HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1909-05-13, Page 11 :tart H URONtt MIDDLESEX GAZETI f rutRTY-Six1'11 YEAR --No 185 EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 13tH 190x, '$l.oe per year in advance •♦a.v•as••e•••••••••••••••••••4••••••N• •••••H• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 3. f1011SC rurilisulilo S9661d1S For This Week 1 RUGS Our stowing of hugs this season surpasses anything we have ever had. In Wool, Tapestry, Brussels and Vet - vets we have a tine selection to choose from also a very swell lot of small Mat Rugs at low prices. Door Pannell In Nottingham, Swiss and Battenberg. They are very nice for your glass door and come very cheap for the beau- ties they are. $1 00 and $1,25 Window Draperies Nice fancy Screen in White Cream or Ecru shades Plain or Flowered 1'l1j to 35c. per yd Fancy Colored Madras all col- ors 15c. to 50c. per yd. White Plain or Frilled muslin 15c. to 20c. per yd. GUMS We have all the popular kinds that are selling this Spring. Our Union \VoolTap• estry and Brussels are the best money can buy. A big range to choose from. Let us carpet your room. Marseilles Quilts With that nice soft satin finish that looks so nice. all good large size and an orna- ment to any bed. A good one from $2. to $-1. Door Haulms Good heavy Cretonne in all colors for 15 to lac. per yd. Nice Roman Striped Tapes- tries 50 and OOc. per yd. Real good Figured tapestries all colors fer 50c per yd. Stauton's "WALL PAPER" Stauton's \Ve;nre the only sellers here. it is the best piper. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Our Milliners are busy; yea more than husy. (food Milliners with the stylish Hats are always busy. if you want your New Hat for the 24th of May be sure and leave your order early. They will try and have you ready. _ ?� Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes:and wall paper. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JUNE WEDDINGiS emeemismimmislimmos Will soon be the order of the day. We have a beautiful lot of goods suitable for weddding gifts. See Our line of Silverware, Quality Guaranteed Our Cut GlassIs rich and spark - ling and of tilt' finest duality. Haab Ghia special es site of this line making rooni for new goods. Everything in China at big reduction in price. S. FITTON. E \V E 1. I'. I t OPTICIAN Wedding Kings a Specialty and Marriage rriage Licenses Issued. REPAIRING Bicycle repairing (3unsinithing Lawn NIowers Sharpened Saws Ginned and Filed Knives and Scissors " New Wringer Rollers IIorse Clippers Sharpened Umbrellas All kinds of keys fitted and Locks Kepaired New Bicycles- and Sundries, (inns and Ammunition in sto (1000 Muskrat Skins Wanted. i lighest Market Prices) JOHN TRIEBNER Two Doors North of Post Office. ck• EXETER COUNCIL. The council met in the Town hall on Friday. May 7th, 1909, at 7.30 p. rn. The members all present. The nlit.utes of the meeting held April 10th, awer: read and approved. lly-law No. 6 19094, as per resolution of last meeting, A 13y -law for the granting of a license fixing the fee and regulating the same for a Bowl- ing Alley. was read and with the age limit inserted. the same was adopted on notion of Carling -Johns, and or- dered to be rend a second and third time and being finally passed on motion of Luker -Carling. The Reeve and clerk signed the saine and the seal of the corporation Was fixed there to. ( Petitons for the following pave- ments were read and dealt with. From the owners of property along the west side of Andrew street, be- tween James and Victoria. From the owners of property fronting the east side of Andrew street, between James and Wellington. From the owners of property fronting on north side of Victoria street from Main to the G. T. II. property. From the owners of property front- ing on the south side of north street, between Andrew and Main and from Main street on Sanders to the corner of William and along ,William to Victoria. Per Neaman -Johns -that a cement !walk 5 feet wide be constructed on Victoria street from Main to G. T. R. property. Carried. Per Johns -Beaman -that a 4 foot cement walk he constructed on the west side of Andrew street from James to Victoria, and on the cast side of Andrew from Victoria to Wellington. Carried. • I'er Carling -Luker -that a 4 foot cement walk be constructed along Sander, street from Main to William :mil ori North street from Main to Andrew south side. Carried. Mr. 8. G. Bawden waited on the council asking domation towards lith, May celebration. No action. Messrs A. J. Ford 'and Thos. Hazelwood asked regarding out let for water lying on their property, east of the municipality. The com- missioner was instructed to repair culvert across North street and oppo- site the cvmpla'.'ants' property. Messrs Jno. Parso•''s. Geo. Thomas, Jas. Jewell. Chas. !looner and A. S. Devett complained that they have been more or less troubled with water backing up in their cellars du : .hey think to a defective drain along Carling street. The Reeve ni:,lointed a committee of councillors 'Neaman Johns and Carling to investigate. Messrs. Sanders, Taylor. halls and Mills complained of water in their cellars, stating that the drain along Alexander street and the out let for the same was not large enough to carry the .water. Council to investi- gate by order of the Reeve. Mr. Devett asked regard an elect- ric light at the corner of Gidley and Marlborough streets: also with re- gards the grading of Marlborough street. Messrs. 8. Powell. Mr. Mak- I ins and E. Williams were allowed to • Last Thursday couple were passing Mr. Thos. Smote's re- sidence they smelled smoke and on investigating found the ceiling in the house on fire. which originated from the stove pipe. Mr. Smote was away at the time. and only Mrs. Smale nround. The fire was soon put out without mach damage being done. al- though some things were ruined by water. Mr. Smnle wishes to thank his neighbors for their timely aid. as without their assistance all of bis ynlunble property would have gone up in smoke• We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Wilbur 'Bunter. who has been con- fined to her bed for some time. is nhle to be np and around again. Everett Skinner has purchased a driver from Mr. John Snell. of Exe- ter. one that can do a two minute 19.25 ; Thos. Holden.. :i.45 : David Itussell, 10.20 ; Roy horn, 3.13 ; 'Phos. Cornish. 7.50 ; henry, ('luidy, 9.00 : 'Phos. Snell. 4.13: Geo. Atkinson, 7.20 ; \� m. 'Treble. 6.30; W. .1. nissett. pt. salary, 33.00; 0. W. Cross, pt. sal- ary cemetery 29.00: C. \V. Cross, Bonus as granted by cemetery com- mittee. 25.00: Thos. Bannon, wood for town hall. 25.00; ,amounting in all to $451.61. Passed on motion of Carling -Luker. Parried. Adj. at 11.15 r. m. by 'Carling. Jos. Senior. Clerk, Locals Boys get your baseball supplies at IIeaman's Hardware store. J. G. Stanbury attended Zurich Vii°lou (Court on Monday. Miss Case has returned front visit - in.; her brother at Dorchester. Mr. E. rollick received word Tues- day of the. dcatb of his brother David at llc•t,sail. Larry Attends Banquet "What t•z this I see by th' papers about the Don't Worry Clubs"' they have in Toronto and London, Larry." scz Jack McLaughlin to me wan nfh- tcrnoaort. "Why." sez 1 "it means that you an' the shuddent do th' worryin' but let some (van BSC (10 it. Ez tb' no- torious Cornicopias said in the twelfth cenchury, 'Fret not thy gizzard, or you'll be gray headed afore yer toime." "1''aix, it sounds nice, Larry, 'tis like poetry i, but somebody must do th' worryin. • Who will it bei There is no rayson for any wan to do it Jack, Shurehit docds no good. but if annyawan as to o ib' !et Bill BrithA.worryin. combe do it, "Bad luck to yez sez," sez Bill, who wuz shtanding near wan iv th' moulding boxes what Jack wuz avur- rkin' at. "Bad luck to yez larrups, haven't 1 the own worryin to do widout dont; yours. 51r. F. W. Glndntan was in llamil- There's me naybors pigs gettin 1011 the fore part of the week on through th' fince this blessed morn - legal business. in' an' motile up th' onions. I sup - Rev. Mr. Scott occupied the pulpit pose I'm to do th' worryin' for that of 'Coven church last Sunday and de- now hint If Shure th' pig would be delighted the congregation with his worryin' if I didn't miss him wid th' eloquent and original addresses. Ile shtovc plate I fired at him! l'tn takes the services next Sunday also. worryin' bekase I diddent bit him. Mr. 1). E. Broderick. brother of Don't fret about me. I'll take care Mr. J. :W. Broderick, of Exeter, died of 100 own worryin', but I'll not take nt St. Joseph's hospital London on care iv th' job of doin' it fer ye lazy Saturday evening. May 8th. Mr. spalpheens. Broderick had been living retired in "Arrah 1011, whet talk yez have, the city for eight years and was 77 Shure we wuz only spakin' fizzalogy, years of age. 'Ile was taken sick weren't ave Larry. Don't be inter. about ten days ago and steadily be- fering wid th' argymint." came worse. Mr. Broderick came to \What do wise min say is tuba' ray son Canada from Lincolnshire, England, weshould do no worryin' Larry," when a young man and settled in Sez I, "They say tis a careless use St. Thomas. Ile is survived by four iv th' vital fluid. "Tisa dequantita- brothers, Messrs. J. W. Broderick, of tion iv your energy, yer throlley ez Exeter, 71. 0. Broderick, of St. off, an' you're apatite fire that Thomas, T. L. Broderick. of London might be used shovellin' coal or dig- nnd W. I. Ilroderick. fit. Louis, Mo. gin' potatoes. Do •I make it plain to The funeral was held Monday after- yczi noon and was of a private nature. "Oh. ho 1 interrupted Bill" did you The services were conducted by Rev. hear thin' swear wurrds he ez usin' A. 'I. Vining, of Talbot Baptish Jnckf 'Quantation, is RI Did yez church. 'Interment took plase at St. iver bear the loikes iv that nowt Thomag. That sittles it. we'll raport you to Division Court. -Judge Ilolt held the chief iv police an' he'll lock yez Division Court here on Tuesday when up so ye cant attind the banquet the following cases were disposed of .what is to be given in me honor on Jones & Clark. A. E. Pym and Treble th' Blind Line this very evenin' and & linker vs. Wm. Jennings and Us- ycz'II have thrubbless to worry about borne tp. garnishees. All three when the magistbrates hears thim cases were adjouned until next court, Cuss n•urruds you wuz usin'. Alex Baird. of Leamington to be ad- "But whisper. byes, dont tell any- dcd as a defendant meantime and wan about th' banquet. Its supposed served with summons to appear. J. to be on th' quiet, but Tom holden G. Stanbury for plffs and garnishees. and Tom Jones hez put me nixt, an' Fisher vs. Essrry adjourned till next fer fear there wont be many there, I court. L. 11. Dickson for plffs. Tay. would like Larry and Jack to come for vs. Cornish on ac. and counter oat an enjoy yerselves and swell th' claim adjourned till next court. J. crow(1. 0. Stanbury for plffs. L. Ii. Dickson Acciptitt' hill's iavitasion Jack an' for deft. Gray vs. Canning Co.. claim nu was early on th' scene, joaded for $5.83 for peas, judgment for $1.50 down wid n couple iv layin' chick - .1. 0. Stanbury for defs., plff in per- ens an' other brit-a-br:►ck what goes nn l., onard McTaggart vs. A. $. to adorn th' table and satisfy th' in- Denvitt claim for price of two loads nerds. Th' evenin' wuz foine, but of hay. Judgment for plff for $11.43. th' road wuz muddy, specially along J. 0. Stanbury for plff. Deft in per- th' line what Bill lives on. an' faith, son. Hill shuddent have anny tbrubbles. --+- There's no avian near enough to EIImVllle thrubble hint. Its it litt:� tough ( ny evr•ntng ns a hiking down th' mud read. but that doesn't tnatther wid wan iv hill's ambitions. There wuz a number there, an what they -brought would put yea in mind iv the three loaves nn' couple iv fishes, th' more we cat, th' more wuz left, an' th' sideboard dure wuz busted wid th' overflow afhter we finished,. cut down certain shade trees in front of their property. under orders of the street commissioner. ltev. 1). W. Collins nsked the coun- cil to open a drnin along Baldwin street. Council to investigate. Mr. Bolder addressed the council re- garding crushed stone, stating that he was prepared to furnish the'mini- cipality with all the stone needed, offering to crush the sante and de- liver it to any part of the town for 7 cents leer hundred .weight. if the town would provide the crusher. Laid over for future consideration. Street watering petitions were pre- senter) to the council from residents along Mnin and Wellington streets. The Clerk was instructed to adver- tise for tenders for watering Main street from the south boundary north to the Lake or 'Thames Road. tenders to be handed to the 'Clerk on or be- c111%. fore llinturdny 7 p. m. May 15th. Miss Mabel Fair has returned home Councillors Iteamnn Carling and the, Iowan after spending it week with Clerk he a committee. Carried. . friend.• 1'cr Neaman -Luker -that the com-_The farmers who took advantage missioner see and open the drain of the first day or two Inst week to along Sanders street leading to get their land ready for seeding Carling in front of Jas. Bern's and will have to start all over again Jas. !leer's property. Carried when the weather gels better. Per 7leamnn-Johns-that the Reeve Mr. Samuel Hunter has sold fifty and Treasurer he imponerpd to box -acres on the west side of the road to row one thousand dollars to they Mr. Jos•'llnwkins. credit of the municipality for current The msons are rushing' up Will expenditure. Curried. Johns house and expect to have it 1',•r 9lemman-Johns-thatthe first n11 lip in n week. sitting of the Court of Revision for Mr. and Mrs. Will 8male. of Won - the Assessment Roll of 1909 be held Ilton• are visiting Mrs. Srnale's in the town hall Friday. May 28th, at mother, who is very ill nt present 7.30 p. nt. Carried. Charles Sanders ask for the use of SPRING MEDICINE the triangle ns used by the band. Everyone is better for taking a (:ranted. provided Jas. Ilrintnell be. spring tonic. The following is a comes responsible for the same. splendid and inexpensive tonic- a Per Ilenrnnn-Luker-that the com- sarsaparilla and Wood purifier that missioner repair drain along Main will make your spring work a pleas - street from Mr. Walker's property sure. sassafras hark 1-2 oz.. Burdock south to the corner of Alexander (loot 1 oz., Mnndrnke Root 1-2 oz. atrcct. 'Curried. Ilnclin Lenves 1-2 oz.. Chamonile I'er Curling no seconder that the Flowers 1-2 oz.. Gentian Root. 1 oz. commissioner be granted a new suit Dandelion (toot oz.. Cascara )lark of clothes. 1 oz.. Sarsaparilla Root 1 oz., Steep The following neonnts were rend the roots in 1 1-2 pints of boiling and ordered pnhV: Exeter Electric water for 12 hours. Strnin and add Light Coy.. 12 arc lights 25 nights !water to make 1 1.2 pints of finish - '65.52; Series street lighting 33 lamps. 53.21; town hall lighting 3.60; \. •1. Ford. meat for Mrs. Ilarkncr, t+-, cents ; .The Ilell Telephone Coy.. me:';Ig•. 10 cents; Wm. Davis 14r., caro taker fire hall No. 1 10.00 to April 1st. '09; Alex O. Dyer, postage. 2.25: .1. A. Stewni t. Groceries for Mrs. Ilarkncr. 55 cents; The Times ['tinting offiee. Account to April 1st. 12.'25: The Conr.or Machine Coy.. Inbar and repairs to hell. 3.30: W. D. Wer keg. Flower seeds for cemetery, 1 00; E. A. rollick. urea's for tramps, 1.00; W. 11. Levctt, coal. Mrs. Delve, i s 1 1, Mr. D. Gillis. 1.75: Geo. Cod- mar-. labor, 2.00: Thos. Brock. 14.00: Frank Mellott. 2.70: henry Dillen, 2.70: ltd Qunnce. 13.71 ; \Vm. Welsh, 15,50: Alfred Redford. 5.25: Hid Finn - To be in shtylc wid other bankets, there wuz music, some fellow from Crediton playing th' fiddle. ile wuz n good fiddler. an' although we coin Great Discount Sale all Methodists we cuddent kape from dnncin' that is n11 but me nn' Jack. We diddent know th' diffrence at- by ('t two sbinp an' time kept Of Furniture by th' horses in a cavalry parade. so we sat and lissencd an' applauded th' graceful rnovelnints iv 1011 an' th' rest iv th' company. Twits n fine toime ave had, an' Inc an' Jack ez awaitin' for another invi- tation to attend a [trinket. when we'll further discuss th' dcquanti- tntion iv energy what Hill sea he's full of. t �� •�� IMcattt: Ourau*.t..m.•rs Far a lung dt•tnand • ed a purer p:ant-a paint that t(.ars tL'1,•r acd gees further -a:: all ar.-nn l raft+- fact6ry 6uod pain!. tc.• hay.• it and Guarantee ItIart!n.Nenour 1OO ;'o Pure Paint 1 be madeif Pure White lei ad. Pule Oxide et 44.e, Purr r�,,lna.r•d mi. Positively no adul. t• , atloll. Tw'u (,[[ala IN AS far as 3 gals. of th; r paint.. (anise In our store and 1. t us 411 )uu morn about it. ROdUUMlntlPalnt --in - - Martin Seuours 100 I. Pure Elephant and Holluwood Paints from lo to 5oc. per -tin. Paint and Kalsomine Brushes 5, to, 15, 20 and 25c. Murallr2i .1lauastine and Mureseo. All colors in 25 ,and 550c packages. Wall and Ceiling Finished Poultry Netting Screcn Wire Netting Shovels and Spades Rakes and Iloes Owen Sound Portland Cement per bbl. for %Valls, Floors, ‘\•alks, etc at $I.CO It cannot remain long at this price. Tinsmithing, Furnace Work and Plumbing. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ruse's Seeds One trial will convince you that there is none better than Bruce's Lawn Grass, Flowers, Vegetables and Field Roots. CALL AND EXAMINE We ate offering splendid value in: - Halters, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns Etc. T. HAWKINS & SON ARE YOU PARTICULARS Do yon want things to be just so? Then we'd like you for a customer. We've promised you satisfaction -promised you thatstyle. Ht and price will please you -we'll keep our promise. Our best ads. are satisfied customers. Come here for your next Suit or Overcoat. We Can Suit You W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor Exeter, Ontaric ROWE & ATKINSON'S 110 - dWe have started a great slaughter salt' coal \ViLLiAMS-In 'Crediton, May 7th, prising every article of furniture in our large toauMr.ghtand Mrs. 11. 1.. Williamsams a stock ata great reduction 011 regularregularprices. er. i:ACIti:T•r- In Ilensn;l, Sunday t►th May to Mr. and Mrs.Itobt. Ea- �-'' nett. n dnnghter. JE)IOMMETTE-At the Hauble Line, Note some of the great bargains we are offering and wit it Hay. on April 30th. to 'Ir. and Mrs. it. means to Furniture buyers, E. ,ferornmette, n son. CAi.LFAS-At Zurich. on the 4th, Bedroom Suites in #cut oak Huish with large Bevel Plate Mirror regular inst.. to 11 r. and `•1r W. C. ('all- price $11i.it(1• discount sale pric.: x13.00. fns. a son. f $i(lehoatds, regular price $13.00 discount sale prier. 510.00 SCIIILIIE-At the loth. Con. ilny, on Couches, regular price $$ Fd► discounts le, pike $0.00the 5th. inst., to \i r. trod Mrs. Con-' Mattresses, regular price $3.50.... discount sale Trite $2.60 rad Sebilbe. a daughter. Everything else in proportion. DD BASTARD -in LoIEndon. Sunday, May' tuh. .Joeph Bastard, formerly of Stephen. aged 81 years. BENDER -1n Zurich. Monday. May 'trd, Mrs. Peter (lender, aged 17 A linin proscription is printed upon each 25c. box of Dr. St. tp's Pirk. Pain Tnblens. Ask your Doctor or Drug - ed tonic. Dose. one teaspoonful 3 gists if this formula is not complete. times a day before meals. Sugar may I ala mean9 congestion. blood pres- sure. (lend pains. womanly pains, cone boght at Colesbe ridded to suit taste. This receipt nn)aahere got instant relief from it EzeMr forti25 c. nt.. 1t' islawot h your fink rain Tablet. W. 8. Howey. while to get and try it. Court of Revision Village of Exeter .- s+ • Hensall Mr. Thos. Kelly has moved into the -of- house formerly oecal,:.-rl by Mr. R. Jarrott. A n'+niber Prem here were sum- moned ns witness in th, Ira Bice case NOTICE is hereby given that a ted at Goderich last week. Court of Revision for the Assessment Rev. D. W. Collins. of Exeter, tried ) (toll of the Village of Exeter. will pret.elied in St. Paul's church here , hold its first ineeting for the present !-Aft Sunday. year. in Hifi T0'tVN HALL. Exete on FitIDAY. MAY 2Sth, HON '.(1p•m. dors. 5.80: Walter \Vicetrott, 10.33 .108. HEN Sita. Handford. 11.00: \V m. Atnderson,1 4.20; ecch. 11.00: Rd. Davis, ; l'.xttcr. Mny 6th709. A. tickling nr dt-v ea:lgh can be 'ekly loosened with Dr. Shoop's; Remedy. No npi"tn. no chloro - thing iin'nfe or harsh. Soldl I loa ey. A call will convince intending purchasers that this is the greatest 13;irg:tin Sale ever 11('1(1 in Exeter. ROWE & ATKINSON 'l•he Leading Mune Furnishrr=:'1111 1'.u.el.il Dile( 14:1-. ova Gives Strongth and Vigor There is nothing which so quickly restores strength and energy after an illness .as a daily cup of i3OVRIL. .1s a change add a spoonful or two of milk. Or stir a spoonful of BOVRIL into a glass of hot milk. BOVRIL IS LIQUID LIFE 4 .J }