Exeter Times, 1909-06-10, Page 2.O,OO S ! FORTIFIED AT FIF'T'Y. YOUNG FOLKS i Dr. William's Pink Pills Bting ilealth and Strangth to Women at a Critical. Time. DIARY'S APRON. "Mary, your apron grew on a Few women reach the age of fife' tree. Yes it did!" repeated seven- without enduring much suffering year-old Jimmie, laugh.ilg at his and anxiety. Between the years sister's reproachful look.of forty-five and fifty health becomes "I saw my mother make it," said tekle, and acute weaknesses arise Mary, taking up one corner of the with rheumatic attacks, pains in dainty mushy apron and looking the back and sides, frequent head- aches, nervous ailments and depres- sion of spirits. Tho secret of good health be- tween forty-five and fifty depends upon the blood supply. if it is kept rich, red and pure, good health will be the result, and women will pass this critical stage in safety. 1)r. Williams' Pink Piles help Wo- men of mature years as no other medicine can, for they make the rich, rod blood that means good health, and brings relief from suf- fering. Mrs. C. Donavon, New- castle, N. 13., says: "About two years ago I was greatly run down and very miserable. I did not know what was wrong with lne. I was hardly able to drag myself about, had severe headaches and no appetite. 1 felt so wretched that 1 hardly cared whether I lived or not. 1 had often read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for others and I decided to try them, and I can now truthfully say I found them all they are recommend- ed to be. Under their use my health gradually came back ; I could eat better, sleep better and felt strong- er in every way, and before long I was enjoying as good health as ever 1 had done." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills euro by going to the root of the trouble in the blood. They actually make new blood. That is why they cure such troubles as rl►euniatism, neu- ralgia, indigestion, kidney troubles, headaches, sideaches and back- aches, and the ailments of growing girls and women of mature years. Sold by alt medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DIETING G ON DEADLY DRUG. at it carefully. "The stuff it is made of grew on ip little tree that Looks just like our blush -rose tree," insisted Jim- mie. "Auut Ethel has a book full of pictures about it. Come and see 1" and taking Mary by the hand, Jimmie trotted out to the piazza where Aunt Ethel was sewing. "Aunt Ethel, did the stuff my apron is made of grow on a little tree like a rose -bush?" asked Mary, eagerly. Aunt Ethel took hold of the mus- lin apron, and then nodded smiling- ly. "Yes, sty dear," she said, "your apron is made of cotton, and cotton grows on a plant. It is the fruit of a plant." "Well, I didn't know cloth grew I" said the little girl. "I will tell you about it, said Aunt Ethel, lifting Mary into her lap. "Then when you hear about cotton cloth and cotton thread you will know just what it means." "Does thread grow, tool" "See," said Aunt Ethel, holding up the apron, "this cloth is made of hundreds of fine threads. So you see the thread is really made first." "Tell her about the cotton - plant," said Jimmie. "Some day," went on Aunt Ethel, "you and Jimmie will go to South Carolina; and instead of fields of grass you will see fiel(ls of cotton. 74 it bo in July, all the coeton- plants will show a round fruit about as big as a walnut. In Au- gust, when this fruit has ripened, it bursts open, and then out come lovely white fluffs of lint. And this white lint is cotton. "It is all picked from the plant and cleaned, and then tho white strands are spun into thread, and then the thread is wov n into cloth, and your mother buys the cloth and (,Il at het MONARCHS' GOOD DEEDS"""" Bl ,1l"„ DENMARK. ARE A FRIEND TO "11+T BIRDS ARE WORTH. in Danish kingdom Said to THE FISHERMEN Superior to the Best Spraying Ma- be lieu\1' in urld. chine Ener Invented. WREN KINGS .tNl) QUEENS ARI: Glt-tClot'S. o• its ed Au ab, do ha. per. ire• 1p cc•t RI)* ap Al A,. Ji, w' i gis dr the ar. of Ute a N2 67 ap Se th nr in tip N2 de If PL ordinary use. "Parents do not realize what a. handicap an extraordinary Chris- tian nitrile is to a child, especially to a boy'," said a London school- master recently. "It is always a handle for chaff, and the unfortu- nate bearer of it is never allowed any peace." Amother should not expect that Children horn into the world in her children will escape all the ills times of national excitement often . to which babyhood and childhood receive a name suggesting the par- are subject. but she can do much Ucular event or person that is up- t4 lessen their severity- and make pernwst in the public mind. Thusbaby's battle for health easily won. during the South African War Baby's Own Tablets should be kept there were score' of registrations in every home where there are lit - of hullers, Roberts. Mafcking., to ones. They are mothers' ever- i'retorias, and so forth. Among ready help and Baby's best friend. case+ of curious Christian names The action of the T;lblets is gentle which have recently coni, to light but thorough. They cure colic, in - through the courts was c),1C of sev digestion, constipation, diarrlieea, en brothers. are registered as ''Wil- allay the irritation at teething haat Harris." They were known time. destroy worms and irron►ote as "William Harris No. 1," Wil- I'ealthy, natural sleep. And tho rlss u. mother has the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine '�' Cftntains no opiate or nal'COtle. Den t waste any time looking back Sold by medicine dealers or by At your mistakes: there is more fun mail at 2;, cents a box from the lir. In l.4 king up the mistakes of ether Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, pecplc. Ont. 1a n to .0 n- aise ally, ther den, i„ my Jest, eked ared KS. "Sun - Great Britain's Royal Family Are Coutinually Doing Kindly Acts. Very difficult it is for Royalty to step uowu trout the etnufcuce 01 tour nigh punittou. 'Inc reigning tawny 01 lireat liritauh, how e\ er, flab providcu many tustaices wthere foga rank tial been torgotten. A few days ago, for example, the Prince of times arrived unexpect- edly at St. Mary's hospital, rad - magical, of which he is president, auu spoke kinkily to each patient. but there was a tiny gentleman of five, who was playing with a box Dorney to the most famous Danish of bricks, and it happened that ho j was in the middle tit a failure at a dairies, and eyed travellers on difficult building feat when his pleasure bent, are all refused ad - Royal Highness came to his assist- mission to the butter -packing es- ance. Tho merry laughter that tablishments. The Danish packers came from the pair showed that import from America 1,000,000 each was thoroughly enjoying the pounds of butter annually, which pastime. they re -pack and ship to the ports Queen Alexandra is patron of mentioned, the sante butter not numerous charitable institutions, standing these trips when sent di - and her acts of kindness are in- roctly from this country. numerable, and easily called to mind. In the early 'nineties, when YOUNGEST GREAT -GRANDMA. she was Princess of Wales, she was Mme. Edna Bertonelle, a seam - appealed to by an East End woman, stress in the Quarticr Montmartre, whose only child was dying. The Paris, is hold to be• the youngest simple, illiterate letter roused all great-grandmother in the world. tlto motherly sympathies of the She was married at the age of four - august lady, and she set to work teen, and her first child, a girl, to get the child the best medical married at the same early age. attention, and When Edna was thirty-one she was a grandmother. Her grandson married at seventeen a young wo- man a few days his junior. On her forty-eighth birthday Mmc.Berton- elle was a great-grandmother. Arseuic Is Taken to Beautify the Complexion. The wealthy women who have gone in for dairy farms should take notice of the fact that the but- ter of Denmark is considered super ior to any other iu the world, and consequently cast about to find Danish dairy maids. The butter packed in Denmark sells for $1 a pound, and is shipped in two and three -pound tins to such warns re- gions as Sout-h America, South Airiest, Egypt, India and the East and West Indies, standing the cli- matic changes perfectly. It is said Juue 7, —(Special).—how easily that no preservatives are used, and and quickly Dodd's Kidney Pitts that the remarkable properties are bauish Rheumatism and other symp- due solely to the care taken in the torus of Kidney Disease is well scientific sterilizing of the i►ilk and known in the case of Michael C. cream. It is also maintained that Williams, a fisherman liviug in this there is no secret process, but, place. nevertheless, says the Now York Tribune, Americas dairymen who I)4DD'S KION}:V PILLS CURED Ml lt. t'. 11' i l+lrl.t MS' HIIEt'M.1'1'15». He Took the 'Terrible' 'l'ilue and a Single Hiu, a Well Mau. An English farmer with a taste fur statistics has made a calcula- tion of the value of the forest bird to the fanner auu gardener. He computes that on the average each bird nest contains about five fledglings, and that during the per- iod of four to six weeks, when the Disease In young birds are fed by their par - Box Made ents, each nestling consumes about fifty worms, (lies, or other insects every day. Now, suppose that the South Iugouish, Cape Breton, consumption lasts a month. During that time one ,rood will eat about 7,500 insects. Suppose that each insect de- stroys during its neural life only one apple, pear, peach, or plum, t..o farmers will save 7,503 individ- ual fruits by labors of one pair of parent birds. This estimate he "My kidney disease started from considers very moderato, for there a struiu," Mr. Williams says, "arid I are some insects, each one of which 1 suffered from it for about three ( docs a great deal more damage months. 1 had backache, stiffness ie the joints and Rheumatism. When 1 gut up in the morning 1 had a bad taste in my mouth; 1 perspir- ed freely with the least exertion, and 1 was always tired and uerv- ous. "One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me and I believe they will cure others who are suffering from Kidney Disease." If you have any two of the symp- toms mentioned by Mr. Williams you may be sure of two things. One is that your kidneys are sick, and the other that Dodd's Kidney Pills will euro you. Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved in thousands of cases all over Can- ada that they never fail to cure Kidney Disease of any kind or stage, ITS LIFE WAS SAVED. How practical the Queen is was shown a few years ago by an inci- dent that occurred whilst she was being conducted over a huge block of flats, intended to kill the slum tenement system. The rooms were bright, cheerful, and cheap; but the Queen had not been in the building many minutes before she pointed out to the officials that there was not sufficient cupboard and shelf accommodation. Tho do• fects were remedied. When King Edward was Prince of Wales ho could walk about Lon- don without being inconvenienced by gaping crowds. One afternoon, near Pall Mall, his Royal Highness went over to a nesitating blind man, and gently conducted him Arsenic -eating is indulged in in across the street. Someone, whose England to -day to a considerable name is unknown to this day, saw extent. There are dainty dames in the kindly act, and recognized the London mansions who swallow the august guide. Next day a silver poison in profusion. So, too, do cigar -box arrived at Marlborough the foreign -born East London arti- House, bearing an inscription re - ficial -Clower makers; the object in cording the Prince's deed, and both cases being the same, namely, signed "One Who Saw It." It re - the beautifying of the complexion. mains one of the most treasured of Very minute quantities of the his Majesty's possessions. drug, taken daily for long periods The Queen has had many amusing give the skin a dazzlingpurity and experiences in the course of her delicacy of coloring obtainable in visits of mercy to children's hospi- no other way. Even a coarse, tats. The mites lose all their awe blotchy face is transfigured and at the sight of her Majesty's re - beautified by it. assuring smile, and they follow up The girls and women in the fac- their shyness with demonstrations tories— mostly aliens—aro fully of affection that have become alarm - aware of these facts, and not only ing before now In. the children's make use of the poison themselves ward of n famous London hospital for that purpose, but smuggle it ono of the patients set the example outside, am give or sell it to their of friends ani acquaintances. Not long since a Polish Jewess was pros_cuted for this at a Lon- don police -court, when it transpired that she bad for years been a vic- tim to the arsenic habit, her aver- age daily dose being half a grain. Her systnl, the police surgeon ex- plained, had undoubtedly become inured to the effects of the poison, since such a quantity introduced daily into the (system of an unt- immune Terson would very quickly be followed by serious symptoms, and probably, death. Opium, in the form of laudanum, is largely used in the factory dis- tricts of England and in certain of tho counties. i,auuanum is a poison, but it is also an ordinary article of commerce. rand there is, therefore, nothing to prevent a chemist from selling any quantity of it to any person giving anything like a plausible explanation of the purpose for which he requires it. Stone victims of the habit will con- sume as much as three ounces daily ; yet a single drachm has been known to cause death. Ether drinking is common among- st the natives of Connemara, Ire- land ; who are also in the habit of dosing themselves with tartar emetic, probably the most loath- some of all toxic drugs. This they do under the impression that it is n preventative of—some any a cure for ---consumption. HEALTHY LITTLE CHILDREN. ted to r chil- ;ed by ,tdo at r name ,," said 'otected nd." flicial at ,ngland, refuse nnmes— rny, for •v refuse •ak" or- ,Iy desire. aloes, the . them in HUGGING THE QUEEN, " LAKE OF BAYS" COUNTRY. A handsome brochure, artistical- ly illustrated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway System, tell- ing of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the now hotel—the Wawa —at Norway Point. The hotel it- self has a page illustration reflect- ing the summer glories of wood- land and water, with a brood of seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond the tower. Tho concise description embodies the story of a charming resort. A copy can be obtained free on application to .1. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. "PONY UP." If you owe the corner grocer, Pay him now! Do not ask for credit—no, sir, l'ay hien now If you owe the landlord rent, Or the butcher a red cent, Don't wait longer—be u gent, I'ny hila now I A Dfedica1 Need Supplied.—When FAME AT L. -ST. "I suppose the Jimsons must feel terribly about their son being ar- rested for stealing I" ''Not at all. On the contrary, they are very much elated. All the papers spoke of them as the highly respected family." Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mother Graves' Worst Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. EXCLUSIVE. "Where do the Hottentots live, Meryl" a public -school teacher asked one of her pupils. "I don't know, 'm," said Mary, primly. "Ma won't let me visit an» of the people in this neighbor- hood." A Woman's Sympathy than he estimates. One small fly, for example, causes the florists great loss every year by piercing the young buds of the chrysanthemum, and thus causing the flowers to conte deformed and worthless. One of these flies has been known to bore into sixty chrysanthemum buds in a single day, and thus cause the florist a loss of $25 to $30. By protecting the bird nests and eggs the ravages of insects would not indeed be stop- ped, but they might be lessened in such a degree as would greatly increase the income of the farmer and gardener, for, as insect de- stroyers, a robin is superior to the best spraying machine ever in- vented, and. what is more to the purpose, they work without pay. be- gin before the sun is up, and keep on until dark. Peak's Hait Gi ower Has peter 14i:e4 to stop r(l'ing H r. It val. tire'• kills the 1),,.0. 0... a Try it aria be c„r.rilica11.. y •ur c f YOUR MONtY u(FUNOaD tF 1T PAILS w'nt, for Ite•cI rose Pawl h:et The Peak Mfg Co, 129 %Soteria et.. Uncut*. Oat 1R 6"erli ?EC 3ANlrt.E CASE Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What it has done once it will do again. NIGHT WEAR. Customs Officer (after searching trunk)—"I thought you said you had only wearing apparel 1 What aro these 1" (pointing to some bot- tles of brandy). Tourist—"Oh, they're my night- caps." THE "BURLINGTON ROUTE will inaugurate. '.1+y 23n1, two through trains. Chicago to Seattle. Wadi., vta St. Paul, daily Low points A forty p.a.oes to all hfolder de+nd hr pts ec of the Alaska -Yukon Exp�,.itlon freer for the asking. For fnformatlon in regard W rates and train .r - rice write or call on J. A. YORICK, b4 King Rt. K.'"t, Toronto. Oat. WRITE f'� CATALOGUE AGENTS WGUINs Male $7aOar . tub l' ru,e,t„ t our eal. l.i. 0 el .411 too • M'll cu Inee.r, ho.... are q turd up raid .oe.1 none fa 1 Lsolwl ritor, ai.co. 11111� is rur,t 11epA; ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Late tre.urer i're ,t.rlto t'b�n•h iu Cana la) MINDS AND STOCKS Cobalt stocks bought and sold one inmisslon IS TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. CANAOIt Lotze Distance Phones—Main ISM Main 1371. /1 Hostess : "It's beginning to rain ; you'll get wet; I think you'd Are you discouraged? 1s your doctor's better stay to dinner." Departing t,t11 a heavy financial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what Guest : "011, dear, no. It's not these mean to delicate women—I have rainin so badly as all that :" been discouraged, too: but learned how tO g cure ,..... lf. I want 'to relieve your bur. FOR SALE. A number of reg. dark red Shorthorn Bulls. 11 to 14 ruautit+. by imp. are. solos out of imp. dame` at right price.. Also seed Pea. JOHN McFARLANK. Dutton. Ont. CROt'HRi5- Harness. Buggies, Proprietor Medicine+, (including The Dr. Etans 1'reteri tions,) and Miscellaneous Supplie9. at prices save you large margin of protltt. Absolute faction guaranteed. Mate ;roods you a ant price on. THE CI.E\t1:\T BROWN T'tADINU CO TORONTO, LINT. doctor's bill? I end can pain t41s for you and The change of dietary that comes sof)) 1f you will assist me. with spring and summer has the All you need do Is to write for a fres box of the remedy which has been placed effect in weak stomachs of setting n my hands to be given away. Perhaps tip inflammation, resulting in dy a medicine IS found that not only • !� rsothe LOz gill 0 ups atall be happy and sentery and cholera morbus. The acts upon the stomach, but is so bostaRelstem )Te Your c (trsh held roma- abnormal condition will continue if not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. The best available medicine is 1)r. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. 1 clears the stomach and bowels of irritants, counteracts the inflamma- tion and restores the organs to healthy action. WANTED. PANTRY WOMAN, liberal wage,, and gir14 fur dining•r,otn work, wages Otioi rel inontb. Apply ''The Welland." 51. Catharine.. composed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered through the stomach to find action in the bowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pills. During the years that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. which was enthusiastically adopted by the rest of too ward. Last year the Queen announced that she would be responsible for the upbringing of a little girl in one of the schools on the Royal estates who had lost both her parents. Tho girl's future is thus assured, and she has already started on a train- ing that will fit her for her future life. Queen Alexandra once compli- mented an old Scottish woman upon her skill in darning socks. "•Elh, I ken see, ma lady, that ye knew haw to mend yer husband's socks yersel'," said the dame, with a senile; "an' it's we mart}t w'inl- tncn who know these things . Her Majesty smilingly left the housewife fully convinced that the Queen of England darned her hus- band's socks: The 'Tsar of Russia is a man who would rather pass the time with his children than rule an empire. On one occasion a diplomat found the Tsar on his hands and knees carry- ing two of his children round the room on his hack. Nicholas laugh- ingly invited him to join. but. the Rtarehv uniform of the official pre- v'entcfi his doing so. Then there was the daily pro- menade in Kensington Park of the infant heir to the Spnihish throne. One day the Queen of Spain was seen talking to anther fond mother, who happened to be laking her baby out. for an airing; and in the scene. recorded for ns by the camera, 4)00 got a practical illus- tration of the ,o.y'ing that "love levels all." --London ,Answers. Ilam Har ' \ 2 011(1 ?0 00. me RNA "I wish yon would give me that gold ring on your finegr," said a village dandy to a country girl, "for it, resembles the duration of my love for you—it has no end- ing." "Excuse me, sir; 1 choose to keep it as emblematic of my, love for you—it has no beginning. Red. Weak, WW'eary, Wetery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com• pounded by Experienced Physicians. Alts. rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye fain. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago, for Illustrated Eye Book. At Druggists. A traveller passing through the Brood Top Mountain district in northern Bedford County. I'ennsy- lvanin. last summer, came across a lad of sixteen cultivating a patch of miserble potatoes. He remark• ed upon their unpromising appear- ance and expressed pity for anyone that hail to dig a living out of such, soil. "1 don't need no pity." said the boy, resentfully. The traveller hastened to soothe his wounded pride. But in the offended tone of OPe who ha+ been misjudgel the boy added: "1 ain't a% poor a• you think. 1ln only wnrkin' here I don't own this place." ANIMALS Ai'POL\T Si?NTiNELS. It is well known that many ani- mals appoint one or more of their number to act as sentinels to guard against surprise while the rest are asleep, or feeding, or at play. Among the animals—using the word in its widest sense—that are thus prudent may be named the follow- ing : %Vas[)s, ants, chamois and other antelopes, prairie -dogs, wild horses, rooks, swans. :\ustre1inn cockatoos, zebras, quails, certain monkeys, flamingoes, New Zealand silver -eyes, shags and other birds, marmots, mouflon and other sheep, esals, African wild cattle, huan- coal, elephants, etc. entlailyy�,, __wilto to -day, for my free treat. aunt. IAIiB. ll'. III CURR*. i. Windsor, Out, Wife : "What do you think 1 Tho cat has eaten every bit of the meat that I have just cooked'" Hus- band : "Tho poor thing! But never mind ; I will get you another cat I" Trial Proves its Excellence. --The best testimonial one can have of the virtu of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the treatment of bodily pains, coughs. colds and affections of the respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not found the sovereign remedy it is reputed to be, then it may be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in its praise de- nounced as untruthful. The Lawyer's W- ife: "What does the paper say about this season's suits i' The Lawyer (absently): "Large cheques will be the correct thing in law suits this season." IMITATIONS ABO- UND, but insist upon getting the genuine, "The D. R i.." Menthol l'Iartcr, which has ,food the to+t of yearn. It curer, Imitation. do`l't. "rhe D. S L." 1s made by Davie & Lawrence Cu. .`��t'l\N D'S JOODDS ;KIDNEY PILLS ?ws o A �PA.\\N>,;s-4.1Y; R1(IDM� ptaNT•S Ols1cF '..'L OIaBETES LA .1 Pistil: N O. i+--0; SOUND REASONING An old sea captain was visiting a certain exhibition. and was great- ly interested in the mechanical sec- tion, where a fine array of steam whistles Wats 11.)11 show. "flow far can that one be heard 1" he asked, pointing to a huge "buzzer." The young man in attendance was only a deputy, but be promptly re- plied. "Sixteen miles." "Sixteen voiles 1" said the old salt incredulously. "When i say sixteen miles," elnhoratcd the youth, ''I mean eight miles this way and eight miles that way." ANTED. --Ladies to do plttl%e- and light sewing at hoose, whole or spare time, good pay ; work sent any distance, charges prepaid! send stamp for full particulars. Na. tional Manufacturing Company, Montreal. - moms THE GENIUS. An all-round genius is a fellow who does everything exceptionally_ well except making a living. Pills for Nervous Troubles.—The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when the stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves. If allowed to persist, nervous debility, a dangerous ail- ment, may ensue. The first consid- eration is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no read- ier remedy for Ali than Parme- lee's Vegetable 1'i1Tg. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills in curing nervous disorders. "Why, Tommy, Itow you do grow I" "Yes, auntie, I think they water me too much. Why, I'm bathed night and morning. A SPRAINED ANKLE is not en uncom- mon accident. Painkiller 1••s and curse almost as if by magic. 'Mc great•+ househthere le iremedy.d Avoid butonu Painkiller.Perry, Darts 250. and 60c. NEVER WOULD BE MISSED. A commercial traveller was bragging about the magnitude of the firm he represented. "1 suppose your house is a pretty big establishment Z" said the cus- tomer. "Big! ! You can't have any idea of its dimensions. Last week we took an inventory of the employees, and found out, for the first t irne that three cashiers and four book- keepers were missing. That will give you some idea of the magni- tude of our business." OWED Hi» A GRUDGE. Tommy had been punished. ''Maminit. ' he sobbed, "dill your mamma. whip }op when you were little when 1 R ens nau htv. elt, "And did her mother whip her when she was little '" \'ea Tommy... \nd was :,he w when way e \Well.littl" 'inquired the child, } ;e brain cleared by the position he hod just occupied, 'who started it, anyway i" she "Mother, when did you first get to know papa 1" "Several years after I married hien. Why 1" is the best, remedy known for sunburn, - heat, rashes, eczema sore feel, stings and blisters. A skin food! A :: 1...pL!, and Stor;. 40; The ships of the world are instil for a total of 950 millions of poinels. ---'� Stockwell, & Co. Henderson 1, .r..,•4L's..bluh^1 yo 1'r err, 75 King St. wont, Toronta...-� DYERS AND CLEANERS MODSSN MACNIN1R11 HANDSOME SUILDINOS BEST 11001 IN CANADA Express paid One Way on Deeds From a Dista neo Brass Band TM. 1. the t Time to Organise Instruments, Drums, Band Music, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest price. ever quoted. rine cats:udve. (Wer AO) ,IltotratIone, malted tree. tyrlte us for anything In Music er Mu Wel Instrumen'e. WHALEY, ROYCE 0 CO.. Limited Toronto. oat., sod wtooisog. Mao. PERFECT CORN SALVE SURE CURE_ Mum 25°-41 E.H.Bauld ''o4 Yi.C., ft. T W U,GaT• 6 -LEANING • `r1 V s w • • e t . b• done psrreetl, bp our Fr. - SRITI$N AMERICAN 0 GLASS ISStIt %CE BEA RALOSIM OUTI - National i'rovincial Plate Mase I 1any, l.hntted. (lead Offieo, bond .telillsbe.t IPA. capital. Fifty Theo .• sterling. F••r Agencies at uurepre.seted Province of Ontario. address J H. II ARf, ('hief Agent, No. 19 Ke111n+ t .n Street t:a+t, Toronto. Send for booklet '• O:a., h"luaoce.., WARREN GZOWSKI & 00e Mombe•. 1 Of onto Stock K.ebenge. traders Bank Building, 95 Broad Absorb TORONTO. NSW ToitK STOCKS AND i ONDS +utalldIS 1. COBA WHY DO Se many Institutions devoted to the }higher Edo - cation oetect Be pianos) 1 fact that they tss usd prefer the Bell is evidence of criatioct rnerit I Use follows professional advice in ecepariag es eriveees, why � sot leltow pfetesreeel misses is b plasm Ben plas !Ti e only psasoe with the Ilti.uble • k Repeal f Adm. Send for (free) Catalogue No. 73. Th. MU. PO' PIANO II Owasso G.. 1i1i1.a OUCLirH.ONTAR104