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Exeter Times, 1909-06-03, Page 4
4.H1&t EXEZER TIMES, JUNE 3rd 1909. Coughs and Colds For the pvuu,pt relief and cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse- ness, Loss of Voice. and all affections of the 'Throat and lungs and for general debility. Get n bottle of Perry's Com- pound Syrup of White Pine with Tar or Perry's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites of Lime and Scd.t, Sold at That the contractor will furnish. London Conference 1 supply and maintain the lights iu u sufficient and satisfactory manner• for the period, and it is cipresselyi` 1'h.• London Methodist Conference agreed that if at any time after the began its 1,bors Monday afternoon, expiration of four years from the at London. w hen the stationing cow - date of the agreement. the corpora- ulittee met and started nock on the tion sets fit to establish and install first draft of appointments. The sw- an electric light earvice of their awn tioaing committee is trade up of the and cancel the pole franchise granted, chairmen of the eleven districts into they alinll be at liberty to do 50. which the conference is divided, to - In which case they shall take over get her with the utinLsteriat rcpre- the electric Light works property at I seetatiye from each. To this cow_ :1 price as may then be agreed upon. unties falls one of the heaviest and such price in case of failure to agree I most responsible duties of confcreuce, between the contractor and the oor-1 that of allotting the ministers to t'hc poration 10 be fixed by the arbitra- tion of three arbitrators. one select- ed by the corporation. one by the con- tractor and the third by the two selected, the award of any two to be conclusive. But the corporation obeli nut be bound to take over the said work; property in 4lpe event of the contractor's insolvency or in case he Browningsdefaults in the faithful performance Drug Store of his covenants. 1 ' __sae That be will maintain his equip- ment etc. in first class and satisfac- ttF#•t i•1 :. -'l' tory estate and condition and re- new poles, eta•, when anil in a man- Coilllttllnications + nee directed by the corporation. +'That at all tune during the con- tract he shall keep all the lights ++++++++ :-++ + 1t'd' burning from thirty minutes after sunset continuously until 12 obloek p. in. The corporation or such person au- thorized by the -corporation is to specify the 260 nights, the intention of the limitation being that upon bright moonlight nights the street service shall be dispensed with as far ns ,ossible. A receiva a cent of revenue from ices Tp if he make default in furnish - etc•.. it would be a paying investment. ing and supplying the lights or any of them or fail to keep them burning during the time above stated, he shall pay to the corporation for each hour or fraction of hour three times the amount which would be payable to hint for n proper and full service, this •to apply only to regular and pro- per nightly service. The corporation has the right to To the Editor of its Exeter 'times. It is pleasing to not,. that the coun- cil is taking active steps to securing the old mill dam property and putting it in shape. The property is cheap at the price offered and if we did not And it is up to us to support tho schema. 1 haven't beard of any per, sou being opposed to it and they ehouldn'ti. The present dilipatcd condition at the river makes a bad impression with visitor. giving the town a dead appearance. It might be pictur- esque if located in Spain or some of have competent men inspect the lights those other almost dead Latin coun- and system. tries, but not for us, we want signs That he will not ossign or sublet this contract without the written consent of the corporation. Th's franchise is not exclusive Icor shall it prevent the corporation granting franchise or franchises of their streets to any other person or persons, corporation or corporations at any time during the term of this contract'. have about as much fun as at a Of progreat• When the dam is in process of re- construction, the council should see that a nice park is laid out. True, Ise have a park located at the lower end of the town, but you would- n't know if some body hadn't told you. No one cares to go there for an afternoon and if they did they (would Q:aker funeral. :Clic cemetery committee have lana n considerable respect for the dread °las t,y beautifying the grounds and planting shade trees, lbnt why not look atter the live ones, they need it %%arse. Exeter hu- the best rating of any corporation of its size in 'Canada, and if it can't afford n little for recrea- tion. then we'd better move over on the !hied Line of 'Hay. We can get this recreation for nothing too, the revenue from the property paying more than the expenses. 1 psgy lets get the river property while we can get it cheap and fix it up to that we can point to it with pride and not have our friends tell us this (would be a good place to die in. Owing to the agitation now on for the purchase of the mill dans pro= per;.. 1 ttould like to ask the coun- cil a question. As I understand it the town reeures its water for street watering purposes and for supplying consumers by pumping it from the old race west of the darn. (low would We get water for such purpose* should private individuals pur- chase the property and construct the dans and ehut off the water for sever- al days, while thertrtr bed at the back is filling ups 'It would certainly put us in an embarrassing position, especially the business men, two want svnter on the streets when needed. ! ani of the opinion that if the council t:hould submit a by-law for th • purchase of the property a rneet- ing of it, citizens should be called to discus- 111 matter fully as to whe- th •r th. by-law should include the wirer work.: system and the meeting should be called in the very near fu- ture before this agitation takes a I1ot:ou to tot into a comoto'e state. Yours Truly. Ratepayer. F. l for of th • 1•.x 'ter Times. t •,..lel you Bice th; articles of o_. reenlent which the (on oration has to the Exeter Electrle Lighting Votupany? "E. A." STEPHEN COUNCIL. The council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Ball, Credi- ton. on Wednesday. the 26th of May 1909 at 1 p. in. The minutes of the previous meetings were rend and ad- opted. : Gravel contracts to the amount of $377.50 were let. Anderson-Wuerth That Joseph Lawson be awarded the contract to construct the cement work for the bridge on the Exeter side road and the A. 'hill and Co. the steel super- structure. 'Carried. The following orders were paid :- Ilenry Beaver. repairs to Town Dal!, ff1.50; Thos. '1'revethick, stock elm plank. 9.25: Robert Sanders. reps. to Stanihk;•'e bridge. 5.50 Rich- ard Davey. thawing brick bats. 1.50; Fr •d Geiser. Drainage award, 4.00; Dlr. Luther. Filling in wash out N. II.. 1.50 ; Davey Bros., Rep. Mud Creek bridge. 1.50; John Keys, itep. Mud Creek bridg •. 1.00: William Bill, Rep. Crediton road. 1.00; It. O'Rourke. 'Hep. culvert on h• IL. ;1.00; John Fahner, Itep. culvert, 1.50: John Kenny. Itep. bridge. 5.09; P. Flanagan, (rile and rep. culvert. 2.50; 'Sam Kuhn. Re- lief officer re Geo. Fahner, 7.00. The he c Inciladjourned cdtomtcl again n at the bridge on the Exeter side road on Monday. the 5th of July at 10 :1. m. after which the council will meet to transact business in the Town hall. Crediton. at 1 p. m. •I Henry 'Silber. Tp. Clerk. . LU'MLEY SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of 8. S. No. 10 t'sborne for the month of .May. Names are in order of merit. V. Mary al icQueeu. Entrance ''kiss Archie Morgan. Harold Glenn, Blos- som Anderson. Mae Morton. Sr. 'IV. Jlyrit Morgan. Verna Whitlock, Ar- thur Cole. Sr. M. Rorie Cana, Hor- ton MacDougall. John Neils •r;a. Joy- Whitlock. Johnny Lorton, Myr- tle ('ym, Ernest '1'`•, , Joe Kernick. ,1 r. 11. Mabel .veil.- Willie Morton, Nt•Ilic :U'?,.rson. Rets Cann, Blanche I Coo 5. Byron Treffry. Sr. Pt. I. Ar- thur Treffry. Robert 'tenth. Lloyd (iaing,to the length of I 1 articles Ilorton. Hazel Kernick. Jr. l't. II. we are unable to pub:ish the agree- Carrie Anderson. Pearl Cann, t7.ila y ,. Went in fall, Intlsnappy give n digest l m. Christina DiacUougall, Waldo of some of the irincipal c:aures Ed. Bellwood. No. on roll 01. The note rn n+ tt .1,4 made on title .1. V. Miners. Teacher. 30;11 day to I,,•c• n.l. r 1903 and is for ten too ta avid nays in part that the co: it:.etnr ::erees to f.:rnish and eui , !t io the Torpor.:• on twenty or Ino: ti ca' 'd1 • • • incandes• cet:1 1 .•.• •h• - 1 on the ats I h. ,. manner el 1 r • ! : for the the second story window of Merner's 1• : 0.1 ., ., . - inoses can -1 store landing among the "Merry c -I i`' "11 1, t contrtit('ili 16.90 the Widows" i*d the millinery staff. n: e. n1 11 i; 1 per! Ret..1. 8. Dtunnt. of Medicine (fat, 1•pht for the _ • .i ^his for _ ,1 nights1occupied the pulpit o. the Evangelical 1 , hit :' ., c..n >' oa plc -1 church tart Sunday evening and ad- ( thirty ..I :r,.,r of :b ensile+ -I c• .. hob. • , a r: • :o b • 13.00; dresser•t 10 thecongregation• Canadian �Nortbw n the in - c. 1.. : I.i ht tet + u:=. lyse (rata I Mli.sionnry cause. ce .tile pun r ., n•i light at I th• church earn r 1:s 1:. - street is1 Pains of women. head pains, or any r.. ed at miler. i _ [webs-. Thai pain stopped in 20 minntea sure. with too n hall cit 1 ' .• • lily ' . et nd t Dr. Shoop's fink •I'nin 'Tablets. See toss pastel •e �ht�. es•eryi full formula on 25c. Itox. Sold by .W. Zurich Mrs. ll, E \\t bas return:ed to her horn in Es r r A sky rocket fired oil the other night by one of our young men took the (wrong direction and went through night in t ', , h•, -Id they h,►,y. Itowcy. ..r • ea at thei r And els_' c, Lk. f3 ,re_ ri. i iiv h Bun es rwtnir •1 Iry t Wire of t+13. .1 I• 1 vcu arc Ugh. • nominal 2.001, e • - ,.r......• -halms -111e cents 1••v lit:L, t .:.. .t :t•r. - Signature •fir ! ,�r-- _ [rasa th lodge. of tJL�>`�l!%6✓ it -'r. 'll. J. Fair is attending the n`.h conference at London this (week. He ql�..+�• i. n. I1 IItlt•1 of 1h• st'ttinning rorn- enewimean •.u,avrv• ... ..varasca al trlit•1, :. stations which they are to occupy dur- ing the next year at lest, and pos- sibly for two or three years after- wards. In the early Methodist church all the ministers were completely at the will of the conference, and were rent (where that body decreed. This is atilt true in theory, but in prac- tice of all the large churches expres- sing their wish for a certain tainister, a desire which conference usually meets to as great a degree as pos- sible. Occasionally the complexity of the situation, with a possible scar- city of ministers, snakes it impos- sible to satisfactorily meet the wishes of all the chuttthes and thea confer- ence is apt to be visited by delega- tions of determined laymen, who press their claims before the stationing committee with no lack of vigor. Then the members of the committea3 ore apt to wish they were on some less important body. Rev. W. J. Ford. who was president of the con- ference in 1907-8, -is the chairman of the stationing committee this year, or: account of the president, Rev. A. 11. going. ofExeter, leaving the con- ference for 1lamilton confelrenec(. This likewise bars him from presid- ing at the regular sessions of the conference prior to the election of the new president. The following are the members of the stationing committee, for the Exeter District, Jtev. Wm. Godwin and ltev. H. J. Fair. The following is the first ((raft of the Exeter district,. Exeter (Main St.) -Ezra A. Fear., Exeter (James St•) -Richard Hobbs, .Jas. 1). Kestle (aupertutnuatcd). Parkhill -William Godwin, Geo. 11. Thompson (superannuated) 1?lintvillc•-G. W. Rivers and A. T. F II. ICentraiiu-W. 11. Butt. 'Ifensa II -Geo. Jackson. Kippen-John hart Crediton-Robt. 'licks. Grand Bend -T. A: Steadman. Sylvan -A. M. McCullough. Ailsa -Craig-John Kennedy. Luc:ul-Geo. J. Kerr. Granton -'C. 1'. Wells. Woodbaw-W, It. Vance. Kirkton-T. T. George. J. 1V. Johnson at college. Centralia Bev. W. B. Butt is attending con- ference in London Mr. John Colwell will preach next Sunday morning. Mr. Russell 'C'ol- well will preach in the evening. Mrs. Ww. Webster and .children. of near Toronto. are visiting with her father, !ttr, trhomas Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. +Sidney Andrew stn(, daughter, Gertrude. of Elimville, vis- ited friends here Sunday. Miss Gladys Bissett. of Exeter was the guest of Miss Lydia Blandford Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. frank Abbott is very i11. Her many friends wish for a speedy re- covery. About two o'clock Sunday morning fire started in Mr. Thomas Willis' creamery. The alarm was given and the people gathered around. They had hard work to save the other buildings that were no close to the creamery. It beingsuch a calm � n night they succeeded in keeping the fire frorn spreading. There was a large quantity of cream and several hundred pounds of butter burnt. 'It is is great loss to Mr. Willis and he has the sincere sympathy of the com- munity. The building and contents were insured. Mr. P. Hanlon was called to Code - rich on Monday owing to the death o: his father. Mr. John Butt left for Toronto on Saturday to tape up a temporary po- sition/ if you would have a safe yet cer- tain 'Cough Remedy in the Monte. try Dr. Shoop's-at least once. 'It is thoroughly unlike any other Cough preparation. its taste will b' entire- ly new to you -unless it is already your favorite Cough itemedy. No opium. chloroform, or any other stultifying iegrc•dients are used. 'fhe tender leaves of a harmless, lung - healing mountainous hr[b. Kiva to Dr. Shooti a Cough Remedy its won- derful curative properti• it is truly n most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by .'tV. S. .ilowey. Ellmvllle Rev. Burgess gave n very stirring serrnon on the training of children on Sunday evening. which was greatly appreciated by ail who listened to him and it would be a good example for fathers nod mothers to follow in trainingchildren. n Ibeir Mr. Melville Skinner has made a :11 :r. to in driver., and now owns a 1:;:1 grey that can go some. Mins Linda 'Hunter hna gone to Lon- do.i to keep boos:, for her uncle. • F,inners have the•:r seeding finished around here and are rushing the corn and utnnzo:ds now. The masons have started the erec- t`on of Win. Snell;. house and ex- pect to soon have it built. 1:. 1': tit. tlmith left Tuesdny for 'formats, 10 attend the ((rand Council of the C. (;s C. F.. as :it de legatt AYCR'S IIAIR VIGOR Does not Color the 1'iair I'ul:ow.[ the report 0. .`t. S. No. 2. Stephen :u: th • month of May. Sr. S IV -L. I• l c,-1,1 1.. i:nrt- land. .Ir -- t1 t r [d. C. Hair !•'Ilia;l nut? Troubled with dandruff? 11'ant more hair? An elegant Jrtssing7 ' Stah:s. G. Kivu. \ . ('nit •In. tar. ill 1 I M. Sint:. 1.'. Con h 'n. I. In�s�[stili:fltS' Su•phur. Glycerin. Qurnin. tn.ilu•„rntortd. 11.-8. ,tones. Jr. 11 -i1 Coughlin. ('. a"' ' I.psi(um. Sate• 111(ohct. water. I er(ume. ;h'-. \1. Lawson. F•:. Cr,o^• r. t't. 11 t'.„ h .1. edna. I'•. 1- G. t • 1 Cougha7,. Mel: r. ti,. ('hnpn;•'n. t • h r. -�- c��"c9s.c',, Aec.rr tie !' ! -1 "'Yu P 1t P.s-t• .ry W' believe doctors a nJorsc this formula. or we would not put It up. AY ►:R'S HAIR VIGOR i117-4),. .i , .1 1• tTr. r,, 1t.411'. ie.•'' )'♦:• agunte Vegetable Prep aration for As- Slliiilatilig thtrood and Re;; ula - ling the stomachs anti Iio\'sets of NEIN 1s (HILDItL:N promotes Digestion,Cheerful- i essand ResLContains neither ptum:Morphine nor 1!fuleral OT NARCOTIC. Jibits:w a-seeturaraiR Iiey►tu Sad- A1.elmrw • Riddle Sato - Amin Jetic • rialtatZlir Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- fton. Sour Stontath,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverislt- tless and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OP WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of w The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued bV thin Rank are a most cony Use way in which to carry money when traveling. They are issued in denomina op $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, IIeigittm, Denmark, Fragcp, Germany, Great Britain_ , Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swedfn and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countne they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131A Exeter Brandt -G. W Harrison, Manager Branoh also at Crediton. 1 1 In TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES •!!!!•NN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN? • • • 1 IHas Branches ill Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the' Principal Cities in the %Vorld. General Banking Business Transacted. I The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1555 CAP TAL (Paid Hp) • • • • RESERVE FUND •••• $3 800.00000 .... $3.500.000.00 • • Savings Bank Department • • at all I3ranches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager g t••••••••••••••••••••••••••O•••••••••♦•••••••••••••i! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. IL WALKER, PresidentI P,tlid ,up Capital, $10,000f@Q; A EXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, 6,000,00 For Over Thirty Years CASTOR! 7n.a CINTat,a OOMPANT, r1 -.W ,Oaf( CIT,. TNII. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8, 1J D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. •• j OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former 'dental parlors Kirkton Mr. Albert Switzer moved last week to his farm on the Base Line. Mrs. F. D. Switzer has returned house from St. Marys, where she was ill with erysipelas at the home of her d+urghter. ' The citizens of Kirkton were great- ly -surprised last Thursday .on learn - Me. of Ili • death of Mr. Robert ltoy. of Felaii ten. Mr. ltoy suffered a paralytic _aloft,. on Wednesday even- ing. his death resulting the next day. AVe are now waiting for the rail- road to make its appearance. 'We tt seized hard for the passing of the by -tasty and tt•ou:d like the company to make some announcement regarding the commencement of tthc (work. Kirton liirtonkk Mr. and Mrs. Lyons have taken up their residence nt Creamery hall. Mrs. Miles. of Bayfield; is visiting under the parental (roof. 'rhe .Kirkton mill is now running two days per week. A ttuccessful Women's Institute meeting was held last Tuesday even- hng at the home of Mrs. W. 3. Tufts. We are sorry to hear of the acci- dent which befell Dlr. Stinson. 11e :eil front a wheelbarrow injuring himse:f very badly, but we are glad fastimproving. • isr vi see h, tn1 0 toP d az. s • •ti a runningcraze has The lar thou reached such proportions here that young cockerclls are donning bath- ing suits to exhibit their splendid' 1 physical Proportions. Mr. Alfred Burton has taken a pos- ition at Kenora. Ur. C. A. Campbell bas secured the services of Miss DlcKnabb_ns house- keeper. We are ga:d to Nee Allan Duffield The R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D Osborne and Hibbert D D, S., Honor graduate of Toronto Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury Head Office, Farquhar, Ol�itel Main street -EXETER. ante Gompanu Prcaident-J. L. RUSSELL. Vice-Preaident-W. 11, I'ASSMORE DIRECTORS. WM. ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 WM. BROCK WINCHI:LSEA P. 0. T. RYAN, DcnLlpt P. 01 ROBERT NORRL8. Staffs. AGENTS, 6011N EMERY. Exeter. agent tot Usborno and Jiifldulph, OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent tor Hibbert, Fuilarton and Logan. JOSHUA JOHNS Secy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADiI,AN & 8TANBUUY. Aollaltore around again niter hit recent ill- ness with measles. We are sorry to report that Mrs. It. Bos. of the boundary is very low n•1 :ittie hopes are entertained for h,•r recovery. Mas Mary Itaziewood, who is un- der going t neat ment in fforonto, is pro' gross:Ilg very favorably. Mr. Hugh Hazlewood spent a few d.t}•.+ at his home Hero last week. `': a are sorry to note that we need the presence of an Inspector in Kirk - ton to introduce. a treatment for pelt sons who keep th••ir horses in such a condition as to n •ed a constant ap- plication of the n flip to encourage t to to tr*vet at 2 1-2 miles nn hour. I:irkton is to hive at bank. The MlCured by Lydia E.Pink- o Cossons flank have scented posses. Cured of til' front of Geo. Burton's tai- ham's VegetableCompound for banking b1:.siness. Mr. Burton 11Aitt,Tc)N, N..T.-Ifeel that Lydia E. has 'nosed his shop to the back of the Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has given me new life. 1 suffered for ten years with serious female troubles, in- flammation, ulcer- ation, indigestion, nervousness, a u could not sleep. Doctors gave me tip, as they said my troubles were chronic. 1 was in despair, and did not U. H. S. No. 15 IiAY ANI) STEP- HEN. Report of May. Sr. IV. Frieda Schroeder 61. 3r. IV. Willie Schroe- der 51. Sr. IIi. Rosetta Hader 61 t. Chris. Beierrling25. Jr. 111. Gladys Turnbull 69: Della Fischer '41. Sr. 11. Beatrice Turnbull 6a; Fred Shun re 56; Edith 'Heckmann 49; Willie Fischer 48 • Ethel 1n r 37.Jr. ri ltosabella Phaff 18; John Beckmann 5. Junior classes marks obtained during month. 8r. l't. If. Albert Fischer 251; Adolph Keller 214. Jr. l't. 11. Willie Fischer 206; Leonard Schroeder 116. Sr. I. Norman Fis- cher 116. Jr. 1. (a) Fergus Turnbull 167; Agnes Turnbull 157; Fearl Kel- ler 71. .ir. 1. (b) Dlanfored Luther 142; Edward Keller 40. M. Maxwell, Teacher. ER FERIN0 TSN YEARS for :.hop nod are having it fitted up bui:ding end will continue in business a. nsunl. The following is the report of the Kirkton school for the month of May.. Sr. IV -W. Vickers 88. M. ltlnckler Ga, L. Totts 68, G. Brown 107,IT. Road- house 67. C. Leigh 66, C. Jlazlewood i 65.'x\ W. Roger 165. A. kirk 65, F. Mil- ler 61. F. Brown 61, F.' Jtoss 54, J•t.' Kemp 51. S. Kemp 52, A. Davis 52, 71. itoss 19, A. Sweit zer 41, N. J)oup, 29, 1• !loupe 2't. Jr. IV M. Hanna I. A. Itnndhouse 61. G. kirk 55, Switzer 51, M. kirk :37. C. Slack • • p:'' care whetherl lived T. William• 29. 1.. Uonp(' 28. 011 1. .r died: when I read about Lydia E. IC _rk 69. E. Nixon 5'1, W. Mockler 1.2. 'inkliam's \'etretable Compound; so 1 1. Rogers 61. 1l. Wackier 50, E. At- ,e gan to take it, and am well again and kin'on 48. 1. Hoskin 15, A. Vickers relieved of all try suffering.' -Mrs. 41. M. Kirk 40, C. Taylor :13, 7t. !trios n 1 G1:ORcii; JoTbv, Box •10,'Mariton, N.J. 30. and -S. Leigh 70. (perfect spelling Lydia E. Pinkliam's VegetableCOM- forthe month) L. l::rk 67. M. "tnore'nound, made fr' in native roots and 02, V. Kirk 62. S. Shier 69. Mild 1 ' ,u•rl,s, contains 110 narcotics or harm. Moore 54, G. Kemp 45, E. Itoadho . 1:11 drugs, and to-dayy holds the record 46. W. ltoadhoute 26. Pt. 11.--1 1 i . r the larg.•',t nulnber of actual cures .or i•5. E. Elliott F9. 1t. Murton i of female diseases we know of, and t;witze•r G5, A. 11 )nee at, M. t,., ::: I thousandsofvoluntarytestimoniaisato 0:1. I'. Kirk 70', 'ta kirk f8, 11. 1 s on file in the Pinkham laboratory at 51. E. 11 tn+•a la, It (1'11r:cn 35•. Lynn, Mass., from women who have I, •r •710::• .1 77. Rterag.' 6'1. ; leen cured from almost every form of tiatb'ee:, l,. Robb. teacher. 1 female complaints, inflammation, u1 - we • - : ceration,displacements,libroidtumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, CASTOR I Indigestion and nervous it to her- dC indigestion sintering woman owes it t•, her- ; (::;:tuts and Childrel:. ; self to give Lydia E. "Inkhorn's Vege- table Compound a trial. he Khd YLu Have Always t3GU'hI If yon wotlltl lllc(' sperinl advice // about yourCaS.' \writ(` n c'infide•n- .4 tial letter to Mrs. I'itik11an1, at ;��_�._. , Lynn, Nasi, Iter nils ice is free, V4,„,!-7,444.e. 't c i.li'..! and alvl'aye helpful. clears the kaignattiro of JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 . P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un malty. office and r.sidouence. Dominion Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. TX It, Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and •S„ honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Twoears resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence. Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest -ant upon farm or village property sb low* l r toes Of Interest. DICKSON & CARLINO Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, GRAND TRUNK sYS'T Ilonleseekers Excursions to Western Canada. Via C;hicogo June Ist and 15dis Via Sarnia and N. fr'. Co. May 31st, and June 15th. Steamer leaves Banat in3.30p. m. Winnipeg and return $32.00 - ' Edmonton and return i 12.E ), • Proportionate rates to other pointth ALASKA - YUKON - FACIFIQ! EXI'OSITION + • -SEATTLE- Low rate for round trip. Dailynu4 til September 30th, 1909. Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, - or write J. D. MCI)ONALD. Un1 Depot, Toronto. Ont. Itarrlstern.Solicitors Notaries conve conveyancer. V OO SIS 01 IIIe G[1110(1111 NOT SI ' ll ya Commissioners, Solicitors tor the Mol.ons Hank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. OFFICE s -Is iN STREET, "METER. i OARLINO a. a. L. H. DICKSC■ CONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds San on farm and village properties at lowrata Interest. OI.ADMAN & BTANBURY Barristers Sollcltors, Main at. Butts ERNEST ELLICT HOJMESTE:\i) REO CLATIONS. Any person folio is the sole bead of a taunts, or any male over is years old may homestead a quartet c o available se t ni of a la 1 U t' r e o ni t'on land i ' tp ('Manitoba,c 18a kat w s he an, or Alberta, The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Layds Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry biyl proxy may be had at the agency, OD certain conditions, by father, mother son, daughter, brother. or sister of intending homesteader. Duties: -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in eaob Conveyancer Accounts Collected of three years. A homesteader may lite within nine miles of his homes MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North Hest Lands for sale. steal! on a damof at least 80 acres Office, Main Street, Exeter solely owned and occupied by his. or his father, mother, son, daugliter. brother or sister. In certain districts a homestealdi in Rood standing tnoy pre-nrnpt a quarter section alongside his horns,~ stead. Prioo $3. per acre. Unties -r Must reside six months ineleh of six years from date of homestead entry* (including the tirntl required to earn homestead patent) and cultivtan fifty acres extra. A hontcsteadcr who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price $3. per sore. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty nercs and erect a house worth $300.07. w, w, cote(', Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B.-Unauthorlce.l pnllleatIon of this advertise ment wlllnot 1. paid for "As ye Sew So shall you Reap" 1Ve art' constantly sewing on the best cloths money can buy WV© are reaping satisfied cus- tomers. Natural, isn't it: When we sow our adtertishnlent in the newspapers, stating the price for a Snit, ('oat, Trousers, or whatever the ad. might suggest, we include the best of everything in that suit. The best Cloth, the best Linings, the best Padding's, the best Threats etc., as well as the beat of our ability in ('nt• Hag, Fitting and Making,kinK• shouldn't we reap our teward? This act. is sowed to reap you as one of our customers. When you need a Suit. Coat, Trousers of Fancy Vest let this ad. lead you to our shop where we can prove to yon that we live up to oto word. J. H. Holtzmann Ci.t El)1'I'UN. Huron Th•• 2.15 p. m. pa•tenger train on the ('..J'. R. from Godericb On \ted- netday had n narrow escape from a serious mishap when about two miles west of Blyth. At the crossing there aeons to hese been a loose plonk on which one of the brakes of the engine tender caught. but through the prom- ptness of the engineer th.• train oat - speedily stopped and a d •railment • " doubt ase rted. 0 Rheumatism I have found • trip,' and tested mire for Rhr!y: mom. Nota remedy that will straighter disterte l limbs of chronic cripples. nor tern t growths tack to flesh again. That Is tmpou,hle. But i can now surely kill the pains and pangs of this d••plorahle dis.'ase. in Germany -with • Chemlit in the City 01 Darmstadt -i found the last ingrp,llent with which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected. dependable prescription. Withoat that last Ingredient, i successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism; but now, at last. ftlea forrnly cures all (suable cases of this heretofore mnch dreaded disease. Thos.• mnd-tike granular s s rtes, found In kheumattc l)lonl seem toaissolve aro! pa 44 away •ander the actin of this remedy as tr • .dr as does sugar when lade.* to pure water. Arad th••n. wt:.•u dissolved. these poisonous waste' freely pa's from the •ye. m, and tho estise of Rhnurnatl+ra is gone (osier. There 1+ nnsn• no real re ea -no aetaal excies to suffer lobe r t' •b- out h..1p. we s••Il, and in met:d.:nco rec'u:u. od Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy W. S. HOWEY Palpitation of (be Letrr, ncr- stoppee1 in 3)minates totlsnoss, trcrnblings, nervous leads (roup Remedy. it ache, sol hands an feel. p..[n in tho-urn with Dr. S s bark and other forms of wesknt•se te.t will serely prove, aro reproved No vomiting, no die by Carter's iron Pills fres•. A sate and pleasing syrup --50c. Druggists made specially for the blcod nerves