HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-27, Page 8dtronhzo 1
fit Hastlnp's Old stand
First Class c(luipment
throughout and with
careful conscientious
work we guarantee sat-
isfaction to all custoin-
IYour Patronage is
Respectfully Solicited
-L rt :• t i\i r. 8 MAY 27 tb 1 ;Wu
Is the order of the day
We are ready to show you Mice new things for any
room in the house.
Wz1II Papers, Capets, Room !Rugs,
Linoleums, Mattings, Lace Curtains
Tapestry Curtains
6c the Moll, 10c the Roll
15c the Roll, 20c the Roll
For four leading lines of \Nall Paper. 'these are all double
process papers, colors strong and good. Coote direct to us from
t1a• McArthur factory -You save the middle man's profit.
R00111 Rugal
ate one of our strong; lines.
Again we save you one profit
t hey conte to us direct from
the old land. The new pat-
terns t
• s u •e verycolor-
ing s ate soft autumn tints of
Browns. Blues. Greens and
Reds. The new seamless rugs
lie perfectly flat, oequiring no
tacks. If your floors are not
good we supply withour Eng-
lish plank bordering which
makes and an ideal margin or
yards wide, all thoroughly
saasoned direct from Nairns
factory. The best money can
buy; \\'e have none of the
priced lit oleuuts
cheap or low 4 r t
they are dear at any price.
If you want quaity conte to
us. "You know It pays to
pay for quality." We are
showuig some new oriental
and tile patterns that are
very pretty, You'll like
Special for This Week and Until Sold
Four hunred yards plaid gingharus silk mercerized finish.
'fakes an expert to tell then fpom silk., all pure dyes. Lovely
tartan effects. Regular city price 25c. Our special bargain offer
the yard, 1:ic.
No!le Better
Steel Briggs field seeds., we
have sold them for nearly 21)
ears, and have never yet
been disappointed "of course
we buy their very best strains
not one pound of cheap or
doubtful seed comes into our
Yes our millinery work
room is it very busy spot. You
tvould wonder where all the
hats go to. You can tell a
Stewart hat on the street,
They have that smart city
touch. Just a little more style
than the ordinary hat.
Another Four Hundred pair of Black and Tan Job Hosiery
for women, big boys and girls. Regular lac quality. Our bar-
gain (trice 2 pairs fora Quarter.
An1++++'H-++++++++4- • :-++++•: ++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++4-4-++++4++ .444-44++++++++++++
Clearing Sale
Ladies' and Men'sRain Coats from 85.110
to 811 uu. Selling price from $:1.11) to $11,01).
Men's and Boys' Suits
All going at and less than wholesale prices to clear out.
MILLINERY \\'e have in stock some nice hate worth from $'2.01) to
$ 4.1;11, all going at trom `Lie to $LAN,. Also nice flowers
from IOc a bunch upward.
This is the best opportunity you will have to get a Raincoat for Yourself
Snit for Your Boys or a Ilat for Your Girls. Come in :and get a bargain
while they last. All good goods.
Eggs 17c cash. l8c trade,
)'hone 22
One door north I'. O.
n , nit tailored by us rias not all he
viable. but it is there just the sante.
It is hidden in the interlining. the
reams, the modeling.
don't expect it to wear like an or.
Binary one. it will not. it wiil seat I
so long you'll get tired of it. even;
though it retains its style and shape-
(: ,-s r:;'ht along.
Merchant Tailor.
(BRICK Ilut 'Ii AND SIX. ACRi':y OL'
The North-East corner of Lot 11.
Concession 6. 1'sborne, the property of
th • late israel Harris. The house
is one and one-half stories high and
contains six rooms. kitchen and wood -
wiled. '!'here is n frame barn about
2u by 30, hard and soft water. and
nbo•tt one ncr. of good fruit trees.
The soil is n good clny. The lot is
mtstly seeded out and ie well fenced
and dreincd. Apply to
Exeter. '
I. Solicitors for the Executor.
itaaving decided to go into the
Bus andDray Business in
eter, 1 have placed a new and
up -to date rig on the road for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
Poilplir. '.'alis aft the office,
hone Ila, cheerfully attend•
ed to
Market Report. -The following u'
the report of I•:x,•t,•r markets, cor-
rrct.•d up to May 27th.
N'h.•at $1.:30.
Oasts 50c.
Barley 51 to Lac.
Peas 80 to 00.
Brun, $25.
Shorts, 5.25.
al,. acted atar Flu.tr. tr3.75
Feed flour $1.50 to 51.55.
Alsike `.r.UY
Clover. x0.75
Timothy, $2.75
Alfalfa. $12,00
Butter 16 cents.
Eggs 18 cents doz.
1Lay$7.60 to 55.50.
(fogs, liveweight, $7.55.
(logs. dressed $8.50 to $9.00.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Potatoes 75 to 90 cents
Mrs. 1. Grieve, of Safortb. visit-
ed her sister, Mrs. Geo. McLeod over
t he holiday.
l:,•o. Chapman. of Atwood. will
will be at the Central hotel on June'
4th t. it h load of calves ;or reale.
Miss 'Ireihner, tvho lindertt,•11t :tn
operatiou at the London hospital for
appendicitis. returned house Saturday
evening, greatly improved in health.
'I'h, Misses \Terrill. of Chiselhurst,
have pstrchnsed the house formerly
occupied by Mr. It. Downie. Exeter
North, and have moved here to reside.
It looks as though the baseball boys
.lou't intend having touch of a team
this year. Although the season is
pretty well advanced not many turn
out for practice.
Mr. Wesley Dayntan and Miss Lois
liina.y. t. ho are attending the busi-
ness cul:.•!e at Chatham. and Miss
Bertha M iek. of Chatham. spent the
holiday at their Routes here.
The death occurred .at Wroxeter on
•••••••• .•••••••• Friday. May 14th. of 1)r. W. 11.
Brawn. a former resident, of Exe-
+++++++++•r++++++++++•t-++++ 1 ter. Mr. Brawn was 66 years of
age and moves) from Exeter some 36
The Timei till Jan, 1910 scars ago.
50c. tor Fifty Cents.
'fell Mr. Geo. Allen left Thursday of
your Neighbors about it. last week for Manitou. Manitoba,
•h•i-d•++:••f-d-4-i•++++d•++++++++•1•++ where h: will reside with his daugh-
ter. Mrs. Geo. Barton, ttho was here
Miss Pearl Rollins, of Orilli1.. is visiting him and accompanied him on
visiting friends itt town. his trip to the west.
Miss Carrie Knight spent the boli- Last Saturday was about one of
day at her home in Ilderton. the quietest week ends Exeter has
Miss Maria Schlott, spent the holi- had for many moons. The fine \Wea-
dny at her Lome in Ingersoll ther kept all the farmers nt home
doing their .seeding which was de -
The county council will meet at toyed owing to the frequent rains.
Goderich on Tuesday, June 1st. Miss Lillian Robinson, left Thurs-
Miss Brush, of London, was a visi- day evening for Montana, where she
tor in town Sunday and Monday. will reside for some time. Miss Rob -
Dr. A. It. Kinsman visited his bro- lit 0t) will likely take a course in
: • state Normal School and resume
Ther at Sarnia over the holiday. teaching after a rest of several
Miss Anna Martin, of London, visi- months.
ted friends here over the 21th. Mi. T. E. Handford shipped :t car -
Mr. and Mrs. \V. Mace, of Toronto, load of horses to Winnipeg on Tues-
w•ere visitors in town over the 21th. day' In the shipment was a pair of
roans for :t brewery firm at Vinni-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield. vis- ped. The team was one of the best
it:al relatives in Goderich on the 24th. shipped for some time from here.
Mrs. Kent. of London, is visiting
They were well matched and were
sired bv the roan entire Fora_e owned
her daughter Mrs. G. W. Harrison.
Garvey Acheson, who was ill with
appendicitis, is able to get around.
Airs. Skinner. of 'Parkhill, was a
visitor at the home of Mrs..John Tay-
Airs. Geo. Knight, of Ilderton, vis -
td relatives in town during the past
'.Ir. Berl Beaman, of London, was
la • guest of his brother W. .1. Fri-
Miss Ellen Brown left Friday for
Detroit to take up her duties as
Miss Pearl Godwin, of Parkhill,
we= the guest of Miss Labelle Hand-
ford. •
Mrs. T. M. White, of Windsor, was
the guest of Dirs. John White over
the 24th.
'Ir. James Beer spent the holiday
•:h his daughter, Mrs. Young, at
Mr. Byron hicks shipped two car-
loads of cattle to the Toronto market
last week.
Times Want Column
FOR SALT: Olt RENT.- (trick
house corner Hain :cud \'ictori t sts.
Apply to W. M. lilatcbford.
FOR SALE. -The house and contents
e_ Mr. George Allen on Huron St.
fu: sale. Apply to Mr. Jawes 1)eti-
11:s for particulars.
(':Nidi TO ItENT, for pasture, 21-'2
miles north of Exeter, Lot 11. Con.
1, Ray, 100 acres. Good pasture and
water, Apply It. B. ROSS, Myron, Ont
WOOD FOR SA LE. -We are now
-prepared to deliver to any part of
the town first class elm slabs. All
orders promptly attended 1o.
II01'SE To BENT. -on Thames itoad,
good comfortable frame house,
nine rooms. hard and soft water.
Apply to ltobt. McDonald. Thames
(toad P. 0.
COOI'I:RAGi': :WORK -Tubs, pails,
etc.. repaired. Will call for goods
and return when repair ed. Drop a
card and I will call. E1). 11E11)E-
ntan, Sanders St.. Exeter.
Tenders are hereby asked for the
care of the Coven Presbyterian
Church also the Manse property ad-
joining. Full particulars can be had
from the Secretary of the board.
J. Senior.
geon, will be at the Commercial
Ilotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
rn Glasses properly
and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
Next visit Monday June 14.
A new floor as small costi. A
half -gallon can of Campbell's Floor
Finish will make your old Floor look
as good as new. This Finish comes
in Transparent also with stain com-
bined, producing beautiful imita-
tions of natural woods. \V. J. Bea-
man sells it.
by Mr. Handford sotue time ago. Gentlemen. - Please take notice
llis 'Majesty's mail for Dashwood that it meeting of the shareholders
and Exeter got some what mixed up will be held on Friday. June 12th, at
last Saturday morning. The sack for 2.30 p.m. at the Town Hall. By .or -
Exeter was handed to the Dashwood der of the hoard. -
maii driver by mistake and the Dash- T. 11. tCAIRLING, Sec.-treas.
wood mail sent to the Exeter post- Exeter. May 25th, 1909.
office. The mistake was noticed by
Ed. Christie in time to telephone to F011 SALE
the north end of the town and catch Man or Woman. -My South African
the Dashwood driver before he could Veteran Bounty Land Certificate is -
get away with it. sued by the Department of the Inter -
Encourage your local paper by ior. Ottawa ; good for 320 acres of
paying your subscription promptly any Dominion Land open for entry
and in advance if you possibly can ;any Saskatchewan or Mani -
do so. The dollar is only a trifle tobn. Any person over the age of 18
to each one. but :t number of them years. man or woman, can acquire
tog,s•ther aid the paper man very this land with this certificate. For
much in meeting his paper bills and immediate sale S790.00 Phone, write
paying wages. IL's aor wire, L. E. Telford, 131 [Muter St.
g good thing to 'Toronto. Phone, 'fain 3066.
pray for your editor at least once -�_-_
a year. but close the prayer with an FARM FOR SALT: -Lot 16. Con. 11
omen dollar bill. township of Ilibbert, containing 100
ANOTHER 'CRACKING CIIEAI' acres. On this property there is n
SALE AT TIIE EXETER BARGAIN good brick dwelling. large bank barn.
STORE. Another stock of Groceries frame horse stable and implement
together with the Shoe stock and the house and pig and hen house. Good
balance of the Ih•y goods stock must young orchard: never failing supply
of water: 95 acres cleared. the bal-
ance in hardwood bush. This is a
beautiful home. situated well for
school. church and market. It is in
first class state of cultivation. Pos-
session on the 1st of Nov. 1909. If
not sold privately on or before the
21st of June. it will be sold by public
:auction on the 9th day of July at
1 o'clock. p.m. on the premises. For
terms and particulars apply to Law-
rence Fulton. proprietor, on the prem.
lees. or to Thos. 'Cameron, Anetioneer
1°nrquha r.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott. of Nor -
cleared out. (tattling big bargains
wieb. :pent the holiday with rein- atll this week. Also for sale very
cherap three pairs of Scales. oue Cash
fives in town. Register and one Iron Safe.
Miss Mabel Mara. of Lucan, visited May 27(1,, 1909.
her sister. Mrs. W. S. Cole during J. W. nitoDEnrcK.
the past week' Jargo. the best known canine in
Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Verity. of Exeter. is no more. Ile was relegated
Brantford. visited relatives in town to the dog's paradise last Monday via
over the holiday. the rifle bullet route.. Jargo knew
Mr. Geo. Armstrong. of Paris, visi- everyone in town and everyone knew
ted his brother. Irwin Armstrong, Jargo. it made little difference to
over the holiday. him where he made his home. or on
Mr. McDonnell. of Goderich. spent
whose downy court' he rested his
''e '1th here with his wife, who is head. Every place was the same to
hug relatives. him. ite'd fight any old dog that
The waiting room at the post of- came aion,t and felt jast ns• happy
fico was renovated and the walls kal. twhen he was defeated as though he
strmined Inst week. were the victor.
AL. Jack McConnell.Among those who were home for
To -
visited with Messrs. Palmer !lros. the holiday. were Art. Wood. of To-
3undny and Monday. ronto. Fred Miners, London. Dyer
11,1rdon. Buffalo, Norman Creech.
Sir. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskin, of Brantford, Geo. Jewell, Landon. Fred
London. were visitors in tow 11 from 1',.tihale. London, Minnie Sanders.
Saturday till Monday. London. Ethel Sweet, St. Aini•ys, May
Miss Iza McDonnell. of Ilcnsalle Ar•nrstror.g. Lucknow•. Walter Drink -
was the guest of Miss Susan Mcion- wafer. of London. Air. .1. It. Brick-
nel during the past week. wood. Loudon,
Earl Spnckn.n, Al -
Mr. and Mrs. McKee, of London, vinst0". \1:84 Enirna 11"17'''' 011(1 Miss
Lon -
were visitors nt the home of ,lames
Villa Bell. London, .la.. (Faller. Lon-
.lcckell. London Rond north. don. Wee Unw:s snit Wilbur Vale,
1T r. and Mrs. James Ilissrtt and
London. Ed. Vosper. Toronto. !Miss
deur. 01 of London. Ja. carne ss to talc- Edith Lideeott. London. Elmer Roil-
the 21th with friends in town. cliffs. Loudon, 51i' -s Annie Gassman
and Miss Aland llarticib. Dashwood,
Miss Matthew. Roy Drew and Sliss Mee. .1. E. Jordnii. Goderich.
Drew. of Toronto, were guests o. Mr. rhe new hos-ling Wheys narrowly
rayl Mrs. Saxon Fitton over the holi- escaped bring badly damaged by fire
dry. last Friday morning. Wooden boxes
The latter days of last week were had been filled with sawdust and
joyous ones for the fanners. especially o ere being used as spittoons and on
those who had considerable seeding Thursdny evening some person threw
Io d°• at cigar rteb itt one of the boxes.
The bowling season was fnrtnally The stub ignited the sawdust which
opened on the 2lth and matey inter- smouldered during the night. burning
resting games were played on the the box and :t good sized hole in the
Mrs. Monroe returned home Wed-
nesdny of lest week after a three
months' visit with relatives in To -
1 onto.
Sire. Vroomnn and daughter. of
rrishurg. aro visiting the former's
arents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. An -
The hot we alley will soon bo here and we have just the
foods you require.
Summer Clothing, Hats and Furnishings for
Men and Boys.
Thos? warm days are a gentle reminder that surnmer toggery is a
A light weight Suit, a light pair of those Asti
Shoes, a Tight Straw Ilat, light Underwear, 'light Sox, a
low Collar, bow Tie. .\ whole outfit won't cost you touch
and the comfort you will enjoy will be a great deal.
Muslins-white, spot and stripe in French and Swiss qualities
12/ to 25c a yard. White and Colored Mulls in cross bar and
stripe also beautiful floral designs, 20 and 25c per yard. Our Lace
and insertion to trier these goods are the best shown Oriental Lace
German and French Val; beautiful patterns at tempting prices.
All 25c. Cottonades at 22C.
Friday and Saturday only
Produce- Butter Plc; Eggs lac, trade, 1711c. cash, subject to change.
All kinds of Boots and
Shoes for you
I3oots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
we write you these few tunes to let
you know that you can end all your
baking troubles if you will
We know this because FO many good
housekeepers say our flour bakes bet-
ter and goes further titan any other
brand they have tried. We shall be
glad to have you order a sack and feel
sure you will thank us for the sug-
gestion after you have used the flour.
10,000 bushels of wheat %•anted.
air-. iltev.) ('ear visit.al friends in
Clinton on the 24th.
Mrs. Chas. Livingston spent the
holiday with relatives at Lucan.
Miss Beatrice WilcoxKeep your eye on
tives in London over thee holiday.
day. .
Among those who are confined to
their homes owing to illness are Mrs. the Purity window this
81:uicontbe and Mr. R. Illafrhford.
Mr. Cliff Spackman has resigned week.
his position ns clerk with Jones &
Clark to accept a similar position
%ith McDonald Bros.. of Guelph. THE PURITY
Cliff twill take a vacation until July
1st. taking his new position on that
No One Can Question
The groat value of a reliable
Blood Purifier and Blood
As a factor in t.Ite rine and pre-
vention of the ordinary diseases.
The blood current pet nteates every
portion of the brxly and bathes
every t. issue, so if the blond lie ins -
pure and impoverished it rannot NOTICE is hereby given that a
floor. Gordon Manns. tinsmith for T. help tntl injure ones health. If Court of itevieion for the Assessment
Batt king & Son !kindled smoke when you world he healthful cleanse the (toll of the Village of Exeter. will
he commenced work in the morning the blood current of these getnts hold its first meeting for the present
and thinking it erne from the bowl- and of disea'.r poisons. To accom- year. in the TOWN MALL, Exeter.
ing alleys. entered the building from !dish this Hnwey's i3lood l'orifier on FRIDAY, MAY 28th, 1909., at
the roof. finding the fire as above is tart -red 111 all confidence ag b,-ing 7.30 P. m.
stated. The fire was only a short without an t g'ntl in its line. Skin
distance from the pine portion of the Eruptions are usually the result of
matter)-. and had it not been detected ( Bad Blood, Exeter. May
Howey's Blood Purifier
.1. \Villin i'ow•ell 5tanagete
Court of Revision
Village of Exeter
aIle a it wag. might have resulte(t
Interest in the new bowling game disastrously. The wooden spittoons
continues and many of the players were immediately replaced by iron
are developing into experts quite
After a four months' session. Par-
linnient prorogued Wednesday of last
week to meet ngain probably the end
of October.
Mr. D. A. itoss. who was confined
to th.• Fou>r for several week.. owing
to illne a with typhoid fetit'r. is nble
to get nronnd.
\Vhe.t (doe. the president of the
Isaak Walton Fishing Club intend to
call a meeting to arrange for the any kind of a sharp tool -a long
annual fishing trill 1;:rfe. n .pndr or a spud -and cut
Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. of De- the lent fart off nn inch or so Slow
troit. visited wit h the lan'e's par- th ground. If this operation la
•ala \r. anMrs. Thos. White der- perly perfor•d the reselt ttr 1
The burdock forests that are allow-
ed to flourish year atter year on the
streets and in front or hack yards
of this town are an eye sore to both
residents and visitors. 1t is per-
haps not eerier:,l:y known that the
burdock 1• very cn'ily eradicated.
The large leaves are the hangs of its
system. while the long roots forage
in the ground for the nourishment re-
quired to .etpply the plant life. Take
.103. SENIOR.
6th. '09.
Court of Revision
cures then. quickly and sorely hr re
moving the can'4a. frit a One i)ollar.. Towns!' .
Howey's Drug Store. Notice is hereby given that a Co::rt
of Revision of the Assessment Roll
of the Township of t'shorne. 140tt,
., ill hold its first meeting nt Town-
ship Mall. Eiimville. on S:ttnrday, 501
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• .lune at 10 o'clock. a. m.
Township Clerk. '
Whalen. May lath. 100'1
2 • Th • council of the Coreoiation of
'h•• County of Huron will meet in
• :la • council chnntb;•r. in th • Town of
•0Gc•Ierich. on the 1 A day of .lane,
i,. x' nt :1 o'clock. p. m.
tndiiWaatinstate tien. Noracatinn. • All recounts r Airing settlement.
Mall Course. Ent. rany day.were for partlenlarm, • nFniila! ow county 'nest b- placed
• with the 'CI rk on or before Saturday.
•• May the 29th.
W. Lane. Clerk.
Dated May 11th. 1901.
of l Tsborne
Any Tinie
('t.tNToN Hr-hNrs-a 1'.'r.t.rx*R
ha.'Ken t. ••a1 1.1 the rru il•le of e.g.eri
ingr the fast week. . d,'nd ttiirdocks. Tt would only take a • rata. with the ere of opinion• aria has net
f,•a• minor.m re* and ngain to nd- t.rr., tenni s -anon¢. The +ux.e� of oar
Mr. John Chorlton returned Fri- minirt<r this treatment to all the crvtnatefha. not been ezeelle.t. Not the
dn) evening from Saskatchewan. = nes.Nrizschool
nue in wetethe rnttntar mrte►n tau i
f hurdoekg and other latae tf•reda tcith•i oe*•'I.•hoolinw'r.ternontarin.
where he was looking over tome land•, in yo•ir jurisdiction. and the improve -
for g•tesp.ctivt purchasers. trout in the nppearine,• of th pre -
The Liman Sun. after taking over noses will be saffieient to glve anyone
a year's vacation. recommenced pub- perfect sntiafactinn for the eapcndi-
liebingr last week. The editor says titre of time and effort. Try it this
he intend. publisbin it weekly. s unmet. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
C 1 I
GEO. SPOTroN, Principal.
• With twenty-two years' ex-
perience to its credit this college
♦ is recognized as the geeatest
• practical training school in
Western Ontario.
• Three departments:
Our classes are the largest.
• our courses most practical and
•• our instructors experienced.
• Our graduates are assisted to
• positions and succeed as none
♦ others. Enter now, Get our
• free catalogue.
• Principals.
flIflhGrdOc ridilos
fire a Pleasure t their
\Ve hava sold and are selling a great
many high class pianos and our niffIllo
erous satisfied customers is the strong-
est guarantee of this assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the hest that
the best- Piano makers produce and
It prices
urare right.
Do not he too quick to believe per-
sons tvho tell you different frotn the
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and in some cases trashy goods
at big prices.
CaII and see Us
and pe convinced that what we say
we live up to.
S. MdrtIn & soll
It's dangerous to allow a cough or
cold to remain.
It's foolish to let yourself becomo
thin and weak.
It's cosy to put yourself right with
the world : in shape to do your work
and enjoy life.
COD LiVElt 011
Thai's all.
.\l1 the genuine CodaLiver Oils.is
used except the gresy part. Com-
pound Syrup of llypophosphites. Li-
quid Extract of Malt and the fluid
Extract of Wild Cheney Bark are
added to assist the Cod Liver 011 to
build tip your systetn.
On the whole it's the best thing you
can take if you're not "just right."
W. S. Howey, Phm, B.
Chemist and Optician
Here's Good News
The market prices for ultk�
are alive tool so is
The Old Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one deor south of I be Metropoli-
1an. Just look et the following
priers (no trade, 0n(1 no triekl
all cash.
hags 7:i r, per litind 14 d
iron from One to 75c. per bun.
Old rul,Ler boots ,k shoes 7c. lb.
Col •.er and brass ftc. per lb.
11 a hair :t(k•. per Ib,
Le. ,0, and zinc 2 1,2e. per 111.
Noe; Boys the 24th is Coming
Br T year goods here and get
•+,e worth of your money.
A great vat lent y of i lt()N
PI 'E always on hand at a tea -
.o. tole price, suitable for terse
posts, bracing boulevarding.
M. Jackson & sons