Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 81✓ii►;1 i'•h i'tM.r,a MAY 6a 1,,Jut, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.H1++++4 4-14.e.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - STEWART'S PHONE 16 2 The Biggest and best bargain you'll see this season Hose for Iadiee, big boys and big girls. The lot ie for mixed in quality. mixed in size. assorted colors in Black and Tan. There are :shout six hundred pairs in 25c• the lot, some ribbed, some plain Lisle thread. Others plain 'flus and plain Black. The dyes are perfect. Regular val- ue 2.ic. Come and take your choice 2 pairs for 2. cents. Going out Quick Wall papers are moving fast. We have a range that should) please you in style. in quality and in value. S c. the roll for very neat papers suitable for Bed Roosts and kitchens. Border same price., 5c. 10c. the roll for a nice lot of papers in floral and ori- ental patterns suitable for )tall. Parlor and Dining -room borders some price., 10(•. Millinery season advances. There is a distinctiveness a• bout our hats. They have that touch of Style so hard to got in or- dinary head wear. Our trimmers are artists. Miss Auld is in charge. Mc, the roll toe II swell �o glimmer pa- persOf gold and �liuua 1, i, 1 pers all new patterns in finials' scrolls :Ind stripes., borders baule price., 15c. 20c. the roll for the dain- tiest lot of gold and Burlap papers that we have seen,pat- terns confined to ourselves., borders sane price., 20c. The hats are growing larger and nicer as the Admired by Many Our Room Rugs are the talk of the ladies and no wonder, for they are certainly lovely. Seamless Rugs lay perfectly flat on the floor -that's the kind we sell, in Wools, Balmoral Brussele, NViltons and Velvets. They come in Floral, Oriental and Me- d:tllinn patterns in rich autumn tints of Brown, Green, Fawn and Reds $0.50 to $30.00 We record ricnd •snd sell Steel Briggs Seedt-a. We know of no better. They have stood the teat of years. We don't know of a disappointed customer. Mangles, Sugar Mangels, Sugar Beets and Turnips. You know it pays to pay for quality. Mend's Nifty New Shoes i11 Oxfords. Bluchers and Bats. Black, Tan, Willow and Ox Blood, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, and $3.50. Every pair sold under double guarantee. the maker's and ours. Your money leo k. That's what talks. We have a dandy lot of LADIES READY-TO-WEAR TAILOR M.tnE Sums, Greens, Blues and Blacks, silk -lined and trimmed with self -stitching and large buttons. $14.50 and $15.50. Are you getting Redpaths Sugar. We sell none other, it's beet by test. +++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •++++++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++++++++ A. STEWART PHONE 22 NEW WALL PAPER Our stock of wall paper i t complete in every detail. if you have a room that does not, suit you, and has not that attractive appear- ance that you wish just go to R. N. Rowe and get some of that lovely paver he is showing. Also look at his linoleumns and lace curtains. They are very pretty. And prices are the lowest. We can prove it to you. R. N. ROWE One door north P. 0. FROM CLOTH To COMi'LETE D COAT every step in the tailoring of the gar- ment will stand inspection. The parts of :n coat, like the interlining, etc.,, which you never •:oe. are 08 carefully • toned after as those in plain sight:) That MAKES Y.OI'It TAILORING OUR- AIME. UR-AIt).E. DT that w c mean more than the tenr- ing (quality of the fabric. We mean that the long tvear of the garments will he equalled by the lasting shap- liness we pot into your apparel. it will Inok good as long ns yon wear it. and that will be long indeed. rdtronhlo HAIR DRESSING PARLORS fit tlastlnu's Old Stand First Class equipment throughout and with careful conscientious work we guarantee sat- isfaction to all custom - era. Your Patronage is Respectfully Solicited A.I. PENPRISE W. D. BURKE W. W. TAMAN BUS AND DRAY Ntr,rchant Tailor. - EXETER, - - f1NTARIO. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • I:nt=~r Aliv Ti me (1.1. T, IN BUSINESS INF:S9 I7011.130F: has been te.teI in the crucible of ecperi- encs, with th- fire of (Onion, and has not been Mani wanting. The .nn•e,w of ear 11ra.luat •t has n't been shorted. Not the lance'*, nut the hipthe.t ,Trade mosey. tn,.i• n•n selwoot In western Ontario. tndtsMnal Intt►u.tion. Nn %acaticn. Nan Conroe. Enter any daa. Write for I.artienl.ra. GEO. S1'i)F1'(IN, Principal, 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Bus and Dray Business in Ex- eter. 1 have placed a new and up -to date rig on the Load for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station and re- spectfully 8011(11 a fair share of the business of the travelling s . r ►ltc .,, ,tl I at the office, Phone la nP 1 ► cheerfully • attend• ref to WM. ARNOLD WOOD FOR $M,1 .-\We are now -prepared to deliver to nnv part of the town hast class elm slabs. lab., . ,\Il orders promptly attended to R. (ALLiES. Market Retort. -The following u l '•lessrs. R. N',•Isb and .1. E. Tru- th,• a.•,eort of 1Ca,•ter uuarkets. cur- nant arrived hone (roan the (west u.seed 1111 to May t;a h. Monday evening. w\ h.•,a► *11.25 An 1'sborue citizen was up before Pas 80 to S0. the Exeter magistrates Saturday NOTICE TO CItEDITOltb in the matter of the estate of Israel :1. ri18, late of the Township. of Usborne,in the County of Huron. I.ab.rer, deceased. oats 43 to 45. 'rwenin)r, charged with driving las- Notic(' is beach)' given put sumo to Ibirh•y 5i 10 55c. ter (Ilan allowed by lacy and was !t. o.. 11397. chap. 129, that all ltran. $25. '• fined five dollar, and cost s. c.wdi:ors ;sad 01 buts hawing ci.iims Shorts, $25. A now• i ease came t: , before the' agu.ia-t the estate of the late Israel Fled ft Flour. STAR, $3.00. 1 llarris. who died on or about magistrate here last Friday evening. Feed flour ti1.51► to 1.5J. I and had to be dismissed owing to lack tLo 15th day of Nebp.. 1909, are re- U:o .i -e 0 to $t3 per. bushel. ,aired on or before the 15(1► day of Clover ti 5. to $6. i of witnesses for the prosecution. A (cell known resident had been sum- May. 1J09 to send by post prepaid T,utotby $1 to *2 per. bushel..)r deliver to Messrs. (Badman & Butter lac pound. , tuoned to appear before the magis- trate, char -td ttith fast driving, and Stanbury, solicitors for the execu- F:t;gs 174 doss. F estate o[ the Ha •$7.50 to *8.50. duly reported with his legal repro. tor seututive at the 'Town Hall :it the iof the sad deceased their christian (lo. liveweight X7.05•and surnames, addresses and del hoggss. dressed $8.50 to 6:1(00. prescribed hour. They asked the criptions. the full particulars of their Coal, $7.25 a ton. court to produce the informant and Dried Apples 6 ceatp. witnesses. ball as none appeared the claims, the stalcuac11t of Mir ao- case fell flat and had to t,.• dismissed. coa1119 :and 1.11e 11:111140 of the e - sutities, if any, held by than. And further take notice that after such last mentioned dato the sail Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anion; the 11irlies entitled thereto. 1lawin3 re - k4 -1 Id 0111}• 10 the claims of which they shall then have taotice and that the said executor will not be liable for the t=old assets or any mart there- of to any person or persons of whose clnitols notice shall not have bean received by tbatnt at the lime of such dist Wont ion. (MADMAN & S•f ANJIIIRY Solicitors for said executor. Dated nt Exeter, this 1811a day April, 1009. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• We have on our list a number of • • subscribers wh are a year and some • • more Than year in arrears for their • • • subscription to The Times. 111 many 11••••••• cases it is but an oversight. To the individual subscriber the amount is small. but when taken in the aggre- gate amount to a considerable sum of money, and this money we could use to advantage at the present. time. We would, therefore, ask our sub- scribers to look at the label on their papers, and if they are not marked up we would be pleased to have their remittance at the earliest possible niotucnt. 113- giving this your atten- tion you will confer on us a favor. LOCALS •••••••• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Tiuloi till Jan, 1010 6 for Seventy Coats OCe Tell your Neighbors a- bout it. +++++++4-1-÷++++++++++++++++ DR. OVENS EYE AND EAI( SUR - Beton, will be at the Commercial Hotel. Hours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eyo ear and nose treated. N. xt visit Monday. Slay 17th. Mr. Richard Seldon. of Ingersoll, spent Sunday in town. Forty one 'Toronto hotels bad their licenses cut off May 1st. 1 �a is moved his 1 t ,. Mcl 1 ,1 Robert Mr. u .I week. Centralia ..t family to Let is 1 1 Dr. Kinsman attended the Dental Convention nt 'Toronto last week. Mr. Alf. llowey left Monday ,for London. to work at his trade, that of mason: Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dunkin, of Varna, visited at J. 11. firickwood's on Monday. Mr. W. J. Beaman attended the i Cool Dealers" Convention t ou at London last week. Mr. Will Salter. of Toronto, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Salter over Sunday. Mr. Andrew Campbell left Monday for Elbow. Sask., where he will re- main until fall. Rev. 11. N. Stevenson. 11. 1)., of 'reroute. occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday. '1'be I:3 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. 'Hudgins, near Fairfield met with tt very painful accident. ,last Saturday, (Rich very shortly re - resulted in its death. Mr. llodgins was out at the barn loading grain and Mrs. llodgins trent out to assist him for a few minutes, leaving two child- ren. one there years and the other thirteenhouse. It is months old in the thought the elder child was playing frith the fire and ill 8c111e way igni- ted the clothes of the baby, and when the mother came 10 the house the clothes were completely burned from its little body, and although life was not extinct the little mac expired in a few minutes. The remains were interred Monday afternoon. A Reactionary Storni Period falls o ► n the 11 tla. 12th and 13th and but for the fact that all central party of our continent are in the focus od solar energy, storm producing causes are about alt the minimum at this uer:od. As a rule there its an ab- iortnal tendency to daily cycles of thunder storms for several days in succession in much of this month. but the indications are that disturb- ances will be light at this reactionary period. The barometer will react to Mrs. Geo. W. 'Harrison returned higher, and change to decidedly cooler Monday evening after visiting her %till appear from about the 12th to parents for several weeks in London. the 15th. It is very common for Rev. Cooper. of Myth. was in town 'frosts to occur in most parts to the Friday. having come down to act ns northward between the 10th and 15th one of for judges of the debating con- of May, but there are no decided pro- babilities of heavy frosts at this time. test. :,liss Laverne Quance, wt -ho has been in Ailsa Craig for some time. has been engaged as saleslady for J. A. Stew- art. 'i•. \V. W. '1'anaan was confined to nts room rt couple of days last ek owing to an attack of La t iil'pe. Mrs. herb. Axt. 11.88 called to Zur- ich last Thursday. owing to the ,ac:ions illness of her mother Sirs. 1'. 11ec.('er. Mr. Case .11. Howard returned Monday to St. Thomas. after spending three w•eeizs' holidays with his par- ents here. ► (:(.uncillor Chris Luker. is able to get around after being confined to the house during the past month with pneumonia. Mr. Wm. Lewis became so ill. Sun- day last that medical assistance hard to he called in. lie is now however out of danger. Mr. John Charlton left Monday for Lethbridge. Sask., where he will look over some 'Canadian Northern pro- perty for the Allison Fair Co. Mr. Wm. Arnold moved his family here from Kincardine last week and is now occupying the residence he re- cently purchased on James street. The South Huron Spring Show was held at 11nacefield last Friday hut owing to the unfavorable weather, the exhibition of stock was very small.. A tasseling of the Exeter Canning 'Company 1188 he Id in the town ll all Thursday afternoon. when all the old directors mere re-elected by :trete- One of our old residents hits a solution :or the I•eceat stormy weather. claiming that it muIlt be the ice w hich was blown up in the Sing - are river coming this way. 1)r. .1. E. ,\1cGillirnddy, who has been practicing with I)r. Ilyudoann during the past year. has formed a partnership with the latter. the partnership tasking effect ,ltay 1st, An old chair can be refinished and made to match other furniture by applying moo coat of Campbell's Var- nish Stain. Anyone can use it and do good work. W. .1. Beaman sells it. DOG LOST \Wedn(•sdaI,.• night April :8th. on township line between Ila y and 8 ephen. !lack and tan hound. -Fin - .1 a- kindly return to 'truce Kienzle, ('rediton. Dating the ele ct ric:II storm of last 't hursday night. the barn of Adolphus •looper. Lake Road, was (:truck by *lightning. and dramnged slightly. .4 sparrow in the barn had its tenth. is burned off. by the fluid but was otherwise uninjured. One of our new merchants of for. oign birth was summoned before '.lagislrntes Kay and Sanders on Monday on nccount of haviuig it was aikged. =ot the better of n neighbor- ing farmer in ri horse deal. 'fpr mat- ter was adjusted by each party giving back what they bad received and the ease was dismissed. I.. I1. Dickson r ,(clod for t h • complainant and .1. 13. Stanbury for the defendant. 1h.. juts. in the Kinrnde Coroner's inquest intend demanding double pay for their services. 1f they �r r as fru notate as the jurors in the recent, 'faylor inquest held here. they (night' es well demand four of five Unica the regular fee. it will do them just nal much geed. 1'h•• Exeter jurors signed th• pay sheet. at the time of the ki- ss st. Luc up to date haven't received ' ss • ah : Ids. nrith••r haveth wwit 1 ill the case. Tho paper, most Id I4pl some 1 Let c. The storm of last Thursday night was the worst that has visited this section for sonic. time. and caused considerable damage. Many tele - Phone and telegraph poles were blown down, between lien. and London, crip- pling the servictti considerably:. At the north end n telephone pole was broken off and fell against one of the old hotel windows, while another fell across it fence onto a' vacant lot. In front of the Itoss-Taylor Co. a pole was snapped off. The Electric light 'Couapany (vires were also dam- aged and power had to be shut off at eleven o'clock. East of Winchelsea a portion of the roof of Sunshine church shed was blown onto an ad- joining field. Owing to the backward season. the buds have not yet formed so that there was very little damage to the fruit trees. A very interesting detente was given in the Town Ilall Friday even- ing between .1. M. Southrot1. A. E. 11,1811011 and W. E. Oestreichor. re - pt, sooting the Exeter Y. M. C. A. for the affirmative and Messrs. A. W. Robertson. 1). 1). Cridtenden and G. 11. Wambold. representing the 1113th nssoeialion for the negative. Th. .subject for debate tuns "Resolved 1!.:41 heredity is ra (;renter factor that! eevironrtt•nt." The judges were !tee. C«,1 er. of Myth and Rev. Going and h. W. Gladinan. sof Exeter. Each a.,:;;o kept track of the points its their estimation sonde by the spenkeis nitlaoagll the totals varied (mishit rally each one gave the affir- mative side a majority of one point. Ti.e(lobate tuns interesting and lively and the to ay the spankers handled the subject. shows thein to have consider - :11l•• ability as public speakers. Much credit is due the debaters as they had only our. week in which to study their subject. A rets:rn debate will be given :u 0131h sometime its the near futir. Auction Sale Valuable loo Acre Farm in Stephen Township 'The undersigned have been instruc- ted by the administratrix of the Es- trin. of the Int.. James 1:. Ford to offer for sale at the Commercial 11 F: May Hotel. Exeter, on Saturday. . i ) 15th. 11114 at ' o'clock p. no. Lot 10. Con- cession 2. Stephen Township. On this property is a good brick house. bank barn tvith stone and brick foindation, frame drive shed and chicken house. There is n small piece of bush and a never failing creek and n young orchard o: about three acres. Some forty acres have been fall p:owed and about six noes itt fall wheat. a:I in good state of cnitivntion. This property Is situ- ated only 2 1-2 miles from Exeter and within ene anile of Acbool. TERMS The farm will be rod eith, r for immediate possession or for Possession in the fall ns may suit the .1 purchaser. If for immediate lAs • o ,s- cion 10 per cent of the purchase shall seand the aid, sal.. h, on the day of th 1 pos- session •,. 1 for o, r thirtyd f balance i )•3 session in the fall 10 per cent shall he secured and the balance upon pur- chaser obtaining possession. 1-2 of sole price nary he left on Mortgage security at 5 per cent. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of Fal. or may he had • on application to 11. S. P1111.1.11'8. Auctioneer. GLA DMAN & I(TAN B1' itY. 'Solicitors for Administratrix. • THE OLD RELIABLE Men's and Boys' Clothing We are showing a fine line in Men's and Boys' Clothing in the cor- rect styles, price Men's from $5.00 to $14 00 Youths from 3.00 to 7.50 Boys from 1'00 to 6. so Our Men's and Boys' Hats were Never Better As to style price and quality. A very pretty hat for young men in the new Emerald shade, in the best English felt. Shirts We handle the Star Brand Shirt which is noted for its style and fitting qualities. Also a very fine line of duck shirts with reverseable collar, suitable for spring and summer hear. For One Week Only We will sell alt our Wool Carpets one yard wide ranging from of 65c to 95c to clear 49c and 69c. Highest price for Produce. Butter i8c, Eggs 17c trade, 104c cash NOTICE TO CREDITORS These prices subject to change. in the matter of the estate of John Corbett, late of the Township of flay, in the County of IIuron. fanner deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1807. chapter 129, that all andothers having creditors of cr h ,. claims against the estate of the said John Corbett, who died on or about the 3rd day of April 1909 are required on or before the 13th day of Siny, 1909. to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. Madman & Stanbury of the Village of Exeter, So- licitors for the Executor of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof 'to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & tSTANBURY, Solicitors for said executor . Dated at Exeter this 19th day of April 1909. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Jaynes K. Ford, late of the Town- ship of Stephen. in the County of IIuron. farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0., 189.7, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims trgninst the estate of the said James K. Word, who died on or about the 20th day of March 1909i are required on or before the 8th day of May, 1909 to send by post prepaid. or deliver to Messrs. Glndrnan & Stnnbury of the Village of Exeter, So- licitors for the Administratrix of the said deceased, their christian and sur- names. addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims the statement of their ncconnts and Spend O Niekle and Rive Your friends the nature of the securities, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned O 1)011018 1101111 of [110080[0date the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice and that said Administratrix will toot be liable for Feld assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. t;LAD'IAN & S1'ANI!I I(Y Solicitors for Administratrix. i)ated at Exeter this 14th day of April 1909. NOTICE '1'O CREDITORS in the (natter of the estate of August D. Schroeder. of the town- ship of Ilny, in the County of Moron. gent Italian. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. 8. 0.. 1Pd7. Chap. 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late August D. Schroeder. who died oa or about the 19th day of April. 11.00, are requested on or about the 20th day of May. 1909, to send by post paid or deliver to 'Messrs. Madman & 81anhury. of the village of Exeter. solicitors for the execu- tors of the said deceased their christian and surnames. nddre-ses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their ncc amnnd ts the alt 0 111 h nation. of the securities. if nny. held by tlaonr. And fnrtIs r take notice that after such last mentioned date the executors trill proceed to distribute assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that raid executors shall not h^ liable for thy• Anid as- sets or any part thereof Io any per- son or persons of whose claims not - ire shrill not have been received by them nt the time of such distribution i;L,\DMAN & 8'TA`rlt'ItY. Solicitors for Executors. Dated nt Exeter this 27th day of April. 1909. CARLING BROS. We Repair All kinds of Boots and Shoes for yon CEO. MANSON Boots and Shoes Next to Carling Bros. DEAIt MADAM we write you these few tunes to let you know that you can end all your baking troubles if you will BUY YOUR FLOUR HERE We know this because so many good housekeepers say our flour bakes bet- ter and goes farther than any other brand they have tried. We I;hall be glad to have you order a sack and feel sure you will thank us for the sug- gestion after you have used the flour. 10,000 bushels of %(•heat wanted. HARVEY BROS. i)IIICI' IHOi'SE AND SIX ACRES OF LAND IN USBORNE. 1 h Norah -I- a•t corner of • Lot i 3. Concession 6. t'sbonne, th,• prop.•rty of lh '. • into i. r.n •I ll:arra... The house is ori, and one-half stories high and conlnins six rooms. kitchen and ttood- shed. There is n frame barn :about 20 by 10. hard and Ao:t water. and nl-'.I' ono net. of good fruit trees. Th.• soil is n good clay. The lot is m).tly seeded out and is well fent• d and drrined. Appl3 to GLADMA. & STANIlI'itY. Exeter. Solicitors Executor. c' r. for t You will always find the latest as well as the regular fancy cards and a splendid variety of town views at this store. You are always welcome to come and see our display even if you do not buy. Brillion' Greeting CONS are our latest. They arc unique -no mistake about that. Edison Phonographs stud Records, Victor and Coluntbi,t 10 inch discs 50c 2 Disc Machines cheep f..r cash. THE PURITY .1. Willie Powell Manager. i Tr,lcnl Powder f1 k_cl)s the shiny ;/Av., )ok from the skin, J`1 leaves it as soft as a - ' baby s and gives it 1: the delightful ___.. odor of spring v;�=`t'� Violets. :1 r .�.t :- "�-- W. Cole . a FA11M '1'O i11 -:NT, for past1ro, 21-2 ,riles north of Exeter. Lot 11. Con. 1. Bay, 100 acres. Good pnstnre and water, Apply It. B. i1088, Ityron, Ont )4) CENTRAL -�.. ���� •fel Fr TrO1C ONT. IWith twenty-two years' ex- perience to its credit this college ♦ is recognized as the geeatest practical training school in 1 Western Ontario. departments: Three • p • COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEORAPIIY • Our classes are the largest. • our courses most practical and 4 our instructors experienced. Our gradnates aro assisted to positions and succeed as none others. Enter now. Get our Ifree catalogue. ELLIOTT $ MCLACHLAN, Principals, - $225.00 Buys a Thoroughly High Grade Piano Louis XIV Style. -at-- s. MartIH & son \VE EAT TO LIVE Nobody who is suffering from nee vows disorders, from coughs or colds or debility of constitution cares to eat. When you have no appetite your ambition is gone -don't care much -whether you live or die. BItiCK'S TASTEi,ESS COi) LIVER 011. would keep you alive whether you ate food or not, but it brings back your appetite. then, starts right in .to build up your system and throw out the disorders that breed incurable diseases. It purifies the blood. makes the thin fat. the weak strong. All Druggists. W. S. Howey, Phm. B. Chemist at', Optician EXETER - ONTARIO. \ 4- ••- r here s Good News The ma , o market t I noes for junk are alive and so is The Old Reliable Firm M. Jackson & Sox one door south of the Metropoli- tan. .hist Inok at the followin prices (no triode, and no truck) all cash. Rags 7' c. per hundred iron from f;i)c to 73c. per Sun. Old rubber boots & shoes 7c. Copper and brass 9s. per ib. i1 arse hair :Oc. per lb. Lead and zinc 2 I '2 -. per 1h. Now Iloys the 24th Is Coming Bring your goods here and get the worth of your money. A great vaatiet.y of IRON I'II'' atlw,tw8 on hand at it 1(01- 41;' price, suitable , e ( 1 for fence hraeing Sou a •, I ndin K 1 K !' . Jackson & sons Ior ny case of ser vou-nr•.s, sleep- leasnc-,, weak atom tele indigestion, dy,pel..ia, try Carter's little Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in rnsrket, 111