HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-27, Page 7Net
'' 1 11 111111 1111Y V V a 11 111uY ■ a V s v a s
The Preacher Makes a Plea for an
Little Liver Pills.
Mut Boar Signature of
See Fac-Slmlto Wrapper Below.
Parr .nall said ar emir
!s take as t:raicr.
211 Cet,ls i Turety
The Breton Peasant Has a Handy
Piece of , urniture.
A recent visitor to Brittany de-
scribes the two-story closed bed of
the Breton peasant, in Many cases
a richly carved and ornamented
heirloom, and always highly prized.
One day the visitor was express-
ing her admiration of a certain
"lit-clos," when madame pulled the
sliding panels apart, and revealed
the figure of her husband sleepily
rubbing his eyes and wanting to
know what was the matter. She
calmly explained to hint that the
visitor wanted to tree the inside of
the bed, and then explained to the
visitor that her good man had been
out fishing since dawn, and was
very tired.
The visitor begged hint to close
the pals and go to sleep again,
which ho immediately did. but not
before sho noticed he was fully
dressed. It seems that the Breton
peasa�l•.t always disappears into the
ways emerges fully
in the e<sar e
While her husband slept, madame
nlarged on the advantages of a
it-clos" in bringing up a family.
"I have had six children," she
said, "and when they were little
I used to put three in the top story
and three in the bottom, thc.I close
the panels and leave them with an
easy mind."
Ennobling View of Life.
Lift, up your eyes on high.—Isaiah titin of the lesser to the greater
xi.. 20. issues of life. Here we find iu.ptr-
In days when mon are looking in- ation for our noblest endeavors.
to earthly things with eager and
penetrating vision, those words
colpo to us with special force and
in reference to ('suuda, with
out consulting Canada. Canada
has no formal, constitutional locus
in negotiations between Great Bri-
tain and the United States. But,
in practice, sho is at Washington all
the time ; and we have lived to see
the British Ambassador to the
United States paying a visit to
Ottawa and addressing public audi-
ences in Canadian cities.
D. U. Mann, Esq., Vice -President
Canadian Northern It. R., la
1\atieaal Magazine.
X14 Home.
To Prepare Pineapple—After cut-
ting it into small pieces sprinkle
It is quite safe to leave open the sufficiently with sugar, then cover
question of whether a Canadian with boiling water, and let stand
This upward and outward vision
will often explain the mystery of The pact that keeps armed vee • navy would have to fight in every in a cold place for several hours.
sets off the Great Lakes must never British quarrel, for thlt double This fortes u delicious syrup, bring -
trouble and the great perplexities bo broken But the example of the reason that the Foreign Minister ing out the full flavor of the fruit.
of life. It duos not require a large United States in using the Lakes, and the Cabinet in London are Iin- French Horseradish --To one-half
The roan who always looks down'etbject to lido the wide landscape oven as far as Duluth, the western perial statesmen, and Canada is not cup of grated horseradish add one
cannot aspire. There is a purpose I from our view if we stand close extremity of Lake Superior, as a Crown colony. lit dealing with teaspoon of flour, unix with t little
in our noble aspirat.iens. The un- enough to it. To understand thetraining grounds fur her naval foreign affairs generally, the Im- cold water until like a smooth paste,
uttained beckons us onward. To I things of to -day we must get a' youth, should be followed. The perial cabinet inevitably considers then add enough boiling broth from
look up means to lift up. "'Tis right view of them. We see them farther you are from the salt water the probable attitude of the over- beef, and boil for about, foe min -
not what elan does which exalts best from above. Paul saw them the leas likely are you to appreci- seas dominions towards any int- uses, until thick. Good with beef.
hint," says Browning, "but what from the proper perspective when
man would do." Our standard he said: "All things work together Dressing.—Taoate the importance of the oceans to pending crisis. Anything on such Cream Dressing.—Tu table -
will rise higher and higher as we for good to them that love God. the development of your national a matter it does not know, it can spoonfuls of butter melted. Add
from strength to strength. Our ,commerce. The greater is the easily find out, for the telegraph hour; work together, a light brown;
gog g How it ennohlea our work when need, therefore, of utilizing the practically places tho council chain stir well with wire whisk ; add cup
longings forte!! our destiny. we realize that it is part of lakes to show your people that the ber of every one of the overseas ful of cream or rich milk ; keep
get n mustlook
`ideaclof lifetstimes
dotail to
THE GREAT PLAN OF GOD! carriage of ore and wheat in twelve- dominions next door to the Council smooth; strain hot over •tomatoes
thousand -ton boats, is not the w1►olo Chamber at \Whitehall. and toast. Serve as a vegetable.
but if we wish to see their proper fly bringing our loftiest visions to extent of your navigable interests. Tho question of agreement with, Flemish Carrots.—Boil six or
relation to the great issues of life bear opus the practical things of In front of the Parliament Build - or hostility to the Mother Country, eight large carrots, peel about one
life, we learn to do our best work g gquarrel,!dozen small onions, cut the carrots
WF. MUST LOOK UP. ings it► Toronto is a tui taken in in anyinternational could
and bring forth evidences of the clic Crimean War. At Detroit red never be governed by any hard and it Mico the size of onions, and cook
If we simply look at our feet, how divinity •
within us. Our work will
cently I saw a sunless United States. fast compulsion to fight in the together till tender with a sprig of
limited becomes our vision! By not be merely for time, but for , eirslo
cadet ship—it was taken from the: Mother Country's cause. If the 1 y chopped fine. Turn off
eternity. In that way we may be (Spaniards. 11'e cannot put such an ; Mother Country could not win the water and add a pint of milk and
tomo one of the "immortals." I advertisement of modern British sympathy of her kith and kin in her one-third cup of butter, season
The great Hebrew poet's sublime naval history on the Lakes; because quarrel that would be a very strong with salt and pepper and servo hot.
conception of man shall yet be rea-1 observant nations have been too presumption that her quarrel was For Whip Creams. -- Take the
lined: "Thou bast made him a lit ; wise to collide with Dreadnoughts. not worth powder and shot. \Ve are whites of three eggs beaten to a
tle lower than the angels, and hast' But we can find some means of re-, aware that sometimes war has to be stiff froth. Add pint of rich, thick
crowned him with glory and hon- y pealing, on the Lakes, what has risked secretly. But the risk is not ct cam (cold), with three tablespoon-
er. Thou nuttiest him to have d,o i been done on the lawn in Queen's so great as it seems, for no Euro- fuls of fine white sugar and a tea
minion over the works of Thy Park, and in other similar places. peen powers will risk a serious war spoonful of lepton juice. Mix and
hands." By lifting up our oyes on
Where an out-of-date gunboat might on some matter about which public whip to a standing froth. May be
lifting up our eyes on high, we see
the vast arch that spans the hea-
vens. It is then we see with Emer-
son "what majestic beauties daily
wrap us in their bosom," or with
Ruskin study "The mystery of dis-
tant mou.i:{tain blue," hear with
Tennyson the sea waves break upon
"The cold gray stones," or stand
entranced with Newton until the
stars rise. high we shall better understand be an irritant, some modern feeling has not been roused. Wars, made with any fruit in season.
Isaiah calls sten to look at the Loth Ivan and God and learn to ap gspeedilyI are not made any more in the back , Tomato Creole.—Cut in slices,
stars because man's vision broad , Arethusa might provoke
ens as it lengthens. This wider preciate more fully life here and: our naval emergence. Whatever the parlors of irresponsible autocrats. not too thick, six largo tomatoes;
view enables us to understand the life hereafter. form, we must have the substance With the recent experience of Pace in buttered baking pan,
ways of God and the proper rela- REV. J. W. ROBERTS. of naval trnining on the Lakes. Lit- southeastern Europe before us—au sprinkle each slice with finely chop
erally, we must teach the young idea which fifty years ago p� sweet green peppers, one tea-
- — — to shoot.
M A Y 30.
Lesson IX. Believing and Doing.
J acnes 2: 1•t -21i. Golden Text,
James 2: 20.
Introduction.—In the famous
definition of faith, "Faith is the the world of human activity
substance (R.V., 'assurance') of come to a standstill.
things hoped fur, the evidence 2. The necessity of Works. Wo
(R.V., 'proving') of things not are constantly in danger, even in
seen" (Heb. 11: 1), two seemingly this practical age, of relying on
opposite elements of life are set words, which are the mere expres-
forth: substance and hope, or evi- sion of bath and belief, and fail.�.g
dence and invisibility, or actuality to put those words into practice.
and ideality. So much in the world \\ a need, as much as the sten of
and the universe is mysterious James's day, to learn that such
and incomprehensible that belief,
trusting faith, is called fur at every
The British Admiralty have trade turn ; and yet that belief must lead
a test of the producer to positive deeds, to things that
gas engine can be seen and handled, or life
for naval purposes, which has rc is fruitless and vain.
stilted very satisfactorily. An old I. James and His Epistle.—
gunboat of 71.i tons dis-
placement was used, and a 500- What disciples named James aro
horsepower producer gas engine found in the New Testament 1
was installed in place of the steam There are three:
engine steamr`y entristice weighed 150 sometimees the s calledon the of Great.ledllo
placedg g
tons, where the gas plant weighed was the brother of John, was very
only 04 tons. It was found by actual close to Jesus at the crisis of his
experiment that fully 50 per cent. life, and was the first of the twelve
of the fuel was saved, the vessel was to suffer martyrdom (Acts 12 : 2).
without vibration or noise, no 2. James the son of Alphaeus, one
smokestacks were exposed, and of the twelve apostles, probably a
there were a number of other de-' brother of Matthew, who also is
tided advantages which commended, called the son of Alphaeus. He is
themselves strongly to the naval ex-' usually identified with James the
pests. The result was thnt another Little (or the Less), and nothing
vessel is being built double the size. j is known of his life.
'nitre etre some problems connected I 3. James the brother of our Lord,
cooling the piston and piston ! the author of the Epistle.
rod which require careful study i II. Faith and Work : the Problem
11td experimentation before largo iStated.—V.1•1. How does the pas
engines are introduced. I sage we are to study spring from the
! preceding parts of the Epistle 1
In Japan the annual value of fish 'James has been speaking of those
and other marine products taken that take credit to themselves for
from the sea is £10,410,'-,..0. !hearing the law and observing the
The ratan 'rho can't button his outward forms of religion, while
,ont hasn't clothes enough to go at the same time they bow down
round. I before the rich and scorn the poor.
No American President has ever! In this passage ho goes on to in -
served for more than two terns. silt that all such religion is empty,
Ten have been re•elce•ted. a mere profession of faith without
the deeds that prove it.
III. Faith without Works. --
Vs. 15-17. How does James illus-
trate the emptiness of this formal
religion 1 By imagining Christians,
mets or women, who are destitute
of common necessities. food and
clothing. They etre fellow Chris -
come first, faith or works. It is
perfectly plain that he considers
both to be necessary (see also v.
24). So does Paul. There is no
contradiction between the two, only
a difference of emphasis.
1. The Power of Faith. I ,:. is
There must also be, of course,
training stationa on the eastern
and western coasts. Halifax and
Esquimalt are available. Nova
Scotia has ideal murine conditions.
British Columbia has, potentially, a
great part to play in the Pacific.
Combines the potent healing virtues of
the Norway pine tree with other absor-
bent, expectorant and soothing medicines
of recognized worth, and is absolutely
harmless, prompt and safe for the cure of
and all throat and lung troubles. It is
put up in a yellow wrapper, 3 pine trues
the trade mark and the price 25 cents.
Mr. J. L. Purdy, Millvale, N.S.,
writes:—"I have been troubled with a
hard, dry cough for a long time, especial.
ly J..t night, but after having used Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, for few
weeks, I find my cough has left me. To
any person, suffering as I did, I can :,ay
that this remedy is well worth a trial. I
would not be without it in the house."
til dissolved. Take from fire:add
cno pint of kerosene, thon boil five
minutes longer. Add quarter of
this to half pailful of warm water.
Wash woodwork thoroughly, wipe
experience dry, and lastly use good flannel
would have resulted in war first and spoon of chopped onion, two table- rag to polish with. This is excel-
discussion afterwards—we are quite spoonfuls of butter in small pieces lent.
willing to take our chances of agree-' placed on each slice. Season with How to Use Tucks.—Cut off the
stent with the Mother Countryi salt and paprika; bake in ovon long strips of tucks which are esu
without a formal contract being en ' twenty rnintutes, then lift the to- ally found in the backs of shirt
terod into beforehand. And, as we: mato slices on warns rounds of waists. Those make neat trim -
should expect that the commanding toast. ming when sewed upon the collars
officers would be selected because; Rhubarb Cobbler.—Line a dish and cuffs of house dresses, simu-
of their capacity to command, we with rich thick crust; take some Latins the little "turn over" sets.
should not be afraid to take our 1 nice stalks of fresh rhubarb, wash 'these may be also used to strong-
the basis of all advance, In winter the youngsters who had fighting instructions from such, well, but do not strip. Cut in ono then the yokes of nightgowns. Cut
science, commerce, govern; .c et, spent the summer on the Lakes, chiefs. When the time came it I ,inch pieces and put in sugar to into the desired lengths and placed
civilization. It is the drawing of would be sent, some to the Atlantic, would be seen that the loyalty of !tante. Stir it slightly and put It. between strips of insertion whole
the unseen ideal that allures men and some to the Pacific, to become the French-Canadian, of the Ameri_ to the lined dish. Cover with rich yokes and cuffs may be made.
from the beaten paths out into new masters of navigation by cruises to' can, of the Galician—of all the one- thick crust and bake a rich brown. Old woodwork that is so hard to
and better ways. Without faith, Europe, to the West Indies, to I time aliens—would be transfused When done break up the top crust keep clean can be made to look
would Australia and Japan. When Cana- into a loyalty to the Empire which' into small pieces and stir into the like .new grained wood by fired
1 h painting it with a cream colored
paint to give it a body alike, and
when dry go over it with a dark
oak varnish stain. With a little
practice it can be made to look liko
grained wood. As the varnish dries
quickly it leaves it darker in some
places. Any old furniture can be
treated in the same way.
How to Wash Quilts.—Dissolve a
bar of white soap in a cupful of
water. Run into your bath tub suf-
flici.ent warm water to cover one
quilt; make a good suds, put its the
quilt, and let soak a few minutes.
I)o not rub, but use the washboard,
top end down, to press or pound
out the dirt. Never wring. but with
the washboard press out the water.
Risnse several times. When you
have pressed out- as dry as you can,
pin the quilt closely on the line to
drain. When thoroughly dry, whip
with the carpet beater until fluffy,
before removing front the line.
This method is especially fine for
tied quilts. The bath tub preferred
because of shape and water con-
faith, or, rather, such an expres-
sion and pretense of faith, is a
dead tiring.
I.Aais well known, this troublesome cum•
rtirisos from overeating, the use of flans, with the claims of brother -
rich fool, neglected constipation,
exercise, had air, etc. hood anti sisterhood in ('hrist that
ood sh•inld i e thoroughly . hewed, should moor all church members to
and never bolted or aw,iltow•e• I in haste, help thein. And hero comes one of
stimulutts must be avoided and exercise these empty "professors'' and graci-
ously says, Depart in peace, he ye
warmed and filled, but do: s Both•
ing for them. The 'depart' is plain-
ly from the heart, and the 'in peace'
is manifestly cant
iV.---Faith in Works. ---Vs. 1'1.23.
What sort of man doe:: James imag-
ine coaling into the discussion 1
Any num of common sense and
piety, who secs the folly of the
It sets by rel.:e ating sal toning the di•
/restive organ.. removing coatis -mu -as and Matt of v. 10, and addresses him.
croev;i1g thoappetite ani restorng heath V. The Solution of the Prnhlem.- -
an.l vigor to the system. V. :'i. How does James close the
.Mr. Amis $leder, Bold River, N.8., dit•rusti•'n t With a forcible simile
wastes --"1 was greatly tron'Ic.t with A• t1,.. beefy without (literally,
d)apeesi:s, ale after trying several .l•rtoca
to no etf•ot I oomntea-ed taking 11, -.ck ' ! '' • front") the spirit is dead,
Btexl (litters and I think it. is the host , r• • ' • • '` w ithout ('apart from")
.&divine there iv tic the' cora pl;int " y„ (!cel also. James doe'. net
For Sale at all 1)u, ,ts se f 1), s''r., o ;,. i • ', d;uca fun tvhic!t mast
taken if pyisihle.
A remedy which has rarely failed to give
prompt relief and effect permanent cures,
even in the moat obstinate cases, is
How William the Conqueror Won
His Royal Bride.
William the Conqueror, when he
was only the Duke of Normandy,
had fallen in love with the Princess war K
Mathilde of Flanders. She was eminence of the British seaman. ships would do much to stnnulate fine, one chili pepper, come pars -
the naval spirit of which I have ley. two tomatoes, sliced fine, and
written. But it should he expressly' salt. Put two quarts of boiling
stipulated that any vessels so prod Hater on the stove and boil five
vided by Canada would be lent to minutes. Then drop in the meat
dian warships are brought to Cana- is greater than us all. rhubarb. Pace whip cream on top
dian coasts they must be equal with and serve.
the best. We have observed the POSTSCRIPT. Whole Preserved Pineapple. —
naming of battleships after countries The foregoing was written at the Carefully wash the fruit, trim the
in Britain, as we have seen the suggestion of friends, after some lower leaves, and trim away most
naming of similar United States remarks of mine at a public gather- of the crown. Cover it. After the
vessels after different States of ing iu Victoria, before the dis- pine is cooled, peel it and weigh it.
the Union. The propogandist ten- closures of the naval situation as An equal weight of sugar is put in-
dency of patriotism has been horn between Great Britain and Ger- to a deep kettle just largo enough
many and led to the remarkable to contain the pine, with a gill of
outburst of patriotism throughout water to each pound. Boit and skim
the Empire. The Dominion Gov- until it. becomes a clear syrup. In
ornment, at the time of writing, is, this boil the pine twenty minutes,
being urged to offer Dreadnoughts then cool and put with the syrup
in us, as well as in urs other Eng-
lish speaking peoples.
The question of control—of rela-
tion to the Imperial Navy—is not
uiflicult of solution. It may appear
difficult to eyes accustomed to the to the Mother Country, a method Into a glass jar and seal air tight.
measure of redtape, and to men of of showil g our devotion to Itnper-j Spanish Meat Balls.—Mix one
little faith in the cementing power ial interests which I heartily ap- pound chopped beef with one ben -
of blood. In the first place, we prove. Titis development does not. teat egg, salt, pepper, and Qorn-
should get our instructors from change my views—it only accented meal to make a stiff mass, then
Great Britain. Even those who ales them. The chief naval neces-1 shape into little balls and roll in
were not exactly delighted with the. pity for Canada is still training! corntneal. In a deep kettle put
Imperial officers' part in the Boer: schools for her youth ; and the pro -la tablespoonful of butter and one
tory in the ungestioned pre-! vision of one, two or three battled of flour. A<td one onion chopped
proud and haughty and had refused We know that, whoever would be
the noble lovers who were anxious loaned to us, would realize the diff -
to win her hand. The wily Nor-' erence between getting our instruc-
tuatt studied her character careful -I tors from England, and taking in-
ly, and when he had mapped out his structions from the saute source.
plan of campaign he rode into the' A very little tact, and capacity to pre ready to man them. The know-. Iced Tomato Jain.—This jam Is
town one <lay when she, at the head excite enthusiasm would imbue ledge that ships were provided in I only to be tried to be appreciated.
of a party, was going from church. i every Canadian cadet and seaman' this way would perhaps do moro To every pound of ripe tomatoes
He sprang from his horse by herl with the splendid traditions of the than anything else to achieve rho
side, boxed her ears soundly, pull-! Navy, and snake them feel their creation of a Canadian navy.
cd her off her steed, rolled her vig•, partnership in it. In peace times, 'foronto, March, 1909.
orously in the mud, told her that he everything would depend nn the
loved her, and rode away. The as- good sense of all parties to the Itr-
tonished princess was infuriated, rangement--which is true of all poli -
and swore all kinds of vengeance. tical ententes.
After her rage cooled don n, how -
ever, she said to her father that,
upon reflection, she had cone to But, as in peace you prepare for tonlow, England, recently of two of
the conclusion that the only Iran war, must not your plans. from the the couples who should have been
who could treat Mathilde of Flats- beginning, be based on the assutnp- married at St. Janice'. Stanton-
ders in thnt tnanner should be her tion that, at any moment, the dis-•, bury, the church which, it was re -
husband. They were married, and eipline of warfare may become im• cently discovered, was not register WORTH KNOWING.the union turned out to be one of perative 1 Somehodv must ggive • e<1 for marriages when it was con-
the happiest marriages in the his c,rdors and somebody must ober.'secrated fifty years ago. To legalize To mend holes in linoleum on tho
tory of royalty.
the Admiralty until our own crews balls and boil forty-five minutes.
Tho marriages took place at the
ancient church of St. Peters' Stan -
allow a pound of sugar. Scald the
tomatoes and remove the skins. Cut
open the fru't and reineve the
%ends. ' Put the fruit and sugar to-
gether in a pan and add the juice
of two lemons to every three pounds
of fruit and sugar and a small tea-
spoonful of ground ginger. Crush
the fruit with a wooden spoon and
mix the whole well together. Boil
slowly three hours, keeping it well
stirred and skimmed.
Had heart Trouble and Shortness
of Breath for Six Years.
cured Mrs. K. F. Bright, Burnley, Ont.
She writes: "I am greatly troubled, for
six years, with my heart and Fho; these of
breath. I could not walk eighty rode with•
out resting four or five times in that short
distance. 1 got so weak and thin 1 only
weighed ssrenty•three pounds. i decided
at last to take some (.f Milhuni s Heart and
Nerve Pills, and after taking eight boxes
1 gained in strength and weight, and noir
weigh one hundres1 and Ihitteen pounds,
the most I over weighe1 in my life. I ((•.•1
well and esn work as will as ever 1 .1i•1.
and can heartily thank )lilbu: n't neat t At.d
Nerve Pills for it all.'
I'riee Sly cents per box •'r 3 l.,t.-. !..r
Si •:.i at all d•,alera, or r ail, d IIsi, (t . o
reeoipt of pr lee by Tho '1'. !t'lbcrn Cu.
Limited, Toreato, Ont.
What would Canada do then 1 How the thousand or so weddings which
are you to avoid the danger that have taken place in the church dur-
would rise front the virtual inde-; ing its existene. a special Act of
pendence of the Canadian navy?, Parliament will have to be passed.
For docs not independence mean People from all the surrounding
Possible neutrality. and, therefore, districts congregated at St. Peter's
possible hostilityto witness the recent ceremonies.
Admits the apparent anomaly, In order to destroy the overwhelm -
and there is no need for alarm. ing odor of old oak and decaying
Happily, against the fears of the stone incense bad been burnt.
littlefaiths, we hese the experience
of the centuries. The precnee of
the Canadian contingent in South
Africa was not surprising to us.
We forsaw it, even w hen Lord I.nns-
downe was declining cclot,inl aid.
e knew: it would happen. even
when Sir Wilfrid Laurier ens back-
ing up his "en views with the plea
that there uns not Parliamentary
provision for participating in a
quarrel rex en thousand miles swat•.
Two Frenchmen had a quarrel
and challenged each other to fight.
On the mturning fixed for the d.tel
they and their seconds tramped
through the woods to the .pot se-
lected, on reaching which one of
the principals --the challenger --
tri ppcd and fell.
it must not br supposed. though, Is second helped him to his
that Canada beforehand. will un- feet.
reservedly pledge herself to fight for "I hope you are not much hurt 1"
Britain. l sakihis antagonist.
'i ire partnership idea lily. ' -1 yet "Not. pinch --I only lumped my
ren,•hetl that point of sacrificing in se on the ground."
t.1.1 i.runt tele en ahice her na• Doos it blend'"
t omit de; fleeter -it thus far has; .'Yes, a little."
b. rt, foutul. i. if there are I'niin-. 'Heaven he praised : Blood has
•i .in i'dt.,cet,•. of -11c11 a pledge they' been shed, itnd my honor is t inch -
.o a h-•►•.!•••• n;in.,rit�. No 1 c: Jed ' dive me your handl. my
41 wt.1.td • .1111 of Gi!•at Eritain hien
floor, cut a piece of linoleum to
cover the hole; lay over the hole
and mark with it pencil ; cut on line
with sharp knife; put in patch and
tack around the edges.
To open packages of breakfast
food and keep boxes in a dust -proof
condition until empty, tnnko an
opening in side of box close to top
by forcing a tablespoon through
cardboard and turn flap down-
wards. The flap will fit back snug-
ly in place each time package is
When the seats of o1(1 porch
chairs or settees are worn nut re-
move and get plain linoleum and
tack on with brats tacks. Paint•
the sante color as chair. This is
much more cornfort,thle and stands
the weather much better than the
wooden seats l'ough4 at the storm.
Hint to Washerwomen. — When
you're redly to buy a new oil cloth
for your table take your old one
and cut it up for aprons. Rave it
cover the whole front of your skirt
and make a large bib on it and 3 ou
will ILO when you are through
ea•+hing that you will he as dry as
you were before you began.
To \Wa.h Grained \Wcxdwerk. --I stall deal( re or mailed direct no re.-eipb
Take half a pail of hot water, add of price by The Doan Kidney fill Co.,
hall pound of soap chits, b it nn• Toronto, oat.
Hang a card on the wall over the
tubs with the following directions
plainly written :
Remove stains of fresh fruits with
boiling water ; cocoa and blood,
cold water ; grass and machine oil,
cold water and soap.
Red wine and ink ---\farm chlorine
Varnish and oil paints---Turpen•
tine and soap.
Iron rust and ink—Weak evolution
cf oxalic acid (one tablespoonful to
one glass of water).
Coal tar or wagon grease -- Lard.
then soap ; wash alternately with
water and turpentine.
Was Unable To Do House-
work For Two Years
Many Women Suffer f'ntold Agony
From Kidney Trouble.
Very often they think it is from so-called
"female disease." 'There is less "female
trouble" than they think.
Women suffer from rckaehe, sleepless•
nese, nervousness. irritability and n drag-
aing down feelingin the loins. Soto men.
nd they do not have •' fern ire trouble."
Why, then, blame ail your trouble to
" female disease"
Most of the so called "female disorder."
are no more or l.• than"kidnn (lisnr'1
amt can be ea.ily and qui, kly cured by
Doan's Kidney fills.
IUs 1'. Dupuis, Ittlleview Village, N.R.,
writes : " I was unable to do my house-
work for two pure on account of back-
ache. 1 could not get up the stairs. D• sn'e
K41ney Pills c,trfrl me permanently after
doctors failed to even relieve the pain. I
can highly recommend hetes to all sufferers
fror•t kidney trouble-."
(rice 50 ctn. per leis or 3 boxes for b1 23