HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-20, Page 11 1 Neter £DIRTY-SlxTlf YEAR ---No 1858 11 •••••••00000000•••••••..•....•0.••0•••.••0.••• • s a s P • •••••••••••••••••••• 0000•••0000.0•.•••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 3. House urllIShIflfl SocGIals i For This Week • RUGS Our bl.Owing of Rugs this Reason surpasses anything we have ever had. In Wool, Tapestry, Brussels and Vet - vets we have a fine selection to choose from also a very swell lot of small Mat Rugs at low prices. Door Panuels In Nottingham. Swiss and Battenberg. They are very nice for your glass door and come very cheap for the beau• ties they are. $1.00 and $1,25 Window Draperies Nice fancyScreen in White Cream or Ecru shades Plain or Flowered 121 to 35c. per yd Fancy Colored Madras all col- ors 15c. to50c. per yd. White Plain or Frilled muslin 15c. to 20c. per yd. GflRPGTS We have all the popular kinds that are selling this Spring. Our Union WVoolTap- estry and Brussels are the hest money can buy. A big range to choose from. Let us carpet your COMM. Marseilles Quilts With that nice soft satin finish that looks so nice. all good Targe size and an orna- ment to any bed. A good one from $2. to $1. Door tianplms Good heavy Cretonne in all colors for 15 to lac. per yd. Nice Roman Striped Tapes- tries 50 and tfl)c. per yd. Real good Figured tapestries all colors fer 50c per yd. stauton's "WALL PAPER" Stauton's \Ve are the only sellers here. it is the hest paper. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Our Milliners are busy; yes more than busy. Good Milliners with the stylish Hats are always busy. If you want your New Hat for the 21th of May be sure and leave your order eat•ly. They will try and have you ready. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper. •••..•••.....O•••••••••••••••.•••••0•....•... •.0000.0000.000.••• •.•••••••••0N•0...0•.•..• 1 • HURON& MIDDL ES +'X C*A%ETI f EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY •)Ot.11 1809, Hensall Larry Helps to Start a Fishing Pond. Iiugh Speck., N. D. 11., Ed. Treble nn' tnesilf wuz in Alf. \Valther's tb' ither day thryin' to arrange fer an curly date fer th' annual fishin tbrip iv tb' Isnak Walton Fishin' Club so that true could initiate some new timbers at so much per mimbership, Th' discussion wuz long an' gentle like, whin Alf ramarked, "Gintlemin, yez hey heard about the Irishman what scd he would rather be hanged in Irt•land nor die a nachural death in unity Utter counthry, an' begorry I'd rather go fishin' in me own back yar-rd nor take n thrip out to Eli Snell's where th' watber9 so thick, yez can't see th' bottom.'i; Ivery wan prisint agreed that tb' creek at Snell's wuz a little dusty fer fishin' an' ez tb' icebergs hassent shtopped Booths' down th' lake, no date wuz set fer th' annual outin'. but so sorrowful wuz th' look on Alf' countenance. specially afhter losia' hez first game of skittles on th' new bowfin' alleys. it wuz arranged be- ebune th' rist iv us that he would be gratified by !invite hez own fishin' ground right at hez own front dure. where he could watch the tiny finnies grow an' feed 'em wid th' shavings front th' barnyard baltnorals left in in hez shop fer repairs and kape any - wan. not a timber iv th' club from tresspassin. Ez we diddcnt want to git th' chief Iv polace into anny thrubble, we got him to shtop up th' sewer next dure to Alf's. so's th' wathcr what came down wid th' last rainstorm cuddent get away an' fixed up wan iv th' fin- est fishin' preserves yez iver laid ycr eyes upon. Ed furnished th' fishin' rod, Spack th' line an' whale harpoon, while N. The family o[ D. dug up a few chub what he had captured at hiss's an' Alex Dyer's former residents private fishin' ground, an' wuz still quite seriously thin.'Jimmie 7lern an' me dug up last `trek from Locals Master Charlie Fold i- ill with in- Alr. David Follick, who has been a Gamma torrheumatism.worthy resident of our village for the past 23 years. died at his home The annual convention of the West on Tuesday, May llth, aged 74 years. Huron Teacher's Association will be held here today and tomorrow. Mr. J. G. Stanbury attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Seldon at Ingersoll on Tuesday. Sarnia 'Canadian -Donald MacGre- gor had visited us- over a year since and the mention of his name brought out many of his old friends who de- clared they spent one of the most en- joyable evenings of their lives. Mr. MacGregor easily takes the front rank as the finest baritone in Can- ada, being gifted with a pleasing presence and a voice powerful, yet Mr. Follick had been in good health up to the hour of his death and his suddenly passing away carne as a shock to his family and friends. When he was in the act of starling the fire he dropped dead, his death being attributed to heart failure. lle was possessed of many good qualities and in religion was a Methodist. Ile leaves to mourn their loss two daugh- ters, Mrs. Wm. Vale, of Exeter North Mrs. David Dew. of Ilensall. His wife predeceased him solus three years ago. The funeral was held last Thamtsday, internment being in the sweet, comprehensive in its ranged al'ansville cemetery. and clear in its enunciation. Witt>f Dr. sillery has moved into the dwel- these gifts it was not a difficult task ling recently occupied by Mr. 91. .Ar - for Mr. MacGregor to capture as critical an audience as the one which greeted him in a very few moments. The Y. M. C. A. have been allowed the use of the school grounds until the next regular meeting of the Board. The boys havo been showing great interest in -football so far this spring and there is evidence of a good team being picked out. At the Mon- day .meeting of the Y. TIL C. A. Mr. Bruce Anderson was appointed field manager. On Friday evening a special meeting is being celled for on the school grounds at eight o'clock to choose sides for conducting of games and sports for the summer. In all probability the bible study course will he discpntinued during the summer months in the Y. M. C. A. rooms and more attention given to the out door exercises. Centralia Mr. Arthur iledden, of Centralia were affected one day ptomaine poisoning, up th' dew worms ter bait an' wait) the cause being at pot of jam por- ed fer Alf to make hez mornin's ap-, chased from a grocery store. Some pearancc. Now undershtand me all this har-rd wur-ruk wuz done afore gettin' up time. so we had to lay quiet •• fer a couple iv hours, ez Alf issent tour-rukin' by th' new time, 'cept at meal hours. While we wuz waitin' Charlie 'Hooper, who wants to join th' club writ out :a sign, "All fish - In' rights resarved in this pond. by order iv the 1. 1V. F. C.. per A. W. At hez usual hour Alt. came •,•ran- derin' to wur-ruk. an' yez nit s saw a more tickled gintlmin in yi iifc. Well. avis," sez he. "I niver wuz so plazed in all me born days, an' be- tgorry I'll take th' job iv caretaker iv th' pond this verrn minnit, nn' I'll ask th' prisidint iv th' club to call a matin' fer to -morrow afhternoon nt two 1niuty sharp. if not later. P. S. The commissioner was in node iv snarl fer buildin' th' new side- walks an' dug-th' bottom out iv th' pond. lettin' th' tt•ather off, so th' motile is5ent called. JUNE WEDDINGS • Will soon be the order of the day. We have a beautiful lot of goods suitable for weddding gifts. See Our line of Silverware, Quality Guaranteed rrJF.\VEI.Fit Wedding Icings a Specialty and Our Cut Glass span spark- ling and of the finest quality. Hand Pained Ghindare havinga special sale of this line Bulking room for new goo's. Everything in China at big redaction in price. S. FITTON. OPTICIAN Marriage Licenses Issued' REPAIRING L'icycle repairing (iunsnlithing Lawn Mowers Sharpened Saws Grimed and Filed Knives and Scissors " New Wringer Rollers ltorse Clipper's Sharpened Umbrellas All kinds of Keys fitted and Locks Repaired New Bicycles and Sundries, Guns anal Ammunition in stock (woo Muskrat Skins Wanted. Highest Market Prices) JOHN TRIEBNER Two Doors North of Post Office. • iiiGIT SCiiOOI. REPORT --- Results of May test examinations in the Ii. S. Department Form 111. The following is the list of candi- dates who have written on the May test Examination held in the 1i. S. 1)e pat tment. Form 11I. of Exeter School. and who have made the ne- eessnry percentage in both subjects and total. The standing required for Notrnal Entrance is 40 per -cent in eneh subject and GO percent of the total, while for Junior Matriculation 40 per -cent in each subject only is re- quired. 'Though making the necess- ary per -cent no candidate will be re- commended to write on the mid -sum- mer examinations if he shows weak- ness in one or more subjects and has not n good margin nn the total. For Normal Entrance. Katie Collins 86; Edward Willis 81; Alva McMahon 79 ; Tom Sanders 75: Jolla Martin 73; Anna Dow 70; ida Marchand 69; Willie llirney 68; John Oestreicher 05; Ruth Ilooper 61; Lillian Snell 63; Lizzie Sanders 62 ; Irene llandford 61; Lillian llodgert 60 : Kathleen Stewart 60. Junior Matriculation Katie 'Collins 82 ; Alta McMahon 76 ; Tont Sanders 72; Ida Marchand 70; Anon Dow 69; Lula Martin GR; Loney Heywood 67; Clifford McAroy G6; Lillian llodgert 64; 1.i:lien Snell 61 : ida itowe 63 ; .1ohn E. Jones 61 ; Kathleen Stewart. 59. SPICING MI:DTCINE Everyone is better for taking a spring tonic. The following is a splendid and inexper.sive tonic- a sarsaparilla and Wood purifier that will make your spring work it pleas- ure. sassafras bark 1-2 oz., Burdock (toot 1 oz.. Mandrake 'toot 1.2 oz. Ituclin Leaves 1-2 oz.. Chnrnonile Flowera 1-2 oz., Gentian (toot. 1 oz. Dandelion 'toot 1 oz.. Cascara 'lark 1 oz.. Sarsaparilla (toot 1 oz.. Steep the roots in 1 1-2 pints of boiling water for 12 hours. Strain and add `water to make 1 1-2 pints of finish- ed tonic. Dose. one teaspoonful 3 times n day before meals. Sugar may be ndded to suit taste. This receipt cnn be bought at Cole's Drag Store. Exeter for 25 cents. 1t is worth your while to get and try it. 11011 V colt N1511 -At Elinmvil:e. Mti' 3rd, to '•1r. and Mrs. John Cornish. a son. 1'ultD-in iTsborne. Saturday 15th, to Nits and .1 r i. Geo. ford. n son. DIF:D SI•.I.DON-1n it,lfer.oll. Sunday, May 16th. 17109 Mr-. Thos. Schlott. aged 61 years. SC il.11EL%l-In Crediton. Saturday. May 15th, 1909 airs. Eekhard Wil- helm. aged 68 years. 10 months and 8 days, c & 'x'c A=A. gsarsth. 1tIIl`adYctInn Ana s810t eiclittre � of the jam was served at the noon dna meal. and shortly afterwards. Mr. Redden. his wife and three child- ren were in extreme pain. Miss Lillian Elliott left Monday for 'Toronto to spend :t few weeks with her uncle Dr. Elliott. Itev. Mr. and Mrs. Butt attended the graduation exercises of Victoria Hospital, London on Wednesday, their daughter Miss Mabel being one of the graduates. Our base -ball team purposes play- ing the Exeter team on May 24th. The Sermon on "Success in Life" delivered by Rev. W. 11. Butt last Sunday evening was an able one and is highly spoken of. Byron !licks is shipping it great number of cattle these days as prices are high. Mr. Norinan Mitchell addressed the League on Tuesday evening. EllmvIlle Mrs. John Prout was the guest. of Mrs. Ilicks last week. Mr. Wm. Jacques. who has been confined to his bed for many weeks, is able to get around again. Farmers are anxiously waiting for dry weather so they can go on with their seeding which has been delayed owing to the frequent rains. MIS Woodham The 10th. Anniversary of the Wood - horn Methodist Sabbath School will be held on Sunday. May 23rd, 1909. when sermons will be preached by Rev. T. '1'. George, Principal of the Mount Elwin Institute. at 10.30 n. 111. and 7 p. tn. A grand picnic will be held in Mr. Benj. Beaver's Grove, weather permitting. if not at the church grounds. on Monday. May 24th. 1909. Dinner served at 12.30 o'clock. music will be furnished by the Granton Methodist church choir and Mrs. M. Turk. of Liman. Miss Irene Ilobinrou. of Kirkt on. will recite. Addresses are expected from Revs. G. itncey. Rirkton, 11. 3, hair and F. Burgess, of Elinmville and T. 1'. George. .1. G. ;tones. of Exeter. will occupy the chair. Admission adult 25 cents children 15 cents. All are cordially invited. Auction Sale - of - Valuable household Goods Mr. John Gill has beta in- structed to sell by public auction at 1'. .1. Knight's Store. Main Street Exeter. on Saturday, May 22nd. at 1.30 p. in. the following property One piano. one couch. one sofa. two upholstered rock, rs. one settee, six rockers. n number of dining chairs: one dining table. Aix small tables, two writing desks, one hook case, one refrigerntor. one cooking range, large quantity of carpets. number of dishes. one gasoline stove, two beds. two bedroom •41:+,•s. one bath tub, a nnmhi'r of p'etnr,•4. a number of window screens. window curtains and Minds. rues and other articles too numerous to mention. 1I:RM t: CASIi .10IiN GILL. 1'. .1. I:N Ir,1iT. 'Slier on, er. i'rn;•ri.•1ur. Stir up. the rem ,t, of our hair with Howey's Hair Tonic :malt'. 11owey's !)rug Store cold, on Bing street. and Mr. Arnold has moved into the dwelling on Rich- mond street lately occupied by Dr. Sil1ery. The sacrament of the Lord's sup- per was observed in Caramel church 011 Sabbath last at the morning ser- vice, when the new individual cup service was used for the first time. The preparatory service Friday afternoon was conducted by Itev. Mr. Stephenson. of Lucnn. Mr. George Burns, organizer for the 'Canadian Order of Foresters, has been here for the past week or two in the interest of the order. Mr. ltobt. Mcalordie, of London. was in the village last week and his many friends were pleased to meet him and find hint recovering nicely from his recent illness. Mrs. Jas. Sutherland spent the past week with relatives in London. Mr. G. hill and family of Ilillss green. recently moved into our vil- lage, and are occupying the dwelling they purchased some titne ago from Mr. F. Iiowald at the west end of our village. A number of witnesses from here attended I he adjourned Bice trial at Goderich on Monday last. Mr. Bice will have to stand bis trial on the charge of setting fire some two years, or more ago to the Queen's hotel here. Mr. Wm. J. Ilildebrand is moving to Ailsa Craig where he has secured good employment. Mr. Barnum, of London, was in the village lest week visiting relatives. Miss Blanche Nesbitt, of New York is here visiting her parents. Mr. Itobt. Carlisle has given the contract for the erection of a fine two storey brick veneered dwelling nt the east end of our village to Mr. Wm. Welsh. Mr. T. T. Berry is confined to his bed suffering from lumbago. Our villagers learned with very much regret this week of the death of Mr. William C. Charters, who was nn esteemed resident of our village many years ago. and was well known as a grain buyer. Mr. Charters, al- though a strong and rugged man when here. had been in declining health for some years. Ile was one of the early. if not chartered, mem- hers of the Oddfellows lod;; • here. and nt the time of his death °a Monday W lust guns still a membcrwof Ilensall lodge. Ile had been for some time in Colorado in the interests of his Health. Aar. '1'..1. 'terry has purchased from Mr. C. E. ilackney, of Exeter, that Merchant excellent stallion. "Sir Matthew". Mr. Berry sold the horse to Mr. Ilnckncy two years ago. Sir Matt- hew is one of the hest horses in this .set:on and comes from the hest lin- . 'a„ • of Clydesdale steak. $1.00 per year In advance Mm loo to' 510 I00%P1IRE Our customers have l'ugdemaud- ed a purer paint -a paint that wears !mutter and goer lura 1.1.-r. -an all around ,ati,. fac•bry ;;.'.,d paint. We have at and Guarantee Martin•Senour IOOro Pure Paint to be nude,( Pore whit, 'rad, Pure f,lde nt Gus. Pure Linseed 011. P.wltrvrl) ne adul. teoallon. Two Sala go aa fir as 3 gala or other nand,. Como In our store and 1.t us ten )ou more about 11. ReaO Mlxod Pam -in- Martin Senours 1000/ Pura Elephant and Holluwood Paints from to to 5oc. perjtin. Paint and Kalsomine Brushes 5, 10, 1 5, 20 and z 5c. Wall and Ceiling Finishes Muralto, Alabastine and Muresco. All colors in 25 and 5oc packages. Poultry Netting Screen Wire Netting Shovels and Spades Rakes and Iloes Owen Sound Portland Cement for Walls, Floors, Walks, etc at $I.60 per bbl. It cannot remain long at this price. Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruse's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is none better than Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. KAWKINS &SON ARE YOU PARTICULAR? Do von want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle, tit and price will please you -we'll keep Our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Corte here for your next Suit or Overcoat. e Carl Suit You To the Editor of the Exeter Time.. I have been looking for great things since rending the Ie:tei your paper written by "Energetic.", but possibly it requires :a magnifying gloss to see time first move. Who is this expert` If the Exeter council thought him capable of advising us on the water question. Surely they will not slop at that : lo' will have to be paid for his work so far. but it looks to the ns though they `wanted hien to give n different report. Now. Exeter is ready for a water works system and why cannot we look nhead for a few y,•:ars and not first work nlong year by year with brat t'y expenditure and little to show for it. A greater expenditure for one year will rave in years to come. Imagine ti village like Exeter pay- ing over $1.300 for lighting, yearly. Of course the nre liable on the main street nre really seces'ary and if we had the 2000 c. p. given its accord- ing to ngreenmenf. we would not re- quire those twnv caudle. on the side slre,•ts that are costing us twice what they ; !mold. I tell yon e:eetrie lir:Wing in Exe- ter is a sure gold mine. nt least it stwnllows up the poop:09 money just as fast. i will give you some of the benefits derived if the town would take hold of this tenter question. in 1h•• first piney by putting up the mil: -dam it would Olson. 115 first-class water pro- tection and lowering the insurane rotes from $2,000 to $3,000 per yesi th.•11 the ire rupply would mean no smnll revenu,•. led last but not least boa Oita and :a ;turning. \Ve should Iny out a 1111:, money for plenYnre. and not alt, ay, ,lying to :•lke .(Je nlntigh(v dollar. And. I would runrantee that Exe- ter w•o1,111 1101 be merely laying out money. but it would he th•• host la- ves(meal we hare ever mad,. and in f-%•• years w0,1111 not accept twice ‘t hot it cost. 1 think it is the eonneil'a Once to mak • the first move and as we ap- reinl them to look after oar inter- ests let them anken up and Ret busy. P11O(:11East VE." CRO stopped 1n 20 minutes nre with 10. Sh. Crimp Hemn° tier trill .inn. N.. confuting. trey=..S 'afi and pleasing panto -:Ac. lin �. JOHNS Tailor Exeter, Ontario Great Discount Sale Of Furniture AT ROWE & ATKINSON'S • We lIIlVe st;tl't('(1 a great slaughter sale (0111- 1)l fang every article of furniture in Our large st o('k at a great reduction on regular prices. Note some of the great bargains we are offering and wh It it 0105135 to Furniture buyers. Bedrootn Suites in } cut oak finish with large Bevel Plato Mirror regular price $111.501; discount sale price $13.00. Sideboards, regular price $13.00 discount pale price $1(1.0(1 Couches, regular price $R 50 discount sale price $0 00 Mattresses, regale prier* $:1,50.... ..... . discount sale price $2.60 Everything else lit proportion. A call will convince intending purchasers thalt this is the greatest 131Irgain Sale ever held in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON 1'f„• 1.- cling 11 1, 0 Fotnishers a,:d Funeral Dire, torr. OVR Gives Strangth and Vigor L There is nothing which so quickly restores strength and energy after an illness .as a daily cup of 13OVRiL. .\s a change add a; spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL iMo a glass of hot milk. 9VRIL IS LIQUID LIFE ..�