Exeter Times, 1909-05-06, Page 3CARTEF S ITT« IVR PILLS. CURS Sick nwduLe and relieve sit the troubles tneb- deet to a bilious ststuof the system. each as Meanies, Nausea. Drowsiness, bistrese after rating. Pain in tho Si le, Lc. while their most reri:ukablesues..:A:lag t ', o vat e41/11.4 Iteaiiache, yet C,rter's Llttlu Liver Pills are equ.ri ly rsluable in Conditalton. curing mud pro- , ontlug ro- ,ontlug this annoying cotuplaint.while they ado corn et a:ldlsor.iereotthesro,nachaUrn .lstethe liver and regulatothe bowels. EvenIf1Leyonly eurrd debothey would bealmtkt priceless to ibises wbo suffer from C,isdutresslugemu uplaint: butturta- nately thelrgoodness dees bole tall here.aud these who (rice try thorn will and those little pills vain. able in so me yrracsthat lhcy will n..: be wit. 11Dgtodowithout them. But after all sick bead A 1athe&p of ,-) r i y lives tt:•t hire I hr ere make our great boast. Our pities ure it whilo Others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very ea.y to take. One or two p}ille makes dose. nary are atria./ vegetable and do lint gripe or purge, but by their semioaction please ail who use teem. C4JTf11 ULDI:I:t3 C)., I(LW 1brs. hall alt Sal Doe. Small Priv FAII'IEft CAUGlrr OTTER. Managed to Take it Alive and Sent it to the Laird. Towards the eastern shore of one of the many lochs that cut up the coast line of Argyllshire, anti par- allel to it, run a chain of islands. On uuo of those islands (says a writer in the Seorsman) there is a email colony of otters, and now and then one or two are .een on or near LIFE TOWERS OF SIREN DTII LIanJoudMuIesthigina,;,.uoc:(cd by .\barigines. 1 It now transpires that the new f diamond alines in German South- ' West Africa were discovered in the first instance by natives. For borne time past blacks at Capetown and elsewhere have been occasionally found to be in possession of stones Undeveloped Forces in Christians Is Here Pointed Out. Speak to the children of Israel ing the pathway of life pleasant, that they go furward.-Exodus xiv. 15. When the command of this text %vas spoken by Moses to the Israe- lites they were shut in completely. High mountains on either side, be - foie them the great deep sea, be- hind them an embittered, cruel, determined foe. Calmly Moses is bidden by God to speak into the chadren of Israel that they go for- ward. You remember how that sea became a safe pathway to freedom and a fuller knowledge of a divine providence and grace. So hod's forward call to -day to the unde- veloped forces within CR, if obey cd in ns firm a faith, will be crowned with as marvelous results. In putting into service these un- developed forces of Christian man- hood and womanhood, remember that the years of preparation or of slow progress in attaining our other ratite prised up a Lig die- borders where fade! and find the ideals or of apparent bitter defeat behalf of a world. Love for Christ mond while digging with a knife for look almost as nice as new. E. C. y and failure are not lost to us. Much and fqr humanity is I tubers on the veldt near Bulfontein. I Mending Lace Cru tains.-Buy a ie accomplished in these struggles ANOTHER INSPIRATION. 1 He told everybody he met of his bolt of the hrai.l the proper width of the soul which only God and the J y' 444,i!'NO�M,141.4� Iham, cooked or uncooked ; a layerDON'T of crackers crumbs, a layer of hard MANY KNOW i boiled eggt;, sliced thin: and a layer HEART AFFECTED. of the gray : repeat, and on top put a layer t.f cracker crumbs said More People Than are aware of It butter. Bake until a nice basalt. t have Heart Dbtea.e. _- __- eft Ctantivatious were air do of every- one, people would be surprised at the scot. Feer of ,etsuru welkin about ll . The Hom�r SHIRTWAIST KELPS :shirtwaist Belts.—Don't e.tt a heart disease " g u eu trtng bout 4•4411494.46114419940.2604'.11 belt for a shirt waist on the length This startling statement was made by • CURTAIN CHATS. of the material because it will dew•tor at a recent inquest. - -1 shooed not peaceful and prosperous. Even aslike to say that heart disease is as cvauron Jesus Himself sought to rnake it so that could not have come either Unbleached Muslin Curtains.— shl]nk. Cut all belts on the cross a9 this would imply," said the expert, from Kin►berley on the T ansvanl, Pretty curtains can be made of un- of the goods. Clutter bands and "but 1 am sure that the nuneleer of persons for every nein. atw,ut with weak hearts moat We may 11�C our knowledge upon `rind it was shrewdly suspected tl,:: bleached muslin stenciled with ,)Il wrist bands should also be cut on going • bever they obtained thein from some tuithe cross of the large." y the undeveloped forces of nature l :tints. To set the color, thin the goods. Don't "Hundreds of peo,lego about their dail and find profit therefrom; but when Lowell mine in German territory. paints with turpentine, vinegar, and "'"rk vertical buttonholes in the box work on the verso of}rieath, suet tet lo,,,Y we have used our acquirements in the surmise torus nut to be correct. lemon extracts iu rho foliowlug lir,_ Platt or 11y of ashirt waist. They kuoK it. Itis out when the el�,ek c.., c It is a curious fact that unlike will stretch ns soon as there is rho y "ca benetiting the bullies a»J souls of purlion : 1'u tines nurses cf tut' that kills them that the uustespe,•ted Ncak- c.ur fellow beings, mo that afterward gold mines, nearly ail the famous pentine add twelve drops of vine - buttons strain on the waist and the nese of the heart is male apparent." they rise up and declare we helped mines of precious stones have been gar and four drops of lemon ex- buttons will slip out easily. Work di�eautso, undoubtedly heart. Keahne•Ra, not them, we have achieved the most originally located by the aborigines tract When the curtains are fin- the buttonholes crosswise. The on} •pl is "''re prevalent ❑ewadaye I y should think that the stress of living, the exalted of all services. of the countries tis -which they are fished, press with a warts iron. Be- exception to this rule should be wear and rush of modern business life 'Three things will aid in going situated. fore Iaundertng soak over night in reads when shirt surds are used in - forward in spite of every difficulty. Thus the naw world -Eamon salt water, wash with a white soap. stead of buttons. In that ease the Stronger faith in the word of our Jagersfontein diamond fields were Do not boil. Starch and iron before , buttonholes on left side of waist Master. To live well is nu easy task accidentally stumbled upon by a entirely dry. I should be vertical and on the right but to attempt to live without the Kaffir who was following up the • To Renew Colored Borders. -I 'side horizontal. since i rest faith ti inh the living Christ, spoor of a wounded Buffalo. His have some colored bordered Taco I Dress Shield Loops. -A better and within us and above us, is to cur- story of the find was not believed, curtains (they match the walls in more convenient way than sewing tail life of its powers and to draw _ whereupon he went there again the roams where they are used). or pinning dress shields in a shirt the curtain of destiny. Another in-' and returned with a stone Weighing They became faded from the sun. I . waist is to make a buttonhole lou s iration is more earnest concis- 200P P over carats. 'took stencil ,stat to match original across the end of each shield and tion of personal duty. Christ speaks About the year 1371, again, an- i colors, and brushed and traced the tie it into the waist with narrow ice us and asks for our servrco in tape that has Leen sewed to the binding of the armholes. individual really ever know. \\'e may judge ourselves are only do- ing the little things, THE HIDDEN THINGS, yet if these be well done like towers of strength, we will rise and be enabled to do greater things after- ward for God. Remember, too, that God's call for the undeveloped forces of Chris- tian manhood and womanhood be- speaks the exalted purpose of real life, viz., to retrieve obstructions. theist. Some years ago some friends The ignorant and the indolent may and myself observed about a dozen hinder by standing in the way of -old and young -swimming to_ ' Cod's plans and purposes for the gether. The cubs tried to get betterment of humanity. But the ashore, but the old otters got be-c'flice of a true man is to use all tween them and the lard and kept his accumulated knowledge in mak- them out till seeing us they' all got alarmed and distil -if -eared. Once as we rowed up the loch we TfiE S S I ESS -N saw a shepherd sta.-tding among the rocks on one of the larger islands. We were a good distance from him, and did not s=ec what ho was look- ing at, but a few days afterwards he iuid us ho was watching three ot- ters that had come ashore and were playing below him when he passed. Last autumn a farmer looking Leesson 1"1. afbter his sheep on one of the is ars Journey. Golden lands sent a dog down among the The poor, the neglected, the sore find, and, the locality being easily ; and baste on by following the pat - in heart, the helpless ought to find' accessible, there quickly sprang up :tern and sew on by machine. Wash ire us their truest friends, as we seek • a diggers' town, which was first and stretch and when dry cut out for opportunity to overcome in the christened "New hush," then the edges that were torn by stretch - difficult places of life. Such strong "Colesberg Nopje," and finally ing them, and your curtains will men and women God is continual- Kimberley, after the then Colonial look like new ones and last as long 1;, calling into His service and bless- Secretary. again. ing their obedience. Such, too, the; Then, too, there was the case of How to Starch Curtains. -If you world appreciates and honors. The' the famous Bahia diamond mines, use flour in place of starch you will greatest one who ever trod this. discovered by a native peon named be surprised to see how pretty it earth declared of Himself, "I am Felix Gonzales. He was tending makes curtains look, and they stay among you as one that serveth."'some sheep, when he noticed that clean and stiff longer than with "I do always those things wine -Ione of them refused to graze. He lump starch. please Him." When you and I have 'caught it and examined its mouth, Curtains for Hall or Bathroom. - pleased God with our lives, when ; to try and discover, if possible, A pretty curtain for hall or bath - we have done what He would have the cause of its iefusal. room window is made from a piece us do we have emphasized the fact He found it in the shape of a dia- of common floor matting (a pretty that the Christian life is only worth ; mond of exceptional size, which had design) the size of the a inc'.ow or the living when it is lived well. REV. ANDREW HAGEMAN 919 GROSSED OCEAN IN VAIN WELSHMAN TURNED BACK Al NEW YORK. Authorities Refused Him Right to Enter With Weak -Minded Son. America's immigration laws are the strictest in the world, and sometimes this strictness, neces- sary thoegh at may be, is respon- sible for pathetic incidents. One much was recorded recently. become fixed between the animal's door, as the c:,se may be. Tack one Thomas Jones, an eminently re- --- two front teeth. Since then more selvedge edge to the top of window spectable 11'elshtnan, of independ- that 850.000,000 worth of gems in or middle way, wherever you eat ]means, and his 20 -year-old son Corinth (2 Cor. 2: 1G). was to some; question have been unearthed in choose, and cut the lower edge of[ George, have endured great hard - about S. , "a savor frurn life unto life," but the locality. about one-half inch. Cut the warp ship and deportation because the to others "a savor from death unto that weaves the matting, and tut- latter is alleged by the New York death." ravel it the length of the window, immigration authorities to be an What was the cause of the bus BABY -NAMING IN C'E17.ON• leaving two threads of the wrap at imbecile• INTERNATIONAL LESSON, that arose against Paul? _- the top to hold it in place. It The father traveled 3,500 miles to Envy (jealousy), when the Jews saw Cdnbalese Children Take Nawe of hangs full, and any one from the see, for the last time his dao ti- the multitudes(of Gentiles). The Birthplace• ter,who is married to one of he ) outside cannot aro in, but tho in- Jewish leaders were angry (I) be- Tho ceremony of naming a bub • siders ern see out. Just try it. most respectable citizens of Scran- cause others and strangers g y __ ton, Penn. Mr. Jones, sr., is aged, !aid's First Missions g a did in Ceylon is quite a plct•uresque and and his what they could not do themselves; ,important affair. A richly draped d great wish was to see his (2) because they differed from .altar, adorned with the figure of STEP SAOERS, little grandchildren at Scranton rocks to see that no sheep had got Text, Arty 13: 49. I aul's teaching, and especially his Buddha and with vases containing g Doughnuts. -To sit before he died. Father and son ar- To Sugar int+, trouble there. The dog had a es Introduction.-1'he events we are t application the ticon demised and neraic ls lice} flowers, is placed in the centre of doughnuts, put a few at a time in brived at New York oard t le \\ h to Start March 7 on habit of barking when he found aa platform. An ode havingbeen a sack with a cupful of powdered Celtic. sheep in a hole, and sharing hire to study are an illustration in ac Jesus; (3) because they themselves. P P THE WONDERFUL DEAD SEA. t teal life of the parable of tho sonar felt, condemned by such warnings chanted, the procession enters the sugar, hold the sack shut with one ORDERED ])1%POIlT1 D. I''bark the farmer went down and phand, and strike it on the bottom When the immigration officers The Dead Sea whose prestige as fc,tuld he had "rounded up" -the good ground, the stony and a:- those in vs. 40, 41 ; (4) because, :room. At the head are two, a young otter, and was keeping it lis ground. They . show what, though they would be pleased if the' Buddhist priests, in yellow robes meekly with theother hand, and saw' the sou they decided that both a sutural %vender has always been at bay in a small clump of herb- 1 i constantly occurring whenever Gentiles would become Jewish pro- embroidered with gold. Behind the this will make them look like snow- meat go to Lilts Island under the beigh;ered by its association with age. It would have been easy to, Christ is urged upon men, the sep- eelytes by conformity to eircumcis-; priests a boy follows, carrying and balls. Alien Act, and there remain in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah kill it, but to get alive was quite aration of the hearers into accept- ion and ether requirements, they ,disporting themselves. These under Grating Cheese. -When grating custody pending un official dccis• + is to bo scientifically explored by another wetter, i ers and rejecters. What Paul met objected strenuously to their ad a loose canopy the mother walks, cheese or anything similar by laying ion. The American law provides • an expedition under the ausp'ces Taking his cap off, the farmer at Antioch in Pisidia he meet every- mission on easier terms, such as ; clad in a rose-colored skirt, with a the grater flat down on a piece of that when an insa::e or feeble -mind- I c f Yale University. Mr. Ellsw•urth rolled his hand up in it and caught where he went on his missionary I'rtul proposed. ; loose white robe over her shoulders. white paper the particles do not fly ed alien arrives in the custody of ± Huntington of the geological de - the otter by the neck, but had hard journeys, and all missionaries, V. What is My Attitude Toward She is accompanied by her sister- about as when it is held upright. another person it is mandatory up-' partment, accompanied by an as- wark holding on, as it wriggled and Preachers, and Christian teachers Truth 1 This question is of funds-' in-law, who carries the baby, all in The particles are L11 confined under en the guardian to return abroad sis:ant, has already- sailed for this kit and scratched making a have islet the swine experience ever mental importance. The lesson il- white, and another Cin mese wo-y pour- with his charge. The board of in purpose. In a folding boat they d great P- ' I g the grater and aro so Basilgates, therefore, ordered the de will explore the shores of the fight for liberty. since. 1lustratea four ways of answering man. Devil -dancers, stick -dancers P P s y rcd from the a ere portation of father and son. strange take. which lies 1,300 feet thOn getting home, the farmer put' I. Paul's Opportunity. -Vs. 13-10. it. (I) John Mark a way, following and other performers bring up the Crackers Always Ready. -Buy a The Mayor of Scranton pleaded below sea level, and their r'fee esottial er into tox, o rd theslairdnt t Vthats si nificant chane shows the truth while the road is easy, rear, chanting ane disporting them - by box of crackers, cover box with The vain for permission that Mr. pal object will be to deter,' 1 messengergetprominence in the work d but gdPrerting it when sit becomes selves. 1, l neslnelr equatiin two divers- boxkgeeen on backofcrepe stover' and keep Jones should be allowed to come to • hether any of the shore Iine1lre- whe was very anxious to a live' Hitherto (see Acts 13: 7. etc. it'disa reeable and dais erous g e altar, in front of You will Scranton for two days to see his cord expansions of its area wi,}tin otter.ne an(! was delights<I with it. had been "Barnabas and Saul"; Paul's way, following the truth at which the mother sits upon a stool, always (at a moment's notice) have daughter. "I pledge you the city historic tuners. The exploration p, warm crackers. 1Vhen box isScranton,"o I n is The messenger hoped to have same now it is "Paul and lJarnubas" I all hazArds, eagerly • and joyously, the other two women sitting upon crisp, of said the mayor, � afterward to b,, extends_! to the quiet enjoyment when the keeper (ca. 43, 46), or Paul and his cunt- wherever it leads; (3) the way of cushions before the altar, while the empty, buy crackers in bulk and "that 1 will return him in person. i Syrian desert al:d Pnnest'ne with took it on thinutaboutthatterst eptr andnoir Pans' ineluPPrha ;aotnlabas, Paul's irJohn e thctuoch trl trial) when it leaders, a their priests recite an ode. The head fill up box. Never serve crackers His daughter is married to ono of particular reference to changes of g Mark, and 1 R priest now advances to the front ofPS' g unless they are crisp and tcarm• the best men inrentor." climate. ranged things so that the otter ability as a leader had been proved pride and self-esteem and preju- the altar, and To Clean Mushrooms.- Instead Next day a deputation from went itself from the box to its at Cyprus, and was afterttard, un- converts, (1) the way of the Gentiles 1 proceeds o sprinkle of paring Kith a knife soak for half Scranton arrived, among whom was WIND .1. POWER. new home. questioned. converts, accepting the truth read- ruse leaves upon the mother and .� child. Then follows an invocation : an hour in cold water, then take the old man's son-in-law. But the q Illustration. Thus when 1'iznrro ily and humbly, and publishing it "Buddha wishes the child healthThe attention of English farmers And many a man who looks wise tot forth on his second expedition n1'road• t a stiff hand brush and brush off Commissioner of Immigration here is called by Mr. T. E. Yeats to the and says nothing is unable to make to Peru, the governor, i'eelrarias wealth and l roapPrit.y; trusting that tops and you will be surprised at the shook his head. The son at least good.advantages of power front the Kind in spite Against the great discover ';'-- — she (or he) will have no enemies,result. In this way there is no trust remain at Ellis Ielnnd, he i or a are, variety of purposes '_= er, ranted Almngru as his equal in but have good fortune, and be waste and it is done in half the said; the father might go to Scran- tahere fuel -fed en • engines I comfort to her time. tun to be back in time to sail by g es g are now ►' PEUNLt SAID SHE HAD command ; but events speedily 1\ 1%.\It Dd%LiCA('i1;S. (or his) parents toused. \find costs nothin after the a great age." The child is then Use Newspaper for Kindling.- the Oceanic that day. I motor has once been set, up, and proved who was the real summer- The mother of a delicate lean named after the town in which it (]et some lump resin, pound it inn The visitors pledged their word, Mr seats believes that since a CONSUMPTION der -in -chief. cashire girl, who seemed to was hurtle Rose -leaves are again bog fine. sprinkle a little on a news - time. they would have him back in strong breeze is seldom absent on II. Paul's Testimony. -Vs. 17-39. suffering from loss of appetite and Ppaper, twist the paper in stove the English coasts, Kind motors sprinkled nkled c o Pi toe o ch' This address child, Y ofgeneral Paul's i.ne rel d b' ' isdebility, and one1 Ila , I of the F ,called In A physi- mother receives from the priestha lengths. Use the same as you I EFUSED TO PART. could be employed for lighthouses, J �) i S longest and most important record- c•inn, who, Li tempt the patientwould any kind of wood to start serail. Then, bowfin three Limps,Suddenly the elder Jones arose, ed specimens of preach- to eat, prescribed a few oysters and 8and perhaps for lighting const the mother resumes her seat,afire. ing. See Inductive apostolicStudy 3. eWhatach- A little champagne.and And turning tee, the delegation from towns. Even in the interior. he we have is doubtless a condense- "Where do you suppose I'll get the whole company scat themselves his daughter's home, said : "Gen- think, A modern wind motor can tion of the full address. (money to pay fur luxuries like to watch the performance of the ticlnen, I thane you from the betl+e depended up ,n to work 8 hours That was the subject of the ser- things and champngnc t" demand- dancers. TESTED RECIPES. turn of Huy heart. I dreamed fur opt of the 24. On [Arms there are mon t Jesus Is the Promised Mes- cd the mother. -- .1.-- Chile Con Carne. -Pick over and years of meeting with my daughter 1 many things whish can wait fur It f= t 51a h. The duct ,r shrugged his should- The dolphin is the fnstcst swim- wash two cups red kidney beans. and her children, but. I cannot do the Kind, and when it cr:mos be _ ,, >� . V \What was its text 1 V. 10 of ers, knowing that many of the Lan- rr'Pr. Its epPPrl varies from thiels Soak over night And cook in same it under such conditions. This economically done. Pve:t while the I'sa. 16, "which was probably the cashire miners earn good wages, to forty urtica an hour. water until thoroughly done. In poor boy here has no mother. God farmer sleeps, or turns his atten- I Scriptural lesson of the day. ' and often spend a fair amount of - - ---- " the meantime boil a Iltrge soup bony knows he needs one, if ever a man ti n to something else. it •i I; Quoted in v. 35. He also quoted of them. of beef ustil the meat is tender, did. Since his mother died we ---- -. Was In lied for Three Months. 1'sa. 2: 7 ill v. 33; Isa. :i5: 3 in v., "In an extreme ease like this," SKIN DISEASES then remove the meat from the never parted: we must not be CONSTIPATION Read how Mrs. T. G. Roc k, Brareleridgge, 34; And Hale 1 : 5 in s. 41. It was he suggested, "it would not be ex- bone and chop fine. Return the parted now, not even fort her out Ont., was cured (and also her little boy) 1, a Scriptural discourse. i — --there, poor little kiddie. ytravattAncP." chopped meat to the soup in which IRREGULARJTY ttho use of These ty had a111 nd s healthy c was boiled and edd the beans So the delegation mournfully re - wholly was the course of its Argu Some days' Inter he met the wholly h lad blit) and an are csuse,1 it medium size onions, cut up fine, turned to acrante,n, and next day OR, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP stent ' Ile began as the martyr mother, and made inquiries for the state of the system, and can bee aily-cured came word that the daughter and fitephen had begun, in that speech girl. "I hope she is better," raid by the wonderful bloe,I eleanaing proper• elle pint tomatoes, and tu'u red OF THE BOWELS She writes: " 1 thought. 1 would write her two children were corning on and let you know the benefit i have re- that was imprinted on Paul's mem he. tins of peppers. Season with salt and boil to 1?llis island, but• on Tuesday Any Irregularity of the ln,wwis is alwa}•• to 1 through the use of your I)r. Wood's ors•. ( "1\'c•11, she iso'(" replied the for an hour. Serve hot with n'ght. nnothr r message arrived say- d i should be at Dube Miami et P Burdock dangerous, am ••1 way -Pine Syrup. A -few Terra ago 1 III. Receiving the Truth. -Vs. mother. "She's lots wore." crackers. ing that, the mother was too i!1 to to •silt cnrrcrtcwi. S rel n+ll. trould.d with u,vluPp a pe pie 92 11. What impression was made ..Worse 1'' repented the doctor, Walnut Macarnot..-One and one- make the trip, and the old man 1 1 had through 'Consumption and 1 Noultl by Paul's sentient "After the ser -Blood half cupof rill et live throuhh the fall. I hal too doe.in surprise. ]thought she would Kar, one-third cup of enile<I on the Oceanic with the ens attending me and the% were vete touch mon the preacher might be goes begin to pick up. Did you give butter, three eggs, three Pupa of knowledge that never again would alarmed *beta me. I Ns. in beef three tiered and a discussion fc Iluw. lhit her tubal 1 prescribed 1" flour, one teaspoonful of soda dis- B 1 t t e r S he behold the daughter he had monthtaud when 1 got up [coda not Nalk, it is Pt Went from the rPcised text, wee, not exactly," said the solved in water, one teaspoonful of hetrbehold so far to seg. so hint to go on my hands at„l knees fur t; bleb is quite certain, that the ' mother, ''hut 1 give 'er the nearest Many remarkable cures have been merle closes, one teaspoonful of cinna- __ ,1,_—_ three weeks, and my limbs ahn:ed of no apostles dill not silly for this. 1'atll, i by this romodpp, and not only have the un- mon, one cup of English K'Almlts, use to me.esk 1 gave upall ac a of ever the likes ofus could afford. i gin0 a htl skin tl,sca9'9 Iwrn rernnve.i, and a one cu of Phu , rd dates. 1) ABOLISH lr fSS1�(1 01' hllOK. p' we remember, was suffering from , 8 y' P IP o not getting Netter when 1 happened to ere in An infirmity, the St rrlte,n must have er cockles and ginger LcPr• bright clear completion been produced, It It lt. Almeria, that 1)r. 1V,wal's Norway roll the mixture as in ordinary; fine Syrup was gaol leer weak lungs. 1 been a great effort, and 'they went but the entire evatrm hat been tcnnvated , g nut' (v. u( the synagogue !' snit invigorated at the name ctme time. cookies but drop tufo a grey ed pan ?sew Bill Provides For simpler thought 1 would try a battle and by the gigue At with a tenspoon. Form of Oath. time 1 had used it I was a lot hotter, so got ones.” But even as they wero SALT RHEUM CURED. more and it male a complete mire. `f pas'ing through the crowd, thef TH E ?11 F:\N[NC: UBVI(lt'9. else. John O'Connor, Rurlingten.1.q., To Improve Mashed Potatoes E% en simpler than the Scottish little bo Nae sten troubled with weak congregation besought that these! Teacher--''11•bat is the meaning writes; -'•For years 1 suffered with halt •Nash potati,ca well and when add •i witness' oath, repeated with up - binge and it cured him. i keep it in the word's might be preached to them `• of the phrase, 'A Kell -rend man l" Rheum. ( tried a doyen different medi• ing seasoning put in n pinch of hak lifted band after the judge, mill he hones all the time ani would not be Nith• the next ,erlbhath. Icines, but most of them only male it worse. I ing powder. Stir and whip well the declnretie !' of witnesses After out it (..r anything." The usual silence, when, after a 1 was strived to try Rurde,•k Blood Rite The pretatees will be improved 100 October 1. if Mr. Hrarnsdcn's 1'rirc _.� scull at all dealer. Beware n! IV lte;cetinq the Truth.- Vs. ' shut•( ssltile, Stub McGuf( raises his ten. 1 got •Pottle and before! had taken per scut. Iwitatene of i)r. leeeel'e Norway fine 45.52. Hut Antioch. it see+s.s• had ii nttn halfa.Iggon bottle ould.eearhaudtake 1 i °Athm Hill, ahieh parsed through Syrup. Ask let it and 61%ir.t on getting bad -ground hent. rs ,ni well ns Treacher- Well, McGuff, what is continued its ue!e and now 1 am completely j •Iaca,laprd Nam.- Make a rich committee e•f the British House of Iho prig.nal. Put 's.: le r. vellnw wrapper good -ground hearers. leant 9 the meaning 1" cured. '1 i eartrr.t war tvo much fur tour milk gravy, season with salt, ' Commons recently, becomes law-. and three pine 'sees the tall mark. a • woods: fui !cine. pepper. and butter ; put into a link- It , prPac.11a};, as he told Om plot le .,f Stub - A healthy Indian."prod prescribes that the KitnPsa I ing dish A large ground smoked (unless be object or lark an arm to INTERN_ M A Y 9. have a lot to do with heart trouble." ' There is no d auk but that this is correct, and we would strongly advise an • one suffering in any stay from heart trail -tele to trya course of MiLBURN'8 HEART ANO NERVE PILLS !Price 50 ets. per box or 31 -axes fore 1.25, at all dr dere or will bo (nailed direct ou reeaipt of price by Thu T. Milburn Co., Limittd, Toronto, Ont` hold tip) shall take the oath thus: "The officer administering the oath shall address the person tak- ing the oath in the following form: You, A. B., swear by Ahnighty God, that,' and then proceed with the words of the oath prescriber! by law, omitting any words of im- precation or calling to witness; and the person taking the oath shall, with uplifted hand, say, 'I do.' " Thus apparently witnesses will have to ask to kiss the Book before that alternative is even suggested to them HALLEY'S COMET. The expected return of tho great comet of Halley, which was last seen at perihelion in 1835, continues to excite much attention among astronomers. Messrs. Cowell and C'ro.nu.elin, the English computers, have recently reviled their calcula- tions of the period of perihelion passage, which they now fix at April 13, 1910. It may occur a day or two later. Some bewilderment has been caused by a calculation published anonyrnjusly in the Astronomis-he Nachrichten, which fixes June 18th for the perihe'•ion pa: s'ge. Mr. C'rommelia remarks that this is disquieting, ::ince even in the discussions of the apparitions of the cant^.t• 1.000 years ago a dif- ference of more than a month be- tween the computed and the oh - served times of perihelion has sel- dont been found. r 1 e r MILBUR1N'S LAXA -LIVER PILLS work on the Ir,wels gently arnl n►tnrally •it•ithout weakening the IH,dt, but, eu the contrary, toning it, and th••y a.11 if peer severed in reGcto and cure the wet at tains of constipation. Nies. James King, Cornwall, Ont., wi "i was trouble,) with ate k healach,s, (.on- stipation argil catarrh of the atomaeh. I could get nothing t , do me any gawp until I gat a vial of Milburn'a Lata Liver 7'hey did me morn goad than anything elite I ever cried. i have no headache% er con- stipation, and the catarrh of the st,emeeh is entirely gine. 1 feel like a new woman thanks to M,1l,iree'a iAxa L1 see lett;• 1 used in all about half a d•,ren vials." • 'Price ':.i meets a vial, 5 fn (11.00, at all dealer. .•r mailed dire •1 by •1•a T.. /►linear) Cr , 1.:un tel, Tureen:•,, CrJ.