HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-13, Page 4Coughs and'
• Colds
For the prompt relief and
curt of Colds, Coughs, Hoarse•
nesb, Loss of Voice, and all
affections of the Throat and
lungs and for general debility.
Get a bottle of Perry's Com-
pound Syrup of \\'elite fine
with Tar or Perry's Emulsion
of Cod Liver (►il with Hypo-
phosphitr:+ •.f 1.iine and Stith,
Sold at
Brownh'gS Drug Store
igE EXETER TIMES, MAY 13th 1909.
Are you feeling languid and ail run down
for you to pull yourself together, and dc'=s c
thing seem too much trouble for you? Ar.
irritable and bad tempered? No wonder it y')a ~S.
The months of winter have tried you sorely and ro oed
' you of more vitality than your system has been able to re-
plenish. You are in need of a good tonic \vhch will revive) ou
and bring back that old-time vim and energy. PSYC H I N E will do this.
o Mr. James Stoliker, of Ridgctown, says: ---"THERE IS LIFE IN EVERY DOSE.
ii cannot speak too highly of PSYCH for it is the greatest msdici .e 1 ever used
I was just about 'All in' when 1 began the treatment, and in 3 months 1 was as well
as ever. It is a great tonic for wo.ak and run down people. There seoms to be new
life in every dose." You cannot do without PSYCHINE at this time of the year. It
I Is a necessity and will banish that run-down feeling, languor, etc., and give you new
life. Send to DR. T. A. :,LOCUM, Limited, Spadina Ave., Toronto,' for a sample
to-day,t9or purchase a bottle from your
• local Druggists or Dealer.
YSYCHINE is sold everywhere at 50e.
and $1.00 per bottle.
The cattle
aro Ontario regarding Innlug as- Minutes of the Board held in the
Gay cattle definite. cases lieu. W 11. Butt will preach a 'Town Hall, May 10th, '09,
wbc•r. cattle are at large and wander s iec}al sermon to the young men neat' Monday, t;l"Id
onto premises of one who is not their
currier, thus.: are two courses to pur-
e -tie. As Toon as the animal is dis-
covered on the man's premises he may
drive it to the pound and nottoy tthl
clerk of the municipality,
attend to its release or disposition, or
lac ulny secure it on his premises and
retain P. while he is complying with
stettlto•) requirements for ils dis-
POsition, wbicb are these : elle must no there will be prayer meeting II, 'Musgrove, file P., of ung nun,
first publish a notice of the presence ing.
of such beast on his property, in a as usual on Friday evening. has
kindly irst consented
t totake
thke'Iht e
new. sparer published in bis locality,) Mr. Thomas Edwards, of iialuiltou. Del n
for three consecutive weeks. If rho visited her Mrs. Charles tDu- st•farces n lcrm• Per. T.
11.f the
i at 8 p. m• absent 1.
Sunday evening."'Lite".for his sub-.
sect "Success in Lite". 1
man. The following is the order of
Mrs. Charles Duplan, tar. itichard) business duly submitted and ap-
Ilandford and her. Trothen, who have proved. L'er chair minutes ot pre -
been ill with La Grippe are able to vious meeting. Per 11. Huston and
be out again. H. Mu'tin that the defects in the
Mr. 'Cantin, of St. Joseph, was in roof be refered to the repairs cons.
the village Friday evening. with power. Reports of Com,s. re -
!The basement of the church is pairs that the gong ordered had been
undergoing repairs and there will be received, duly,placed and found satis-
League meeting on Tuesday even- factory. Teachers' supply that A.•
owner fails to claim the animal, t
custodian must keep it for two
months, and if its value exceed $20
it must be sold by public auction.
the notices of sale, whish may be
either printed or written, must be
inpos the municd in at ipality and least three slic eplaces
shall becon-
tinued forthree clear days. They
must specify the time and place at
wbich the animal will be sold. After(
nit expenses of harboring end sale,
which most not exceed $20, have
'ascii deducted. the balance must be
banded to the treasurer of the muni-
cipality. in case the lawful owner
of the animal has not in the mean-
time been found. If the value of
the animal is below $20, it bec
the pro erty of the person
whose premises it. bas strayed after
be has properly advertised its pre-
sence. When tun animal is claimed
and expenses of pasture or feeding
are determined, the late makes pro-
vision against exorbitant charges.
Any person harboring animals which
are not his own. and does not adver-
tise their presence. is liable to pro-
secution, when a heavy tine may be
imposed by n -justice of the peace.
plan on on ay•
Mr. W. E. Elliott who recently and S. Martin that the Board confirm
underwent an operation at St. Mi- the engagement of A. •1I. Musgrove,
chael's 'hospital, Toronto,returned M. 1'., us first assistant in the 11. S.
to his many interested friends, last Department and that the remuncr
Thursday• Mr. Elliott has improved noon be at the rate of nine 'hundred
P Wood
very rapidly and we now lush hlrn
the very best of health.
Our Sunday.School rooms have been
beautifully decorated. by Mr. Volk,
of Parkhill, who gave good satis-
faction in price and work done.
Miss Katie Elliott, of London. was
under the parental roof over Sunday
to welcome the father home again.
Miss Sarah Neil and Mr. Harold
Dupinn, sang a very effective duet
last Sunday evening in the Methodist
Mrs. \\•m. 'flicks and Mrs. Newton
(faker were appointed delegates to
the W. M. S. district Convention at
Ailsa Craig on Tuesday.
The Winchelsea baseball club will
give a concert in the \Vinchetsca
all on the evening May 20th. Thtt
program will consist of a drama
"Dot the ,Miner's Daughter" or "on
We are glad to report that Mrs.
John Somerville is steadily improv-
Mr. John Stone, of the 4th Line is
suffering from blood poisoning in his
Mand, but is now out of danger.
Mr. :Wm. Moore's bay driver en-
couraged by the lovely weather andhigh feeding, indulged
bible gallop to ito wu delights but
/to the detriment of the harness and
Albert Settler has closed his mill
for n month and is sawiug for Max-
well's in tit. Marys.
Samuel Drown has a full gang on
now at the barn of Geo. Spearin, on
the 4th Line of ljlanshard.
The early closing of the stores in
our vicinity appears to be a success.
We do not blame thew for this step,
as we feel that they need their rest
at night tut least twice a week, but
they should have advertised their in-
tentions sooner and wider as it has
been inconvenient for more tbAn one
from n distance.
Seeding still continues to tarry.
Some farmers talk of summer fallow-
ing their land for full wheat. but we
still think there is suitable heather
on the way.
We congratulate Mr. Jos. Doup • on
Ibe addition of a little boy to his
There hangs over I' irkton a cloud
by day. and a pillar of tire by night
11,e ltid:e:s are hous_cicauing•
Women with pale co Corless faces
who feel tcoak and discouraged, will
receive both mental and bo'lily vigor
by using Carter's Iron ('ills. which
aro made for the blood. nerves and
dollars per annum.. Per. •
and 8. Martin that the Secretary for-
ward to the Dominion Government
(11. W. Brock, Esq. of the Geological
Department) an expression of the
Board's gratitude for the generous
Cabinet of minerals, kindly donated
for the use of the Exeter Publin
School. Per. B. Huston and S. Mar-
tin that the thanks of the Board be
tendered to Principal, W. B. Weiden-
hammcr for the full report furnish-
ed of the work of the Continuation
class section at the late meeting of
the Educational Association at To-
ronto. Per. T. 11. Carling and S. Mar-
tin that the 'Continuation class In-
spectors report be accepted as re-
ceived. Per. 8. Martin and F. Wood
that the judgment of this board be
forwarded to the Minister of Edu-
cation that in basing the grants to
continuation schools the equipment
of the Commercial section should be
to Bee added to the general equipment of
glass of Wine. Don fate such schools. Per. 8. illnrtin and F.
this,, :W d that F. W. Weidman, 11. Hos-
ion and T. 13. 'Carling be a deputa-
tion to wnit on the County Council at
its June session in support of the pre-
sent or increased grants to Continua-
tion 'Class schools in their jurisdic-
tiorn Per. dl. Huston and S. Mar-
tin that the Principal be authorized
to secure such supplies as may be
pool tables were endorsed an eg ! required for the Entrance Exams.
ized by the council. The clerk was Per. S. Martin and '1'. 11. Carling that
• a by -late lith- the Secretary be authorized to se-
The council met May pursuant
to adjournment, the Reeve and all
the members being present. By-law
No. 1, ordering a levy of one mill on
the dollar and By --law No. 2, imposs
ing a license fee on the billatlyd anda
instructed to L--.-
iting the ((umber of tavern licenses
in the Township of Lliddulph to two.
The Court of Revision will be opened
on Saturday June 5th. The follow-
ing accounts were ordered paid:-
� Z�
t 'll dgin rep washout
A mectiu; was calitd for Monday Association have also arranged for
night If renege for n picnic, but the appoint rice of the world's bYf st-
u,ct v•:tle Intl success. tis some of the est race horst. the ,Eel,
would be to exhi time. mile.
u ht it t oin nn
L. thought go
t owill wiser B(til
i to
aill fall so it ve a anotherdecidet -o Ther• will niso be nn attraction in
l wait till fall and have r+oc-1h he Toon hall in she evening. If you
fel. 1 are not going fishing go to Parkhill
Miss Annie C left Monday far on that day. Special rates on the
her Nous. near Crediton. ' Grand Trunk.
11 r. \\ iih,•rt I:attcu's driver (which .-+ ----
stn. hook, d some time ago by a sow' A book on Rheumatism, and n trial
c iny badcondition and .t was ne- treatment of 1)r. Shoop's Rheumatic
cessary to call in the vet. the other Remedy -liquid or Tablets -is being
da�r' • waiting sent free to sufferers by i)r. Shoop.
Tis. farmer, ar; anxiously it of Racine. wig, You that are well.
for dr} wrath •r In finish Aec(linft get this book for r:omc discouraged,
cure suitable certificates for the
Commercial Department Exams.
Per. F. Wood and 8. Martin that the
'leachers Supply coin. take early steps
to secure desirable teachers for the
Alber o Primary classes requiring such for
11. Langford. plank, $4 50; J. & J. the September term. 1'er. F. Wood
Kennedy. culvert and rep. road. 41.50( and T, IJ. Carling that the following
00. 11. Hod -
NJ, Wake. rep. bridge. FJ•
gins rep. washout, .75 ; 1'. Whclihan,
error in tax. $200: F. A. Dobbs, work
on drain, *20.75 ; R. Rugg, gravel
$6.40: A. K. Hodgins, services under
D. &, W. tic. and telephoning, o
N. Davis, do. $2.00; .Geo Flynn. rep.
washout. e1.00: C. Foster, con tile,
$1.00; 111un. 'tVorld, supplies„ 42.05;
C. Ryan. rep. culvert, x,2.00; \\'m.
Moodie. men and team on grader. $8
M. Dobbs. do., *13.23; F. Davis one dy.
it $1.50 ; 11. Atkinson, (work
payments be approved :-W. J. ilea.
man. Gong and etc., *12.15: It•
Rowe. brooms. 1.80; 11. Huston, dele-
gation. 15.00; S. Martin. delegation.
10.00: J. Grigg. Telephone. Freight
and School Supplies. `22.96. Per. H.
Huston and T. B. Carling that an in-
terim right to the use of the school
emoting be given to the Y. Af. C. A.
for football practice until the next
regular meeting of the board. Per.
F. \Vood and T. 11. Carling that II.
Ruston and 8. Martin b: a committee
The Kind Ycu Have Always
oughtrnw.l which
has been
in use for over 30 y'
and has been made Reuter his per-
bultcrvistull sineo its infancy.
7�.. ; Allow leo cute to deceive yott in this.
AD Counterfeits, Iinitatious and "Joist -as -good" aro but
Esperinients that trifle with and ho health of
Infants and Children -Experience to against tExperiment.
Cwstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pk'uu41nt. It
colntalns neither Opitun, Morphine nor other Narcotic
aubstalaee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrll(ets'alul Wind
COM. It relie'eS Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
Flatulency. It assimilates
Ilc'altlly,thu l, roIrtilates the
natural sleep.
$toluach and Bowels, 6
The Children's Pauaee&-Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Yollllavc Always Boughs
In Use For Over 30 Years.
new 7na,e o,tr•
rH[ (,•sMTa,.a CO.. PaN7. 71 MURRAY
4 The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1t55
CAPITAL (paid up)
(J Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
1 = Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON,
I •eNeNN•N•NN•••••Neoe')4+e•••••NN•oeeeeo••NNM
Capital, $10,000,00
X. X. ,wAr.lrElz, IPresldeat Paid-up p ,
{ ALI:LANDER LAIRD, Gametal:gos el Reserve Fund, - 6,000,0
Tho new Travellers: Clse:grell recently issued by this Dank are a most coax
way in which to carry mons r whelk travelling. They are issued in denomination
$10, $20, $150, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, FraaCe.
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all inforrnlxt+on regarding them may be obtained at every131s. office
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager
f3ranolr also at Crediton.
Tne Usborne and Hibbert
Next week the Annual District( Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
111 cling of the Exeter District of the
Methodist church is to be held in the
MC Gompauu
church at \Voodham• The minister- Head Office, Farquhar, Ont,
ia1 session. at which about fifteen I
ministers are to be present, will open ( President -J. L. RUSSELL.
on lWednesday. the 19th, at 2 p.tn.
On 'Wednesday evening a public 1 Vice_President -W. II. I'ASSMORE
meeting will be held at which there DIRECTORS.
will be a discussion of the subject j \\'>.t, ROY, gORNHOLM P. 0
"church union," Rev. A. 11, Going,' Wat BRocx \\'INCHKLSEA P. O.
President of Gte Conference and,-. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O:,
Chairman of the District. will pre-' ROBERT' NORRI6, Staffs.
side. The subject will be introduced` AGENTS,
by Bev. J. Kennedy. of Ailsa Craig,
who is to deal especial:y with the ee-� JOHN EMERY. Exeter,
onomic aspects. rind Bev. W. Godwin. Osborne and lliddutph.
of Parkhill. will follow with an ad-
dress on the religious aspects. A
few moments may be devoted to gen-
eral discussion. Music is to be fur-
nished by the choir. All are invited
to this service. The general session
of the District Meeting is to tom -1
menet. at 10 n. m. on Thursday.
on N. .•
on drain. $4.i5. The council adjourn_ (Ai to outline n general Educational
ed to meet again on Saturday the 5tb
Policy for the board for the future.
day of June, 1903„ at 10 tl. m• +\\r• D. not only to meet the growing re-
5'IANLEY, Clerk. quirement of the village but also of
r-- the district of which Exeter is n
V LCTOlil,\ DAV IN PAR1il11LL• natural 'centre. KI)) To submit the
Parkhill has long been noted for details necessary for the ennsumma•
the excellence of its celebrations tion of such a Policy and further.
on Victoria Day, flay dtth, and this
Mil To hake arrangements to meet
year will be no exception to the rale, the increasing needs of the present
in fact the celebration this year will increasing school attendance. (D) To
be on a more extensive scale than present a full report of such plans
any heretofore held in that town. nil the next regular or special meet -
in addition to games and sports of
ing of the board.
all kinds, there will be n race suet I'i•r. T. B. Carling adjournment. •
pulled off here ot nowt of the best .1. Griige.
tters in the province. The Turf -
around here.
... `
disheartened sufferer 1 1)o n s.n►p e
•1 Point out this
net of humanity ItIE.l'Its nctCli enul:fS AT SINGLE way to uuick and certain relief Sta-
(►n account of Victoria .teii le
prize some s;iffercrs. by first getting
the GI and Trunk Itailtway lly9tcle from tis tb lnnkl;t and 1h test.
will issue return tickets nt Single will nppr, ei:tte your aid.
Fare, between n11 stations in Canada llon•ey•
also to Detroit and fort lluron, O 1f. G9 VZ _ L1. - A number of our }Dung people took
'11 -',,lith., d :mi ct F a and RJ. 2 t N. a , Hao 1',;aos E*•`i , holiday last Monday and. visited
re• Good :ming May '21, 90 i :t, It.K,iYc4 ) ay
return Buie. May 26th. 1909. Full BesntLe Exeter and by the look of things
,d tickets from ass throws
1 n visit to the photo'raphcr.
tnfc•tlnntic+, :1 t► of
Grand '11 .. . I.rket Agent.
Gilbert, of
( b
11 C. mod ,1l
Oscar t 11 r
near Lacnn, spent Sunday here the
guests of Mrs. J. Millson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Delbridge. of
\\'inchelsea, visited nt. the latter's
holne here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis. of Saints -
bury. aero guests tit Mr. Geo. Mill -
soli s on Sunday.
The members of the W. M. S. at-
:011(1Ni the missionnry convention at
,\ilea Craig on Tuesday.
The hoard of management of our
church are to b congratulated on
securing the services of Rev. W. E.
• ch an-
\'� Kingsville,
. tu.lAon of
nitersar}• s;enunns here on Junc
7•Itt•re will b • no picnic this year.
Mr. Oscar Morley spent Sunday at
his horse here.
Mr. Geo. Millson is now Improving
:Ind is able to get around again.
a gent
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, agent
for Hibbort, Fullarton and Logan.
Secv.Treas. Farquhar.
t3LA1)MAN & STANI3t.'RY. 13-I'citars
rail ic' ',
Last Sntur(L•ty being -Arbor Day
-R. ' ' ch'ldreu of th, :chnol had n
.., . .•, totcleat+ c;.
es•w=.e.o '�` tT'' r'"ate-"Czr � ' 1 . Lottie 13 ••I too. who has for
' rs 1 t
�q !�P ,:. �jr
t Ai .
.{a■IJ' is
AVER'S t1/ , .`
Stops raff!co!..-„I flail' Ar: Clesrant fi1•cs-.aft•1
pc•:troy s ftiiinfd.'uif Make,' Nair Grow
Iflgt'4'/'liF Cd - Glyrt n (`uie}�. Seel's•. Chlcr;d.
•Oek,.a�, Sac
tTtB: , r P e. ten.
Water. Perfume.
aratlnn r.•.ade from this fcn:n'la it ilsnaless, y(t Pr.nevrs positive merit. A
Ver tcni - .1 hair circuits!. t'n^`u:t ycurds:tei abort these hairpfoaktns•
J. sten 1'..u PA.T. 1 . ..�1 ♦, ..
• Inst mouth liven working for
Win. Brooks. has gone to the
,td in }• h n' r mother. h, is on
he rick I
C A ST O R 1 7
For I::fant9 and Children.
the Kind You Ilan Always Bough
Bears rho
i:lrnataue of C.
DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8,
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors
D. S„ Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury
Main street-ExETEB.
J\v. BROWNING, M. D., M. G
• P. S., Graduate Victoria Un i
versify. office and residonettce. Dominion
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Between all stations in Canada else,
to Detroit and ('ort Huron, Mich,
Niagara falls and Buffalo, N. .`
Good going May 21, 22, 23, 24. ,1te4
turn limit May 26th, 1909.
excursion rate in effect
May 20th, 1909,
Fait infonaut i on from
MT It, Bright, M. D., M.C• P. and
i+•S„ Honor Graduate Toronto Un-
iversity. Two years resident physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand or
Andrew Street, Exeter.
We have unlimited private tends for Wrest
ant neon farm or village property ab lows( t
r utas urn
11arrlstere Solloltors, Not•r1ns, (nnvs aaeer.
Commissicners. Solicitors for the Maisons
Bank, Eto.
Money tOLoaa at lowest rates of tnterost.
We here a large amount of private finds
oaantsraeand village properties at towrabe
Barristers Solicitors. Main BMKzeter
from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names and
addresses here given, for positive proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound does cure female ills. _ratnfni Perleda.
Termor ,(ontnwed. T. Route No.3.
Chicago, i reef. rs. Alroi,a s(erlin„ 11 Lang- Chicaego,, Il1.-.Mri Wm. Tullly, 466 Ogden Av.
dun Strout. Paw Paw, Mich Mrs. Frnrna Draper.
Lindley, lade=Mrs. May Fri.
Scott, Nr item -Mrs. stella Gifford Beaman. Flushing, care of li A.1Sanbn n. It. F. 1.
Scott, , Y.=tin. M. , Barber.
Ctnissari''e_`ti•WV K.Iroush,Mrs. Won. ;EastviewAr Cincinnati, Ohio...Nrs•FloraAhrs136 rrnst
Dill51., G, , wise..\Ira. Emma Inco, BU 1.1=Miss Lizzlo Steiger, MIO
St., Orman. Cleveland Ohlo
Change of Life. Fleet arenuo, S.E.
`` weals rills.1's.-Mrs.MaggleFater,ti.F.D.t,
South (tend, Ind. -Mrs.. Fred Certis, 1014 S. Pyersburg Tenn ..Mrs. Lue Hilliard, Kit. 1.
Lafayette Street. Hayfield, `'a..eMrs. Mayne Windle.
Noah, Kentuco —MrS s. Lento Holland. Irregularity.
Brookfield Mo..•\Ira. Sarah Louslgnont, ?AI ilerrin, ill �)irs. Chas. Folks(.
S. Haricot St. Winchester, ind....Mrs. May ileal.
Paterson, N.•l.sMrs. \t m. Somerville, 1'J-, Iryer,Ind.-Mrs.Win. ltberl h.R.F.T).No.l.
ilamburi(fi A..'nnn.
Philadelphia. I'a. � Mrs. K. E. Garrott, 2407 Ba1�lowne Strret`ire. W. 8. Font, 1968
bans -
Kurth (ferns( Street. Roxbur Met. Francis Merkle,13 Field
Hewaskum, \Yb.. -Mrs• Carl Dahlke. 01r et.
Maternity Troubles. ('lsrksdhle, Mo.=Apss Anna Wallace.
Worcester, Mass... Mrs. Dosylra CotS, 117 (iuysrille, (Thio.. -Mrs. Hila Michael, R.F.n.3.
Southgate Street. Dayton, ludo... Mrs. ida hale, flux 25, Na.
radtana(...11s, IuA.=Mrs. A. P. Anderson. 1:07 Donal Military Home.
E. Pratt Street. Lebanon, i'a.--Mrs. Harry L. Kittle, 233 Leh.'
Diatom, Pa.=Mrs. \V. E. Pooler. roan Street.
Atwater Station, O...Mrs. Anton Muelhan .t Ptkes,Tenn.•-Minato Hall.Cincinnati, Ohio.=Mrs. F. H. Maddock*. 2135 lietroit,Mich.=Mrs. LoutseJnng.332Cltustnat
(filbert Avenue. St• Ovarian Trouble. tees Manges, 1 ,1 131 Vincennes. ind. -Mrs. ti} 1. It. Jerauld, i4) N.
IMwlttrille, N.Y.=\Srs. A. A. titles. Tenth Street.
Johnstown,`( Y. -Mrs. Mauer N. Seaman, BA Gardiner, .=Mro. B. A. Wllllatns, 1t. F.
E. Main Street. D. No. 14; Box Ute
Bnrtonrlew, I11.=Mro. Peter I-r.ngunbaho• Philadelphia, Fa.. -.Mrs. Chas. Melt, ^-407 N.
Avoid Operations. Barnet Street.
Hampstead, M4.-Mrs..1, a. It Dandy. I'lattaburg,Miss.=Miss\•erns\Vilkes,li F.D.I.
Adrian, (ia.m1.ena V. Henry, Booties No. 3.
e weakness.
Indtana�lls. Ind...Bessie 3. Piper, 4I South \IllimantlorWnn.�Vn.itt Do
Street. L23 Fourth At. '
Louisville. Ky.=Mrs. Sam Lee,3523 Woodside, Tdahn.=Mrs. Barbed Johnson.
South West Ilart.or, Maine.... Mrs. Lillian Rockland, Maine... Mrs. Will Young, a Col.
Robbins, Mt. Desert light Station. nimble Avenue.
Detroit, Mich..- Mrs. Frieda It. senatt, 544 gcottrille, Altch...Mrs J.O.,tnhnson. R.F.D.3.
Meldrum Aten'. German. Payton, ,rht.....Mrs. F. R. Smith, 431 Elm St.
Erin, I'a. =-Mrs..1. 1'. Endue((, S:. F. D. No.7.
Organic T)1 Miry
Its11. ts, Itoarcr falls, 1'a.•• Mrs. W. P. Boyd, 2108
Mnzler, Ille..blrs. �I,ry n,ll. Seventh Aronae.
Ligonier, Ind. -.)Us. Yoo1,K.F.D.Nn.4' Fnin banes, Pa.=Jlrs. I. A. Dunham, Box 1.52.
Melbourne. F.
D NO.vc•.� Mrs. Clara 1Yatermann' Fort Hunter, Pro., -.Mrs. Mary Jane Shattn.
1L F. D. L East Esti. l'a.. Mrs. Aurnstns Lynn, R.F.1).2.
BvOxford Street. Vienna, Joseph 11:J1' Vienna, W. Va.=Mrs. 1. a Wheaton.
Lewiston, Maine... Airs. Henry Clothier. Ut Nervous Prostration.
Oxford s,Nti
Minneapolis, \fltreet.frs. John 0. Motdan' Camden,N: (.mfrs. MaeMcKnight.
Waters, Liber-
2114 Second Street, N.
Sl+amroek, Mn.=.)nale Ittm, lie F. D. No. 1; lnsrplS Oregmt.d>ir F. Aliso Ita�man.
lie: ?:.
Alarlton. `t..)...M0. Wo. Jnrdy, Route No.3. Phlettlie phis, Pa = Mrs..►„hu Jo.lns. 210
Siegel Street.
Iter {o. Sieg
06111.r a. -M Mrs. Ella Wool. Christiana, Tenn. -Mrs. Mary Wood, B.F.D..
T. A. Crib`.. No. 3
Pendleton, ind -Mrs May 3tars hall,R.R.{f. Pecos. Texas.=Mrs. Ada Young Eggleston.
Cambridge, Neb.-Mrs. Nellie Moslandcr. (lraniteville, \'t. -.Mrs. Chas. Barclay, K.F.D.
These women an. only a fess' of thousands of living witnesses of
the power of Lydia E. l'inkhaul's Vegetable Cotnpotnid to cure female
diseases. Not one of tltoS(' WOHien ever received (•ollljteilsation in any
form for the use of tht•ir names in this advertisement—but are will-
ing that we should refer to Client because of the gold they may
do other alttl't'rit1 WO►nOn tO prove that. I.pli.t E. Pinkham's
Vegetable C'ot;no..nlndl 15 a reliable and honest nu'dieine, and that the
Statl•nlents ill,tlle in our advertisements regarding its merit are the
truth and nothing/but the truth.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
ONEY to loan at lowest rates.
id North West Lands for Sale.
Office. Main Street, Exeter
"As ye Sew
So shall you Reap"
We a y' homestead patent) and cultivtan
n o
best cloths
he Itt acres
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
write J. D. MCDONALD,
[Isnot, Tot -onto. Ont.
Unioe� 1
SyIOpSis (1(ihe GQoQgLOQ KOti Wei
Any 1'<'rsott who is the sole bead
of a familj, or any male over 111
years old may homestead a quarter.
seetoni of available Dominion land is
Manitoba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta,
The applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub-agenoy for the district. 1•.ntry Ulf
proxy may be had at the agenoy, 00
cjrtain conditions. by father, mother
son, daughter, brother. or sister o!
intending homesteader.
Duties :-Six months residence upon
and cultivation of the land in caoh
of three years. A homesteader may
live within nine miles of his hoine•t
stead on a ,farm of at least 80 acre'
solely owned and occupied by Kiat oft
his fattier, mother, eon, e1aughtetis -...
brother or sister.
In certain districts a bomesteadils
in ,rood standing rutty pre-empt' a
quarter section a:ongsitle his home-,
stead. Prioo *3. per acre. 4)trties-r
Must reside six months i;wach of sial
years from date of homestead etit)?
•r u�r•d to earn
time I, 1 ,
out he tl o
n 1 Ln t
e I
l sewing
of t,
`V are constant
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right anti cannot o4-'
Min a pre-emption may take a pur-
chased homestead in certain dist riots
Price $3. per acre. (lubes. -.Must
e•e three
.t b ( f
'( 9' Irl ha ire 911 Ix Ont
the newspapers, stating I
a Suit Coat, Trousers, or whatever years, cultivate fifty acres and erects
the ad. might suggest, we include the a house worth $300.09'.
W, w, CORY,
hest of everything in that sttit. Deputy of the Minister of the interior
The best (:loth, the best Linings, the N. A.-tnauthorirot pnbltatlon of this %diertlse
best Padding s, the hest Thread etc.. meat willnot be paid for
as well an the hest of our ability in Cut-
ting, Fitting and Making, shouldn't
we reap our 'swtttd?
Th?s ad. is sowed to reap you as ono
of our customers. When you need a
Suit. Coat, Trousers or
Fancy Vest
lead you to our shop where
.t t th:a ad. t
11 e cath prove tri you that we live up to
Ino word.
We are reaping satisfied cus-
tomers. Natural, isn't it:
SVhen we sow our advertishment in
h t ting the price for
J. H. Holtzmann
lndi estio
Rtnmarh trouble is but a symptom of, an
1, (telt s tn,.. •li:.'s.' \\'e think of Dye
Heartburn, and Irnlige•tion as real disease
t.•1 are hsymptoms ams one of • certain s
Nerve sickness -nothing else.
It was this (act that first correctly lel Dr. Ph00�
In the creation of that now very popular StolnraeCCai
Remedy -Dr. shone's Restorative. (ming dl
to the stomach nerves, alone brought that surreal
and favor to Or. Shoo -Tend his Restorative 1(1111.
sus hlaging a(complishmentswere ever tot.' ad.
Ctt,El) i,I O N . For stomach dlslress. bloating. biliousness. tad
breath and sallow mmpplexlnn, try Pr. Shoop'.
r• nrr,tlro-Tah1••ts or L1 Wd-and s,r for nal.
out that original an, highly vital prtnetph.. ne
R t 4 f
4.1( what It ran and will do. Wo sell and shoes,
ful:y ruommend
My tittle daughter was not us.
unity allowed to Fit up for dinner. but
one night we had cotnpnn} and she
dish given the privilege. One . llrs h she
was especially fond Of was on the
table. After having eaten her r•hare
she repeatedly asked for more. and
VMS as often refused. Finally to ner
amazed horror Abe commenced to liel:
her plate.
Upon being sternly r, proved by
the head of 111 • fancily. the replied
sweetly. "\t'hy, 1 was n-dreamin'
palls and i dreamed I Was a kitty.",
-The Dtlineator for :nae.
Dr. Shoop's
1.'01o151ml. of the 1,t of 1 , t0r-
vousnc.e, trembling', nervous treads
ache, cold Binds and feel, pain in the
back and of her forms of wenknes6
ate relieved by Carter's Iron ('ills
trade specially for the blood nerves