HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, MAY 20th1909
Spring Necessit
'Mr. 'Charles Eilber, of Zurich,
les 'Mr.
Thursday Sin town.
Miss hose Roczlcr who has been
working at Mr. A. Hill's, is spending
' a few weeks at her home.
J Mrs. l'red 1(owatd and children. are
visiting at her horde in Zurich.
' Alr. Joseph Hoist had a narrow
This spring's shipment has been the largest. shipment of Wall 1 aper we • th.•other evening. While
driving home he ran into another
ever received. The range is complete and the designs ate new and very at- I buggy • smashing his own. rig but he
tea five. The material is best for the stoney and the colorings are rich and j himself escaped uninjured.
durable, Many stripes are shown with scenery Borders. See our selections We are glad to Fee ti Mr. Roy Fahner
before you buy. ; around again after being shut in for
some time with scarlet fever.
\Ve are sorry to say that the wife
of Mr. Wesley Finkbeiner is serious -
The spring outlook in the carpet line is very bright. See our range of l\• itt•
Tapestry, Unions. Stair Carpets and Jap Matting, also Hugs. \Vill procure Rev. (lean was in Zurich Thursday
these for you in any size. Showing Union carpets from 25c to 50c per yard. evening where he gave a rousing
I lecture on temperance.
Mr. harry Eilber has traded
horses with Mr. G. Essery. of Cen-
tralia. harry has one of the best
The increasing demand for our Linoleums prove that their Value is becotn- horses in town now.
Ing well known. Have them in'2 yds and 44 yds wide. M••. Foss;l, of Dashwood, spent
Have Floor Oilcloths 1, 1 and 2 yards wide. Prices right. '' Mr.n town.
`.1•.. ;ust Hill has become nn ex-
pert at running his automobile.
Linoleums and Oilcloths
Lace Curtains, Damask Curtains, and Cretonnes in big variety.
Curtain Poles, Window Shades, in different colors and prices.
Give us a call for Furnishings and Decorations for your home
Retailers of all kinds of Seeds, Potatoes, etc.
Highest Market Prices for Produce.
S. gRowN
Buggies Buggies
Just Arrived
A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of Ontario
in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do
well to look over our stock before purchasing. No trouble to show goods.
Vehicles fully guaranteed. A call solicited.
Trevethick & Hodgins
Machine Repairin
We have just added a new ..ache to our shop and are now in
a position to do repairing of all kinds. We can repair your
Mower. Binder. Drill, in fact anything. If you have any machine
repairing to be done, just. bring it here and we wits make it as
good as new for you,
Repairing Grain Separators and Engines
Our Prices are Right
Blacksmith and Machine Repairing. CREDITON
Any Cold Can be Cured
without "cold cures," cough mixtures" and
the like opiate filled medicines. All you have to
do is to open your bowels wide with
awe OrriCE
That will carry the cold germs and systemic poisons away and
you'll get well in no time. 1f you have a cold or are con-
stipated or have rheumatism, liver or kidney troubles,
take an NR tablet to -night and you'll feel
better in the morning. ``
4/4 54 Geta 25c Box 4(
ban Pills -for
For Sale by W. S. Cole, Fxt'tt'r.
Dr.. K. & K. nrn favorably known through
out Canada where they tiny.. done bins
seas for titer :7u years Thousands tit laments
have been trrale 1 and cured by their great
skill ani through the virtue of their New
Method Treatment. tt hen ) nu trq tit a ah
thr,n you know you are dealing $vitt, rest on
sd.le physicians BY Ihcy awn and occupy
their own oftico building iii Detroit, valued
at aloe. etp. When they decide your ca,e is
curable. all your wtrry 1s removed for you
know they hill not deceive you. They
guarantee t-. euro ell curable casen. No
matter how ninny doctors have failed to
l..•nellt you; no metier hoe touch money
you have spent In vnin: no matter how die•
courage 1 you may I e, 4,141 git1. up In des -
t„ dr until you get a free opinion fr. m these
Plant ”r six•eiallsts. if you are at prra•nt
withlu the clutches of any secret hate whirl.
envying your lith 1 y degrees: If you ate
suffering fmm Ib.. ri sults of ins( indiscre-
tion.; if your blood has been tainted from
any private disease and you dare not marry;
If you erre naarrle.l 8114 live In dread of s) mp•
t -ms beaking slit tins exposing yells past;
If yam are sutterinc as the result of n mis-
spent life Der. K. & K. ars pour Refuge.
Lay your env before them ionlld. tit wll) and
0 they w111 tell you honestly If you are curable.
We Treat sea Cure
MONEY and BLADDER Diseases
and all Diseases Peculiar to Men.
Pt. Kr.'srev. 1IFDIC et. Ittarernn
or Ila••. K. ,' K.
Boole Free on Diseases of Men. 1( unable
,o call. write
HOME for
TREATMENT a Question lank ler
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Maoltoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Sp.dal Marlette* T.tw1. 2.00 p.n. se
APRIL A 41 MAYA 11 JUNE 1,111, !N
JULY /1, 2? AUG. 11, 24 SEPT, 7, 21
Sse.ad else tickets
Ir.. Osumi* stakes se Wades'
Northwestals et
Wiati sed recurs $32.00: &locates and swum
842jood� to to
within 60 days heeat socag dee.
oa all uremia's. Condcet.ble berths. Mb, ..sipped
with b.ddias, can be secured at moderate rata thaowls
local sweat.
Early application muesli* made
e.atai.ias raw sad iNI Womble*.
Aopli a wired
AA t.. T.r so L TTs..apsow.
W. J. Carling. Agent Exrte .
The topic of the railway is to the
front again. Voting takes place on
Friday in Blanshatd.
Some folks say we do not need the
Mr. August Hill spent a day in railroad the ships are corning.
London on business. Mr. F. :Stinson hag purchased from
11. Eilber M. 1'. 1'. was in Seaforth J. N. Hazlewood 2.1 acres of land he.
on business. twoen his property and [hal of Mr. I.
It appears that the season for sow- Livingstone s.
ing and planting will be very late The concert in the Aberdeen hall on
this year. but people shouldn't for-. Thursday. 13th, seder the auspices of
get the promise. that so long as th•• the Women's Institute. was a good
earth stands sowing and reaping. success. The singing of Mn'. Illing-
frest and heat. summer and winter, wood especially being worthy of coin -
shall not cease a promise that hast mendation. The entettainers partor,k
held rood up to the present time. of a lunch at Dr. C. A. Campbell's af-
Mr. Frazer and Della and Mildred ter the conceit.
Braun spent Sunday in Dashwood. Mr. H. Jones is working for W. S.
Mrs. M. Amy, of Detroit, is vi=i- Roadhouse again.
ling her son for a few weeks. I The Kirkton Milling Co. have been
Big doings in Crediton on the 24th.fixing their grinder. to make gond
Everybody corns. and see. hog feed this summer. The grass is
Aliss May Graham. of London, is i growing,hut only two farmers that
visiting her uncle Mr. Wilson An -1 we know of have finished seeding in
i this vicinity.
"Harry Eilber M. P. P. went tot
Toronto on Monday on business.
ltev. and Mrs. llicks spent a day
at Ailsa Craig.
Mr. S. Brown is suffering from an
attack of rheumetistn.
Miss 'Mary ltoezler. of Exeter, is
spending a few days in town. Farquhar
Miss Louise Feltner and bliss Ache-
son of Exeter, spent Sunday in town. There is to be a fee pole erected on
• Miss llartleib spent Sunday in the school ground. 8. 8 No. 2. painted
Dashwood.in the national colors. red, w bite and
Mr. George Eilber and Mr. Elmore blue, to stimulate the growing boys
Lawson left Monday for new On-' to love their country true. and when-
tario where they have accepted posi- ever darter threatens to bravely dare
tions as fire rangers. and do all they can to keep it free.
Mr. and Mrs. hardy. of Denfield,' Righteousness • xalteth a nation, but
are visiting Mrs. J. Eilber for n few sin is a reproach to any people.
days. Mr. W. Kay purchased some prom -
Air. Geor'?e Bedford left for Sarnia, ising colts at the sale in Exeter the
to work. I other day.
Mr. Tiernan and Mr. \Vm. Braun.1 Most of the fat stock has been de- Mr. 'M. Brenner and Mrs. J. D.
of Dashwood. gave our town a flying livered Hud farmers are being freed I Mannon. of Grand Bend. spent one
visit. from the toil imposed by the Inng l day Inst week with Ezra Brenner,.
Everybody was looking forward , winter. Al) summer toil to gather 'fhe flax [trill has just completed
for the game of ball with Exeter. feed and all wintectoil to nso it, but
We know it would have been inter- where is there a better country.
esting but they were stung. I - The Lawn Tennis players met in thel women wit h pale co lorless faces
office of the Manager of the Bank who feel weak and discouraged. will
of 'Commerce on Friday evening, to receive hoth Mental and bodily vigor
elect officers for the corning season) by using. Carter's Iron Pills. [which
and transact other special business., are male for tbo blond. nerves and
The folios% ing is the result of the eke-, complexion.
tion : llor. Pres. H. Eilber. M. P. P.
A tickling or dry cough can be
quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. No opium. no chloro-
form. nothing unsafe or harsh. Sold
by W. S. •Howey. .
Das hwood
The Junior and Senior Alliances of
the Evangelical church have pre-
pared a splendid program 1.)r their
Rally on Sunday evening. The meet-
ing will begin at ?epin. The col-
lertio.t will ba in the interest of
Northwest Missions. The Sunday
School has decided to hold its an-
uuul children's day on Sunday Jun
.0th. A good program is anticipated.
Mr. Arthur Goetz, of Stratford. is
spending a few days at his home here
Misses Dell and Mildred Brown, of
Crediton, spent Sunday at W. Siv-
e '
M r. Eldon Goetz left on Monday
for Meaford, where he intends to re-
main for some time.
Sacramental . •rvice will be obsery
ed in the Eva+ag lical church Sunday
morning. Rev. A. Y. 'Heist, of Ber-
lin will occupy the pulpit.
The Gnz;.tte-Review. of Park Riv-
er. North Dakota, bas the following
paragraph in reference to William
)tarry. who at one time lived near
here. and who moved to Dakota and is
under a life sentence ;or murder, is
tiering his hired luno. "Win. Barry.
in the penitentiary from 'Cavalier co..
under a life science for murder, is
causing the warden a great deal of
trouble, as be claims be should be
free and is no longer amenable to
prison discipline. For three weeks he
has been on bread and water diet,
and in addition is chained to his cell
door because he refuses to work. His
case is of state [wide interest, as he
has been thrice tried and sentenced
and twice in the supreme court. The
last act in hie case was n determin-
ation by the upper court that ]tarry
ea; wrongfully sentenced for life un-
der the verdict, as the sentence
should have been for ten years in-
stead of for life tinder the circum-
stances. but this finding of the court
has not been certified to the warden
of the penitentiary, and Barry stands
as alifer. The murder was commit-
ted ten years ago. and starry claims
that he should be free. but until the
courts decide the matter. he will
either work or continue his diet.
A pain prescription is printed upon
each 25c. box of 1)r. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablebs. Ask your Doctor or Drug-
gists if this formula is not complete.
Pain means congestion. blood pres-
sure. Head pains. womanly pains,
anywhere get instant relief from a
Pink Pain Tablet. W. S. Howey.
Hiss N. Keogh. of Detroit, is at
The Bijou livery is busy these days.
The Bijou lovery is busy these days.
owner 8. J. Sweitzer.
the winter's scotching.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweitzer and Mr.
and Mrs. F. Geiser spent Sunday at
Lake Smith.
Miss N. Keogh was in London one
day last week and was accompanied
(tome by her sister Miss 8. Keogh.
.lir. S..1. Sweitzer has purchased a
f:ere bus for his Bijou livery.
l'res. 'Ira 8. Brown; 1st. Vice -tyres. SAINTHIIUIIY The tender leaves of n harmless
\V. 11. James; 2nd. Vice -Pres. Moses) Tho opening of the Sunday School Tung -healing mountainous shrub, give
I Foist ; Treasurer Herbert Eilber ; hall of the St. Patrick's Church will to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its mar -
1 Secretary 'Claude Bluett ; Manager take place Monday evening May 24t1).we'lorts curative properties. Tight
Richard houses. The boys have tt.he,1 an excellent program will be tickling or distressing coughs. quick -
bought. a newnet and other sup -
liven by Prof. McLeod. of Mnmilton, ly yield to the healing, soothing action
I plies and as soon as the grounds are 1 ant,s'sted by Miss llnrrizanGranton, of Lncaandii of this splendid prescription' -Dr.
in shales, they twill commence prat-� d Miss L:ur;, of 3hoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so
tiring. I o:hc•rs. , safe and good for children. as well.
The grim reaper. death. bas again ' Containing no opium, chloroform, or
entered our midst and rumored one G!.>Lfl3 VORZ:�J, other harmful drags. mothers should
of our respected citizens. We refer The Kiril You Hare Always Bovril I in safety always demand Or. Sheep's
to Mrs. Eckhard \Vilhelm, who passed Bean the 11' other remedies are offered. tell
to the great beyond on Saturday. theSignature �f I ilium No 1 Br your own judge I Sold
15th.. at the sur of BR years I(1 of ae
months and 8 d.rys. The deceased
has been ill for about four years but
nlwaya born her lot with great pati-
ence. Of late she has been quite help-
less. Thu interment look place in
the 'Crediton cemetery. The Itsv.
Iletin officiated at the cemetery. ni-
ter iwhich a funeral sermon was de-
livered in the church. Sermons in
the two languages were given by the
Bev:. Bunn and llaist. Mrs. Wilhelm
1 ons born in Germany and came to
this country when seventeen years of
age settling in Hamburg. After re-
maining there for several years she
(eine.' to Stephen Township. where she
1liverl1onittheirer rftrmtg tt•estsof trht.
i ell -
ego until 13 years ago. when they
moved to Credit o.1 end have since re-
sided hers. The decrn.ed leaves her
r:urvivin:r. a husband, one son. John
and four daughter.. Mrs. John Roes-
zler. Mrs. Ezra !hist, Mrs. Charles
Itoeszler and Miss Luna. all of Cred-
iton; three sisters. Mrs. (:rill, of
Jackson. Mich.. Mrs. Albert Rader.
of Osnnbrock and Mrs. Dan Ruby. of
Cavalier. N. 1)., and 1 w brot hers.
Louis 1.nufeld. of Kansas and John
Kaufetd, of Recti City. Mich. The bc-
reat•ed family have the sympathy of
the vicinity in their hour of sorrow.
K irkton
The vote on th • by-law will take
*lace tomorrow and it is up to every
rale payer to ;set out and ser that
it is curried. At the Inst voting the
Kirkton poll trove !'0 out of 02 in
favor of the by -lata and this time the
other too should get in line along
with these who (ailed to corny out
and maks it a complete sweep.
Soin.• have made tip their minds that
the rand will come. hems or no
beaux. miry be walking on very un-
r•crfnin ground. 11 is Lime n that tb,•
C. 1'. R. has had more than one route
to Snrn'a under eonsid-r*1ion. Since
the defeat of th• by-law in Iflan•-
hard last month it is rossible that the
company rnny again consider the 'd-
visnbility of taking the Abort r
though 1o•aibly less detern1)7e ro•.
via London. It is ileo knottn that 1
•.1 rune effort is b1II C te.nde to hat
1h,• 41. 1'. 1t. take up the chart
granted by entrain:ell this sea.iurl
nllnwine construction of n road from
London to Sarnia direct. Christ.'
these eircomstante it would not np-
peet that th• C. J'. 1t. is hound to
tuk • ti:.• ::I. Marys route.
Housokooping Easier
In spring and summer "Cto\V11 ]hand
Syrup" should be more largely used by
everyone. It simplifies the making of deli-
cious dishes to such an extent that hour. -
keeping becomes easier in everyway.
Crown Brand Syrup eaten with bread.
toast, biscuits, pudding, porridge or
pasta', provides sustaining dishes that
please the palate and don't overheat the lxxly-dishes that
are plain, wholesome, easily prepared and easily digested
and at the same time very nourishing.
Won't you try CROWN 13RANI) :>VRU1'? When you
think of its pur.ty, its wholesomeness, of all the dainty anti
delightful dishes you can snake with it, -when you think of
its fine "honey -cream" flavor and clear golden colour,
--and how it will save you trouble and bring variety to
every ureal -don't yo't think it worth your \while to order
some. Children thrive on it. Adults enjoy it.
For pour crnvenience Crown Mand Smut' iv rut up is 2. 5. 10 and 20 sir tient tint with WA hes
The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited
ESTABLISHED 1858. 1•"'i
Works : CARDINAL, Ont. Offices : MONTREAL. TORONTO and lR.tNTFoit U
13y Dealing at Sieberts
We will offer all our Carnets consisting of Tapestry, Union and
Ilemp Cat pets at a discount of 15 per cent.
Don't Miss This
We will also save you [Honey in Dress Goods. We
buy from the best dress goods house in Canada, and
can save yon from to to 25 per cent. Colne and take
a look throngh our Dress Goods before you buy.
We make a specialty of Millinery and our
prices are lower than the lowest.
Farm Produce Taken in Exchange
WAN TED -A car of Potatoes this week.
highest prices paid for produce.
Siebert & Co.
Hartleib Block. DASIIWOOD
Fencing and Paints
We have just receive a lot of wire for you to do your
spring fencing with. We handle the celebrated Page and
Peerless fencing, Also Coil, Barb Wire and Hog Fencing.
ri ((s as reasonable as you can get elsewhere.
A number of Large Gates, all sizes.
Be sure to get our prices on Fencing before you buy.
A big stock of Martin- Seuour ready Mixed Paints
100 per cent pure
Buy your Hardware From us
Prcduce taken in Exchange
Hardware D. T1 EMAN, Dashwood
Lumber Shingles and Lath
We wish to announce to our many friend's and to all those needing build-
ing material that we are in a better position than ever to supply your• wants in
Lumber, Shingles, Cedar Posts, Laths, Fence Slats
Cisterns, Water Troughs, etc.
If you intend building a house or barn we will be pleased to quote prices
and assist you in any way we can.
Come in and get our prices.
The Dashwood Planing Mill Co., Limited.
Dashwood, Ont.
Housecleaning Wants
House cleaning time is here with all its worries. Let us help you by
supplying you with Scrub Brushes, White wash Brushes. Soap, Dutch
Cleanser. Gillet's Lye, household Ammonia, Ilon Ami for cleaning wind•
ows and in fact anything needed for scouring and cleaning.
Then you will want some of our wall papers which we are Belling at
greatly reduced prices.
Ask to sec our patterns, we can please you.
PAINTS. -You need paint for renewing little things around the
house. We handle the Celebrated Sherwin-Willimas Palate, re-
cognized ns the best paint made, in cans from 15c. to 95o. Var.
nish stein at 25c. a can is just the thing for making old furni-
ture look like new. Call and let us talk this paint proposition
over with you.
Farm produce wanted for which we will pay the highest price.
HAY COUNCIL site devoted her time t0 deaconess
work in tont city going west about
'I'h.' shote council met on \\'ed_ three years ago.
nesday May 5th, with all members On Monday of last week while the
present. John Fuss end Henry Lipp -
noon train of the C. P. R. was run..
Ding into Goderich. a Mogul engine
[which was making ail' a freight train
got on to the main line near the har-
bor hill bridge, and an effort was
made to flag the in -coming train,
which slowed up aomrahat as it catnc
round the big mill. but not enough tO
prevent it colliding with the freight
engine with such force as to smash
the cowcatchers and platform of eaob
and interlock the fronts Bo that seer-
oralarate horsthemuork wer.• required tose-
hardt were appointed to make cem-
ent tile. under the direction of the
reeve. The reeve was authorized to
buy a ear of cement for Township
use. The clerk urns instructed to
prepare a by-law, in accordance
with Sec's 8S. 137, 151 anti f., and
that he lay the same before the
Council tit the next meeting The
following accounts were ordered to
he paid :-11. Howard, rep cid N. IL
:c-4.60; A. Munn, goods for indigent'
7.15; 'Jl. G. Cnmcron. pert costs re
Ilissonnette suit. 25.00 ; It. Thele,
rep col 8. 11. 1.50; R. Goetz. lumber
and work. Con 12 and 13, 1:1.52; Win.
If your Stomach. Heart or Kidneys
Roeder. drain ncro's road Con 14, erre tweak. try tit Inst, a few doses
2..51); C. lilnckwell, cul Con 4, 3.00; only of Dr. Hhoop's Reatorative, In
sly. I.ipphardt, nssrssor's salary 100. five or ten days only, the result will
00; S. Spencer. witness fee re His- surprise you. A fete cents will cover
sonnettc suit. 0.00; A. Brisson do the cost. And here is why help comes
6.00; .1. Laporte. do 11.00; H. E. so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug
Fanst. do 7.75; F. Iles, Sr.. do and the stomach. nor stimulate the Heart
ex: minatiort 11.00; P. Lamont. wit. or kidneys. Dr. Hhoop's Restorative
'toes directly to the weak and failing
nerves. Each organ has its own con-
trolling nerve. When these nerves
fail. the depending organs must of
neceseit,'y fatten. This plain. y'etl
vitnl truth. clearly tells why 1)r.
Shoop's Restorative is a0 universally
successful. its success is leading time
gists everywhere to give it universri'
preference. A test will rarely 1rh
Sold by W. H. Rowes,.
Hess fee 7.75: i'. Lamont. expenses
re Sep No. 11. 7.75; 0. ilissonnethe;
exnminntion 4.25; C. Eilber serving
Ilissonnette 2.50. Council will meet
again on \C.dnesday the 2nd. day of
.Ione. at 10 o'clock n. m. as a Court
of Revision of the Assessment (toll
and for general business.
1'. Bless, Sr., Clerk.
Many in Senforth and vicinity will
regret to learn of the death of Miss
Annie Edge. w hich occurred at the
North Ilattl, ford. Saskatchewan, In-
chedrinl Scenol. on Saturday. May 8.
Miss Edge was a native of Heefortb,
and was h• Id in the highest esteem
by all who knew her. Some years
ago she went to Toronto and took
n coarse in the Church of England
training school. After graduating
IRET('i1N Tl'CKE' 4 AT SiN(:'
I'AItE. On account of Victoria .1
the Grand Trunk Railway Sys. ,
hill issue return tickets at Single
Fare, between all stations in Canada
nl:o to Detroit and Port Huron,
Mich.. Ninpnrn Frall. and Buffalo, N.
Y. Good going May 21. 22, 23, 24,
return limit Mny 26th. 1409. Full
infr.tmntiorl Hud tickets from any
Grand Trunk Ticket Agent.