HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-27, Page 4( t $I~; EXE 1 +' R TIMES, MAY 27th 1909. t'r.•adent': uddn•ss on his visit to .in the following report. end English schools in 1901;, The ad- RESOLUTION ' 1. 'I COMMITTEE Coughs.dress showed careful preparation attd Resolved: -1. That in regard to the that 'Mr. ►log+rth had taken very New 'Curriculum we recommend that careful note of what is being done in the following committee be appoint- thoee schools. His address showed ed, and to report to U. E. A. Misses Colds that school matters differ very touch Augustine, h. Wntso:t. Me srs• Long, from conditions here but that the trip Tigert, Woods, Tretvart ha and the )oust be n very pleas:u,t and in- inspector, teresting one. Mr. 'Hogarth gave a 11. We recommend that two test books in Composition and Grammar. large amount of information. Mr. T. F. Wright, of the lteming- combined, be adopted. one suitable relief and ton Business College, Toronto. gave for Junior classes and one for Senior For the promptan excellent address on penmanship.' classes. cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse• Ile claimed that penmanship is a` ill. We recommend that the reso- ness, Loss of Voice, and all science and should he taught scien- lotions in regard to the Public School affections of the Throat and tificntly. If done so we should have :yeller be adopted. lungs and for general debility. very much better results than we 1\'. In regard to the II. School En - Get a bottle of Perry's Cont- now have. Ile held that writing trance cxamivatiou we recommend pound Syrup of White fine should be plain. easily and quickly that the following subjects be added with Tar or Perry's Emulsion written. lle would be careful to to the present course. Physiology. of Cod Liver nil with hypo- teach the muscular movement andlo Drawing. 'Canadian history and a phosphites of Lime and Soda. have thepupils seated properly. No period of llrtttsh illstory• metal► Teach movement first and form af- should be allowed to teach at 1J tertvnrds. The capital letters should years of age. be taught first or with the small tet- VI. "\\'e recommend that No. 14 read tors, to prevent a cramped style. 5 instead of 7, and that the holidays Ile would commend the good letters. roman as they are at present. rather than condemn the poor ones. All other resolutions from the 0. The address was instructive and very E. A. were recommended to be adop- interesting. Mr. \\•right certainly knows his subject. Mr. Weidenhammer. 11. A., ad- dressed the Association on Science in Continuation Schools. Ile held that the present course was too extensive for time allowed and thought the remedy was to reduce the amount of Sold at Brownings Drug Store West Huron Teachers' Association The tlto i e -second annual meeting of the We -t 'iluron Teachers' Asso- ciation was held in the Public School, Ext, r. ou Thursday and Friday, Jlav 2lith and 21st. work required or extend the time to stitute receive due for the T111'RSDAY MORNING three years instead of two. ale tork covered in the creditPublic School thought the 'Continuation class \\litiiol Ho garth. 1� spectorf c Tomsident, J. occupied should be a sort of rural high school cation depaotna rtment issued by the Edo- ) in which the science subjects could The report was adopted in full. the chair- be taught so as to aid those who will Devotional Exercises were conduct- devote their lives to agriculture. The • secretaries were appointed a ed by Mr. J. S. Delgnty• The science should be. taught ex- committee to forward these resolu- The uld po ltedoll following onmllcssrittees a W. ere a�; e - beef lledtally. The note nd all summaries, drooksawings torytionPublic to •School Department,has. G. Frazer, Wcidenhammer, Wm. McKay, Iiluett and individual work preserved. Tho A. and N. W. Trettartha, and Misses mounted specimens in botany needn't Mr. T. F. Wright then took the Vosper. Hamilton and Consitt. be very tunny, but they should be subject of arithmetic and in the Auditing—Messrs. A. McLeod and well done.course of an able address taught that J. M. ltobertson. 'Considerable discussion arose in figures should be plainly mndc, that The President, having arrived, as" reference to Fifth Class students from addition should be taught by t►dding soured the chair. rural schools entering the second and ones and twos until proficient before The subject, What to do with (rrv). third forms of the collegiate. The adding by threes, multiplication 'tuts was introduced by Mr. N. \V,should be taught by drilling thorough Trewartha. rural teachers are quite indignant 1 with the smallest numbers before truants was that the collegiate and high schooladvanci )' very " 1 rnexperience tede rand thehexplained the ave a teachers are apparently trying to number nof sg mple further, and excelleand then nt de - kindly yet judicious way in which he kill the fifth class by their refusing vices for rapid calculation. The ad - dealt with the few cases he had to grant fifth class pupils 2nd 3rd for►n standing. and dress was very touch enjoyed by the had. Ile then said he thought the Mr.G B 1low.ard• of Blake, then teachers and business men present. teacher should make the school -work introduced the subject of "a day's 1 upils of the classes of 'Misses pleasant, playtime should be made work," Ile being a rural teacher in Kinsman and a[ottard sang a num - pleasant, with games. and good a heavy school, showed what heavy her of school songs so as to delight lessons connection uldv�thtatlhehl teace hing oin f of labor lay before the teacher. Ile every Madman. Barrister, spoke on advocated several ways in which the 1 Tommy and the 'Crow' and Daffy- Ethical Training in Schools. Ile held Daffy - teachers can lighten the day'soo work that it is just us necessary to tench downdilly. The teacher should show before entering the school room, by children ethics as it is to teach the the very great value of an education. having good order, and by giving Miss Swann then took her part ,lent of bus work to the lower regular lessons of the school. The and in a humorous way she explained plentyyteachers can teach _moral lessons in that if the child were lazy, she would grades' connection with the teaching of such 1THUItSDAY EVENING. sub ects as histor and literature. interest him in his work : if he 1Qved nature outside. she would introduce At the evening session in the Opera Thr1' )' paper was a good one and receiv- nature into school: if he were timid, (louse a pleasant and profitable ed a hearty vote of thanks. she would gain his confidence, thus two hours were spent. The Presi- [rev. A. II. Going being present, making hint feel at home, and if he d( nt occupied the ch was called on and gave a short ad - didn't like school she would intro- 1 t teachers y wer- duce something to relieve the mono- tony of school work. Excellent thoughts were advanced in both of these addresses. The discussion was continued by 'Messrs. •Ilogarth. Shore and Tom. Mr. Delgnty then took up ably the subject o[ clow to Reach the Individ- ual in Class Instruction. In doing it It advocated the giving (1) General is., -tions to the class but wouldn't allow general answers: (2) Discreet questions: and (3) Questions that will interest even the dullest. 'Ile would encourage every thoughtful effort and independence of thought and ae- coinplish Obis by a great deal of mental drill. The discussion was continued by Messrs. Lowery, Tom, Wright and Forrest, who advanced the following good thoughts. the dull pupil should never know that he is considered so by th,• teacher, and, that which es- pecially interests the pupil should be forintd out by the teacher and it should be made the starting point for further building. Inspector Tom in n splendid ad- dress took up the subject of Third Claes .\rithnietic. Ile held that the pupil r11ust know the Simple Mules I bete: n 1 t . They must be quick and nee,.I ,r, :I cancellation and factoring regular third the rt 1 �. I 'ening 1� ng!, c!:: - ,-. ,,: I.. The pupils should multi- t•ly by a mixed number consisting of w h01,- numb: r and a half. a third, :, . nth. etc. I ,ll. find •,ccounts and the •very - d:. farine r arithmetic should be lit •!tt in .!I • third classes. 'fhe t : .I . .1 ,tions tn::=t b. prac- 1 •, ., i. • , t: and riiort. The it •11�. - ! e',utpound Rules t'.• - 1• 1 ..! 1.1 ''1 :Sir , I 1t • 1 ' eat! 1 1 lis i V. In our opinion we think teacher, is holders should be used , led as they are on the printed sheets. The following new reso:utions were recommended. (1) That the Geo- graphy .Text Book be revised every five years to show the revised maps. (2) That in the opinion of this As- sociation pupils who have passed Public School Graduation examination should ou entering a collegiate In - air. Miss 'Mabel Bailie recited nice y, dress. Eighty- ive eac er. e "The Runaway Engine." The Misses present. Kinsman and Dow followed in a FRIDAY AFTERNOON well rendered instrumental duett. The president occupied the chair. Mr. I'. C. Laverton 'Barris, Secretary Minutes of the forenoon session were of the humane Society of Ontario, rend and adopted. delivered an able address on the work Mr. T. F. Wright took up Business of the society. As a society they Correspondence, explaining clearly look after neglected children and are how to fold the paper, place in the the friends of the lower animals. lie envelope and put in the enclosure, took great pleasure in speaking to the how to write the letter and arrange teachers since they may have great the matter contained therein. e;how- influence in training children to be- ing how necessary it is to write clear - come noble men and women, with ty,,etc. Many eery useful hints were sympathy and love for all living were given and the teachers were creatures. The society organizes Much int.•rested. This was the last Bands of ,Mercy among the school of Mr. Wright's addresses all of children and Mr. 'Harris hopes the which were well received and very day is coming when a Band of Mercy highly valued. will 1, • formed in every school and Mr. C. llluett spoke on School he looks for the co-operation or the Libraries and in a pleasant and cop - teachers of this grand old county of vincing way spoke of the real value Huron in this work. of these libraries. Ile would allow Miss Johns sang very acceptably a the use of the books during school splendid solo. • hours after the pupils had been en - Mrs. Wcidenhammer, in a most gaged for sometime in strenuous delightful manner gave n humorous school -work. rending from "Sowing reeds in Dan- The discussion was continued by Mr. 'Huston. 11).Dr. Strang. of the Goderich Col- hiss Winona Howard taught a tegiate. gave, as he always clops. an heading and Spellinet lesson to a Sec - excellent address on his visit to Eng- and fart class of bright little boys land and Scotland and spoke more and girls. The teaching was Clone in especially on his impressions. Those n very pleasant and attractive man - that had the greatest influence on her. The Association was so well him were. the rich green in which pleased that a hearty vote of thanks nature clot,hed everything. the won- wits tendered Miss Howard. ,.,•1:111 profusion of roses. the good Mr. Baird introduced the uiibject of loads. the curious blending of the New Copy (looks. and spoke favor- ol,l and the new. esp^c'a1:y iu the ably of theca. f . his opinion u No. Highlands. the advantages of rail- 0 should be added containing a set uay 0rraweenie nts. the excellent of handlincs in etre. 1' !adi h nd. nork of the police force of London, The discussion e..• (•c•- . r1 h: h • u: c.•s.ity of seeing London from.:event' nn mh 1 . 11,• top (.4i. :I 11 011lllibus and the un- that school see: as-- 1 , u. i Ili en, a 1: c( :rt_ey of everybody. il' books if booksellers will pot hams a cliff ativiee every tourist in t'ritatn •'•:;,n. The children could in thi- lo se • the view from titerlin,r and tvnt• procure the hooks at the two 1•,•linbaigh. The best I rib,:t.• we can cI•nts each. 'lb • Question Drawer was owe- .• pee-• ;:1 the questions answered itlau ' ,•holafly ;winner b; 1,1•-• :111 Dr. Strsn;,r. � ,:• discussion area, in 1•ra. I to Niagara ,:ext y \ 1 - Iu: thanks w -;•re r • 1 t•.Ito contributed so cheerfully la-: night'' entertainment. .11r. T. P. Wright of Iteminettnn Business ('o:- lese. Toronto. contributed so much eInstitute. and to h success ssof the In.tlt It o. 1 to t sl c h ..11.• Trustees and Teachers of the l?xc- t• r srhoal for their kindness in givinr. h •ir school and decorating so nicely. The s.nging of the National Anthem ray to this splendid addre=s is that ,l C. !', - ,1 :.c it aw•ok•.' longings in the hearts of ! 1I: • I many for the tint:, and 111 11 114 to take . tl. •1ddr,:.s;.1 a eiimilar (tip.. • r 1.; .ii •San: 'fit• ..inging of Ili,• national anthem 1, I1 • iLu _l, i.t the ate tits: to .t close. la..a „ se , .. , i;'it.;'ails Iheed l IttI►.\Y `•IIIIC`.INI; apo f 1h • , ;1,14 r 1 I ri r . J. i .r Ic Li oa ' : u•1 01' •I .1 rr it') the the t 11 • -. It .,r it •r elieeld t :,. 41 • chit : . do ll' - s .. I. 1.1 11. e11001-1omrll i:' :1 i'. , : u' .11 r C ie.- - s L•r - conduct - 1+,0,1114 II,t 1• , -flu;: way ..:1 • l 1., 14:. . ,::::•,y cdt.ct then 1. • 3,.. rl -e- lain to 1n:+1 + 1 ' :o I :t•oce • t 1 ell %tt ti .b. , ,:h h• I the , , •I . r of proper light • , .. ie._Ing. •. a• • •1 % :ltilation if these 1' d . '.I. Lowery,► Clinton: b• nut .,•• •pded 10. 1; t!. \-c 1' 1 •1:. \1:- N. `•1. Johnston. teach. ! 1 1 - 11 1 • i'I %et:. ly rood r •- ! r fit ;1-.. \\ . 11. Johns- pun lohns- brought n most successful institute pulls e 1 fo:luw. The nddr -- w ,s 1 b bn close. spoil at •1 cr. It, rl 1n11711 int; teh:eh Ifo u.'!•,, .. N. \:. 31 •, ,, ert1: i, wa' slew r: ie III dace-, on 11, is fol- , 1i"it1•.-'1',I (:,u. I::lift!. (',ii•t(0. J. 101%01 11 elf ill fp! 0,•.:r - too!; 1' I'':I . 1 I)1: III: \i, . ?lel, OA part 1 1 1 net. 11 t,. ' i . V, le pie-. (:ed .;eh. Joh': ;. 310111 11111 '.1. - - ': .41:1. I :I e.I:I d ' al' 1511(1 .'•I1ii 1: •' 11.1.1 I -1c 1 '11.,1 rl. :4.,.% ,,, • 4 :,(•11 1 r.. , , - 1 u tut 1. ; .1 :ivy"... ... ' rr t, 11r .1 ! . 1' ,1 111 u.1 , \- I II ,-i, ,1 '1 I. i. ,l.,r. . ,.•.. t , ' Co.:. ! 1,. I. -.•.,y.- Th m:1 I•, • t ,!I N --.i 4:-I ' •a • I .• ,%.,I :l Ie i 1. . 1.:II •I I ' 3 4 1•, I!,, -11 r 1 . ' i 1 elution commits .•,, hrought 1 vwlvNV ;,CASTORIA The Kind 1 cu (lave Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, Lets borne the t.ignaturo of and has been ur.ttle, antler his per- S011al 1•I1pCi•\-isiolt Fines; its infancy. Allow no 0:10 tafleeeiate you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -rood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experieneo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ,substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Band allays Feverishness. It cures Diurrlit ea anal Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulent.. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childreu'13 Panacea—Tho llother'S Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA Bears the Signature of •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1S55 I� • CAPITAL (raid lip) ... .... $3 soo.00000 • I RESERVE FUND $3.soo.000.00 i Has tis Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the. Principal Cities in the World. • • General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. • Dickson &Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •♦N♦NNaN•NN••••••••tt•0••••••••••••••.....N..1d1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE UE.•D OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED) 1861 B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,0004911 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Haea,ter1 Reserve Fund, - 6,000)00000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers Cheques recently issued by this 131 nk are amost Fogy ALWAYS i ti way in which to carry money when travelling. ey are issued In denominationt , $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France. Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Swedon and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131* Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager Branch also at Crediton. The Kind You Han Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COM•.NY, 77 MURRAY , NEW YORK CITY. nit. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. f3, 1J D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of I !R. C. D. S. of Ontario and Honor I Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors Partners are making good use of the dry weather, putting in their seeding. The most of the farmers :pent the twenty-fourth in the field. For any ease of nervousness. sleep- lessness, weak xionr:u:h, indigestion. dyspep-i 1, try Carter'm little Liver Pills. Relief ie sure. The only nerve medicine in market. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Boughi Bears tho Signature of Centralia Mrs. Iteddon and family. are spend - i. a few• days with her mother Mrs. 13. !landlord : A number from here took in the sports nt Exeter. and some of the boys brought home their share of prizes. Mr. 'W.. ill. Butt. of Toronto Uni- versity, Faculty of Medicine, spent a DSR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D .1../D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto The Osborne and Hibbert :!University. Farmers Mutual Fire lnsur 1 Dental Surgeon anr;e Gompanu Office over Gladman & Stanbury Main street—E%ETER, Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.! W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C President —J. L. RUSSELL. I t/ • P. S•, Graduate Victoria Un V toe-I'reaident—W. 11. PA38MOng realty. oMce and resldenence. Dominion Lan o r a to ry. Exeter. DIRECTORS. Associate Coroner of Huron. WM, ROY, BoasnmeM P. 0: - Waf. BROCK WINCHELSEA P, O. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 01 ROBERT NORRIS. Stella. AGENTS. JOHN EOQt:RY, Exeter, agent for HIt, Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un- iversity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, I)r. Amos' old stand itsborne and Biddu)ph• Andrew Street, Exeter. OLIVER BARRIS, Munro, street 'TA TO LOAN for Hibbort, Fullerton and Logan. JOSHUA J G1I NSWe have unlimited private fund.' ror invest - sat upon farm or village lroperty at Lowe, t Secy.Treas. Farquhar. 1 r dies of Interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, i,lieitors • DICKSON ft CARLING Exeter DICKSON & CARLiNG, BORN TII?MAN.—in Dashwood, on biay 19 1: misters Solicitors; Notaries, Conve racers I:ew- .tar; 11.,(1e: -the parental root, to 11 r. and Mrs. !)avid Tiernan. a Commts+toners, bollcitors tor tfl0 0t+006 blit Las eosin returned to Toronto. ti• Baok,lto. P. •.. leu:.. is visiti,lg her sonDSAR[(IEDU'1. Motley to Loan at�lowest ratesof tntereet. in Ilrtru:l. I;AI.LANT1'N1.-11eUNA'Li)—At theOFFICRI-MAIN STREET. EBICTER. Farms:v.• preparations are being ThamesRoad Manse, by the Rev. 1 a, CARLING n. A. 6 H. D[otoc■ mad.. for the annual .111:y 1st cele- Colin Fletcher. M, A. on JVednese bra1'oa here. day. liay 1601, 190'.1. :William M O�,EY TO LOAN. Ib . W. 1i. Butt, gave n beanti- Ilnl:antyne. eldest son of the late ! i :,: r•'ctt:r• to:k oa ern pa n to 1 he ,lames Itallantyne, to Justina Mc- We have alarge amount ofprivate tondo I. • •1 'ft:csday evening. Donald. youngest daughter of the ► oxo on farm and village properties atlowrata late Robert McDonald. Interest.DIED'i n , (1,-1 oak en 1 discouraged, wi11 KIRK 11Y -1n St. Marys. on Tuesday, Barristers solicitors, 111 .1n SO/C lete,OLADMAN & STANBURY r( c. i.0 Lo.It mental ;.n 1 bodily vigor May 18th. Francis Kirkby, need by using Carter's Iron fills, whiah1 79 years. (: months, 17 clays. are made for the blood, nervus and, complexion. \' t;11:^1, wit h pale co lorless faces 11:\1' 0 n.� M r. Rob .rt C'arly-'.•. Lot _4 con. � 3. flay. w:l' I. . c' Irir•• auction, U 1 I , .. 1 r• .•.. and • • .1 .'014.' !,yn et f t 1,: i.l iI MOUNTAINS farnl• Weak on Mathematics. Ina recant trial a judge mado an11 . We are constantly sewing on incite a test of mental sotar[frlea9• But if this test had been applied to : the best cloths money can buy certain great men they would halm1 OF GOLD berm declared imbeciles. Dean Stan. WO are reaping satisfied ('l1S• ley, eminent author aril divine, fila toinel'S. Natural, isn't it; one, would have been set down. to bonnie:es had he been judged by up During Co.ange of Life, When we sow our advertishment in Incapacity to do a atm in eitnpio + Barclay the newspapers, stating the price for &titm or multiplication. (lad Rob says Mrs. (,has. a Suit, Coat, Trousers, or whatever writer of famous hymns, assingg the ad. might suggest, we include the notnlong havhis te knownhmetic him. 'would'''' 1 : l l)the Challgeof i.ifeandas g fferetl best of everything in that suit. bursar he found, to his horror, ', • r from nervousness The beet (,loth, the best Linings, the curtain account; came out nearly i andotherannoying best I'adding's, the hest Thread ete., 0 000 to the had. In vain did tho •' °{ symptoms, and I as well as the hest of our ability in Cut- ting,ran trills' say that tit.g, Fitting and Making, shouldn't learned and pion:( men of the we reapour re t v( nkham s it him. I, tial:ti figures w h ove r tho o B°e d is sowed In reap ouaeol Com - mill an expert was summoned r• Vegetable Com- Ih:y a . y P ! pound has proved of our customers. When you need a discovered that Keble in casting up • �I mountains + is column had added the dato of the •`x., „ worth al it Suit. (_,Oat, Trousers or Weak Htdne ., sandy Int to weak kidney a fR gold year to the college debts restored my health ]E' iInCt' vest moves. The Kidneys, ll" the:heart. an and strength. I •r Stomach, find their r<oetn••s, not In the irl this ad. lendyou to our shop where itself• but in the nerve, that control and `un (letting Back at England. �;. never forget to tell and strengthen them. Dr. snoop's x va.ri rut A book on Ithettmaoop s and a trial 1•.i. can rove to ou that we live u) to trentmetit of itr. Shoop's Rheumatic "The English n-111 ridicule us for say- r my friends what p Y i a medicine specifically prnparvf to rcaen en Mukha Itt 0 word. controlling nervus. To doctor the Kidneys al Remedy—liquid or Tablets—is being ing 'vary' and 'turrlblo' and 'momma' . _, Lydia E. I Inkham's Is futile. �t Is a . To of time, and of money sent free to mutterers by Dr. Shoop. ' when we go abroad," said a school- ! ' ' Completed has done for ine - wen. ti•ii trying period. Complete it your bark aches nr 1s week, it the urtno if Racine. Wis. You that are well. IIla'Rm, "but we w111 have OUr answer - spell..ort+darkand strnrtg.if)rinhave symptoms u health means so Much (' of Drights or other distressing or dangerous kid - ..c: .r this book for a cmc rliscourj 1 i• ready.U H0 tzmann i-ir•nrtcncrl sufferer) Dan atoll "He'll ask theta why, when they• 1 1 thes,lkeofuthersuffer• nPydlsease,tryDr.Ahnnp'ala•stotathcarnonth• u„ I am willing to make my TabL4. or Liqu1.l--and s.. whet It pen and wil11 of hmmnn!tyl Point out th ' 114 I • 1 dolor you, Drllaaistrecommeodand sell t, ay' to quick and certain relief 1 til:I - want to know it we desire n cab, they, !rraible I '•l',,• se yott may publish ( l' l 1 I .I O � _ M_M snoop sufferers. by first getting � say: :1.1•( lett 1 ' ! 4:- 1'I(AS. 3AHLLAY, """�' ,r ,1 nit. 1h • 1)001 1 •t ant Ih t• !1 '"1 0 we118, ea?' 1{.1'.i).,1 ,i,le, 's t. 11uron r,::o 0th medicine for woman's ills "� alri , .,,,,;E,,,.,■,,-: ,.�, ar.••�•�,�• ci ! nepreciate Seib aid. Re'11 ask them why they say'pnW In the matter of th cos. r.. tl- --0 1 y. rah' and 'wnftah' and 'In(llar' and •;;.s received such wide -spread and un- Ilam Holmes, Of Meliiama teles a ar will S 0SC for ..dr.GD�i.� . ahs qualified endorsement. . oothermed- ii T 'Wear.' , wino the know of has such a record sentenced to two and a half years In li t:� the Kingston Ell my leu And, not forgetting the 'h. well o f cures of female ills as has Lydia E. pcnitc•ntinry by Judg l Si 1 bur Taylor. of Fort) .!" quote nt them the dialogue between Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Doyle. on n charge of abduction, tit S•'.? i rative �hlt''1'C11 C011sll s1t nl ht Csl!'C thelll �yCr�S CcoiT tLl)Pccv - •in^ his fntheratalaiv Mr. v i'or more than $030'5ts }}t t• ' "1 of Allcal at Toronto ht9 i=- • the tn1sU'c-s and the new mold: 1 has been 1 :,u order to have the jodg mtaH s till; 1. Often a single (l0`t` at bedtime will completely !., "'Is your name Anna or Hannah?' outing, female complaints sin It as f + I' ,rl Ar.: of hu:'lr •..• ", , or their consideration as to control the cough. Good for any one With a colli ('r cath• my at 'a r. \`: , sl •t 1'I•;; •r 'Hannah, mum. inallmmation, ulcerntlo)l, Inca► weak- )•'!.Y nr:.�.,'s, fibroid tumors, irmgulailties, "h S. r or not Holmes should Sore v Goad for easy cases, hard cases; good for 8talctr cases, "'Ol►, Hannah?' been convicted on the evidence nil- " «'No, mum; IInnnah' periodic pafifa, backache, indigestion /bleed at the trial. — t ' your doctor to till you,honesty' and u 1 'ter , , tote rt,rch'ts d «, :nut nervous prostration, and it is chi;►:) 1:+:�(.5• ��� ) eh, •taut driver. [►<I. r 'Hannah, you said.'nnegnallcd for carrying women safely _-__-..__._. , Palpitation of tla heart, her• frankly, just what he thinks of this old standard remedy. to do some fast driving this "'No, Bennett.' through the period of change of life. a..pp(tl to +�miontrt vousnc•s, tremblinlra, nervous tread• No alcohol i'1 this cough medicine. j.c ,at,tr ,i•ou'c!l,Moss. „ ' , , «'Spell it.' it costs but little to try Lydia E. sore auh Dr, ::Soop 9 ash col,► Sande and feet, pain in tho i i' i nrkin•on, 1 nncil'•nl of �•� ,hen, hen, hay!' " 1'inkham's Vegetably Compound, and, Croup Remedy. the back and other forma of weakness --, -,.,,7s-ria-c+va>aeoaezmrsser"'ret>a�4°'t"i°'�`T' i' :: t. ,1v High ychnol. and lirj. r a M ROU {{r,e1st wail surely prom. :1 ' •• liver ala:a's a lazy bay, .1n active Main demon is an active liver• Na better I. „kin'nr,. are spending the holiday. as is "worth tnotII- Nn vomiltnR M, dl+ aro relieved by Carter's Iron rills (a.,,,;,,e f '•t•y; end gals than AScr's Pills. Ask year t! .;:or about then). !ie kaotvs, at the home of hie mother. y Caine of gold to reoffering w0IInen.1111111111110.11WWV'N.ii:::. -; treK=..t sore anti Iea.togsirup-/}. Druggists 1 nvade specially for the blood nrrvetl Honleseekers Excursions t0 Western Canada. Via Chicago June 1st and 15tS, Via Sarnia and M. ICo. May 31st, and June 15th. Steamer leaves Barns ia1.3Op.m. Winnipeg and return $32.00 _ ' Edmonton and return $42.50 t'roportionate rates to other poyrtss ALASKA — YUKON — PACIFIQI EXPOSITION —SEATTLE— + t Low rate for round trip. Daily ug3 til September 30th, 1909. Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write 3. D. MCDONALD, Unigd Depot, Toronto. Ont. SlooGSis of ire ConadioQ Noii4 W881. HOMESTEADItKOULATIONB. Any person is ho is the sole head of a family, or any male over 11 years old may homestead a quartekl seotoni of available Dominion land to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta. The applicant must appear in t'erson at the Dominion Lamb; Agency Or Sub -agency for the district. Entry bbl proxy may be had at the agenoy, OU certain conditions. by father, mother son. daughter, brother, or sister of intending homesteader. ERNEST ELLICT ancultivation :—Six months residence upon d cultivvation of the land in each Conveyancer Accounts Collected of three years. A homesteader may oNEY In Ivan at Tnar,t (Alta, live within nine utiles of alis homey MNorth west Lands for sale. stead on a tfarm of at least 60 acres Office, Main Street, Exeter solely owned and occupied by hire or his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. "As ye Sew So shall you Reap tt In certain districts a hotnestea.;gt in good standing rnny 'pre-emet a quarter section alongside his house.; stead. Pries) $3. per pore. 'I►utiesr Must reside six months ineaoh of sin years from date of homestead entry; (including the time required to para• homestead patent) and cultivtae fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted bis homestead right and cannot o)r. tain a pre-emption may take n pure chased homestead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Duti(•s.—Must resido six months in each of tbred years, cultivate fill y •,eros and crest a house worth $300.001 tt, tv. coati', Deputy of the Minister of the interior N. D.—Una thorirsl publication of tide advertise went will not be paid for Weak Kidneys 1