HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-20, Page 4HE EXE I ER TIMES, MAY 20th 1909.
Coughs and
For the prompt relief and
cure of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse.
nese, Loss of Voice, t.nd all
affections of the Throat and
' era(
n •a andy
Get a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of White Pine
with Tar or Perry's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites of Lime and Soda.
Mr. M. Y. McLEAN. There are 'country is expanding so greatly the
calls upon the government still be in
uroportion. You have to establish
postal facilities and many other
thing-. This cannot be done with-
ur two instances. In the first place out money and without prier. But,
th.• farming interests can be great- the increase in the expenditure is not
ly benefited by the iutroductiou and a criminal offence providing we
perfection of cold storage. It can have the revenue to meet that ex -
also be benefited by improving the etenditure and providing the expendi-
waterways and the railways 01 our ture has been fairly econotuic ll and
country and the facilities for bhip- honest. As to whether Ibis expendi-
ping. Such assistance as this enables 'titre has been honest or economical
the surplus products of the farmers we can perhaps jedge better by a
to be laid down in the markets of comparison than iu any other way.
consumption in the very best possible WC Fav . a government in Ontario
condition, in the least possible titne which our good friend= opposite say
st bring- is honest and economical. 1 aur
and at the least possible co g
Mg the farmers the greatest los- going to dispute that point because 1
bible profit. The government can believe it is honest and possibly fair -
also assist the farmer by cucourag- ly economical. But the expenditure
ing and enabling hits to cultivate under that government during the
new products, such as the sugar beet, past five years has nearly doubled,.
Sold at which twill add to his resources and I ant not going to Fay that it has
to the wealth of the conutry. An- been dishonest or that the govern -
Brownings Drug Store other it -ay of ttidiug the farmers went has been recklessly extrava-
which occurs to We at the moment cant because the province has en -
is by the eradication o[ noxious larged. If the province has increas-
wecds. 1 think 1 am safe in saying ed we must expect an additional ex -
that though this cause the far- penditure there the swine as here in
mer loses one hundredfold more the Dominion. But there is another
.••:e .y year that he could possibly province which I might retention and
gain were the protective tariff made some of our friends swear by thu
as high as it could be placed. 11 the government of that province. I re -
government by education, by ex- fer to the government of Manitoba.
ample, or in any other way can in- They say that it is honest and ccono-
duce or aid the farmers to eradf- mitts( and possibly they are right. I
have no figures for the province pt
Manitoba but I think 1 ant correct
in saying that the expenditure has a
good deal more than doubled since
the present government came into
power. If that is the case in con-
nection with these other govern-
ments why should this government
be blamed for an increase in the ex-
penditure. It should not be forgotten
that the expenditure has increased
by $1,000,000 for the purpose of as-
sisting the provinces of the Dornin-
many stay= in which the goverutnent
can and do benefit the farming in-
dustry, but 1 shall simply give one
Mr. M. Y. McLEAN (South Huron).
In resuming this debate, 1 f:rid that
the discussion has been tolerably ex-
haustive on both sides. Consequent-
ly, it may ba somewhat difficult for cute these noxious tt•ecds they will
lite to find anything novel or new to render the farmers the greatest ser-
vice that could be rendered. The De -
hay. '1lowcvcr, I think it is an ac- partmeut of Agriculture have issued
opted tact that no two individuals a book of immense value in which
deduce exactly the same conclusions the various noxious weeds prevalent
on any question, and I presume in- in Canada are graphically shown so
stance, and that I may be enabled that the farmers can distinguish at a
to say something that has not al- glance the various weeds which are
ready been said. Before referring of injury to this land. The book also
to any of the arguments or 'nate- t gives ,iusflructions as to the best
meats of our friends opposite, I wish method of eradicating this evil and
to congratulate the finance Minis-
ter on the very admirable and satis-
factory budget deliverance which we
heard on Tuesday last. I know that,
in view of the falling ,revenue, and
freeing the land from weeds. 1, ani
glad to see that the Minister of Agri- ion in the form of an increased in-
tJlr. 1 ish:•r) is fu his place. demnity. The statement has been
I think it would he advisable to have made and repeated several times dur-
one of these books placed in the Mg this discussion by our friends
in view of the finacial and oommer- hands of every fanner in this coup- opposite that the taxation of the
tial depression which has existed try. 1 do not know of any way in people has been doubled : or possibly
that is not just the nay to put et'.
but they say that the people have
been required to pay double the tax-
ation under the present govern-
ment that they did under the late
governments I am quite willing to
admit that is the case. But, Sir, the
rate of taxation has been very con-
siderably lowered. If the people, by
reason of their increased prosperity,
are enabled to buy double the amount
of taxable goods under the present
government that they were able to
buy under the late government, sure-
ly no person will say that it is n
cause of complaint against the pre -
sen( government. If, by reason of
the incrensed prosperity of the coun-
try, due to the policy of the govern-
ment. to take as an example what,
I dare say, has been given many
times before, 'I am enabled, owing to
the increased wages which 1 receive,
tremely sorry to hear that hon. gen- owing to increased prosperity in my
tleman make such a fierce personal business, or in my affairs, to pur-
•attack upon the premier of bas- chase two suits of clothes in a year
katchewan. 'I have no brief to de- and add to my other luxuries and
fend that hon. gentleman; 11 have comforts in life, instead of one suit
not the pleasure of his acquaintance, n year, as 'I formerly did under the
I do not know if 1 have ever seen
him. and I am very sure that I
would nut know him were 1 to see
hire. but 1 do know that the. people
in the constituency where the hon.
gentleman lived for a number of
years elected him as a representative
to this parliament in preference to
n gentleman who twos in many res-
pects one of the ablest public men
in 'Canada. I also know that the
people of the province of Saskatchc-
vwau 011 two different occasions con-
ferred upon Mr. Scott the greatest
political honour in their power. 1
think that in view of these facts it
does not become any member of this
House to make any accusation against
this gentleman. 1 think the prac-
tice which is too commonly indulged
in of making charges of this kind
against our leading pubiic men should
not he encouraged and should cer-
tainly ,be deprecated.
Our friends opposite cotnplain of
the increased expenditure in this
country. They say that the expendi-
ture has been abnormally increased
that it has hen nearly doubled under 1,1.1.1 11011 u[ the skin. This was not
this present governinent. That is 0 only inisigihtly. but very painful. I
fact. but we ought to remember this fir,( tried various household reined.
other fact that the eouutry has bet as these proved nitogether
nearly doubled in that time. The useless. 'I took medical advice. Not
Canada of to -day k en entirely dif- U11i., but several doctors in turn iveee
fereot Canada from that of 12 or 15 t•onsuited, but 1 was unn},1C to get
years ago. In those days there were any permfrnent relief. Some time
thousands and thousands of acres back 1 determined to give %out-Ituk
that were practically 8 barren n trial. and niter a thoroughly fair
oasis. that were inhabited only by test. T can say 1 ant delighted with
the Indian. the buffalo and the coy- ; , I have the best reasons for this
ote. which to -day, are thickly conclusion; because. while everything
populated with industrious settlers, I tried failed absolutely to relieve
and these lands are pouring out their rely pain and rid me of my trouble.
millions of bushels of golden gran three boxes of 20111-Iluk have tvorked
each year to enrich this country of tt complete cure. In toy opinion
ours. Not only that. but in the coua- this balm should be even more widely
try to which i have referred. hun- k.luwn than it is."
dreds and thousands of prosperous Mr. C. E. Sanford. .1 l'.. of Weston.
and populous towns and vil::iges have Fang's 'Cass N.8., rays .--I had it
sprung up within the last thirteen patch of eezc•mn on trey ankle. tvhich
years. while thirteen years ago there had been there for over twenty years.
aas nothing to be seen on these plains Sometimes. also, the disease noul'l
:or Iru.tdreds and hundreds of miles lir.• ik out o11 my shoulders. I had
•\e; pl perhaps Indian tepees. it is 'liken solution of arsenic. had applied
Ialso a fact to be remembered that we various ointments. and tried all sorts
have opened up ths great Yukon of things to obtain n cure. but in
territory which is represented so vain. ZaIn- Bilk. on the cont rary,
creditably and so well by my hon. (,roved highly satisfactory. and cured
friend Ir. Congdon. Vtthi
nthe last the ailment.
thirteen or fourteen years. probably } ••i Pane alio used %a u1 -Bak for
Ie: s. no itnniensc section of country, itching piles. and it has cured then[
%%h ch. then we really scarcely !crew, 1,0111)1(10y. I tuk.• comfort in help -
ha; h,•'" brought in and has ben . it1•, trey brot herni .n. and if the publi-
pourinu forth its millions of dollars cation of rev opinion of the healing
of wealth in the .shape of gold. silver, v:1111 of %:ern-Ituk will lead ()the!-
ther1 •arl. eke., and in that country also ' ifierers to try it. 1 should Its glad.
hu .111 d< of prosperous towns and For the relief of suffering caused by
vinare.•: have sprung up where be- ' I. s or skin diseases. it is without
for.. there was nothing but rock. lake (.,hitt(••+
For eczema. eruptions, ulcers. pia
-r atechild-
1 olsotung,. varicose o
sore heads. ringworm, salt
rh Anal. cuts. scratches, Lures. bra -.
,rt 811 skin injuries. Zan' Birk i-
et cure. All i)ruggists and
'). - •II at 50e. a box. or post-
frone %ani -link Co.. 'Toronto, for
es. '1 hi nc hoses for $1.2:r.
for some time, it was the general which money could be more advnn-
impression in the country that the tageously or beneficially expended
Finance Minister would have to an- than by educating the farmer allong
nouuce a very cosidernble deficit. these lines, and I am sure
it was also feared that he might have not a member on either side of this
to announce au increase in the tax- (louse who would not willingly send
ation. But we find that. instead of a copy of this valuable little book
a deficit, there is a very substant- to each of his farmer constituents.
int surplus, and that there is no in- I am sure my hon. friend for Daup-
crease in the taxation to be trade. hin (Mr. Glen Campbell) will excuse
but. on the contrary, the government me if I do not attempt to follow him
have wisely, I think, decided to de- in the devious wanderings of the
crease the expenditures and to prac- speech which be delivered here on
tice the most rigid economy in order Friday evening last. I do not think
that the revenues may be sufficient I could do so if I would, and I
to tweet the requirements. It is pro- would not do so if I could. But 1
bablc that some of us may. be a little desire to say to my hos. friend, and
disappointed because appropriations I say it is a spirit of the greatest
were not made for some improve- kindness. that such deliverances cer-
rnents that we night consider were tainly do not add to the dignity ro of
desirable aud necessary in our several any deliberative body, particularly
constituencies. It is probable also, to that of the 'jarliament of this
that the people may be somewhat dis- grel.c Canada of ours. I was ex-
rtppoiutcd in this respect, but I am
sure that, when they understand the
circumstances, they will give the
government credit for their good
intentions. I t►w also sure that the
country will endorse the course taken
by the government in reducing the
expenditure with a view to keeping
it within the revenue. 1 must also
congratulate the Minister of fin-
ance on his determination to continue
to the manufacturers of beet -root
sugar the advantages that they have
eojuyed for the last few years. This
is an intaut industry which promises
to be of very great importance and
value to the people of this count
and this is a species of protection, if
3 may use the expression, which is
rldwautageous to both consumer :Ind
producer. It is advantageous to the
consumer because it supplies addit-
ional competition in the finished pro-
duct and consequently enables him
to purchase that product more cheap-
ly than he otherwise could. It is of
advantage to the producer or the
farmer because it creates a ready
market for a new and what pro-
mises to be tt profitable farm pro-
duct. for it has been established be-
yond peradventure that the sugar
beet can be grown in Canada to very
great perfection and at a very con -
enterable profit. It has been sStab-
;isbed by experience thus far that
it is a profitable crop for the farmer
to gross. Not only that but it works
j11 rent' w ell with ether crops, and
it- eultit:Ilion and harvesting can be
carried on at gessoes of the year
when other work on the farts is com-
paratively Mack and labour is more
plentiful; ;Ind ns n result the root
esus he produced at a comparatively
trifling cost. Being a profitable
incl it adds in this way to the net
r,•ttun of the farmer and the return
from the beet crop is in fact practi-
cally found motley to the farmer, go-
ing to enrich hint and to add to the
'. alth of the country.
Mi. Speaker. I shall not die-
esss the broad question of protec-
tion, but let me say .that the claim
that the farming interests of the
country nee benefited by imposing
u high protection upon their pro-
ducts. Fartic•.,1:IrIy- upon pro-
ducts of which they have a surplus
for export. is simply a sham and a
delusion. bemuse we all know it is
011 established fact. and 1 do not
think any person will dispute it. that
in the case of any .product of
a/ h I
w • ave :1 surplus fur export,
price in the local market is entirely
regulated and fixed by the demand
and the price al the point of con-
suniptiol. 0
'1r. S1110U'LE. 'chert how docs
the hon. ,nenrber account for the fact
that year before last the price of
wheat tons higher in Canada than it
vias in England—
M . 1I. 1. Mrt,1:.t,N. ii was not olid barren wilderness. The e xpen.11-
due to any protection on wheat. tures have only k,;' race ieith the
. •1'le 11 1.1% a r.: pries prosr •, and prosperity of the coon -
regulated th• price r .rj. Yoe
Ist expectt that when the
late government. surely I have rea-
son for thankfulness and have no
reason for complaint against the pre -
government. If anything. I should
have reason for complaint against
those who preceded the present
government and who kept Inc in such
n position that 1 w•,s only able to
bay one suit of clothes.
A Ell gr 7R. .
Bean the the Kind You Hate Always Bougtd
('t Til•: EFFECTED IN ll0'fli CASES.
Mr. F. Rasmussen. of 311, Mar-
quette Street, Montreal, who is a
Justice of the Peace. and a than not
inclined to give praise except where
it is well due, says: --for many
year. 1 was troubled with a serious
Some Alcohol Quesios
Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure?
No! Does it strengthen the ner'cs:? No! Is Ayer's
Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure?
Yes! Does it strengthen the ncr'es? Ycs! Is it the only
Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask your
doctor about this non-a%oholic medicine. If he approves,
our confidence will he eclmplete.r-Co.,totve,��au.-
1 boys! Dull girls! Dull men I Dirt) women! Heavy -headed! Downhearted! Ail
Very often due to constipation! Yet the cure le se east—Ayer's Pins. Ask your dodos'.
A book on ltheutnatirm, and a trial
treatment of 1)r. Shoop's Rheumatic
Remedy—liquid or Tablets—is being
lent free to sufferers by Dr. Shoop.
of ltncine, Vis. You that are well.
,.t this book for sots • discouraged.
.I -n, :menet' sufferer! I)) a temple
1. ' of humanity 1 Point out this
to quick and certain relief 1 Sur•
some sufferers. by first getting
: ,, •:e me the booklet nn,I th • t. st. He
et ill nppreriate your nid. W. S.
.,nansum WWI 1U1L!lAtum RUW:1,
a a - -
'biePiepgration for As -
III': ti roedandRe ula-
1heSlmadns andl3owels of
1N1 t\1ti ( 111L1)K1.N
REDInOles DTtestion,Ct erful-
sa1 d13'est.Contains neither
MMorphine nor NTlnclal.
Ai !#Gra11&(NZ zrmWILR
Apeafect Remedy forConstipa-
fion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
TacSimile Signature�at�of
.16 ,month,. 1,1(1
Doss s —35(1 Nrs
I The lVlolsons Bank
For Infanta and Children. i
The Kind You Have1
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
•Ili OINtAOS SONMNY. Nor VOttta Orn.
Miss Irene I)enhamn visited with her
:Lunt, Mrs. Thos. Morley over Sunday. Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
Mr. Thos. Lingard is engaged at Mr.
Samuel Cunnings for the smuttier.
Mrs. T. Steele, sister of Mr. Daniel
Hodgson, is seriously 111 at her home
in London.
Mr. Francis Morley and Iteeve Moir President—J. L. RUSSELL.
spent Tuesday in Toronto on drainage 1 Vice-President—W. 11. PASSMORE
business for Usborne tp. DIRECTORS.
Rev. H. Fair will preach a special temRoOe, BORNHOLM P. 0
sermon to the young people of this Wnt., BROK SVINCHELSF-A P. O.
congregation next Sunday.
- T. RYAN, DIIBLIN P. Ol f Wil
R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and
Eden. ROBERT NORRIS, 8tatta. •S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un -
Dir. Samuel Hicks, of the 2nd con-
AGENTS. iversity. Two years resident physician
cession of Usborne has sold another JOHN MISERY. Exeter, agent for Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand
pair of geldings. This is four geld- Osborne and Iluidulph. Andrew Street, Exeter.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent 1 i
JOSHUA J OIINSWe have unlimited private funds for lnvees
Secy.Treas. Farquhar. i-eatnppoon farm or village ;ropertryat lowest
GLADMAN & 8TANBURY. 13.I;:itors 1 r4"INinbereeDI
Usborne and Hibbert
Incorporated 1855
CAPITAL (Paid up)
$3 500,000 00
(i5 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
N. D. HURDON, Manager
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.
Z•N•NN•N•NNNN•N•••t) ooa•••N•NN••a•e•••••••
B. s. WALSER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,
ALANDER LAIRD, General Bikaer I Reserve Fund, - 6,000Bikaner
1 1 1
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convet
way in which to carry money when travelling. Tttey are Issued in denominations
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fryinoe,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch—G. W Harrison, Manager
Branoh aiao at Crediton.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
" OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
an�6 Gompanu
Head Office. Farquhar, Ont.
A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D
S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street—ExiTER.
tag • P.8„ Graduate Victoria Un
rersity. office and rreldenence. Dominion 1
Laboratory. Exeter.
Between all stations in Canada nls0
to Detroit and fort HIuron, Mich.s
Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. eYj
Good going May 21, 22, 23, 24, Bei
turn limit May 26th, 1909.
Associate Coroner of Huron. —SEATTLE—
ings and one brood niafe he has sold
in a couple of nionttes, all heavy
draughts, and all of which he raised
himself. One pair was corning four
one coming three, and one coming
two. The buyers were Dir. Hoist, of
Crediton, and Mr. Willard, of Exeter
North, Mr. Fred Simpson, Mooresville
Barry Rowe, Exeter, and Mr. %Vin.
Bean. Brinsley The price paid was
$1(110. 'There is money in raising the
right kind of colts.
. s •
:in hpr first 12.-
, , . :., .-, e•.I throughout
. • •• of . len: ' his 1111d pies
t:1 ..• ...1 to the latter we have
a •.t :r friend that thls
. - 1•s dell;•;-:Itely eat
- t r 1 1.utsie career while her
..•.+ - 1:: I•-•11ecti,e1. It was
11. y 1'e .,f i':e nnlhor of
V :. 1. o eh.e. ' who found
.'••;; toward evening on
•'1 • .. t 1 each Just after her
t.;::. :1 book in her lap AFTER
•�1•. r;n ::e e:f :.. r resolve. "1 11)1111(
titre— 'n'88 be-
i that thls"--the
for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan.
CRSON S C4R1 j ,,
At the Division Court held here last 1 ll.rrt.+ters, Solicitors Reveries. oave sneer,
week the case of Laporte vs. Cantin, 1 Commteetonere, S(solicitor@ nor the (oleons
was ndjurned until the September! eanit•Eoo.
court, owing to the illness of Mrs. 1 honey toLoe.n at lowest rates of iatereeb.
The surveyors are still busy work -t LOAacrNQ e. A. LB.DICOQs
ing in the southern part of the
township. laying out a route for 1"IONEY TO LOAN.
the purposes electric railway. ,
The Zurich baseball club is equip-
ped with their handsome new uni-
forms. They will go to Crediton on
the 24th for two games with the
Stars of that village.
Mr. F. W. (less brought his new
auto to town last week. Ile made the
' . t.::. a I'!!le—"was be
- • " - to tae. :mil I knew then
:eek myself and clienge
..e '.seal St:eu(ard.
M. steam Loetery Tickets.
r;e 1:•'.tr, 0 Is spent in the City
• 41eo eters week in lottery tick-
:ts. :11 to the +ante period about $70,-
;f,r, lend tack P1 premiums. On the
t c. C • !
• 1.1Y preceding the blg
lr•riwfees the site. of course, mounts
g•rv8t F111119 -ns. for Instance,
!tiro) the f'200,(ni0 drawings are held
there are 20ANx) tickets at $40 each
sold on the streets. and practically ev-
ry ticket Is disposed ot, most of them
during the last two weeks before tbo
,lrawlIlg But ns n general proposition.
;,m nn average. $15.000 a day is spent
h. the people of the City of Mexico on
the lotteries.
The Open Window.
Children brought up with open win-
dows appear indeed to bo about fifteen
times more likely to contract adenoids
th:nn those who sleep with the win -
lions shut on cold and damp nights,
.,r at least than those who sleep with
el(sed windows throughout the great-
er part of the year.—Dr. Sim Wallet*
In Med leaf Press.
Teacher—How do you account for
the phenomenon of dew? Boy—Well,
von sec, the earth revolves on its axis
every twenty-four hours, and in cons' h
woman o
Compound to any ww
quence of this tremendous pace 1t per. stable Compoundoo afl'.4 O
spires freely.—hondon Tit Bits. l is atllictod with female trwMrs..1. M.'I'wIa:DAt.t:, 13S Nassau St..
'1 fronto, (':ueael8.
Mean. 1 The suit ,'ss of Lydia E. I'inkham'e
Murton --,lean man, isn't he? I :mil herbs,l1(t9 Compound,
tnd e rOII1rroots
Robinson—Mean? Iie's capable of axes with perfect ermtided. It ma nen
g„Ing Into a barber's shop for n shave used suffer frfectlio confidence
nn.l then getting his halt. cut just to motion, e! from
tion. fibroid tremors, Ir -
keep Other people wafting. reenlaritie's, periodic pains, backache,
' bearintedown feeling, flatulency, hull -
Nothing 1s Se tetr(le:lson:c as a N gestinn, dizziness. or nervous prostra
trot.— French Proverb tire).
Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegeta=
ble Compound Cured Her.
Toronto, Canada.—"I shall endeavor
to describe to you how 1 felt before I
began taking Lydia E. l'inkham's Veg-
etable ('umperund. 1 scarcely knew
what it was to be well. 1 had :mint
bearing-diw-n pains
and usually henna"
m)• Innttt hlyperiods
I suffered terribly
and had to go to
bed. 1 was not able
111 walk across the
floor the pain wile
so bad. I doctored
We have • large amount of private tends
o n ooa ffaCrm and village ',morticeM
at Iowrs
Barristers Solicitors. Main 8LIExetee
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MONEY to loan at lowest rates.
North west lands for Sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap”
We are constantly sewing on
the best cloths money can buy
We are reaping satisfied cus-
tomers. Natural, isn't it.
When we sow our advertishment in
the newspapers, stating the price for
a Suit, ('oat, Trousers, or whatever
the ad. might suggest, we include the
best of everything in that suit.
The hest Cloth, the hest Linings, the
l=est Padding's, the best Thread etc.,
as well a8 the hest of our ability in Cut
ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't
we reap our reward:?
This ad. is sowed to reap you as one
c f our customers. When }ou need a
Suit. ('oat, Trousers or
Fancy Vest
for a long time, but let this red. lend cos to our shop where
the doctor's treat- the can prove to you that we live up to
tient did not do ,no tiro word,
any good. I gave 111)
all Lolre•s of ever
Ir(il.t( Dell air. in
until one day my husband saw the Com-
pound advertised in the paper. Iie
decided to get are a bottle, and 1 am
thaukfnl he diel. I had not taken one
bottle before 1 began to feel better,
ane( 1 kept on taking it until now 1 lure
a different woman. It also helped Inc
during maternity Oral childbirth. 1
can thoroughly recommend your Veg.
J. H. Holtzmann
trip from London in less than three
The bowling green is now levelled
es and will be in good shape for
bowling, in a month's time.
For Infante and Children.
the Kind You Hare Always Bought
Hears the
5tglasture of
Very toe excursion rate in effect
May 20th, 1909.
Full info*enation from
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONALD, UtnipM
Depot, Toronto. Ont.
sloops's 01 (he Collodion NoEm WPI
Any person It ho is the sole bead
of a Tamil,,', or any male over 11
years old may homestead a quarter
seotofri of available Dominion land its
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta,
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agenoy or
Sub-agenoy for the district. Entry bel
proxy may be had at the agenoy, 00
certain conditions. by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or sister of
intending homesteader.
Duties:—Six months residence: upon
and cultivation of the land in eaob
of three years. A homesteader tnay
live within nine miles of his home,
stead on a darm of at least t+0 acre*
solely owned and occupied by tiirn or
Lie father, mother, eon, duuguter,
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homesteads's
in good standing only pre-ompt a
quarter section alongside his home, -
stead. Price $;i. per acre. Duties, -
Must reside six months invite!) of six
years from date of homestead entry
(including the time required to earn
homestead patent) and cult ivtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who tins exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take n pur-
chased homestead in certain districts
Price $3. per acre. Du tie.+.—Must
reside, six months in each of tiro*
years, cultivate fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.011..
w, w•.
Deputy of the flinleter of the interior
N. I1.—Cnauthorired pnblleation of this sdtertba
ment will not be paid for
Stop That Cold ;
To ("heel' early colds nr Grippe, w!th "Preventive"
means quire d.f,•at for Pneumonia. To stop a cold'
with Prerenties Is safer than to let it ruts and 1
Olins( to cure it afterwards. To be sure. Pro.
v,.nti.•s will cum even a deeply witted cold, but
Ink -n early --at the sneer.. stag.—they break. nr
fea.f oa thee.. early cold! That's surely tK•ttet.
Thai's why they are call..I i'ro Allies.
)'ncrentic,arn little randy 1'01.1 ('ars. No Quln-
lu.•. 1,n physle. nothing sickening. Nice for the
Children—and thoroughly sal too. 11 you feet.
Chilly, If yoe sneeze. if yon *the nil nr,•r. think of
I'r.•veuttce Promgteess may alsn save hall your
meal sicknom And don't tntgn•t yrwr chill. 1t
'hero Is feverishness. eight or day. herein prob.
b!y Iles )'reventlee' greatest gnomes. Not.( In
IK„es for thea pocket. also hh 2 4 box o1 4tt
revontica. lu,at un your dn:gglets givltrg yoS
1'donation of the heart. ner-
onstr•:•s, 1 rem filings, nervous head•
,rhe. rola hands and feel, pain in the
hack and other forms of twcakne,e
aro relieved by Carter's iron Pills
matte speriill% for Ihr' Lino( terves