HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-10, Page 4one year. The Treasurer reported a balance of i 151.10 in the treasury, June 1st. Reports were received from the Religious and Physical standing sub -committees. Plans were submit- ted by the Camp Committee for the July Camp for boys, and it was decid- ed uu get out a prospectus of the camp. and application fortes, for dis- tribution amoiig those interested. SHE EXE2 t'R TIMES, JUNE loth 1909. get a :mail contingent from each town and village in the County to go. Tents, food. bolus and everything will be supplied by the committee and the boys will just Savo to bring their clothes and whatever personal be- longings they will need, and each boy will pay the committee so much tot the 10 days, to defray the expenses. Any boy from 12 to 18 who sccuresf the The County Secretary gave a de- written consent of parents or guard - tailed report o[ the splendid evork inns may go. The place is an ideal done by the various Associations in;one for camping. There is a good he County, from January 1st, to June spring of water, good bathing and let. The report :domed a total mem- boating, and excellent grounds for n•rehip of 208 young men and boys games and athletics. The camp will be under the maaagctnent of L. C. Fleming, the County Secretary t ho will be assisted by A. Cuticles. Pro- vincial Secretary, F. 11. Chant. form- erly Physical Director of Iflidland Y. M, C. A.. J.'1:. Robertson and A. F. Johns of Auburn and others. •It is expected that a physician will be on the grounds: a cook will be employ- ed. and every arrangement made for the safety. comfort and pleasure of the boys. Parents need have no fear or anxiety concerning the welfare of the boys while away, and should eat, brace the opportunity to give their boys a healthful, wholesome outing, under Christian influences, and super- vision. The committee have no other purpose in conducting such a camp, than to do every individual boy who goes. all the good they can, physically tnei tally, and morally. For par- ticulars write to L. C. 'Ieming, Clin- ton. n the t:ix Associations: 79 week ight Bible 'Classes with an average ttendance o. 11); 42 Educational Ieetings with an average attendance f 21; 11 Social evenings althea aver - toe of 36; 17 Physical events with an verage of 21 taking part, and nine ublic entertainments with an aver - tree of over 200 in attendance. There Ir,• now 22 Corresponding members in he County, and up to date 51 young ten. leaving their homes for other arts. have been followed by corres- ondence. and helped in a practical ray in the places to which they have one. 17 young men have made a tart in leading Bible classes. and tatty young 'nen have been helped nd uplifted by the influence of the M C. A. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 rninu- es sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink 'ail) Tablets. The formula is on the 5 cent box. Ask your Doctor or )ruggist about this formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains any- •iere. Write Dr. Shoop. Racine: Vis„ for free trial to prove value. V. S. Ilowey. Sexsmith Mr. \V. 11. Johnston. of Kippene reached here on Sunday last, in the bsence of the pastor Rev. Bart, •ho is attending conference at Lon - on. Mr. A. Wildfong, is making an ad- ition to his house this summer. Mrs. 'Henderson. of Southwold, is •isiting her daughter Mrs. William rrnstrong nt present. Mrs. Geo. Geddes, returned home on alurday niter spending a couple of veeks with friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, arc t present visiting friends at Latch- ord. New Ontario. In sickness. if a certain nerve goes •rong. then the organ that this nerve ontrols will also surely fail. It may • a Stomach nerve, or it may have iven strength and support to the [cart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop hat first pointed to this vital truth, r. Shoop's Restorative was not made o dose the t3tomach nor to tempor- rily stimulate the [Heart or Kid- ee-s. That old-fashioned method is 11 wrong. I)r. Shoop's Restorative oes directly to these failing inside erves. The remarkable success - of CASTOR 1 A is prescription demonstrates the isdom of treating the actual cause f these failing organs. And it is in- For Infants and Children. ced easy to prove. A simple five or rho Kind Yon Hare Always Bought en days test will surely tell. Try once. and Feel Sold by W. 8. Iow•ey. if you would have a. safe yet cer- tain'Cough Remedy in the home. try Dr. Shoop's-at least once. It is thoroughly unlike any other !Cough preparation. Its taste will be entire- ly new to you -unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy, No opium. chloroform, or any other stupifying ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung - healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won- derful curative properties. It • is truly n most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by :W. S. nowey. Centralia At daughter was horn to ',Ir. and Mrs. Win. Spencer, of Brantford. at the home of the Tatter's mother Mrs. Anderson. Mr. Thos. Willis who recently lost his creamery by fire, is making pre- parations to rebuild another with modern improvements. The business will still move along in prosperous Cent ralia. Mr. W. 11. Butt was suoessful with his second year exams. at the To- ronto University Faculty of Medi- cines. Mr. E. Colwill accompanied by his wife has been taking in the Confer- ence seccessions to which he was ap- pointed delegate. A GOOD 6CiIOOL The Fall Term of Clinton Business 'ollegc. which is n link in Canada's :reatest Chain of thigh Grade Ilusi- ess Schools. will commence Aug. 30. ltev. J. Veale attended the confer - t will be well for young people de- once at London last week and was (ring advancement to investigate placed on the list of superannuated loscly the success of its graduatees ministers. ted learn the advantage of bring con- frank Robinson is spending a few tested with this Chain. days under the parental roof. As this College is affiliated with the We regret very much the death of porton Correspondence Schools. stud- Mrs. Richard (toss, which occurred its'inay study at home altogether or Wednesday morning. June 2nd. The it part. and then finish at College. funeral took place on the following thereby raving considerable board Friday to the Union cemetery. and bill. was largely attended by relatives and friends of the deceased. Our sin - The Management of the Western cerest Fympnthy is extended to those Fair, London, Ontario, have just is- who mourn the loss of a loving wife ued their 1909 Prize List. it is a and mother. very tient and attractive book and Preparations arc progressing rapid - contains a number of Important :y for 111e new bank. c1lan:ee. A large number of new Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. of Exe- -ections have been added and in- ter, were visiting the formers parents creases made in several departments. on Sunday. (?specially is this the case in the Cat- Mrs. 1. Somerville is progressing Ile and Live Stock classes, and there favorably. will no doubt be the largest Exhibi- Earl Roadhouse spent Sunday under not' this year ever held iu Lyndon. the parental roof. '4tockmen who have not previously X. hihited at London ehou,d Fend for n Ellmvllle 'rine List and prep Ire their stock fur his splendid Isxhitition, Mr. ..re ,lohue occupied the pulpit • Ion Nundny owina to tint pester being •iu attendance at conference. yeatorth traces -The annual race j The C 0 C. I. held n bee on meet of the Scaforth Turf Cub will Tit -day nfternoon levelling up and be held on their excellent track Il put lin;I n drain nround the new Seaforth on June 15, 10 and 17. The hn:l. nesociation has arranged an excellent) While Mr. 3. Pearl tens putting a Programme for each day. for which WI in the mouth of it young horse liberal purse, are being offered.I wt►s in some way knocked senseless. There will be two harne'e races and When he recovered consciousness he otic running race each die-. As anfound he had been dragged several additional attraction. they have ar-gods. ile wns badly cut and bruised Bears the Signature of Kirkton r. M. c. ,1: The ilufirt• r,y rheetinfr of the Coun- ty Commit, of Iiuron Young \ten's Chrietinn ' - •ocietion was held In \ hit:ham. •-lundny evening. ally 31st. fe /it Y. '.1. C. A. rooms. Messre. Cam tee. I ot, Scott. Maxwell, McNay and 1`,•ur,n;: being present. in the absence of the Chairman and. ranged for the attendance during the nmwas hid tip for several days. \"ic -Clinirmau, the County seerotary, entire meet of that most famous of imoll While \Ir. R. Skinner was return - .11r. 1". ming. w•ns elected Chairmen' •a:l harm's!' horses. The Eel, 2.02 1-4. ;eft from Centralia wit h a load of of thi- ,i, ting. and Mr. Cameron act- The Eel will be on exhibition each day( nit••. the king bolt came out, cans - cd :1- r ,ording seerntary..\flet d''' of the meet. and on the 16th wilt en- ing the team to run. Mr. Whiteford votiotie! • e. icier. the minutee of the (leaver to create a new Canadian half) who erne in the road at the time had previa• • n: ,•tins' 'were read ana- mile track record. This will b:• the( n r.aIrow escape from being run into. dopted. Ott int: to the re.'igd nf►tion of ou;y 0990rlu►tity that rmmy in this' Luckily his horse hnd enough speed DI r. bred (till. of Clinton. and the, ' district will have of seeing this: great deceit... ofMr. Sto,mtn ot ense.. h r r. rind none ehould tniss s the1- nnd in ob.erv'tnee of the recommend- l,orinnity. \\ a 'night also say (brut mine of the It.•+olution t'omniittec of t h,' inelicntione are !het a large the lest Convention. that the number string of horses will attend the Sea- scrvinar on the County Committee b• forth races. increil-• d to 1:,. it was necessary t..t .11 fit •• vett men to the Committee. , 0n 1'1, 11 t umtaenJttt'o.a at 1 h, County 8rcr :.,1> th • following 5 names The County Committee of the Young were .wt141 ,I to t11 • list :-Mr. .1. Mc- \lcn's Chri-tian Association of Huron Naw. of 1:. rnondrill..; Mr. 11'. 1:. are going to conduct a 10 days Sum - II audio. d. of Exeter: Mr. 11. N. mer camp for the boys of the County Volute. of ('nriow ; Mr. Jas. Fox, on the Lake shore, at iron Springs, (;msec:e. and ilr. C. W. •rliontl•enn, seven miles south of Godcrich. begin - Clinton: Mr. i'o' to serve for :t yen to. Hing July 13th. Pro.:-i•,'i is lying ,lir. \1•'• , n• 2 weir:. Messrs. 111. '.. i ,.le for the accommodation .•f 59 ford. 1 end Dr. The:r-nn : . Hut :It coeite'tt,,• .1 - !