HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-20, Page 71 29 1YIEN BLOWN TO ATOMS
Four Tons of Dynamite Exploded Prema-
turely Near Albany, N. Y.
Altepateli from Albany, N. Y.,
says ;!There were 29 me.n killed
shortly before 3 o'clock on Wed-
nesday afternoon, following a pre-
mature explosion of dynamite in
the ('allanan quarries at South
Bothlehe'rn, twelve miles south of
Albany. There wore three injured.
All within the explosion zone were
instantly killed, and the bodies are
unrecognizable. Tho dead include
eight Americans and 21 Italians,
the latter not being known by
name. All the Americans are resi-
rtont.s of the locality. Tho ten
holes for Wednesday's blast wore
drilled 20 feet back from the face
of the bluff, which was 80 feet high.
The holes were 76 feet deep, and
five inches in diameter. It was to
bo the biggest. blast of all, using
over four tons of dynamite. The
blast was scheduled fur five o'clock
in the afternoon, and was expect -
cd to dit bxlgo material fur 25,000
wagon loads of crushed stone. Those
killed had successfully placed the
charges in six of the holes, and
were working upon the seventh
when the shock cause. The explo-
sion is supposed to have been caused
by a defective cap. The 29 bodies
were blown to atoms and scatter-
ed all over the quarry. It was half
an hour before anyone dared ap-
proach the scone, fearing danger
front other explosions. As a re-
sult of the explosion, fear ha.s
seized the 165 Italian laborers cm-
rloyed about the quarry, and many
have fled.
CROPS 1N :APItile.
Statement Issued by the Guvern-
uteut Census Office.
A despatch from Ottawa says :
Tho census and statistics office is-
sued on Wednesday a statement of
crops and live stock for the month
ci April. Vegetation is later than
usual this year, and seeding has
been delayed by the weather condi-
tions throughout the Northwest
Provinces. Winter wheat at the
end of April was uniform in all
pares of Ontario and compared
with a standard crop it ranks at
76.5 per cont. Hay and clover av-
erage 83 per cent. Fodder for
stock has been ample, as is denoted
by the condition of farm animals.
Horses aro 92 per cent. of standard,
mileh cows 88; other horned cattle
84, swine 91, and sheep 85.60 per
A Scotch Commissioner Impressed
ti With the !fest.
It A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Western Canada has just reaped
the first direct benefits of the visit
of ti o Scottish Agricultural Com-
mscion last year, ono of the com-
iuissionc+rs, Mr. J. M. (lodge, hav-
ing rct.ttrned and purchased 5,1,00
acres in southern Alberta, paying
herefor $70,00. He is delighted
• �,.- with the land, declaring it to be
the richest ho has ever seen. This
is likely to he followed by a largo
influx of Scottish capital for invest-
ment in land.
('our Thousand iaunps Burned lour
(lours at Omaha.
A despatch from Omaha. says:
Tho Omaha Electrical Show was cur
Wednesday night lighted by a wire-
less current. The current came
from the Government wireless sta-
tion, five miles distant from where
the show is being held. There were
4,000 incandesoont lamps a .d fir
four hours the lamps were lighted
by the wireless current. Tho sys-
tem by which the experiment was
made was a discovery by I)r. Fred-
erick Millener, wireless expert of
the Union Pacific Railroad.
Little Girl Killed on ('arm in Sas-
A despatch from Tuxford, Sask.,
says : A horrible accident happened
on the farm of E. Eaton, near here,
ov Wednesday, when his little
daughter, who w•as riding with hint
Keys Taken By Force From the
Deposed Sultan.
A special despatch from Salonika
says that Talaat Bey, Vice -Presi-
dent of the Chamber of Deputies,
who was sent there to arrange with
Abdul Hamid for the transference of
his fortunes to the Government, suc-
ceeded in obtaining the signature
of the former Sultan for the with-
drawal of funds from foreign banks,
but that Abdul Hamid resolutely re-
fused to deliver up the keys to two
iron rooms in the Yiluiz Kiosk,
which had resisted all efforts at
forcible entry. After Talaat Bey's
departure, the despatch says,
officers of the guard, furious at the
ex -Sultan's refusal to comply with
the demand, rushed into his room
and ordered him to surrender the
keys without further parley.
Telegraphlo Briefs From Our Own
and Other Countries of
Recent Events.
Grand Trunk Pacific officials
deny that the men aro ill-treated
in the construction camps.
Wilfred Bishop, clerk in the Ot-
tawa postollice, has been arrested
on a charge of stealing letters.
Hon. W. S. Fielding will go to
London after the session ends to
arrange for a fifty -million -dollar
The Government will appoint in-
spectors of gear and tackle at sev-
eral shipping ports of the Domin-
The Government is about to send
a commission to Great Britaind
Occurrences In the Land Thal
(feigns Supreme in the Cows
inertial World.
St. Paul's school celebrates its
four hundredth anniversary next
Thousands of tons of sand have
been deposited by the sea at South -
church, Essex.
Since August, 1905, the West
BuDistress Committee has ex-
pended 1331,145.
Valuable machinery was destroy-
ed by fire at the Coates !'ark Col-
liery, Alfreton.
On the South Beach at Yarmouth
a scenic railway is to be bunt this
summer at a cost of $75,000.
At the Elliott Collieries of the
aur Powell Duftry•n Company, lhy►u-
Denurark to study the bacon in- flex Valley, two men were killed
dustry. by the fall of a roof.
Hon. Adam Beck's company is The Testament which ha.s been
prepared to supply the city of Lon- used at the Essex Quarter Sessions
don with two and a half million since 1750 has been replaced by a
gallons of water daily. new one.
Tho Railway Commission bas A ninety-one-year-old woman
ordered that stations and passer- named Pratt was burned to death
ger cars bo regularly cleaned out
and kept in sanitary condition.
Elmer Pennock, a medical stu-
dent at Queen's, went suddenly in- accused at Yarmouth of stealing a
sand at Brockville, on Thursday, pennyworth of coal, was dealtwith
and attempted to kill his mother. as a first offender.
Ho was couunitted to theasylum. The Queen has presented Mrs.
Sir Richard Cartwright informed Close,chief aewardess of the Dov -
Senator Loughotd that Canada er-Caais steamers, with a. gold
would be represented at the Im- brooch set with brilliants.
Dead twin babies (still born) were
discovered in a large bag a woman
had been seen to leave in the New
the balance sheet of the Dominion Cross station, London.
Simeon Snell,
anted oto $837,6.10, but there o Bcalpresident of
was a liability on the books of the British Medical Association and
one of the leading opthalnuic sur-
geons, died recently at Sheffield.
Alderman John Banks, who died
at Folkstone recently, was a mem-
ber of the Town Council for fifty-
two years, and was mayor six times.
Among the articles stolen by bur-
glars from the house of the Rev.
Congress at Liverpool, on Thursday, A. Swann, vicar of Christ church,
intimated that she was not in sync- Fulham, was a burglary insurance
pathy with the suffragettes. I polity.
A British departmental committcei During the past year $2,798,545,
appointed to inquire into the queso of which $2,348,790 went to the Vic -
tion has reported that there is a toric and Albert Museum, was
meat combine in Britain. though it spent oa the national museums of
is not at present powerful enough the United Kingdom.
to endanger the country's mat For driving sheep in Islington
(ler Body Found Under Suspicious
A despatch from Vancouver, B.C.,
says: Face downwards the body of
a well-dressed woman was dis-
covered on Wednesday under a
clump of brush in Burnaby. Noth-,
ing near affords any clue except the
remains of a small fire, wherein
paper had been burned and pos-
sibly the woman's hat. No person
has been missed in New West-
minster or vicinity for months. Tho
cause of death is not yet ascertain-
ed, but as the clothes aro badly
turn in places, there is a probability
that she meet with a violent death
during a struggle. The corpse has
apparently been exposed to tho
elements about four months.
School Roard of Winnipeg 31ade a
Fiat increase of Fifty Dollars.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
The School Board was generous on
Tuesday night and gave the 240
ladies employed in the 30 city
schools n flat increase of $50 per
annum, in addition to such in-
creases to which they were entitled.
it was explained that the city pay
is the smallest anywhere. The
board also issued authority to raise
$200,000 on 35 -year bonds.
Mother Ran Through Flames of
Burning House.
A despatch from Sterlis.g, Mani-
toba, says: !While outside milking
her cows, Mrs. Harris Courtney
discovered that her house was on
fire. 11 'tiding her apron over her
on a land roller was run ovtr and head the mother pluckily dashed
killed by the roller, following tho through the fire and saved her four
runaway of the team. The father children, who were huddled in an
inner room. Mrs. Courtney's hair
caught fire and she was bndly
burned about the head and ears.
vas injured also, but not seriously.
Tho horses were frightened by the
whistle of a steads plow.
Entire District Laid Waste About Marash
in the Recent Rioting.
.iespatch from Beirut, Turkey,
ys: The recent rioting in the vi-
cinity of Marash has laid waste
that entire district. Marash itself
was spared, for only a few per-
sons there were killed, but within
sixty miles to the southwest a total
of sixteen villages, with a popula-
tion of 8,000 souls, have been prne-
tieally wiped out. Tho only sur-
vivors aro boys under ten and old
women. The girls were carried
away and the men killed. Tele-
graphic rep„rte received on 1Wcd-
nosday declare that the hungry and
naked number 1.1,000. Innnediate
relief is required. The interior dis-
tricts are still far from settled, and
from all directions the most heart-
rending accounts and appeals ere
laving received here.
A despatch from Constantin'•; -
says: Constantinople alto.•, -sed a:u
other batch of executions on Wed-
nesday morning when 24 mutineers
of the army and navy were hanged
in public within the city limits.
This makes a total of 38 executions
within the capital since the revolu-
tion of April 13. Four of the men
on \1'edncsclay were hanged near
the Sultan's palace, eight at the
marine Iia.rracks. eight in the 1)jin-
zi Meidn.n quarters of Stamboul
and four at the War Office. It was
desired to impress the people with
the fact that the guilty hod been
punished, and had the hangings
not been public the people would
have thought that the condemned
men bad raved themselves by brib-
ing otfucial% or that the elatement
of their execution was nothing more
than n political lie.
Thu s are rumors of a rising of
.\lleeli els et 1-Neee, shout a btin-
c' d :.a Salonika.
while sitting before the lire at Wens
Deane, Chichester.
A watersrran, aged 75, who was
Aerial Defence Conferenco in Lon-
don, probably by Sir Frederick Bor-
den and Hon. L. P. Brodeur.
The worthless assets wiped out in
$363,887, and it was also wiped out,
leaving the net increase in the pub-
lic debt $437,759.
Queen Alexandra, in a message of
sympathy to the Women Nurses'
A Chicago girl danced herself to
death. make a profit of $7,430 this year
The United titrates Senate25 by letting sites for roundabouts,
Thursday voted for a duty of 2b( swings, and cocoanut shies in tho
cents a ton on iron ore.
('apt. Peter C. Mains, who shet parks for bank holidays.
and killed William E. Annis on Weighing 186% grains, a Greek
Long Islond last August has been cosh (stater) of 13. C. 489 to 240,
winch is considered by many the
finest example in existence, was
sold in London for $1,075.
Goergo Mason, a glass worker,
and his son John, aged eight years,
parish on Sunday, in contravention
of the Islington Parish Act, John
Fuller was, at the London Police
Court, fined aixpence.
The London County Council will
found guilty of manslaughter.
Premier Stolypin of Russia will
remain at the head of the Cabinet. were found dead in their house at
The Turkish troops at Eueroum St. Helens. They bad evidently
are said to be on the verge of ( been suffocated by gas.
mutiny. been
Ait, an island in tho
The German. Emperor and the King Thames at Surbiton, for over 50
of Italy met on \Wednesday at the years the headquartere, of Kingston
The French Chamber of Deputies
port of Brindisi. j itott•ing Clubwas sold by auction
recently atthe Mart for $:50,000.
It has cost the ratepayers $3,500
to maintain the children of Wil-
liam Terry, who was remanded at
the Lambeth Pollee Court recently.
on a charge of deserting them.
The Queen has sent a cheque for
$125 to assist in the restoration of
St. Peter's church, Walpole, near
on Thurs•lny endorsed the Govern-
ment's attitude with regard to the
postal strike.
accident to Express on iiippena
Braueh of the C. 1'. It.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese sad
Other Dairy Produce al
Toronto, May 18. -Flour -Ontario
wheat 90 per cent. patents $5.15 to
$5.25 to -day iu buyers' sacks out-
side for export; on track, Toronto,
$5.40 to 8..50. Manitoba flour; first
p,.tents, $6.20 to ti6.40 on track,
Toronto; second patents, $5.70 to
$5.80, and strong bakers', $5.b0 to
$5.60, on track, Toronto.
Wheat -No. 1 Northern, May de-
livery, $1.27, Bay ports; ;\o. 2,
$1.24j; and No. 3, $1.23.
Ontario wheal ---$1.25 to $1.28 for
No. 2, according to location and de-
Barley -No. 3 extra 60 to 61c out-
side., and No. 3 58c outside.
Oats -Ontario No. 2. 48%c on
track, Toronto, and 46 to 47c out-
side; No. 2 Western Canada 49c.
and No. 3 48e, Bay ports.
Peas -No 2, 95 to 96c outside.
Rye -No. 2, 74 to 75c outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 62 to 04c out-
Corn No. 2 American yellow
81 4c on track, Toronto, and No. 2
at 80%c on track, Toronto; e ana-
diat yellow, 76e on track, Toronto.
Bran -Manitoba $23.50 in sacks,
Toronto freights; shorts, $2-1.50 to
825, 'Toronto freignts.
Apples $4 to $s for choice quali-
ties, and $3 to $3.00 for seconds.
Beans -Prime, $1.90 to $2, and
hand-picked, $2.10 to $2.15 per
Honey -Combs, $2 to $2.75 per
dozen, and strained, 10 to Ilc per
Maple syrup -95c to $1 a gallon.
Hay -No. 1 timothy $13 to $13.50
a ton on track here, and lower
grades, $11 to $11.50 a ton.
Straw -$7.50 to $3 on track.
Potatoes -Car lots, 90c per bag
on truck. Delawares, $1.10 to $1.15.
I1 tiltry-Chickens, dressed, 16 to
18c per Ib; fowl, 12 to 14c; turkeys,
20 to 220 per lb.
Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 22c;
tubs and large rolls, 16 to 18e; infer-
ior, 14 to 15e; creamery rolls, 23 to
25e, and solids, 19 to 20c.
Eggs -Case lots 19c per dozen.
Cheese -Large cheese. old, 14 to
14%c per lb. and twins, 14% to
14%c; new cheese, dull at 12,E to
I3acon long clear, 13 to 13%c per
lb in case lots; muss pork $21 to
$21.50; short cut, $23 to $24.
Hams -Light to medium, 14 to
15c; do., heavy, 13 to 13%c; rolls,
11% to 11%e; shoulders, 10% to
lie; backs 17 to 17%c; breakfast
bacon, 15% to 16c.
Lard -Tierces, 13%c; tubs, 13%c;
pails, 13%c.
Third Accident to Allan Liners Since the
Opening of Navigation.
A despatch from Montreal says:
A marooni3raua was on 'Phurs day
received by the Allan Lino from
Captain Fcurfull of the Tunisian,
stating that that vessel had suffered
an accident almost similar to that
which recently befell the Lake
Champlain, and that he bad been
/•0urpellcxd to put into St. Johne,
Newfoundland. for safety. The
Tunisian, while steaming slowly,
inward -bound, through heavy field
ice, struck an unusually heavy
mass and started a. plate under
her forepeak. The broken plate
caused quite a h::;:'•7• leak, and Cap-
tain Fairfull considered it his duty
to head at once for St. John's,
which was only sixty miles dis-
Montreal, May 18. -Peas ---No. 2,
$1.05 to $1.00. Oats -Canadian
Western, No. 2, 52% to 53c; extra,
1. o. 1 feed, 51% to 52c ; No. 1 feed,
51 to 511,•Yc. Barley -No. 2, 70 to 72e ;
Manitoba feed, 60 to 60%c. Buck-
wheat -09'A to 70c. Flour-Mani-
tnha Spring wheat patents, firsts,
$6.30; Manitoba Spring wheat,
patents, seconds, $5.80: Manitoba
strong bakers, $5.60; Winter wheat
patents $6.15 to $6.25; straight roll-
ers Lynn, which is said to he ers, 80 to $6.10; straight rollers, in
A despatch from North Bay says' the finest v•illage •church in the bags, 2.00 to $3; extra, in bags,
A dangerous accident occurred on count $2..,0 to 8160. Feed -Manitoba
Wednesday on the Kippewa branch Placed in a wickerwork coffin, bran, $2'l to 8`23; Manitoba shorts,
of the C. P. R. between Mnttawa the body of Mrs. Sheppard, wife, $24 to $25; Ontario bran, $23 to 824;
and Kippow•a. Tht railway runs .of Col. $hcppard, D.S.U., was at Ontario shorts, 824.50 to $25; On -
north from Mattawa to the foot. of Usmiugton, Duract, conveyed to the
Lake Temisknming, and winds it9 grave on a farm cart covered with
way through the Laurentians, along Iloeera.
narrow ledges far above the Ottawa! According i+► the Iron and Coal
River, 811(1 through minty huge I Trades Review the production of
rock cuttings. As the pnsaengerl in the United Kingdom last
train north, heavily laden, was pass -
pig -iron g
inq through a particularly danger -1 year ntnounted. go 9,289,810 tons,
nus section. whore the roadbefl as commute! with 9,923,853 tons in
clings to the rnonntninside, with the,
commute! 1907 and 10,149,388 tons in 1900.
river many feet below, at five -ton
rock crashed down the declivity,
striking and smashing the locomo-
tive., but fortunntely not forcing the Ry Sight of Dromedary in a ('Ir -
train over the precipice into the 1'118 Parade.
rocky canyon. The passengers
were severely shaken up by the A valuable horse was frightened
sudden stop. but not seriously injur- !o death at Elizabeth, New Jersey,
ed. So tightly was tno engine the other day, by the sightof a
wedgo•d by the immense rock that big dromedary in a passing circus
dynamite had to be utilized to clear parade. Tho parade was going
the wreckage.
.t SM.lLI, .1 S1 I, U 31.
Ten insane Persons Now Confined `'tyles, had stopped there to let the
in Orangeville .(nil.ptrade go by.
! When the dromedary came along
A despatch from Orangeville says: the horse gave every evidence of in -
The colony of lunatics at present tense fright. Rearing and plung•
confined in the county jail here, ing in the shafts, it gave a neigh
numbering nine, was increased on and a snort, and then collapsed,
!Wednesday- evening by the arrival talling to the pavefnent. After giv-
of John Carr of the township of ing a few couvlusive kicks the ani-
Allaranth. (-'arr arrived on the teal stiffened and was dead.
evening train in charge of Constable 1 The dromedary seemed to he
Laverty of Shelburne. hosing Leen about as badly frightened as the
committed as a dangerous lenatiel horse. and the men attending it
by George Itutherferd, Pollee Mat~is-thael n bard time to control the ani -
trate of that villsze. Carr is 0 :Ilia! For a time the big cancel
farmer, aged nboat th'rty five. nodi nettle 'ucl► n commotion that the
will be mcdicelly examiner) ►1s e,•ut
as peesihle. The nulhoritres are de-
termined to round tip such pee 1.
through First street, and the Iroro, Si t0 59%;c; standard, 59 to 69,2c.
wa, was which was attached to a delivery .Minneapolis, May 18. -Wheat --
street standing
'driver, at ►urtseph May, $1.20; July, 81.211,;; Sept.,
$1.07%; cash, No. 1 hard. $1.28%
to 81.29%; No. 1 Northern, 81.27%
to 81.28%; No. 2 Northern. 81.25%
to $1.20%; No. 3 Northern. 81.23•%
to 81.25;;. Flour -Fires patents,
80.10 to $6.30; second patents, $0
to $0.20; first clears, 84.75 to $1.-
95; second clears, $3.35 to 83.55.
Bran -In bulk, 834 to 821.50.
taut. The vessel will ba<-: auled
there, and if it is found that silo
has sustained serious injuries tho
passengers will be forwarded front
St. John's across Newfoundland to
Port Basque by rail, thence by tho
Reid Newfoundland Compa&niy's
boats to Sydney, whore they will
be taken by special trains to St.
John, N.13., and Montreal. If the
Tunisian has to go into dry dock
the passengers booked for her sail-
ing from Montreal on the 21st in-
' tetant will be transferred to an-
other of the Allan boats. This is
the third accident the Allan brats
have suffered since the opening of
navigation, the Corinthian and Si-
berian having both met mitis mis-
lots, $4 to $5 per head. Sheep
sold at 5 to near 6e per pound;
lambs at $3.50 to 86 each. Good
lots of fat hogs at about 13%c per
Toronto, May 18. -There was an
abundant supply of choice cattle in
both export and butchers' classes,
which sold readily at stop -notch
prices. Ono very fine bunch of
nine export steers realized $6.25,
and several loads sold at 86 and
over. Choice butchers' cattle sold
firm at $5.25 to $5.50, and heavy
cows at $5. Stockers and feeders
were in strong demand. Milkers
and springers s•.trong, except for
common stock, which aro not want-
ed. Calves steady and tit:changed.
Sheep and lambs dearer. Hogs -
Strong demand; selects aro quotes.
at $7.60, fed and watered, and
57.35 f.o.b.
tario middlings, $25 to $25.50; pure
grain mouillic, $33 to $35; mixed
mouillie, *28 to $30. Cheese -12''%
to 12%c, and easter•ns at 12 to 12%c.
Butter -21% to 22c. Eggs 19 to
19%c per dozen.
Chicago, May 18. -Wheat - No.
2 red, $1.45; No. 3 red, $1.30 to
$1.42; No. 2 hard, 81.28 to $1.35;
No. 3 hard, $1.24 to $1.30; No. 1
Northern. `11.29 to 81.30; No. 2
Northern. $l.`2ti to 81.297 h'o. 3
Spring, 81.21 to $1.28. Corn - No.
2. 75 to 76c; No. 2 yellow, 75% to
70; No. 3, 75 to 75%c; No. 3 white,
75N to 76c; No. 3 yellow, 75'A to
76c; No. 4, 71 to 7.3%c Oats --
No. 2 white, 59% to 59%c; No. 3
ttbite, 58% to 69%e; No. 4 white,
cloud which lined t he street Was
;w:u1 stricken. Inns +tbe attendants
fi,aally Kot the 5! 111111 quieted and
as are a menses, 1.. th.• community t::c p; mule n►ovrd on.
Montreal, May 18.---A largo pro•
port icon of the butchers' cattle were
milkrnen's strippers. which sold at
from 3% to 4%e per pound, prime
beeves sold at 5':l to a little over 6c;
pretty g'xxl animals. 4'; to 5%e;
common stock. 3 to 4'c per pound.
Milch cows. $30 to ()ter $60 each.
Calve*, 82 to *8 each, pretty good
Three Men Billed in the Red Jacket
Mine in Michigan.
A despatch from Calumet, Mich.,
says : Death which was swift and
sure, but none the less terrible,
came to three miners at the Red
Jacket mine hero on Thursday
afternoon when the ground upon
which they were at work suddenly
gave way, precipitating all three
into a yawning abyss. For a dist••
ante of six thousand feet the shaft
runs down into the very bowels of
the earth, and through this opening
file unfortunate men were shot as
though impelled by a mighty cata•
pull. The bodies were crushed in-
to an unrecognizable mass of blood
and splintered bone. The men were
all foreigners. The shaft of the
Iced Jacket mine is famous all over
the world as the deepest working
mine in existence.
Was Crawling Between
Yards at North Bay.
A despatch from North Bay says:
Mrs. Benjamin Patterson, a woman
of forty, was ground beneath the
wheels of a train in the cast yards
of the C. P. R. on Wednesday
night. The Pattersons live beside
the tracks and frequently cross de
yards. Mrs. Patterson Was crawl-
ing under a train 011 a siding when
it started. Both of her legs were
amputated, and she died on Thurs-
day morning. Four little children
are left motherless, as well as a
husband out of work. His eighteen -
year -old daughter died suddenly
two weeks ago.
Cars in
Costly Evperiment Made Neces-
sary by Decreasing Coal Supply.
Sir William ltamsay's recent sug-
gestion that the interior heat of
the earth might be tapped by means
of a bore bole, is not exactly new.
indeed, experiments have actually
been undertaken with that end in
Ono of the most important was
carried out some years back by the
German Government at a place
called Paruschowitz, in Silesia,
when a depth of 9,572 feet was
reached. Of course, the bore is of
very slender dimensions, three feet
six iuches in diameter at the top,
decreasing gradually to two feet six
inches at the depth of one mile, at
which it remains for the rest of tho
At La Chapelle is a bore of a si-
milar kind, and nearly as deep,
constructed by the French Govern-
ment for experimental purposes;
and another similar one exists near
Stavropol, in Southern Russia.
In each case, it was the original
intention to carry the bore notch
lower, but the expense was found
to be prohibitive, when contrasted
with the prespective results. That
is the worst of such work. After
a certain depth the cost increases
by leaps and bounds, and the time
occupied lengthens proportionately.
Thus, the Hon. Charles Parsons,
of turbine fame, who has made a
special study of tho question, esti-
mates that to drill a. hole ten miles
deep through the earth's crust
would cost $25,000,000, and take
eighty years.
The job is a stupendous one. Yet
it may be necessary for us to un-
dertake it. Our coal supply will
not lust forever, and, when this is
exhausted, the greatest industrial
communities will be those that have
tho most direct means of access to
the stored -up heat of the earth's
Stitt Sentence Passed on a Prisoner
at Belleville.
A despatch from Belleville says:
Manual Hannah, a resident of the
northern part of Hastings County,
was, on Wednesday morning, before
Judge Doroche, found guilty of
stabbing Louis Saucier and inflict-
ing grievous bcdily harm. Ifo was
sentenced to five years in the peni-
tentiary. Ho was also convicted
of assaulting a man named William
Baudry, and was sentenced to two
years in the penitentiary, sentenc=
es to run concurrently.
C. P. R. Mechanics and Company
(teach an Agreement.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
It is stated on reliable authority
that the difficulties between the U.
I'. R. and their mechanics have
been satisfactorily settled. All
the strikers are to be reinstated,
and the old wage sohedulo restored
practically, and old conditions re-
verted to. U. H. 1Varl represent -
cd the machinists, and II. If.
Vaughan the Company. While no
mention is made, it is understood
the men are not returning to their
previous standing on the peusien
FELL ON A t'ROW'B.tll.
Farmer Near Ottawa Killed While
Aiding a Neighbor.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Culler ('.Morgan, n farmer, living
near Hazelden, was fatally injured
on Wednesday evening, while as-
sisting in the erection of n diking
shed for a neighbor. He slipped
from a sill, and in falling landed on
the sharp end of a crowbar standing
upright in the ground. He died
a few hours afterwards.
Child's Father Saw a Large Rodent Leap
From the Cradle.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Death as the result of the bite of a
rat nes the sad fate of little Eu-
gene Janibean. the 9 -days -old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jamheau,
of 131 13es'erer Street. on Thurs-
day morning. nftcr having been se-
verely bitten en the hand by a large
grey rat. The infant developed
blood -poisoning. The baby had
slept in its carriage in the sane
room ns its parents for steeral
nights, and on Friday night last
1 this was also the cafe. Mrs. ,lam-
beau retired about 1 o'clock, her
husband being already asleep. At
2 o'clock she was awakened by the
sound of the baby's cry, and
aroused her husband. On pimping
out of bed he saw sr large grey rat
leap from the carriage ty the floor,
and escape in spite of hiss attempts
to kill it. The baby wag found
with its left had covered with blond
(roan F's en bites ern the inside of
the palm. Medical assistanc•r eats
summoned. and an antiseptic ap-
plied, but blood poisoning seen set
tri. and the infant grew rapidly
wursc, until death ensued.