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EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE :l rd 1909, $1.00 per year in advance
• ................♦••••••••.•••••••••N••••••••
Phone No. 32.
The June Bride 11
Will Find us Headquarters for Her
Many Wants
Everything in the New White or Cream Dress Fab-
rics will be found here for her new gown. All the new
shades in Plain & Fancy suitings foi the travelling dress.
In fact everything she may need will be found here in a
good assortment.
were:tin and White S,lks
0 •, ..
.0 6 ..
.0 ,.
,. „
„ I
Satins a
Duchess 8
Albatross 't~
Eoleinne E'
Crepe de Chene
Luetres m
New Silk Gloves
New Kid Gloves
New White Wear
New White Waists
New Belts and Collars
New Silk Petticoats
New Fancy Parasols
New Waists, Nets, 4"rillin s, Fancy Combs, Embroideries
and Laces
1d116U SlllllidJ6 for She
£ Sufflmcr oiri
Just asrived for the
cy and black parasols,
Dresden effects, Striped
warm weather a swell lot of fan -
They aae very fine and come in
and embroideled in all colors.
.Popular Tub Goods
This is just the time of the year you need your new
Wash Dress. We have some very nice ones to show
you in Plain & Striped Linens. Ginghams & Chambrays.
Plain Chambrays
Are very serviceable goods
and make up real nice dress-
es. A good assortment of
Blues, Greens, Grays, Pinks
and Fawn.
All at 12Ic, yd.
Striped Linens
One of the smartest things
for a fancy suit Brown, Blue,
Green and Grey are all very
popular. 18c per yd.
Plain Linens
Of Checks or Stripes very
nice for Suits or Dresses all
the new shades to pick from.
121c. per yd.
Fancy Gingham
Always good for a nifty
wash suit, colors of White,
Linen, Champagne, Blue or
Tan. They are right at 15c.
to 25c. per yd.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper.
:Will soon be the order of the day. We have a beautiful
of goods suitable for weddding gifts.
See Our line of Silverware, Quality Guaranteed
Our Cut Glassanrich
d spark-
ling and fo the finest quality.
Haiill Palma ON peciale esale of having this
line making room for new goods. Everything
- • in l'hina at big recinction in price.
Wedding Rings a Specialty and Marriage Licenses Issued.
• Bicycle repairing Gmismithing
Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sasys Gumcd and Filed
Knives and Scissors " New Wringer Rollers
Horse Clippers Sharpened Umbrellas
All kinds of Keys fitted and Locks Repaired
New Bicycles and Sundries, Gnus and Ammunition in sto
(woo Muskrat Skins Wanted. highest Market Prices`
Two Doors North of Post Office.
The Court of Revision for the As-
sessment }toll of 1909 held its first
session on Friday flay 28th in the
Town Hall. The o a hersof
1 b wthe
council took and subscribed to the
necessary oathof office as per statute.
The peeve Mr. McCallum was made
chairman on motion of \V. Johns se-
conded by \V, lleaman.
The following is the list of ap-
Jno. llalkwill building on Main St.
assessed to high. The assessment
as wrjtten namely $350 was sustained
on motion of W. J. 'lleaman secon-
ded by W. Johns. Carried. •
Itobt W. Disney assessment of
ti 2825.00 was reduced to $2300.00 on
building and that of $706.00 business
assessment to $353.00 on motion of
W. J. Beaman seconded by W. Johns.
Stella L. Gregory assessment for
;.,200 was struck off on motion of W.
J. Carling seconded by C. Luker.
Gordon MacKay Company assess -
aunt of 43900 reduced to $3700 on
motion of W. Johns seconded by C.
Luker. Carried.
Janet M. Matheson assessment as
made be sustained. The name chang-
ed from Annie Matheson to Janet M.
Matheson on motion of W. J. lleaman
seconded by W. J. Carling. Carried.
Jos. Davis assessment on building
on lot 26 East side of Main Street was
increased $125.00 on motion of W. J.
Carling seconded by C. Luker. Car-
The following persons as assessed
for dogs. The same being dead were
struck off. Jno. Gillespie, Jno. lten-
dle, Orville Soutbcott, C. Hackney,
Norman Patterson on motion of W. J.
Carling seconded by C. Luker. Car-
The court adjourned to meet again
on June 18th on motion of W. Johns
seconded by C. Luker. Carried. ' 1
A meeting of the Council at the
close of the adjourned meeting of the
Court of appeal. The Reeve Mr. Mc-
Callum reported that he with Council-
lor Johns"had interviewed Mr. J. N.
Howard regards geting an option on
the property known as the river bed.
and that the papers were being looked
into by a. solicitor to sec if satisfac-
Councillor lleaman reported on be-
half of the comin'ttee appointed to
look after Carling ;2treet drain.
Advising that a 6 in. Ole drain
be put down on Gidley Street and a 10
in. tile drain along west side a Car-
ling street to the creek.
A; petition signed by 1''. W. Glad -
man. Harry Parsons, 1f. Gould, \Vm.
Taylor and Jos. .Davis asking for a
cement walk.
Per. W. .I. Carling seconded by C.
Luker that a cement walk_ be con-
structed from the corner of the
.Methodist church property on the
North slide of .fames Street to the
corner of Albert.
An amendement by W. J. flea -
man seconded by W. Johns.jhat the
walk extend along James street and
on the East side of .Albert to John.
The peeve declared the motion Car-
ried. r.
Per. W.. T. Beaman seconded 1 by
W,•,J.. Carling that the Reeve and
Treasurer borrow one thousand dol-
lars to the credit of the Municipality
for current expenditure. Carried.
Mr. A. G. Dyer was paid $65.011
as assessor and $5.00 for preparing
Truant officers hook on motion of W.
Johns seconded by C. Luker. Carried.
Adj by Luker.
Jos. Senior. Clerk.
The Printer and Publisher says: -
"One of the most serious blows ever
levelled nt the retail trade of the Pro-
vince of Ontario. has been dealt by
the Whitney Government. In award-
ing the contract for the new Ontario
readers to the T. Eaton 'Coinpany. of
Toronto. they have done irreparable
injury to local merchants all over the
province. It is hard to realize that
the Government could have made such
a blunder. Tule hearty support of
the business interests of the cities.
towns and villages of the province
must surely menu more to them than
the favor of a Toronto department-
al ''tore. We are credibly informed
that permanent officials of the Gov-
ernment did not realize tvhat damage
they were doing when they .recom-
mended the acceptance of the Eaton
tender. It is no secret that the books
will be sold at a loss when disposed
of at the contract price. The Eaton
Company tendered away down just to
get the business. 'it means something
to them to have their name on the
books. It ti enns mere to have the
business in other school books and
(;implies. which will accompany the
readers. Cornering this contract teas
about the cleverest thing the Eaton
Cotnpnny ever did. The most dntnag-
ing feature of the cootract is the pro-
vision 'that the discount of twenty
per cent. allowed on the retail price
is nvnilab'e to nny one with the rash.
Thnt means that any boy or girl in
Ontario ran buy n reader just es
cheap a: the local merchant. The re-
tail merchants are ha rd hit.
The Grand Trunk .Railway System
with their new organization in
Europe have owned n fine suite of
offices at 17-19 Cockspur Street. Lon-
don. one of the best locations in the
city. it is just opposite Pall NTnll
and the majority of the traffic from
Westminster and the west end of
London passes through this thorough-
fare to Picndilly. Oxford Street and
the commercial sections of the Metro-
polis. Canndians ttho visit Loudon
will find these offices complete in
every tvay and the Company nre de-
sirous of having all visitors from the
Colonies make th.•ir headquarters in
London their rendez-vows, where they
can have their mail addressed. make
appointments nnl do th, it eorrespon-
dencn. This is nn innovation of the
trnnsportntion lines of the colonies
and tee doubt will be taken ;elven-
lege of by many overseas' visitors to
the mother Country.
Local Improvement June Weddings
Granolithic Sidewalk.
TAKE: NOTICE:a Municipal
that th 1
Corporation of the Village of Exeter
intends to construct as local improve-
ments the following granolithic side-
walks, viz :-
1 A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk on
the North side of Huron Street from
Carling Street to Elizabeth Street,
2. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk ou
the South side of Gidley Street_ from
'Carling Street to Main Street.
3. A 4 ft. granolithic Sidewalk on
the South side of Loughall Street
from Andrew Street to Main Street.
4. A 4 ft. grnnclithic sidewalk on
the West side of Witham Street from
Sanders Street to John Street.
5. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk on
the West side of Andrew Street from
James Street to Victoria Street.
O. 'A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk on
the •East side of Andrew Street from
James Street to 1Vellington Street or
Mary Street.
7. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk on
the North aide of John Street from
Andrew Street to Main Street.
8. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk on
the South side of James Street from
from Elizabeth Street to Albert St.
1. A 4 It. granolithic sidewalk on
the North Hide of James Street from
the South East corner of the Metho-
dist church property to Albert street.
10. Al 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the South Hide of North Street
from Andrew Street to Main Street.
11. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the South Hide of Saunders Street
from William Street to Main Street.
12. A. 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the North side of Sanders Street
from .William Street to 'Carling St.
13. A 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the West side of William Street
from Sanders Street to Victoria St.
14. At 4 ft. granolithic walk on
the North side of Wellington street
from Main Street to the Grand Trunk
Railway property.
15. A 5 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the North side of Victoria Street
from Main Street to Grand Trunk
Railway property.
16. A' 4 ft. granolithic sidewalk
on the North side of Lake Road from
Main street to Elizabeth street.
And to assess the final cost thereof
to the extent of Twenty-five per cent
upon the property fronting or abut-
ting on the said Streets and to be
benefitted thereby. the remaining
Seventy-five per cent to be assumed
and paid by the Vilinge, and that a
statement showing the lands liable
to pay the said Assessments so far
as they can be ascertained from the
last revised Assessment Moll is now
filed in the Office of the Clerk of the
Municipality and is open for inspec-
The above walks numbered frofil 5
to 16 inclusive have been petitioned
for. Those nutnbered from 1 to 4
are being constructed by the coun-
eil on the initiative method.
ANI) 'TAKE NOTICE that - the
above itnprovetnents will be under-
taken by the the council and the as-
sessment of the owner's share of the
cost thereof will be made upon the
the properties benefitted thereby un-
less the majority of such owners re-
presenting at least one half of the
value thereof petition the council
against the same within one month
from the last publication of this not-
ice. which will he the Seventeenth
day of June 1909, and the said peti-
tion must he filed on .or before the
Seventeenth dny of July. A. D. 1909.
Village Clerk
Dated nt Exeter this First Day of
June N. .1). 1901.
The first football game this season
teas held on the school grounds Fri-
day evening when the Y. M. V. A.
teau►1 defeated a picked team from
the town. The score was two to one.
The boys are showing some enthus-
iaem in football this year and al-
though there has only been two
or three weeks' practice good mater-
ial is being developed. The teams on
Friday were pretty evenly matched
and it was n hard fought game.
'l'he second goal for the Y. Tit. C.
A. was scored through a corner kick
jest before time ryas called. A good
crowd witnessed the match. An-
other gains will be played on Friday
evening and should prove o; even
greater interest ns the town bove nre
determined on the eealps of the
C. A. Mr. Harry Jennings acted as
referee. Following is the line up:
Y. M. C. A. goal. Iioskins : back;
Anderson. Stone: half hack, liuswel1,
Pnreons. !fern : (ortwarl. Itonlston,
.Johne. 11. Soo hcott. Axt, M. Houth-
cott. Town. coal, itivers: back. Car-
ling. T'enhn'e: half hack, 11. Treib-
ner. it. Southcot1, 9lenmon: for-
ward. Ilrintnell, \V. Tr ibn-r. Nestle.
Ford. Pressentor.
MAR itiE1)
SI'A<'ICMAN:RNiGIIT • At Trivitt,
Mernorial church. \V ..Inesday, .tune
2nd. by Rev. .1). W. Collin', Miss
Ilentrie • Knight to Mr. Clifford
elpncknrn rt.
Itt'H\VELL-IIAitVEY -in Exeter.
'Wednesday June 2nd. by Rev. 1).
M. iluchanar. .. G. rtr,de. daughter
of Mr. and Mt.. Thos. ilarvey to
Mr. A. E. Iteswell.
ehel•,•n. \\', dnesday Jere, 2nd by
Rev. 11..1. Fair,' Mite; Gertrude Mil-
ler to Mr. Edward Leaderhou.e, of
ltnnsomvil'e. N. Y.
Mr. and Mre. Thos. Oke. formerly
of Kingsville. are guests at the Cen-
A pretty wedding tookk 1
terday, June 2nd. at the home of Mr.
andMrs. Thos lt ane Andrew street
when their daughter, .Miss Gertrudee
was united ill niarri:age to Mr. A. N.
liuswll:. one of Exeter's tuost popu-
lar young men. The ceremony was
performed It high noon by Rev. 1).
M. Buchanan. 13.. A., uncle of the
bride in the presence of a number of
invited guests. The bride, who was
given away by her father, entered the
parlor to the strains of Lohengrin's
Bridal chorus, played by her sister
Miss Ethel. The bride looked charm-
ing in a gown of cream satin, trim-
med with pearl and fringe, wearing
a veil with lily of the valley and
orange blossoms and carrying a bou-•
quet of white roses. 'tier travelling
gown is of brown worsted with hat to
Match. The young couph wereas-
sisted by Mr. E. G. Tucker, of
Hamilton. cousin of the bride and
Miss E. J. Jiuswell, sister of the
groom. the latter being gowned in
cream sick, trimmed with French
val. lace and carrying a bouquet of
white carnations. Little Mildred
llarvey, sister of the bride, dressed
in cream silk, made a charming
flower girl. Miss Ethel Harvey, who
played the bridal chorus teas gowned
in flowered silk batiste. After the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served, after which Mr. and Mrs Bus-
well took the -train for North Man-
chester, Ind.. where they will spend
their honeymoon. The groom's gift to
the bride was a substantial check:
to the bridesmaid, a signet ring: to
the groomsman. a pearl stick ' pin:
to the flower girl, an engraved lock-
et and to the pianist, a pearl brooch
The bride was the recipient of many
beautiful and costly gifts, among
which was a Iteintzmann piano the
gift of her parents. -
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Trivitt Memorial church Wednes-
day afternoon. June 2nd, by the Rec-
tor Rev. D. W. 'Collins. when Miss
Ilentrice. daughter of ,Mr. ,and Mrs.
E. Knight, London Road South was
united by the bonds 'of matrimony.
to 'Mr. Clifford Spackman, of Exe-
ter. Miss Knight is one of Exeter's
popular young ladies and has an
abundance of friends. Cliff is one
of our respected young men and is
quite popular. After the ceremony
Mr. and 'ars. Spackman left on a
short honeymoon trip and on their
return here will remain for a few
weeks, after which they will move
to Guelph. where Mr. Spackman has
secured a: position as manager of
the ladies dress goods' department in
McDonnell Bros. rtore. The Times
joins their ►nany friends in wishing
them much success.
The marriage took place at ht.
Marys 'Tuesday. June 1st, of Miss
Della 'Crocker, a former Exeter
young lady to Mr. Walter King, an
employee of the posto:Cce depart-
►nent. at Ottawa.
A Reactionary Storm Period is
central on the 3rd. •ith and Sth. The
Moon is full. at a total eclipse node.
on the 3rd. and at greatest decl:nation
south on the 5th. lligh temperature,+
low barometer and thunder stortne Merchant
will he the order at this time. Storni
conditions will develop and move in
i00% P1111!
flue eu t,at:ers
hate lou • demand-
utan r
e .
rd a purer paint -•
paint that wears better and
goes turfber-au all around liana -
factory good 1.3i:'1. we hate at and
1OO Pure Paint
to !remade oa Pure N'SIlu r. ad, Pure r„lde of
tine. Pure Linwwd Otl. Pteitttely no adul-
teration. Two gala go as ter as 3 gut. of
ether paint.. (..u, !flour 'tore and tat us
tall you n,on• about it.
RCdOU MIxeO Palet
-irt --
Martin Senourr
s 1 00 0/, Pure
Elephant and Hollhwood
Paints from 1o to 50c, peritin.
Paint and Kalsomine Brushes 5,
to, 15, 20 and 25c.
Wall and Ceiling Finishes Murano, Alahastine and
Muresco. All colors in 25
and 50c packages.
Poultry Netting Screen Wire Netting
Shovels and Spades hakes and IIoes
Owen Sound Portland Cement for `Valls, Floors,
Walks, etc at $r.60
per bbl, It cannot remain long at this price.
Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing.
ruse's Seeds
One trial will convince you that there is none better than
Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables
and Field Roots.
We ate offering splendid value in: -
Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff
Baskets, Lanterns Etc.
Do yon want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a
customer. We've promised you satisfaction -promised you
thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep our promise.
Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next
Suit or Overcoat.
We Can Suit You
regular order from west to east. but
local thunder ebowers in June are
more eporndic. being liable to break
out eimultaneously in widely scattered
localities. Beginning at this period.
we enter a marked seismic cycle that
will last up .to the 20th of .Tune. The
Full Moon on the 3rd. being at an
tell pee node.atnd causing an eclipse
of the Moon. will not depart front
that node until after the 17th. being
at New Moon and causing an eclipse
of the Sun on that date. Under these
conditions. as scientific leaders should
long ago have seen and confessed,
there is a prolonged strain from one
eclipse to the other. exciting a. max-
imum tendency to earthquake and
volcanic perturbations. From June
lst to 0th. central on the 3rd, will be Parlor sure
the first decided seismic period. the.
Tailor Exeter, Ontarlc
June,the Month of Brides
In selecting your wedding presents there is
nothing nicer or mote appreciated than something
in the Furniture lino for presents. We have them
and large assortments too from which to choose.
What could you give that would be cf more service than a
probable ale effect.¢ being heaviest south
of the equator.
Bears the , 1te Rind You Harems dtupt
in the matter of the estate of
Peter Ilender.on. late of the
Township of Tiny. in the County
of Huron. farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to.
II. S. 0.. 19:17, chapter 129. that all i
creditors find others having claims
ngainst the estate of the .aid , Special attention given to repairing and Upholstering
Peter (lender -nn. who died on or
about the 23rd day of May. 187.3•
:are refill;r.•d on or before the 19th day
o' Jute. P:09. to Fend by rost prepaid f The Lending Hl me Fnrni-lt r- ,t 11 Feeeral Dile( tor.‘,
or deli. •r ;n Messrs. Dickson & Carl -1
ing of the Vilingt' of Exeter. Ho -
Bettors for the Executor of they
said deceased, their christinn and sur-
namfii p•s and deirri moms;Grand Bert d Park
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any I Under New Management
held by them. And further take
notice thnt after such last mentioned' JIM'. Rohl. I)inney, of Exeter, has leased the Park for a
tinge th- said Executor will
proceed to dietrihute assets of the de- term of years, taking lressession on the first of June.
ceased among the pnrties entitled
thereto having regard only to the
claims of which they shell then lite,
n(1t't'e and that sail iCs c .tar
«ill not he linble for ::aid n -n is
or any part thereof to nny per -nn
or person' of whose claim notice
ahl'a not have been received by th.r.,
at ,h: time of .ash .liatrih"'inn. Cottages to Rent. All New Bathing Suits.
Solicitors R ('ARLT o
Hnlicitero for Ex, c iter.
1)ateri at Exeter ihis 25th day of Mo
eOrooiu Sultc
SIddbord Ro6KIoU Glidlr
60u6h Table
GhIod 6bInct
Everything in our stare is bra:,d new, nothing
old kept in stack, so that you get til' latest designs
and then what's better the prices arc right.
Mr. Dit;nev has had con .lerahln experience and will greatly improve the
premiere. 11.• will have charge of the Row Boa's, Beth Hone, Stable,. and
Picnic tit olmds.
Special attention will he paid to Campers and
Boarders 11,,m1 by meal er week.
R. W. DINNEY, Prop,