HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-27, Page 5THE EXETER TIM ES, AI AY 27th 1909 CREDITON NEWS C. ZWICKER Creditors Great Clearing Sale Wo are opening over 300 Boys and Youths up-to-date Suits, excellent duality,, at bargain prices, It will pay you to see them, Also a fine selected stock of Men's Clothing in up-to-date style and latest shades at the very lowest prices. Mens Odd Pants $1.2:) to $2.75, regular $1.75 to $3.50 Pants. Linoleums Have you seen our stock yet. we have the most extensive stock of the best goods we have ever handled. Our stock of Tapestry Squares are beauti- ful, quality excellent, prices tho low- est. They are selling fast which proves our values are right. Wo have them in all shades and designs, sizes 3x3, 3313!.. 3}x311, 31jx 1, 3lja 4. }, etc. Lace Curtains We aro offering special values in Curtains, Curtain Muslins, etc. We intend to clear some lines regardless of cost, See our stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars Fancy Vests, Hosiery and etc., all new goods. We have the correct sty- les in this department. Farm Produce taken We have just received a Nobby Stock of Felt Hats. Also Men's. Boys Childrens Straw Flats. The latent styles and low prices. Millinery Just a few words regarding this de- partment. 1'o clear up on a most successful season we intend to clear out the balance regardless of what is paid for the goods. We carry no old stock from one season to the other in this line. Take advantage of this op- portunity to secure a bargain. Groceries Crediton airs. Nichols and children. of Ken- wood. are visiting the fortner's I•:tr- cuts. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. I'iukbeiuer. FIELD SEEDS, -\\'e have a com- plete line of Seed Corn, Mullett, Man - gel, Carrot. Turnip Seed, etc. These seeds are all tested as to germination &c.. also n quanity of first class seed potatoes for sale. -C. /WICKER The 21th was an excitable day here when two fast games of baseball were played between Zurich and Crediton. Our boys went into the gamy a lift!•. timid, owing to several of the team having made previous engagement, to be away and those had to be re- pinced with members from th• Brownie team, who however played their parts like professionals. The first game resulted in favor of th. home team by the score of 1'. to it. The second game went to Zurich 1 t to '12. Umpires W. W. Kerr. of Winchelsea and Mr. Hess, of Zurich. Some features of the game. F. Kerr's long drives to the tennis (Bully) stealing bases. 1'. Brown's star pitching in the first game.. 1;. 1Vurm proved himself no ama- teur behind the stick. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Trevethick spent the holiday in London. ltev. A. Y. llaist, of Berlin, con- ducted quarterly services in the Evangelical church Sunday last. Rev. J. C. t)au►m, of Medicine flat: will occupy the pulpit of the Evangel- ical church in the morning and in the evening the meeting will be in charge of the Y. 1'. A., it being their annual rally. I1. N. Either spent Sunday and Our Grocery Department as well as alouday out of the village. Mr. A. E. Kuhn. of Stratford, spent all other department is filled with sea- Sunda} and Monday renewing ac- tionable goods, you will find our values quaintances. Mr. Christ. Finkbeiner and Noah Krupp. of London. spent the holiday with the fortner's parents. Miss Emma and Lille Wein and Mr. Marry Webb spent a couple of days at their home here. Mr. C. Iiluett spent n couple of right and quality the best. in exchange for goods. A Call Solicited. CHAS. ZWICKER, Crediton days in Forest. Buggies Buggies Just Arrived • Mr. llowson and 11. howler. of the bank staff, spent Monday at their re- spective homes in \Vinghatn and Sea - forth. Mr. Ira Brown spent the holiday with friends in Berlin. A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firsts of Ontario in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited. Trevethick & Hodgins CREDITON, ONTARIO. Machine Repairing We have just added a new a.athe to our shop and are now in & position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair your Mower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine repairing to be clone, just bring it here and we will snake it, as good as new for you, Repairing brain Separators and Engines A MINiSTE1i'S GRATITUDE. 'Zntn-1111k Cured a face Sore which Defied all other Remedies for Two Years ltev. Charles E. Stafford, of Bridge - burg. Ont., says: -"I had been mach much troubled for over two years with a sore on my left cheek. 1 tried all kinds of salves and lotions, but nothing 1 procured seemed to have the least bit of effect towards healing the sore. clearing of 'Lain-Buk, 1 decided to give it a trial, and see i' it would bring about a cure, as ser many other things had failed. 1 purchased a supply. and commenced with the treatment. After several applications. to my great joy, 'lam- Ituk has effected what for two years I tried in vain to bring about -a complete cure." 'Case alter case could be quoted in i which, as in the above instance, Zam- iluk has worked cures when every- thing else tried had failed. There is a reason for this. Zan►-Buk is the ideal remedy because of its ' Luc in- gredients for nil skin injuries and diseases. Away back in the days of the Ro- man gladiators. secret balms were issed for healing of cuts and injuries .-rained in the arena and in battle. I h n carne a period during which ex- t. Ina! balms were neglected. follon 1 by a period in which nil the salve, and embrocations bad as their base animal fats and oils. 'Zan-1it:1: marks a new epoch. ft is absolute!; devoid of all animal fats. all mineral colouri,rg matters, and is composed entirely of rich medicinal berbai ex- tracts. %arts-Buk is a combination of Nature'; r:ch healing herbal juices by the nuns, mode; a scientific me- thod.:, nod ths result is a balm which' c :r.•+ tt h to o: h •1•i fail. titan o . .ueb aS eCZeni:►, ting - i,., nt. I nn, and prairie itch. s :conte by it. Fo. t 1 ! r I ! -easing the pain and and hastening .a cure. • b'iruS, scalds, cults. '. 1,.., :u's soros and ,•ru;•- . i !-; nisoning, scratches. ul 1 ttn.:i:1 . i:.•:cos a ulcers. &c. Al: 1 ; lures Sell at 50e. a ! u . :1 for price from Zorn - 1•, . s r, :;o. Itefa'e harmful .1 ! 11• , 7, 11 inns, sometimes re- Ite:ent,d i:s •'.lust as good." Our Prices are Right ALBERT MORLOCK Blacksutit'.I .1 11,1.1•:sl,int• iTeptiritlg, l•REUITO\ 014, 011E5' Livers need an occasional stirring up to keep them from being constipated, bilious and generally run dawn. At the same time, the laxative must not be so violent as to shock the system and cause sinking and sickncs,. the i.lc-,l trratmcr•t far o!J f:':: ' livers -never fails to act, yet sever shot ks. A to ac as well as a laxative. Best for con- stipation, rhetar:sti.m, biliousness -any and all troubles of liver, stomach a: I boweLi. Take an NR tablet to- night-yeu'il feel better in the morning. • 66etta2lcBox 1' i' :-i1'1 1 11 . ('1111', 1:,X1'1(.1'. 1 it is a you wan the system and makes it more susceptible to disease he winter months have hecn p great strain upon your vitality and un ess you put the blood in good 1;,, Exeter 111(1 Parkhill. Condition all manner of evils will overtake you. PSYCI-IiNE Is the 7,1 r-. McPhee and grandson Thos. 'Greatest of Tonics and should be taken by every one at this season Sptcket, spent Sunday at Parkhill. of the year. PSYCHiNE assists the gastric juices and ferments in their digestion of the food, cleanses the mucous membrane of the A earn pr(seriptinn is printed upon Stomach, and has an invigorating and beneficial effect on the muscles •'eh ` hoz.f4 Ur. rihrtop'.> Pira: Pain g (; 1;t ties . Ask your Doctor of Drug- an,l nerves. For Catarrh of the Stomach, Ulceration or \Vcak Stom- Ton is t Physicing Lowe rs CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Spswl Treia.Isees Tercets 2.00 p.a. ea APRIL I, 20 MAYA 11 JUNE 1,11,2o JULY 13, 27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 sseoad clan tickets hoes Ontario mations to principal Nortkwat pouts at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wi,nipee and return $32.00: Edmonton mad return $it 50. and to other porno ie proportion. Tickets good to return within b0 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excunioas. Comfortable berths. fully equipped with bedding, w be secured at moderate raw thronsh local saw. Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMERCEKCR$' PAMPHLET coeisia[mg ata and full iafermatioa. Applj w sweat C P.R. Agent or to R. L Tkomp.om, Dot. Pan. Agt.. Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE SF CARS \\', .1. Carlin;:. Agent I•:xeh':'. Kirkton The It}• -law was successfully ear- If your Stomach, heart or Kidneys tied last Friday, with a majority of are weak, try at least, a few doses 76, A large bonfire with guns eto, only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In announced the victory. five or ten days only, the result will Mr. E. Brown. of Toronto, spent surprise you• A w ents w th • 21th with friends in the vicinity., the cost. And here feis cwhy helillp comescover Miss Nettie Moore is visiting so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug friends in Brantford. he, Stouuteh, nor stimulatest the Benet e e nativ Mss E. Maize is visiting friends or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop ' ! he,,., noes directly to the e•cak and fai l g Mr. A. 'Tufts of 'Tweed, and E. Tufts nerves. F.ach organ has its own coni n - of London. spent a few days with trolling nerve. \Vhen these nerves Mrs. W. ,1. Tufts this week. failneces. theUy depending faeu.This organsplainmust of We regret to announce the death sfilt, yet of Mrs. 'Phos. McGnneon. 4th Zinc vital truth, clearly tells why 1)r. ltlanshard, on Tuesday. May 18th, Shoop's Restorative is Fo universally and who was buried on Thursday in successful. Its success is leading drug - she l:nglish church cemetery. follow- gists everywhere to give it universal ed by a large number of friends. We preference. A test will surely tell. sincerely sympathize with the bereav- Sold by W. S. i1owey. ed of the departed one. Mr. w', 1•:1::ott, of Detroit, Mich.. spent the 24th under the parental • ter.•:. The celebration of Victoria clay at WOodhain. was a good success. con- sidering the fine weather and late seeding. sand the receipts were large. Mrs. hill. of Flint. Jlirh., has been spending a few days uit11 her moth- er. airs. Thos. Elliott in the village. Many friends from this vicinity at- tended the funeral of Mr. F. Kirkby in St. Marys on Friday fist. Mr. John Wilatttns is busy plowing and fixing th:' garden; of the villag- er.: for another y;ar. Mr. Joh.) llar.ra has had his en- gine to be repaired for the reason. DASHWOOD NEWS Dashwood Nis, Murray. of Thedtord. former- ly teacher in the !lay bchoo'. visited at M r. l;. lh•st reicher' s over Sunday. alis' 'Ethel Kellerman sliest the holiday visiting friends at Aana col- We lege. St. Thomas. and Mrs. Pfeffer, of Milverton; %:sited friends hen: on Sunday. Mr. John Nediger, of Pigeon. Mich., is visiting his parents here. Miss Susie Wambold and Addison '1'icuiau are spending a few days in St ratford. Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Cook and I1. Cook of Hensall, visited at Mr. J. K. Hertz's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. ..\lotheral and family of Bright, are spending the holidays at Mr. N. Siebert's. Mrs. Symonds visited friends in Loudon over the 24th. Jack 1'reeter, and family of Zurich) were visitors in town on Sunday. Arthur Truemner and Miss Alice Truemner, of Toronto. spent the holi- day at their home 4n the Goshen line. MONEY SAVED Sh irks) Mrs. E. Brenner and son Josef _t. spiel; a few days in London lust week. .airs. II. Wing and daughters Pearl and Ern. spent a few days at Ham- burg. Mr. \Vtu. holt and daughter. of - u•n: t, are renewing acquaintances h re. Alessi.,. al. C. Swei1zer and I' ;•hroeder. here in Parkhill last i - Hay on bnaincgs. '!t. Ezra Palmer. of London. is • es nt his home here. L. Lochner. spent Sunday with ;,11(1 Mrs. D. Lippert, of Khiva., t 'rhos. Ings. of London, is visi- t; r her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. \• 1'inkl •in• r. . 11 •r• Vont here spent 21th. of t'i-tt if this formula is not complete. pelt, Dyspepsia, the use ofPSYCHiN1 is strongly advisable. Pain r ans contTestion. blond pres- 1'S1 C:FIINE acting on the Stomach restores it to a healthy condition, t. Il, ad pains. wmnanly pain!. Mel sets through the stomach upon all the vital organs, creates an appetite, bringing i v h, re net it ant relief from n renewed vitality and strength to the entire system and enables 1110 throw o� disc Ise Pink Pain Tab!. t. W. S. Itott ey. ttf every kind. It is the greatest health - giver enosn to medical science. t -'cc. l to I)r.T A. SLOCI'al, Limited, Toronto. for n Flee Faml.ls to -day. All eirtcvwtnts and stores sell Pb1C'LIINk at. ;ykaudSI uer bottle. ,'7 SIG. ;L O416JBsrCl2tIA.r 6 •+ Pearstbe / 1'1 K', Y:111319 A'i131S 8411 F grettire f io4?fsiUH ;r11,$)UStl:'1' The tender leaves of a harmless lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to 1)r. Shoop's Co:tgh Remedy its mar- velous curative properties. Tight ticklit+g or distressing coughs. quick- ly yield to the hen:ing, soothing action of this splendid prescription' -Dr. Shoop's 'Cough Remedy. And it is so safe and good for children. as well. Cant:ainintr no opihm, chloroform. or other harmful drugs. mothers should : afety always demand Dr. Shoop's Beer remedies are offered. tell I h. r.: N s ! Ile your nivn judge! Sold by V.'. S. lfowey. Zurich alio lda Weber. of th.' herald staff tva; la:d tip last week owing to ill - 111 -es The Police Trustees have granted the 41 elites hand `150.00 for the pur- pose of buying new uniforms. The Zurich baseball teats defeated Ilensnll :ant Thursday evening by a ::core of 16 to 10. 4:1 l_ ZIL ti Hears t?;,, 1'e IOU Y'u Hae Plena e011,',+ t:re 142 Winchelsea The entertainment given by the members of the Winchelsea baseball club last Thursday evening was more successful than the boys anticipated. The hal: was crowded to the limit and every one thoroughly enjoyed the pro- gram. The receipts amounted to about $10. Too late for last week. The farmer's are getting anxious :about their seeding ,as very little has been sowed yet. Mr. Arthur Ralph had the top of his finger taken off last week. while taking a sail out of the grinder. Mrs. Duncan we are pleased to say is improving. Quite a number intend taking in the spurts at Exeter the 21th. A tickling or dry cough can be quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. No opium. no chloro- form, nothing tutsnfe or harsh. Sold by W. S. Mosey. Lucan lteprescnding Crouch & Son, of Lafayette. 'Indiana, Mr. .1. M. Mc- Evoy. of London, last week swore Conte Its and get our prices. out n warrant before Judge Elliot for the extradition of Charles P. Mc- Mahen. a Iliddulph Township far- mer. to be taken back to Lafayette to answer two charges of fraud. The alleged cases of fraud are said to have taken place last March. when Me- Mt►hen visited Crouch & ('o's stables in Lafayette and purchased two fine stallions. one a l'crcheron and an- other :t Belgian. it. is alleged that he stated he w7,house cleaning time is here with all its worries. Let us help you by and on the that strength as of theseworth `ne1p000er- supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash Brushes. Soap, Dutch septations They gave hitn the horses , Cleanser. Gillet's Lye, Ilousehold Ammonia. Bon Ami for cleaning wind - for a o-tnall cash deposit and notes. otws and in tact anything needed for scouring and cleaning. Before the notice fell due the charge stated that McMahen made an assign- Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are selling at I ructu. and the horses were claimed greatly reduced prices. r other debts. '''here is Mill X4.000 Ask to see our patterns, we ann please you. ing on the horses. $1,000 having b I paid. 13y Dealing at Siebert -l3 will offer all our Carpets consisting of Tapestry, Union and Hemp (at pets at a discount of 15 per cent. Don't Miss This 1Ve will also save you money in Dress Goods. We buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Colne and take a look thronglt our Dress Goods before you buy. We make a specialty of Millinery and our prices are lower than the lowest. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange WAN TED—A car of Potatoes this week. 1 fighest prices paid for produce. Siebert & Co. Hktrtictb Block, DASHWOOD Fencing and Paints Wo have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your spring fencing with. We handle the celebrateil Page and Peerless fencing, also Coil, Barb Wire and flog Fencing. ri (t s as FtaFor,able as you can get elsewhere. A number of Large Gates, all sizes. Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy. Faults A big stock of Martin- Senoar ready Mixed Paints 100 per cent pure Buy your Hardware From us Prcduce taken in Exchange Hardware D. TI E MAN, Dashwood Lumber Shingles and Lath We wish to announce to our many friends and to all those needing build- ing material that we aro in a better position than ever to supply yo»r Wants in Lutnber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc. If you intend building a house or barn we will he pleased to quote prices and assist you in any way we can. The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited, Dashwood, Ont. Housecleaning Wants CRO El R A N o C 0 R N YCi�+L)P For Every Meal At breakfast with porridge "Crotch Ikand'Syrup'' is delicious. Used with plain Puddings or made up with pastry, odd scraps of cake, etc., it stakes a delightful after dinner dessert. At supper it is just the thing to cat with breatter, toast or biscuits. d and CRO LlN 13R AND SV RUP is syrup at its best and in its most delicious and wholesome forst. - It is prepared in a perfect manner from absolutely w)}ingrents. is far it of alldieother kinds in deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesomeness— don't you think it's worth wjtile it}sisting on "Crown Brand Syrup? " Your dealer has it for you in 2, S. 10 and 20 Ib. air -tight tins with lift-off lids. Order some today The Edw'ardsburg Starch Co. t.tmltee.i ESTABLISHED 1858. V.'n k• CARi'i'411,. Ont. Ott! e . \tt5NTitt•.1i,, Ti)tu•> r, • rn : ftK' N 1 1 . : I • PAINTS.-Tou need paint for renewing little things around the house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas faints, re- cognized ns the best paint made, in cans from 15e. to 95e. Var- nish stain nt 25c. rt, can is just the thing for making old furni- ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition over with you. Farm produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price. JOSHUA J O HSI S FAliQU1IAl;, ONTARIO IO NERVOUS, LiUr1SLESS I MESE .$ TAT EU MEN ti's 'UNG MEN AND MIDDLEAGED MEN. tie •, tliiinof eatly Indiscret1•ns and inter ex. ee ,:.s. who are failures in life -you aro rho ones u.e can re'tore to rnantes...I and revive the spark ebenergy and vitality. 1H,n't Rive ;(;ts ` \. up in de+pmir because you have treated with I 1 ' \ other doctors, used el.- le bolts nod Well vartuua drug store tiostmins. ' e' Our New Method Treatment ha+ snatched tannin -44 fr'm the I.rir.k of despair. has re- raore'l happiness to hundreds or homes ao,l has made successful men of those wtio were / -, \ti -down and oat." we pre -Tribe specific rem. (rhea for each Individual case according to rho symptoms and compllea:t' tis-wo have no latent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as oar treatment can- not fill. for we prescribe remedies adapted to each Individual mgr. 1in1y curable cases ac- repte 1. We have done business throughout Canada kr over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY FADERAre you n "et"?ifas you lost hnpet Aro you i'd•nding to marry) :i. your tdo.el been .lis a•• ,Il have you any ucakn•.sl Our New Method Treatment wilt cure you. %hat it has d, ne for others It will do for you. Consultation Fre*. No matter who has treated you, urito for an hono.1 opinion Free of Cturae. Book• Fr*r ''flo)hon-1, Mnnh,•nf, Fat 1.. rhexrl. ' 1I1lustrate cd) on bisca•tes of )Len. NO NAMES ticrf) 1VITflOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No nomrs on hove, or rowel. opes. Everything Confident; tt. Question Lint and Cost of Treatment 1 REE FOR FIUME TRI.ATMENT. DRs.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Thursday Inst .1 the age of forty - Stier no illness of about five Yearseiiht yonr.s end a _ht months. Bar - from chronic bronchitis Mrs. W. 'Ling the last rise t. eks of her iilnres Ramsay, of (iodcricb, passed away on she had been confined to bed.