Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 4HE EXE `1 E R TIME S, MAY 6th 1909. Coughs an Colds dJ1r. Andrew Muir, received a tele- gram laic week announcing the death of his brother James in the west. Mr. Samuel Coulter was successful in pa -,int; his first y'ear's examin- ation at the London 1ledical college• Mr. E. Zuefle left last week for Moost•jaw. where he intends taking up land. Ira (lice, a former hotelkecper who hail: froth Clandeboye, is in jail at Goderich awaiting a preliminary trial on 0 charge to arson. (lice vas ar- rested at Lucan on Wednesday after - 110011 of last week by High Constable (Sundry, tvho had a warrant charging Bice with setting fire to 0 ileMsall hotel on May 1907. A hearing was given Bice before a justice of the peace of that village, and he was re- manded for eight days to allow the Sold at crown to secure their witnesses. Sub- , sequently he was taken to Goderich. Brownings Drug Store t'p,to Map 30. 1907. the night the fire took place, Bice was proprietor of the hotel owned Ly John Coxwortb, and The net debt of Canada on 31 which was leased by hint for a period arch, 1909, was $12a,900.E50I The of three years up to and including M pet Increase in the public debt since November 30, 1908. On January 1, • 'Phe 1907, local option wiped out Bice's li- cense. Three months was given him to dispose of his stock. Over a year after a mysterious advertisement appeared in the London Free Press. It was as follows: The undersigned will give 000.00 to any person or persons that will give any evidence that will secure the conviction of the party or parties that caused the burning of his hotel in the village of Hensall For the prompt relief and cure of Colds, loughs, Hoarse. netts, Loss of Voice, and all affections of the Throat and lungs and for general debility. Get a bottle of ferry's Com- pound Syrup of White Pine with Tar or Perry's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites of Lithe and Soda. 1E96 amounts to $05,403.4_7. National Transcontinental is respon- of the for rrequirements of forthitheo N.tde T. Railway. the net increase of the public debt since 1896 is only $12- 889,`295. In this connection it might be stated that per capita debt in 18°0 waa $r)0.82 and in 19+09 it is only $45.73. Another way of looking at this is. that taking the amount of in- Hensall on motherning orning of May 30, terest paid yearly on the public debt 1907. James Coxworth, Hensel'. Six In 1890, it was $1.79 per head, and in months more passed and the crown 11909 it is only $1.33 per head. In officers kept at work, with the result thee words. whits cher Government that tbey claim to have evidence to convict Ilice. bas been developing the country the interest burden is less to -day per capital than it was when they came into power. • OSBORNE CONCIL Council met at Township Pall May 1st, all the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the Engineer re the Bauble River improvement drainage work,work, was adopted. a copy r report plans specifications etc. or- dered to be served forth with on the bead of the Corporation of the Town- ship of lilibbert, and the construction sthrk in specifications accordance the, eto. d idc upon. By-law No. 4 providing for the con- et'ruction of the Sable River improve- ment drainage work. was provision- ally adopted, ordered to be printed. and served on all assessed owners, leasors or occupants according to the provisions of the drainage nct. The Railway Bonus By-law was finally passed, signed by the Reeve and 'Clerk and the corporation seal attached, and the Clerk instructed to publish said sly -law for confirma- tion in the Exeter Times newspaper, if ncc +Curs. By-law- No. 3 confirming the ap- pointment of Pathinasters for 1909 was finally passed signed and sealed. The council by authority of an order of J. B. Itankin Proviucial drainage referee. paid John Reid con- tractor $185.00 in full settlement of claim for extras on .Anderson Drain contract. and also $15.00 to the com- mittee for expenses. George Bell's account for subcon- tract on Stewart Drain was paid by authority of order of A. Baird con- tractor $59.50. The Bonus By-law Election expenses in part amounting to $45.85 were paid to the 'Clerk for distribution. The drainage petition of John Fletcher arid others, for drainage work pre Winchelsea Creek and branches, tt•ns approved and J. Roger 0. L. 8.. of 'Mitchell. will he in- structed to examine the arca to be drained and report. A felt accounts were passed and orders issued .in payment. 'Council will meet at Township Hall on Satur- day evening May 22nd. at 6 o'clock to read and consider the Fish Creek drain report. also oil June 7th at 2 o'clock in +afternoon to receive and open tenders for construction of B auble River improvement. Council adjourned to meet as Court of Revision of assessment roll 1''909 and for general business on Saturday June 5th. tit 10 o'clock. F. Morley. Clerk. IIARPLEY The high wind storm which was ac- companied by lightning. thunder and rain. did considerable damage in our neighborhood. Mr. T. Muir, of Avonbank, is help- ing Mr. R. Stone to erect a • wind still for Mr. Lamport. The high water of lest week did some damage washing away bridges and culverts. Miss S. .Armstrong, is hired with Mrs. T. Love for a time. The high wind of Thursday .last, blew the roof off Mr. T, Webb's barn. Mr. Wm. ileaman. of Shipka, is driving posts for different parties in this vicinity. Mr. Taylor and others. Mr. C. Hackney, of Exeter, passed through our burg on Monday ,buy- ing horses. Cromarty The severe thunderstorm which passed over here on Thursday evening last, did considerable damage to the telephone poles near the village. Mr. Neil 'McKellar, Sr., is at pre- sent on the sick list. Mr. Shillinglaw, of Brandon, is visiting friends in the neighborhood. Mr. John 'McDonald who has been a resident of 'Cromarty, moved bis family to Staffa this week. Mrs. Park, of Brantford, is at pre- sent visiting at Mr. .Donald Park in the village. Mrs. Tufford is spending this week in Toronto combining business with pleasure. if your Stomach. heart or Kidneys aro weak. try at i ist, a few doses only of hr. Shoop'- Restorative. in five or ten days only. the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Ur. Shoop doesn't drug the Stotnnch. nor stimulate the Ilenrt or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Each organ has its own con- trolling verve. ‘1, hen these nerves uullamexrecdingly'Rratefultoyonfor tail. the depending organa must of your kind letters, as I certainly profited recce t:u fatten. This Main. r. byy them. I give you permission to vital truth. clearly tells whyDUr. Shoop's Restorative is •o universally successful. its success is lending drug- gists everywhere to give it universal preference. A test will surely tell. Nold by W. S. 4lowey. IIE BEST REMEDY Eden. About fifty of the Eden people seat h- ered at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Caves, Centralia, Tuesday evening. Mr. uud Mrs. Caves have always lived in and around our neigh- borhood and as an appreciation of their worth us neighbors and friends •-ere presented with two chairs- 0 rocker and arm chair and a clock. Friends had been invited to visit them in their new home, but they were sur- prised when so many came together. After speuding several hours iu con- versation and sung led by Mr. Swart the usual program was given. Mr. J: Essery acting as chairman. Songs were given by Mrs. Skinner and Mr. F. Coates; speeches by most of the men or their wives, and the follow- ing address read by Miss 1(. Essery. The chairs were presented by Messrs. Luxton and 11. Coates. Mrs. Luxton presenting the clock. Mrs. Caves feel- ingly responded and thanked the peo- ple ju behalf of her family. titer.'\Vi. ltutt, said be was sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Caves from Eden, but was glad to welcome them to Centralia. Luncheon was served by the ladies (enough for a tea -meeting) and the remainder of the evening was spent in games and music. The new clock was striking one. To Mr. and Mrs. 'Caves and family. \Ve the people of Eden have gathered here this evening for the purpose of expressing in a slight degree, our regret at your departure from our midst and at the same time our esteem of and respect for you. During the years that have gone you have won out confidence and trust you have always been willing to take your part in any plan of work intended to benefit those with whom you have been surrounded. \Ve would not forget the valuable services you have rendered as neighbors in lending the helping hand, and our re- membrance of hours spent with you in our church gatherings will always be of the most pleasant. Your kind- ly manner and good example will al- lays live in our memory. We ask you to accept these gifts to remind you of your friends in this locality and as a token of our affection and appreciation of your worth. Our heartfelt wishes for your future wel- fare and happiness are extended to you. May the richest blessings of, the Muster rest upon you in your new home and the twilight of this prove to be but the dawn of the bet- ter lite to come where there will be no more partings. ForWomen—Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Com pound ilelleville, Ont.—" I was so weak and worn out from a female weakness that I concluded to try Lydia E. I'ink- ltaln's Vegetable Compound. i took several bottles of it, and I gained strength so rapidly that It seemed to Make anew woman of inc. I can do as good a day's work as I ever did. I sincerely bless the day that I trade up my mind to take your medicine for feniale weakness, publish this any time you wish."— Mrs. ALBERT \Vtr1:i:r'r, ilelleville, Ontario. Canada. ' Womeneverywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to Dustbin() that will sure female weak- ness and so successfully carry %omen A book on itheumatism. and a trial through the Change of Life as Lydia E. treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic I'iukliam'svegetable Compound, made Remedy—liquid or Tablets—is being front native roots and herbs. sent tree to sufferers by Dr. Shoop. For au years it has been curing of Racine. Wis. \•on that are well. women frotn the worst forms of female get this book for some discouraged. ills — itltlamtnation, ulceration, Ills - disheartened stufferer 1 Da a stop''' placements. fibroid tumors. irregular'. net eregulari- nct of humanity! Point out this ay to nuick and certain relief ! Sar• 'fes, periodic pains, backache, and w prise some utterer=. by first gettin:: tlrvons inostration. M from me the booklet awl the test. 11.• If you tv:1111 aae•vlatrdviecwrrite will appreciate yoe:r hid. W. J. foritto -al t••.I'ltikhaln,l,ynti,MaMM. Iiot+ey It is Ieve and alnays helpful. r•••11.•• -eira, eras us:—_Ls-u-t 7.•i3csstaszrammwssfsr_.v�� Farquhar The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Osborne and Ilibbert Fire Insurance Co.. was held on Monday, May 3rd, with a hull at- tendance of members. Beside rou- tine business there was considerable discussion on the live question of in- suring property where gasoline en- gines or incubators etre used. Mr. Wm. Ward. has began excavat- ing the cellar for his new house. Some of the boys have procured their hooks and lines for fishing, but water is more abundant than fish. The base ball club. was organized some time ago but practice of the game remains for the future. Old titners tell us that thirty four of thirty five years ago, the weather was even more wintry on the first of May than 1909, but a good harvest was reaped. so be of good courage for seed time and harvest shall never fail. The question is vary often asked, why two telephone wires run into this village but do not unite? Echo ans- wers, \Vhy't Wait till the projected electric road is built along the Thames !toad, and the Railroad through Osborne, then all the country round will have almost city privileges. Does Not L...."t.t. WGlNt oais,e Ayer's S:rrs;'.p rill. lloc:i not stimulate. ii does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is not a strong &Milk. No reaction after you stop using it. Thc,-', is not a drop cf alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that come; from a strong tonic and alterative. 114 \Aii(1 Vogl would ask your doctor about this. Ile knOi?ts.,� 'Fel: NM. DO ;IS lie Say:,. ('–%;,Tr0o-1,;;;;: l7,,t3��e .rt-• - •n .C.' .saat'us: ww.rA�lr•wratzre •e -a, WC. :t ars Seses i';,.. •\\l.i+cr Pills. Bow long h.i.c this been staid? Nearly sixty Years. 1)o doct:,rs it6;.;t'pcad them? Ask sower own doctor and find out. egetablePre paration :orAs- t8ill ilatiltg the Food and I llcguta - wig the mid Dowels of • Promote sDigestio D,Cheerrul- tlessandRes t.COntains neither Wiurn nor l'1•iilcral OT NARCOTIC. die .lu Sed - Aeli na • ,a.w glee - 4 • Jud - Aver • } Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- lion, Sour Stomach,Dierrhoea, Worms ,Convutsions,Feverislt- nessend Loss OF SLEEP. TacSimiiie Signature of p NEW YORK. AI b months old .3) DOSES—35Cs.vr.s. EXACT COPY OP WRAPPCB. ASTORI For infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwyn Bought Bears the Signa cure of ••••NNN •••�•N• NN ••N NN•• NN•N •mow • s The lYlolsons Bank Incorporated 1856 CAPITAL (paitt up) s3 600.000-00 RESERVE FUND• .... $3,600.00000 IHas iw Branches in Canada, and Agents and Cortespoudeuts in all the Principal Cities to the World. General Banking Business Transacted. • • • • • • • Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • ••N•••••NN••N•N••N•••,••N•••NNN••••N•NNdI In Use For Over Thirty Years BAST RI 1H11 CENTAUR COMPANY, N'W YORK CITY. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 8. Z. WALKER, !resident Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager.! Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank sate a most convet way in which to carry money when ti•avetling. Tey suee Issued in denominations $10, $20,� $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount p ty.able in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on tate face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 191• Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager Branoh silo at Crediton. { DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8, D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. ' OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors R. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. n Dental Surgeon tario. and local option went into Head Office. Farquhar,' Ont. Office over Gladman & Stanbury force in 32 municipalities. With Main street—EXETER. the exception of the year 1887 and President—J. L. 'RUSSELL. Good goingMay20th to Se s 1898. when the Scott act was in force, 'Vico-President—\V. H. PA886IORE J• W. BROWNING, M. D., M. e p', the low water mark is reached in On- • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un 30th, 1909. Return limit Oct. tnrio this year so far as the number DIRECTORS. Tereus. office and reetdenence. Dominion of bars is concerned. Some idea of WM. ROY. BORNHOLM P. 0 Laboratory, Exeter. 31st, 1909. the decrease may be gained when one WM. BROCK WINCUKLBEA P. O. considers that in 1875 there were T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O�1 4,713 bars and 1,307 liquor shops, ROBERT NORRIB. Btafta. H It. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and while after May 1, there will be only AGENTS. .S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un. about 1,800 bars and about 240 shops to cater to a vastly increased popu- Usbttla l)6 and j3hldulph. lotion. At that period there will be 334 municipalities where the sale of OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, agent liquor is illegal, and 473 In which 11-1 for Hibbert. Fullarton and Logan. censes are granted. It is the avowed nim of the forces arrayed against the JOSIIUA JOHNS Through the operation of many) The Usborne and Ribbort antagonistic influences such as li- Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- cense reduction: local option and the action of the commissioners, on Sat- rday. May 1, 200 bars closed in On - Centralia The basement of the 'Methodist church here is undergoing repairs which when finished will add greatly 10 the appearance of the Sunday school roost. Mr. and Mrs. John Trothan, of Lon- don. are visiting the former's parents Mr. and ,llrs. Trothan. The regular quarterly meeting ser- vices were held last Sunday morning in the Methodist church. Rev. L. W. \Vickett. of London, who was a for- mer pastor of the circuit about forty five years ago, assisted the pastor. Rev. Mr. Hutt called the roll, which is somewhat unusual. The members present responded with a passage of scripture or testimony. The business meeting at the par- sonage on Tuesday evening was well attended and the finances were found in good shape. Mr. John Essery, re- cording steward was appointed dele- gate to the district meeting on the 20th inst., at Woodham. This community was startled Sat- urday afternoon at learning of the calamity that befell .11r. and Mrs. Al(. Ilodgins, when they were both out at the barn. Dirs. Hodgins was startled when she heard the crying of the eldest boy and on rushing to the house found the roost full of :minks. Naturally the thought of her baby carne to heP and found t he child +t charred mass in one corner of the room. The doctor Was sunlrnoned. but long before his arrival the chid ba :1 passed into the great beyond. The funeral was largely attended Monday afternoon by a number of Rymitt hizin;r i1iends. Revs. .W. ]I. (hitt and 1,. \\ . \Vjckett officiated at th • grave. • apse Gompanu GRANOTRUNK sYIsEt $74.90 To Seattle and Return On account of Alaska—Yukon—Pacific Exposition. Associate Coroner of Huron. JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for iversity. Two gears resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence. Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew -Street, Exeter. ,jONEY TO LOAN liquor interests to make a more ex- St oy,Treas. Farquhar. Wshave unlimited private funds tor tnval tensive campaign this year than ever (MADMAN & STANBURY. tl,Iieitori -sobnppoon farm or village crepent. sb towett before. In many parts of the coun- r use of Interestry campaigns have been already DICHSt)Na CAItLINO started. and many important places, _ Hzster such as Peterboro. Brantford. Coiling- Announcement to the E�ICKSON & CARLiNG, wood. Port Hope. Cobourg, J'icton Public C Aurora and Newmarket will he in the L' trrhtore, Solicitors. Notaries, conveysaner fight. EXXCURSiON— The South Huron Commisylonenr, t?ollcltora tor :he IOleoas Farmers' Institute has decided to Bank, Eto. conduct an Excursion to the Ontario Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest. Agricultural College at Guelph on OM/WEI—MAIN STREET, EXXTKR. HOSfESTEAL REGULATIONS. Friday. June Ilth. Keep this date in 1 s. cam mo a a. v a Dllra•na any person who is the sole head mind and make arrangements to of a Limits. or male over IS take it in. Particulars later. W. D. ('CONEY TO LOAN. years old may homestead a quarter, Sanders. Pecs.: Il. S. Phillips, Secy. Seotoni of available Dominion land lo Manitobs, Saskatchewan. or Alberta, The applicant trust appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. Entry b51 proxy may be had at the agency, ou certain conditions. by father, mother son, daughter, brother. or sister of intending homesteader.Duties :—Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in eaoh of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of .his boles stead on a damof at least 80 scree solely owned and occupied by him or les father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a hontestealels in good standing may pre-empt w quarter section a:ongside his homes steam. Price $:t. per acre. f)uties-r Must reside six months ineach of silt'years from date of homestead entr7 (including the time required to earl) homestead patent) and euItivta• fifty acres extra. A homesteader w lio tiny exhausted his hornestertd right and cannot ob, tain a pre-emption may take a pur- chased homestead in certain distriot• Price *3. per acre. Duties.—Must reside,Six months in each of thrtt• years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $309.0(Y W. w. CoRY, . Deputy of the Minister of the interior N. B.—Unauthorized pnblieation of this ad%(nisi ment will not be paid for Cough Caution Never. positively never poison your lungs. if you cough—even from a simt le coltlonly—you should always heal, soothe. and ease 1110 Irritated bron- chial tauDon'ts. ,n't blindly suppress it with a stupefying poison. !Co strange how ) 1)1 - things finally come about. For twenty Testi Dr. Shang has constantly srnrne,l people not to take cough mes inaret or prctiptlons containing Opium, Chloroform. or similar poisons. awl now—a little late though—('•.regress says -Put it an the label 11 prisons are In your Cough Mixture." Goal! Very good 1! Iloresft.etfor thtsvery ren.onmethers, and others. should insist on having Pr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No velemmarks On Pr. Shoop's i►lelo—and masa to the medicine. else it trust by law be on the label. And it's not only sato. but 11 is said to be by those that know 1t hest. a truly re. markable cough remedy. Take no chance Wmparticularly with your children. insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure.Comparo carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and note the difference. No poison marks there) You tea always le on the sale stdo by deman4lne CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dr. Shoop's Cough Cube w. s. HOWEY. / ILOM 1•:SEEKEHS' EXCURSIONS At Low Rates, Via Chicago or Sarnia and Northern Navigation Co. Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, Usk**or write J. D. MCDONALD. Uai Depot, Toronto. Ont. Synopsis of Ire C000dioo No[m West A tickling or dry cough can be quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. No opium. no chloro- form. nothing unsafe or harsh. Bold by W. B. llowey. we hare a large amount of private funds 0an on farm and village properties atlowrabe interest. OLADMAN s: BTANHURY Barristers Solicitors, Main BLtExeter ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loan at lowest rates. North West Lancia for Sale. Office, Main Street, Exeter JuUgc 01 Su1tIllQ, The man who is a judge of good clothes ens not fail to appreci ite the excellence of our Spring patterns. Our display of I,ett• sliitings, pantings, vestings, etc., fairly blooms with Spring appropriateness. if you are a good judge of goods and the makeup we can certainly please you with a suit of chalice. If you are not a judge of goods or tailoring 1 hen Come Here by all Means \\\ (7 maw �� Come for the reason that we have the reputation of selling the best goods e them and how to mak andknowing we live up to our reputation. You I take no chance when buying here. Just select your goods, let Its take your measure and you may safety leave the rest entirely to us. Give us nn opportunity to demonstrate to you that we know our business from A to Z. We ask you not to buy your Sprit g Suit until you come and see 33 hat rte can do for you. Give if To YeAll'C!ll!r "CROWN IIRANI) SVRl'I"' k a focal not only for children but for everyone—and it is used by everyone. It is a table (Ielic.tcV which should I:e in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets • have. w its and most ' e 1. which all healthy children . Used in the home, it saves trouble in the making up of de1icitle,;scrts and other good things to cat. "CitO\VN BRANT) SVItUC" stands for the highest possible putity in table syrup. 1t is prepared in a clean wholesome maul\cr float tl:e very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious tlavar as of fine honey and rich cream. These are strong rea,ous why yott should insist on having "CROWN BRAND SVR1'I'" Your dealer has it fa you in 2, 5. 10 and 20 L ait•tisht tins with WA Id.. gh1e Edw urg Starch Co., Limited ES BLISHED 1868. work,: CARDINAL, ince• : MONTREAi„TORONTO & BRANTFORD EL.IMVIi.I,K Mr. tChaa. Jacques his returned from Gndshill where he has been working on the dredge. The high water compelled the workmen j0 cense operations for awhile. - Mr. Swallow came near mectin with a serious accident the oth J. Hother dry while repairing o windmill Holtznlann for Mr. J. Peart. itt some manlier a pole gave way nl;owilig the tail to Ci.tl�al7'ON. drop and catching Mr. Swallow drew him over the mast. Help being at hand he was rescued from his dan- A7 tz roue position. Luckily- he escaped t:Ith n tow bruise.. _...- Mr. rind Mrs. Wm. Crave. who re - 1 h.•ir farm. were surprised on Tt:, g- ritty evening by a number of Paden eently moved into Centralia from ItOUNi) Titl1' EXCI'iRSiONS LOW RATES. To Seattle. Wash.. l'ortl and. Ore.. Tacoma. Wash., Everett. Wash.. Bell- i ingham. Wash., Victoria. It. 1'.. Van- couver, 11. C., Han Francisco. Cal.. 1.ns Angeles. Cal., etc. (food goini: friend`. tvho presented theta with a May 20th to Sept. 30th. Return' pair of sissy chair• and a he:eritiful ' limit Oct.. "list, 1909. For ticket- mantle clock. Jar.. C nvo replied in ane) full information call on ''i>' suitable Inr:^1,la'-e. expressing Ili, it Grnnd Trunk ticket regent. apprerintion of the kindness ehotvrl ---4M-- - aria by their long to be remembsr. er1 fti, n'la. 1'rlpitation r,f the heart, ner- =- iousness, trembling/1i, nervous head- CLIL23Z'CeXi. 2d. srhs, cold bands and feel, p tin in the Beare the 1"i 1 -' Y:: I. I'm - 8olcol back and other forms of weakness are reliever by Carter's Iron Pills' d't^t°w i/►J. made «peeti ly for the blood nerves 41110. i 1 1