1.25 to $2.75, regular $1.75 to
3.50 Pants.
Have you Been our stock yet. we
have the most extensive stock of the
best goods we have ever handled. Our
stock of Tapestry Squares are beauti-
ful, quality excellent, prices the low-
est. They are selling fast which
proves our values are right. We have
them in all shades and designs, sizes
8x3, 3x3}, :t xa}, :30x4, 30x1}, etc.
Lace Curtains
We are offering s )eeial
Curtains, Curtain Muslins,
intend to clear some Tines
of cost,
We have just received a Nobby
Stock of Felt lints. Also Men's, Boys
Childrers Straw Hats. The latest
styles and low prices.
Just a few words regarding this de-
partment. To clear up on a most
successful season we intend to clear
out the balance regardless of what is
paid for the goods. We carry no old
stock from one season to the other in
values in this line. Take advantage of this op -
etc. We portunity to secure a bargain.
Our Grocery Department as well as
all other department is filled with sea-
sonable goods, you will find our values
right and quality the best.
See our stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars
Fancy Vests, Hosiery and etc., all
new goods. We have the correct sty-
les in this department,
Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods.
A Call Solicited.
CHAS. ZWICKER, - Crediton.
Buggies Buggies
Just Arrived
A large consignment of buggies from live of the leading
gfirms of Ontario
in all well 11' lock overhe latest yles our tock before purchasing.
o. r£(�ta No trouble itoyshow goowill ds.
Yphi les fully guarantee,!. A call solicited.
ter, visited friends in Exeter.
Rev. R. Ilicks is attending the con-
ference he'd at London.
11r. harry Felber is visiting around
New Ontario for It few weeks.
Mr. Deckert. of Zurich. was the
guest of Mr. C. Wolfe on Sunday.
The Misses Redden and Ford, of
Exeter. were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Vockwill over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke and daugh-
ter, of Granton, are visiting friends
for a few days.
A number from the Evangelical S.
S. are attending the Sunday School
convention nt Zurich this week.
The Ladies' .Aid of the Methodist
church have opened up an Ice cream
parlor in the store lately vacated by
\V. W. Kerr.
Melvin Whiting, of Parkhill was
the guest •nt J. 11. Holtzmann's Sat-
urday and Sunday and Sunday even-
ing occupied the pulpit of the Evan.
gelical church.
The Evangelical Sunday School will
celebrate their annual childrens' day
the first Sunday in July and their
annual picnic on the 10th of June.
The Methodist Sunday School will
hold their picnic on the 18th
The semi-annual business meeting
of the Y. P. A., of the Evangelical
Evangeiical church was held Tuesday
evening and resulted in the old offi-
c rs being re-elected.
e .,
i3.an tha the Kind You Irate nl+aals d:,l0ll
Manitoba, 8aekatekewae, Alberta
Spseid Trais.l.a.. Troop 2.00 pa. os
APNIL S, 21 MAYA, is JUNE 1,16, 21
JULY 11, 21 MA 11, 11 f$EPT. T, 21
Sec ad dar 'kilolitre*N S�r.tai.s. to sriacipal
Wiestpes end return $32.001Ed'uoutal
.s4 return
$42.50 ud tomi le Pleura
M chi x660 d:r..►h°'0co•: ns daickets
ss .11.7Nnioss. Comfortable bulks. for equipped
with bddios. na be monad .t modem* raw •loco.►
local .seat -
Early application must be made
erttalabias raw .ad full iaforuadoa.
Agds M DiDis C. Pea. Ar
,. Toroutto.L. Tborw•a
Every athlete. every hall -player,
every swimmer, every canoeist, every
man or woman who loves outdoor life
and exercise. should keep a box of
Earn -1111k handy.
Zana-1h:k is a purely herbal pre-
paration is hich. as soon as applied to
cuts, brieses, burns, sprains, biisters.
etc.. vets up highly beneficial opera-
tions, First. its antiseptic proper-
ties render the wound free from all
danger from blood -poisoning. Nest,
its soothing properties relieve and
ease the pain. Then its rich herbal
balms penetrate the tissue, and set up
the wonderful process of healing.
)garbed wire scratches, insect stings,
skin diseases, such as eczema, heat
rashes. ringworm, babies' heat sores,
chafed places. sore- feet -all come
within Zit In -Butt's power. it also
eases and cures piles. All druggists
and stores.
•01,1 '
.: '. > Li :hi 1
J. Carlin•;, Agent Exetes•. •
Six pupils from our sellout will try
the entrance exams. this year.
Rev. and Mrs. Maass and Miss
3laass attended the Lutheran synod
at Preston.
Mrs. Demuth returned to Port Ar-
thur on Tuesday nfter an extended
visit with her parents here.
The Ministerial meeting and Sun-
day School Convention of the lluron
district. 'Canada Conference. Evan.
Association is being held here this
h'nther Loisellc. the genial pastor
of St. Peter's Church Drysdale took
n ,sudden and severe sick apell on
Monday. His many friends hope that
he will room be restored to his usual
The latest report regarding the
proposed electric railway from St.
Joseph to Stratford. is that the origi-
nal survey along the Zurich Road
to Mensal! and Exeter will be used.
If the road is ever to be built this
would certainly be the sensible route
from a financial and revenue pro-
ducing standpoint.
f e council inet as a Court of Re-
vision of the Assessment Ita11. on
Wednesday and disposed of the fol-
lowing appeals: 11. D1cE.v_ •n, as-
sessed too high on building. Appeal
not sustained ; R. '!.eller. re t •lephone
cine -assessment struck off : frank
Denomy. N 1-2 •Lot 10 L 1t W changed
to Lamontagne Limited: C. !feebler,
ese W Cor. lot 24 Con. 10, charged to
Geo. Wit [nor Geo. Witmer. lot 13 con
9 changed to S. Witmer ; Itobt. Cole
E 1-2 5, Con. 4. assessment $2800.00.
changed to J. l'erkins $2000.00, and
It. Cole $800.00; •efrs. Pollock, 1 tic
of lot til, con. 4, changed to J. 1St.
Richardson ; Trustees Sep. 8. No. 11,
requesting a:1 property belonging to
Roman Catholics in limits of sec-
tion to be transferred to section -
Appeal not sus: -:'sed; John Cherret-
te, to become eupi'orter of Sep. 8. No.
11 Appeal allowed Mrs. E. Scbuettler,
assessed too high -Appeal not sus-
tained, H. Lipphardt to assess John
Brenner and A. I). Gischler one dog
each -Dogs assessed G. N. Gill. to
assess pt lot 11 N. II. to J. Sharpe -
Chunk. wade, George iteichert. in-
come struck off, GeorgituInti Itisson-
nette. to change certain lots at St.
.loeeph, to N. M. Cantin-Appeal not
sustrcined, S. Rennie to assess park C.
1). Zurich, to f. Witmer -Appeal al-
lowed, G. Kellerman to assess lot in
Dashwood to him instead of Sophia
Sachs -Change made, T. plump to
be assessed on lot in Dashwood instead
Our baseba:l team played a friend
:y game with Motherwell Saturday
evening. Score 5-3.
Miss Cora V ennor, of Chiselhurst
who has been spending a couple of
months with her aunt Mrs. A. ifod-
gert, returned to her home Sunday.
Mr. Arthur Co:e. who was injured
at the Karn raising of Mr. A. Hed-
ger!, is. we are pleased to say, able
to be around again.
Mrs. Mel:le mon '.vas the guest of
Mr. A. McDougal, Ilibbert, last
Mrs. A. IIo(lgert and son Kenneth
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V.
Ilodgert tit Farquhar on Sunday.
'file anniversary iservices of Roy's
Presbyterian church will be held on
Sunday, June 13.
Owing to the absence of the pastor
Ibere were no services in the Pres-
byterian church last Sunday.
Mr. W. .1. Braunton was a dele-
gate 10 the general assembly of the
Presbytery at Hamilton last week.
S. aS. No. 3.. STEPHEN
The following is it correct report
of the pupils of S. S. No. 3. Stephen
for the month of May. Sr. IV -J.
llogarth. Fear:e Shapton, W. Shapto,l
Tr. ,IV -A. Willis. J. Willis, Etta
Welsh. V. llogarth. O. l'reszcator. C.
Parsons. Fenn Box. Sr. 111-R. Par -
.sons. M. Willis. .1r. III -L. Sanders
C. Triebner. G. Stanlak.. Sr. Ii. -C.
Parsons. F. Willis. L. Sanders. Jr.
11 -JI. Triebner. V. Itox, L. 11111, V,
I'reszcator. 1'. Sanders. Sr. I't. II -
C. Hamilton. O. Hamilton, C. Sanders
Sr. I't. 1-A. ,3hapton. 11. Parsons, E.
1'reszcator. E. Staniake. Jr. Pt. I-
C. Willis. L Hamilton. (lest spellers
W. Shapton. A. Willis. C. Tricbner.
\Van. L. Triebner. teacher.
Mr. Thomas Wylie (Box 354', Galt.
says: -"It was the luckiest day of my lire
when 1 struck PSYCH I NE, for I truly be•
lies e 1 shouldn't he alive now but for that
"A neglected cold was the beginning
of me trouble. need a hat se:recd to be a
simple ailment, snow developed into a seri-
ous and dange•ous c-,1Jition. 1 got so low i
that it was scarcely 1•ossible for me to Balk
Treveth ie k & Hodgins 'around, and i Ince so much flesh that t
(look_d likes skeleton. I was just abos.' ut
ONTARIO. onlready
2tti rears e. Tmy tttekmed cine the.
Y f'-•
doctor gay t. me made tae eo,-se and I r,ot
disgusted. Thcn I struck PSYCH INE."
'PE f)I1't)N .
Onuortiinllii tor IIIv6stInellt
--- ----i\ THE ---
Caledonia Evaporating Company, Linfited.
WL'ich was incorporated Oct., 1908, and has since
purchased the five Evaporators situated nt
Caledonia, Exeter, Lucan and Rodney.
These ;are in first class running order with the exception of two which
need t extra kilns also P8 etotehous • to enable the company to handle a full take Psychine, Druggists and Stores
crop of apples atm thus do a much larger Imeinese and increase the profits. !sell at 50c and $1.00. Send to DR. T.
in order to do this and pay off the remainder of the piirehnse money they IA. SLOtonto, foil, TLiKIAL FKmited EE�na Atcnue,
have +Iec;'led t., sell a limited number of shares. and now if yen wish to shite
"PSYCH iNEdid m:raclesfor me. The
first bottle gave me new life and cour. ge,
and in less than no time 1 began to put on
flesh rapidly ,and licit Iwas onthe high road
10 recovery. My appetite rcturncd, and
'ate like a hunter,' as the saying goes
My frien's were surprised, and hardly
knew me. In three months 1 was as strong
and well as ever, and returned to work In
the mill. 1 have not had a day's illness
•ince Nobody could wish for better health
than I enjoy, and it is all owing to PSY•
CHINE. It should be in everybody's
For Coughs, Colds. Loss of Appetite.
Throat, Lung and Stomach Trouble.
in their t'r„alts Inoe no time in securing your shelve.
,\sty Porch icer will be given a gear int. a by J. N. ('ormsn that if be is,
dissatisfied with Isis purchase at the
/Jive )ear:• he will buy hack his
shares at Lace value.
of P. Beaver -Change made. Dash-
wood 1'. Trustees. to assess the fol-
lowing for one dog each -Win. Ilsie,
C. Schroeder, 1). Tieman. P. Fassold,
L. Klenisteiver-dogs assessed, Carr
C t el Tinney on \V 1-4 11
Special Values
While they last
Linen 'Cowling regular' 10e. for so.A line of Ccrsets to clear 1-3 off.Odd line of Suits in Mens', Youths and Boys' to clear
1-3 oft.
Odd and ends in Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, Dresg
Goods, Flannelletts and etc.
At Bargain prices
Don't forget our special sale of Tapestry Carpets, are -
duction of 15 per cent.
Odd Plates in Blue and Green patterns regular 85e. for
tjOc, a dozen.
We carry the best line of dangle and Turnip seed. Try
then! Wool wanted.
Siebert & Co.
Hartletb Block. UASHWOOD
umber Shingles and Lath
o., o assess .
con. 4 -Change made- 'We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build-
ing material that we are in a better position than ever to supply yobs wants in
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion.' Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Pasts, Laths, Fence Slats
dyspepsia, try Carter'a Little Liver Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
Pills. Relief is sure. Tho only nerve
medicine in market. If you intend building a house or been we will he pleased to quote price&
and assist you in any way we can.
Colne in and get our prices.
Mr. 11. E. Billings. who has been The Dashwood
manager of the Mo:sons Bank for
the past seven years. has been pro-
rooted to the management of the Mot -
sons !lank at forest. Mr. 11. Arnold.
who has been a long resident of the
village and for Home time past has
been in charge of the branch et Zur-
ich has been promoted to the Hensall
branch. Mr. Itouanlegg. who has
been nccouutant herr for several
years. has been appointed manager of
the branch to Zurich.
Mr. Arnold `McArthur is home
front Toronto having rapidly recover-
ed from his serious illness.
Mrs. Doherty. mother of Rev. W.
J. Doherty died in London o❑ Wednes-
day of last week. She had been in de-
clining health for toile time.
Mr. W. 11. Reynolds left last week
for the avcst to benefit his health.
Women with pale co Iorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron fills, which
aro mado for the blood, nerves and
Tell some deserving Rheumatic suf-
ferer. that there is yet one aipmle way
to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's
book on Rheumatism and a free trial
tela. 'This hook will [Hake it entire-
lyGra clear how Rheumatic pains are
quickly killed by .Ur. Shooks Itheu- Under New Management
matic Remedy -liquid or tablets.
Send no money. The •teat is free. Mr. Robt. 1)innev, of Exeter, has lease(] the Park for a
Surprise some disheartened sufferer
by first getting for him the hook from terns of years, taking possession on the first. of June.
Ur- Shoop. Racine, Wis. W. S.
Ilowey- Mr. Dinney has had considerable experience and will grt•atly improve the
__.._ premises. Ile will have charge of the Row Boats, Bath House, Stabled and
tlltl'CF:FIELD I Picnic (.rounds.
Good Ilurses-Ilrucefield has long
been famed as a centre for the bevel•Special attention will be paid to Campers and
Is,rees l-orduced in Canada and the', Boarders. Board by meal or week.
eoii:Iger generation seem determined
to retain the good record made in this
respect by their fathers. Recently I Cottages to Rent.
taro very (incecb•e•ns of he •oto R W. DINNEY, Prop.
;;..vl horseSayv e b •en purthpurchaseddby
gentlemen of this village. Mr. Bruce
S. S. No. 11 STEPHENIfossenberry recently sold his horse,
The io:lowing is the report of the buggy and harness to Mr. N. M. Con -
results of the exams held in the school tine. of St. Joseph. for $250 and has
of e. S. No. It Stephca, daring the wince made nn important purchase.
meet of el:ay. The names are in ile has bought t ho four yea r old
(,t der Of merit. 1V. 1'etre Tet rent), et :mile rd bred en•1 renistered mare
;rue :a I•:tweet:id. Sr. 111. !.aura from M r. Witt. ':. • •n. of Tucker -
St el lura. .I r. 111. Rhyne rd Stephen, smith. near Chi- • . - t, and for
Irene Wille rt. .los. 1,nfond, Enuu1 which he paid a fano price. Several
Zeller. Sr. 11. Ira Tetreau. olive prominent horsemen were after her,
ss t:', rl. .31. 11. 'leery Ieafond. \W i1- but !truce •rot the inside track on
• tit -phase. Ill. 1. Errou La fond, them all and won oust. This marc is
Iiettz,•, Wild. Myrtle Wilert. No. on of the re ebrnted Mon iiars stock and
to : .'2: 1~1 -ago 17. when properly trained will he sure to
1.. 11. Keyes. Teneher. gave 8 isood aceounl of hersrif on t he
-0 - Irick. Mr. John McIntosh. another
S. 13. No. '3. 1 13BOItNE of our horse fanciers. bis purchased
also from Mr. Kinsman a very fine
The following is the report of S.
S. No. :3. 1'shorne, forthe mont h of Totts:t stallion .a full brotber of the
'.1ny. Continuation C:ass- Max. '2o0. roan• purchased by Jlr. Itossenberry.
\:b: eta "loupe l la, 'Serie. notate
Sloth these fine animals were bred by
I1 i. Entrance. Nisi x. 401) ,- Ise belle el r. I% in -man nntl they certain:y do
Turnbull :'21. Ethel Shier 313, itet,t credit to his skill as a breeder of
Shier 287. Sr. IV, Max. 309 -Ai -low
thorobreds. We hope the new own-
141. Oliver McCurdy absent, ers will have the bast of good fortune
Jr. iV, 'Max. 300 -Ida Irvine 210, 1(.o eel, their fine animals.
I)oupe 214 : Janie McCollogh absent. (;randi3ond
.I r. 111. Max. e50. Tena McCurdy 194 ;'
May Bodeen 1111: Donald Balfourr Grand Bend will be a real summer
lee; Fern Frances 186 ; Oscar Cope- resort this year. Many improve-
'ttnd 161. .1r. 11. Max. 200. Heber meats have been made and es a re -
Shute 162: Leser McCurdy 155: ffor- I',tilt this resort will be more nttrac-
don Copeland 15'2: Itoy Fletcher 141 ;tire than ever this year. Already
George 'Iamb e-1. I't. if. Mac. lee. I rt'v^rel cottagers have taken up their
liownrd Shier 113: Pella McCurdy ' resioenee and many more are making
107. I't. 1. Max. 100, Maggie Mc- I arrangements to occupy their rot -
Curdy 71. testes, within the next week or two.
Planing Mill Co., Limited,
Dashwood, Ont.
Housecleaning Wants
Ilouse cleaning time is here with a 11 its worries. Let us help you by
supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash Brushes, Soap, Dutch
Cleanser, Gillet's Lye, Household Ammonia. I3on Ami for cleaning wind
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are selling at
greatly reduced prices.
Ask to see our patterns, we can please you.
PAINTS. -You need paint for renewing little things around the
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas Paints. re-
cognized as the best paint made, in cans from 15c. to 95o. Var-
nish stain at 25c. a can is just the thing for making old furni-
ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition
over with you.
Farm produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price.
Send Park
All New Bathing Suits.
Gives Strength and Vigor
There is nothing ;\'h:. h sib quickly restores strength and
energy after an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. .1s a
change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful
of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk.
Some day you may eat too much. Some night
(if you're a man) you may drink more than is
good for you. For all excesses in eating and drinking
is hest because it acts on the liver, moves the bowels
and gets rid of whatever may be overloading your
stomach. hor r_t'y sickness of the sort -constipa-
tion or stomach and liver troubles take an NR tab-
let to -night and you' 11 feel better in the morning. 52
t a 25 Box.
For Sale by W. S. Cole, Exeter.
The enrk has Seen lensed by Hobert t
Dinney. of Exeter and he intends;
making ninny neav improvement.. 1
Special nttention will b: given to,
boating nn(1 bathing, lew• s.tile hewing
been ordered for the bathers.
The Grand Trunk Railway System
with their new organization in
Europe have opened a fine suite of
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
offices at 17-19 Cockspur Street. Lon- the I'ostmar.ttr G •0.1-91. will br• re.
don, one of The best locations in the, ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri -
city. It is just opposite Pall Mall; day, the 16th July, 1909 for the cone
+nd the majority of traffic from veynnce of His Maj stry's Mails, on •a
\\'estminster and the the west end of ` proposed contrnct for four years.
London passes through this thorough- times per week „net' way, beta•
fare to 1'icadilly, Oxford Street and Exeter rind ht. .Mary's from the
the commercial sections of the Metro -of Aust next. I'rinted notices
poli. Canadians who visit London Ainslie,
tainiug further information as r
will find these offices complete in conditions of proposed contract
, very way rind the Company are de- 1i • even rind h'ank forms of 1 r
sirous of h:•ving nil visitors from the may be obtained at th, Post Office .f
Colonies a::kc their headquarters in feaster. St. Mary's and route office/
London Ill it n edea -ecus, where they and nt th, office of the Post Office
can have their mail addressed, make, )nsi'rctor nt London.
appointments and do their correspon- G. C. ANDERSON
deuce. This is an innovation of the Sepe•rintendcnt,
transportation lines of the colonies
and no doubt will be taken advan-
tn,te of by mans overseas' visitor* to
the mother Country, I t 1 I '
Post Office Department. Mail Sere
vice iironeb. Ottawa, 1st ' June