Exeter Times, 1909-05-13, Page 8'A! h. r: X .� 1 1 tit i' 1. M i. a MAY 13th 11)0a
b++++• t • ++++++++++++++++++++ ++t++N++
Is the order of the day
We are ready to show you nice new things for any
room in the house.
Wall Papers, Carpets, Room Rugs,
Linoleums, Mattings, Lace Curtains
Tapestry Curtains
rc the Roll. lOc the Holl
15e the Roll, 20c the Roll
For four leasing lines of Wali Paper. These are all double
pile eco papers. colors strong and good. Come direct to us from
th • McArthur factory -You save the middle man's profit.
Room ROUS!
ate one of our strong lines.
Again we save yea one profit
t hey come to us direct front
aThe new pat-
veryt ,
teras rat 1 y
are soft autumn tints of
Browns. Blues. Greens and
Heds. The new seamless rugs
lie perfectly flat oequiring no
tacks. if your floors are not
good we supply withour Eng-
lish plank bordering which
makes and an ideal margin or
yards wide, all thoroughly
saasoned direct from Nairne
factory. The best money can
buy; We haye none of the
cheap or low priced linoleums
they are dear at, any price.
If you want quaity come to
us. "You know It pays to
pay for quality." We are
shownig some new oriental
and tile patterns that are
very pretty, You'll like
Special for This Week and Until Sold
Four hunred yards plaid ginghams silk mercerized finish.
Takes an expert to tell then fpom silk., all pure dyes. Lovely
tartan effects. Regular city price 25c. Our special bargain offer
t In• yard, 15c.
None Better
Steel I3riggs field seeds.. we
have sold them for nearly 20
years, and have never yet
been disappointed "of course
we buy their very best strains
not one pound of cheap or
doubtful seed comes into our
Yes our millinery work
room is a very busy spot. You
would wonder where all the
hats go to. You can tell a
Stewart hat on the street,
They have that smart city
touch. Just a little more style
than the ordinary hat.
Another Four Hundred pair of Black and Tan Job Hosiery
for women. big boys and girls. Regular 23c quality. Our bar-
gain price 2 moires fors Quarter.
S. A. S W'.A.RT
Clearing Sale
Regular price
Ladies and Men's Rain Coats fronegut $:�,o
to $14.00. Selling price from $3.00 to $9.00.
Men's and Boys' Suits
All going at and less than wholesale prices to clear out.
-�RY We have in stock some nice bete worth from $2.00
Market Report.-Tbe following Is ( Get your Liuoleums at IL N. NOTIGuv TO CREDITORS
the report of Exeter markets, cor- howl's. In tho matter of the estate of
$4.00, all going at trots 25c to $1.00, Also nice flowers
• from 10c a bunch upward.
This is the best opportunity you will have to get a Raincoat for Yourself
a Snit for Your Boys or a Hat for Your Girls. Conte in and get a bargain
while they last. All good goads.
Eggs 17c cash. 18c trade,
Phone 22
One door north P. 0.
la suit tailored by us may not all be
visible. but it is there just the same.
!t is hidden in the interlining. the
seams. the modeling.
don't expect it to wear like an or-
dinary one. it will not. it will wear
so long you'll get tired of it. even
though it retains its style and shape-
liness right along.
fiastinu's Old Stand
First Class equipment
throughout and with
careful conscientious
work we guarantee sat-
isfaction to all custom-
IYour Patronage is
Respectfully Solicited
W. W. TAMAN Ilhommiemmoummm
Merchant Tailor.
'l bs North -I -t corner of Lot 11.
Concession 0. 1 .N borne, the prop,•rty of
th • late isrn •1 Harris. The house
is wit. end one-half stories high and
contains six rooms. kitchen and wood-
shed. 1 here is n frame barn about
2u by 10. hard and soft water. and
nboat one acr) of good fruit trees.
The soil is a good clay. The lot is
ttoestly seeded out and i' well fenced
and drr•ined.A;'ply to
' Solicitor
Having decided to go into the
Bus and Dray Business in Ex-
eter, 1 have placed a new rand
up -to date rig on the t'otd for
the conveyance of passengers
to and from the station and re-
spectfully solicit a fair share of
the business of the travelling
public. Calls at the office,
Phone 41a, cheerfully attend-
ed to
Dieter. '
,•cted up to May hit h.
Whew: $1.25
Peas 80 to 'Jo.
Oats 93 to 45.
Barley 5:1 to 55e.
Bran. $25. •
Shorts, $25.
Blended Star Flour. $3.75
reed flour 11.50 to $1.55.
Ca,ver. $.0.75
'1in,othy. >'2.75
Eggs. 17C doz.
Butter, 18 cents pound
11ay$7.50 to 18.50.
(logs liveweight $7.30
Hogs, dressed •8.50 to $9100.
Coal, $7.25 a ton.
Dried Apples 6 centb.
Potatoes. 75
Mr. Joseph Bustard. a former re- Israel .Iarris, late of the 'Township.
tid,•ui of 1114401.411 101%11,411i1' died at of ttrborne, in the Cu,:uty of Huron.
t his hunts 95 !truce street, London on Lnb;.rer. deceased.
Sunday lust. aged 81 sear.. The re -i \olile is mostly gown p t/50.mi. to
cutins were brought from London it. I. O.. 189;. snap. 139, that alt
Tuesday morning and the remains, Cita:i1(1e s and uthe: s having claims
taken from the depot for interment against 1ht' estate of the late Israel
in the Exeter cemetery• llarris, tubo died cm or about
' I Miss Celia Ferguson. of Minden, the 15th day of J'eby.. 1909. are re-
1Ned.. who has been ill with an nbcess quired on or before the 15th day of
in her side and who came as far as May. 1U09 to send by post prepaid
London three weeks ago. arrived Jr deliver to Messrs. Gladman &
here last Saturday and is visiting :it Stanbury, solicitors for the ezecu-
the house of her sister. Mrs. C. Wl for of the estate of the
Christie, where she is improving nice- said deceased their christian
lye I and surnames. addresses and des
Last Sunday the clergymen of the criptions. the full particulars of their
Huron diocese exchanged pulpits, claims. 111e stetcutent of their ao-
preaching missionary services. Rev. counts :aid the nature of the se -
U. W. Collins occupied 1h pulpit of Butitics. if any. held by thein. A nd
the Hensel! Episeopol church. %•hies further lake Halite that after such
ItevJohn Berry, of Seaforth. took last mentioned dato the sail I:xeou.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• charge of the novices in the Trivia tor will proceed to distribute
parties entitled thereto, biota., re.
\ 1)
The programs for Inc Victoria a)' 1111(1 only to the claims of which
4 alemorial church. the assets of the de
ccaa'd amen; the
•♦•••••♦ Celebration have been issued and show
••�••�•� an excellent list of events for the
day. including horse rates. two and
a half mile Marathon. short distance
races. and other athletic games.
Prizes are being offered for base-
The Times till Jou, 1910
fr•r Seventy Cents
'fell your Neighbors a-
bout it.
i;eon. will be at the Commercial
Rotel. (fours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.
in. Glaeses properly fitted and dis-
ea,,,•s of eve ear and nose treated.
N. xt visit Monday, May )7th.
r '
COOPERAGE ORI: -Tubi, pails,
etc.. repaired. Will call for goods
and return when repaired. Drop a
crud and I will call. ED. JIEIDE-
man, Sanders St.. Exeter.
The constant drop of water
Wears away the hardest stone.
The constant knaw of Tiger
Masticates the toughest bone;
The constant. cooing lover
Carries off the blushing maid,
And 'the constant advertiser
Is the one that gets the trade.
See 1t. N. Rowe's change of add.
Mr. Gus. 'Coughlin. of Toronto. {AILS
in town last Friday.
Mr. Thos. Trick. of Clinton, is the
guest of Mrs. Samwell.
Mr. Elmer Lang. of St. Marys. has
engaged with James Gould, as cooper.
Mr. A. Sheere has gone to Brant-
ford to work for the Verity Plow Co.
Biggest value in wall paper ever of- salt, fifty lumps of Fuger, and a small
fired at R. N. Itowe's. quantity of soap. 111 addition. there
Mr. A. 'Currie, of llillsgrccn, was , is enough carbon to make a few
thousand crayons. and the final item
the guest of Mr. W. Jacobi over Sun -
is is n large bucketful of water.
they shall then Have notice end that
the said executor will not be liable
for the sold ussets or :any pert there.
of to any' Iverson or persons of whose
claims notice shall not have been
bull games. A grand concert will received by them at the time of such
be given in the evening. tlist rthut ion. ,
Frank Itoughmond, the negro GLADMAN for & ST ecutor. Y
Solicitors for said executor.
tramp. was Wednesday night sett -
Dated at Exeter, this 1811 day
fenced to be hanged on Monday. June April. 11009.
28. by Mr. Justice Riddell at the p
spring assizes Stratford. for the
murder of Mrs. Mary Peake. Ile
went to the Peake residence. about
two miles and a half nti'es from
Stratford. on Sept. 30 last. where he
was found in the cellar beside the
Mrs Peake.
Evidencesdead body o[
of an outrage were many,
and he was
charged with both rape and murder.
The negro. who comes from Little
Carlisle, Que., took his sentence with
seeming indifference. retaining the
same stolid air which has character-
ized his attitude all through the
An expert scientist who has looked
into the matter asserts that the or-
dinary hen's egg and the human body
are composed prSctically of the same
matter. This scientist states thee
the body of the ordinary than weigh-
ing 150 pounds contains the same
combination and weight of substances
to be found in 1200 hens' eggs. Th.
following is the composition of the
man's body. and of the number of
eggs mentioned. Sufficient iron to
make seven large nails. sufficient
fat for fourteen pounds of candles.
phosphorus enough for some thous-
ands of matches, twenty teaspoonfuls
day. .
Mrs. Shirley Bobier and children,
are visiting Mrs. A. Q. Dobler, at
The Agricultural Society is having
a new grand stand erected at the
fair grounds.
.-s. Livingstone. of Milverton, is
v'• .ing her parents Mr. and Mrs.
J as 'llawkshaw.
The bachelors of Exeter. will give
no informal assembly in McDonnell's
Mali Friday evening.
A regular Storm Period will be in
force from the 15th to the 20th, hav-
ing its centre on the 18th. The
Aloon's passage over the celestial
equator on the 15th, so near its peri-
gee on the 10th, and new on the 19th,
will hasten storm conditions at this
time. Sudden change to very warm
will appear westward on the 15th. at-
tended by falling barometer and other
decided indications of coming storms.
These conditions will widen in ex-
tent and grow more intense as they
Al:. Norman Lloyd has secured n move eastward.- causing a series of
'heavy rain. wind and thunder storms
situation at Fort William and will
move th.•re shortly- from about the 10th to 20th. There
are no abnormal reasons to apprehend
Dr. L. 1.. Follick and Miss Mable dangerous storms at this time, and
Follick. of St. Marys, spent Sunday yet tornadoes are entirely possible.
in town with their parents. Those who observe with any degree
51r. W. S. Cole last week par- of care will readily foresee any such
chased from Mr. F..1. Knight the danger. 'heat. humidity and low
store building on Main street. barometer always precede dangerous
The basebnll boys have commenced storm. and for many hours in ad -
for the season and every evening a lance all these conditions are mani-
- fest. Even the birds and beasts show
good sized crowd turns out for prac
lice. that they experience bodily discomfort
Mr. Fred knight, formerly, of Exe- with instincts of n10ronching danger.
Vith n reliable llarouleter and Jly-
ter. has disposed of his business is
Saskatchewan and will locate far- grometer to consult. such a thing as
fiber north. being surprised by a tornado. or
other violent storms, is simply an
The new bowling alleys have been impossinility. These faithful in -
placed in position and it is expected struments always give timely warn -
they will be ready to pay on Satur- ing. and no home or public building
day evening. should be unprovided with them.
Constable \Vhitesides, of Renault Another probable seismic period lies
was in town Saturday. serving sum- about the 17th to the 21st. central
mouses in connection ttith the recent on the 19th. Change to higher baro-
Ilensrtll. hotel fire. meter and touch cooler will be natur-
Air. W. R. Elliott. of Centralia..al from about the 20th to the 23rd.
has sufficiently recover.•d from his re- the change of course. passing pro -
cent operation. that lis was able to t;ressively from west to east, carry -
return home Inst week. ing with it fair and clearing weather.
Airs. Win. Beldon. of Ingersoll, was The Quarterly Board meeting of
the guest of Mrs. Hruutwcll it few days
th.• James Street. Methodist church
during; the past week. returning' to
was held Tuesday evening. At the
'est the fienncial statement for
her home Monday evening.
the year was read and showed an in -
The line of the proposed Stratford crease in every department. About.
St. Joseph Railway has been sur- two hundred members have been ad-
veycd through Exeter. Stakes have ded to the church and the connexion -
been Fet on Victoria street. al funds all showed a substantial
The Marathor, race on the 240h. advance. The hoard in behalf of the
promises to he interesting. Hovernl congregation. appreciating the ser -
runners are now doing the distance vices of the pastor. who has worked
nightly so as to be in condition. fait brill!). and diligently during the
A Boston scientist intends Inking past four pore offered th,• following
a balloon ascension next September resolution. which was carried unan-
for the purpose of getting into tom- imo"Iy•
municntion with Mars. by wireless. "Moved by 8. Martin. seconded by
The Exeter Can Club have purchas-
ed several trophies to be shot for by
members during the coming summer.
The first prize is a handsome writ -
i: desk.
Moyle the kidnnppsr of Willie Whit -
1.0. at Sharon. 1'a.. wes found guilty
r id sentenced to life imprisonment
t•. hile his wife received a sentence of
t w•enty-fire years.
Miss Florence Treibner, who re-
cently underwent an operntinn for
appendicitis rat Victoria Hospital
London. has written to her parents
that she is rapidly convalescing.
'. hew floor n1 hinnll cost:. A
half-gnitnn can of Campbell's Floor
Finish will make your old Floor look
ns good as new. Thio Finish comes
in'1r:tnsl.arent nlso with stain com-
bined, producing beautiful imita-
tions of enthral woods. W. .1. Ilea -
man sells it.
in the matter of the estate of
John Corbett, late of the Township
of ''lay, in the County of Huron,
farmer deceased.
rat suant to
is b • given r
Notice hereby 1
129,that all
It. S. O
18rJ7 chapter I.
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said
John Corbett, who died on or about
the 3rd day of April 1909
are required on or before the
13th day of May, 1909, to send by
post prepaid. or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury
of the Village of Exeter, So-
licitors for the Executor of the
said deceased, their christian and sur-
names, addresses and descriptions
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by then. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
date the said Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to the
claims of which he shall then have
notice and that the said executor
will not be liable for said assets
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice
shall not have been received by him
at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for said executor .
Dated at Exeter this 19th day of
April 1909.
Of course dearly every store in town claims to be the
best store. All stores have a right to this claim. We will
not make it however. All we ask is that you inspect OUT
Have you worn a pair of the Astoria
shoe yet. If you haven't you should. Wo
have them in all the latest styles both in the
black and tan. They are having a great run. q(
Our stock of Lvitttoleultms were never better. A
dozen or more patterns to choose from, ranging in price $2,
$2.25 and $2.40.
Special Inducements for Friday and
Saturday Only.
All 12iio Prints at 11 cents.
itt the matter of the estate of
August D. Schroeder, of the town-
ship of 'Hay. in the County of Iluron.
gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Ib. S. 0., leJ7. Chap. J29 that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the late August
D. Schroeder, who died on or about)
the 119th day of April, 1909.
are requested on or about the 20th
day of May, 1909, to send by
post paid or deliver to Messrs.
Gladrnan & Stanbury. of the village
of Exeter. solicitors for the execu-
tors of the said deceased their
christinn and surnames. addresses
anti descriptions. the full particulars
of their claims, the statement of
their accounts and the nature of the
Watch Our Crockery Window.
This is the season of ille year for Painting. We have them,
Benjamin Moore Co., the Best, pure Linseed.
Eggs 1Sc. trade, Mc. cash, subject to change.
We Repair,
All kinds of Boots and
• Shoes for you
Boots and Shoes
Next to Carling Bros.
we write you these few lines to let
you know that you can end all your
baking troubles if you will
We know this because so many good
housekeepers say our flour bakes bet-
ter and goes farther than any other
brand they have tried. We shall be
glad to have you order a sack and feel
sure you will thank us for the sug-
gestion after you have used the flour.
10,000 bushels of wheat wanted.
securities. if any. held by them. And
further take notice that after such
last mentioned date the executors .j.
will proceed to distribute assets ot� -1-
the deceased among the parties en- Make tor this store when you -i-
titled thereto. having regard only to .1. went the purest Flavoring ex- ':
the claims of which they shall thentracts, the hest Toilet lotions,
have notice and that Faid executors $ Bair Prepertions, Talcum Pow- +
shall not he liable for the said as- {, tiers; the sweetest pet fumes, 't°'
sets or any pert thereof to any per- ,t+, writing Pads and Envelopes.
son or persons of whose claims not- !.
ice shall not have been received by -.
them at the time of such distribution j
Solicitors for Executors. - r
All the latest +
i)nted at Exeter this 27th day of 1' Lc diSo11 1llonnoge'al)l1S and
;, Records in great variety.
i: Bring your friends. we're al-
ert- ways gla(1 to meet them.
April, 1909,
Auction Sale
Valuable 103 Acre Farm in
Stephen Township •1, Willis Putt ell Manager. ••
The undersigned have been instruc- - _
ted by the ndministrntrix of the Es-
tate of the Irate Jaynes K. Ford to
offer for sale at the Commercial
Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday. May 15th.
11109 at 2 o'clock p. m. Lot 16, Con-
cession 2. Stephen Township.
On this property is a good brick
house. bank barn with stone and
'I'. If. Carling. that wee place on re- brick foundation. frame drive shed
cord our appreciation of the labors and chicken house. There is a small
of our pastor. Itev. A. 11. Going. dor- piece of bush and it never (ailing
ing hi : four years' pastorate among creek and a young orchard of about
us. In all his business transactions
with the Itoard he has always shown
II:inself a true 'Christian gentleman.
nod in the relit:ions and Focial work
of our church he has ever been n true
and syml.nth •tic pastor. We also wish
to speak of Mrs. Going ns sympath-
etic and energetic in nil the church
Mork. and ns they leave us for their
new field of labor. tvr 1rnst thnt they
may bre ns SurceSsfnl in all their
work ns here and that the blessing of
Plod may ever he with them and their
•• i:ntela •
St. Marys is prepnring for a big i •
celebration on the 21th. The pro- t
gram includes the celebrated Luck-)
Ilnn(1; Btrntfot'd - St.
Any e
now Pipers'
CLINTON 3 x t.vss Cot.t.}:it: te
Marys Marathon ; Ca not Races , Mo- - • h:1. /wen tried In the efntshle of rtperi.
tor Boat Races; Athletic Sports and •,awe, with the Pru of o tinl�n, and ha. not
= - - Evelyn Gil: returned to To -
(Mtn I •+antis¢ he ann•t•vs M nor
Games : Highland Dancing : Lacrosse.
iest el r v.. _ t Marys 1 r, g I a ¢e
three acres. Some forty acres have
been fall p'nwed and about six acres
in fall wheat. a:l in good state of
cultivation. This property is situ-
nted only 2 1-2 miles from Exeter
and within one toile of school.
TERMS The farm will be taold
either for immediate pons-•ssion or for
possession in the fall ns tray suit the
purchaser. if for immediate vosses-
sion 11) per cent of the purchase shall
be paid on the day of the sale and the
bnlnnee in thirty .lays. If for pos-
sess'on in the fall 10 per cent shall be
secured and the balance upon pur-
ehnscr obtninirg possession. 2-3 of
ale price mny be left on Mortgage
emits rat 5 per cent. Further
terms and conditions will be made
known on day of sale or may be had
on npplicntiol1 to
11. S. i'Iiif,1.I1:S. Auctioneer.
Nil't'tors for Adrninistratrix.
wradnateahat not been etotlled. Not the • Intl to 1'1 :t twtek.
I . R . Mn s : 11 ass andt r .1. nett flip ;exe rt ¢nils modern unci- t g/;,, •'. •miss !M•In. it. N. ilow e a
i'trers hands: Darden Party with; tar.s,'t,»IinWe.trrno,.tarin.
• jest love:v.
Z I , t:urtn ns. they an• )
illuminated Flotilla. The road rate' "."'(
• Indil0'1411natrnetinn. "tion,
leaves Stratford at 1 p. m.. finish • Mall Course. ?olerany day. • WOOD i011 SALE. -We are naw,
inn rat the Fair (Intends. Bt. Marys, • )%r85f rpart)•,aar..• -prepared to deliver to arae part of i F11t\T 70 Ili'\'f for pasture, 21-2
a distnnCe of 11 1.4 milt`s. Por the GEO. BPOTTON, 1',iocip:tl, •• the town first class elm slabs. A11
road race and athletic games several • orders promptly attended to.
hundred dollars in prises are offered. •7•••••••••••••••••••••••• Zt. GILLIEte.
_ � •
- +l ✓i
/ ija
fes• CS?
t kl
L ]o.t:
Talon Powder
1::eps the shiny it
,o;: from the skin,
leaves it as Soft as a
l.zby s rnd gives it
the delightful
•-. odor ofspring
k's° violets.
4• �cnc`t�
• OW on
W. S. Cole
With twenty-two years' ex-
• perience to its credit this college
• is recognized as the geeatest
• practical training school in
• Z Western Ontario.
Three d• partments:
Our classes are the largest,
our courses moat practical and
2 our instructors experienced.
sOur graduates aro assisted to
positions and succeed as none •
• others. Enter now. Get our
• free catalogue.
Buys a Thoroughly
Louis XIV Style.
S. Martin & son
If you have a cold, if you have a
cough or croup. or hoarseness, or
nervous disorder. you should rend the
message and profit by iii:
C(11) LIVER Oil.
It's easy to take, no tests, it's a
tonic builder and a flesh producer.
It piles away reserve etrength for
you, and makes you worth more to
yourself and everybody else.
Pure Cod Liver Oil with that greasy
taste removed. The other ingredi-
ents net as a tonic. Ask your Doc-
tor ; he'll say.
All Druggists.
W. S. Howey, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician
Hers s Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is
The 014 Reliable Firm
M. Jackson & Son
one door south of the Itfetr,poli-
tan. Just (not( at 1119 followings
prices (no tr.i(le, and no true
all cash.
Rigs 75 c, per hundred
iron from 0'Ic to 75e. per hen.
Old rubber boots at shoes 7c. lb.
Copper and bravo 9 per II).
H tree hair 3`)c. per 11),
1.-nd and zinc 2 112 per lb.
Now iloys the 24th Is Coming
Bring your goods herr and get
11, • worth of you:. money.
A treat v.tt•iel y of IRON
I'll' tlways on h•tnrl at a to t -
s in:, .• price, suitaltle Inc f• nee
poo. (tracing bott'ev:►r,li�t'•. -
,f ':. Jackson & Sons-
For ny r:,se of neswousncsi. slrep-
lessn(!+. ae.•tk Atomich, indigestion.
miles north of Exeter. Lot 11, on. •tYseep-iu, try Carter's Little Liver
1. (lay, 100 acres. Good pasture and fills. Relief Is sure, 'I he only tierce
water. Apply It. It. ROSS, Myron, Ont medicine in market.