HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-06-03, Page 51 1 • THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 3rd 1909 OREDITON NEWS C. ZW1CIiE Creditors Great Clearing Sale Crediton `.1, .•t,. 'l•r, :.thick S. Hudgins have mento a big : tie pi buggies this spring. having disposed of over a car load. These buggies are the best that tire made. Lust week they sold buggies to 1'. Madge. of tit • Thtun:•.•+ (toad. (•.borne, and to Mich. Elford. of Eliutville, also a rubber tire to .\C. 1l. Gaiser. Mr. A. Ilodgins this week purchas- ed a lleintzman piano from Mr. e. Martin. of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Francis C:nrke and chi:di en visited friends in Granton over Sunday. Rev. Maass, of Zurich, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. August Hill one day lest week. Court of Revision Was held last week. 'There Avers very few appeals. This speaks well for our assessor, Mr. Joseph Guinan. \Ir. Itobt. Sweet and Mr. Isaac Hill got two valuable dogs shipped in, We are offering over 300 Boys and Youths up-to-date Suits, excellent quality, at bargain prices. It will pay you to see then),Also a fine selected stock of Men's Clothing in up-to-date style and latest shades at the very lowest prices. Mens Odd Pants $1.2.5 to $.2.7:), regular $1.75 to $3.50 Pants. Linoleulns Have you seen our stock yet, we have the most extensive stock of the best goods we have ever handled. Our stock of Tapestry Squares are beauti- ful, quality excellent, prices the low- est. They are selling fast which proves our values are right. We have then( in all shades and designs, sizes 8x3, 3x3., 3 x3j, 3jx1, 3!x14, etc. Lace Curtains We are offering special values in Curtains, Curtain Jluslins, etc. We intend to clear some lines regardless of cost, See our stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars Fancy Vests, Hosiery and etc., all new goods. We have the correct sty- les in this department, We have just received a Nobby Stock of Felt lists. Also Men's, Boys Childrens Straw Ilats. The latest styles and low prices. Millinery Just a few words regarding • s de- partment. To clear up on a most successful season we intend to clear out the balance regardless of what is paid for the goods. We carry no old stock from one season to the other in this line. Take advantage of this op- portunity to secure a bargain. Groceries Our Grocery Department as well as all other departtnent is filled with sea- sonable goods, you will find our values right and quality the best. Farm Produce taken In exchange for goods. A Call Solicited. CHAS. ZWICKER, Crediton. e Buggies Buggies Just Arrived A large consignment of buggies from tive of the leading firms of Ontario in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Vehicles fully guaranteed. A can solicited. Trevethick & Hodgins OREDITON, CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Spedsl Trojas l.s's Tommie 2.00 p.m. ea APRIL I, 20 1112.4, 11 JUNE 1, 16, 21 JULY 13, 27 AUL. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 &ecoad d.is ticks(s from Oatara seatias, lo sriscipal Northwest poiou al LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $32.00: Edaoatoa .ad mune $4 2food toaremro ww•trt!tu 60 daysh c tioe.sons, Tkdolt... kw TOURIST SLEEPING CARS' oe all.scursio.s. Comfortable berdv, fultr equipped with bedding. can be secured at modaraw rata through local oast. Early application must be made At$K FOR HOME$EEKE11s' PAMPHLET ec atainiag rata and full salon atioa. Pais. As t.. Toronto. oronto. DASKWOOD NEWS 41b. 10111MMEIV Dashwood Mr. David O'Brien, of Jlt. Cannel ti-ited in the village on M.iiiday. ' \i r. .1olin Ilofiman spent Monday at the 11.•nd on business. The Eureka Compressed Air Spray- er for e;praying potatoes and fruit trees and small fruits. The most ::prayer prayer on the market. Cal} and inspect then at 1). Tieman's hardware Store. ' Miss C. Brown. of Crediton, is %e -sting friends in the village for a few days. The citizens of our villttge are quite proud of our band. The boys have flayed on tit • currier a number of evenings and their music has been appreciated. There is a petition in circulation to 1 money for the Apsistottrw.uC.P.R.As.uo.roR.L.Thom building of a bat .l stand turd to buy ' Dia P music. Every citizen should help and ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS ►t Mr. J. Kellermann has purchased the boot and shoe stock of Mr. Jonas ilartleib. Mr. Ezra Tiernan has moved into from Sarnia for which they .paid u 'l'hr •Misses Young. of London, were the house of Mr. \V m. Zimmer on ar un:' visiting parents over the 2.1t h. i Front Street. .,a. . I: n'itzc•r returned home af- 11 r. J. A. Wambold is visiting with ter visi,wg friends in Toronto for a Miss Otto Braun, was in London, on friends in Berlin. t tow weeks. Saturday on business. t '1•he many friends of Miss Lillie Eh- • Mr. Oscar Koehler and suss M. Mr. Ira Braun. was visiting rela- Iers will be pleased to sec her out Koehler, of Zurich, were in town on tives hi Berlin.(►gain after her recent illness. Monday. " Mr. Snider. of Stratford, was the \Inge J. \\'aggoner is on the sick There will be a song service in tue•sl of Mr. and 'Mrs. Trick. ; l , the Methodist church next Sunday Miss Tillie and .Emma Wein, of Lon. Meese. Siebert and Braun spent evening. don, was visiting friends 'and rela- Sunday with friends in 'Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgins spent Sun- tires for a• let- days. i Itev. JlrDamm. .lfplats day with the tatter's mother at Messrs. Quarry and Zn•icker. were preached in the Evaofngeliedicinecal church Shipka. in Detroit for a. few 'days. on 'Sunday- aftrnoon to 8 large au- ltev. Mr. (licks is attending con- Mr. harry Fowler. one of our bank alienee. A collectionewas taken up fulsome in London •this week. yrs visited( his parents in Seaforth ' up in the interests of the Medicine 'Mss Kest:e. of Sharon, is the guest over the 21th.plat mission areal amounted to sornc- of her sister Mrs. Thos. Trevethick4 Mr. and Mrs. O. Mutatand child- , thing over $20. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and child- yen were visiting in 'Forest for a' The Evangelical Sunday School in - ren came in an auto from Indiana and few days. tend celebrating their annual child - are visiting friends and relatives Mr. tewcitzer. of Jlnmbur;i, 'was in rens' day on June 20th. Commit-, around here. The auto is one of the town for a sew• days. I tees art• at t-ork and nn interesting nicest machines that has ever passed Miss Polly and Miss Dunlop, were program is promised. through Crediton. visiting their parents nt Goderioh. i. . The ministerial meeting and Sun - Rev. Damm, of Medicine Hat. de- livered an interesting tnissionary ser- mon on Sunday morning. The 'Misses :Wolfe and Hill visited friends in Exeter on i'riday. Mr. R. Clausen, one of our bankers visited frith his parents at .Wingham over Sunday. SISs Willis, of Exeter, visited in town over Sunday. Miss 'Theo. liartleib spent Sunday at her borne in Dashwood. r-essrs. William Braun and Edgar Seibert, of Dashwood, spent Sunday in town visiting friends. 11. .1. t':.rliuer. Ai;.•nt Mies Vivian Beaver has arrived home after visiting in D.•troit. Miss 'Chrissie Braun is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Seibert at Dashwood. Too late for :ast week. Mr. tied Mrs. \Vm. Braun, of Lon- don. were the pest. is of .Ir. ural \ins. Wenzel. Miss Inman ani Mies 'liartleib. svere visiting friends in London and De- troit. Jlr. August Kids!. of Stratford. ON'T'ARIO. tt.1. (,siting friends and relntives for a few days. Miss Vivian (leaver Si spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Dyer. in Detroit.. 'Ir. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr, of Win- chelsea. was visiting re:atives in town. t he banker, was visit- ine relatit ^.c in Winghim. Mr. Webb. of Landolt, was the guest of Mr. rind Mrs. \Vein. Mrs. Alb,•:: Mor:ock. W►ts in Lon- don. oa Saturday on business. Mr. Nulty Lankin. of London, was the guest of -M• n:nd Mrs. Young. 1Machine Repairi We have just added a new , athe to our shop and are now in a position to do repairing of all kinds. We an repair your Mower, Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine repairing to be done, just bring it here and we will make it as good as new for you, Itepait•ing (irain Separators and Engines Our Prices are Right ALBERT MORLOCK Blacksmith 1un1 Machine Repairing. CRBDITO�i • OnDortuffltu iaP IovGsulldnt Caledonia Evaporating Company, Limited. 'which was incorporated Oct., 1908, and has since purchased the five Evaporators situated at Caledonia, Exeter, Lucan and Rodney. These are in first clnss running order with the exception of tnet which speed t wo extra kilns also a storehouse to enable the company to handle a full arop of apples and thus do a h larger business and increase the profits. y older todo this and :t • Intiteri t off remainder e I pt of the purchase mom n hr P t bass• decided to sell it limited number of shares, and now if you wish tot thine in their profits loose 00 time in securing your shares. Any purchaser will be given a guarantee by J. M. Carman that if he is aissitiatied with his purchase at the end of five years he will buy back hie *hares at face value. Mr. Corm'in expects to be at their otlice in Exeter, ,tune 16th! Lucan June 1;,th, i'arkllill June 17th. Flatulence When every bite you c: t seems to turn to gas and your stont h and intestines cause you end- less discomfort, it : < an unfailing sign that your en- rc f,ystent needs a thorough housecleaning. y'; �f ,7gt!%j�ty d • RP, t/ •• Odt- cures flatulence hy climin.irnrg the cause of the disturb- ance- inactive liver. "Take an NR tablet to -n:-14 and you'll feel better in the morning. Beller than Pills for Liver Ills ;° `t' 12. �. r te,, y\ `v failt I. Or Sale by N1' S. ('op(', 1"xett' FOR FOUR YEARS k those who suffer from Piles tan ktlow the agony, the burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing pains which the aliment causes, and the way it wrecks the sufferer's life. lant•iluk it bltssed b thousand who used to sutler front piles, but whom it has cured. One such grateful person is Mrs. Elizabeth 'Taylor, rd Greenwooi Avenue, 'Toronto. She says: ---" For four lung years i suffered acutely from bleeding piles. During that time I spent an immense amount r f money on 'remedies ' and doctor's pre• Ecriptlons but got no east. %anrltuk was different to everything else i 111.1 tried, and it cured tae. 1 ant grateful for the cure, and as i have never had piles once since, 1 know the cure i; permanent." Another thankful woman is M. E. A. Gardiner, of Catalina, 'Trinity ilay. She says : -"In my case 7.am•Iluk of acted a wonderful cure. For twelve years I had been troubled with blind. blcedin., ant protruding piles. 1 had been using various kings of ointmerds, etc , but never come acroes anything to do me goof until 1 tried Zsm•liuk,which cured me. That this may be the means of helping some sufferers Crum piles tie try Zarn•Ituk, is the tcish of one whe has fount great relief." Zaur•Ituk is a pare!), her: al balm and should be in every home. Cures cuts, burns, bruises, eczema, ulcers, blood• poisoping, prairie itch, sunburn, blisters, lore feet, summer sore., and all diseases dnd injuries of the skin. etc. All ruggists rend stores at Sec. box, or from 'Lam -salt Co , 'rerenteZ, for price. 1 h automobile is in good shape day school convention of the Huron again. district will be held in the Evangel - The farmers are busy seeding this' ice! church, Zurich June 9th, 10th this last week because •.they don't :uid 11: h. \Ir. .1. Kellermnnn and knots' bow soon it will rain. ' \Ir•:. L. l...Eidt. \Liss M. Oestreicher Mrs. Cockwill, was visiting friends and 'Mises Ida Goetz have been ap- in Exeter. pointed as delegates to I epresent the The Misses Mclsnac's, of Dashwood, Dashwood Sunday School. wa the guest of Mr. and Mrs. le.. For any case of nervousness, slecp- \it•l.nac• lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, Mr. Jlluett. attended the `conven- dyspepsia, try Carte'e l,it1lo Liver Con out at Exeter on Friday. 1'ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve Dr. and Mrs Orme and daughter, of : medicine in market. Centralia, wen.• in town one day last t �._... week. Mr. E. Fahner, was visiting ht Exe-! Tell some deserving Rheumatic suf- ter. one 'rt'ning last week. ferry, that there is yet one aipml:• way \T r. %t-ieker and Katy, of Londor>, to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's t -as visiting bis son Charles for a' book on Rheumatism and a free trial fctt day.;. i tee;:. ''his book will make it entire - Special Values While they last Linen 'Fowling regular 10e. for 'so. Al line of Corsets to clear 1-:3 oti. Odd line of Suits in Mens', Youths and Boys' to clear 1-3 off. Odd and ends in Muslins, Prints, GinIams, Dres9 Goods, Flannelletts and etc. At Bargain prices Don't forget our special sale of Tapestry Carpets, are - duction of 15 per cent. Odd Plates in Blue and Green patterns regular 85c. for 60c. a dozen. We carry the best line of Mangle and 'Turnip seed, Try them Fool wanted. Siebert & Co. Hartictb Block, DAS1jWOOD Fencing and Faints We have justreceive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. We handle the celebratt d Page and Peerless fencing, luso Coil, Barb 11 ire and Hoo• Fencinir, 1'i Ct€ as reasonable as you can izt-t elsewhere. A number of I.argc Gate,, ail sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Paints A big stock of Martin- Sellout. ready Mixed Paints 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us Prcduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TI EMAN, Dashwood Miss \\'innifred Essery. of Central-' lv clear hot- Rheumatic pains are -- in. was theguest of Miss 1'.l!a Beaver. quickly killed by Dr. Shoop's Itheu- ARemedy-liquid or tablets. number. uuttic front herr attended three concert at Exeter on the 24th of \lay.`Send no money. The test is free. Dlrs. I)r. MoCue and Gerald. were Surprise some disheartened sufferer vaitinR friends in London. I by first getting for hint the book from \ir. 'Harold Duplan. of 'Centralia, I)r. Shoop. Racine, Wis. W. S. wrt•t in the village Saturday evening. Metope Mr. Edgar Edigboffer, of Zurich, was in toren on Saturday.... Whalen \I r. \Vil:inm Braun, of Dashwood, ( Seeding after many Marts and stops wa la town on Friday. has at last been finished and the fine Mr. and \lyse 'I'. Trevethiek, were in Lm don cisiting hi mother who is whether is causing vapid growth. sorionsl; ilh but we Lope to report 51r. Newton .\lillson visited bis par - next work that she .is rapidly im- ents prior to his leaving for Campbell vile near Guelph, where be has ee- pruviee. cured a position. Women with pale co lorlcss faces \lis+ Lottie Squires :e:t this week P• for Lion's 'Mend to spend her vaca- who feel weak and discouraged. trill tion with her sister. receive both mental and bodily vigor .lir. and Mrs. Dan. 'Hodgson visit - by using Carter's Iran Pills. which ,•.t friend; at .Centralia on Sunday, aro made for the blood, nerves and Miss Verda Squires end Mies Char - complexion. lotto 'Harness visited at Mr. Phomas Gunning's in Granton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Haines, of Woodham, (-ere the• guests of Mr. John MorleyHouse cleaning time is here with all its worries. Let us help you by on Sunday. supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash Brushes. Soap, Dutch Mr. and Mrs. (Cooltston, of Exeter Cleanser, Gillet's Lye, household Ammonia. horn Ami for cleaning winds, -:sited at Mr. We. Gunning's Sunday.I otos and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning. Mr. and Mrs. i\V n1. Morley visited ; Hensall 1:. s.•F.•ry, of Kincardine, was he..• lasweek visiting his son. Mr. .:,d \1 re. \\'nt. Shirray. of .De- tro:1 u r here last week visiting re- lativ.•s. `Ir. Shirray has just re- covered from it serious detests. umber Shingles and Lat ..1t• - We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build- ing material that we are in a hatter posit ion than ever to supply your wants in Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. If you intend building a house or barn we will be pleased to quote prices and assist you in any way we can. Come in and got our prices. The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited, Dxshwv,od, Ont. Housecleaning Wants friends at Wesley on Sunday. Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are telling at Mrs. John Parkinson is on the sick greatly reduced prices. list at her home in Illanshard. Ask to see our patterns, we clan please you. Rev. Snaith left last` week :is a coin- The engineers are nt stork mapping nnissioner to the General Assembly out the route for (ht. new railroad of the Presbyterian 'Church being through lt:ntishard and l'sborne. held at Hamilton. His pulpit is be- Mr, Joshua Johns will preach here ing supplied by Prof. Patterson, of next Sunday in the absence of our L.oarlon• pastor who is attending the confer - Mr. Gilbert Dick slag:• large ship. enc; at London. ' nneats of cattle :rout the Hewlett station last heck. Pain anywhere :.t:. • 1 in 20 rninu- Mr. James E. Sparks. of St. Thomas, ccs mut.• with one 0. -:hooks fink t: as is the village !ast Week visiting 1';tiu Tablets. The or he on the la's pnrentlp. 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or A' ' 'new plate re:ares front tens put Druggist about this formula 1 Stops :a the :W,<t oiiicc building Inst week. womanly veins. headache, pains any- elr•\V. 11. Reynold+ intends inking where. \Vrit • Dr. Shoop. Racine. n Gip eo the West shortly for the b..e:it of his health. Wis.. for • trial to prove value. In 'ckr e,e.,, if a certain nervi• ;toes wrote:, then the organ that this nerve cont ton: wi:l also sorely fail. 1t mny Mrs. A. Johnston. of i.irkton, is be a Stomach nerve. or it may have vi.titing her broth r Mr. 1). Miller g.t•e.t :strength and ottpport to the this week. Heart or Kidneys. it was Dr. Shoop Mr. 1'i..her. of the Fisher Product' thr.t first pointed to this vital truth. Co.. 'Toronto, was the guest of Mr. I)r. eshooks Restorative was not stud,. W. G. Medd last week. to do a the Stomach nor to tcmpor- Wedding bel:s t-i!I soon ring on nr'ly stimn:ate the illeart or Kid-' th • Sun.:hine Line. Drys. That old-fashioned method is Mr. and Mrs. dtobt. Traquair, of 'all wrong. Dr. Shoop'+ Restorative Hensel(, were the guests of Mrs. G. goes directly to these fns:ing inside Godbolt on Sunday. net vs... Tb remarkable success of , A very quiet wedding was soleni- this prescription demonstrates the niz:d here on \Vedneeday. Jun .• 2nd. tendon] of Reenter the actual cause When Miss Gertie Miller ryas united of the. foiling o• -:ns. And it is in- by the holy bonds of matrimony by deed r:icy to pro, s A simple five or It. •v. 11. .1. Fair to Mr. Edward Lea - tete mays test will surely tell. Try derhouse. of !tensor/Iva:4e N, Y. it once. tied nee 1 Sold by \V. S. \1r. and '1rs. Lead •rhons•• yeti reside Ito., 1.y. :i' Itansomvilie. W. i. Hoe 1Vinchelsca VR Gives Strength and Vigor Mere is nothing whi_11 so quickly restores strength and nergv after an illness .as a daily cup of BOVRIL. .1:::t •hange add a spoonful or two of iuilk. Or stir a ;)ut►nful f BOV'RIi, into a glass of hot milk. B• L IS LIQ • PAINTS. -You need paint for renewing little things around the house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas Paints. re- cognized as the best paint made, in cans from 15c. to 95e. Var- nish stain at 25o. a can is just the thing far making old furni- ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition over with you. Farnt produce wanted for which we will pay the highest prier. JOSHUA JOHNS FAII.QU11AB, ONTAIRIO NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILYTATED MEN YOUNG MLN AND MIDDi1AGEt) MEN. ------...w \ the victims 1,f early imhscretions and biter PX. exscer, who alr' failures in life -you ar•' rho oneswo can restore to manhood anti revive the spark of energy and virility. tenet give up in despair because•ou have treated u ith other doctors, nand electric, bells and tried various drag -erre nostruit , Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made suceneste l men of those who were "down and flute' we prrweribe speclfle rem- edies ter each Individual case according to the symptoms and Vemplieationa-wo have no patent rnnllcinea. This is one attic secreta of our wonderne success a, err treatment ran• not fail. for KIN preoeribe remedier adapted to each Individual vas, (tidy rumble eases res te1'tef,. We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY EAAjjIf ER you a tietlrn' Bare yeti lost hoptr Aro you intending to marry} .t t" ., 11 net tern ittwsties t )lave you any wcokt t s:• Our New Method Treatment will cure you. what it his 'tow .' for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has fronto 1 poo, v rite for an honest opinion Free of Chsree•. Books Fra.- ••il•ryl,rt.. 1, Mant....I. lathe: hoot(," 111104f rat oil) on Diseases e.f Nen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No nano*. on boxes ne eneeh flees. I:verethins Confidential. Question List and Coat of Treatment 1 REE FOR IIOM' T R EA T M r.,. T. Drs.KENNEDY'& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Detroit, Mich. 't